Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kiso
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Kiso Yasogami's Steel Council President

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yuuka Takenaka

Honestly Yuuka thought she was unsure on how this happened one moment she enters the guild hall after doing her gardening next thing she knows Niti is hugging her legs lie no tomorrow. Things was so much simpler before she though once more with a sigh thankfully rescue came in the form of Jeanne. With Niti now hopefully distracted by the cupcake she casually sat down as a flower sprang up to catch acting as chair. "So Niti what is so wrong that you went to me for?" She asked as she started to spin her parasol lightly around her hand. Honestly though this was something that she can go with it was refreshing to see people bloom like flowers she supposed their characters and personalities growing just like plants.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

NOTE: This arc is one day ahead and it is a separate arc from the rest.

Vadlosta arc

Avatar Cult Theme

The story so far.... Stacy is sent to take down Avatar; The unexpected intervention of Sage Ruzuzaki seemingly took down the Avatar Guild but from the looks of it, it is nothing but scam and misfired shots; filthy impersonation of the religious cult.


Location: Frosty Forests, HQ of Guild

Avatar Guild Master: Juha Warlock

This man is the Guild Master of the religious cult Avatar, since the death of Zeref, Avatar relentlessly continued worshiping the Black Mage as the Deity of Death. Avatar functions in a manner similiar to a religious cult, and is known to worship Zeref, with their goal to conquer the world in his name. Over the years the religious cult spread its advocacy of the dark beliefs, believing that all is to Zeref even in his death. Juha's daughter is Maryjane who claimed herself to be the Devil Princess.

"That man is he not Sable Rhodroth but a Devil Slayer?; His heart is white as the sheep but deep within is the devil slayer magic that taints its hear when the power of the dark side reeks. Dark side of magic, one magic is the pathway to many abilities, some considered to be unnatural." After his twisted fatherly speech to his daughter and members of the cult, he turned away and seat on his throne.

A man in the mask talked to the Guild Master.
Avatar: Time Mage, Kumar

This masked man is a master of time magic, the lost magic arc of time, we last saw him back in Greed Island following the death of Hydrologia the Water Dragon king.

"I have restored the so called Avatar City, Master Juha. All evidences are debunked." Kumar restored the ran down City destroyed by Sage and rid of the evidence even the people.

Avatar: The Devil Queen, Maryjane.

This woman is Angelica Warlock, the daughter of the Guild Master. She often visits graveyards and pay respects to them as she's an odd one in the guild itself.

"............." She's out of words but what she feels is contempt and annoyance of the interference of a Lamia Scale member, Sage Ruzuzaki a Devil Slayer and a Magus of the Council. "Aizen and his magic fooled the Devil Slayer and his associates with his magic. It seems. Go on and worship thy lord Father, I got a grave to visit." She said.

Avatar: Aizen

A man with no appearance, he takes form in many forms he desires as everyman as no one know but the master and his daughter look like, the Necromancer of the guild.

Avatar: The Exorcist, George

"People cannot change the past. All we can do, is accept our own actions. If you still wish to be burdened by your sins, let it show in your future actions. It is your choice how to perceive something that has already happened."-George
This man is the fallen exorcist mage, part of Avatar, George smirks.

"I know that my redeemer lives and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. And after my flesh has been destroyed. Yet in my flesh, I will see God. I, myself, will see him in my own eyes. I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me. Amen" He closes the book as he sat in a frozen throne of ice and drinks in his ice chalice after blessing a graveyard.

Avatar Guild: Assemble!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saltwater Thief
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Saltwater Thief The Wild Card

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Annabeth Stagitta- Lamia Scale

The dawning of the fifth day since her return to the halls of the Guild found Anna sleeping soundly in her bed. Ordinarily she would have risen with the sun to start the day, but by this point she was utterly exhausted. Between nursing the injured members, particularly Jeanne, and tidying up some of the things that had fallen into disarray without her, and catching up on all that had happened, she was due for a day to sleep in. Besides, she thought as she rose and stretched at last, it smelled like somebody else had already used the kitchen for the morning. So, with her mind set to take things easy, she made her way to the roof of the Guild Hall where rested her personal flower garden. There were twenty flowers present, in all, of varying types, and she scolded herself briefly; she would have to plant six more if she wished to keep up properly.

As she set about her tending to the garden, she noticed a streak of light as Jeanne swooped off on some business or another. Anna smiled, a touch of sadness coming to her face as she watched the younger Paragon Mage blaze off into the sky. It seemed she, in particular, had undergone a great growth spurt in her absence. The fact that the holy magic had attempted to rebel against her in Augustine Town was troubling, to be sure, but it was nothing a little extra vigilance on Anna's part couldn't handle. Shaking her head, she dusted herself off and headed back to her room for a nice, hot shower. She needed to head into town and purchase some flowers, probably pre-grown ones at that...

By the time Jeanne and Revan came hurling back toward the Guild, Anna was back at her garden on the roof. She waved to both as they came in, though she was entirely unsure if either one saw the gesture, and returned to her work. Caring for her flowers was calming for Anna, it made her heart and mind feel at ease. Over the years, that little piece of rooftop had become her own little sanctuary. Which is why it was so odd, for her, to hear another set of footsteps approach from behind. She turned her head, ever so slightly, to discover that it was Revan, one of the mages who had been embroiled in the battle at Augustine. She nodded to him as he stood just behind her, finishing his pastry, while she resumed her work. After some time, it seemed whatever he had on his mind had finally found its way to his mouth.

"Hey Anna, I've got a kid, apparently, and after meeting me, he hates my guts and wants nothing to do with me. Can you give me some advice on this whole parenting thing, since you are the de facto guild mother of Lamia Scale."

Her eyes widened in surprise.

"My, oh my. That's... quite a broad request, Revan. And I'm quite certain I'm the wrong person to go to for tips on being a successful parent, but... hmm."

"I would say the first thing you should do," she continued as she snipped a few errant leaves a petals from her flowers, "Is find out why it is that he, err, 'hates your guts,' as you put it. And once you've discovered that, do everything in your power to remedy it. Because as long as there's a divide between you and your son, you'll find parenting obscenely difficult."

"As for advice..." Anna paused in her work for a moment, and looked up to the sky, "The best advice I can give you is to be there for him. Be present in his life, be close at hand when his troubles find him... be there when he needs you. Even if that means shouldering burdens of your own to do it. I can't say what sort of person he'll grow to become, but having his father around to teach and guide and show him how to walk through life... that's something irreplaceable. And trust me when I say that you'll never forgive yourself if you don't. That, I think, is the most important advice I could give you. It hurts at times, parenting... but the rewards you reap are greater than life itself..."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Niti Laevis

Niti was slowly calming down as he hugged Yuuka’s legs. He always did prefer the Wood Dragon Slayer among his teammates; although, he wasn’t sure why. Maybe it’s because she was closest to his age or that she was the only other that wasn’t an S-Classed Mage in his Lamia Scale team? Or it could just be the smell of flowers that complimented his soapy scent. Well, whatever the reason, he was content distracting his mind with Yuuka’s company while ignoring her discomfort.

However, Jeanne appeared, walking right through the doors. Niti tensed against Yuuka’s leg, offering the Archangel a welcoming yet anxious smile. He broke out into a nervous sweat when Jeanne started to approach him and started to reach into her bag.

AH CRAP. IT CAN’T BE! Niti quickly shielded his eyes. His attempts were all in vain as a delicate scent of sweetness wafted by. Unable to resist such lures, he peered between his fingers. A perfectly baked cupcake with luscious buttercream and cake so red was held in her pale hands.

His smile faltered as he reluctantly took the gift. “I-- Oh, Jeanne… You shouldn’t have.” And she really shouldn’t have as tears started to flood from his eyes once again. The cupcake was not the only thing weighing down on his hand. “I… I didn’t save you. I mean, you pretty much healed yourself...” Well, to be more specific, Jeanne’s weird glowing locket did it. With Anna’s help.

He inwardly cursed whatever higher forces were stabbing at his wounded pride with sugary baked goods. His sweet tooth was itching for a bite while his pride just wanted to throw the cupcake at Anna’s face. Stupid Anna with her stupid secret! With torn glances between Jeanne and Yuuka when the Wood Dragon Slayer asked what's the matter, Niti lightly bit his lips.

“I can't say, Yuuka, but... I don’t deserve this cupcake!” A waterfall of tears streamed from his eyes. He started to run off once again in a dramatic manner; although the cupcake was still in his hands. “I’ll heal you next time, Jeanne! I promise!”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nicolas Grimmond, Harpy's Wing, Currently at Lamia Scale

In all honesty, Nicolas had been about to reply to Trisana. He didn't want his friend to think that he wasn't happy to see her, or was ignoring her. But for a brief moment as he opened his mouth he was shocked. First came one of the Lamia Scale members followed by... By... Revan?! The hell was he doing here?! Immediately he shifted his attention to Xavier. He noticed each change he went through in that brief moment of time. "Wha? Wai... Xavier..." He spoke intermittently throughout the course of Xavier's words to Trisana. However, even if he wanted to talk Xaiver out of going, he knew it wouldn't work. "Alright... I'll see you later." He said simply as he looked down while his newer friend and current sparring partner walked off.

"Um... Let's go Trisana. I think Xavier needs to be alone." Part of him wanted to say something to Revan, but what could he say? THis wasn't even something he should probably butt into. But part of him... It just didn't feel right. Still, he walked through the guild door. You could tell he was out of it when he end up bumping into someone apparently trying to run out and easily falling back. Some of his wounded upened and stung at the pain as he easily fell back. "What?" He was shocked for a minute. What had hit him? No... It was a person. Who?

"Um.. Who?" He got an actually good look at the wet mass. A crying guy. But not just any guy. It was Niti. The person he and Xavier were going to ask to heal them. "Um... Are you alright?" He asked one eye closed due to the pain he had experience, which added onto his pain from the sparring. How had a healing and food run ended up like this?


Oram to come eventually.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ajax Thera - Councilman - Hellmouth

Aiden and Oriel seemed confident and ready, opting to put greater effort into finding Claudius and dealing with him quickly instead of taking their time and making strategic plots. Ajax watched them ascend the ladder but he himself stayed behind in the base. He was suspicious that their target may attempt to slip past them and try to make an escape through the base rather than honor the deal. But after the hatch to the outside closed and no sand fell down the ladder, Ajax knew that Claudius had a different plan.

Claudius - Pharaoh

Desert Battle

The barren wasteland seemed extra dusty today, with a light breeze kicking up small clouds of sand every so often. Aiden and Oriel didn't have to walk far before they would find their target. A man sat atop a small boulder, finishing the cigarette between his lips. Claudius didn't seem to acknowledge Aiden and Oriel approaching for a moment, but after he flicked the burnt cigarette butt on the ground he turned his gaze toward them.

"Two kids, huh," he spoke, his voice as smooth as his appearance suggested. "I imagined you two would be older, from the descriptions I was given. Strange that the volcanic bastard would have this much trust in you two." Claudius stood up from the boulder and lazily put a hand on his hip. With his free hand he made a wide motion towards Aiden and Oriel, causing sand to whip around them in a thin veil. There wasn't much sand, so the intention wasn't to cause damage. After a few seconds, the sand veil died down.

Claudius let out a sigh. "Killing kids ain't the best thing for my conscience, but neither is rotting in a cell for the rest of my life," he spoke, shrugging his shoulders. His expression suddenly turned dark and serious, his one good eye giving them a deadly stare. "But I already know the Councilman don't intend to hold his end of the bargain. Killing the two of you won't help me none. There are other uses..."

His right hand went forward, pinching the front of his hat and pulling it down slightly. He held his hat down as such as his left hand moved out to his side, slowly climbing upwards to hold a diagonal angle. "Sand Ocean." The ground began to rumble, small pebbles and the existing sand bouncing around across the dirt. From behind Claudius a massive wall of sand blasted from the ground, stretching wide and flying high into the sky, blocking out the sun. His left hand moved forward now, facing Aiden and Oriel. With that command, the wall of sand came crashing down like a falling skyscraper. The sheer mass of it would crush stone and the size of it made running look futile. "Welcome to my desert..."

Stacy Kaiser - White Tiger

The pale woman only grinned as Kyou prepared to teleport her away. "Don't worry about a thing," she remarked, running a hand through her own hair. "I'm the best for a reason." Stacy stood with absolute confidence as she vanished from sight, teleported across the world to the far north. A place she hadn't been to in years. A region where the environment was quite to her liking.

Stacy appeared, stark naked, in the Avatar Bar. Her sudden appearance surprised the crowd, some even spewing their drinks from the sight. The white-haired girl took a look around before pointing at a nearby woman. "I need to borrow your clothes," she declared. The woman clutched her chest and shook her head. One of the men sitting at the bar spoke up. "I think you're just fine without 'em." As he chuckled to himself, Stacy's red eyes settled on him.

"Then I'll be taking yours."

Bruised and beaten, the man fell to the ground now clad only in his underwear. Stacy adjusted the leather coat, finding it to be about the right size but not accounting for breasts given it was men's clothing. The white undershirt fit loosely and so did the jeans, and the boots were entirely too big. But it was good enough. This way she wouldn't stand out too much. "Thank you for your kind donation," Stacy said sarcastically, waving goodbye as she stepped out of the bar and into the snowy street.

The town of Valdosta seemed rather... quaint. Snow gently fell and few people populated the streets. Stacy crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. "More boring than I expected... where are the kids playing in the snow? Where are the vendors?" With a sigh, Stacy decided to let it go and focus on her mission. Step one: locate Avatar. That wouldn't be particularly difficult, as conveniently some suspicious looking men walked past Stacy down the street. They wore thick clothes to protect themselves from the cold, but they wore hoods and masks. Conspicuously cult-like, and just what the White Tiger was looking for. Maintaining a safe distance behind them, Stacy began following their footsteps in the snow. "Maybe I should take their clothes and disguise myself as one of them..."

Piper Hatfield - Ms. One Shot

The bespectacled sniper adjusted her glasses as Chak spoke. "So Kat is finally coming back," she noted first, a smile forming on her face. "About time." Her gaze turned to Nigel, standing next to her. He had been seriously injured in the battle at Augustine Town but he had healed quite nicely. The idea of being made of many tiny machines seemed odd at times, but it was certainly useful.

In fact Piper was sure that if Nigel hadn't encountered Yunin first that day they would've all died. Nigel was a useful member of Harpy's Wing for sure. On the contrary, Piper could only reflect on Augustine as an example of her own uselessness. The one opportunity she had, getting in a position befitting of a sniper, and she didn't even hit her target. That failure possibly let Yunin grow as strong as he did. Her presence at Augustine held no benefit in the end.

The young woman suddenly snapped out of her daze and looked away from Nigel and back towards Master Chak. "Well, I don't think the uniform design is too important," she confessed, crossing her arms over her chest and closing her eyes. "But we need to decide on five mages to represent Harpy's Wing..."

"We definitely need Revan. He's the strongest we have, so his power will serve well for the fights. But we need more than just strength or we'll lose all the challenges. We can't just overpower other guilds like Lamia Scale and Vyper Bolt..." Piper opened her eyes and turned her gaze to Nigel. "Who do you think should be in the lineup?"

Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai

Master Lyon didn't even have time to answer her question as Jeanne came barging into the guild hall, along with Revan of Harpy's Wing. "Oh." With a friendly smile, Hana twirled around and walked over to Jeanne and Niti. The Soap Mage seemed to have a nervous breakdown when Jeanne thanked him, and he almost gave away Annabeth's secret before running away. A look of confusion took Hana's face, but she dismissed it with a shrug.

"It's good to see you're doing better, Jeanne," Hana greeted, patting the woman on the shoulder. "Though I'm a bit surprised that you're already flying around. But I guess that means you've got your energy back." The pink-haired samurai flashed Jeanne a smile before looking to the sitting Yuuka. "Maybe Niti just needs some fresh air. If something is bothering him, he'll surely speak up about it when he's ready." Behind the friendly expression, Hana couldn't help but feel an irony in her words.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nyarlathotep and Lily

Lily Miyaki

Frosty Forests. West of the Ruined city of Valdosta

Lily jumped of the Black portal and into a Alleyway, readjusting herself he brushed of the dirt of her white dress and armour before throwing her sword into the air, vanishing like snow.

"Alright, let's have a look around this town...if Nya told me about this place, this is the Frosty Forest, a small city of sorts...but i feels hollow and empty..did we make a mistake?" she wondered before she felt something coming, taking refuge behind a dumpster, she watched as a group of Hooded figures with Masked walked by slowly.

"....." her eye narrowed at them. She waited for them to pass before she stood up, but instantly get back down as a White haired girl walked by, he red eye staring at them.

Lily counted to 100 before he left the dumpster and walked out of the alleyway, snapping her fingered a white snow-like cloak covered her body and face. "It's looks like i'm not the only one doing some snooping." she smirked as she followed the Group and the White haired girl to God knows where.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - The Archangel

Niti's bizarre reaction to the Paragon woman's gratitude left her perplexed. There was a stammering of words, a sinking of composure and finally a hastened flight away from her. With a lofted brow and a briefly crinkled nose that displayed her confusion at his assumingly needless guilt, part of his parting words left the Jeanne quite confused as a whole.

I healed myself...? How is that even possible?

Mulling such thoughts over in her mind, the regal looking woman instead watched on as Revan strode off to find Anna; only to have a mild interruption to her processes in her conscience as Hana came walking forward.

Respectfully as always, she bowed deeply to the Last Samurai, smiling lightly as Hana spoke of her returned strength and vigor. "You know me all too well, Hana." She softly spoke, her voice full of the serenity that rose when she was reminded of flight. "I love to fly, there is simply nothing like it. As I'm sure you know."

"Though," she hesitated, glancing off in the direction that Niti had fled. "Did I say something wrong to our dear Bubble Magi? I thought he enjoyed my baking."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago

((Collab Response by Raijin and Shiho))



“Be there, huh, that’ll be tough since he’s a Vyper and we no longer share their guildhall but I’ll try. I. . .I really do want to make this work, I’m just terrible at understanding people. Now, I have to deal with one at what is likely the most annoying time, their teenage years.” Revan groaned as he ran a hand through his hair, thinking about ways he could try and make it up to the kid. Everything he came up with, however, seemed to be cheap, petty, and would probably only make the boy even more closed off to him.

He fell backwards with curse as he thought back to his idiotic outburst at the gate, spouting out more foul curses upon himself as he replayed the scene in his head a couple times. “Anna, I don’t even know if I can even remedy what I did. I told him to his face that he was a mistake that never should’ve happened, not because I didn’t want him there, but I panicked thinking about what would happen now that he is here. I’ve lived a long life, Anna, and I’ve committed a great many sins before I joined Harpy Wing.” Revan dropped his hand from his hair to his chest, over his heart, feeling the burn of the Demon’s Maw Guild Seal as it sat there, a constant reminder to him of what he was before.

“How many of my sins will he have to bear, and how long will it be before they turn him down that same dark path.” He sat for a moment longer, contemplating, before he let out another groan, this one being of frustration and annoyance. “I’ve known I’ve had a kid for about a week, met him only twice, and yet I can’t help but worry about him.” Anna was right about one thing, parenting fucking hurt, and he’d barely gotten into it. “This is going to be a fucking pain in the neck for a while before it even starts to get better, I can already tell."

@Saltwater Thief


Xavier was back at the Lamia Scale training grounds, practicing his sword play with Knight. His Demon King Curse was always more reliable when he was truly angry, the negative emotions allowing him to connect with his demon side more effectively.Currently, he was getting his ass kicked, as Knight backhanded him to the floor after disarming him. Knight was not as corporeal as he was in Augustine, nor were his skills as sharp as before, but they were more than enough to deal with his sorry excuse for swordplay.

Xavier got up slowly, grimacing as he reached up to his face, his hand coming away with blood. Great, looks like I’ve split my fucking lip. He spit out some blood as he finished getting up, raising his obsidian blade again in preparation for another clash. Knight said nothing, getting into a similar, if noticeably more steady, stance himself. The two stared at each other for a bit, then Xavier came in with a thrust. which was deftly dodged byKnight as he offered his in combat critiques.

“My Liege, you must learn to stop telegraphing your attack so obviously. Don’t look at where you’re going to stab your opponent, just move and let the blade to the rest.” As he spoke, he came around and swung his blade at Xavier’s open side, the blunted edge knocking the wind out of him and causing him to fall over with a cursing hiss. Yet still, he got up again, spitting out more blood as he looked toward Knight, blade at the ready. Knight sighed, but he too got into position and thus they continued their training session.

Anyone who stumbled in on the matter would find Xavier getting beaten rather soundly and somewhat brutally by Knight, as Xavier had demanded that he fight without holding back, an order which he partially listen to. He was going out as hard as he could without risk of seriously injuring or killing the boy, but he seemed driven to cause himself as much pain as possible while he learned how to fight, though Knight half expected that was exactly what he wanted. He always put himself through great amounts of physical pain in order to block out the emotional pain broiling with in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Council through Frosty Forest

Speaking through the telepathic link with Stacy. "Don't believe the rumors that spreading about Avatar being defeated by Sage of Lamia Scale. Kid over glorified himself too much. Good call Stacy; The troops of the cult are wearing black hoods. Keep following them and from there I will just download certain applications in your mind. We can't be linked together in the underground because magic is easily detectable and it will blow your cover." She warned Stacy as she goes along.

In Valdosta is where the Avatar are underneath the city. "I almost forgot. You might want to apprehend that feeble minded young man. While I never expected Lamia Scale to intervene with Council Affairs, it is still part of the law that the legal guilds are to stay out of the Council's business. This is private protocol, the young man might have valuable information. Don't do anything irrational but when worst comes to worst, the Council upon my power will kill him silently. She said to Stacy feeling high alert. "Update of your objective; Destroy this branch of Avatar, arrest its leader, don't worry Rune Knights will handle the rest. Last but not least, arrest that Sage Ruzuzaki once mission is over. Judgement is up to the council." Roger out.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saltwater Thief
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Saltwater Thief The Wild Card

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Annabeth Stagitta- Lamia Scale

Anna sighed and shook her head as Revan explained himself further. Really, he had gotten himself into such a mess. But then, did she have any right to criticize him? At least he had only insulted his child, and unintentionally at that. She had performed her actions willingly, and done far more harm. She shook her head with greater force, sending her brown hair swinging about as she swept the thoughts from her mind. She still had a newly discovered father to counsel, after all.

"Well, I would say that's part of the cause for his anger. Nobody wants to be called a mistake Revan, and even though you didn't really mean to... it sounds like he took that to heart. That's going to make the first bits harder for you, because he's already at odds with you. The key, then, is to not force it. 'If you build it, they will come' the saying goes. Just make the effort to check up on him, show that you care, and try not to insult him any further. He'll come around."

Anna's voice took on a softer, more solemn tone when next she spoke, as though she were speaking of something dear to her own heart.

"And, since you know you have sins in your past, things that could catch up to you... then you owe it to your son to safeguard him from them. But, whatever you do, however you protect him... never, ever push him away. Protect him from them by bringing him close to you, not by distancing yourself from him."

"Don't make my mistake..." she concluded under her breath, scarcely audible to anybody nearby.

A cry of frustration echoed out over the roof from down below, prompting Anna to perk her ears up for it. Particularly since her name was involved. It appeared to be Niti, the healer mage she'd heard about who had tried to heal Jeanne at Augustine. She chided herself again; she'd been meaning to talk to him for days now, but time and distractions had always gotten in the way.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, it seems I've a 'child' to comfort. Do take care, Revan. And, if you ever need more advice, feel free to pay me a visit. I may not have all the answers, but I've made enough errors in my time to at least know what not to do."

A few minutes later, Anna had tracked Niti to a corner of the library, a cupcake in his hand and remnants of tears in his eyes. With a few flowing steps she came and sat down in the corner next to him, setting a glass of water just in front of the healer mage as she did so. For a moment, she sat there silently, as if waiting for him to say something. When he didn't, she made the first gesture instead.

"You know, it's quite rude to accept food from somebody and not eat it."

"Something's troubling you, Niti." It was not a question, "Tell me of it. Won't you please? Especially since I can't help but feel I'm responsible for it."

@Bleu Chess
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 4 days ago

Stacy Kaiser - White Tiger

The white haired woman listened to Kyou's updates without changing her expression. It was unfortunate that she couldn't receive updates once she got close to the guild but any information was useful. "Could've sworn I heard that name before..." Stacy mumbled to herself, in regards to Sage Ruzuzaki. She couldn't figure out why but the name was familiar. She dismissed it with a shrug before returning her attention to the men she was following.

Gotcha. I'm clear on the objectives now. I'll bring the boy in too once I'm done with Avatar. I'll take the stealthy approach and infiltrate with a disguise. If everything goes well, I can probably capture the entire guild with a surprise attack. If I get discovered early I might actually have to fight them head on. Not like I'd fail in that case, but it wouldn't be as easy, Stacy thought, communicating with Kyou across their telepathic link. Hard part might be finding Sage afterwards. Unless he's particularly determined and just walks right into Avatar. That'd be convenient in the end.

Stacy continued walking through the snowy forest, staying just far enough behind the cloaked men to avoid being seen in their peripheral vision. The snowfall seemed to quicken in pace, lowering the overall visibility. In the semi-blizzard weather, Stacy managed to sneak in close behind them. The three men seemed to be approaching a small shack in the woods, notably close to the edge where the city of Valdosta was barely visible outside the dead trees. "Ice Make..." The sound of her voice startled the men, who immediately turned to face her.

"Eagle." Stacy thrust her palm forward, launching dozens of birds of ice towards the men. The flurry of attacks sent them all the ground. Before they could get up to counterattack, Stacy put her hand on the ground. Ice rapidly expanded, swallowing the men entirely and freezing them in place. "That wasn't so hard." After a moment, Stacy acquired their cloaks, leaving them in their underclothes in the ice. She herself wore the cloak, but she was accompanied by two ice clones. With the hoods low, it was difficult to see the three figures were actually women (and two made of ice at that). With the disguise in place, Stacy carefully entered the conspicuous shack.

Claudius - Pharaoh

The one-eyed man looked up as Aiden and Oriel took to the sky. "I figured you two'd put up a fight," Claudius noted, motioning with his hand to face his palm towards the duo. Several spikes of sand shot from the top of the massive wave, though Aiden managed to maneuver around them. Oriel managed to scorch the sand enough to crystallize parts of it, preventing the two of them from being swallowed up by the Sand Ocean spell.

On the ground, Claudius began jumping out of the way of the falling debris. The glass was sharp after all, and it was no longer sand so he couldn't manipulate it to his advantage. Not directly, at any rate. "You can't stay in the air forever," he spoke aloud, his voice clearly relaying his confidence. Several wisps of sand reached up from the ground, assisting in blocking the falling ice while Claudius dodged the majority of it himself.

He was surprised to see Oriel approach him so fast. Claudius didn't have much time to do anything as her flaming kick approached his head. All he could do was put up his arms to block the attack. But the moment it connected with his forearms, Oriel would feel something was wrong. "Sand Fake." The man she hit turned into sand which immediately began to wrap around Oriel's outstretched leg. Several meters away, behind her, the real Claudius appeared from the sand. "My Sand Ocean spell isn't an offensive move. It sets the playing field in my favor," he noted. The sand that had wrapped around Oriel's leg began squeezing, clearly intending to maim her.

"It was safer in the sky, where my access to sand is more limited. Once you come to my level..." The sand on the ground began moving up Oriel's other leg now, trying to completely engulf her in a cocoon of sand. "You can't get away. As for those who take to the sky..." Claudius moved his right hand in Aiden's direction. "Skyward Spear." From the ocean of sand below, a massive spear shot into the sky in a direct path towards Aiden. While it was rather large, it moved surprisingly fast. After the first one shot into the sky like a beam, several more began to form across the ground and shoot out at Aiden as well. "I won't let you two take my freedom away from me."

Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai

The pink-haired woman shrugged. "You didn't upset him," Hana told her. "He just feels that he didn't help you enough back at Augustine Town. At least that's my guess." A smile returned to her face now. Hana gave the nearby Yuuka a pat on her shoulder. "Speaking of, you all did wonderfully that day. You handled the situation with honor. Lamia Scale still has its reputation."

Her cheeky smile soon calmed down to a normal one that wasn't full of pride. "Harpy's Wing and Vyper Bolt both proved themselves though. I think the Grand Magic Games will be fun this year." Hana turned to Jeanne now, removing her hand from Yuuka's shoulder. "Do you have any more of those cupcakes? I'm feeling a craving for sweets now..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Nigel Ballard

A couple of weeks had passed and everything was back to normal. The new Harpy Wing guild hall constructions had finally finished and all the Harpy's Wing members had moved over to their new home. What's more, the new guild hall had been built right in the middle of Fiore's capital and largest city, Crocus, next to Vyper Bolt's guild hall. Essentially, everything was pretty much the same, except from the mornings. Those were a little quieter; not that Nigel had a problem with that...

Although having been seriously injured, his head had been literally ripped off the rest of his body, Nigel managed to reattach it fairly quickly with the help of his nanites. Aside from that, his recovery had gone as smooth as one could hope, something that surpriced even him actually. That had been the first time he had faced such an injury so he had expected a longer recovery period. Nonetheless, after only four days, he was back in action, with Master Liem personally training him and Piper, assigning them various missions to complete. Most were Dungeon hunting missions, searching and retrieving items for a wide variety of clients. Although those kind of missions weren't particularly to his liking, Nigel didn't complain much as they payed well.

Aside from that, Nigel had made the basement of the guild hall his home, turning it into his personal laboratory and weapons development facility. He was given a huge but empty room and in a short span of time, filled it with all kinds of machinery, most of which, if not all, being highly more advanced than every other piece of technology outside his lab.

He was at the lab, testing a new piece of equipment when Master Chak called for him. "Ugh..what does the master want now? I made sure to tell them not to disturb me when I'm testing a new weapon..." he thought and sighed. "There's no way I will be able to concentrate now so I might as well go see what he wants..." he mumbled and stood up. He removed his lab coat and left the laboratory, walking upstairs to the main hall.

When he arrived he looked around and quickly found Master Chak. Alongside him was standing Piper, "If he called for her as well then It must only mean one thing, another dungeon hunting mission" he deduced. He approached the two and greeted them before quietly listening to what Master Chak had to say.

"On behalf of Master Kat. Nigel, Piper. Master Kat is coming home soon. I need the both of you to decide a team four to five. We'll be designing the uniforms for the Grand Magic Games for both our guilds. Looks like in a span of week you guys have earned yourselves baby Basilisks."

"About time indeed.." he nodded in agreement, "..where had she been anyway? I was away on a mission when she left and I never really got up to date as to why she left..." he asked curiously. "As for the team that will participate in the Grand Magic Games, I agree that Revan will almost surely be in it" he told them. "I think Kyuuten, Caroline and Cynthia should also be included in the starting five. Kyuuten and Caroline will serve as backup to Revan and Cynthia can use her White Dragon Slayer Magic to support them" he paused, thinking for a bit before continuing, "I also think that you should be in the team. Your skills as a marksman will surely prove an invaluable asset" he said while sitting down on a nearby chair, waiting for Piper's reaction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lily Miyaki


Sage Ruzuzaki

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kiso
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Kiso Yasogami's Steel Council President

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yuuka couldn't help but stifle a laugh it was never a dull day here that was for sure. Still she supposed she best be off she was going to make due on her promise she made to herself and practice her dragonslayer art. Nodding to herself she quickly gripped her parasol and went to the training field though it seemed to be occupied not wanting to bother the person really she decided to train nearby digging her heels into the ground she focused on her magic. A large green sigil appeared before before she shouted her attack "Wood dragons rampant growth" before a single tree in front was quickly formed before she snapped her fingers causing it to implode upon itself. Smiling she couldn't but laugh she was getting better a little bit at least still small steps she thought to herself work with the small ones till you can master it than move on to larger ones.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


It was funny in a way that masked sadness. The journey that he was on. His heart had led him to abandon those that would betray him one day, but how could he be sure they would? or even if the vision was true? Magic was capable of many things, whose to say that it couldn't replicate Rhodroth's voice. That a evil wizard wasn't manipulating him in some form or fashion.

He wasn't even sure where he was at the moment, hours of mindless walking had brought him into a blizzard. He kept his body at a heated temperature for the Exceed but he was having difficulty seeing. "Dammit, where the hell am I running to anyway?" he muttered to himself, eyes squinted as he trudged through the snow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Cynthia held her hand up, gathering light against the encroaching snow. She had been following Sable, but now she was lost, and her heavy clothing wasn't doing much to protect her from the temperature.

"Sable?!" She yelled, only to have her words whipped away by the high winds. She increased the light she had, trying to create a beacon for him to see. Not for the first time, she lamented the fact that her light had no heat. In moments like this, she wished she had Sable's fire.

"Sable, where are you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Not even a snowy blizzard could hide Cyn's scent from him. He reached out with firm hand and grabbed her wrist, his touch was warm and toasty as he guided her. He didn't expect to feel this way about anyone, especially with Cringle still on his mind. But he was beginning to see how he could be betrayed. Vyper Bolt had given him a sense of family, made him feel powerful. Made him forget friends could be liabilities as well as strengths.

He pulled his somber gaze up from the snow, his grip tightening slightly, as he trudged forwards. The Exceed whimpered in his arms as he carried it through the cold. He hoped it wasn't getting sick. His skin was warm, it should be enough. He shot glance back at Cyn, green eyes glimmering through the fluttering snow. It was a good thing he had Cyn along. When they set up camp he'd have her look at it.

"Not too much further," he said abruptly to Cynthia. "We'll set up camp in a bit."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - The Archangel

Hana's initial reaction seemed just as peculiar as Niti's as she addressed the reasons why the Bubble Magi had fled. It didn't make sense to her, Niti's magic had completely healed Jeanne from a near-death state. Precisely how was his help insufficient by any measure? The very thought didn't make any sense to her at all!

Begrudgingly considering the strangeness of Niti's actions and the peculiarity of the grouping of explanations, Jeanne slowly sighed. Something was amiss, she could sense it, she was no oblivious fool. Yet all the same Hana's notice of Harpies and Vipers gaining strength took a particular note in her mind.

For certain she was right, and more likely than not, the Grand Magic Games were not to be the cake walk that it had been the previous year. In such a year, she and Hana had completely dominated the field against any opposition that tried to rise. Other guilds had united with one another to try and take down the duet completely in vain. Recalling such with a softened smile upon her lips, the Archangel slowly nodded.

"You're quite right," she began, after Hana had asked if she had another cupcake like that in store. "The Games will be quite entertaining this year I'm sure. In terms of the cupcake, I had only made one of those for Niti as appreciation for his diligence and assistance that kept me alive. However, there are still a wide variety of Pastries that I had baked this morning in the kitchen. Feel free to grab as many as you'd like."

Nodding to affirm this with an exquisitely, almost motherly looking smile that was so strangely familiar to another Guild Member, the Archangel simply remained there.

"Go on now, do partake and enjoy."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"Alright, so I'm here." She is now with Sairis, puzzled why she is called for not unless Aria is not her partner for today. Best thing is she hasn't even stripped for a week and even today. Gwen is still on searching for Marduk but he is nowhere to be found, she is still concern about her former friend, Stacy and haven't got in touch with her for the past week.


Kumar calls their long time comrade, Reina of the Darkness, "Reina, there seem to be a Mage that is out there." The masked man informed her about the status. "I didn't mean to wake you up but please GO WITH ME AND RID of that insect."

Kyou Laevis

She's in her private room. "Barney. Show me the news." Kyou opens up her lacrima device which holographically shows a magical newspaper and event. About red skies, hellish flames and lethal ice. The newspaper's date is May 15, X-828; "Crisis, Dragon King Festival, Cross Cult, and other events but the most important one was cut short a man with blue flames disappears and lady with red eyes destroys Fiore."

As what her M.I- Magical Intelligence showed, it spoke. "Dr.Laevis, the crisis is still intact. Subject Aiden Cross isn't stable enough to sustain Dragon Force, may subject change into said Dragon Slayer? What about Devil Force?" The M.I asked Kyou.

"Well as the Doctor of the East. I can assure you Barney, the Ice Dragon Slayer will stabilize furthermore Oriel emits enough exorcist magic which is like devil slayer magic. The Frost Prince is not essential as of now. Dragon Force siphon is at 10% while exorcist magic or Devil Force is at 2%. Do not worry, in time. They will be ready to face the crisis and save the world from "him" even if they aren't there is always Ms. Stacy Kaiser and Mr. Sable Rhodroth. I've waited a millennia for this. " She makes her idiomatic speech but is disappointed with the events intact.

@Bleu Chess Just an easter egg, could Kyou be related to Niti?

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Kumar appears before Stacy, "Arc of Time: Flash Forward! Reina-chan your turn." Attacking her off guard. Taking this opportunity.
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