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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


One week came and went. Oriel had been training like crazy, even training during the time she didn't have to. She barely sleeped some nights, only to train. She was used to harsh training after all. Having lost her family since she was but a kid, and having to survive through a harsh winter climate, she was someone who trained even harsher than most people, solely by the fact that she had to do it alone. Being in a blizzard and being in a sandstorm was about the same thing, and it'd be better for her a hot environment, since she felt like dying in the cold weather. She had kept her hair long until now, but she decided to cut it off in order for it not to get into the way of her training.

It also seemed as if Ajax was giving them a test today, so she was looking forward to testing the results of her training. She felt that she had found a new way to use her magic, more as a ranged attack than just a close quarters kind of magic. Of course, it wasn't as easy as some would think, even idiotic if someone thought about it, but it was worth a try at the very least. More of a trump card than anything else. Now, the only thing she had to do was finding a way she could defeat Ajax without having to use that. She wasn't a fan of incinerating superiors like that.

Aiden and her walked through the hallway, to see Ajax waiting for them. He explained their mission. Oriel let out an snicker as she heard it. "Damn, you are crazy. Letting a dangerous criminal roam aroudn like that.... I guess I have no option but to go catch him. It was my line of work before the guild, after all, he is only stronger than the small fries. No biggie." Though she said so, it was her policy not to go easy even on small fries, and since that guy was, seemingly, so dangerous, Oriel would have something to kill time with. "It will also be a good target practice for my new moves. It's been a while since I've gotten the opportunity to run wild without having to worry about destroying things." Oriel smiled arrogantly and took a head start on both guys, waving lazily at them.

She approached the stairs and started making her way up to the desert. After a while, she was finally standing on the desert and stretching out some, to get ready for the fight, and also to wait for Aiden. "Don't wanna leave him with nothing, after all." Even if she was confident, though, she still kept her guard up. Always expect the unexpected, she had that concept drilled into her head the bad way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage Ruzuzaki and Nyarlathotep

-The one magic?- Sage knew what she was talking about. The One magic was the source everything to do with the wizarding world. It was apart of everyday life. Yet no one knew where or How it came to be.

Yet, here was Nyarlathotep, telling Sage that she had a lead on it. -Nya-san, you really know where it is?-

"Knowing is a solid term, i would say: 'Having a strong lead on it' is a better wording" she smiled, sifting through the paper on her desk and finally found the document. "Here it is!" she shouted with a smile. Making Sage jump with Surprise.

"If this works correctly, then We'll be well on our way towards towards the one magic!" Nya showed the piece of paper to him.

-What is this?- Sage wondered as he looked at the black object.

"That is what i'm curious about, Apparently, the Dark Guild: Avatar's Guild master is currently in possession of it" the Lady start organizing her papers. "I'm not sending you alone if that's what you're getting at, this will be too much for the current you, I'm asked help from someone close to me. You Meet her outside. She's currently eating at the moment, so take this time to Change clothes and other things. Your weapons will be with your new clothes." Nya grinned "Let's get to work ok?"

-Sure, i'll have that Object for you soon, I might as well take out the Dark guild while i'm at it.- Sage nodded -Isn't there any legal guilds here?-

"Not for yonks away" She frowned.

-Ah, i see...i'll be back soon Nya-san- SAge bowed a little before walking of, ready to explore the house since she forgot to give him directions. 'The one magic....'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago


“No, but that is a fantastic idea. That way, when I punish you like the youngling you are, I’ll have an audience to witness my- crap I’m doing it again.” Revan cursed, he thought he had ridden out the effects of using his Satan soul forms so many times in succession, claiming his superiority to trees and forest creatures, and spending some of his nights at the local brothel when he delved into his Asmodeus modes. His recent discovery of Xavier, however, made him take certain precautions. It was bad enough that Xavier existed, he didn’t need him to have little brother’s and sister, especially being born anywhere near the guildhall.

“Anyway, I might have to talk to Annabeth soon about this whole. . . Parenting thing, cause my first conversation with the kid didn’t go well. . .at all. Is it bad when you tell children that them being born is a gigantic mistake, cause the reaction I got when I told him that leads me to believe so.”



Aiden sighed as Oriel went up to the surface before even trying to formulate a plan. He knew every second counted, but this was her being reckless again. Aiden followed at a slower pace, thinking over the information they possessed and the skills they had. Aiden had, through intense training and periods of meditation, worked on increasing the potency of his Ice, as well as his ability to use his water magic offensively and defensively.

Their opponent was a sand mage, which meant Oriel had a natural advantage and disadvantage against this guy. She could turn all of his attacks and traps into glass, but since her fire never went out, he could easily use that against them as well. Aiden’s water magic could also be of use, but the fact that there was sand everywhere proved to be a problem. So, the first thing they had to do was even the plan field once they found the guy, which Aiden was confident he could do with his dragon slayer senses, especially in TDS mde, though he would save that for later.

Once Aiden had climbed out into the blazing heat, now used to such temperatures after the week of hell Ajax had put them through, to luckily find Oriel had stayed behind to allow him to catch up.

Okay Oriel, I need you to listen to me, we have some advantages of our own against this guy elementally, with your fire and my water, but he knows this and will be able to counter them, and even use them against us if he’s as clever as Ajax says.” Aiden looked out over the horizon, scanning for any signs of disturbances, already beginning the process of trying to track his target’s scent. “Basically, if you can help it, snuff out all of the flames you send out before he can make use of the. Other than that, the best we can do is keep on our guard and remember that everything around us can be a possible weapon he can utilize. Now come on, I’ve got his scent, so follow me.” Aiden said as he made his way onto the barren landscape, eyes peeled and a plan already laid out. As he had been talking to Oriel, he had been slowly trickling a stream of water magic into the ground around them, making the sand clump together and turn into mud. He increased the amount as he walked, effecting an area of about 10 feet in diameter, and spreading down into the earth at about half that. Hopefully, this would neutralize or, at the very least, weaken any traps he had set to blow near the entrance.

@Hebigami Shiho
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - The Archangel

Revan's challenging tone brought a light smirk to the Archangel's pursed lips as he spoke for a moment as if he were truly possessed by the darkness that writhed about venomously within him. There was not a trace of fear or doubt in her eyes, after all, she was one of the many reasons that Lamia still stood atop the ranks of all the Guilds. Knowing this all too well, just like as the Devil himself would, Jeanne lightly shrugged in response.

"You know all too well who won in the last Games," She began nonchalantly, with a sly wink to accompany it. "I doubt this year will be any different, I've learned a few new tricks myself. That aside, if you're looking for Anna, I can help in that. Her last known is at Lamia Scale...if you'll follow me." Turning heel and sliding her arms into the sleeves of her black bolero jacket, the fiery nature of her dress almost seemed to flicker in the sunlight of the afternoon as the winds took breadth of it once she stepped outdoors.

"Let's make it a race, shall we Revan?" Lines of pure light coursed across he from as magic ran vividly through her veins. Gently, like how a butterfly escapes from their cocoon, golden wings of splendor and beauty arced across her back and curled about her as she offered a glance to the demon that stood behind her. "Loser buys lunch of course, as per the standard." Her long and slender legs bent then, unhindered by the stiffness and hindering weight of armor, and with the strength that sounded akin to a cannon being shot, the Angel was launched into the sky.

Spiraling once and enjoying the warmth of the Sun's kiss as she rocketed into the wondrous sapphire sky, the Archangel's wings spread wide to drink upon the very nature of the air, and with a graceful swing of their powerful might, her direction suddenly and sharply changed. In the blink of an eye, she was now traveling in a perpendicular path to how she had started. A falling star arcing across the heavens as she sped back towards Lamia. It made sense after all, she was only supposed to deliver the treats she had made and then depart for another mission. There was no stopping, there was always work to be done, lives to be saved and evil to be vanquished.

That and she too had questions for Anna. Many in fact, it had been over half a decade since the Guild's mother had been there last. Surely there was much to tell about what had happened, who she had met, and any naturally successful ventures that she might've had.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

One Week Ago

Only a day had passed. After the events that transpired regarding Yunin, the Augustine Town group, and all the other present factors, Nicolas had found himself sulking. So much had happened and he'd been useless. It had been foolish to think that he could help. He was upset. It was disheartening really. Fear, weakness, the list of excuses could go on. "No... I don't wanna be like that." He could have asked a number of people. Trisana maybe. One of the powerful wizards who'd fought during the incident. He remembered some. "On second thought..." He stopped himself. Most were pretty scary. He tried to think. What could he do? Who had some experience and could... "Ow..." He bumped into someone. "Oh... Um... Hi... You're Xavier right?" He asked as he stumbled back a bit as looked to see who he'd hit. He'd been so deep in thought he hadn't paid much attention. Then it hit him. "Hey... You're pretty tough right? Used to fighting?" He didn't really wait. "Would you mind helping me get better? Help me train? Spar?" It was abrupt, but that's because his nervous and timid attitude had been overrun with his hopeful optimism in regards to having a chance to make a new friend and get better than he was.

Xavier was still a bit shell-shocked at all that had happened at Augustine town, all he had witnessed. He didn't even feel bad about not fighting in this battle. If that demon at Ira had been way above his level, that Savage God guy wasn't even a blip on his radar of possibility. Some god slayer he was. Add on to that the fact that his demon powers were basically on the fritz and nearly unusable, a product of the awakening process being interrupted if Cassandra could be believed, he was a little frustrated to. He had been so close to getting that big leap of strength he wanted, that he needed, and now it was further from his reach than ever before.

So wrapped up in his thoughts, he didn't notice Nicolas until he bumped right into him. looking up, he listened to the boy's proposal to be training partners, and swirled the possibilities around in his head. If he wanted to get stronger faster, it was good to have a partner that can grow with you as well. Sable was all right, but he was already really strong. Nicolas, however, looked like he could use some help and was more around his level. "Normally, I'd say yes to the fighting part, but after what we just saw, I'm not so sure any more. As for sparring, I'm game. I didn't really think I'd find anyone around my own age when I came here, so I'd actually be happy to."

Nicolas's eyes lit up. "Really?! Are you sure?!" He wasn't expecting it to be that easy. Especially not after what had happened at Augustine. Still he wasn't about to argue. "That's great!" He was a bit more cheerful, having perked up at the favorable reply. Maybe they could begin today. Of course, Nicolas's first task would be to get his body into fighting shape and not be so frail. "Do you have any tips on exercises and workouts to strengthen a person's body to be more combat or physically oriented?" Was this the vocabulary of a person this young? Probably not most. But he'd read a lot AND he was an official guild mage, much like his new friend. Was it too early to call Xavier a friend? Maybe... He wasn't used to socialization. "Oh... I'm... Nicolas. Nicolas Grimmond." He said as he realized it might be important to introduce himself. Even if the young man before him already knew his name. After all, he only knew Xavier's first name. And that was because it had been said quite a few times in Augustine Town. Though he did look considerably... Different. What had happened with that? He had gotten many details. None so that he understood anyway.

"Xavier Lyone, and as far as training tips, the best I can give is to just train hard, diligently, and most of all, correctlly. Practice makes permanent, you know, meaning if you practice to do something the wrong way, it'll create bad habits for you in the future." Xavier nodded, before taking another look at the kid, this one a little more apprehensive than before. "Uh, you're in Harpy's Wing, right? Before we stat training, I was wondering if you knew to find a guy named Revan. I kinda have something I want to tell him, and you can come with if you want to, so we can jump right into a spar afterwards. Got to see what your current level is before we do any kinds of exercises."

Nicolas listened intent of picking up anything important or useful. What Xavier said was pretty thought provoking. He'd never considered the idea of training or exercising wrongly. What if he'd learned some points of his magic wrong? Sure the books were detailed, but the thought was now there. But he had to shake that off when his knew comrade spoke once more. "Hm? Oh yeah. I'm a member of Harpy's Wing. But I'm sorry I don't know a man named Revan. I only just joined a little while after the Clover City demon attack.” Thinking back on it he shuddered. "That demon girl was crazy." He mumbled quietly before shaking his head. "But I wouldn't mind joining you. My friend thought I should meet more people and be more confident. I think... Either way. If you wouldn't mind me tagging along I'll definitely join you."

Xavier shivered at the mention of those demon attacks, the memory of that demon from Magnolia still fresh in his mind, even after all this time. “I see, I had a similar encounter around the same time. . . I don’t know about your demon girl, but I don’t think she’d hold a candle to the guy I faced. He was able to fend off S-ranked Mage and a highly skilled assassin with almost no trouble. It wasn’t until the famous Erza and Grey showed up that he actually left. Hmph, since I’ve joined this guild, I’ve been in two major battles and have been less than useless in both of them, reduced to hiding like a fuckin’ coward.” Xavier’s hand’s tighten into fists as he spoke, an intense anger leaking through for a moment, though it was easily seen to be directed at himself, but he took a few breaths to calm himself down.

“Anyway, yeah, let’s ask around, someone has to know where he is, right?” And so, Xavier and Nicolas began looking around the Vyper Guild Hall, searching for Revan. It took awhile, but they were finally able to catch him at the gates exiting out of Crocus, sent there by a merchant who said he had seen some one matching Revan’s description as he entered the city.

Xavier walked up to Revan, clearing his throat to make his presence known, and giving Nicolas a gesture that said ‘stay back for a bit’.

Revan turned to see two redhead kids coming up to him, one bearing the Vyper Guild Mark in the exact place Revan had his Harpy Guild mark, his left eye. “Huh, didn’t know I had a fan. Listen kid, I’ve got to go right now, so if you’re here to ask for autograph’s, you’re outta luck.”

Xavier scowled at Revan’s comment, but put it aside as he worked up the will to say what he had to say. “I’m not a fan, just thought it would look cool there, okay. And I have something I need to tell you.” He took another deep breath, and let the bomb drop in one big rush. “My name is Xavier Lyone, son of Alexandra Lyone and your son.”

No sooner had the words left Xavier’s mouth, revan froze, looking down at the boy in front of him with surprise, shock, disbelief, and fear. He backed away from him, shaking his head. “No way, there’s no way you can be my kid, but you look just like here, and given your age, and . . . but if that’s true. . .oh my god what have I done.” He ran his hands through his hair, a panic expression on his face. “This is a fucking disaster, the biggest mistake I’ve made in my entire fucking life. If the wrong people knew you existed. . god dammit this is fucking horrible.” As Revan continued to panic, he was unaware that Xavier was no longer listening, walking back over to Nicolas with his hair covering his eyes.

“Sorry for dragging you into this, man, I. . . I didn’t know what to expect but it wasn’t that.” The amount of emotional pain he was feeling was clearly heard in his voice, but so to was a deeper sense of anger that seemed near it’s boiling point.

To be honest, hunting around for information, even though the time was short. It was kind of fun. He'd only really ever spent enjoyable time with Trisana and his mother. So hanging out, even if it was mostly business, with another guy, and someone near his age, was pretty great. Still at the time he couldn't have imagined how things would turn out. It was heart wrenching to watch and overhear to be honest. He wanted to say something. To speak up. To maybe say something to Revan. Or perhaps comfort Xavier. But... He didn't know what to say. Still when Xavier came back he took a breath. "Don't apologize." He said as he pat his new friend on the back. God knows he wasn't an expert on parents. God what would his mom... The woman he recognized as his true mother say. Mom... I could really use some advice... He wasn't expecting an answer. And he didn't get one. "Come on. Let's go. And... You know... Maybe... Maybe that was just the shock talking... Or... Or something... I mean..." He stopped. It sounded like he was making excuses for a man he didn't know. A man who could probably hear him. But he wasn't. He was just trying to help spare Xavier's feelings. Even if only a little. "I'm sorry." What was he apologizing for? He didn't know... But right now it was all he could really say as he began walking with Xavier away from Revan.

Revan, upon hearing Nicolas' words, and realizing how his words might be interpreted in this instance, turned back around to say something, but was cut off by the glare that Xavier gave him, only one eye being visible. And yet, that one eye held such a vast amount of anger and pain, it was clear he wanted to lash out against Revan, to assault him, maybe even kill him. Instead, he looked away, as if Revan wasn't even worth his attention, and that hurt more than any words that Xavier could've ever said. A part of Revan was glad to hear that he had a son, but a bigger part of him was thinking of the implications of this revelation, how badly this could effect the entire world if the wrong people got a handle on this information, not to mention the danger the child himself possessed. If Revan had been such a monster after beung changed into a demon, how much chaos could be wrought by his offspring, who would gain such power and more from the fact that it's truly apart of them that can't be removed.

So many reasons, yet they all died before they could exit Revan's mouth, each one sounding like an excuse for the inexcusable. And so he watched as Xavier and Nicolas walked away in silence, before turning around and making his way to his designated training area, feeling like he had just fucked up in a big way.

Xavier gave a sigh as Nicolas began to talk, giving a final glance at his fa-. . . no, at that man's retreating figure, wanting for all the world to throw a ball of burning ash at him. But he had been raised better than that, and more to the point, that waste of space wasn’t worth the effort. “It’s fine, I really should’ve expected something like this, but I guess I let my hopes get too high. All the people of the guild seemed so nice, despite their quirk. . . I thought that he would be to.” Xavier took another moment to sulk for a bit, before slapping himself in the face, hard. When he brought his head back up, everything he was feeling was locked up deep inside of him, and he gave Nicolas a smile.

"Anyway, let’s get to the Vyper Guild, man, we’ve got some sparring to do, am I right?”

Nicolas took a breath and sighed while looking at Xavier. He wanted to say or do something. Maybe things with his father didn’t have to be this way. But really it wasn’t his place. And he had no idea where to begin regardless. Maybe for now that best thing to do would be as Xavier said. They could go back to Vyper’s guild and spar there. ”Right.” Was all he could muster as he continued his steady pace with Xavier. He glanced back in Revan’s leaving silhouette. Was this really alright? Well it wasn’t like he had much advice to offer in the parental department. So he figured it best to let sleeping dogs lie. At least until he was properly able to handle a bite or two.


Present Time

Nicolas was breathing heavily. He was exhausted, covered in sweat, and wanted nothing more than to sleep. However, he had to keep going. Giving up wasn't an option. He was done slacking. "One... One more time." He said as he wiped the sweat off his brow. His hands began to glow before magic in the form of wave-like matter resembling a tomoe engulfed them. He had been practicing using his magic more offensively. That and how to take a hit, or at least predict or take one without flinching. He had grown a bit. "Alright Xavier. This time I won't lose." He said before charging forward. The swiped his left arm, sending the ball of his magic flying at Xavier. However, before it got too close to the young mage, it exploded.

The little blast kicked up dust and dirt causing a bit of a smoke screen. And through that smokescreen came Nicolas lunging at him. It was a bit more calculated and strategic. He was getting better for sure. He had even willed that first sphere to explode. That was something he'd not done before. Progress! But right now wasn't the time to cheer. He was throwing a punch now. A punch enhanced by his magic. That had a great effect. Raw power encasing his fist to added something of an explosive amount of power to his otherwise weak fist. At least he was quick. That helped. To think a week ago he could barely do this much, if anything at all.

"One more time." Xavier agreed, giving only a small smile to his new friend's exclamation. He wasn't as tired as Nicolas, being a much more physical fighter than his opponent, but they had been doing this for some time. Getting into a fighting stance as, he prepared himself as Nicolas sent an orb at him. This magic was a tricky one to be sure, and Xavier was never sure what to expect from it. When it blew up in front of him, scattering dust and debris, he knew that it was probably a decoy, and was proven right as Nicolas fast approached him. He's gotten pretty fast rather quick, but he isn't the only one that's grown. Xavier thought with a smile, taking a split second to focus inwardly to bring out his inner power, one of his eyes turning demonic as he attempted to use his Demon King Curse.

"Demon King's Rook!" He exclaimed, forming a cross block incase the magic failed. . .again. The power he had unlocked in Augustine, while available to him outside of his demon form, was not even close to being as reliable or strong, and he had been unable to enter his demon form since Augustine. Cassandra said that it was due to his lack of experience, something that urked him to no end. Strange as the experience had been, he had felt stronger than ever before in that form. It hadn't amounted to nothing in the end, but it was something he craved with a desperation. Luckily for him, the rook form, a wispy shadowed tendril that formed into a shield in front of him. It was destroyed by the explosive power of Nicolas' fist, but it had also taken a good portion of the damage, the attack barely pushing Xavier back a couple inches.

"Good job," Xavier said, his connection to his demon side fading as soon as his focus was broken(again something he need to work on), "But you're going to have to do a little better than that,Tephra God's Bellow!" Xavier took a deep breath before blasting out a stream of ash at Nicolas, the force behind it being enough to push him a ways back if it hit. Xavier was careful to aim low, as he didn't want Nicolas to inhale the stuff. That would be very bad, his magic was very dangerous to those around when used haphazardly. But even with that being said, he didn't hold back with his attacks anymore. The slightly older Harpy Boy had grown a lot in his strength in a week.

Nicolas cursed under his breath as the barrier took the brunt of his attack. And just like that Xavier was making his counter attack. He couldn't let himself be hit by it. Not this early in the fight. A small sphere of his magic appeared under his right foot. The way the bubble burst made it obvious that it was not made to inflict damage. Rather, it simply propelled him upwards. Still it was possible that Xavier would shift his focus and send an attack upwards. However, another tomoe like shape appeared as he flew upwards. He went back first into the shape and it closed. "Over here!" He shouted as another appeared behind Xavier, nearly five seconds later as he appeared. His momentum hadn't slowed either. He emerged quickly a magic enhanced kick headed straight for his opponent's back. Nicolas wasn't leaving it at that though. He was continuing onward with this chance he'd made.

Too bad a move like that wasn't something he could do continuously. It took a lot of concentration, calculation and, if he tried to make more than one at a time, knowledge of coordinates which were much harder than a person might think. Thus he couldn't do it that often. Still that wasn't what he was going to follow up with. He'd made his presence known on purpose. Xavier could block or avoid the kick somehow, but he form a basketball sized sphere in his hand. This wasn't a punch though. "Ih Ragdo!" He said as the sphere formed into a beam like blast aimed directly at Xavier. His friend had helped him better sharpen his battle sense and his physical abilities. If not for this past week he likely wouldn't have done this much. Though a spar with an ally was far from a real battle.

Xavier watched as Nicolas avoided his attack and slipped into one of his tomoes. Dammit, this magic is fucking annoying to go up against. Xavier kept his eyes peeled, constantly looking out for when Nicolas would pop up. So when Nicolas came at him from behind, Xavier was ready, turning around to block the kick and pushed him away, only to curse as the Harpy sent a beam of energy his way. Concentrating a large amount of magical energy to his fist, he swung it forward to meet the beam, causing a large explosion and raising up a large plume of ash.

For a second, all was quiet, a little too quiet for too long, and just when it got to the point that Nicolas might've begun to worry about his partner, a shout came from the slowly descending plume, flowed by a sharp spike in magical energy.

"Tephra God's Obsidian Tears!" The plume of ashes suddenly imploded into a single, concentrated massive above Nicolas' position, but it soon exploded violently into a barrage of small, sharp obsidian shards raining down on his position. As that was happening, Xavier was running around his opponent, watching how he reacted to the attack, wincing slightly at the pain in his right hand which was slightly burnt from the colission, though it could've been worse if Xavier hadn't had his natural resistance to heat. As soon as he saw an opening, he would launch another Bellow Attack at Nicolas, before following it up with a charged up punch that would explode on contact.

Nicolas grinned when his plan seemed to work. The kick was blocked and though the beam had been taken head on he was sure he had reached a checkmate of sorts. Still as the silence dragged on he began to fidget. What happened? Had he hurt Xavier? Maybe he'd gone a bit too fa... "Oh no!" He was met with a shout and an attack coming for him from above. "Not good, not good, not good!" His eyes widened further as the one large shard separated into many little ones. He moved quickly staying low as he left his position. The shards sliced along his arms, and legs, his torso and even one or two cuts got on his face before he got out of the obsidian rain, lunging forward and landing in a roll.

"Ye... NO!" He couldn't even cheer as the Bellow came his way. He lept just a few inches off the ground and formed a shield out of his magic directly in front of him. Not enough to stop the blast, but enough to take the brunt of the damage. Though he would be sent back into the nearby wall. "Dammit!" He coughed as he dropped back to the floor. "Ih Ragda!" He called out as he saw Xavier coming closer, fist at the ready. This time though it wasn't a beam. A bubble went his way at high enough speed. Surely it couldn't be so easy to avoid. Hopefully he'd be caught. If not, it was Nicolas's loss.

Xavier smiled as he saw his rapid-fire attacks throw of his attack, but stopped his charge as he saw Nicolas launch some sort of bubble at him. Thinking that it was most likely some kind of containment spell, he acted fast, stopping his charge and increasing the amount of magical energy he had in his hand, causing another sharp spike in energy as he plunged it into the ground.

"Tephra God's Wrathful Upheaval!"

The ground beneath him began to glow, as dark-ish orange light spilling from cracks in the ground. Xavier’s grin, slowly began to fade as the cracks got brighter, which they weren’t supposed to do.

“Oh Fu-” Was all he had time to say before the ground erupted with an impressive amount of force, and unless the bubble wasn’t negated by the attack, he would be sent flying way up high for a second, before coming back down to earth at a fast rate. he just avoided death by launching a Bellow attack at the ground, but still hit the ground pretty hard and came to a rolling stop right next to Nicolas.

Whatever happened, Xavier would still say the same thing afterwards. “That was exceedingly stupid, wasn’t it?”

"Dammit..." Nicolas grit his teeth as Xavier stopped his charge only to have his eyes widened by the following events. "Wait... Xavier! Sto-" He coughed hard at his own sudden shout and movement. Luckily when all was said and done Xavier was alive and right next to him. "Stupid... Even with the word exceedingly in front of it... It's one hell of a huge understatement..." He panted a bit before moving to sit properly against the wall and small grunt of pain escaping his lips. "I... Think we've earned a rest... For now anyway..." He said as he turned his head to look at Xavier. "Wouldn't you say so?" He chuckled slightly.

Still now he was in pain. Tired. Exhausted really. But even so one thing beat all of those feelings. He went to speak again, but his stomach made the noise for him prompting a slight laugh once more. "I'm hungry." He said breaking the brief silence left after his stomach growled.

"Yeah, same here." Xavier groaned, agreeing to the call to rest and the call to food, his stomach making a similar noise. God, he wished his mom was here, she was a damn savant when it came to cooking, nothing he had ever eaten had come close to matching her cooking. Xavier got up himself, groaning a little as his body protested the motion, "Anything to get the taste of dirt out of my mouth. Damn, I thought I had that move down, but I still need to work on the control a bit, that one had way too much power in it." Xavier got up, then went to help up Nicolas. Looking at the smoking crater that had been left from his attack, he made sure to solidify the Ashes into a solid mass of obsidian that made a substitute floor where the hole was. It would make do until they had time to fix it, so it wouldn't do for them to leave the training area at Lamia Scale in such a state.

"So, now that that's over, do you have any idea where we can go to get some grub? Isn't that one Lamia S-class, Annabeth I think, a really good cook or something?" Xavier was really enjoying this foreign exchange program, as his time in a new place and new people had really helped him take his mind off the events of a week ago. Plus, the Lamia Guild member seemed really friendly and peaceful, unlike the rowdier members of Vyper Bolt. Though he had to admit, he did miss the guild already, even if he hadn't been there that long, he still loved it like it was home. And sometimes, the peacefulness got a little boring to him, as he found the guild lacking in the constant frenzy that he had loved about the Vypers.

Nicolas accepted Xavier’s help. Normally, he’d force himself to his feet on his own, but this was a true sign of his exhaustion. He didn’t want to move at all. His body was screaming for him to stay down. Well, most of his body. His stomach was arguing with the rest. It was laughable really. Still, he wouldn’t accept help further than this. To him, it was part of his training. There would be time when he didn’t have someone to help him. “I’d take anything over the weird mix of dirt and blood going on in my mouth right now.” He stated with a slight chuckle. Then Xavier said it.

“Aw man… If that’s true I definitely want her to cook for us.” It had been so long since he’d had anything resembling a true home cooked meal. That is, disregarding anything he or Trisana had tried to make when they couldn't afford to buy something. “I don’t think it’d be better than my mom’s though. She was the absolute best cook.” He laughed a little as he walked holding his side a slight look of pain showing on his face for a brief minute as he stepped. Still it faded fast. “But then again. I don’t think anyone’ll ever come close to being better than her’s.” He was pretty comfortable here. He wondered if he wouldn't have joined Lamia Scale had he not come her first. Still he wasn't about to doubt his choice.

Harpy’s Wing was pretty amazing in his eyes. People were kind for the most part and cool. Some strong. Plus there he and at Vyper he wasn't so worried about messing things up and causing trouble for another guild and misrepresenting his own like he worried about here. But most were quite welcoming. So perhaps he was just over thinking things. His mind was wandering, but he quickly came back to Xavier. “By the way, what do you think of this exchange thing?” He would have let Xavier answer, but something occurred to him as the made their way to the Lamia Scale guild hall. “You know... We should probably find Reian, Niti and Yuuka. I mean... Bonding over food might be good.” In all honesty he was more focused on the food then finding people, but now that they were back in the guild hall it couldn't hurt to find those they were paired up with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Tris was wandering a bit, after having sneaked away from the guild. She wasn't even sure she needed to sneak, but she had been doing it for so long it was natural. She had nothing against her new guildmates, but there was someone she hadn't seen in too long, and it was way past time for her to pay a visit.

"Niko!" She yelled, spotting him in the distance. She waved exuberantly, shading her eyes against the sun and trying to see who it was he was talking to. Deciding it wasn't important enough for her to hang back, she started toward them at a quick jog. When she was close enough to talk without shouting, and coincidentally close enough for them to see the giant grin plastered across her face, she slowed down.

"Niko, it's been a really hectic week. I'm sorry for not coming to visit sooner, but I couldn't get away from training. I hope you didn't think I forgot about you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage Ruzuzaki

Insert Music: persona 3: Heaven's Remix

After some time exploring the House, it turns out it was a mansion, with multiple rooms and long corridors to lead to the backyard and hot springs...and even a wine cellar.

Once he found the change room, he noticed to items laying side by side. After raising an eyebrow, Sage closed the door behind him and got changed, stripping down to his naked self before trying on the new clothes.

'It's a little tight, but it's not lose as well...I'd guess this will do now...where is my old clothes anyways?' Sage rubbed his hair as he looked around, the new attire constricted his movement at little 'che...i'll have to break in it then.'

As he started stretching his body and fabric, he saw the second item leaning on the wall.

'A bow? Why would i want that?' Sage walked towards the weapon, on it was a note on it.
'I had someone make to some adjustment (as well as an upgrade) to your Railgun, in the mean time, Try extending your weaponry by using this. You'll find a bunch of arrows the the closet next to it.'

'I'm counting on you!'



'She expects me to take down a dark guild with something i hardly know?' Sage scrunched his face up as he grabbed the arrows from the closet, attaching to his back. Instantly he took one use and lined up with Demon's bane. 'It takes a while longer to launch an attack on someone' he gripped the bow before clipping in sideways to the clip behind his waist.

'Alright then, Sensei, are you ready?' Sage made a mental connected with the Black beast.



"In all my times of living and causing chaos in Earthland, not once did i think 'How was i created...what created me?' The beast spoke slowly 'Where did i get my curse/magic?'

'.....' Sage cupped his chin as we walked out of the change room, his next step was to head to the front yard. 'At college, the sensei's over there said the one magic is love and while training: The demons there said the Zeref was apart of the one magic.'

"So what do you think?"

"I believe: both theories are wrong...I believe that one Great being was responsible for the creation of Earthland...for the reason we are all living, as the special few can utilise magic and curses.' Sage stopped at he looked at the setting sun. 'It took time for him or her many years to make what is here now..then he or she went into slumber'

"Like a sleeping god?"

'Kami-sama, Ryujin-Sama or even Akuma-shin-sama' sage through back 'No one knows who the creator looks like.'

"If your saying a Deviled-god can be the great creator: you most likely looking at him!" boasted the beast.

'Do you remember how you created earthland?'

"......." the beast went silent.

'Hn.' the boy shook his head 'But enough speculation, we'll find the answers soon enough'

'Yeah...all to become strong right?'

'Ah...I want to show everyone...that Busting your ass though hard work to achieve the Impossible is my way!' Sage thumbed his chest.

"Then...once this is over: We head to Mt.Sliver in the Sin region to train." Bakuko spoke "I know another Demon that can help you control my powers even better."

'Right, i'll shoot question later...' Sage broke into a light job as he neared to front door. Opening the door his nose was meet with a strong scene of the salt of the beach and.....Jasmine tea?

"Ah..So you finally arrived Ruzuzaki-san." a Elegant voice made him turn to the voice, sitting down near a nearby table was a woman with blonde hair and Green eyes. She wore a white dress with a silver breastplate, taking another sip she turned her head to the beach "It's a perfect afternoon to be having tea, don't you think?"

Sage wrote -I believe so- Another problem that was coming up was: 'How does everyone know him?'

'Those clothes that you're wearing: we're picked out by me' the woman said before taking one last sip from her tea cup she stood up and faced him.

"My Name is Lily S. Miyaki" Lily said with a smile on her face "I am the friend Nya-chan was talking about, i'm here to assit you in Taking down Avatar and find the source of the one magic."

-Lily....let's get along- Sage bowed to her before writing something down.

-Shall we head of?-

"No." she replied curtly "We will finish of the tea that i've prepared for us both, please sit and enjoy." she sat back down was waited for him to seat himself next to her, as he filled his cup up. She watched as Sage took a long drink before setting it down quietly "We leave when the set has fully settled, Tonight the Dark guild Avatar has a Night club event." she filled herself another cup of tea.

"For now: let us discuss our plan and enjoy, Ruzuzaki-san."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroko Nagasai

Two hours slowly pass by, like the frosty winds of the Eastern Mountains as Kuro, at long last, reached them. The chilly winds howl through the valley as a snowstorm began to form. You could say he was just a little late arriving on scene... but for Kuro, it was just perfect. After all, he did enjoy the snowstorm's hidden calmness, despite many only feeling its wrath. He even believes to hear them calling to him... alerting him to whatever is beyond the white blanket that blinds most eyes. He rips off his white shirt, once again revealing his firm, yet pale, body, with a nice 6-pack set at just the right frimness. Not too broad, yet not too flab. Just perfect. His skin instantly regulates heat from within, like an eternal antifreeze, as it instantly gets used to the frigid temperatures and his eyes make a faint glow, allowing him to see far better than most on a day like this. He walks slowly, examining every cliffside corner he encounters, looking for the hidden city of Mensis.

For the first few cliff sides Kuro encounters, he didn't detect anything. No power surge... no spell... nothing to signify Mensis' presence. Yet he still remained patient. He'll be sure to find it soon enough. Around another hour passes by and still no sign of the village. He began to think that these may not be the mountains he thought could house such a town. Perhaps he needed to go elsewhere? An uneasy shiver began to tingle down his body, almost as if he was just about to groan. He begins to walk back, sure that the town was not here. Seeing a cave nearby, he realizes that he feels slightly tired, and heads towards it. But just as he was nearing the small cave, he suddenly runs into an invisible... barrier? He grunts as he knocks his face slightly into the wall and sees what appears to in fact be a barrier. Was this in fact the city of Mensis? Hidden behind... an illusion? Curiosity strikes Kuro as he touches it again with his finger. Then, with a faint vrrming sound, the barrier begins to slowly fade away as it reveal what was behind the illusion. Much to Kuro's relief, it was Mensis. It must be Mensis! A sigh of relief escapes Kuro as he slowly, yet cautiously, enters the town, not knowing a thing on what to expect.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria Hunterblade

A Week Ago

Useless. That's what she'd been, and how she felt. Not participating in anything at all, not helping in anything, save for a few exceptions. Aria gave a light 'tch', scowling to the thought as she witnessed the closing of the battle. She was glad that she at least brought Nigel to safety, teleporting out with his head and body. Nonetheless, to whatever that would come next, she promised herself to work hard and exceed expectations. That would be the bare minimum for her to prove herself to her own, not to anyone else, though it may sound odd.


As she stood beside Ivory in front of the master, relief came flooding hearing his words, though her face remained expressionless. Her efforts to quickly finish up the job requests and such paid off it seemed, and as an added bonus she had nothing against herself anymore. The remaining days she had spent for solitary training in various locations, honing her skills.

"...Is that so..."
Was the only thing she replied the master with, disbelief a little evident in her tone. Her only concern had been fulfilling her internal promise, after all. Not that that had mattered to anyone else.

Aria turned her head to Ivory, looking to see her reaction.

@Hebigami Shiho
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage Ruzuzakiand Lily Miyaki

-So let me get this held down...While you play 'over watch' of the guild, I’m supposed to 'blend' into the crowd and somehow make my way towards the guild masters office and search for the artifact.' Sage eyed lily 'I can see myself blowing this whole mission in a matter of 5 minutes'

"That is why you will need to treat this mission with the at most matter." Her green eye met his "But if you do manage to compromise us, I will there to asset you at a moment’s notice."

'......' Sage slowly closed his eye before exhaling -How strong is this dark guild?-

"There are a recent renewed dark guild, according to my sources: A Mage by the name of Gray Full buster had joined the guild, but he had left a long time ago, No one knows where he is." Lily stated "If we we're too attack them now, it is a high chance we will prevail."

-I understand, then we would be doing the city a service by taking them out- Sage pointed out. However a shake of Lily's head crushed it.

"If only that was so easy Ruzuzaki-san, Valdosta is run by Avatar...in other words." She set her tea cup down "Avatar is loved by Valdosta..."

-Wait...you mean-

"The guild rules in Fiore and Ice are truly different: Your vision of a Dark guild in Fiore, The vision of a dark guild in Ice are different: Avatar is a Legal guild here."


"If we were to attack them, we would be only seen a Villain and essentially: we would be the bad guys."

-Even if we were to infiltrate the guild, we would be caught stealing from a legal guild- Sage laid his head on the table -We're going to be committing a crime!-

"Do you realize why I asked we should be laying low for this mission: We could be Criminal in Ice.? That's one thing I don't want Nya-Chan to worry about. "Lily reached for the pot and poured "A shame...we're out of tea."

'......' the mute mage closed his eyes again before looking at Lily again -Miyaki-san, is using stealth a must?-


-Then I may have a plan in mind, but it would need to done cleanly and precisely- Sage drummed his fingers on the table. -It's a high chance that it could fail as well-

"I am listening." Lily leaned forward.

-Personal Space-

A little too close.
Valdosta City, Outside Avatar



-I never asked you how big the guild is, right?-

"That is correct."

-That that large building I saw in the horizon near Nya-san's house...was THIS!?-

A normal guild was merely a part of the city. This guild...was the size of FACE...times 20.

Actually: The guild WAS the city.
-This is....-

"I also might have forgot to mention: That the guild is actually Valdosta City, the outskirt is just called Valdosta." Lily averted her eyes "My apologies"

'I've just been pull from a town destruction mission....I need fore sleep' Sage groaned as the duo walked pasted the gigantic gate

-Lily, that tall building at the far end-

"Yes, that would be the main building for Avatar, you can see the crowd making their way towards It." using her finger Lily pointed out the trail of human being, all dressed up walking towards the building.

-So this is why Nya made me dress like this- Sage pointed to his new clothes.

"I chose them for you, Nya had no say in what you are wearing" the blonde haired girl placed her hands on her hips and pouted. She too was wearing a similar dress, except for her breastplates and armor.

"Come now, let us go, the deadline is midnight" Lily took his hand and led the away.

-Could I get some answer from you, Miyaki-san? - Sage handed Lily a piece a paper. -Never asked who both are you are-

"Hn.....' that something you should asked when you first came here?" The blonde girl smirked "But as long as I don't have to drone on: Fire away."

-First of: whom are you and Nya?-

"We're toe best friends, used to be a part of a guild a long time ago, but now we dedicate our time to researching the myths of Earthling." Lily hummed a small tune, still not letting go of his hand.

-I see, then why not join the council division on research?-

"We would, but it was take the fun out of find stuff, I would much be preferred to discover things with my friend." the woman in white spoke with a kind tone "Yet...why she includes you still allures me."

-You're not the only one- Sage wrote -But she had full information on Sensei that really surprised me-

"I know about the Black beast of the Black Voided Heaven" Lily spoke "It's amazing that such a monster lives inside of you...yet you haven't succumb to his power."

-There's a way of controlling it: hate- Sage said, making the girl turn to face him -As long as I have hatred in my heart...It's easy to control the over, It's also easy to lose who you are over it.-

“….” Lily stayed silent “You're something else Ruzuzaki, Most people in your situation would have a bad past or something, what is your story?”

-…My Best Friend, a girl who stuck with me since I was a child….Betrayed me, she left me at my weakness point of life…..all to gain new and better friends- Sage, this time wrote harder into the paper.

-That was 5 years ago, it was a month later I would run into the Black beast known as my sensei, he gave me the power to surpass anyone that stood in my way, Because of him: I am the Devil Slayer of the Voided Heaven!-

-Far Powerful than any other Demon slayers!-

“Interesting….your hatred has taken you this far huh….” The girl smiled “But in time: you will realize that that there will a wall that Hatred alone won’t allow you to pass-“

-We’re here, let’s go- as the last note was passed to her, Sage moved on forward, the link between them gone. Shaking her head, Lily walked on.

‘There will be a time where hatred won’t help you.’
Avatar City, ‘The Club’

Body’s clashed.

The scene of sweat was everywhere

You could see a couple of people making out.

The two watched as they every one of their freak on.

Sage sighed as Sabre tugged his elbow, motion to bring his head close she yelled.

“I’ll be at the bar, I've heard they got really good drinks here, we’ll play natural before we start this off, so go and have fun!” she smiled before talking into the crowd.

The lone Mute boy watched on before shrugging to himself.

It was a shame they took their weapons at the front.

“Just the two of us~” Bakuko mused as he was Sage enter the dance floor. The Music was loud and hard, and Sage felt the music flowing through him. As he weaved into the dense crowd. His blue eyes shifted around as he moved slightly with the rhythm.

‘This place is a palace…it’s going to be hard finding that artifact.’

‘We could Shadow jump’ the black beast proposed.

‘No go, it’s easy to say that, but I need to have a clear vision of where I’m jumping to’ Sage retaliated. ‘Come on, let’s get a feel of this place before anything.’

As the boy ventured deeper into the crowd, a certain someone looked one with a shocked expression on her face. Her friends around her asked her what was wrong, but she wouldn't response.

But one word came out of her mouth.


The tears came flooding.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
Avatar of Masaki Haruna


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Quick GM POST.


"Farewell then. You will find your clothes which has your name inside a bar in the locker room. Remember that with my archive magic; we are hive minded thus telepathically linked, I will assist you from afar with input as you process to get the output if complex situation occurs. Strip when it gets extremely hot." Kyou explains her assistance to Stacy and reveals a long distance telepathy variant from her archive magic. Avatar is located at a bar in Valdosta which comprises of the dark religious cult guild instead. Furthermore Gwen and Stacy's town are tainted by demon worshipper cults to begin with since the attack of the dreaded Walpurgisnacht. "Don't let anyone get in your away even if it is a legal guild. Be sure to retrieve the masked man. He holds something important. Once you do. Rendezvous at the snowy dessert and I will transport you from there. See ya." Kyou uses her teleportation magic on Stacy.

As she uses it, detailed as every fabric and trace of non living is being diminished, totally stripping Stacy in the process because the magic itself only transports living things. Stacy is safely teleported to the Northern region, her hometown but on Valdosta in the so called Avatar Bar. "All the best."

(Akashi and j8cob will handle this mini arc. And Akashi throw in some fodder to Stacy on her arrival.)

Back on the guild, Gwen short lives her interaction with Sable and Cynthia, she went on ahead to look for Sairis and Aria.

(Kal, Renny can control Gwen when needed but seeing you wanted training, you may control her as Shaf can as well.)

Reenactment to the Gravity Mage.
@Demon Shinobi

Pink haired clones who wear goggles and is induced with dragon lacrima boost. The clones sports on an identical look of Cynthia Geey, Harpy's Wing; White Dragon Slayer. Knowing that guns won't work on the Gravity Mage. The three clones demonstrated that they indeed can perform their original's spells. The first clone uses white dragon's roar, the other uses an unnamed spell and the last one blasted a Holy Ray to his direction. "Simultaneously says Cynthia as she coordinates consecutive spells with the GREYS-SISTERS."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Niti Laevis

“It’s not here either…” Niti sighed, shutting a 1000-paged medical book with a sound “thud.” He shoved the massive book to the side and moved on to the next one that was equal in size and weight. However, he became unfocused and his eyes kept drifting to the side, staring at the shelves of books that lined the walls of Lamia Scale’s library. He groaned and threw back his head. It was no use, none at all!

“IT’S NOT FAIR.” His head smacked against the opened book, flailing his arms all about against the newly abused table. As much as he like Lamia Scale as a secure refuge, heck, even as a second home, going to other guilds was just so much more exciting. Just imagine all the bar fights he could experience and all the healers he could extort/pester ask for teachings. Harpy’s Wing was his first choice for their renowned fabulousness and flare. There was even a White Dragon Slayer, known for her powers in healing and support. Viper Bolt was a close second; he could practice his healing magic whenever a fight broke out.

Oh well, having the exchange students was close enough to the real thing. People do make a guild after all. Xavier, Nicolas, and Reina were pretty cool people.

But, still, an exchange program! Instead of being shipped to other guilds, he was stuck here with no distractions. Left to his thoughts while surrounded by piles of books. Books that could never clue him in about the mysterious light from Jeanne's locket.

It had already been a week since the whole Augustine whirligig and he still couldn’t stop the curiosity that kept drilling its way into his head. His mind kept flashing back to that time especially near the end. No matter how much magic he poured into his spell, Jeanne refused to heal. He could even feel his magic being blocked by a “You shall not pass!” sign in bright neon letters. If it weren’t for Anna…

Niti bit his bottom lips. If he couldn’t use his magic to do his job, what use is he to the team?

As his amber gaze casted to and fro the library, all he saw was a deep void that lacked distractions. Tears started to gather at the corner of his eyes. His chair clattered from behind as Niti stood with lightning speed and was already out the door before a single shush from the other occupants of the library could be uttered.

“Yuuuuukaaaa! Give me something to do!” He ran around Lamia Scale until he would stumble upon the Wood Dragon Slayer. As soon as he sees her, he would cling to her legs like a sulking child.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


He bent his neck from side to side as he waited, standing outside of the Guild doors. Crocus smelled sweet, the aroma of flowers filled his nose. Concentrating on it, he identified several of the innumerable types that was imported and grown in the capital of Fiore. A few of them were common, familiar from his travels across the land. Others, not so much. They were foreign and smelled of their long voyage across the ocean to reach their destination.

"I will miss this," he admitted while waiting for Cyn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago


"And you know I usually avoid the games, so your cheek is null and void. Now, I have two reason to join, one is to dish out. . . and your gone." Revan said as she flew away towards Margaret Town. For a second, he considered staying behind and taking a nap, but Jeanne would see that as a victory, and he'd be dammed if he let that happen. "Fuckin' younglings, making me do stuff, can't get a moments rest."

Revan ran forward, eyes changing as he entered Satan Soul. He didn't use either form, as that was overkill for a simole race, instead calling forth some hydras to form a pair of demonic wings. With a swift downward push, he rocketed up into the sky quickly gaining on Jeanne as he finished off the pastry in his hand. When he caught up with her, he give her a smile, before holding up the box tht she had left. "Thank for the treats."

The hydras that made up his wings began to glow as he gave a wave goodbye, before letting lose an intense blast of energy to send him hurtling ahead. As he approached Margaret Town, he took another pastry put of the box and continued to nibble on it. These were some damn good treats, and Revan felt he deserved some treats after his first intensive bout of training in awhile. And if he didn't, who cared.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nicolas Grimmond, Harpy's Wing, currently at Lamia Scale

"T-trisana?! H-hey." He was surprised to see her. Especially here at Lamia scale. He and Xavier were just about to reach the door when he heard her. "I thought you were at Vyper Guild, busy with training or something like that..." He spoke a bit tiredly. He and Xavier had just finished a long and intense sparring session. Okay... Multiple long and intense sparring sessions. He was covered in cuts and bruises. But he was smiling. "And believe me. I know it's been hectic." He was glad Tris was here. He honestly thought he might not see her for a long time. he was worried she'd make new friends and... He shook his head. "So how are you doing? And what are you doing at Lamia? I mean... How'd you know I was here?"

"Oh!" He realized that Xavier was here and His best friend might not know his new friend. "Oh... This is Xavier. He's a Vyper Bolt Mage like you." He smiled before motioning to Tris. "And Xavier... Ugh..." He was moving a bit too much. "This is Trisana. My oldest and best friend." He left out the former only friend part because he had a new friend now and he would hopefully make more. But geez... For so long she WAS his oldest friend.

"Oh... Do you wanna join us?" He then asked Tris. "Because of this whole exchange thing we were going to try and meet our new teammates and hopefully get a bite to eat." He explained with a small chuckle before another groan of pain. "I-I figured that Niti guy could heal us and practice his magic... He seemed like he'd really want to." He added partially to Tris, though mostly to Xavier.


Oram Hellios, Lunar Wolf, Crocus

~Coming Soon.~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - The Archangel

She slowed as Revan finally took to the air, allowing him to closed the wide breadth of distance that had grown between them. It was unfair that she had gotten a head start, really, and unfairness ruined the fun of the game. Spiraling through the air as he flew past and taunted he whilst he took a bite of the baked goods that she had delivered, the Angelic Magi spread her wings wide and slowed further. Widening her profile in the air to increase the resistance by which the wind pressed against her.

Though as he burst forth in another push of magical energy, Jeanne's pursed lips curved into a smirk.

As he gained the distance, lines of magic traced lines across her figure as plates of ivory took their shape about her once again. Soon after, the wings about her melted as she descended towards the earth once her ability to maintain lift was lost. Two soon melted into four viscous forms as the ground neared, and a longsword of purest holy light formed in her grasp.

Just as she was about to collide with the earth, Jeanne's newly formed quartet of feathery gold spread wide and drank the air. With one flap, her direction sharply changed from her descent to a blindingly fast procession at low altitude across the earth. With each push of her wings against the very air, forests below shuddered, dirt and dust dispersed unto every direction as she rocketed forward.

With the ivory sense of her armor, and the shimmering light that she always seemed to emit, it would almost seem as if a shooting star was rocketing across the heavens. With a rush of speed and agility, she rose towards the heavens again, closing the gap that Revan had gained in a matter of moments as she arced just a few feet above him, looking down upon the darkened one as a Seraph of God would look down upon a Demon.

Hanging upside down in the sky for a moment, she flipped about her form nimbly one last time before with a second flap of her wings, she surged forward and proceeded at a rate nearly twice that of his.

Much akin to a shooting star, she blurred past the outskirts of Margaret town in a beeline straight towards her home. Lamia Scale's front door rapidly neared and she kicked her feet forward and spread her wings wide to land lightly upon the steps of the front door. By the time that her opponent in this little game would arrive, the armor and wings had dissipated once again to reveal the fiery texture of her sundress.

"Looks like I win again, I suppose the Games will be no different," She began coyly, slowly opening the door to Lamia scale and nonchalantly sauntering inside with the demon undoubtedly close behind. Carefully, her sapphire eyes scanned the crowd for Anna, the one who had just returned after so many years abroad.

Where in the Gods' name was she?

"I'm sure she's around here somewhere, feel free to go looking if you'd like." The Archangel added quietly, moving initially sit at a table, her own gaze quickly found a handful of newcomers. But more importantly was that of Niti, who was clinging onto Yuuka. She still hadn't thanked him for saving her life at Augustine, such gratitude was way overdue.

"Niti, do you have a moment?" She inquired lightheartedly, striding over to her teammate as she reached inside the bag for one final treat. From within it, her fingertips extracted what could have been perhaps one of the most delicious cupcakes she had ever made. Thick, rich red velvet beset by a creamy and luscious buttercream icing.

"I wanted to give this to you to thank you for saving my life in Augustine," the angelic looking woman stated sweetly, smiling with a touch of humility. "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be walking here today. So thank you."

@Bleu Chess
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Cynthia hustled back toward the guild, half an hour later. "Sorry it took so long," She said, hefting a bag over one shoulder, dressed in new traveling gear including a bandana to keep the hair out of her eyes. "I had to talk to my landlady, and send for Derivia asking her to take care of my books again." Recently she had been speaking to the Craftoraid witch more often, since most of the books left to her were still on the island. "I'm ready to go now, whenever you are."


Tris shook her head. "It was really hard tracking you down. I had to ask like, three people, and you know how I am with people. Then I had to take the train instead of my Chariot, because I didn't know where this place was." She was reaching for her deck again when Nicholas said they were planning to have someone heal them. "Alright," She said, moving her hands back in front of her. "If you're sure."

She turned to Xavier, looking him up and down, as if judging if she could take him in a fight. Finally nodding to herself, she held out her hand. "I don't think we've actually met yet."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
Avatar of Renny

Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Half a hour later, Sable finally caught glimpse of Cyn approaching, her new appearance rather refreshing from her usual attire. He greeted her with a stone scowl, his displeasure with waiting still heavy on his mind. Trudging pass her without so much of a word, he resisted the urge to spare Vyper Bolt a final glance and continued through Crocus quietly.

When they finally left the city, and laid out in front of them was a single path leading into the mountain range surrounding Crocus, Sable rubbed the back of his head with worry. It was hard to keep the betrayal he felt inside but he refused to let any of it slip out. He had to be strong, for he had not betrayed them but instead was betrayed. Weakness was not a option for him, not even a bit.

In the cloth tied to his back, he felt the small exceed stir.

Guess its waking up, He thought, falling into the mindless activity of walking and keeping a ear out for the small creature.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
Avatar of Raijinslayer

Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago

Xavier and Revan

Revan scowled slightly as Jeanne rocketed passed him, just as cheeky as before. That's it, his mind was made up, it was time to show these younglings why he was once the most feared man in all of Fiore. As he landed next to the Lamia Guild hall, he felt a strange sense of foreboding enter his mind, as well as an incomplete piece of memory.

"Hey Jeanne wasn't their some sort of foreign exchange thing going on. . between . . the . . guilds." Revan looked over at a small group of younger mage. More to the point, his eyes saw Xavier, and Xavier saw him. The boy's expression instantly went from friendly and amiable, to stone cold anger and dismissal. he turned away from Revan to face his friend, not wanting to appear rude.

"Hello, Trisianna," he said, taking her hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you and while I'd love to talk some more, I think I'll go back and train some more. Nicolas, you go and have fun, get yourself something to eat, catch up with you friend, I'm going to try and get that move down. It'd be bad to have it keep blowing up in my face every other time I use it." Xavier chuckled a bit, though it sounded hollow and joyless as he quickly left the room heading towards the training area to angrily blow shit up. Was it immature, maybe, but he need to do something with this anger, and he didn't think attacking that piece of shit would be the greatest of ideas. People don't become S-class if they're weak.

Revan sighed as the boy left, looking for Anna's magical signature. He desperately needed some help with this whole parenting, and the first step in that was to figure out how to get the kid to talk to him. Taking another Pastry to eat he walked past Niti's little tantrum and began looking around for anna's magical energy. Once he found it, he'd walk through the guild towards her current location, wherever that maybe. Anybody he met would get the smallest of acknowledging nods, anyone who asked for a pastry would be ignored. Anyone who tried to take a pastry would face dire consequences of such foolish actions. When he finally arrived at Anna;s location, he take a seat somewhere near the woman, eating the last of Jeanne's pastries, before he decided to address the issue.

"Hey Anna, I've got a kid, apparently, and after meeting me, he hates my guts and wants nothing to do with me. Can you give me some advice on this whole parenting thing, since you are the de facto guild mother of Lamia Scale."

@Demon Shinobi
@Saltwater Thief
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage Ruzuzaki

He was into it, after a while: the mute boy as started getting with the crowd, light flashed everywhere as the bodies around him got closer to him. To be honest it was nice to have so much people dance around him...and he didn't think he would be a person to like it.

"Hey!" His head turned around to meet the voice amongst the masses.

An ice white haired girl wearing a green night club outfit was making her way towards him with a smirk on her face. "You dance good, for someone whose face i haven't seen!"

-Ahhh...thanks- Sage wrote to her 'Dammit, i must have got carried away' he cursed himself before the girl came close to him. in further inspection: her White hair went well with her green eyes, but he couldn't help to notice that her wore horn accessories on her head.

"Writing to me huh, that's a new thing for me!" she yelled with a smile on her face as her body started dance with the beat "What: cat got your tongue?!"

-Yeah: since i was born, I have no vocal chords!-

"Well that sucks doesn’t it?!" she shrugged her shoulders “Come on well dance as my compensation!"

Grabbing his hand without his say in it, the girl in green dragged him deeper into the mosh pit, as if it was any denser, the air was thick with sweat the got together. "Come on, get closer to me!"

-Ahhh...- The boy watched as the girl in green closed her eyes has started swaying her waist to the music, soon her whole body followed her as began her dance, meanwhile Sage bobbed to the beat of the music. All the while as everyone of dancing for kissing. She always had a smile of her face as her moves become of advanced and soon exotic. It was enough to entrance Sage by her.

"hehehe...did I turn you on mute?" she opened her eyes and gave a cute wink, without his response in paper, the girl took his hand and twirled herself into his body, the space between them thinned out as she started swaying again "Come on, I’ll teach you how to 'dance'"

Mild not safe for work incoming:

He lied hard.


3 hours passed after a little ‘encounter’

Sage yawned as he slipped out of bed and grabbed his clothes ‘she was truly a ‘demon’’ he looked over to see Hannah sleeping peacefully with her bed sheet over her naked body. He could hear the party still going hard. ‘Man…how hard do they want to party?’

‘Excuse me if I intrude…but you do have a mission you know, and you just had sex.’ Bakuko spoke. Chucking on the last article of clothing Sage headed outside of Hannah’s room, giving one last look to her. He headed of.


‘Man it’s really chilly!’ Sage shivered as he rubbed his shoulder for warmth, he looked around. ‘It’s snowing…”

“What do you expect? This is the region of Ice!” the voided beast grunt at his ignorance “Come on then let’s go.” Nodded with the beast the Boy settled out “Now if I were to keep something important and valuable…I would easily place in the room.”

‘The guild masters room.’ Sage conclude as he walked quietly, keeping his sense sharp at the same time. ‘If only I knew where it was…’

“You could have asked Hannah while you were pounding her”

‘Or course, hand her a piece of note while I’m doing her….’ Rolling his eyes he looked one before he crouched low near a wall. On cue a guard walked by with lacrima light in hand. ‘Guards. Of course they would be some.’ Instead to letting them walk by, he grabbed his collar and smashed his face in rendering him unconscious. He dragged his body near a shadow, well away from anyone’s attention before the patted him down ‘Damn…nothing’ he sighed ‘Couldn’t he have a map or something?’

He got up again and moved, repeating the same process as the guards came walking by, on occasions some would be ready a fend him off, they would soon met their fates via an Elbow to the face. “Man this is getting boring, I think I’ve covered most of this area already!”

He let his guard down for a second. A sudden rattle of something rusty caught his attention before a jumped out of harms away, quickly facing his attacker he got into position.

“Well this id interesting…who would have though in all this month, another weasel would try to get into the 60th floor.” The mind with the White mask snickered “Doesn’t matter, they all die in the end.”

Sage braced himself as he got into his fighting stance.

“Allow me to name myself as you die: Glen Harp, Right hand Command of Avatar and its guild master.”
‘Right hand? Then you would know all about this place’ Sage smirked has be grasped his fist tighter into balls.
‘Show me what you got.’
The sound of stone tiles cracking was heard and the boy looked to where Glen had been standing, a pile of completely crushed Rubble and stone began to shiver and shake before it was sent rocketing every which way as Glen stood back up. He cracked his neck and back before chuckling and his chainsaw revving.

"You've got speed, Kid. It's been years since that kind of movement that intense."

"………" The Blue eyes of the figure the electrified look with the determination to make the mage before them, fall. Glen chuckled once more.

"Brat, I've lived longer than you..." The voided black beast gave a loud bark of laugher in amusement ‘I’ve lived longer than you fool’. He was ancient compared to the late adult before him as said man continued to speak, "In almost every fight I've had, I have never had the need to go all out. The fact that that you were moving around makes in frustrating to me. So here's the thing...give up and let me kill you" Glen Stuck his chain saw into the ground before he punched his right fist into his left palm, "As I smash your face in for the acts of committed."

Sage remained static as he the man waited for an answer, sighing the boy took of his coat before closing his eyes. Glen's eyes narrowed as he looked at the Black haired boy. Sage Exhaled before becoming serious.

His blue eyes turned Yellow and Red.

‘You wish for my surrender. Never will I surrender.' The mage replied in though ‘I have a mission to complete, so don't you dare get in my way!’ Sage clenched his fists and fell back into his fighting stance ‘My resolve will keep me strong!’

"Not much of a talker huh? Doesn't matter to me if your talk or don't: you will die." Glen walked towards him bare handed. “I won’t use my chainsaw on you, I’ll make you suffer with my Magic!”

‘If I recall, you said no one was able to win against you. Very well. I'll accept you’re so called challenge and beat you down!’ The Voided beast host suddenly vanished with strands of Darkness in his previous place, Glen smirked as he raised his hand and blocked the punch to the side of his skull.

"You're fast." Glen commented.

‘Years of experience huh? Let’ see you turn in up a notch.’ The Mute mage though as he suddenly vanished once more, appearing above Glen and sent a Leg drop towards his opponent. Glen crashed the air and nullified the blade only for the god's axe kick to drive itself towards him. The Buzz-cut haired mage raised his arms, crossing them so as to block the kick while he crashed the earth, a small crater forming as the powerful kick had enough force to make Glen's arms feel slightly sore.

'Crash Magic!? The same as Glidarts Clive?' Sage thought as his leg was grabbed. Glen pulled the boy down and slammed him into the hard Concrete before throwing him away. The boy back flipped as he was thrown, easily stabilizing himself before skidding backwards as friction came into play. He came to a stop before staring at his masked opponent.

The Right hand man of Avatar glared back at Sage before making a flicking motion with his hand. The black haired boy merely smirked and vanished.

"Akuma-Ju no Mosu! (Devilled Beast’s burn)" He vanished into the area around him and Glen's eyes widened as he frantically began to look around for the boy. The wind shifted to his left and he turned, quickly leaning back, but his feet remained planted in their original spot as he avoided the flying kick. As the Mute mage blitz past, he quickly ricocheted back from the ground towards his foe. However, as Glen was about to counter with his own attack, the boy vanished before his eyes in mid-air.

"Mid-air movement? What’s up this power? Is he a one of the rare Devil Slayers I’ve been hearing about?" Glen asked himself “I thought Fullbuster was the only one…” he was impressed at the feat. However, he didn't have time to remain surprised as the black haired boy suddenly reappeared in front of him. Glen raised his arms and blocked the double kick to his chest. Glen crashed the ground once more so that the impact wouldn't move him. His pride was on the line: for his guild, Master and Friends. If Sage managed to move him, things may worsen...for him. Glen gritted his teeth as he felt Devil slayer suddenly push off before charging power to his arms.

A blood-red aura appeared both on the boy’s arms; he cocked both his arms and swung forward.

“Take this!” He then took a step forward and vanished from view once more. However, Glen suddenly felt himself being attacked from all sides by an invisible force. He gritted his teeth as he used his years of skill and magic sensory abilities to do his best to avoid the strikes, however his eyes widened as he suddenly felt something warm against his cheek. He raised his hand and looked at the smear of crimson that appeared on his fingers, it was impossible! He had a Mask!

He was hit...and he was bleeding.

The boy appeared behind the mage panting ‘this….this would so much easier if I had Death Knocking here! But at least I’m tuning up my hand to hand combat skills.” The Demon gritted his teeth “But still I need to finish this and keep going!”

Glen broke from his trance and faced the boy once more.

'Screw it, if I keep fighting him on his terms, I'm really going to get hurt.' He thought before jumping back from the quick roundhouse, though he did manage to slice his pants.

However, It let him open as Sage placed his hand on his chest. “Akuma-jū parusu (Deviled beast’s Pulse!)” the blast of pressurized air that followed after the slash sent him rocketing backwards. The man gaped in shock as he felt the pressure against his chest. He flipped in the air to recover only for Sage to appear next to him.


“Eat this!” A crushing kick slammed itself into Glen's side. The Chainsaw man gritted his teeth as he felt like his ribs were about to snap in two before inertia kicked in and sent him flying into the walls, the speed at which Sage moved his leg finally registering. With that, Glen rocketed through the air in the direction the kick had sent him, going through numerous Pillars and other forms of stone.

Sage sighed, He wanted to fight some more, "Now….should I retreat now or finish him?” the boy wondered, the god made his decision “I just need to check one thing….” He then took off after the mage.

A stone pillar supporting the castle like guild was suddenly shattered as Glen flew through it. The masked mage stuck out one arm and skidded backwards, using the friction to stop his movement before leaping out of the way as Tried to Curb stomp him in his previous position. Glen gritted his teeth, clutching his ribs where his opponent had struck him.

"Kuso...that boy hits hard. That kick...that was fatal. I’m pretty sure that my ribs nearly snapped." Glen said as he stood back up. A whistle was heard and Glen looked up to see the black figure zooming towards him. The near bald haired mage quickly stood back up and performed a backflip to avoid the punch to his face, a small crater forming from the force of the impact.

"But I've got experience on my side, boy." Glen mumbled (Whiled that boy sighed in frustration) before rearing back his fist. A silvery-White aura surrounded it as his Crash Magic came into effect. Sage looked up, his eye showed curiosity. He grinned as he watched Glen bring his fist down and a large force rocked the landscape. A gigantic crater formed as Glen struck the floor, a large smoke cloud forming as well. He looked around, knowing full well the small mage had avoided his strike.

“Get up, this ain’t over!” Cried Glen. He was Hurting…and pain, but raring to fight.

From the Smokes Sage appeared with a smirk on his face. ‘You right…the night is young.’

‘Please show me what you’ve still got!’

The two clashed again, while the party still raged on.

……..2 hours later……….
Sage panted before he wiped the blood of his face. Glen was the same as him, but a little damaged as well.

"Akuma-jū parusu (Deviled beast’s Pulse!)" Another powerful Pulse, taking the form of a black beast’s figure, swirled around Sage’s open palm before he shot it forwards. The attack roared as it spiralled towards Glen. The physically older man held out his hand and stopped the attack with a crash pulse before rocketing forward with a straight kick. The attack nailed Sage in the forearm as the Black haired mage had raised it to block the attack. He then grabbed the assaulting limb, causing Glen's eyes to widen, and slammed the him into the ground with enough force to crack the floor again. He repeated the action twice more before throwing him upwards.

Sage flew upwards after his opponent and hovered above him before performing a series of front flips. Glen opened his eyes, having closed them from the pain he felt, and saw Sage's rotating form growing closer to him.

"Crash Magic: Break!"

Sage's powerful axe kick made contact with Glen's fist and Sage hissed in pain as he felt the tibia bone break. Glen then grabbed Sage's broken leg, making the Black haired yelp in pain once more. He then held Sage's leg, gripping it so that it was straight as a board before slamming his rather sturdy skull against the knee cap. A loud crack echoed through the air as Sage's leg was broken at the knee. Gripping both legs by the ankles now, Glen began to do a series of front flips to build momentum as gravity took a hold of them. He slammed Sage into the earth making an imprint of the Black haired boy. A shock wave formed from the impact, but the different coloured eyed Nior recovered quicker than Glen expected, lashing out with his good leg and nailing the man in the chin. He rolled away as Sage pulled himself to his feet and sent a Demonic pulse his opponent's way.

As the Raging attack distracted his opponent, Sage watched as a red glow surrounded his leg. The seal his Host gave him, due to its healing factor granting abilities, made things easier for the Black haired as he felt the bone snap back into place and the fractures heal within a matter of seconds. However, due to Glen mixing physical moves with his magic, the automatic defensive shield that often formed during his times when Bakuko tried to kill him, would not be able to form as a result. Sage looked up and saw Glen had already dealt with the Demonic pulse and was now charging forwards. Climbing to his feet, Sage feigned weakness in his previously broken leg, making Glen smirk. However, said smirk was suddenly replaced with open jaws.

‘Deception is something I'm rather good at, when you’re a mute’ He said with a toothy grin, similar to that of his sensei.
The powerful kick from Sage's now healed leg suddenly found its way into Glen's chest causing spittle to fly from his mouth. The kick sent Avatar’s best through a wall and a few more rock pillars, it was amazing how the place wasn't crumbling.

Or that anyone noticed.

The Masked mage quickly got back up and saw Sage heading towards him at a fast pace. Glen ducked beneath the stab to his throat from Sage's jab before rising upwards and going into an uppercut. However, his eyes widened when he saw the image of Sage suddenly flicker and vanish as his hand passed through it.

'Thought Projection?! No...It’s an...' His eyes widened as Sage appeared in front of him once again, two spiralling spheres of magic forming in his palms.

"An After Image...Don’t be fooled, as long as there’s shadows around me: I'm the fastest on the ground!" Sage gave a dark toothy grin that sent chills down his foe's spine. Sage thrust his arms backwards and then forwards with great speed and strength.

‘Time to show you my Move, I Move I picked up a long time ago in the underworld!’

"DARK MATTER MAKE: DOUBLE RASENGAN!" Sage roared as he planted the two spheres into his enemy's stomach. The mage spiralled through the air, through even more Towers as well as another wall. It appeared that the battle between these two would move on throughout the castle with the way things were going. Both of them didn’t know which floor they were on!

Glen caught the arm Sage aimed for his chest, a slight humming sound indicating that the demonic aura were surrounding his hand, hoping to impale his heart. The near bald haired man noticed the current blowing against his chest and noticed Sage was extending the length of the invisible blade.

"Crash Magic: Force!" A powerful force disrupted Sage's attack and slammed into him sending his head reeling backwards from it. He grabbed Sage and kicked off of him, sending Sage crashing into a pillar before slamming a kick into Sage's chest. A cough exited the mute’s mouth as the impact was devastating, sending him through another Pillar he had crashed into. Sage coughed up a glob of blood as the impact had ruptured his body. Sage quickly climbed to his feet and spit out what little blood was left in his mouth. Glen kicked away the broken chucks of stone with surprising strength, both surveying the damage they dealt one another.

Glen had a numerous amounts of cuts from where the Pulse attacks Sage sent at him had managed to graze him as well as two large circular burise marks that Glen was currently clutching from when Sage hit him with the Double Rasengan strike. Sage, due to his healing factor, was not damaged whatsoever but the coughing fit he was currently undergoing showed that Glen's punch had done its work.

The Black haired growled as he wiped away the blood that had accumulated in his palm, blowing it away with a gust of wind.

"Tell me" Glen panted, "why...are you here?" Sage gingerly pulled out his notepad and wrote down is response.

-That is none of your business. I was sent here for a mission. I will compete this mission, and I will crush anyone standing in my way."

"Then if you are like this...why us? " Glen questioned once more. Sage silently growled as he pictured he remember Lily and Nya.

-You have something I need, I doubt you would hand it over like that.- He said with a hard glare. Glen's eyes narrowed as Sage stepped towards him. -Enough talk, Avatar mage...it is time I crush you.-Sage wrote before vanishing in a blur of speed. Glen's eyes widened as the sonic boom reached his ears.

'How did he break the sound barrier? Is he really that fast?' He thought. His answer given to him in the form of a bone crunching kick to the spine causing his body to nearly fold in half from the force. The Black haired man rocketed forward, Sage running alongside his flying form before grabbing him out of the air and slamming him into the ground. The heavy man was surprised as Sage lifted him back up into the air with only one arm, his surprise replaced with the feeling of pain as he was punched in the stomach. A blow to the chin snapped his open mouth closed before an elbow greeted his chest. He was about to yell out in pain when a snap kick met his diaphragm, but a quick jab to the larynx silenced his cry. Sage then stepped forward, raising his elbow high and bringing it down on his red haired opponent's forehead, disorienting him before stepping forward, positioning his right leg between Glen's legs while placing his left leg ahead of him, placing it down behind the Ace of Avatar's right leg. Sage reached over, a vice-like grip wrapping itself around the Crash Magic user's throat. Using the momentum from his forward reach, Sage twisted his body and moved his gripping arm downwards. With his left leg having been placed behind Glen's right, the red haired mage's balance was thrown off allowing Sage to smash him into the ground. The impact was great enough to crack the earth.

"Dark Matter Make: Rasengan!" Glen stared at the black and red orb of grinding magic energy as it hovered above him. His body seemed to freeze as Sage aimed to tear apart his face with it, time seeming to slow down for the Ace of Avatar.

“I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!” Glen screamed.

Magic energy exploded out of him and shattered Sage's attack like it was glass and sent the young man flying back. Glen gripped the fist aimed for his throat before redirecting it and punching Sage in his face. Another punch followed sending Sage stumbling backwards. Glen followed up with a punch to the diaphragm, knocking the air out of Sage's lungs before twisting and crashing his elbow into the same spot. Sage's eyes widened as his lungs were deprived of air. A knee aimed to hit his chin, but the Mute Devil Slayer leaned backwards, avoiding the blow. Jumping back a few feet.

Seeing his chance, Glen punched Sage in the ribs before spinning and sent a straight kick to the same area. The bones cracked and creaked from the follow up double kick he performed, but Sage raised his Defenses, making Glen halt his next kick and draw back his leg as Sage went to cut it off. Once he saved his limb, Sage took the shot to form a series of strikes to Glen, decorating his body with thin, yet numerous, slash marks. A forward kick slammed into the Ace of Avatar’s gut, but the dressed man refused to go flying, stamping his foot into the earth to hold his ground.

Glen charged Crash Magic into his fists and spun on his heel and positioned his left arm above his right before letting both fists fly. The two strikes hit Sage in his stomach sending Sage skidding backwards as the black haired boy also refused to be lifted off of his feet again. Extending his Dark Matter spikes into the ground, Sage broke open the earth in an effort to stop his movement. After succeeding in doing so, he sped forth, but Glen jumped back, his eyes now used to Sage's high speed movement, as Sage went with the momentum of his movement and slammed an axe kick against Glen's shoulder. The ground suddenly burst apart, turning into a crater.

Sage's eyes widened as he saw Glen's eye flash dangerously. 'He used his Crash Magic to break apart the earth and cushion my blow. A smart move, but not smart enough.' Sage backflipped as Glen reached to grab his limb before rocketing towards his foe. Said foe ducked out of reflex as he saw Sage reappear above him, but Sage suddenly moved downwards, showing Glen his demonic Aura were gone, now replaced with a Rasengan hovering over his right palm.

"Dark Matter Make: Big Ball Rasengan!"

"KUSO!" Glen cursed as he channelled Crash Magic into his raised arms and the attack met his limbs. However, the attack had so much power in it that it didn't even completely disperse upon contact causing the crater Glen had formed to expand in size as magic energy rocketed outwards from the spherical attack in a dome shape, and earth flew through the air as the Rasengan's blast radius scattered the pieces of debris.

Glen skidded backwards, his clothes and skin covered with smoke, small burns and dust from Sage's attack, but the momentum from his movement caused his body to bend backwards and that coupled with the blast wave from the attack resulted in Glen becoming airborne, but he managed to stretch out his hands, digging his fingers into the ground and tore small trenches in the earth with them. When he finally came to a stop, he saw Sage was already heading towards him.

Glen charged magic into his fist and punched the ground, crashing it causing a large slab of rock to rise up. Glen then spun and kicked the large piece of rock at Sage. However, before it even made contact with him, said mute had used raw physical strength to shatter the rock with a punch, but he was caught off guard as Glen had used the rock as a distraction and managed to score two punches to the face. The Voided Devil Slayer grunted in pain before Glen clasped his hands above his head, bringing them down on Sage's skull.

The fact that he had loaded the blow with Crash Magic along with his own high level of physical strength caused a large crater to form from the attack as Sage met the ground, hard. A large shockwave resulted causing the cracked floor to become even more damaged, Giving way to both of them. And causing more towers collapsed. This was turning out to be a kill zone in a makeshift war zone.

They Fell for a while before both hit another concreate floor with a thud.

Sage grunted as he forced himself to his knees and then onto his legs. He continued to rise, albeit slowly, however a hard knee strike crashed into his chin, snapping his head upwards before Glen bent low. Pushing up through his knees, the momentum travelled upwards and a powerful uppercut slammed into Sage's body. The force caused his body to shake for a moment before he rocketed straight into the air, a pillar of White and silver indicating Glen had used his Crash Magic to enhance the power of his uppercut.

Glen covered his eyes with his hand as he looked up at where Sage was going. His form getting smaller and smaller, however his eyes widened as Sage fell straight back down. It appeared as if Sage was dive bombing Glen Clive.

The Masked mage quickly jumped back as he stared at the falling black haired boy's form. Sage's form slammed into the ground. However, the impact the mute made caused a large earthquake in the building to the result. The floor once again cracked and tore open; the area itself changed as pillars of stone and rose upwards, some areas forcing themselves downwards. The side walls were gone, doors bent back before snapping in two, scattering alongside the other fallen members of debris and to top it all off, a dome of dense black and red coloured magic energy rocketed outwards from the point of contact Sage made with the earth.

All was silent for a seemingly endless period of time. There was still sound of clubbing in the far distance, but beside that, the sound of silence and the dread of the hollow feeling seep in. Then the silence was broken.

The wind gently howled as Glen rose up, having nearly been flung back from the force of the earthquake and the dense magic dome. The giant plume of smoke rose into the air and Glen's eyes narrowed in an effort to see beyond the barrier that obscured the view of his opponent. Suddenly, as he was looking at the brown smoke, a pair of shining Yellow orbs stared back at him. Red and black wisps of magic stabbed through the thick cloud of smoke and dust before it dispersed to reveal Sage in all his glory.

His Black hair was wilder than before with shades of Red colouring his hair, his Demonic Yellow eyes shining with the ferocity given to him by his Host. His fangs were bared, His hand were now black claws ready to tear flesh from bone. The aura of the Voided Devil slayer surrounded the S-class man of Lamia scale giving the feeling that Hell itself had arrived.

‘Unplug me now…..’

"...you are a Devil Slayer." Glen said, panting. Sage snarled at his opponent before taking off. Glen's eyes widened as Sage seemed to be moving faster than he had ever moved before.

"What the...he's faster now?!" He gaped as he raised his arm, blocking the heavy blow to his skull. However, the ground cracked apart once more, causing his boot covered feet to sink into the earth.

"So...heavy." He grunted as he tried to hold off his opponent's strike. Sage gave a roar and a pulse of black and red magic energy rushed out of his body, sending Glen flying backwards. The masked man managed to right himself, but a kick to the stomach met him just as quickly. Once more he was sent back, through the destroyed land, blood escaping his lips. He skidded backwards before slamming headfirst into a thick boulder. Clutching his painting nogging, the pained mage stood back up, a stream of blood moving from his skull and down his face.

He looked back up to hear a large earth shattering sound. He cursed as Sage stood before him in a crater caused by his own landing. The mute Devil Slayer growled before holding up his left hand. The powerful magic of the Black beast coated the hand and took the shape of a clawed fist. Sage took off towards Glen who quickly charged Crash Magic into his own fist.

He charged through the small space that separated himself from Sage and both limbs flew forth towards each other. A large, deafening boom followed by a devastating shockwave left the point of collision between the two powerful mages. The two struggled for dominance, but Sage snarled before channelling the magic of his host throughout his body in much larger quantities. Glen tried to match it, crashing the pure magic energy into mere particles of eternano, but the rate at which Sage was increasing his magic was becoming impossible to keep up with. In the end, Glen felt his arm being pushed back before the clawed fist of the Deviled beast's vessal plowed its away through to the man's body.

“This feeling…where have I’ve felt it before!?”

Time slowed down for Glen as he registered the act of being struck with the force that rivalled Avatar’s master's power, if not: Less. To make things simple, it was a very painful blow. Taking advantage of his lack of defensive capabilities, Sage lashed out. He punched Glen in the side, his ribs cracking. Another punch followed up to the stomach. Sage twisted and drove a straight kick into the same spot, blood continuously flew from Glen's mouth from the brutal strikes. A slash tore through his cloak, getting rid of it as the string tying it around his neck was torn through with ease. Along with the cloak being torn off, five slash marks appeared on the Ace of Avatar's chest leaving five deep gashes of crimson on his body. Blow after blow rained down upon the Ace of Avatar who barely managed to infuse his body with Crash Magic to lower the force of the blows and survive them.

Sage punched Glen multiple times across the face before twisting and crashing an elbow into the black haired man's chest. Glen was about to fly back, but Sage had quickly reached out, thus denying the man the chance to get away by being sent flying. Sage then slammed his knee into Glen's gut before spinning around rapidly and crashing Glen into the ground. Glen grunted before lashing out with his legs and kicked Sage off of him. However, the Black tumbled through the air, slamming his feet against a Pillar before kicking off.

Sage slammed into Glen, performing a Clothesline that sent both fighters to the ground. Glen snarled as he flipped their positions that he was now on top of Sage. He sent a flurry of punches down on Sage's face before slamming a hammer strike to the face. Sage roared in pain before releasing a pulse of magic power. Glen flipped as he landed and crossed his arms to block the axe kick that Sage tried to attack him with.

Right Punch, Left Punch, Spin Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Uppercut, Headbutt, Left Hook, Right Hook, Left Elbow Strike, Spin Kick.

The attacks clashed against one another one after the other. The attacks nullified each other as Glen's Crash Magic and Sage's Devil Slayer Magic collided. Shockwave formed after each collision, however Sage reversed his rotation and jumped up and spun in mid air sending out multiple kicks. Glen raised his arms to block the kicks, but the kicks were so numerous that they eventually broke through his guard.

A spin kick landed against Glen's shoulder nearly causing his bone to break, but his body refused to break and so he merely flew through the air and through the edge of the castle. Sage roared as he broke through the side walls of the castle with a magic pulse revealing that the two opponents had indeed cleared the castles and were now free falling, now at the coastline of the Ice. Both Men stood crashed into the sea.

Glen rose up from the salty seawater and coughed, His blood disappearing into the black lilted sea.

A shroud of black and red magic coated Sage's leg. Glen coughed before stamping his leg on the ground. He crashed the water, sending a large pillar of the salty liquid at Sage. However, Sage's kick sliced through the waters before landing in Glen's previous position causing a large crater and a large amount of sea spray to sniffed the air as his foe was no longer in his field of vision. His eyes widened as Glen suddenly appeared behind him.

Sage's arms became coated with the Devil Slayer magic, taking the shape of Large Claws. He quickly spun and Glen's eyes widened as his head was separated from his body. The body fell to the ground and Sage snarled in anger as he watched the body flicker out of existence. His speed coming into play again.

"Crash Magic: Force!" Sage's back was suddenly hit with a large amount of force causing his back to bend, nearly folding his body completely in half before he was sent flying through the air and skipping over the water. Sage righted himself only for Glen to send a grid shaped magic attack at him.

"Crash Magic: Dispersion!" Sage watched as cubes of water and sand were sent through the air.

Sage cartwheeled out of the way of the dispersion attack only to see Glen fall towards him. The Crash Magic infused kick went towards him, but Sage's arms became similar to that the Scale of the black beast.

The Defensive scale of pure devil magic energy extended towards Glen as Sage took on a defensive stance, but Glen's attack tore through the guard, crashing the magic into mere eternano particles. Sage's yellow eyes narrowed as he growled in bestial manner. He jumped and a loud shockwave occurred within the air and Glen's eyes widened as he saw Sage, his hand coated in magic, had caught his kick. Glen twisted, freeing his captured leg due to the rotation and slammed a powerful axe kick to Sage's skull. The Black rocketed downwards, but he twisted and inhaled deeply as Glen fell after him.

Magic energy, black and red in colour, swirled within his jaws, his eyes shining brighter than before. He then inhaled deeply and condensed the magic energy within his lungs before rearing his head back.

"Akuma-Ju no GEKIKO! (Devilled Beast’s rage)" The attack rocketed forth, the powerful roar of the Voided slayer screamed through the air, rising towards the Ace of Avatar.

"CRASH MAGIC: DISINTEGRATION!" Glen clasped both hands above his head and a powerful sphere of silver-Yellow magic energy coated his hands. He then brought them down against the attack and Glen grunted in effort as he felt resistance. Never had he met an attack so strong that he had to use one of his strongest spells. He gave a loud yell as he pushed forth, tearing through the Voided Devil Slayer's attack and towards Sage.

Sage's eyes narrowed as he saw his attack being literally disintegrated.

'A powerful mage to have been found in Avatar of all places, if only the trio could see me now. They may have some promise after all...but you are dragging this on for far too long. I pledged to end you earlier Glen Harp broke...and I will carry out the task.' Sage growled before charging more magic into his rage. The attack grew larger and Glen was now slowing in his descent as his plowed through the attack.

'Kuso...just what kind of power does this brat have?!' Glen pushed more power into his fists and the demon's rage met with the disintegrating spell.

Sage's eyes widened as he saw his attack was completely dispersed as he saw Glen began to punch away at it. Sage quickly jumped back as Glen slammed into the sands of Ice's coastline, causing a large crater. The mask wearing mage leaped out of his crater and twisted, driving a kick into Sage's chest sending him backwards, but Sage smirked as he went with the momentum, going into a backhand spring before planting his feet against the surface of a boulder, shattering said rock and causing a hole fall as he pushed off of it.

His left fist became coated in magic energy that took the image of a demon’s head. The masked mage jumped backwards, landing within the surf as Sage's attack caused a giant pillar of sand to rise. The particles of silt and weathered rock fell back down, only for Sage to burst though. Glen's reflexes acted on autopilot as he avoided the wild, but strong and fast, slashes of his opponent.

The hand strike landed against Glen's ribs, cracking three of them as he tumbled through the waters. He got back up only to counter with a crash infused punch to counter Sage's next attack.

‘Dark Matter Make: Devilled Spears!’ Twin spears of Devil Slayer magic formed in his hand, similar to that of sensei’s head, lashed out at Glen. His punch having dispersed the tails upon contact causing a large shockwave. He went into a backhand spring to avoid the kick Sage aimed at him only for Sage to take off as soon as he met the sea covered sands. He ducked and weaved through the slashes only for Sage to slam a knee to the stomach. The wind exited his lungs before Sage spun and crashed a powerful elbow strike to the skull sending him rolling backwards.

Sage then coated his body with his demonic magic, the image of Bakuko: the Black beast of the Voided Heaven forming behind him, looming over the mute mage in a menacing fashion.

‘I will destroy you...Ace of Avatar.’ Sage snarled as he fell to all fours, as if he were an animal. He then took off towards his foe and raised his arm, coating it in Devil Slayer Magic.

"DIE!" Glen cursed as he raised his arm in a desperate attempt to block the strike.

'The attack is like something familiar, but what!?, it just hits with great force and doesn't cut.' Glen reassured himself, but his hypothesis was proven false as he felt his arm suddenly feel lighter and red splashed across his vision. Sage had cut through Glen's forearm. The dark eyed Ace of Avatar stepped backwards as Sage held the piece of his arm in his blacked hand before crushing it with his magic. The Blood splattering everywhere.

Glen screamed in pain as blood gushed from the limb, turning the clear waters crimson. The fact that some of the waves managed to touch the wounded limb didn't help due to the fact that the salt in the water made it burn. Glen's continued to cry out in pain before Sage grinned widely.

‘Allow me to help you with that.’ Sage chuckled darkly before speeding towards the masked man and sliced off the remaining piece of the arm at the shoulder. The entire left arm began to burn from the intensity of Sage's magic. Glen continued to yell out in pain, though it was unfortunate that no one would be able to hear him as Sage went for the final blow.

The claws of the Devil slayer stabbed forth towards Glen's heart, but the physically older man reacted just in time. He punched Sage's hand with his right fist and diverted the strike, but the spear-like motion swerved, aiming downwards and to the left once more, impaling itself through the thigh muscle of Glen's left leg. He howled in pain as Sage roared with the ferocity of a beast and in a powerful horizontal motion, Sage withdrew the limb cutting through Glen's leg and made it useless as it hung by nothing more than a few hundred strands of muscle fibre.

Glen coughed up a glob of blood, and the mass of red blood cells had struck Sage in the face. The Apocalypse Devil Slayer roared as he cupped water and doused his face, trying to cleanse it of the blood that blinded him. Glen saw his chance.

'I might not get a chance like this again and I may not kill him, but at least I'll live to tell the tale.' Glen thought as he charged his magic into his fist. He gave a loud shout just as Sage's head snapped up, cleansed of blood. Sage twisted to avoid the strike, but Glen still managed to make contact.

"CRASH MAGIC: SHATTER!" Sage roared in pain as Glen's crash magic infused fist met his shoulder. The sound of bone cracking and splintering met his enhanced hearing. If one could look inside Sage's body, they would see the entire shoulder joint had been crushed and lengthy, jagged cracks formed on his humerus, extending all the way to his radius and ulna. The left arm of Sage Ruzuzaki had been broken to the point that it would take at least more than week to heal even with his enhanced healing factor.

"CRASH MAGIC: FORCE!" Glen's magic was nearly running on empty so it was the best attack he could manage. He punched Sage in the chest and the Black haired boy's Yellow eyes widened as he felt the force enter his body and even going so far as to extend past his body and resulted in a shockwave that sent water everywhere. Sage snarled as he felt his body flying through the air, but before he went down he managed a final strike.

Despite taking Glen's limbs, Sage wanted to leave another mark. He lashed out with his claws, extending them and raking them across Glen's chest. The five claw marks going from his left pectoral to his bottom right abdominal muscle. Glen released another cry of pain before the adrenalin and the blood loss caught up with him. He fell into the waters and red surrounded him.

Sage crashed into the rocks near the shoreline, leaving an imprint of his body in the stone. He coughed up a large amount of blood before falling to his knees as he fell away from the rock. He coughed a few more times, more blood expelling from his body before clutching his chest with his right hand. He looked down at his chest to see a neat hole in the shirt as well as a large red spot that would surely remain on his body till the end of time. Sage released one final roar before the Devil Slayer magic left his system, his blue irises and pupils returning as the pure Yellow glow of his eyes left him.

“ha….ha….ha” The young Ruzuzaki stared at the fallen form of Glen as he drifted out on sea. ‘That……was so cool….Hana, Jeanne…..How to fuck do you like me now!?’ despite not been able to kill him, the damage was done…for a Mage of Avatar to be this powerful, the mute mage could only think how strong the guild master was.

“Excellent Fight kid, you used my magic like the way I trained you.” Bakuko smiled ‘Relax for awhile…I’ll use my magic to heal anything, but it’ll take awhile…he did shatter your shoulder-“

“Yeah…..please do.” Using little energy he had left, sage dragged his beating body to a nearby rock, leaning back he closed his eye, letting the snow cover his body as the devil started repairing this body.

‘You're useless to me Ruzuzaki….don't come near me anymore Weakling.’

‘Heh…you couldn't do half the shit I just did, Erina.’ He smirked to himself as he entered into a short powernap.

The Endoline was approaching: there was the guild master to take care of. But anything with half the destruction of Avatar’s building…

The fight would bring the house down.

………. 2 hours later……. 3 ½ hours till morning (Sage has entered the beginning of the one week timeskip)

Sage Groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, the pain of the last fight still linger, it wasn’t as much. ‘Sensei…’

“I've got good news and bad news” the beast spoke “The good news that Your body is 85% healed…aside from your left arm…that needs more time.” Sighing he took a deep breath “the bad news it: The Party is over…that Hannah chick you fucked? She’s put the whole guild on alert and the guild master is looking for you. You and the masked dude did put on quite a show.”

‘Right…’ Sage face palmed himself slowly as he wiped the snow of him, gingerly he stood up, grunt thought the pain he looked around…Glen was nowhere do be seen.

‘Speaking of missing, where the heck is Lily?’ Sage started walking through the snow, it was coming down heavily. At the edge of the coastline he looked back to see part of the castle destroyed, on further inspection: he could see men and Women run past, mostly trying to catch him.

‘I still need to retrieve that item…’ Sage winched at the coldness nipped at his wounds, the beast promised it would heal, the pain still lingered. Not to mention that is left arm was nowhere near in working condition. ‘There only one way to go….’ Looking at a shadow the forest Sage Amberley walked into it, initiating his Shadow jump.


Back in Avatar guild.

Taking a step back, Sage's eyes widened as he stood on a rafter, down below he could see the destruction he made: Holes were everyone and not on pillar of standing. But the strangest thing was: not a single guard was here. Nodding, Sage turned his gaze to his shoulders. Looking over again to see anyone was coming he jumped down and crouched low, ‘Alright, time to finish this once and for all.’


Not waiting for anything more, Sage quickly channelled some magic to his feet and rapidly ascended the wall, grabbing on the objects as he scaled the outside building, not wanting to fight anyone, he opted for a riskier move. Reaching the top, he peeked over the edge and looked around. His eyes widened as he saw a single door in the middle of the large roof. Checking to see that there were no other people, Sage slipped over onto the slanted wood and ran over to the door.

It was attached to a box no taller than the door was, but only the depth of a single person. Seeing no handle, Sage reached for his pocket and fished for something, he knew this would come in handy one day.


He pulled out a bit of wire and slipped it into the crack opposite of the hinges. Running it up and down, he found the resistance of the latch. Pulling it out, he bent the wire around in the shape of a 'U' and threaded it back in and around the latch. When it poked back out at him, Sage grabbed it and began rubbing the wire back and forth against the metal. Once that was done, Sage pocketed the wire and gently pried open the door with a clawed hand.

There was a handle on the inside of the door so Sage guessed this was some form of an escape route. Opening it wider, Sage looked in to see a ladder descending down into the bowels of the building. Making sure everything was secure; he gripped the first bar and began lowering himself down head first, anchoring himself to the ladder with chakra as he descended.

The exit route wasn't very long, but it was quite dark. For most of the way, Sage had to rely on his sense of touch to climb down until his hands touched on what felt like a trap door. This was also made of wood and had a rusted latched to the right hand side. Grasping it, Sage gently pulled and was relieved to find it opened inward. Shifting his head over to the side, he peered through the crack that had appeared and checked everything in sight.

So far, it looked like a simple wooden room, completely empty of any ornaments. No people were in there either so he gently pulled the door open further. Resting it on the side wall, Sage carefully lowered his head through the hole and checked around. The sound of some much muffled voices reached his ears, but from the monotone rumble, Sage could tell they were several thick walls away at least. Like he had first seen, there was absolutely nothing in the room. The only defining thing of it was the old door that hid in the shadows of the corner.

Checking once more for any surveillance material, Sage let himself drop silently to the floor and instantly ran to the darkest corner of the room. Counting to one hundred, Sage started edging for the door, now fairly confident that no one was going to come rushing in. Grasping the handle, Sage pulled it open but froze when the hinges creaked. The door was already halfway open however and as such, Sage squeezed through the gap and into the hall beyond.

Sticking close to the ground, Sage ran down the featureless corridor, eyes and ears wide open for the tiniest of movements or sounds. Nearing a door towards the end of the hall, Sage slowed up and frowned. There sounded like some faint footsteps disappearing as whoever owned them seemed to run away. Peeking under the door, Sage saw that the room was dimly lit and what looked like the legs of a table and some ratty chairs were close to the centre of it.

Pushing the door open, Sage looked around and crawled in. There was some abandoned food scraps and a couple of empty mugs on the badly stained table top, the food half chewed and still reasonably warm. Looking to the open door on the opposite side of the room, Sage quickly moved to it and looked in.

Yet another hallway led away, the dust all having been disturbed by the recent flurry of activity. A muffled shout from somewhere deep down the hall reached Sage's ears and he frowned. It sounded aggressive and challenging, so Sage could only guess they were out to attack someone. Hearing a boom follow up fairly soon after, the blond widened his eyes. It had to be someone they had found.

‘Could be Lily?’

Giving up most forms of stealth, Sage slipped past the door and started running towards the noise. Several open doors lined the hallway, all looking like they had just been abandoned for the attack. Sliding into a right hand, ninety degree corner, Sage stopped and was confronted by a strange looking man.

"Oi, how did you get in here?"

Not quite sure if he was friend or foe, Sage readied himself.

He only shrugged. The Cons of being a Mute.

The man then rolled his yellow eyes and grabbed Sage's jacket. "Well don't just stand there you moron! We've got to go catch this guy!"

Completely bewildered, Sage let himself be dragged along as the man fumed to himself. Looking around as they passed the last abandoned room, Sage turned his gaze back to his guide. Writing a Note he passed it him. –So, what is going on?-

Casting Sage an incredulous look, the man growled. "Where the hell have you been? The alarm was sounded over an hour ago! It seems like Intruders from god know where is running amok in our home!"

Stumbling as the man wrenched him around another corner, Sage heard another boom, much closer than the last. Coming to a set of stairs, they rapidly descended them and came into what looked like the storehouse on the first floor. Looking over to the noise, Sage saw Lily surrounded by what looked like one hundred to one hundred and fifty mages, all trying to coordinate an attack on the Blonde woman. Finally bringing up the rear, the fellow dropped his hand from Sage's chest and tapped a powerful looking man on the shoulder.

"Sir, sorry for making you wait. I found a straggler and brought him down."


Turning, the massive man looked over his shoulder, first at the guide, then at Sage. His eye widened and he turned fully to the guide and pointed an accusing finger at Sage.



Near deafened by the roar, the comparatively small man turned to look at Sage. "You're not?"

Sage shrugged. –This is the Avatar guild, right?-

The man started sweating as the mountain behind him began to bear down on him. "C-correct?"

A mighty kick then caught the man in the seat of his pants and he was sent rocketing through the roof high above with an almighty scream. Looking up, Sage whistled at his rapid departure. -Nice kick you got there~-

The huge man grunted and cracked his knuckles. "Sorry, he was new so obviously didn't know to kick your ass when he saw you."

-Say what?-

Sage then cried out as the man jumped forward, his surprising speed not at all hampered by his size. Diving into a side roll, Sage avoided the strike and looked up. The man had already turned and was charging in again. Thinking on his feet, Sage raised both hands and caught the incoming haymaker. Using his own strength against him, Sage let himself be sent into a long backflip, his feet coming through and catching the man twice in the jaw. The first foot snapped his jaw shut with a painful snap and the second sent him sprawling away and into the group he had just broken formation from.

Landing in a crouch, Sage looked over to see now a good dozen eyes trained on him. "..."

A cry sounded out and suddenly Sage had to contend with over ten men trying to incapacitate him. Weaving to the side, Sage grunted unhappily as an unsuspected blow caught him in the middle of his shoulders, luckily his good one. Dodging the various magical and physical attacks wasn't really an option when they were raining down on him from all directions. Dropping to the ground as a blade of something sailed over his head, Sage growled and then rolled to the side as a spear smashed down where his stomach used to be. Seeing a foot within reach, Sage lashed out a hand and grasped the limb. Rolling again onto his back, Sage brought his arm around in a wide arc, the man screaming as the mute’s superior strength sent him flying through his comrades. Flipping to his feet, Sage backed up against a wall and checked out his opponents.

The group that had just been knocked down were getting back up as well as more coming to join in on the attack. Hearing a boom, Sage looked up and saw a massive plume of dust along with several screaming men being sent spiralling into the air. Deciding to step things up, Sage levelled his gaze at his attackers and grinned.

-Come on then! Bring it!-

The group suddenly paused in their slow approach and all the men and women widened their eyes as Sage got into combat. Sage laughed. ‘What happened? Where did all your steam go?’

No one moved, so Sage shrugged and grinned a little more evilly at them. ‘No takers? Fine then, I'll go first. Try keep up.’

Exploding into action, the S-class mage blurred into the mages. The actual attack lasted less than three seconds as the Sage's ploughed through them. Bodies went flying in all directions as near invisible kicks and punches broke through hastily constructed guards.

Sliding a fist into the face of the last man, Sage paused and looked around as his target was sent careening across the massive room. His clones had all fanned out and were now in a perfect semicircle around him in various attack poses as men rained down around them. Seeing the group all turn their gaze to him, Sage nodded appraisingly and basked in the moment of his awesomeness. Damn he looked cool.

He was broken from his moment of glory when what looked like a paper star was thrown at his head, causing it to explode. Doing little damage he turned around with a dark expression on his face. A weedy little thing that threw that instantly started sweating bullets when he was locked on. Not even trying to attack, he turned tail and fled.

‘No you don’t!’ a strong hand clasped his shoulder, the tiny man looked around with fear in his eye as Sage grinned darkly as he handed him a piece of paper.

-Come, now: Let’s be ‘Friendly~’-

Somewhere in Avatar’s ruined building.

The door opened as Sage walked into the room with new vigour, the tiny man was nice enough to show him the way to the guild masters room.

‘To think that he would have this type of room.’ The black haired boy mused before he saw someone standing in the middle.

“SO you're the one who's been causing havoc for me and my guild members.” he spoke lightly as his red cape swished. “not to mention that Glen was defeated by you, I am seriously impressed.” He turned around as glared hard at Sage “But as the Guild master of Avatar: I will have you take responsibility, you will forfeit your life here before the sun rises!”

“I am Akashi Toradoor, The guild master of Avatar and one of the 3rd seat of Ice region’s Black Knights!”

“Your loss will come! As well as your life!”

Sage cracked his neck and Knuckles, he was more than ready to fight.

He was lucky that none of his Lamia friends where there, He was keeping his true skills away for a reason.

‘Just bring it.’

“I WILL KILL YOU!" Akashi roared as he charged forwards

'They Say a dragon is lethal when awoken rudely…I’d say: Never mess with a Legendary Demon Slayer!' The image of Bakuko sprung up behind Sage as his magic power was released to its highest capacity in Sage's initial DeS state. A burst of killing intent and magic power crashed against the one that Akashi Toradoor was releasing. The Guild master stared at the Slayer with clenched fists raised, his veins bulging. His eyes closed as he recalled a passage from a scripture book he read many years ago.

Akashi's eyes snapped open and his large finger pointed itself at the Voided Demon slayer. "You are Bug that need to die! I will crush your head!"

‘You can try, Guild master, but you will never hold victory over me! I have never lost and I do not plan to anytime soon!’

‘Titles are Meanness to me! Power is the only badge I need!'

Sage dropped down on all fours and his yellow eyes shone brightly. ‘SO COME AKASHI! LET ME SHOW YOU THE POWER OF A DEMON ON A MISSION!’

With a roar, both combatants charged towards one another.

What was the result of this fight.

Left the entire Castle of Avatar: it’s city.

In Rubbles.
……………………1 hour till sunrise…………….

The gargantuan fist of the guild master clashed against the magic made claws of the Voided Devil Slayer. The shock wave that occurred was enough to cause the earth to shake and nearby windows shattered and/or cracked. The ground caved inward from the force of the collision between the two cataclysmic forces and massive crater formed beneath both Devil Slayer and Guild master. The two held their own, trying to overpower the other, but Akashi proved to be the physically stronger of the two as his larger form and muscle mass allowed him the ability to force his adversary into the ground.

Sage gritted his teeth as he pushed against Akashi's fist, the flesh of the Titan leaking blood as the knuckles of the Titan were impaled by the magic claws, but Akashi ignored the pain and powered through.

‘So he has Titan magic huh…..’ Sage though ‘Where have I seen that….’

"FALL YOU DEMON!" Akashi roared. Sage's Yellow eyes widened as he felt the resisting forces vanish and he was pushed back. Sage glanced back and watched the ground as he neared it. The ground shook once more and a small dust cloud erupted from the impact Akashi's fist made with the grounds. Akashi's eyes glowed as he held his fist on the ground, but his eyes widened as he felt resistance. Hidden by his massive fist, Sage's feet were planted firmly on the ground and had his arms, glowing with the magic of his teacher, pushing back against the gargantuan limb. The ground beneath him was nothing but a crater and it was only through pure strength that he was able to keep himself from being smashed. His arms were trembling as he used a great amount of strength to keep himself from being flattened.

Akashi Toradoor really was powerful and worthy of his title as a Black Knight.

‘I've come too far to fall here, Avatar’s Black knight! DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE ME!’

With a roar, Sage pushed the fist aside where the ground caved in once more. He then crouched down on all fours and his Devil Slayer magic erupted from his body in the form of a Red-black, shadow-like aura. His Yellow eyes shone brilliantly. He knew Akashi Toradoor was indeed a mighty opponent.

The wind rushed past his ears and through his wild Black hair as he neared his target with ferocious speed. He began to front flip to build up momentum, but Akashi's glowing eyes saw the rapidly approaching object. The guild master bent his head low and met Sage's powerful kick with a head-butt. Sage grunted as the large skull countered the force of his blow and pushed him back. A giant shadow formed over his body and Sage found a terrific force impact with his body. Akashi had used his hand that wasn't in contact with the ground beneath him and slammed it down on Sage as if he were an insignificant fly.

The Attack sent to boy flying out of Avatar's main building, Akashi followed him.

Sage tumbled through the air towards the ground, but managed to right himself and flew out of the way of the punch that had followed after him. He then flew towards the arm and raised his arms high into the air as they became coated in magic in the shape of claws. He dragged them along Akashi's arm and six lines of blood were formed as Sage ran along Akashi's arm and carved the Titan's flesh like a freshly cooked turkey. Akashi released a cry of pain and shook his arm to get Sage off. The Black mage stumbled from being shaken and instead of falling, he leaped into the air and stretched out his arms while spinning.

‘Dark Matter Make: Devilled Spears!’ A spear-like tail made of dark energy sprouted out of Sage's Hand and sliced through the air, aiming to slash into Akashi's flesh. The Black Knight then decided to duck beneath the attack and with a loud battle cry, he let his fist fly. Sage's eyes widened and crossed his arms in front of his body. Magic fuelled his muscles and reinforced his bones, but the pain was still present.

The cry that elicited from his throat was music to Akashi's ears and time seemed to slow down as the impact registered with Sage's body.

And then he flew. Right to the next building.

Sage was sent rocketing through the air from the force of the punch. He bounced across buildings, crashed through multitudes of chimneys and skidded along the tiles of roofs and sent them every which way as his momentum removed them from their original positions. As he rolled along a roof, he twisted his body to right himself and dug his claws into the concrete of the top of the building he was currently atop of. His claws carved ten straight lines into the thick stone and a pair of trenches marked the path of his feet as he dug his boots into the roof as well. The Black Devil Slayer gritted his teeth as he focused on stopping and finally friction came through for him.

He slowed down and then came to a stop. He panted as he felt his entire body throb from the pain it was experiencing and he rose to his feet. He looked down at himself and snarled as he saw his cloak had been torn in many places from ripping through the roof tiles and breaking through buildings. A line of blood escaped his burst lip and another escaped from his skull. With a growl he wiped away the red liquid of life and felt his teacher's seal beginning to heal his wounds.

However, as he glanced up, his glowing eyes widened when he noticed something. He was extremely far away from his original location. The Main building had stood in the centre of the massive town of Valdosta and Akashi's punch had struck him with a great amount of force, but to think it was that powerful to bring him all the way to the edge of the town was practically astounding. The gargantuan form of Akashi turned to face him and with an audible grunt of disapproval at seeing his adversary still standing, Akashi turned his entire body and began to walk. The ground trembled with each step, but then the steps quickened. Akashi was now beginning to break out into a jog, but the steps continued to increase in amount until finally, the Titan of Avatar broke out into a run.

Sage growled as he stamped his feet into the roof that stood at the edge of the town and glared at Akashi's rapidly approaching form.

‘YOU WANT TO FIGHT?!’ Sage motioned him, calling out to the glowing eyed giant before hovering in the air. 'LET'S GO!'

"I WILL END YOU" Akashi declared before swiping his hand across the roof of the building and the roof was completely obliterated. Akashi's eyes narrowed as he saw no sign of the Devil slayer flying through the air from his strike. He quickly diverted his attention to the building below him and released a mental sigh of relief when he saw the building was empty and abandoned.

"No one got hurt." He muttered as he placed his hand on his chest.

"Devilled beast’s Claws!" Akashi's eyes widened as he heard the voice of the Apocalypse Devil Slayer. He glanced over his shoulder and cursed when he saw the attack was already in motion. He managed to twist enough of his body to avoid the strike to his spinal column, but the claws still crashed into the muscle beside it. Sage slammed the claws down and they cut deeply into Akashi's flesh, or at least as deep as one would be able to cut a massive giant whose body was composed of hard muscle and then a massive force rippled through Akashi's body.

The Titan's body stumbled forward from the force of the strike and his bare foot caught itself on the boundary that marked the town's limits. Akashi tripped over the wall and fell atop the grass covered ground that lay beyond Valdosta, but Akashi went forward with the fall and rolled on the ground before rising back up to his feet and then clapped his hands together and a mighty shockwave raced through the air.

Sage vanished into the wind before the shockwave managed to reach him and then reappeared behind Akashi for another claw strike, but Akashi expected that.

"The same trick will not work twice, boy." Akashi snarled before striking with a devastating backhand blow. Sage flew through the air and crashed into the stone walls and three of the pillars toppled to the ground. Sage growled as he looked to see Akashi leap into the air, his massive form bearing down on him. Sage quickly reacted and flew out of the way of the original point of impact, but the force of the Titan's impact was enough to generate a gargantuan shockwave that sent the Black haired mage tumbling through the air and an equally large crater formed beneath the Toradoor's feet.

Sage jumped above the trees and then raised his arms, coating them with magic energy.He reared back his arms before bringing them forward with a massive amount of force.

"Devilled Beast’s Pulse!" He pushed the air as a harsh and a massive force of magic flew forth at Akashi. The Titan of Avatar raised his arms and took the attack head on. Akashi's massive frame kept him in place, but the speed of the winds that ran past his body left thin lines on his muscular arms and one formed beneath his right eye.

Akashi clapped his hands together once more and a massive shockwave tore the landscape asunder, but Sage flew above the shockwave. When the multitude of trees were uprooted and fell to the ground, Akashi reached down and picked up a number of them and held them as if they were darts. With a battle cry, Akashi threw the giant stones at Sage in rapid succession.

Sage quickly barrel rolled to avoid the first one before going into a loop-de-loop as two more followed after. Another was directly in his face, but Sage spun his body around like a drill and reduced the rock into pebbles by released of brute strenght. Sage then continued to fly forth as he saw three more pillars rocket towards him.

Sage held out his hands and the magic responded to his will. Sage thrust his hands back and the demonic energy were forced through the air as a large pressurized blast of speeding air currents flew forth.

"Pulse!" Sage called out and a large hand made of wind crashed into the trees and obliterated them. The final Stone was then pelted through the air and Sage's eyes narrowed at Akashi's massive form. He would not be bested by this human. By any human. Not now...not ever!

The Black Knights went into a front flip as he flew towards the tree and then lashed out with a straight kick. Red and black magic energy coated his entire leg and a large shockwave rocketed out from the point of impact as the limb made contact with the piece of a inorganic object.

‘Fine then, that’s it!’ Sage cocked his right arm back before a massive amount of Red and black aura whirled around his arm.


Sage used an impressive amount of strength and the Giant Boulder reversed direction and Akashi's eyes widened as he saw his weapon was sent straight back at him. Akashi punched the tree and shattered it apart before racing towards his opponent again. The giant raced across the landscape out of Valdosta and aimed a kick at Sage, but the smaller combatant spiralled around the assaulting limb only to suddenly find himself caught up in the large gust of wind that was generated when Akashi spun around on his heel to drop a massive axe kick down on him. Luckily for Sage, the gust of wind from Akashi's rotation served to aid him as the winds pulled him out of the way of the attack and another crater marred the earth below when the Titan of Avatar’s heel met ground zero. Taking advantage of the missed blow, Sage flew up and reared back his fists before striking Akashi's face, more specifically his nose.

A loud CRACK echoed through the air as the cartilage snapped in two. The bridge of Akashi's nose had been broken from the relatively powerful blow and blood leaked from the man's nostrils. Akashi grunted as he grabbed his nose and snapped it back into place with an equally large CRACK sound before swatting around at Sage as if he were fly. Sage manoeuvre around the strikes and kicked Akashi's nose once more and this time, the nose was broken with no chance of forcibly fixing it back into place as more blood gushed from his nostrils and required the Black Knight to breathe through his mouth lest he suffocate due to inhaling his own blood.

However, as Sage circled around Akashi's body to strike once more, the man attacked much faster than one would expect for a fighter. Sage rocketed down towards the ground as he was struck down by the downward palm strike from Akashi's other hand.

A crater formed from the impact Sage made with ground and he grunted as began to rise to his feet. His Yellow eyes widened however when he was forced back down to the ground by the massive fist that fell atop his body. A second punch followed. Then a third, a fourth and the number kept increased. Sage released cry after cry of pain as the punches of the giant impacted with his body and it was only the durability of XXXXXXXXXXXXX of training with a Demon like Bakuko that kept him from being broken apart like a piece of glass.

Sage then raised his hands and unleashed large claws dipped in blood from them both and stabbed them into Akashi's knuckles once more. Akashi grunted in pain as he felt the claws cut into the metacarpal bones of his massive hands. Sage saw his chance when Akashi halted his attack due to the pain of his counterattack. He quickly got up and popped his dislocated right shoulder back into place and hissed in pain as he felt his bones mending back together. The Mute mage leaped into the air before vanishing into the wind.

Akashi quickly raised his arms to cover his face and upper body. Akashi grunted in pain as he felt the Demonised claws slash into his body, cutting into the muscle, but due to them being tensed, they didn't get very deep to cause any significant damage. It still hurt like hell though. Sage then reappeared as if out of nowhere, accompanied by a gust of wind, atop a tree in kneeling position with his arms crossed.

Akashi raised his arms high above his head and clenched his hands into fists and with a mighty roar, he threw them down. The ground shook as if an earthquake had hit and the earth was torn asunder. Sage was caught off-guard by the sudden attack and he feel from his perch only to be caught within the tight grip of Akashi Toradoor. The Black Knight of Avatar began to squeeze and Sage huffed and wheezed as he felt his lungs being constructed by the guild master's grip.

"You have brought fear into my family's hearts and you shed their blood without any form of remorse!" Akashi bellowed. "Why must you only bring such misery to my guild?!"

Sage's eyes widened at Akashi's words and his glowing Yellow orbs seemed to dim as they were processed in his mind. But that surprise was soon replaced by rage.

‘It was one person!’ Sage roared silently. Akashi's glowing eyes gained a perplexed look, but the Gray orbs soon became filled with surprise when Sage's magic exploded out of his body as the Black ahired boy roared in anger. "I met your so-called Strongest mage and gave them the opportunity to flee, he did not take it!"

Sage's magic burst freed him from Akashi's grip and the Titan of Avatar soon found his adversary missing from his hands. His head then snapped upwards from the force of the kick that impacted with his chin. A punch crashed against his cheek with enough force to send his head facing to the directly to the right. Akashi snarled and made a chopping motion with his hand, but Sage flew up to avoid the blow.

"ENOUGH!" Akashi yelled.

‘I met your so-called Ace!’ Sage bombarded Akashi's body with blows to the face that sent the giant stumbling back from the force. He slashed Akashi's chest with a fury of Swipes and left an X-shaped wound that stretched from the pectorals to the lower obliques before jumping forth and crashing a devastating magic infused blow to the diaphragm. 'It was His own damned fault for your Ace, Glen Harp Brok, to meet his end by my hands!'

Akashi raised his arms and slammed them down on the ground as his attack missed his primary target and a crater was formed once more and the landscape was beginning to change from the titanic battle that was taking place.

Akashi released a roar of anguish as he slammed his fists against Sage's body. Sage held out his arms and pushed against the massive limbs, but then he felt the momentum slow when he saw Akashi's face stained with tears and his focus on the fight decreased a bit.

Sage quickly dove beneath the horizontal chop that his adversary aimed at him. He coated his right arm with black and red magic energy and the magic energy fashioned itself into the image of the Black Beast of the Voided Heaven’s head, fangs bared. The Black haired mage then ran at high speeds and the sound barrier broke behind him as he neared his target. Akashi lashed out at Sage with a kick, but Sage flew around the massive leg and manipulated the coming shadows to give him an even larger boost in speed. He vanished into the wind and another boom was heard. Sage reappeared beneath Akashi's head and with a roar, crashed a powerful uppercut to the chin.

"Take This!" Akashi's head snapped upwards from the blow before it was slapped to the side as Sage attacked with again and slammed both fists against the master of Avatar's right cheek. The muscular man roared and swatted at Sage, but the Black Devil Slayer avoided the Titan's attack and circled around before dive bombing the gray haired guild master. As he fell towards his opponent, he flipped rapidly to build up even more momentum. When he found he built up enough momentum, the Devil Slayer of Bakuko struck and slammed a dual axe kick to the skull.

And with that blow, Akashi stumbled backwards before his body began to tilt. With a resounding crash that shook the very earth, the Titan of Avatar, the immovable fortress of a mage had been moved and collided with the earth beneath him.

Akashi grunted from the force of the blow and raised himself up from his grounded position. His glowing eyes narrowed with rage as he looked at Sage who was hovering above him. The Devil Slayer panted as he had put a lot of effort and force into the attack.

'A blow like that would normally destroy a person's skull and even if it were something more durable it still would have cracked their skull open!' Sage clenched his fists in annoyance. 'So why are you unharmed...why do you rise once more, Akashi Toradoor?!'

Deciding to vent his frustrations, Sage sped towards his downed opponent and Sage crashed down on Akashi's abdominal area and Akashi grunted as he felt the impact.

The blow was felt by Akashi and the man countered by slapping Sage aside with a massive hand. Sage tumbled through the air and slammed into a tree. Akashi ran towards Sage's location as he saw the tree shudder from the impact the Grey eyed mage made with it. The tree was kicked through the air and Sage flew through the air with the piece of vegetation and suddenly a massive shadow encompassed his form and he was then forced to the ground by Akashi's gargantuan foot. Sage coughed up a large glob of blood as he felt his body being compressed by the force of the strike. Akashi then drove his foot further down into the ground and began to drag it along, carving a large trench with his foot as he carried Sage's smaller body along. When he felt he was good and ready, Akashi raised his foot as if he were kicking a football and Sage's bleeding visage tumbled through the air once more and he released a stifled cry of pain when he slammed into the side of a mountain, trapped within the deep imprint he left in it.

The impact was great enough to send a crack that descended from his point of impact to the ground below and then some. Akashi then reared back his fist as he charged forwards. Sage raised his head and watched as Akashi's form neared him, speeding towards the mountain with an intent to smash him into a bloody smear against the side of the mountain. But Sage would have none of it. His eyes shone brilliantly as Akashi was literally right about to smash him and then the Black released a massive amount of magic energy in a single, epic burst that made the earth below and the mountain shake.

The earth split apart and a nearby mountain shuddered before its side began to crack apart. A large landslide formed as the mountain's damaged form began to crumble. Akashi released a cry of pain as the large boulders fell atop his body. One nailed him in the head and cracked his skull a bit so that a stream of blood flowed down from his scalp and over his right eye. The Titan of Avatar raised his arms as the rest of the former mountainside began to collapse atop of him and Sage.

Sage fell from his imprint in the mountain as his magic energy expulsion made him fall to the ground below alongside the rocks that once made up the mountainside. The black cloaked mage twisted his body and managed to flip so he could land without breaking anything. He coughed as he quickly, but shakily, rose to his feet and the shadows of the boulders covered his body. His Yellow eyes widened before the boulders collided with everything that lay below them.

The landslide lasted no longer than a minute, give or take a few seconds. The dust and earth scattered throughout the air as it took a while to settle. Akashi was easily able to defend against it due to his massive body, but the speed at which they rolled down the former mountainside was enough to leave a bruise on his forearm and the blow to his skull was still covered with fresh blood. The Titan of Avatar looked around with his glowing gray eyes. He spied The remains of his Guild/Castle and noticed that he and the Devil slayer had put quite a bit of distance between the town and themselves, a blessing in his opinion as the destruction they had just caused would have no doubt reduced the populated area to rubble.

The once white, snowy and lush forests were split apart in many areas due to the fissures and once tall trees lay flat on the ground as they were uprooted due to the force of the blows both combatants dealt. The area where Akashi was standing had been reduced to a collection of craters and fissures and now the mountain range outside of the town was missing approximately half of a mountainside.

Maps would have need to be redrawn when this was over.

The Black Knights member continued looking around the battlefield and watched the small hill of cracked boulders, looking for any sign of the Black mage. He closed his eyes and reached out with his senses, focusing on finding the magic signature of the Mute mage. His eyes then snapped open as he felt the magic signature pop up. The Titan walked over to the hill and raised his mighty fist to smash the boulders into rubble and with no form of hesitation he struck forth, aiming to finish the job of avenging his guild...his family. However, his eyes widened when he felt the magic energy signature spike significantly.

Black and red magic energy streams poked through the spaces in the hill of stone before a massive pillar of energy tore the ground asunder and expanded outwards as a dome of magical might. The rocks from the landslide were literally reduced to nothing as they were obliterated from view and Akashi was surprised when he felt his massive frame actually shift backwards from the force of the magic energy pulses and the winds.

The magic energy then fashioned itself into the shape of the black beast and Akashi's Gray eyes widened as he stared at the image of the Black Beast.

'Wh-What is this feeling?' Akashi thought as a bead of sweat traced his jaw line. The image of Bakuko's roaring form then vanished as it receeded back towards its point of origin and Akashi's large eyes widened greatly as he saw Sage standing before him. His skin was covered in black and red magic energy that flickered like a flame before it spread across his body and he gained cracked scale-like patterns across it. His Yellow eyes shone brighter, his Black, red highlighted hair now had a few streaks of white mixed into it. His fangs and claws looked longer and sharper and his cloak and t-shirt were torn apart from the magic energy leaving him only in his pants and boots.
Sage growled out before his head snapped up to look into Akashi's Gray eyes.

‘Unplug me….’

'He...He really is one of them...like Gray…..he is a Devil Slayer!' Akashi flinched at the sight of those Yellow eyes as they seemed to stare into his soul. His eyes widened as he saw the son of Bakuko take a step forward and to his surprise, he had raised his foot and had taken a step backwards out of the fear he was currently feeling.

The Voided Devil Slayer growled like a wild animal. The ground broke down and craters about a foot in a diameter formed beneath his feet when he began to walk. It was as if his very presence was causing the ground to cave inwards.

"Now let me show you true power, Akashi Toradoor." Sage snarled before taking another step. This time, the cracks beneath his feet were much larger and in a flicker of movement, he was gone from view. Akashi didn't even have time to blink as a streak of dust adn snow and scattered earth marked Sage's path before he appeared in front of Akashi's body by his chest, fist reared back. The arm then shot forth with great speed and power and the attack nailed Akashi against his pectoral. The blow may have been small in size, but the effect was devastatingly large as Akashi was actually sent stumbling one or two steps backwards from the force of the strike. A small dot of purple marked the internal bleeding that was occurring.

Another punch was sent flying towards Akashi's form and the Titan decided to counter this time with his own fist. The two powerful blows crashed against one another and a massive shockwave burst forth from the point of contact and the ground beneath them trembled as a result. Akashi stepped forward and used his heavier form to overpower the puny Devil Slayer and Sage gritted his teeth as he held his own before converting his fist into a flat palm. His claws dug into Akashi's skin and drew blood. Now that he was firmly anchored to the master of Avatar's body, he moved his body and tore the skin and some muscle tissue away from Akashi's knuckles.

The Titan gritted his teeth in pain and then was sent skidding backwards when Sage flew towards him and kicked him in the chest. A punch was found crashing into his sternum and the bone creaked. His mouth was agape as Sage's powerful form slammed into his diaphragm and the wind was drawn out of his lungs. Flying upwards, Sage twisted his body to build up momentum before lashing out with a devastating kick that slammed down on the man's skull with enough force to generate blunt trauma, as shown by the small amount of redness in Akashi's glowing eyes, and send the giant of a man to his knees.

Akashi quickly recovered however and lashed out with a punch to Sage's body and Sage grunted as he felt his ribs crack from the force, but his healing factor made his recovery that much quicker.

Akashi and Sage exchanged blows as giant fists and feet clashed against Sage's sharp claws and ferocious kicks. Shockwaves resulted from the force of each blow as they clashed against one another or against the body of their intended target. The Titan and the Dragon didn't even notice that they began to move though the lands, leaving destruction in their wake. The forests behind them were reduced to crater and crack filled zones that made it seem as if Acnowloiga had come and destroyed everything. And this time, the entirety of the mountain Sage had broken earlier had come crashing down as Akashi and Sage had continued to batter it with blows as they tried to hit one another.

The two leaped away from the collapsing tectonic creation. When the dust settled, both Sage and Akashi were covered in blood. Sage didn't have wounds due to his healing factor, but the blood that covered his body showed that he had taken quite a bit of damage and the bruises and thin slashes that covered Akashi's body showed that Sage had managed to hold his own quite well, but Akashi's heaving chest wasn't even moving that quickly showing that his stamina was quite amazing for an eighty year old man.

"……………..” Sage panted as he began to regain his breath. –As expected of a guild master-

"Flattery will not sway me, boy! I don't care if I have to face Murder charges, I will kill you!" Akashi charged forth Sage's Yellow eyes narrowed at the man. He flew forth and flew around Akashi's massive form and decided that it was time he put the Titan of Avatar out of commission. He flew at the large man's neck and his claws twitched as they became a blur of black and blue.

"Devilled Bes-!? -" Sage's eyes widened as he was halted in his strike to sever the man's carotid artery and spill his blood. He glanced at his body and found it was caught by the Toradoor's rough hands. The Mute mage tensed his muscles to reduce the constriction and succeeded in doing, but he failed to stop the motion of the man's massive arm. Sage was slammed repeatedly into the ground and he growled, keeping his mouth tightly shut so that he wouldn't unleash the cries of pain his body wished to release. Sage was then tossed lightly upwards as if he were a ball and the Black suddenly found himself careening through the air when Akashi struck him from the side with a powerful chop.

He crashed into the ground and rolled along it before he slammed into a boulder and said rock shattered as a result. Sage growled as he got back up and watched as Akashi's massive fists slammed down on the ground. A straight line of pure force rocketed from towards his body and Sage quickly dropped onto all fours, digging his claws and boots into the dirt so that he remained in his original position. When the shockwave ended, he pushed off and left a trail of sharp wind behind him that sliced the earth before leaping into the air and Akashi's eyes widened from the speed at which Sage appeared in front of him.

The small Devil Slayer hGot near by Akashi's chest and with a raging roar. Sage struck. Akashi's Gray eyes widened as the force spread throughout his body, the muscle beneath his skin rippling as if it were made of jelly. And with that, the mighty Titan coughed up a glob of blood before he was sent skidding backwards. The Titan of Avatar continued to skid backwards and only came to a stop when he slammed into the side of the mountain that Sage had nearly destroyed earlier. The mountain cracked and shook and more rocks fell from above. Akashi raised his hands and blocked Sage's strike, glancing upwards a bit as he felt the rumbling of the rolling boulders. He grabbed Sage and slammed the voided Devil Slayer into the side of the mountain before tossing him against the landslide.

Akashi clapped his hands together and a thunderous shockwave tore through the air. Sage was given an increase in speed and he tore through numerous boulders because of it while the ones he didn't slam into were reduced to rubble due to Akashi's thunderous clap. Sage flipped and dug his hands and feet into the mountainside. His motion halted as he bent his legs and with a roar, he pushed off the rocky surface which resulted in it caving inwards from the force at which he rocketed off of it.

Akashi picked up a few trees and threw them at Sage, but the Black mage slashed at them with his claws and tore through them like they were made of tissue paper before flipping and crashing his feet against Akashi's chest. The Titan released a gasp as the Black's feet dug into his flesh and Akashi was sent toppling to the ground, flattening everything beneath his body. He rolled with the blow as the momentum of the Devil Slayer's blow was enough to carry Akashi through the ground. The Titan quickly raised his body and tilted his head when he felt the Devil Slayer approach him.

A massive explosion occurred behind him and he glanced back to see Sage's magic encased claws and feet had torn open a hole in the earth. The Black skidded backwards due to the momentum of his crash before leaping into the air and opened his jaws. Magic energy swirled into his open maw and the black and blue magic energy condensed into a sphere within his jaws. Sage swallowed the sphere and steam flowed out between the gap in his jaws, his body bloating slightly.

Akashi's eyes widened as he recognized the body motions. He took off at a rapid pace, his massive legs closing the distance between himself and Sage in a matter of seconds. Akashi lashed out with a devastating elbow strike and Sage grunted, and coughed out a massive amount of blood as he slammed through trees before losing his momentum and crashed into the ground.

However, steam still flowed from Sage's mouth and the Apocalypse Devil Slayer rose back to his feet. Akashi couldn't stop the attack even as he tried to charge at the boy once more.

"Akuma-JU no Gekikō!” Sage roared and a massive blast of energy tore the land asunder. Akashi raised his arms to protect his body, but it did him little good as he the blast tore through his left forearm, left pectoral and then out of his back and continued through the air before crashing into the mountain range behind them. A flash of black and blue blinked into existence and vanished as quickly as it came, but once it did, there was massive explosion of magic energy. A dome of black and blue magic energy formed and it began to expand at an extremely fast rate. The winds generated by the blast wave were enough to rip into the surrounding lands and blow against Akashi and Sage's own bodies.

In the end, there was a massive clearing as one mountain and half of the mountain next to it had been completely destroyed. Reduced to dust, possibly even worse than that.
Akashi gasped as he looked at the large hole in his arm and chest. The attack had gone through and through and the blood didn't flow in copious amounts since the heat given off by the energy partially cauterized his wounds. The pain however...

"FUCK! GOD DAMN IT, AAGH!" Akashi roared as he held his arm tightly against his chest, covering up both holes. Akashi's screams of agony pierced the air and his sensory nerves felt as if they were on fire. The roar of the Apocalypse Dragon was truly a fearsome attack and a painful one at that. Once he had vented his pain to the world, Akashi's directed his glowing, Gray eyes at Sage was now on his knees, the pain from Akashi's previous elbow strike finally catching up with his body.

'No time to waste!' Akashi rose to his feet and stamped the ground to steady himself and rise to his full height. The Titan of Avatar clapped his hands together and he closed his eyes. His thoughts were reduced to just the thought of focusing his magic. The black Avatar symbol that completely covered his bare chest began to glow as it was outlined with Gray light. An aura of Gray magical energy encased his body. Massive amounts of magic energy was drawn from the eternano in the air and mixed with the magic energy that was supplied by the third master of Avatar.

Sage glanced up from his kneeling position. His Yellow eyes widened and suddenly he felt the massive amount of magic energy being concentrated between Akashi's hands.

"NO, I will not fall here!" Sage held up his hands and magic energy swirled to life as the spiralling sphere of eternano appeared. He poured whatever magic energy he had remaining into the attack, which was possibly equal to what Akashi was pooling between his hands. The winds and Devil Slayer magic accumulated into the Rasengan and soon it became a shining, rotating shuriken energy.

"AKUMA-KU NO RASENSHURIKEN!" Sage reared his arm back and then with a roar of effort, he hurled the spiralling shuriken through the air. The loud screeching of the Rasenshuriken blocked out every sound to the two combatants. Akashi's magic continued to condense between his hands when he began to part them. A massive spheroid of Gray light appeared between his open palms. The magic energy orb appeared like a miniature as prominences of magic energy rose and fell from its surface.


The explosion could be seen from anywhere, the mushroom cloud rose into the ozone layer, colouring the black sky with Red and Gray.

The two fighter were left motionless on the ground, The city was laid to waste and the surrounding area were changed.

It was only a few minutes later that a Lily had arrived on the scene, carrying a large black scale object she assessed the damage.
“Thanks to…you were the distraction we needed. But you paid the price for that.” Lily mumbled.

Sage was bleeding everyone, and he wasn't wearing anymore clothes. Shaking her head She knelt down to Sage and rubbed his back.

“Well done.” She closed her eyes. “Nya, take us back: we got it.”

On cue a Dark shadow appeared underneath them as the suck into the ground.

With the Sun rising, it had completed it role.

And so did the Mute Mage of Lamia scale.

Insert Music: Wangan Midnight: Result
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