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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 19 hrs ago


Revan did the only thing he could do when faced with a hulking tank of rage and devastation, bent on turning him into a bloody pulp. He held his ground, naked as a jaybird, looking rather pissed off. Normally he would've just let him off easy with a ring of sloth, or go and make it the problem of whoever was flinging magic like a maniac not to far away, but he was still rather pissed off from having to chase around that damn monster for 3 days. The fact that this Reptilian whelp thought he had a right to the creature was not only laughable, it was down right insulting. As the monster approached, Revan simply stood there until the very last moment, where a pillar of writing shadow would burst from the earth in front of him, aiming to slam right into the giant Lizardman's stomach and with more than enough force to lift him aways off the ground.

"Whelps like you need to learn how to mind themselves when dealing with their elders." Revan growled, recalling the hydras over to him from the pillar to form his bulwark armor, the same ones he'd used to end the previous monster. He quickly backed away, forming a blackened blade with a jagged edge to his side, a low whistle resonating through the still air.

"Song of Desolation!"

Revan swung his blade in an arch, sending forth a large horde of powerful hydras towards Matsuki's present position, thier red eyes burning with power as the attack aimed to crash into his hide with a earth rumbling explosion. Revan summoned several Bulwark clones with another set of whistling, and called back the Hydras that he had used in his last attack, having them reform behind him to create one large serpent, a midnight black tongue tasting the air in anticipation. The bulwark clones all carried a large shield and a lance, and would create a phalanx formation with two lines of four, looking like an armored wall of bristling spikes jabbing outward to force the bestial mage back.



Xavier's face scrunched up in confusion at first, as she heard the girl talk about the blade being made from her fathers scales, reasonable so since the girl in front of him was very much human and had no scales whatsoever on her body, but then he remembered that one guy in the Vyper bolt guild, Aiden. He'd had this cool armor on him, and he'd said it had come from a dragon when Xavier had asked, one that was related to the one that raised him. From there it was a simple deduction to find out that A)This girl was a dragonslayer, since he'd yet to meet someone who lived with a dragon who wasn't, and B)Her father was probably dead, for the same reason as the before.

"Sabertooth, huh, pretty cool. As you can see, I'm a member of Vyper Bolt myself, though i'm still a fairly recent addition." He closed his left eye to show off the Vyper Bolt seal, then taking another drag of his cigarette. He held it in for a bit before releasing the sweet smelling smoke up into the air, the cloud taking the appearance of a serpent winding through the air momentarily before it dispersed amongst the clouds. "And if you're looking for your friend, I'd definitely be willing to help you out, what's your partner look like?"

Oh my, isn't someone a little white knight in shining armor. A familiar voice chuckled into his ear, as Cassandra rose from the shadows with a teasing cheasire grin, red eyes shining. Unfortunately for Xavier, she'd found a way to manifest physically even if he wasn't in his demon form, at the cost of having none of her powers and having to stay close to Xavier lest she fade away into dust. Xavier didn't even respond, his only reaction being a twitching of his eyebrow as his King piece decided to but into his life uneccessarily . . .again.

"Please, pretend she isn't even there and don't respond to anything she says, it'll only encourage her."

"No need to be so mean, my Liege, come and let big sis Cassandra give you a hug!" She came forward only to be held back by Xavier's hand in her face, then slowly forced back into his shadow. She offered a myriad of complaints and promises of good behavior, but past experience had told him that she was not going to follow through with any of it. Finishing off his cigarette, he swallowed the butt and pulled another one from his pocket, lighting it again with a spark before turning back to Tenshi.

"So, now that the nuisance has been temporarily disposed of, let's go look for your friend, shall we."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage VS Jeanne

‘She’s doesn't consider me an opponent, she see me as another worthless mage’ Sage grunted as she watched Jeanne look back at him. ‘She only see me….as a demon.’

‘Don’t be fooled by what others think of you…as an old friend of mind said: So what you think is right….and a Ruzuzaki is a special name…do you know why?’ The voice of his Aunt echoed in his head. Sage Felt the Magic/curse heal his wounds as he cracked his neck and looked up. There was Jeanne coming in at high speeds her holy swords travel behind her as that parted in all direction: all towards him.

‘What does she want from me? My Submission…to release something?' It was clear that she wanted to take the offensive and force him into defence, Sage had no choice since his option where limited to stepping back and parrying with her, as well as fend himself from the swords.

‘Those who bear the last name have a path that they must choose, once they choose it, they will never stray from that path, to overcome all thing in their way: no matter if they face death, they will prevail or die tryin.

As Jeanne went for a savage horizontal strike, he narrowly avoided the attack as she cut through his shirt, giving him a light but hurtful cut across his chest. ‘I….You are strong Jeanne…I will acknowledge you as a strong Magi…But!”

“Kid…..it’s time.”

‘Time?’ as he replied to the black beast fused with him before hearing something…a very Familiar sound that was around a long time ago.

The thousands of wisps caused by the shattering of her swords would have begun to disappear each time the blade passed through the air. They curved and moved towards the long-sword that Jeanne held in her grasp. With each tiny partition, each blast that erupted forth with the sweep of her blade grew in ferocity and tenacity. Each of the eight blades similarly grew in size, speed, and ferocity. As the last flickers were consumed by her light once again, the blade she held grew in width until it became a blade he had only seen once before in Augustine.

‘This feeling….that light……’ Sage looked at the blinding light as he studied the 8 giant sword in front of him. ‘Just like that time.’

‘Ash bringer.’ Sage looked at the sword before looking at his own hands.

‘People are funny beings…don’t you think? They tend to think in different ways…some think one way is good and the other will thing bad of it: what you think of it will always back two side of a party.’

As the Archangel unleashed her attack the whole area was covered in white, he knew that this attack- the same attack take wiped out Augustine town was only for him- as about to hit. But he kept thinking to himself as white light approached him.

‘My path…is to become great…to show those who couldn’t believe in me. To become powerful and deliver my own justice!’

The Attack hit and Sage was ‘erased’ in white light.

True to Jeanne words, the area around them was untouched to the blade of grass, the attack had not been affected. And True to her words:

Sage had been reduced to nothing.

The black hair women patted Ruby head as the said girl was sleeping on her lap, Lily had taken Yang to train somewhere, leave the two women to themselves. She mused as she watched the sun said.

“All my teaching and theories where placed into Sage…in turn: he produced results even I couldn’t believe.” Nya stroked the reddish black hair of the little girl “There is still much to learn….in time Nya…he will come and join us soon. For a greater cause.”

As the sun was setting she smirked to herself “I wonder….was he able to do that?”
In a black void filled with white light.

“Black Void breakthrough: Nirvana!”

A black start appeared amongst the white light as the holy power of the light was slowly sucked into the star, shingly darkly as the void returned to the darkness. The only thing still white…was someone with strange red and white markings on their body.

“HAHAHAHA I never thought I would see the day when you would do something that badass!” Another voice called out. Before a Smirk appeared on the dark figure.

‘Come one then….Jeanne wants to see something from me….I'll show her that.’ Two shining eye, one red and the other black shone in the darkness.

This fight is just getting started!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Matisuki Kiryuin

As Matt was just about to smash the petty mage into a bloody pancake, he could feel a devastating punch to his gut. A pillar of shadow bursted from the ground and attempted to rise him up from the ground! For a normal person, an impact such as that would not only knock the wind out of he/her, but also many of their bones and perhaps do serious damage to their organs. However, as a reptilian beast, Matt's scales and durability was able to protect his inner skeleton and lessened the blow, despite still getting launched into the air a few meters. He was sent flying into the air, but soon managed to regain focus once he landed, only to see a horde of dark hydras coming towards him. Rage and fury can be seen from his eyes as they glowed a bright yellow. Taking a huge breathe, he prepares to unleash his next attack.


With that Matt unleashes a highly concentrated beam of fiery-orange plasma, decimating the hydras that were in its line of fire. The ones that made it to him began to latch onto his hide, attempting to devour him. With a roar of rage, the reptilian beast ripped onto the hydras that were attached to him and swung his massive tail into the incoming ones. After fighting them off, they began their retreat back under Revan's whistle. However, they began to form into one giant serpent, while the newly formed bulwark clones, each armed with both a shield and lance, began to form into a massive phalanx. Now this battle was becoming a bit more interesting. Matt looks upon the troops coming towards him including the massive serpent with an angry snort. What a coward for hiding behind his minions as they do the dirty work for him. He then raises his left leg up and with a powerful impact, causes a massive crack in the ground, rapidly approaching the army as it began to split apart like an earthquake.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - The Archangel

The light began to fade, and at first there was nothing to be seen. Worry overcame Jeanne briefly, for she had not meant to actually disintegrate the boy, she had only meant to wound or force out that which she suspected to linger beneath the surface. Warily she watched her surroundings, sensing that his magic was not gone in the least.

Once she realized the sheer energy from the blast was being pulled into a singular point, the Archangel frowned ever lightly.

To say the least, it was not only displeasing, but disconcerting.

Finally, Sage emerged in his true form, the dark, malicious, gaunt and devious form. Darkness pervaded the land throughout him, coming outward in cascades that would make almost any man shudder and run in fear. Terror existed in true form then, and Jeanne recognized it only to cast it away in her thoughts and her resolve. Raising the sword's flat to touch her nose once again, she and the eight blades would remain pointed towards the heaven.

A beacon of light. Of hope. Hope against the oncoming tide.

It was more than presently evident that the Ashbringer had forced out the Demon that had infected Sage. Behind the weeping guise of her plated helm, she frowned. More than evidently it had come to be time for Parasite to emerge at long last. He smirked ever violently, and the Archangel remained absolutely passive.

"Good evening, Parasite. I see you've decided to bless us with your presence." Reverberating with her will, the swords that hovered around her seemed to hunger voraciously for demonic bloodshed. Yet for now she would do nothing.

"Tell me of your intention, what is your purpose for infecting your Host with such despicable magic. For what rhyme or reason or logic does this move of yours possess?"

Behind the weeping faceplate, the S-Class Magi's eyes narrowed aggressively. She had seen power like this before, it wasn't unfamiliar in the least; the Light would deal severe consequence upon the Dark if he dared to try and strike her again. Undeniably, this was far from the first time she had been forced to deal with such monstrosities.

However, this was the first time that it had claimed a comrade.

Even still, this time she was prepared, more than ready for any onslaught that the Devil and his Slayer might try to bring.

"Explain to me why I shouldn't send you back to whence you came." She stated steadfastly, her voice clear and resilient against even the overwhelming darkness. "Explain to me why I shouldn't rip your power from the soul of this child and cast you back into the abyss. Even at the cost of his life. His one soul is not worth the destruction that is oft' wrought by your uncontrollable kind."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 4 days ago

Stacy Kaiser - White Tiger

Her defeat at the hands of her reanimated parents was more than humiliating. It was infuriating, disheartening, and scarring. Had Lamia Scale and Lunar Wolf mages not arrived and pressured Avatar to retreat, Stacy would've likely been killed. Her memory of her parents had been from so long ago. She had no idea her father was this powerful. Was his abilities amplified somehow? Then again, he had the same abilities as her. And considering he was older, it would make sense that he would be stronger in the end. Her inability to put them to rest left her upset. It was an insult to their memory for them to be manipulated by a Dark Guild postmortem.

The weeks had been spent mostly in solitude. Where Stacy was known for being loud, obnoxious, and completely uncaring of how others perceived her she had lately become much quieter and more reserved. She remained at her personal home in Era, which had been completely funded and given to her by Kyou in the past, hardly leaving the oddly luxurious home. It was a small house with Stacy as the only one living in it, but it was furnished fully and lavishly, reflecting just how much money Stacy was capable of obtaining by working with the Magic Council. Despite the eccentric and fancy home, Stacy found no solace in the environment she herself designed.

It was today that she decided to do something.

Ajax Thera - Hellmouth

The council member and Wizard Saint also had a home near Era, though it was in the outskirts of the town. It was a much more humble abode, being a primarily stone house with little decoration. The strong suit was that it had plenty of property around it, which Ajax used to train in his free time. The big man was standing outside his house, watering a potted plant that was too young to yet identify, when he noticed someone approaching.

Turning his yellow eyes to the dirt road leading to the house, he saw Stacy Kaiser. Without a word, Ajax stopped watering the plant and waited for her to enter conversation range. Something seemed different about the girl. While she looked the same, her aura felt different. She wasn't radiating her confidence, nor did she seem particularly obnoxious or exuberant at the moment. "You've never visited me at my home once," Ajax greeted, his voice as hard to read as ever. He didn't sound angry or irritated, but he certainly didn't sound happy. "What brings you out here?"

"I need you to train me further, Ajax-dono," Stacy spoke, giving him a polite bow. The larger man was shocked, though it was hard to tell by looking. A moment of silence passed between the two, only broken when Ajax set down the tin watering can on the porch chair. "You've completed your Magus Hunter training long ago. You don't need further training," he responded simply, crossing his arms over his chest now that both hands were free. "It's not about that," Stacy began, her voice notably wavering. "I need to become stronger. I need to grow faster. I'm not as strong as I'm supposed to be, and you're one of the strongest there is. I... I need your help, Ajax."

Another moment of silence passed between them. "I can't help you," Ajax said simply, a look of dread and surprise appearing on Stacy's face instantly. "Your magic and style are completely different from mine. There is little I can do to help you improve further. Training with me would be a waste of both of our time. I'm sorry to tell you this, but I'm not the answer you seek." The big man began to turn away, to walk back into his house and simply leave Stacy outside alone. He stopped when he heard the sound of cloth moving. When he looked over his shoulder, Stacy was on the ground on her hands and knees, practically bowing at his feet.

"Please, Ajax-dono. I'm begging you. Anything, anything at all. I need to get stronger and I don't know how anymore! Liz can't help me anymore! I need you to teach me how to be strong on my own! I can't ever fail again!" Tears had begun to roll down her cheeks, dropping to the dirt ground one at a time. She had begun sobbing on her own, and Ajax continued to watch in silence for a moment. "Get up," he commanded, causing Stacy to stop looking at the ground and turn her face to him. "Only the weak beg. You want to become stronger? Then get up." After sniffling a few times, Stacy obliged and returned to her feet. "I can't teach you anything new. But I can show you how to grow on your own."

"Prepare yourself."

Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai

"Nine thousand nine hundred ninety-eight... nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine... ten thousand..." The Last Samurai was standing perfectly vertically, with her left hand on the wooden floor and her feet pointed towards the ceiling. Her right arm was held tight behind her back, to maintain balance. Her long pink hair had been tied into two large buns and she adorned a simple white shirt and grey sweatpants as her exercise attire. And with this final push-up she had completed the morning regimen. She returned to her feet with grace, wiping some sweat from her brow with her left forearm as she walked to the bathroom.

A quick shower to clean up and a change of wardrobe magically transformed this woman into the Hana that everybody knows and loves. The young woman sat down in the middle of her apartment's living room, crossing her legs and taking her meditation stance. She had meditated all her life, every day in the morning. Only she has been having difficulties lately, particularly since the events of Augustine Town. And the past few weeks had seen no improvement, what with the guild hall being attacked and a wayward comrade almost getting Lamia Scale in deep trouble with the council.

The world around Hana began to fade away after she closed her eyes. The rhythm of her breathing was maintained calmly as a deep blackness surrounded the meditating woman. All sound had disappeared with the world, leaving her alone in a void of emptiness. This calm state only lasted a few seconds. Hana felt her heartbeat begin to rise, the rhythm of her breathing losing pace and the void around her fading away. When she opened her eyes, she was still in her living room. I can't focus, she complained in her head, closing her eyes again and attempting to meditate once more.

The trance-like state slowly began to return, but it was equally short lived. Her pulse began to rise and she lost focus, snapping her out of her meditation again. There are too many things on my mind. I just can't find my inner peace anymore... With a sigh, Hana got back to her feet and gave up on meditating for the day. Just like every day over the past month and a half. Stepping out of her apartment, Hana took a deep breath and looked to the sky. It's been a while... Oh well... He'll be here soon. A sigh relented the thought and Hana began her walk to the Lamia Scale guild hall. Perhaps I should mix it up... I think I'll try doing something nice for the guild...

I'll bake everyone a cake. It'll be a surprise. And I need to improve my baking anyways. Last time didn't go so well... Before Hana could reminisce the time she almost burned down Lamia Scale, she detected a surge of magical power. Stopping in her tracks, the pink-haired woman turned to face the source. It was well out of range of her sight, and the buildings surrounding her didn't help any, but she could feel who it was. "Jeanne?" she questioned aloud. What is she doing? And... wait... there's another power. She's fighting someone. Someone... dark... The innocent smile began to fade away, taking a serious expression. That's... bad. Hana's body began to transform, turning into pink cherry blossoms that seemingly began to drift away in the breeze. Only there was no breeze.

Piper Hatfield - Ms. One Shot

The past few weeks had seen something new from Piper: she had actually been honing her skills. Training, if you will. Considering her position on the Harpy Wing team meant she would be working with such strong comrades, Piper felt inadequate when compared to them. The bespectacled sniper knew that, when compared to the others, she was the obvious weak link. And in preparation for the Games, she decided that she must train to overcome that gap. She wanted to be valuable and useful for the guild, not some trickshow. While her aim has always been dead-on, Piper has notably become faster over the past few weeks. Her quickdraw is viable and lethal, her requip speed has increased and she has notably been more energetic from her physical exercise.

Speaking of energetic.

From seemingly out of nowhere, Piper jumped up onto the bar next to Nigel. Rather than sitting at any of the stools, she instead sat on the bar itself and faced her favorite non-human. "The timeline you gave me claims you'd be done with the uniforms today," she noted, casually crossing her legs to be more feminine as she stared into Nigel's blue eyes. "I've been waiting to see how they'll work. They good to go for the Games? Oh, and don't worry about getting me a drink. I've already had seven cups of coffee. I'm more interested in how nice I'll look in the uniform, you see?" Piper giggled to herself a bit with her last statement before giving the bar a light shove to land on her feet next to Nigel. "I've also got something cool to show you later. I practiced it all night. I found a way to disarm someone and humiliate them. A perfect way to win a fight if I ever get picked for one, eh?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage Ruzuzaki

'This is Black Void Breakthrough.' Sage felt Jeanne's magical power flow through him, it was immense, His magic and hers mixed together...it was intoxicating. The White marks on him pulse each second, it felt like it was forcing him to do something. Taking a deep breath in the darkness he calmed himself and waited until he had recovered enough to return back to the battlefield, he was damn sure that the Archangel would not fall for such a simple trick. 'So...what's the plan?'

"We could rush her with the amount of magical power you have now and force her into submission, but the way she fought could mean that any close combat and we will lose in an instant." Bakuko spoke "Another way is to avoid her attacks and play defense, she may be strong but my scales are not to be laughed at, light or dark magic." he suggest "any Magic she throws at us and we can change into darkness quick, draining her of her magical power."

'Hmmm...That seems like the best option: and i have a gut feeling she isn't giving it her all...then again, we aren't as well.' his face crunched up like he ate a lemon. 'Sensei....what was she on about?'

"Come again?"

'She said i tried to kill her...why? I barely know her...nor have i taken any mission with her?' Sage crossed his arms 'Did something happen to me?'

"......." The black beast sighed "Sit down, this may take a while to explain kid."

-This section is basically a review of Berserker Sage, not need to explain again: we know what happened-

'How...Horrible' The white haired boy face-palmed himself in disgust 'I attacked her....out of anger.'

"When you saw the picture that's in your bag and the dead girl, it triggered a massive magical surge that you took as a whole, forcing you to become rampant. Once you killed the Necromancer, it was then i was able to at least calm you down...If Jeanne wasn't there....this whole situation would have been avoided."

'.....' Sage gave a sad smile 'I guess...i really do have ways to go in training...But i need to control this power for myself' he stood up 'I'm not going to tapping into that power Sempai is talking about, if she really wants to get me there: She'll have to put the lives of those i love in grave danger.
"Well said kid, not all demons are evil...and not all Angel are righteous: we follow our own beliefs and those beliefs is what makes us Human."

"Heh..i never though you would say the word 'human'' Sage Grinned 'Come on, i have a fight to settle.'

'Ah...lets.' As Sage opened the void back to the battlefield, he jumped down and crouched, his dual coloured eyes looked at Jeanne, who instantly noticed him 'If your wondering as well: it's been only 10 seconds in the real world, the void is awesome like that.' he boasted.

Sage shook his head as he got up and face the blonde haired angel.

"Good evening, Parasite. I see you've decided to bless us with your presence." Reverberating with her will, the swords that hovered around her seemed to hunger voraciously for demonic bloodshed. Yet for now she would do nothing.

'From 'boy, to 'Parasite'. For a angel: she's really a bitch!' Sage frowned as he saw her summon her swords again.

"Tell me of your intention, what is your purpose for infecting your Host with such despicable magic. For what rhyme or reason or logic does this move of yours possess?"

'Does...does she think it's me she's facing?' Bakuko had to hold himself back not to laugh 'Surely she's seen power absorbed slayer before, this isn't even how i look like when i take over!' Sage face had fallen of, he was questioning Jeanne's intelligence. 'But the last part is a no brainer: to become strong.'

"Explain to me why I shouldn't send you back to whence you came."

'Because you can't, i seen strong, I've been beaten by the strong...you don't hold a candle to those who are 'strong.' Bakuko hissed, now he was getting agitated by this girl 'There is another Ruzuzaki that could easily kill you in an instant, and he is the reason why my student and i met.'

"Explain to me why I shouldn't rip your power from the soul of this child and cast you back into the abyss. Even at the cost of his life. His one soul is not worth the destruction that is oft' wrought by your uncontrollable kind."

'I will not dignify that question.' the black beast said in disgust 'Kid, she's all yours.' and with that, the black beast had retreated back into the depth of his mind.

Sage sighed as turned to face her...though is was a face ready to fight..it was the looks remorse...that guilt look. After hearing what happened. Could he really fight her? She called for his blood for the right reasons.

There was only one option.

-Jeanne....I'm not going to fight you- Sage sent his swords back to where it came. He was going to do back the black beast said.

Go on the defense. She might try to kill him. but he had her own magic on his side, plus a lot of trump cards.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - Warning, or a Threat?

Unflinchingly, the Archangel watched on in a silent Vigil while Sage seemed to hold an internal conversation with himself. At long last, he spoke in a way that she could understand, stating that he wasn't going to fight her.


Watching on as he sheathed his blades and stood ready to receive whatever she might throw at him, the Archangel frowned. What conviction was this? Where was the purpose for his actions? Considering everything, his decision to not fight at all didn't make any sense in the least! As much as she wanted to strike he Demon down, she could not. Regardless of what someone was, or what they had become, it was wrong to strike them down if they were defenseless.

Just as he had attempted once upon her, not too long ago.

For the moment, the eight blades that hovered about her in the air shattered, scattering glistening dust into the winds as the Archangel stood in silent reverie. While the blade stood within her grasp, thin wisps of gold traced linear paths of light along the faceplate as the helm dissipated to bring Jeanne's face to be blessed by the warmth of the sun once again.

Regardless of whether or not he wished to fight, there would still be consequence for his attempted murder of the Archangel.

"An Eye for an Eye, Demon."

The Ashbringer rose slowly to point the very tip of the beautiful fiery blade to point directly for his crown. What happened then was simple instantaneous, and most of all, it was incredibly precise. Instantaneously around Sage were conjured no less than one-hundred fifty blades of fiery light. Everywhere he could look, there would be dozens upon dozens of blades in his vision.

With just the flicker of her will, the blades closed in upon him with the combined might of just under half of Jeanne's maximum strength, and the result was cataclysmic. Just before they drew near to him, just before he could have another chance to absorb the magic, it was turned into something that wasn't magical.

Each of the blades detonated with pure concussive force comparable to a devastating bomb.

In the moment it took Jeanne to express a thought, she had turned Sage's immediate world into absolute hellfire.

Fire, light, and destructive force ruptured outward in a powerful wave that made the very earth around them tremble. Other blades joined themselves in front of the archangel and protected her from the heat and force.

The same could not be said for the Demon Slayer.

But she could still sense him as the sheer amount of power washed past her and burned across the open field. So instead fifty more blades were drawn out of thin air into existence, and through the fire they poured upon him with a relentless offensive. Each strike, each parry, each cut and thrust screaming for his blood.

With no relent, they would assault the boy from every direction. Every strike of the fifty would rupture out with a blast of light magic that could sear flesh, bone, and soul with frightful ease. All the while, Jeanne stood as statuesque as ever, patiently watching, waiting for the next opportune moment.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Revan did nothing as the ground underneath his duplicates split opened, nor did he do anything when the earth swallowed him either. All of them fell into the darkness of the earth without a word, just a cold glare at Matsuki from Revan's blazing red eyes. For a while, nothing happened, then Jeanne's attack went off, a blinding explosion of light that encompassed tge area in brilliant light. And from this brilliant light came even deeper shadows, as the ground behind the Lizardman would burst towards him in a tangle of powerful hydras, aiming to restrain him as Revan quickly burst from the ground to launch a haymaker punch into his side.

"Requim of the Fallen!"

As soon as the punch connected, Revan unleashed a devastating blast of energy. At point blank range, even his thick scales wouldn't be able to resist all of the damage from the attack. Revan wouldn't stop there, following up with a quick barrage of powerful jabs, then launch himself away from his armor, which would grow an intense shade of red before exploding with intense concussive force. Landing a short ways away, Revan cracked his neck as he waited for the Lizardman's next move. His eyes turned towards where he sensed Jeanne's magical energy, as well as that of another mage.

"Hey whelp, have you calmed down yet? Just so you know, I was after the damn thing for 3 days, and had gotten that mission first. So, technically, you've no right to the damn thing."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Matisuki Kiryuin

As Revan was getting swallowed up by the massive crack in the ground, Matt roars triumphantly in his "success". Finally it seems as if he had beaten him... yet it almost seemed too easy. Suddenly, a bright flash of light, via Jeanne's attack, covered the whole battlefield, blinding Matt as he howls in annoyance. As he shakes the blindness off him, despite his vision being slightly blurry, he was late to notice that the ground beneath him began to break and out came a tangle of hydras! They began to chomp down on his arms and legs, attempting to restrain him as Revan issued another powerful attack, issuing a haymaker punch right at his side.

And DAMN did it hurt.

Despite being resistant to various punches and attacks, that one punch was enough to cause a good amount of pain, enough to fracture a rib. He roars in agony as he shakes violently in rage to get himself out. Then he gets bombarded with several more punches, making him even more furious, until Revan launches away from his armor as it grew red... a sign of imminent detonation! Matt seemed to be doomed, but remarkably, the hydras lost grip on his arms at the very last second, allowing the Lizardman to duck and protect his front as the armor violently exploded. His back was aching with violent jolts as they speared lightly through his skin, but wasn't enough to put him down for long. As soon Revan said his lines, Matt slowly raised from the ground, producing a terrifying groan as his eyes glowed a bright yellow aura. Now he was even more pissed...

"OH YEAH?" Matt growled.

And before Revan could know, Matt made a surprisingly quick dash at Revan, pounding him with the power of a massive freight train! They crashed into several trees as Matt then pinned Revan to the ground. Now angrier then ever, the Lizardman roars loudly as he begins to punch the wizard in the face. Then again, and AGAIN, AND AGAIN, repeatedly without mercy. It would've felt like anvils falling on one's face. In addition, Matt's tail gripped around Revan's legs, making sure that he will not get up and retaliate. Now Matt will pound this mage to the ground and turn him into a smoothie of blood... nothing would calm him down at this rate.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage Ruzuzaki

"An Eye for an Eye, Demon."

She was ready to attack him head on, Sage closed his eyes and waited for the attack to take him down quick. She wasn't going to reveal anymore moves she had in her arsenal. She prepared for Ashbringer again. The same 8 swords once again ignited on fire as they gathered power and this time: one-hundred fifty blades of fiery light. Everywhere he could look, there would be dozens upon dozens of blades in his vision, and he studied it all.

Exhaling he placed his hands together. Even if it costed his life, Sage would take all of the Hatred in, sure it wouldn't sate her anger...but he was going to prove that he was determined to prove that he was able to control is rage: With or without her help.

It turned out that she wasn't going to same trick...in fact: Ashbringer was being revised. As the Attack of the archangel fell upon him it exploded into a large dome of white light and fire. Sage felt the instant burn on his skin as the scales of Bakuko form over him to protect him

'Bomb, forced or fire....as long as it's organic and it's property is light: i can change it and absorb it.' Sage eye widened.

"BLACK VOID BREAKTHROUGH: NIRVANA!" the black star appeared again, as a more larger star as it began sucking in Ashbringer revised until there was nothing left. However the attack had done it's damage. Bits of Black and red scales fell of his body as he panted hard. The white marking on his body was brighter then ever as he eye Jeanne. She had summoned more sword in order to back up her attack.

"Kid.....your nearly out, that last attack...was brutal." The black beast spoke. Sage grinned as he gingerly stood on his feet. "If you're going to make a impression on her..."

'It'll be now!' Sage lifting his right hand up and closed his eye. 'Watch this jeanne!: When Light and Dark combine!'

You Ain't seen nothing yet

In an Instant, Six black Spheres and white blades of Jeanne Light magic grew into the same size as AshBringer- if not: even bigger. Sage gritting his teeth as he put more of his and her Magical powers together. It was a huge strain on him: but it was working, if it can work a expression on her face: then he won this fight. Mentally roaring with all he had. he listened to the razor blades of the white magic cut through the air before he glared as Jeanne. his White hair whipping across his face.

"NOOOOOWWWWW!" the black beast roared as Sage threw all 6 Rasenshuriken at Jeanne as once. Even if she was to stop it, It was take all the swords and then some to stop it. After all.

Those white blades were her swords after all.

After throwing it. His eyes closed as he fell into the grass. Taking in the peaceful slumber.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Matsuki's insane freight rush slammed into Revan with impressive force, the impact knocking the breath out of him and likely fracturing several ribs. He quickly formed a shield of hydras behind him to take the brunt of the next several impacts, but as the Lizardman began to pound him into the ground with blow after savage blow, he felt something cut through the haze of pain that was his mind.

I'm going to kill this whelp.

While Revan was usually hard to anger, the current situation, plus his previous frustration with the monster, made it so that Matsuki's actions had pushed him past his breaking point. The barrage of blow would be stopped suddenly by Revan, using his hands to grasp the monstrous fists. From behind a bloodied mop of black hair, a single slit of scarlet Malice pierced through his foe's soul. Revan's energy suddenly took an immense spike, the grip on Matsuki's fist going from painful to agonizing, the scales cracking from the intensity.

"Satan Soul: Asmodeus."

The ground erupted as darkness exploded from his form, subjecting Matsuki to gigantic amounts of malevolent pressure and disturbing whispers. He'd feel the ground fall away from underneath him and would be violently forced out of the darkness, crashing through a tree on his way out. The pillar of darkness imploded on itself, coiling around a lone humanoid figure. The midnight blackness clung to Revan's form like fat leeches, and the sheer presence he extruded over the area caused all nearby plant life to shrivel up, nearby animals to die from shock-induced heart attacks, and the ground to fracture underneath his feet.

"Moaning Lamentation."

With that single command, the darkness around him shot out in 6 beams, flying through the air with an unearthly, keening moan. This moan would grow into ear-piercing screams as they approached their target, which would cause an intense feeling of disorientation and nausea upon hearing it. On contact, the beams would exploded with great concussive force, the darkness serving to temporarily obscure the immediate area with blackness. As this happened, Revan would burst rorward at mach speed to launch a devastating punch at Matsuki with enough force that it would send him flying if it hit.


(Not my best post, but it get the job done)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Matisuki Kiryuin

As Matt was going to punch Revan again, his fist was stop ever suddenly by Revan. Surprised yet still quite pissed, he struggles with all of his might, baring teeth, gums, and all. However, as the grip got tighter and tighter, it began to splinter and crack the Lizardman's scales on his fists. He loudly barks several times to distract himself from the pain, even though it wasn't too hard. Suddenly, the whole ground began to erupt as darkness as Revan took his Satan Soul. There he began to put incredible amounts of pressure onto Matt's self and had heard disturbing whispers in his mind. This was enough to lessen his grip and concentration on Revan as he roars and grunts violently, holding his head between his two massive hands. He even felt like the ground beneath him was going away! However, with anger combating this mind trick, he was able to violently get himself out... before crashing into a tree. The pillar of darkness then imploded upon Matt, dazing him for a bit as he tries to take ahold of the situation.

His eyes, now black due to the darkness around him, makes a terrifying screech towards Revan and was already charging up another beam. However, before he could unleash it, 6 moaning beams approached the lizardman, making ear-piercing screams as it approached him. Matt felt slightly disoriented and a terrible feeling of nausea came to his senses. The beams then exploded with great force, causing the area around Matt to become totally black. For a few seconds, everything seemed to be calm as anger then rushed into the lizardman's veins as adrenaline began to make him stronger. However, he was interrupted as a lightning fast and most certainly powerful punch striked him in the chest. The force was great enough to send him reeling back for a vast kilometer! He could feel himself flying just a few feet in the air but was able to come to a screeching halt on his two legs, his massive arms also serving as breaks.

Matt was even more angrier then before, but was also hurting heavily, both psychically and mentally. He pants heavily as he tries to get his mind to focus. Suddenly, he realizes that the beam he was about to fire was apparently saved via mid-charge and was going into a hyper charge! When hyper charged, the beam's aura turns from its regular orange, to a bright white light. A light that is 5x more powerful and has a larger radius. The blackness which covered his whole eyes reverted back to its regular form as a low hum escapes his maw. He takes a few staps forward, each time arching his back more and more until he could not do so any longer. Matt's eyes squints as he prepares his most devastating move.


And with that godly howl, he unleashes all hell on his opponent as he exhales, shooting the blinding light right at his opponent. It only takes just 3 seconds for the beam, from a kilometer away, to hit its opponent, engulfing he in a hot burning beam. One inside that beam would receive massive and brutal burns from such an attack. It was only rare for one to survive such an attack...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 4 days ago

Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai

The cherry blossoms that had scattered in Margaret Town had reformed again, forming the shape of The Last Samurai in the air fairly close to Jeanne and Sage's fight. As Hana began to take in her surroundings, she felt there was something familiar about the dark being that Jeanne was fighting. I've felt this magic before. I just can't put my finger on it... What is that? Hana was just in time to see Jeanne use her Ashbringer, a devastating attack. But it seemed that, instead of annihilating the darkness before her it was absorbed. Though it was shocking to see, Hana was very quick to react.

A white glow radiated from her hands in the shape of a katana.

Once the requip was completed, Hana held in her hand the Blade of God. The unmistakable white hilt of the sword was impervious to dirt, and the blade was shined to reflect even the smallest glance of the sun. As Sage launched his counterattack at Jeanne, a strong gust picked up from their side. The pink-haired samurai appeared directly in front of Jeanne, wielding her katana in both hands. The incoming balls of darkness and shining blades of light were certainly imposing, their sheer size alone dwarfing both Hana and Jeanne behind her. But the young woman's face showed no sign of emotion, let alone fear.

The first swing of her blade, far faster than most could even see, resulted in three of the Rasenshuriken attacks being cleaved completely through. The Blade of God didn't need her to touch them to do so, it was sharp enough to cut through the magic from afar. The destroyed balls of magical energy didn't explode in shining glamor, but instead fizzled out into black wisps through the air. The magic binding the spells was severed completely, rending them inert and causing them to dispel. Her second swing took another two of the orbs, as well as shattering most of the swords surrounding them. The final orb of darkness had made it dangerously close at this point, as Sage's attack hadn't stopped while Hana was disabling it.

But even at the speed the Rasenshuriken approached, it was not fast enough. A final swing towards the sky split the final attack in half, with both halves briefly passing by Hana and Jeanne before fading away in wisps of smoke. The ground underneath Hana had several massive slices through it now, from swinging the Blade of God. In fact, the deep lines across the ground barely went past both Jeanne and Sage, but notably far enough away to show that Hana was able to control her blade. The tops of several trees nearby had a diagonal cut across them, making them appear silly and lopsided. There was clear damage to the environment from Hana's actions, but nothing too severe as to feel guilty over. With the massive attack dispatched, Hana held her blade horizontally before her face, still in a combat position.

It took her several seconds to see that Jeanne's foe had passed out with that last attack, thus ending the fight. And it took several more for her to realize who it was. "Sage?" Hana questioned out loud, relaxing out of her stance and holding her blade to her side. It began to glow white, vanishing into thin air as it was sent back to the pocket dimension. The pink-haired samurai looked over her shoulder at Jeanne, who still appeared to be in battle mode. "I could feel your fight all the way from town. What's going on? I'm confused."

Ajax Thera - Hellmouth & Stacy Kaiser - White Tiger

The pale girl was on the ground, blood trickling from her forehead down her face. She was bruised, most of her clothes had been burned away, and there was searing across some of her exposed skin. She was barely clothed with rags as she lay face-down, slowly picking herself up. "Have you reached your limit?" Standing above her hardly a meter away was the large council member, looming over her like a volcano over a defenseless village. Stacy's red eyes looked up to match his, an angry scowl on her face to match the stoicism of his. "Not yet!" she shouted through gritted teeth, before grunting in effort to get onto her hands and knees.

Before she could even stand up yet, the heavy black boot of Ajax crashed down on her back, forcing her back to the ground with enough force to leave a crater underneath her body. A shout of pain left Stacy as Ajax slowly removed his foot from her. "You've reached your limit." Rather than attacking her again, Ajax bent over slightly and held out his hand. The pale girl was suspicious at first, but after a few seconds she accepted the help back to her feet. Once standing, she clearly had a hard time staying upright, wobbling a few times before regaining total control. "If you want to grow stronger, you have to break your limit. There is nobody left to teach you new tricks, so you have to improve yourself. To get results, you have to push yourself until you break... and then keep pushing."

Stacy seemed somewhat dizzy, bringing her right hand to her forehead. It was only then that she realized how much she was bleeding, then making an effort to wipe some of the blood off her face. "I guess you're right, Ajax-dono." Without conversing further, Ajax began walking back towards his house. "Hey, wait a minute!" The smaller girl had to perform a light job to keep up with Ajax, who appeared to be completely unscathed from their battle. "Once you are rested and well, you must push yourself again," Ajax began to explain. "But for now, I don't have much time. I'm going on a trip."

"A trip? Like a vacation?" Without facing her, Ajax nodded. "I didn't know you guys took vacations. I just assumed you were a no-life busybody. You're always so serious and never have fun. Good for you, Ajax. Where you going?" "Margaret Town." It took a few seconds for Stacy to remember why that sounded familiar. "Isn't that where Lamia Scale is? Wow, that works out pretty well." Ajax stopped walking suddenly, causing Stacy to bump into his back. She bounced off him like a brick wall, almost falling over completely as he turned around. "How so?" "I need to go to Lamia Scale. I've got some business. But if you're taking a vacation there, we might as well just go together, hm? Make it easier and more convenient, and of course it's always better to travel with a partner than alone. Will we be taking the secret train or one of the regular ones? Or do you just not want to take a train?"

The barrage of questions and small talk continued, but at some point Ajax began tuning her out. He wasn't sure if Stacy did this intentionally to annoy him or if she was just naturally this obnoxious. Either way, he did his best to ignore her all the way back to his house. It was only her last question that finally got a reaction out of him. "Why are you heading to Margaret Town of all places anyways? No casinos, no beach, no resort, nothing." Without skipping a beat, batting an eye, or ruining his pace, Ajax had a response. "To spend time with my girlfriend."

Stacy, on the other hand, was completely thrown back. Her expression was of comical shock. While Ajax continued walking, Stacy seemed frozen in place. "... what?" It took her a few seconds to snap out of her daze, which she immediately rushed to Ajax's side, practically tripping over herself. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend!" "You never asked." He had her there. "What's she like? Is she boring and straight-faced like you? How old is she?" Before Ajax could even have a chance to answer any of those questions, Stacy let out a surprised gasp. "Is she a golddigger? If she's using you for fame and fortune, I'm gonna kick her ass." "Have fun with that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Revan's cold, wrathful glare never shifted as the attack coming towards him, before he raised a hand to summon his Blade of Vengeance to intercept the blow. However, his eyes widen and he immediately put out another hand behind him, firinh a beam of darkness to help equalize the forces and keep him from being sent flying. Due to his Asmodeus form's lack of defenses, the recoil from absorbing the Hypernova beam did a good amount of damage to him. He also suffered some burns from the heat of the blast as well, but the majority of the attack was sealed into his Lesser Arm, though it wouldn.t for much longer. The blade was laced glowing white cracks as it struggled to contain the vast destructive energies it contained.

Not wasting time, Revan drew back his other arm and all the darkness it had emitted, concentrating it into a sphere before thrusting it, and the blade, forward. This caused to beams, one of intense white light, the other of unforgiving darkness, to come screaming towards Matsuki with terrifying speed. However, the blade shattered in mid attack, and while Revan was able to redirect the energy away from him, it weakened the Hypernova attack by a considerable amount, thoug it didn't make the attack any less dangerous. If nothing stopped it, the resulting explosion would still be earth-shattering, creating a brilliant dome of white and black that would flatten and severely burn anything within it's large radius. It could be seen and felt by everything with in a ten mile radius, the shockwave likely breaking more than a few windows in the nearby town.

Revan was some way away, hovering in the air as he looked down at his singed hands, the sharp pain bringing him to his senses. He quickly canceled Asmodeus mode, though kept up Satan Soul in case Matsuki was still in attack mode. He landed near the center of the blast radius, looking around for the Lizardman and currently unaware that he was still very, very nude. His head was also still bleeding somewhat heavily, though he patched that up by having a hydra form a wrap around his head.

"Okay Matsuki, you're either still interested in wrecking more wilderness, down for the count, or dead. If you're dead, I'm extremely sorry, but if you're either of the other two, my advice is to just tell me where you are so we can go get a few drinks in town. That sounds like a plan?" Revan hoped beyond hope that Matsuki would be beaten down enough that he'd be willing to let by-gones be by-gones. Hell, Revan would even pay for it if the guy chilled out, because he'd down a lot more activity than he'd been planning today.

@Akashi Mayhiro
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

What the hell was he doing? It wasn't like the snowy haired mage to just sit around doing nothing. The GMG was in two weeks and he hand't done much training or taken any jobs. Kyuuten was a blur as he flew through the halls of Harpie's Wing using Meteor. "I've gotta power up for the games quick. What should I do? Pucsh ups? A five mile run? Drink some horrible concoction of fitness products? Argh that's not enough!" Kyuuten barreled over the second floor railing and in his haste crashed through one of the tables below.Without missing a beat the Starbird was up and heading towards the door, the furious jeers of his guildmates falling on deaf ears. "Whatever I do I gotta make it count. Then I'll show everyone what Harpie's Wing Shining Sun can d-!" Kyuuten's voice slipped into a pained gasp of fear as he opened the guild doors to the figure towering outside them.

"Well well, I see you're as energetic as ever my young pupil. I assume learning a spell you're master had not given you permission to is quite the thrill!" The man that filled the threshold of the guild's sizable doors loomed over Kyuuten menacingly. "Wait, I can explain! It was kind of a unique circumstance! Please have mercy!!" The Celestial wizard prepared himself for his eminent punishment. The hulking figure's muscles bulged and it seemed his clothing was on the verge of bursting. "Defying your master is the last straw! I hope you're ready...your new training shall be intense but you'll come out of it with your head held high and perhaps a body to rival my own!" Under a dazzling light the man's shirt finally gave out and shred from his torso. Kyuuten stared on in utter shock. This man was his master...

After replacing his torn clothing the giant man and Kyuuten sat down as the young wizard tried to catch up to what just happened. "I'm confused Master Orin. So, I'm not in trouble and...you're going to train me? You're not mad that I learned Altairis without your blessing?" Orin folded his arms and nodded justly. It was an odd image. Such a large man in a relatively small chair and the surrounding guild members looking on just as bewildered as his student. "Forbidding you from learning Altairis was just a milestone. Magic is an ever growing art but only if you know where to draw the line and when to CRUSH THAT LINE WITH YOUR OWN FISTS!" Kyuuten gave a sigh of exasperation as his teacher mellow dramatically clenched his fists for emphasis. "I've gotten to know you well enough to know that you only push the limits of your abilities for the right reasons. I think it's about time we got back to your Heavenly Body training and finally use what we crafted for you. I think I've also come up with a solution to the problem you've been having with your Celestial Unity." Kyuuten was on his feet in an instant. "This is great! Once I master this training then I'll be unstoppable at the games." Orin looked at his pupil and smiled wryly. If you can master it...you're in for a hellish two weeks Rallis but I know you can get through it~ The towering man rose to his feet and took hold of Kyuuten by the back of his collar dragging him towards the door. "Then if you're ready we'll be on our way lad!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Hold up a second," A quiet yet oddly commanding voice said behind Kyuuten and his master. Merrian wheeled her chair out of the guildhall, stopping just feet from the pair. "There's no way I'm going to let you take my star pupil and leave me behind." There was a bag slung across the back of her chair, and something inside clinked as she reached into it.

"Catch," She said, pulling something flashy out of the bag and tossing it to Kyuuten. The key of the Proxy glimmered in the sun as it arced through the air.

"I want to see you practicing with that spirit once a day at least. Just start with a normal gate opening, don't worry about making a bond just yet. Proxy isn't going to be like any of the other spirits you've collected."

She started moving forward until she stopped next to Orin. "Of course, you have no objections with me accompanying you, right twinkle toes?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - The Archangel

Passively, Jeanne watched on as the power Sage held began to rise to rather remarkable levels. Yet even in spite of that however, she remained nonplussed. While the assembled powers that be certainly might have been impressive, the time it took to cause such to come to be was not.

Too long did it take, much too long. He would have been cut to ribbons in the time it took if she wished it.

Yet the strength of the Magic was still noteworthy. Perhaps with further practice and honing, it would be a more viable skill. That, and to increase his capacity of absorption; there was much work to be done.

Onward he struck, onward he went on his offensive; and the Archangel did not waste a moment in conjuring forth a defense. Two hundred blades reappeared once again, linking together to form an immensely strong two-layered barrier between her and the oncoming strike. There was no mark of fear nor was there hesitation, she knew what she had to do to withstand the oncoming storm.

What happened next, she did not expect.

In a scattering of cherry blossom petals and powerful Magic, Hana emerged from the heavens, cleaving the oncoming madness in two with ease. Such prowess impressed Jeanne, but the interrogation that occurred only moments later left the Archangel silenced for just a few moments. Her anger had caught her in an improper moment, but the reason for her actions had remained the same.

"We were in the midst of a spar, Hana." she began, her swords all simultaneously shattering and scattering in a diamond storm upon the winds as they faded. "Sage here is on probation for his actions in Valdosta, I was instructed by the Guildmaster to insure that such things don't happen again."

Slowly taking in a breadth of air, a long sigh of resignation passed her lips as she continued to talk to him. "That aside, I train people by continually pushing them to their limits. Sage here, has obviously met that limit."

Her armor plated footfalls were heavy upon the sodden and burned earth as she strode across the distance towards the unconscious Sage. "He is my responsibility, I will see to it that he receives treatment from Niti." Wings of gold left feathers of luminous light in her wake as she strode to the boy, and she gingerly picked him up from the earth.

"There is, or at least there was activity nearby. Between Revan and an unknown party. Sage will be fine with me if you'd like for us to go investigate that to insure that noone has been killed."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Matisuki Kiryuin

From Matt's perspective, the attack seemed to have been a devastating success. A massive explosion rocked a whole 10 mile radius as the Lizardman braced solidly for impact, not even flinching a little bit. As the dust settles, Matt was panting heavily, his massive chest bulging up and down with every inhale he took. He finally ran out of power. And nor was he planning to. When it came to the rare opportunity of charging up a Hypernova Beam, mostly during the final push of battle, he would usually borrow power from another teammate(s), or he would absorb certain percents of his regular monster beam, storing it to eventually become that beam attack. However, it seemed as if the whole force of Revan's punch had seemed to make him swallow that power in one sitting. Add that to the amount of aura he produced due to his anger, and he unintentionally created a quick charge-and-attack Hyper Beam. Never had that happened to Matt when doing such a ritual of a move. Nor did he really care at this stage.

He looks around trying to find Revan with a snarl, only to find him hovering several meters away. For a second, Matt was most surprised. It seemed that if he came out of it unhar~ oh wait there's a few badly burnt places and his head was already bleeding. The Lizardman's anger rose slightly as he tried to move, but most of his power had been exhausted during the beam attack. With a few moans and groans in pain, the Lizardman form began to slowly transform back into Matt's original form. He lands on both his knees and is now on all fours, panting heavily.

Damnit... he says to himself, I got too carried away... again.

As he breathes and tries to catch his breathe, Revan said his lines. Matt looks back up, his eyes already fully calm, and raises his arm to signify his existence.

"S-Still hereeeee..." he groans as he slowly gets onto his feet. He was also burned in a few places too, but would've scorched himself if it were not for his Kaiju Form. With two coughs, a headshake, and a few steps forward, Matt signifies that he's still alive and kicking... barely.

"Revan..." Matt said calmly as he points back to the city, "I know a bar back there. One that serves the finest beer and alcohol in town. *Huff* Don't bother paying anything... drinks are all on me."

He then calmly walks towards Revan and pats him on the back softly.

"Lets go..."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


The following day had been filled with traveling by Magi-car. The path taken was smooth and careful to ease the already horrendous stomachache that cramped Sable's gut. Beside him, Rush rubbed his leg to comfort him, she acquired the habit herself, for some reason having an intense urge to make him feel better. In a way it worked, if only a little, so he didn't mind it or shooed her away.

Traveling to Crocus is quite the stretch, Sable-Sable. I'm surprise you're still conscious with how long its been. I'm counting ten, eleven hours of straight road. Are you sure you're okay?”

The Driver's voice agreed. “ That train'n must've really toughn'd ya up, Mi'lord. The first time we rode together, you were barf'n everywhere.”

Sable used all his energy to grip the edge of the chair in front of him, lifted his chin onto it, and growled his words. Aye, why dontcha just shut ya trap and drive. I don't won't to be reminded of my past self too early. And call me, Reign once inside Crocus. I don't want anyone hearing the name Sable.” With a push, he slouched into the seat and groaned from the pain in his stomach.

" Aye, Mi'lord."

Rush flew up onto his shoulder and begin to softly rub his forehead. A caw ruptured the silent magi-car. Mooky cleaned its feathers before flickering its still gaze towards the window then back at him. His stare looked alien as if he was trying to discern him through all the changes that had taken place.

Think he's having a hard time recognizing me?”

Rush hummed thoughtfully before ceasing the forehead rub and floating in front of him. She stared intently for several minutes, arms crossed over her magic council uniform, a pink skirt covered her bottom. The navy blue exceed leaned her head to the side before finally saying. “ You haven't really changed much. Your hair is a bit darker and you look younger, I think that's because of your haircut though. Did the council give you that scent masking agent and magical amplifier?” she asked curiously.

Sable looked away towards the window, disdain clearly furrowing his brows. Fuck that,” he said softly. “I didn't want the amplifier but I did take the masking agent. Dragon Slayers are sure to be at the GMG.” Though he meant it as a whole, he was thinking specifically of two. Cyn and Aiden. Those two would sniff him out if no one else would. “Wouldn – won't one of them discovering me.” He winced from a gut-wrench jump.

Sorry sir,” The lighthearted Driver mumbled.

Rush patted the man's leather headrest. “ Tis okay, Sable-Sable is just excited is all. His stomach is extra sensitive.”

Sable laid his head against the leather and gazed out the window. Rush was right. He was excited to crush his friends with his new strength. To discovered just what that vision meant and to unveil his plans at the GMG. It was a “fools errand” was the words of the others. But he was determined to make it happened.

The scenery whizzed by quickly and he couldn't help but feel another twist in his intestines. Just a few more hours. I can take this!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
Avatar of Vongola_Hasayo


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kyuuten fidgeted in his master's grasp as he was dragged away. "Hold on, shouldn't I pack some stuff? You don't usually train next door to luxurious inns..." He fell silent when he heard the familiar voice call after them. Kyuuten blinked as Merrian rolled out the guild, a bag packed and ready to go. Orin stopped and lifted his student onto his feet, turning to face the woman in the wheelchair. "Uh hey Merrian. You going somewhere? Whoa!" Kyuuten juggled the key she passed to for a second before it rested safely in his palm. When Merrian announced that she'd be coming with to train him as well Kyuuten couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. He was barely going to survive Orin's training; if Merrian adds in her regimen Kyuuten might not even make it back to the guild let alone the GMG. "You're giving me Pheobe? Are you sure you don't still need her? I mean, I know you've recovered a lot but...wait why give this to me?"

Orin lowered his gaze to Merrian as she wheeled beside him. "I have no objections at all madam. I quite welcome your contributions. Truthfully, I wouldn't have had any clue how to effectively help the boy with his spirit magic. Well then, shall we be going?" The towering man started off towards the mountain near Crocus. Kyuuten followed after staring at the Key of the Proxy. Looking forward at his two teachers he couldn't help but smile despite the trials ahead of him. They make a scary team but with their help I'll definitely reach a new level~

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