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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 4 days ago

Stacy Kaiser - White Tiger

The infiltration didn't go quite as planned. Stacy's ice clones suddenly vaporized in tandem with the appearance of the man before her. His mask was hideous, but something about him seemed strange and foreboding. Her red eyes locked onto Kumar as she threw back the cloak she was wearing, entirely revealing her presence and casting aside stealth. "Arc of Time, huh," Stacy commented, her voice sounding surprisingly venomous.

Kyou's Right Hand

The pale woman dashed forward, clearing the distance between herself and Kumar in the blink of an eye. It was now apparent that despite being a maker type mage she had physical capability. "I don't need magic to beat you," she informed him, her voice low and surprisingly ominous. Stacy's right fist came up toward the man's mask in an uppercut, leaving a trail of ice particles in its wake. Before her attack could reach the target, her fist stopped.

Instead her left fist came around in a blindside hook, using her first attack as a fake to let her second blow past Kumar's defenses. The speed behind the blow was only matched by the strength, packing enough force to send the man crashing into the wall and embedding his body inches deep. After delivering the blow, Stacy recovered and brushed some of her hair over her shoulder. "Looks like I'm not taking the stealthy route anymore," she commented. Her gaze turned to that of approaching footsteps, as Avatar was now in motion to handle the intruder.

"Come at me all at once!" Stacy shouted, holding her arms out to the side as she projected her confidence. "Pray to your Lord! Because there is no natural way any of you lot can beat the strongest Ice Mage in Fiore! The White Tiger is here!" With a twisted grin, Stacy's right hand grabbed onto her shirt. She had to fight the urge to strip for combat now. Despite her bravado she knew that she had to uphold a reputation now. Her hand let go and instead clutched into a fist. The gathering mages of Avatar hadn't made a move yet, but were slowly surrounding her in preparation to overwhelm her. "Ice Make!"

Several mages attempted to cast their own spell while some drew weapons and started to charge forward. But none of them were fast enough. "Raging Ocean!" Stacy slammed her hand to the floor, a sheet of ice rapidly expanding from underneath and sliding underneath the Avatar mages. The moment it was completed the ice began to form small waves and ripples, sending those upon it to their bottoms as the slippery floor made them lose balance. All fell except the pale girl at the epicenter. "How many goons can I beat before the big dogs try to save the day?" Stacy questioned with a grin, standing upright and taking a combat stance.

The nearest mage, wielding a curved sword, began rising to his feet with incredible difficulty. As he seemed to be the first to adapt to the Raging Ocean, Stacy focused on him. Her white hair arced through the air as her body twirled past him, bringing her fist down against his chin and slamming him face first to the ground with a reverberating thud. His unconscious body began to freeze in a layer of ice whilst sliding across the floor, knocking over two more mages who were struggling to stand. Stacy continued to slide with her momentum, almost crashing into one of the goons herself.

In a display of nimble fitness, Stacy leaned backwards and placed her hands on the man's back. She flipped over him, pushing him into the ground and freezing him in place in the process. Once back on her feet she skidded to a halt, taking a second to remove the hair from her face that resulted in her acrobatics. By now the majority of the goons were getting back to their feet and one attempted to rush her with an axe. Just before he was within effective range, another ripple came from underneath Stacy's feet. While he was mid-fall, Stacy dashed forward and brought her knee up into his back. He was sent crashing into the ceiling, freezing in a layer of ice and clinging to it.

"It can't be this easy, can it boys?"

Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai

The pink-haired samurai seemed slightly dismayed that there was only one cupcake, but she recovered quickly. It was no secret that Jeanne was a good cook and baker, so any pastries she made would surely be delicious. There were no complaints to be made over settling for a different baked good than a cupcake. "Only one will do, thank you," Hana spoke, giving Jeanne an appreciative smile before departing for the kitchen.

After a brief moment, Hana returned to the guild hall with a small plate and a slice of chocolate cake on it. She ate it calmly with a fork in her other hand, expertly avoiding any obstacles in her path despite not seeming to be aware of the world around her. "This is really sweet," she commented aloud, immediately before taking another bite. "I'm gonna go outside and get some fresh air, Jeanne. Thank you, again, for the cake." The Last Samurai made her way outside. It didn't take long for her to spot Xavier training.

Or rather being beaten. Hana frowned as she chewed on the bite she had her in mouth. This young man had come to Lamia Scale as a part of the exchange program going on, in order to broaden his experience. Hana didn't know much about him, but she didn't seem to like his training methods. With a casual stride, Hana approached Xavier and his Knight. Still eating the cake. "This seems like a very one-sided spar," Hana noted, serving as her greeting. "I hope this isn't how you two usually train. It doesn't seem very..." Her voice trailed off as she tried thinking of the right word for the situation. "... right."

Piper Hatfield - Ms. One Shot

The markswoman seemed surprised when Nigel suggested that she be a part of the team for the Grand Magic Games. "Me?" she questioned first, poking herself in the chest for emphasis. Piper thought about it for a few seconds, bringing a hand to her chin. It was true that there were few experts in ranged combat like her, and she did have tactical insight and advantages. It wouldn't be crazy to put her on the team, but Piper was still surprised that Nigel recognized a value in her.

"You're right," she agreed, nodding her head. "With a lineup like that, we're sure to win. We're diverse enough to ensure we can win the challenges, we just have to hope we get good matchups for the fights." A smile formed on her face as she adjusted her glasses. "We might be able to net our first victory at the games this year. We've got what other guilds like Lamia and Vyper lack..." A cocky grin formed on her face as she tapped the side of her head.

"Smarts." Despite Master Chak standing right there, Piper giggled to herself a bit. "Though I'm probably the weakest link of the team. We'll just have to hope that I don't get called for any fights. Leave the challenges to me and we'll win for sure. But about the uniforms..." Piper brought a hand to her chin again as she began to hum. "We need to have style and a theme... but... we should also have some utility..." Her eyes settled on Nigel now. "Have you ever worked on clothes in your laboratory?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Deviled Beast of the Voided Heaven

Sage Ruzuzaki

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

((Collab by Bleu Chess and Demon Shinobi))

Niti Laevis & Nicolas Grimmond

Niti wanted nothing more than to sit in a dark corner and reflect upon his life’s failures; although, running away was always a good option. As least, that was the plan as he rushed toward the doors.

Almost immediately, he was knocked back, his rump on the ground. He was slightly dazed from the collision as he could see a vaguely familiar blob of a person through his tears. “Ah geez, sorry! I should’ve— Nicolas?” Quickly, he wiped his eyes with the back of his sleeves and took a good look. On the ground was indeed Nicolas, one of the exchange students from Harpy's Wing; although, the young man resembled more of a black and blue mass instead of a healthy human being the last time he saw him. Wait, why is an injured person asking about his well-being?

Seeing Nicolas's pained expression, he frowned in concern and shook his head. "Thanks, but I'm fine! But what happened to you? How are you feeling? Any broken bones?" A spew of questions came pouring out as he couldn't help but look at all the visible injuries on the young man.

Nicolas chuckled a bit before releasing a pained groan as he got up from the floor. "Nothing big. I swear. Just... Ugh... Was sparring..." He answered about what happened. He was gonna take it one question at a time. Next was how he was feeling. That was easy. "I was wondering if you could help heal me. I don't think it is anything too serious." He was speaking at a steady pace. Not trying to strain too much. "I don't think anything is broken. No dislocations." He touched his abdomen and winced as he brushed his hand over his own torso upward.

"Damn... Maybe a fracture or two along my ribs. I honestly can't be sure." He dropped his hand to his side. "You were looking for people to practice the healing on right?" He then asked with a small smile. He wasn't really sure this boy was actually okay. He seemed upset. Especially with the crying he'd been doing. "And are you sure you're okay?" He couldn't hold back from asking.

“Were you sparring with fifteen club-wielding Vulcans?” Niti asked with a raise of an eyebrow and his usual smile quirked at his lips. He perked up instantly; his eyes darted to the side as a light blush appeared. “Aw, shucks. You’re too kind. I feel both honored and flattered to help.” He grinned jokingly; although, he honestly did feel honored since people at this guild prefer Wendy to do the healing.

With a sigh, he pouted and fiddled his fingers; although Nicolas's concern was very touching. He shook his head. “Oh, you. I'm just a bit upset is all. Nothing compared to actual pain. You know, the ones with fractures, the ones you may actually have.” Without waiting for a response, Niti tapped the boy on the shoulders. In an instant, hundreds of bubbles were conjured and wrapped themselves around Nicolas, burying the lad until he was under a pile of translucent bubbles with only his eyes being the only thing visible. The bubbles brushed up against Nicolas, gently pushing against his wounds until the injuries began to fade away within a matter of seconds.

“Hmmm, it should take about a minutes or so to heal up.” Niti estimated from his seat on the ground and poked one of the bubbles. "It does seem like you have two fractures, but nothing else major."

"Ahaha... No... Just Xavier. Though I think he'll be a lot worse off the next time we see him." Nicolas said before sighing as he thought back to Xavier and how he must have felt. Revan didn't help either. He could have said something. Still, that was neither here nor there. "Now... Hm? Mmm!" Nicolas's voice became muffled as he attempted to speak to no avail. The bubbles had covered him and settled in. He was now a mass of them. A bubbly blob. Anything he might try to say would be muffled or only serve to fill his mouth with bubbles. So he waited. He listened, to what he could hear given his ears were covered too. But he did manage a nod here and there, along with a blink to let Niti know he was listening.

"Xavier? Is he okay?" Niti asked with a frown. If Nicolas was this injured, he would hate to see what become of Xavier. He could just imagine all the colors that Xavier will be - mainly black, blue, and red. The Soap Mage stood and brushed away the bubbles until Nicolas's face was free to speak.

"Well..." Nicolas thought for a moment. Luckily Niti had moved the bubbles. "I don't think so." He finally said, shaking his head slightly. "I can't get into it... But he ended up pretty bad after our sparring and went to train more." He hoped his friend was okay. But he felt he needed his space. Besides, Trisana was here. And he hadn't seen her for a bit now. New and old friends. He hated feeling like he was picking one over the other. He also didn't like that he hadn't tried to talk Xavier into staying. God he hoped Xavier didn't hurt himself too bad.

"You guys are so hardcore to train like that," Niti shook his head in faint awe; although, he didn't question it any further. Instead, he offered what he hope was a reassuring smile after hearing Nicolas's worried tone. "Well, the guy has to run out of steam eventually. I'll check on him later. But if you see him first, feel free to drag him to Yuuka, Wendy, or me. Let's just hope he works something out." Hopefully, Xavier didn't lack the common sense to not injure himself to the point of no return.

Pop! He dropped his gaze to the bubbles as they began to gently burst away, taking the blood and dirt with them. One after another, they popped until all that remains was Nicolas. There should be no wound, bruise, or even a speck of dust remaining; although, unfortunately, soap magic can't repair damaged clothes.

"Soooo, how you're feeling, dreamboat? Did I miss anything?" He asked as he examined Nicolas.

Nicolas laughed a little. "Not hardcore. Just... Tired of being weak..." He admit with a small sigh, just before nodding. "Oh and I guess all we can do is wait. Not much else to be done. But don't worry. You're our first choice." He perked up a bit smiling kindly as the bubbles disappeared.

The young man stretched. "D-Dreamboat?" His cheeks reddened slightly. But now wasn't the time to react to that. He had to admit after all. He felt great! "Oh man... That's awesome! I feel like I wasn't even hurt in the first place." He spoke with a shake of his head almost as if trying to get the blush off his face. "You... You didn't miss anything." He added with a small laugh. "Oh!" He said calmly as he came to a realization. "What were you so upset about? Don't think I forgot!"

“Oh, um -- Ohgoshwhatisthat? A distraction!” Niti pointed at some random place which happens to be anywhere but here. As much as he liked talking to Nicolas – as well as making him react since Sage got the expression of a dead fish in concrete when the soap mage called him a dreamboat – he reeeaaallly didn’t trust himself to keep Anna’s secret right now. “I got to check that out! Have fun with your lovely friend! Don't abuse yourselves too much. Did you know Jeanne has baked goods?” He smiled and ran past Nicolas to some hallway, ruffling the boy's hair as he does so.


“Isn’t it just as bad to lead someone on?” Niti countered with a sigh as Anna approached with a peace offering that comes in the form of a glass of water. With the cup placed before him, he reluctantly pushed Jeanne’s cupcake next to it since his tongue felt both heavy and bitter.

There was a moment of silence. He slouched into his cushioned seat, his eyes wandering everywhere that wasn’t Anna. He inwardly scolded himself since this was his big chance. All week he had tried to confront her when she's alone, only to be foil by her popularity as people came to greet her after her long absence. He can’t simmer in his thoughts forever; that’s just not healthy both for him and the others.

“You’re… one of the reasons.” Niti finally answered with tentative honestly. His hands tightly fisted as he glanced toward the archer. “Anna, about what happened in Augustine… You want to keep that a secret, right?” He asked softly in a whisper, hoping his voice wouldn’t carry too far. “’I-I can keep a secret. Honestly, I can, but what's the point of keeping it if I don't know why especially since this concerns someone else? Also... I'm worried.”

@Saltwater Thief

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


He and the Exceed settled down by a cluster of snow-glazed trees, the white flakes made its limbs heavy. It was a easy mission to break the thin branches from the thick maple tree. The cracks that came as he fractured the wood was soft due to the moisture inside. Sable changed that sound to a sudden blast as he heated his hands and exploded a pocket of water inside of it.

A soft chuckle left him as he threw the last piece into a rough pile and lit it aflame with ball of fire.

"Fuck," he muttered, swinging the exceed into his lap and setting his gear down with a bit of difficulty.

He spared Cynthia a glance. His first thoughts being just exactly how he was going to juggle taking care of the exceed, along with protecting her should something dangerous occur. She was strong in defensive arts, so perhaps he could have her set up wards around herself and the exceed. It would make things alot easier in the long room.

The second thought that crossed his mind was where she would sit. It certainly didn't seem all that important when compared to the vision he had received, but he figured it must had been important to him if it sprung up. His green eyes followed her movements carefully, his arms in the meanwhile was cradling the awake exceed. Though sharp as usual, inside of his gaze rested a worry that couldn't be pinpointed.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - The Archangel

"Of course Hana, I'll be sure to make some more relatively soon."

Watching on as the Samurai then exited the main hall itself as if she spotted something of worthy note, the Archangel curiously followed. It did not take long to reveal the one-sided sparring match that existed outside. It was hardly a challenge for the victor, and she frowned ever lightly. Just like how Hana had so aptly stated, it was a poor way to train. From her experiences, the best way was to train against someone with more knowledge and was stronger by several degrees or more; while of course being able to control their own strength to match that of the trainee's.

"She is right you know." Jeanne softly, but steadfastly added while glancing between the two. "I do believe I can provide better sparring practice for you both rather than being one against the other." Even though the beautifully slender woman looked weak in appearance as her fiery sundress gave way to the wind, it was easy to tell the powerful weight that she possessed.

Yet then, an inquisitive thought possessed her mind as she glanced to the Samurai. "How does that sound, Hana? Do you find it wise?" Her hand, while cast to her side opened slightly, and within her grasp manifested a beautifully shaped long sword made of the purest white flames. So hot was it, that it made the very air around her seem to ripple with heat. "Or would you prefer to be the one who helps our dear friend here? I believe I need some practice of my own after Augustine, since my magic has been so volatile as of late."

"Ah! Oh yes, apologies for my rudeness." The Archangel also stated as amicably as she could. Her voice was melancholy and sweet all the same, much like someone else's within Lamia Scale. "My name is Jeanne, one of Lamia Scale's Trio. What is your name, young one?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago


"No, Miss Hana, I'm just. . . working off some steam is all," Xavier spoke with a pained grunt as he lifted himself off the ground, hang some difficulty breathing and a great amount of pain in his lungs as well. I'm pretty sure I broke a rib or two, or at the very least a serious fracture. Turning to face the S-class mage, he found another woman in a sundress to have appeared from the hall as well, her name being Jeanne. She was offering to spar, and before he could say a word, Knight cut him off curtly with his own reply.

"My Liege's name is Xavier Lyone, and It'd be best for him if he didn't spar at the moment, as while he can fight on it will likely cause him serious, possibly crippling injury. He has a great deal of stubbornness, this one, and doesn't take no for an answer. The only reason I spar with him in this way is because he bid me to, and I cannot refuse the order." Knight gave the two mages a bow as his already billowy form began to fade away like a black mist, leaving behind a few parting words for them as he went. "I've given up my name, but you may call me Knight, and I urge you to have my Liege seek medical attention, or at the very least have him rest. Also, possibly have him speak to his father at some point in the future,as that is what I believe to be the heart of his need for self-destruction." And with that, he was gone, leaving behind a slightly pissed off Xavier, though his anger was tempered by the truth of Knight's words.

Turning towards the other two, he made ready to say something, but then he got hit with the feedback that came from summoning his Pieces out of his demon form, and while it wasn't a huge amount, it was still enough that it caused him to faint near instantly in his present state, as he fell over with a solid 'thud', dead to the world as he fell into the depths of unconsciousness.


Aiden looked down at the battlefield, a scowl on his face as he saw the ineffectiveness of their attack, seeing that they were going to have to bring up their game to have a chance to beat this guy, Aiden took a second to slow his breathing, entering a state of intense meditation and focus, even as the sand spears came hurtling towards him on his current position on top of the crystalline tower. As the first one was about to hit him, his eyes snapped open and he struck out with his hand, which he had covered in a veil of glowing water, the sand went right on past him, cut in half by the concentration of ice in his hand and quickly becoming encased in ice. Aiden proceed to do this with all the projectiles coming his way, the concentration of pure water and ice magic in his hand able to easily cut through and freeze them as they came close to him, leaving him mostly unharmed by the attack. GHe did suffer from some grazing on his arms as the attack passed by, but it was of no consequence.

Looking down on Oriel and her predicament, Aiden growled before he quickly shifted in to his TDS mode, launching himself into the sky, flying high into the air, before he began together large amount of magic and converting it into moisture which he spread throughout the air around him, the cold, moist air, clashing with that of the hot, dry air of the dessert, but as he put more energy into it, it began to push back the dessert air and spread through out the immediate area, reaching all the way down to Claudius and Oriel. Aiden focused his energies intensely, gathering raw Ice Magic around him, and holding it at that state as he gathered more, giving him a ethereal glow as he collected more and more power.

When he felt that he had enough, he tucked in his wings and began to dive, leaving behind a trail of ice crystals as he descended like an eagle on to it's prey, his hands clawed together as he prepared to use his ice make magic. He was picking up speed rapidly, and just as he was about to crash, he unleashed his magic with a shout.

"Ice Make: Tundra!"

The shout came with a intense flash of light and sound as all the moisture Aiden had released into the air, collected at that one point, before exploding outward with intense force. A thick layer of Ice covered everything in the immediate area, and it kept going on for a while, reaching it's thinnest point at about a mile out. Sand that was closer to the surface in the area was flash frozen underneath the ice layer, as was any above it, leaving Oriel to be safe from the strands that had her in their grasp.

Aiden wasted no time in using his new terrain to his advantage, rocketing forward on the icy surface with insane speed. The reason he was able to use this was because he had made sure to bring his gauntlets and greaved bots on this mission, which allowed him to more easily channel his water magic, as well as pressurize it more effectively. He was now using them to skate across the ice, which he had made to be as smooth as possible, not only making it tough for Claudius to walk around, but giving him the speed advantage, as he was the only one who could effectively walk on it.

Upon reaching Claudius, Aiden would form his Ice Naginata and launch a furious barrage of strikes, kicks, and punches at the man, his martial arts skills having become improved with his training. And he didn't attack alone, as he had several Assault Guardians form from the ice below, all of them attacking in unison and harmony with each other's movements to launch a heavy rain of attacks upon the enemy. Hidden in the ice were also guardians with crossbows, waiting to see if the sand mage would try to escape the mob. If they did, they would open fire on him, able to reload almost instantly as they fired shot after shot at him.

All of this did not come without a toll, however, as Aiden was beginning to tire, but he hoped that his current spell would take away the territory advantage the man had for long enough that he'd be able to take him down, or for Oriel to launch a counter attack as well.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kyou lets her M.I assist Stacy on her mission while it multitasks on things ahead. She then jumps into Auden's training neutralizing all magic with her invisible walls. "Now that is enough for the day. Claudius I will take Mr. Cross from here." She said to him and approached him. "I have a mission for you. Mr.Cross. It is requested from a Police Mage from Peak Village. Since Ms. Kaiser isn't here. You will be going with me and that. For that we will leave in a few hours." She uses her telepath after her conversation. To that the mission given to you is to thwart a gang smuggling dragon lacrima, there are dragons on the loose and I need you to kill it. I already know the culprit and trust me, the dragons are what you have to worry.

Meanwhile at Valdosta. Kumar and his armor got shattered and get up, shedding and reveal that kumar isn't really Kumar but a woman with long black hair, naked in front of Stacy though her body is vibrating...in a smooth voice. "Long time no see, Stacy."

@Demon Shinobi
Alec Roganoff
"The hell are you standing there idiot! Kill them before you ruin shit!" Alec presses the remote and have 12 Cynthia clones gang up on Oram releasing waves of light.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Cynthia dropped her pack next to the tree and settled across the fire from Sable, glad for the warmth. Then she belatedly realized there was more warmth on the other side of the flames, and half crawled, half scooted to sit next to Sable, leaning against him slightly. "Hmmm," She said, closing her eyes, "It must be nice, never having to be cold."

She sat in silence for a minute, then opened her eyes and sighed. I should set up some wards if we're camping here for a while, she thought, pushing herself upright and walking a short distance from the trunk of the tree. She started writing her runes, a process that would probably take her ten minutes, for an area that big.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nicolas Grimmond, Lamia Scale Guild

Nicolas facepalmed after Niti left. He couldn't believe he looked. Why did he look? Still there was no point in arguing any further. After all, Niti was gone now. He glanced at Tris and smiled. He was better now at least. "Well, I guess it's just us now. Technically speaking. We should get something to eat." He said calmly just before his stomach growled. He seriously was hungry. He and Xavier had originally decided to get something to eat, but now... He hoped Xavier was okay. He might be doing something stupid. Really Stupid. Nicolas sighed at the thought. "Soon... Food soon would be great." He then said again to his friend as he shook off his worry for the moment.


Oram Maximus

Oram grit his teeth as the Cynthia clones attacked him. Dodging, blocking redirecting. It was all simple enough. But this... It didn't feel right. Still, he did it. The Roganoff's, especially Alec's, word was pretty much law. Not just for him, but for pretty much all of Lunar Wolf. He handled them all though. Each and every clone fell and then they would be gone. Like they never existed. Any messes would be cleaned up. There was no worry. Not for him anyway. Not really. "I know already you shitty old man." He said once the battle was over. "You don't have to tell me." He finished as he turned and began to leave. All the clones were dead after all. There was nothing left for him to do. Not yet anyway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago


In a place where the strongest lies, the lion roars in its blazing might, Sabertooth is Fiore's #1 Guild only tied to Lamia Scale. "I couldn't even think of a stage name for the both of us, it's not like I can sneeze things on shock, Amane?" This teenage girl is Amane's partner and friend, her name is Moka.

"A stage name is not really needed Moka I believe that our presence should speak for us after all we stand at the top don't we?" Tenshi asked her partner and if she was honest her best friend but dont let Moka hear that otherwise she would never head the end of it. Brushing her blue hair out of her face and letting out a small laugh. "Still I suppose people should have a name to add to ours like how master and his old partner had one."

"Heh? Master Sting and Lord Rogue?" She got the wrong idea about partner and thought about something else as she drools, spacing out for a little while and shakes her head, she is in a state of shock rather in a more comical manner. "We're always on top. Huehuehehehehe." She laughs sarcastically weird with her innuendos. "I always idolize Aiden but it's not as shocking as how opposites attract, I'm surprised you like Sable-san."

"hmmph like it matters I appreciate his strength more than anything also the deeds he has accomplished should be of note." Tenshi shoot back at Moka's remark it was her own business if she was attracted to someone who had power. She wouldn't admit but she used to carry a deep love for Sting before she grew out it. "Still Moka someone who is truly strong, won't scatter their aura about everywhere. With that said we should not display our feathers like some tropical bird."

"Oh well. It's boring with all this power piece. Funny how all of this is just for the glory of our guild but it's been educational and--" Before she could finish anything, a thief fired a lightning bullet on Moka's back. She appears to be dead afterwards.

"Give me your money you fools." The thief said.

Seeing her friend down for the count she had to admit she was torn between either scoffing at a seen weakness or laughing at the act she was pulling. Shaking her head she laughed a full blown scoffing laughter. "Give it a few minutes worm than do so let me enjoy your screams a bit."

Moka gets up unscathed, electricity is still surging her body but there was no sign of injuries and fatality though fatality might be the sign for the man. "JUST KIDDING! Hahahahahaha! Do you really think shockers work on me?" The electricity surging on her body is now controlled by Moka and converts it into a ball of lightning and EATS IT! Literally eats it. "Hey, give me some more."

The thief was in shock of her horrifying display. "Now I'll give you five seconds to run, 5,4...Hmm.. my tummy hurts, why don't you entertain him for me first, Tenshi." She yawns.

"It would be my PLEASURE!!" Tenshi screams out as she charged at the thief a few rocks started to float around as she did so. "Watch as the earth trembles before you and watch the birth of Bhavra Agra." She said with a sensual tone as by her commands giant stone pillars erupted beneath him throwing him up and down for a bit breaking bones and bruising him. "Now watch as the heaven's split" she continued as she grabbed her golden sword and stabbed into the ground causing the pillars to collapse making him fall down and hitting the ground.

"ACCHHOO!" She sneezed as lightning volleyed everywhere, "We don't wanna kill but we're just kidding. You think it's fun to steal things from little girls? I guess that makes you a lolicon."

The thief replied. "GET OFF!" He fires more lightning to Moka. "That is not gonna work. L-i-g-h-t-n-i-n-g d.e.v..i.l's rage." She winked while poking his forehead and then she roared right straight to him, sending him flying away.

Moka collapses again appearing as if she took a lot of energy. "Tenshi... come closer..I'm dying...."

Listening to her friend despite her gut instinct telling her that it was a complex hoax she went and kneeled by her friend. "So Moka you have my attention what is you want?" She asked and waited for the response that would probably have her sighing to herself like usual.

"I said come closer." She said, literally looks like she's dying as black marks appear on her body. She held her friend's hand while crying.

Worry now seeped into her as she looked at her friend leaning close where they are face to face. Leaning her head to touch Moka's tenshi spoke softly "My dear friend you were the one who stood by me as a equal and a rival speak and tell me what you wish of me" Her old fashioned way of speaking rearing its head once more after years of speech classes with her master.

Moka kissed her literally to shut her up. Her kiss is full of electrifying passion.

Shocked Tenshi stayed there though it was obvious how she felt when you could see a full face blush forming on her.

"HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She burst out of laughter, "I got you for 5 weeks in a row!" She laughs so hard.

Blushing madly now that she fell for the same trick again she sputtered out "Yo-you foul she devil first you steal my maiden's kiss now you insist on rubbing your spoils in f-front of me!!" She raged as her cheeks puffed out as she stomped on the ground causing a few crystals to form around the area.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

>collab and introduction of Sabertooth by Suku aka Tenshi and Moka by me<
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago


Aiden haulted in his movements as he felt his magic being disrupted, causing him to revert out of hus TDS mode and his Ice constructs fall apart. Knowing the culprit before he even sensed her, he turned to face the Wizard Saint with a rather unhappy look on his face. He still held resentment for Kyou for her actions during his first day here, as well as here tendancy to intrude on any matter with out a word of apology or excuse. It spoke of a great sense of arrogance, but it mattered not to him at the momemnt. She was offering him his first job as a Hunter, he wasn't about to jeopardize it just because he had a grudge.

Understood, Kyou-sama, I'll head down to the base to get some supplies, I'll be back soom. He mentally responded, before jogging off to the hatch that led to the base. After a little while, he'd come back, dressed in his normal garb, ready to move out when ever Kyou was ready.

@Masaki Haruna
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Morgan - Sabertooth's B-Rank Magi

Her magic was always peculiar, at least to the outside world; but Morgan didn't seem to mind it. Classified by Sabertooth's Guild Master as a B-Rank Magi, she honestly didn't mind going on B-Rank missions. They were often fun, sometimes comical, other times they held just a hint of danger; so they were often quite good sport. Whether it was helping an escort of merchants through bandit territory, or something as humorous as retrieving a rather large cat out of a tree, it was a rather pleasant break from the usual sort she had been assigned elsewhere.

A flowing white garb with a hood drawn to a point covered her figure tightly in the pieces that were tailored for her. Knee-high boots marked her pace as she marched with a bag lightly tossed over her shoulder.

It was the result of another mission finely finished and in good time, but she hadn't been back to the guild for a solid week. Having been occupied by more urgent matters, Morgan bore a light, pleasant smile on her lips as her obsidian eyes affixed upon what now towered in front of her. A rather grand structure, a structure that she officially called her home at least for part of the time she still had on this earth.

It was the Guild Hall of Sabertooth, a Guild of Mages that she had only joined a few weeks ago.

As the most recent newcomer, they had tested her strength and ability. Eventually meting out that she qualified as a B-Rank Magi. It was rather entertaining, the sparring match she held with the Guild Master; and likely that was the reason why he still stared at her so distrustfully. There was something deeper about her, something monstrous that lay in Sabertooth's midst, but he couldn't identify it.

Personally, she thanked the stars that he hadn't been able to. Being unrecognized was a wonderful strength to possess, it allowed her to be free of the constraints that would normally bind her.

Pushing open the dual-doors that separated Sabertooth from the outside world, the first thing she saw was two of the younger members, with one incessantly teasing the other. It had taken Morgan several days, but eventually she had mastered knowing most of the names of her comrades.

The names of these two were...Tenshi and Moka, she believed. Rolling her eyes at their mischievous behavior, the twenty-seven year old recalled all too well that she was robbed of such things as a child. Letting youth be youth, per-se. Instead, she simply dropped the Guild's portion of the Payment for her last mission off at the head desk before finding a table for herself and sitting while removing her hood.

The squeals of indignation and the devilish giggles were something she paid little heed to; after all, this continuous teasing assault had been going on for nearly the entirety that she had been a part of Sabertooth. A total amount of three weeks.

Instead, she simply reached inside her coat and extracted a small book. A small, weathered, leather-bound looking tome that was her private possession. Within it were contained small sketches of places she had been, people she had met, and enemies that she had crossed. Alongside other written parts of text that were carefully placed in an undecipherable code that only she knew.

But today was a day to draw.

And draw she did.

She began etching the face of an elderly man, one she had drawn before. Lines of wisdom had been carved into his face from years of survival, his eyes betrayed a peculiar wisdom that only she knew. It were an almost faint glimmer, but beneath his scraggly and sloppy white beard lay a toothy grin.

Her former Master, and former Friend.

Soon it would be time to go hunting again. After the day of the Games, in order to insure her talents were as sharp as ever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


As Cynthia drew closer to him, Sable dropped his eyes onto the Exceed to distract himself. Even as she leaned up against him, he kept a still, stern, gaze on it. With the warmth of his clothes: the maroon tunic on his torso, porcelain scaled scarf around his neck, tattered cloak around his body, and knee-high boots, he doubted he'd be cold even if he wasn't a Fire Dragon Slayer.

When she leaned against him, he furrowed his brows. "Shit, I barely remember the sensation anymore. Its more like a past scar, I only remember it when someone else points it out," he told her as she started on the ward.

Ten minutes later and the firewood was still crackling, orange embers dancing out its flames.

For a slight moment Aiden came to his mind. Now that he really considered the youth's strength, he had begun seeing the boy as a rival. His power had skyrocketed with the addition of water to his ice abilities. He became the ultimate hurdle for him to overcome. And he would overcome the boy one day.

Sable narrowed his eyes onto the flames and placed his hand on the snow. It melted immediately before the surface of the mountain became red-hot underneath his touch. To be betrayed by Vyper, just what the hell did I do?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"Niti. Don't forget about your promise. You promised to train with me last week for the grand magic games, remember?" Last week she talked to Niti about it but what's bad is that he was half asleep. "Can I borrow him for a moment guys?" She asked

More to come.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Niti Laevis

“Gah! Y-Yuuka? Where did you come from!?” Niti’s eyes widened exponentially as he barely kept himself from toppling over when the Wood Dragon Slayer popped right between him and Anna.

Niti fidgeted in his seat, frantically trying to recall when such a promise was made. All he could remember was being half-asleep when a familiar voice called out to him from the foot of his bed. Wait, or could it be that one time, after a long night of watching over Jeanne’s condition during her coma, where in the morning he nearly face planted into a plate of potatoes? “I-Is that so?”

Noooooo, he was so close to getting the truth! He pouted and clung to his seat. “I’m sorry, but Anna and I are having a really really important talk. Can’t we train later?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Purus Humana, Amplius.

Ever-present Feeling~Kie nai Omoi

“It’s time to wake up, Sage.” A warm voice gently shook him as he slowly opened his eyes, he felt like the air was taken away from him as the world came crashing down on him “That’s right...time to wake up sleepy head.” Obeying the voice, the black haired Ruzuzaki opened his eyes; he was met with the most beautiful night sky, filled with countless start that sparkled along the night sky.

‘This place...it’s so familiar.” Sage mind started aching as he held his head ‘No...This place...it’s!’

Yeah...our secret place, we came here every night to watch the stars come out.” In the first place, Sage though it was his current girlfriend speak, but that voice...was something he NEVER wanted to hear again. He snapped his head to see a girl familiar to Yang’s figure, yet slimmer. Her Hair was more Royal Golden and her Purple eyes were lighter.

“Do you remember, when I was always sad, you took me here and it helped me outcome my weakness.”

‘Nakiri.’ He looked the other way; the girl sitting next to him was his childhood friend that deserted him, Erina Nakiri.

“I’m not who you think I am, Sage.” Erina turned to him “I’m taken the form of something you yearn for.” She smiled gently “I am your conscious.”

-I don’t buy it for a second, leave me. - He stood and walked away from him, the girl mention walked after him. –How can you be my conscious?-

“Please....don’t run away...after all: it’s something you always do, Sage.” That got him to stop and glare at him “It’s the truth, isn’t it, you ran away from Home because you couldn’t handle the fact that his girl you...lo-“

-If that word comes out, I will kill you where you stand. - He pointed at her, in an instant he felt something trying to form in the palm of his hands ‘this isn’t dark matter make...’

Change music

“But...” a cold touch on his skin made him shiver and ‘Erina’ came close to him, her golden hair waving with the wind, giving her a ‘goddess’ aura around her, her creamy skin making her glow. “The longer you deny what is in your heart...what ‘cannot be mention’ will turn to-“

-Hate? - He chuckled -Talk about old, I’ve already let Hate into my heart: one reason I have only a few friends. - His mind flickered to Mei, Kei, Wendy, Cheila, Yang and Ruby. Nya and Lily where kind of cool, but he was still vary of them.”

“Then what about your guild mates at Lamia?” The blonde haired girl “What do you think of them?”

-They’re...people that share the same Guild mark as me, nothing more, and nothing less. - He lifting up his right sleeve to reveal an Orange Lamia scale tag on him.

“Then why did you join a guild?” Erina spoke “Why did you join a guild in the first place?”

-Do you know what a guild is? - Sage wrote. -an association of people, for mutual aid or the pursuit of a common goal.- he sighed again –I joined this guild because I wanted to, Yang convinced me that a Guild in Fiore would do some good for me, but lately...I felt like this was the wrong choice.-

Erina watched as the Boy’s facial expressions soften as he tried to form the right words. –I’m a Shadow, I want to be a shadow.....- And Then his true feelings came out. ‘....’

-After Erina betrayed me...I felt like I lost the light that made me....after meeting Bakuko...I tasted what ‘Power of the shadow is like’, to have so much power at my disposal, yet to not flaunt it at the same time. To be Strong like Hana yet to blend into the background as a Secondary Character- he looked at the girl and smirked.

‘This is fine for me; they become strong in their own way, when the time comes: I will fight with everything I have...Until that happens...i will continue being ‘Sage Ruzuzaki of Lamia Scale’. He grasped his hand and balled it into a fist.

The girl looked at him sadly before she shook her head ‘I guess....she was the cause, wasn’t she?’

-Yeah...in a way I am thankful for her, but now...I despise her.- he moved his and side way, on cue the body of ‘Erina’ started to fly away. “I may have run away, but it was for me to move from my past, my future is where I will look now: You are nothing more than a obstruct in my way.”

Tears started rolling down her face as she cried; her lower body was gone ‘If only she could see you now, a boy that based his life on being a Hero for the weak...now a monster.”

-Yeah, if that is what is it to become strong, I’ll cast away my Humanity, and I will become a monster- Sage’s eye turned blood red and the Black beast power circled around him while the Erina looked on in agony, Black scales appeared on his skin and face, along with red crack marks. His Black hair was waving wildly as his soon changed into White hair, his left red eye turning black with a White Iris.

‘I’m sorry....Sage-kun.’ He could hear the girl’s voice before she vanished; the once calm area was turn into a wasteland as the Black beast slowly appeared high in the clouds, looking down at Sage.

“Kid...What I am doing now, is fusing our souls together, our beings into one, we will share everything there is to know with each other....it is called the ‘Ketsueki yūgō keiyaku’. The beast grinned “If you agree to this...you will no longer be human anymore.”

-The upside?-

“It will be awhile, but if we train hard enough and listening to me, we can easily become Kings of the Underworld...what do you say?” Extending his claw-like hand, Bakuko waited. “What is mine...becomes yours.”

‘......’ Sage closed his eye and looked at his hand; Black marking covered his hand as he looked at the Black beast again.

‘I, Sage Ruzuzaki: Agree to the Blood fusion; let my Body become strong and my blood course with demon blood.’

“Well spoken kid!” the Beast Roar as a Blinding Flash of Red encased them both.

In reality: A whole blinding light of Black and Red covered the Whole mansion. Everyone one in it was concerned for the Mute mage, especially Yang.

But in the 10 minutes that took place, no one could describe what happened. The only that could have only been mentioned:

Half of Nya’s Mansion was gone. What was in place of it was someone covered by creatures in red.

And everyone got closer to the figure, Yang was the first to talk. “Sage? Is that you?”

@Masaki Haruna @j8cob
The Man with White hair turned to the voice, his Red and Black eye fixed on her, a moment passed before he smirked at her. Before Unleashing a Monstrous Roar that could be heard throughout Valdosta.

Nya Smirked behind everyone as she pushed her glasses up “Well now...” she walked passed Yang and the others as she smiled at Sage, the boy looked at her before easing up “It’ll be awhile before you can let your new powers settle down. In the Meantime, Let me teach you a few things: New Devil of the Black Void.

A Beast Like grin spread on Sage’s face before he rushes after her. The Black haired girls grin as he got into her fighting stance. “Come on then!”

...............A few Hours later................

Yang, Lily, Ruby and Nya where all around an enclosed room with a warm fire to keep time warm.

“Nya...do you think he’s going to be alright?” Lily looked up to her woman in purple. “What happened to him?”

“He stopped being human, lily.” Nya sipped her tea as she watched Yang and Ruby huddle together and Sleep. “Right now, he is still the same; his new body will need to adjust to the new found Magical Curses.” She smirked “So: What not throw him in the deep end of the pool?”

“Will he be alright?” The blonde girl asked. The only response she got was Nya looking out the window.

“I wouldn’t worry about that...I’m more curious if he can make a bigger mess to Avatar then he did before with the fake.” She giggled.


Somewhere near the HQ of Avatar.

Sage moved along the snow...no

Sage moved along as the Snow melted around him, the aura around him kept encircling around him as he moved towards the location where Nya told him, his white bangs kept his new heterochromia eyes hidden as he moved towards the dark guild.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Cynthia walked back to the fire and sat with her back against Sable's. Staring up at the tree, she shuddered slightly.

"I don't know why, but this place fills me with dread. It's bringing back old memories I would rather keep hidden."

She turned away and rested her head against Sable's shoulder, closing her eyes once again.

"You're not going to leave me here, right? I'm not sure what I'd do out here alone."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Stacy and some plot post.
Don't post.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


He tensed up once Cynthia's back touched his own. He fist balled up on his knees, crumpling so tight that the exertion had manifested in the form of heat. As tempting as it was and as much as he wanted to pretend he didn't notice, Cynthia's actions had become clearer to him. When she moved, he found his eyes following her in hopes that she wouldn't make things difficult for him.

She wasn't in the vision but that could have been because of several unfortunate things. She could have been the first one to fall to him, the beginning of it all, or she could have run off. An entire guild of enemies could be intimidating. Either way, he was unsure of how he wanted to proceed with her.

"Nah," he answered, raising up from his spot and rubbing his crimson locks roughly.

After a moment of pacing back and forth, he finally said: "You can sleep alone can't you?" he asked with malice, anger. "Stop getting so damn close to me! Have you forgotten who I'am? I'm the same guy that tried to roast your ass back at the guild... I told you before we left this wouldn't be a easy journey. Get use to taking care of yourself or go home."

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