Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

*Checks watch*

Huh, guess it's about that time. Excuse me while I bang my head against a wall while this conversation happens for the umpteenth time
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 1 day ago


Wow. If I ever have to explain what a strawman fallacy is, I found what I'll use to do it. I'm not even going to pretend that I don't find this post to be the most elitist example of a confirmation bias that I've ever seen, because I absolutely do. The difference is that I can think this through past a knee-jerk reaction and I actually want to explain my reasoning, so I'm going to set aside that personal opinion to take this from the top.

On the most basic level you might have had a point, if Crimmy had been the one to bring up his opinion of collabs first. It's no secret that he doesn't like them. It's no secret that I don't like them, nor is it one for Silvan, Plank, or Onarax. But not one of those people (myself included) were the ones to broach the subject. The vague 'you' in "you make collabs scapegoats" has no target. Pyro expressed an opinion, from their perspective, on KESS' collab. Harine observed a trend (which others have pointed out before), and Lucius stated that it might be "more dynamic" to handle things post-by-post for that mission at this point.

The key factor here is that none of these people (whom I don't pretend to speak for, their opinions are their own) traditionally express a negative attitude towards collabs. My stance is well known, but so is yours.

Everything you express is a matter of confirmation bias. Your experience, which is a completely valid one. But no one else is you. No one else is me. I hate to state the obvious, but you don’t seem to grasp that your experiences are not universal. Harine observing that collabs are anathemic to activity, Pyro stating that interest has been lost, and that participating in a collab again is unlikely, and Crimmy stating that they always have been are not universal, either. But they’re experiences that are every bit as valid as yours. Where you lose validity is in projecting your experience on everyone else, and claiming that hating collabs is a scapegoat for personal issues. It is not.

Let us pretend, for a second, that collabs are a scapegoat. You propose instating a deadline to get everyone moving, but will a deadline solve;

  • No free time
  • No willpower
  • Being busy
  • Writer’s block

These are the problems you brought up, the problems collabs are (allegedly) a scapegoat for. Deadlines won’t solve any of them. Deadlines won’t create more time. Deadlines won’t create more energy. Deadlines won’t make a busy schedule go away. Deadlines won’t break writer’s block. General motivation I’ll give you; a deadline can be an excellent external motivator. But even if we look at it from that perspective, a deadline would solve 20% of the problems brought up. You have no support from me on the matter of deadlines.

Deadlines are a failed solution, and that is if we pretend you’re right. I don’t have to be told to “quit making excuses” because I’m not making any, so maybe we can knock off the elitist projecting. Your experiences don’t override everyone else’s. In fact solutions have been proposed, this time and the last time this argument happened, and they amounted to “handle things post-by-post”.

Which I have. Me and Crimmy, and the rest of BASL, JCL, and VGNB on top of that, have stuck to our guns and contributed between us the majority of posts that occurred over the past four months. The only exception is the last week, and perhaps the week before, where a substantial portion has been contributed by the people done with missions who’ve returned to playing post-by-post. Imagine that. In fact we would even have a much higher amount of posts this week, but the people who have been contributing activity for months have been waiting for the next installment of our mission. So let’s add “gross misrepresentation of data” to “strawman” and “confirmation bias”.

Collabs absolutely have their place, and it’s for when you’re handling a structured interaction. A scene that has been carefully considered, and has no room for interruption. Or perhaps a sequence best suited to a single post where it can be read without any posts breaking it up. The majority of a game’s interactions for months upon months should not occur in collabs. As Harine has noted, that is detrimental to activity. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; where I’m from, collabs are called ‘jams’. Like jam they are a topping, not a meal.

Your attention span doesn’t matter, and implying that anyone who dislikes collabs has that of a goldfish (+20 buff to elitism) is just a dick move. Stop projecting.

*Checks watch*

Huh, guess it's about that time. Excuse me while I bang my head against a wall while this conversation happens for the umpteenth time

Me too, man. There’s a dent in my desk and a matching one in my skull from where I’ve been hitting it. There’s nothing new to be said, and at this point I don’t even like talking about any problems I see because this always happens.

But ultimately, I do want to help out. I love this game, and I love this cast of characters. I wouldn’t bother writing up posts like this if I didn’t. I’m just sick of having to do it. I just want missions done so I can go back to having fun, and stop having to address this fucking problem every other month.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Christ, we've got some people who were obviously on the debate club at their schools. So many big words. Head hurts. Gonna go weeb out and binge watch anime.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Let's settle it in Agario! :D
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Lucius Cypherwhat anime is that from do you know? it looks somewhat familiar
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 1 day ago

Christ, we've got some people who were obviously on the debate club at their schools.

Two times in top three of the Varsity division at the state meet, many times first place at school-hosted meets. Those were much, much more savage than this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Let's settle it in Agario! :D


2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by harinezumikouken>

Two times in top three of the Varsity division at the state meet, many times first place at school-hosted meets. Those were much, much more savage than this.

Christ, was not expecting to be right.

I'm a fucking genius.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 1 day ago

<Snipped quote by Krayzikk>

Christ, was not expecting to be right.

I'm a fucking genius.

It has been very, very useful in the course of being a GM. Also increased my ability to think analytically, as well as write, by a metric fuckton.

Would not go back in time to see my early rounds, though.

Still traumatized by hitting a Varsity team in my second ever round in Novice division.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Abillioncats
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Abillioncats Nyahahah you found me!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Yes we have a super debate man
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I like to debate about who should give out cookies with my friends. They all usually ended up giving me this ">:3" face and I went like "why"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Well, I believe everyone is given to their own opinions and free to say what's on their minds. However, there's no use in arguing and debating something in the OOC when ultimately that may lead to nowhere except a few raw asses and relationships potentially damaged.

We're all here for the same thing, to write and interact as our created characters, and to ultimately have fun. Plus, as Co-GM to this game, it's part of my responsibilities to help maintain order and discipline in the absence of Lugubrious and Prince. If you disagree with someone that's fine and dandy, but I've never seen it go well when laid out bare in a public setting. I'd say take it to the PMs but that could worsen things.

Unfortunately, my style of 'leadership' is rather different from most others. I tend to just quietly observe from the sidelines and not get involved until absolutely necessary. Which, I don't really do much here so I hardly feel like I have much power or sway over the actions of you fellow gamers. Even still, I have to ask before this escalates. Do try and be kind to one another and keep things calm and civil. It may be hard to reflect tone and emotion through text, but I'd hate for another explosion in the OOC to happen. I'd hate for people to get into severe disagreements and potentially create a rift in the player base or even to see players leave.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Shit's been crazy for me. Car accidents and such.

I will post as soon as I feel up to it and I will try to feel up to it as soon as I can promise <3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shit's been crazy for me. Car accidents and such.

I will post as soon as I feel up to it and I will try to feel up to it as soon as I can promise <3

Shit, boss. You and yours all okay?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 4 mos ago


We good! I was the only one in the car and one day I'll finish a court case and pay off my student debt probably. I've got a few more leg bones than what I started with but other than that we good.

Seriously though - I'm fine and my pain medication is baller.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


I have no idea. But in related news:

Gonna go weeb out and binge watch anime.

3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I found this Overwatch gem.


We good! I was the only one in the car and one day I'll finish a court case and pay off my student debt probably. I've got a few more leg bones than what I started with but other than that we good.

Seriously though - I'm fine and my pain medication is baller.

Glad to hear you're okay.
1x Like Like
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 1 day ago

Well, I believe everyone is given to their own opinions and free to say what's on their minds. However, there's no use in arguing and debating something in the OOC when ultimately that may lead to nowhere except a few raw asses and relationships potentially damaged.

We're all here for the same thing, to write and interact as our created characters, and to ultimately have fun. Plus, as Co-GM to this game, it's part of my responsibilities to help maintain order and discipline in the absence of Lugubrious and Prince. If you disagree with someone that's fine and dandy, but I've never seen it go well when laid out bare in a public setting. I'd say take it to the PMs but that could worsen things.

Unfortunately, my style of 'leadership' is rather different from most others. I tend to just quietly observe from the sidelines and not get involved until absolutely necessary. Which, I don't really do much here so I hardly feel like I have much power or sway over the actions of you fellow gamers. Even still, I have to ask before this escalates. Do try and be kind to one another and keep things calm and civil. It may be hard to reflect tone and emotion through text, but I'd hate for another explosion in the OOC to happen. I'd hate for people to get into severe disagreements and potentially create a rift in the player base or even to see players leave.

No disagreements here. I have no desire or intention to cause a fuss.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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