Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

You used to be normal. You used to live in a normal world. Then one day the things you always believed were nothing but stories and legend came and changed everything. They destroyed your life. They changed who you were. Now you hunt them. You seek them out and destroy them. Only you know why. Perhaps vengeance. Maybe you want to be a hero. Maybe it's just the only thing you were cut out for in life. Whatever the reason your a hunter now and probably for life. Things usually don't go well for people who try to leave the life. You are currently hunting a group of vampires in a small town called Basker Ville which resides in the southwest of the United States. You have been tracking them through various methods for quite some time. They are a nomadic tribe who disguise themselves as a biker gang called Silver Fang. Their method of capturing victims involves finding young men who are wanna be gangsters and young women who have a thing for leather, bikes, and bad boys. You know that they will soon be heading to a bar on the edge of town called Perdido Niños. You think maybe you should be there waiting for them.
This takes place in the universe of the Supernatural tv show but as of yet none of the events of the show have happened. That doesn't necessarily mean they won't but they haven't yet. Don't expect this to follow the plot of the show but also don't be surprised if I tie it in with the show in some way. As far as non human characters go I'm going to limit that number to two. If you make a non human character make it believable within the context of the world. It's going to be first come first serve with non human characters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vilhelm
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Vilhelm Batshit Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Jason, "Edge" Appearance: Standing at 6'2", Jason looks pretty normal for a late-middle aged man. Graying hair, wears a lot of nice looking suits, smart shoes, well groomed, and looks generally pleasant enough for a guy who seems to be in his late forties or mid fifties. But, there are certain... Abnormalities. For one, despite his age, he's built like a brick shit house, all dense muscle all over, like he's spent his entire life fighting- Mostly because he has. He's absolutely riddled with scars from various things, though not so many as to suggest he doesn't know how to duck, and he has his share of tattoos- Most for decoration, but he does have an anti-possession symbol tattooed on his left shoulder, and a demon trap on his left palm. Silver-grey eyes bore into what ever he might be looking at at any given moment, shooting off an air of experience, often described as if he's looking through people, rather than at them. Skills: Jason has been at the game for a very long time- And as such, he's picked up the skills that work best for him in his hunting. He's never been one for the new-age things, possessing only a basic knowledge of computers and phones- Enough to know how to research something online and check his voicemail, essentially. However, the more classic skills are abundant with him- Up close and personal combat, tracking, staying inconspicuous in a town or city- And, a massive knowledge of lore on all things supernatural, gained from long years of hunting and killing pretty much everything commonly seen. He's a good shot with rifles and handguns, though certainly not the best. And of course, there's the skill that got him his nickname of "Edge". It's near impossible to find him without a trio of knives on his person, and if he goes somewhere -knowing- what he'll be facing, one is almost certain to find him carrying a sword of the appropriate type- Iron for ghosts, silver for the plethora of things silver is useful on, and good old steel against men- Also the three kinds of knife he'll always carry. Equipment: As stated, he practically always has three knives on his person- Iron, steel, and silver. He drives a fairly recent model pickup with a covered bed- In which he stores all of his -other- tools. Swords, rifles, pistols, holy water, a few bags of various commonly-used spell and alchemy ingredients. A devils trap is etched into the bed, as well as the roof of the cabin, just in cast he ever gets stuck dealing with demons. His blades, of course, are his favorite weapons- Each blessed in half a dozen different ways, regularly treated in holy oil, and covered in all kinds of runes made for all kinds of beasties. And of course, bullets of iron and silver for every make and model of gun in the truckbed as well. Reason for Hunting: Jason started hunting young- Very young. Unlike some, he didn't get thrown into the world through some grand tragedy. No, he was raised into the trade, one of those unfortunate youth who never had a chance of a normal life. Through the constant travel and practice helping his father, he picked up the skills and knowledge necessary to start- And grabbed the rest as he went. So far, he's considered himself lucky... After all, not many hunters grow old. His father and uncle certainly didn't. Age: 52 Personality: Jason is, generally, a decent man. He likes to help people, and when in the company of 'normals', as he calls them around other hunters, he takes on the persona of your average cheery grandfather. But, around hunters, he doesn't bother with charades. While he still remains well mannered and generally friendly, he maintains the healthy levels of suspicion and bluntness required to survive the job, never beating around the bush, and making absolutely certain people know where they stand with him at all times. Bio: As said, Jason was born and raised into the Hunter life. He is, by definition, a bastard- Never knowing his mother, and never bothering to ask about her, either. He was an only child, and where his father went, he went. Most of his first seven years were spent in daycares, or spending most of his time with his uncle- A 'retired' hunter, or at least as retired as a hunter could be. He helped with monster research, looked up old lore, spent a lot of time in libraries, practiced the skills he would need once he was old enough to get in on the hunting. Once he did reach the age where his father felt he was able to handle himself in the field work, he spent all of his time on the road, handling job after job with his father, from ghosts to witches to wendigos and werewolves, and everything in between. Of course, inevitably, he eventually wound up on his own- A story he's not overly fond of talking about. His father pissed off the wrong vampire nest, and wound up torn limb from limb and buried under concrete, never afforded a proper hunter's funeral. His uncle went soon after- Though his death was mundane and civilian... Death by drunk driver, hitting him as he rolled his wheelchair across the street to buy himself some coffee. He, at least, was given a proper funeral. Ever since, Jason has worked mainly on his own, taking help where it was needed and offered from time to time, staying in contact with the hunter community, but generally keeping to himself. Other Info: The color blue gives him a headache, and he carries a seemingly endless supply of those funny little strawberry candies that seem to only be available to old people, as if they can only be bought in some secret old people club. You know. The ones you get at great grandmas house. Wrapped in strawberry patterned foil.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shadolord


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: "Orion" Appearance: Skills: He is a tracker by birth. He learned the art of hunting animals like its nothing. Guns are not what he likes to use. He can use them but it isn't as accurate. He is a bowman by heart. it also allows him more versatility. He can cook, and clean meat. He is a survivalist. Computers he knows the very basic skills. He is also a very good feild medic. Equipment: Bow Knife Rope Glass bottles. First Kit. How you became a hunter: He was attacked by a werewolf a passing hunter saved his life. He had learned that the world was darker than he had realized. He began hunting for about a month but then he changed and his house was destroyed. The damage was done and he realized he had to learn more about werewolves to restrain himself under the conditions that would make most hunters kill him. Gender: Male Age: 24 Personality: He is a very simple person. He has a guardian complex that makes him believe that the world rests on his shoulders to protect the simple humans from the creatures in the dark including himself. He finds life far more interesting in the dark of night and the woods than under the lights of the city. His work ethic is enough that he will kill another hunter if they prove dangerous and if he ever killed anyone, he will ask another hunter to kill him. Bio: Orion is the name he gives people. This is not the name he was born under but as far as he is concerned a werewolf stripped him of that name and so he took a new one. He grew up the foster son of a family of hunters. (not Hunters) His strength (Work in progress) Other Information:
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Wicked Sweet
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Wicked Sweet is secretly 3 Kobolds in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name: Jason, "Edge" Appearance: Standing at 6'2", Jason looks pretty normal for a late-middle aged man. Graying hair, wears a lot of nice looking suits, smart shoes, well groomed, and looks generally pleasant enough for a guy who seems to be in his late forties or mid fifties. But, there are certain... Abnormalities. For one, despite his age, he's built like a brick shit house, all dense muscle all over, like he's spent his entire life fighting- Mostly because he has. He's absolutely riddled with scars from various things, though not so many as to suggest he doesn't know how to duck, and he has his share of tattoos- Most for decoration, but he does have an anti-possession symbol tattooed on his left shoulder, and a demon trap on his left palm. Silver-grey eyes bore into what ever he might be looking at at any given moment, shooting off an air of experience, often described as if he's looking through people, rather than at them. Skills: Jason has been at the game for a very long time- And as such, he's picked up the skills that work best for him in his hunting. He's never been one for the new-age things, possessing only a basic knowledge of computers and phones- Enough to know how to research something online and check his voicemail, essentially. However, the more classic skills are abundant with him- Up close and personal combat, tracking, staying inconspicuous in a town or city- And, a massive knowledge of lore on all things supernatural, gained from long years of hunting and killing pretty much everything commonly seen. He's a good shot with rifles and handguns, though certainly not the best. And of course, there's the skill that got him his nickname of "Edge". It's near impossible to find him without a trio of knives on his person, and if he goes somewhere -knowing- what he'll be facing, one is almost certain to find him carrying a sword of the appropriate type- Iron for ghosts, silver for the plethora of things silver is useful on, and good old steel against men- Also the three kinds of knife he'll always carry. Equipment: As stated, he practically always has three knives on his person- Iron, steel, and silver. He drives a fairly recent model pickup with a covered bed- In which he stores all of his -other- tools. Swords, rifles, pistols, holy water, a few bags of various commonly-used spell and alchemy ingredients. A devils trap is etched into the bed, as well as the roof of the cabin, just in cast he ever gets stuck dealing with demons. His blades, of course, are his favorite weapons- Each blessed in half a dozen different ways, regularly treated in holy oil, and covered in all kinds of runes made for all kinds of beasties. And of course, bullets of iron and silver for every make and model of gun in the truckbed as well. Reason for Hunting: Jason started hunting young- Very young. Unlike some, he didn't get thrown into the world through some grand tragedy. No, he was raised into the trade, one of those unfortunate youth who never had a chance of a normal life. Through the constant travel and practice helping his father, he picked up the skills and knowledge necessary to start- And grabbed the rest as he went. So far, he's considered himself lucky... After all, not many hunters grow old. His father and uncle certainly didn't. Age: 52 Personality: Jason is, generally, a decent man. He likes to help people, and when in the company of 'normals', as he calls them around other hunters, he takes on the persona of your average cheery grandfather. But, around hunters, he doesn't bother with charades. While he still remains well mannered and generally friendly, he maintains the healthy levels of suspicion and bluntness required to survive the job, never beating around the bush, and making absolutely certain people know where they stand with him at all times. Bio: As said, Jason was born and raised into the Hunter life. He is, by definition, a bastard- Never knowing his mother, and never bothering to ask about her, either. He was an only child, and where his father went, he went. Most of his first seven years were spent in daycares, or spending most of his time with his uncle- A 'retired' hunter, or at least as retired as a hunter could be. He helped with monster research, looked up old lore, spent a lot of time in libraries, practiced the skills he would need once he was old enough to get in on the hunting. Once he did reach the age where his father felt he was able to handle himself in the field work, he spent all of his time on the road, handling job after job with his father, from ghosts to witches to wendigos and werewolves, and everything in between. Of course, inevitably, he eventually wound up on his own- A story he's not overly fond of talking about. His father pissed off the wrong vampire nest, and wound up torn limb from limb and buried under concrete, never afforded a proper hunter's funeral. His uncle went soon after- Though his death was mundane and civilian... Death by drunk driver, hitting him as he rolled his wheelchair across the street to buy himself some coffee. He, at least, was given a proper funeral. Ever since, Jason has worked mainly on his own, taking help where it was needed and offered from time to time, staying in contact with the hunter community, but generally keeping to himself. Other Info: The color blue gives him a headache, and he carries a seemingly endless supply of those funny little strawberry candies that seem to only be available to old people, as if they can only be bought in some secret old people club. You know. The ones you get at great grandmas house. Wrapped in strawberry patterned foil.
NAME: Malcolm Okada GENDER: Male AGE: 23 APPEARANCE:
As pictured. Malcolm is Asian, with straight black hair, sallow – unhealthily pale – skin and dark brown eyes. His most interesting feature is his hands, freakishly large with long, spidery fingers. While he stands and sits with an impeccable posture, his eyes are often shadowed by his fringe and nervously looking away from whoever he's speaking to. SKILLS:
  • (Former) English Literature and Theological Studies Student
    • While perhaps a more mundane talent than most hunters would ever bother with, Malcolm went to college and while he never completed his degree he was already reading obscure religious texts and 'fiction' with the knowledge that some of it was real.
  • Fluent in Japanese and Latin
    • Malcolm, from a Japanese-American family, is bilingual and also learned Latin during his time at private school. Naturally, he can use both in his research on supernatural creatures (even rarer ones of Asian origins) and can fluently recite exorcisms.
  • A "Student" Witch
    • Malcolm, from his mid-teens onwards, was a bit of a rebel and joined what seemed like a regular teenage group focusing on the occult and the worship of nature. Of course, the supernatural beings he revered did, indeed exist. While he never made a deal for his powers, and those he can use are almost exclusively tracking and minor protection rituals, the ability is there.
EQUIPMENT: Malcolm in general doesn't have many belongings, if only because what fits inside his dinky little Citroën Saxo is not much. His hunting equipment includes:
  • Sawed-off shotgun, registered under his father's name. Has both normal and salt rounds.
  • Three different types of salt – rock salt, smelling salts and table salt – as well as the supplies to make holy water.
  • His car itself, used for running over hostile witches. (It's a long story.) Pink racing bicycle with no helmet for off-road.
  • A variety of knives of different materials. Unbeknownst to him, the "silver" one is not actually silver. It's just a good fake.
  • Laptop and old-fashioned textbooks, as well as his own notes.
REASON FOR BECOMING A HUNTER: The occult group he joined as a teenager turned out to be almost like a 'farm' for a particularly nasty demon that, once summoned, took possession of the leader – Malcolm's beloved girlfriend, Jenna James Bartlett. While finding a way to eject the demon currently slaughtering her way around the USA from Jenna James is his first priority, he has been creating a comprehensive guide to hunting in the interests of publishing it. It is not nearly complete. PERSONALITY: A scaredy-cat who goes against his true, cowardly nature for the sake of love and romance. Malcolm is a romantic at heart (the type to write poetry and buy flowers and moon over a girl) and also has a romantic ideal of heroism that he aspires to, even if his own weak nerve often gets the better of him. He is prone to panic, more than a little introverted and chronically shy around strangers and overall self-deprecating, but nonetheless friendly and open to helping others. BIO: Malcolm is pretty much the epitome if an upper-class spare heir. Loved by his parents, yes, but distant from them for being born second and more so for choosing an 'arty' career path instead of science or business. He attended a private university, had piano lessons (for most of his childhood) and ultimately never worried for anything more than test scores. Still, teenage hormones dictated that he had to stress and mope over something, and fate decided that it must be a girl. For this girl, Malcolm truanted school, took art and design, picked up smoking and joined the group of adolescent 'witches' worshipping the occult. The group lasted throughout most of his high school life and sparked his interest into the supernatural events of the world. As his friends progressed into college, things began to grow darker and more... morbid. Rituals under the leader became dangerous, ill-natured, and eventually it became apparent that Jenna James was possessed. Malcolm was the only one who noticed, or cared. With no way of taking her out of the body, he left home with a large sum of money and the tools to become a hunter. Naturally, things were never that easy, and he made so many mistakes and injured himself so many times before coming to where he is now, but those are stories better told in a bar.
Name: Karen Winter Appearance: Including a number of scars. Several of her fingers appear to have been broken and re-set semi incorrectly. If she's seen with a tank-top, or a without a shirt (either unlikely) a scar can been found under her left clavicle. A knife scar on either side of her left hand. Skills: Karen has been at this a couple years, but she didn't have any help in the very beginning. That hardened her body and skills a lot. Her pain tolerance is insanely high, because of torture she has suffered. She has extensive notes on everything she has come across. Before she was a hunter she had an eclectic knowledge of random things, sort of a jack-of-trades. Not afraid to use people's assumptions against them. Sometimes Karen will sketch and you can see a bit of who she used to be when she does art. Equipment: Large Medkit A silver knife. Cross necklace, it was Tessa's, it reminds Karen that God isn't going to protect her she has to protect herself. Hand gun w/assorted bullets 2 Shotguns (one sawed off) Her car, a ragged beat up VW Bug. Back seat is converted to hide her tools. A normal tool chest, partially for working on the car, partially for handy-ness Anti-vamp kit Anti-werewolf kit Bag of costumes and identities. How you became a hunter: A few years ago Karen's friend Tessa went missing. Her and Lucille went looking after Tessa. Lucille didn't survive the encounter with the skinwalkers that had killed Tessa. One of the skinwalkers Karen ended up killing was wearing her skin. She hasn't looked back since, knowing full well her family buried someone that wasn't her. Gender: Female Age: 28 Personality: Karen was once a happy college girl. Studying art. After Tessa went missing she was scared. The decision to go look for her was primarily her's and so she blames herself for Lucille's death. She still retains a sharp wit and extreme sarcasm. Karen is great at dead panning that sarcasm. Bio: Karen had a fairly normal life with no clue about the supernatural until disappearances started happening in her home town. Her friend Tessa's brother went missing. It was at Karen's suggestion, after the police turned out useless for Tessa to investigate the last place her brother had been seen, a hotel outside of town. When Tessa didn't come back Karen and Lucy went after her. Karen only survived because two hunters showed up and killed the skinwalkers that had her cuffed to a pole torturing her. Lucy had had her lung punctured and died shortly after their rescue because she refused medical attention. Since then Karen has been hunting. She learned a bit from the two hunters who had saved her, and then went on her own way, despite their protests. Other Information: If it's cold out she limps slightly.
Approved. The rest of you seem to be doing pretty well with your character sheets so far. Ill take another look at them when they're done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by cunfuzzler
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cunfuzzler Just here so I don't get fined.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Tahnee Watchman Appearance:
Skills: Born and raised as an Apache, Tahnee was taught how to track and hunt with a bow by her grandfather. Despite this, while passable at both, she generally regards hunting with a bow to be archaic and pointless. Firearms Training: As a former member of the Coast Guard, Tahnee is well versed with the use of automatic and semi-automatic weapons. Additionally they have been what she used for hunting for years. Swimming: Tahnee is an absolute world class swimmer, even making the Olympic team. It has pretty much been her job for entire adult life. She is as comfortable in the water as she is on land. Tomahawks: The only thing that really shines through from her heritage. Even from a young age she was fascinated by tomahawks. Aside from a good gun, a tomahawk is her weapon of choice. Capable of using them in close-quarters of as a throwing weapon, she truly enjoys the feeling of being splashed by the blood of her prey after one good strike. Equipment: M4A1 Carbine: Though she only actually got to use one during her training in the Coast Guard, she fell in love. Modified with a CQBR, night vision optics, front grip and a suppressor. It is the pride of her weapons collection. She usually keeps multiple magazines for it on hand as well, hollow point, iron, silver coated, and titanium. Each one blessed. Beretta 90two: Equipped with a suppressor and flashlight she isn't near as proud of her handgun as she it her rifle, though it still serves her well. As with the M4 she keeps various types of blessed ammunition on hand for it at all times. Tomahawks: When hunting, Tahnee carries two custom made tomahawks, one silver, one iron, both are perfectly balanced, and covered in various runes and blessings from blade to hilt. Assorted Hunting Goodies: Salt taken directly from the Flats of Utah, dead man's blood, lamb's blood, and a brass knife. As well as a tablet she uses to look up anything she doesn't know about her prey. Vests: Tahnee always keeps a stab proof and a bullet proof vest in her car at all times. Her Car: Like any hunter, for Tahnee, her car is as important as any of her possessions. She drives a 2008 lime green Honda S2000. Given it's limited trunk space she keeps her weapons in hidden compartments in the doors for everything except the M4. It itself has many runes etched into the metal beneath the paint including a Devils Trap on either door. Why she became a hunter: Really, Tahnee was born into hunting, she just didn't actually pursue it as her calling until recently. The bio explains a bit more. Gender: Female Age: 31 Personality: Tahnee has a very abrasive personality. She is a shoot first ask question later type, she trusts noone she meets and is quick to anger. She is also very competitive, always trying to prove that she is relevant by outdoing others, and keeping up a facade of incredible arrogance about everything she does. Of course it is all seeded by insecurity, but she'll never admit it. Aside from that, when noone is around to see she does try to do nice things, though she has to justify any good deed as part of her job, she donates blood as often as possible, which she justifies as making sure vampires haven't gotten into the system. Another part of her personality shines through only when she is fighting. An absolute bloodlust, when she is fighting, she enjoys it, she enjoys watching her prey's flesh be rent by her bullets and blades. Once she starts killing she wants to see everything nearby dead, and as other hunters that have worked with her have found it can be difficult to get her to stop, she hasn't killed anyone yet, but she has left a few less experienced hunters a bit jarred by the experience. Bio: Born and raised on the reservation hunting with an older and younger brother, hunting was the family tradition. For generations her family had kept their tribe save from anything that went bump in the night. She was no exception, along with her brothers she was taught how to hunt. Even as a child she was taken along on hunts to learn everything she could, growing up though it became apparent that while if you put a tomahawk in her hands she was unstoppable, her skills as a more traditional hunter while good, were not on par with her brothers. She still went on all the hunts, and even bagged a few kills, but it was apparent that they could handle things without her. As she entered high school her her aspirations shifted from the romanticized lifestyle of a hunter to a more naturally achievable goal for her. That goal was swimming, she took to the water like a fish, she smashed all of her high school's records for girls and boys, and in her senior year had a successful tryout for the Olympic team, she was a prodigy in the water and even brought home a silver medal in her first appearance on the world stage. Despite that though, after spending her childhood hunting vampires and wendigos, she wanted something more exciting and directly out of high school enlisted in the Coast Guard as a swimmer. While in the Coast Guard she had never felt more comfortable, she discovered quickly that she was a natural with a gun in her hands. While she had fired guns before she had never gotten to use automatic military grade weapons. She was the most successful recruit they'd seen in years, and was well on her way to a career. Six years into her commission though things took a turn she was met with rather terrifying news. HEr brothers had gone out on a hunt and not returned. While she wasn't much of one for tradition her family had been hunters for centuries, and she wasn't about to let that stop. Plus she'd have a chance to maybe find out what happened to her brothers, so in a turn that shocked her superior officers she did not re-enlist after eight years. Instead taking up her families torch as a hunter ever since.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by JurassicHole
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JurassicHole Definitely NOT the Mama.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Wondering if there's still a spot available, as there is quite a handful of characters already. Also, if a non-human character is available, I might have something for it. I'll assume angels are out of the question due to OP status (wasn't what I was thinking of, just touching bases), but what about fallen (no wings) or Nephilim? Think it might be fun to be a lower tier angel that was cut off from Heaven and forgotten about, taking up his duties for humanity by hunting the evils that lurk in the shadows. He wouldn't have much power, being separated from Heaven, but minor/moderate healing and his long life span would be it for the most part.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Wondering if there's still a spot available, as there is quite a handful of characters already. Also, if a non-human character is available, I might have something for it. I'll assume angels are out of the question due to OP status (wasn't what I was thinking of, just touching bases), but what about fallen (no wings) or Nephilim? Think it might be fun to be a lower tier angel that was cut off from Heaven and forgotten about, taking up his duties for humanity by hunting the evils that lurk in the shadows. He wouldn't have much power, being separated from Heaven, but minor/moderate healing and his long life span would be it for the most part.
Sorry I'm gonna go ahead and say no more new players for now. Thing is I still have a lot of people from the interest check who still need to post characters so it's going to be pretty crowded. Maybe if people drop later on you can join in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 6 days ago

Name: Jeremy Bolt Appearance: Most of the time his clothing usually consists of a corporal hat, polo shirt, loose fit jeans and a set of skate shoes. He has a large Celtic Cross tattoo on his back as well as a set of tattoos on both of his knuckles (the word "Lamb" being on his right hand, and "Goat" being on his left) Skills: - Agility: Due to his young body but longer than normal lifespan Jeremy has had the time to keep extremely fit. In the past he has been able to chase down some of the faster demons and can run for an extended period of time if needed. - Fast shooter: Carrying around large weapons was extremely difficult within Australia due to their heavy gun laws. Because of this he decided to carry around something a lot smaller that could be concealed and naturally learnt how to draw them quickly in order to take the first shot during a fight. - Mechanically minded: For many years Jeremy worked as a mechanic and learnt many of the little trick in how to repair and maintain various forms of machines. He also picked up on some of the unorthodox skills like hot-wiring a car and rigging explosives. - Explosives: Part of being mechanically minded allowed him to understand the many different types of explosives that are available as well as assembling some small ones. Equipment: - A dual set of Beretta 92s containing silver rounds and blessed with holy water - A silver butterfly knife that he straps to his ankle - A few ingredients for some simple explosives - 1969 Honda CL350 K1 Scrambler How you became a hunter: After experiencing the murder of his witch girlfriend and breaking free of her spell he eventually moved over to the US for both a fresh start in a new country and to continue his hunting. Gender: Male Age: Jeremy looks young for his age (Mid 20s) but that's also because he cannot remember what year he was actually born in. He does however remember the Sydney Harbour Bridge being built in 1923 so it's estimated that he's at least 100 years old. Personality: Jeremy is an Australian. He has an bit of an attitude to suit his look and is often called cheeky, reckless, or just simply a smart arse but he is also loyal and will stand by those that help him. He does however view his life as lucky as he has been given a chance to try and set things right. Bio: Most people that enter into a relationship say that it feels like being under the spell of love. Jeremy however experienced that in a literal sense of that statement rather than the metaphorical version. It turned out that his last girlfriend was a witch and she had a real obsession with him, to the point where she created a love potion mixed with a longevity spell and secretly gave it to him one evening during a dinner. After being poisoned he immediately fell in love with the girl and to her knowledge they were to live happily ever after, forever. This never happened though because many, many years later some hunters managed to track the witch and kill her. Without the potion and magic poisoning Jeremy he began to regain his true thought pattern and was disgusted by what she had done to him. By spending time with his new hunter allies he learnt about the many creatures and beings throughout the world and decided to try and do his part in setting things right. Other Information: 100 years of chain smoking is a rather difficult habit to break...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

It's been a busy day. I will get around to looking at more character sheets tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ozymandeus
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Magnus "Grim" Grimsson. Gender: Male Age: 36 Appearance:
At 6'8" and 280 pounds, Grim gets stared at most anywhere he goes. Add the fact that most of it is muscle and his usual biker get up and you get a person people cross the street at night to avoid. Though very muscular, his build is less that of a bodybuilder and more the thick, less defined muscle of someone used to lifting heavy things. Of Scandinavian heritage, he is blond and blue eyed. He keeps his long hair down when he's not hunting and bound into a bun when he is. He has several tattoo's on his arms and back. He's usually dressed in riding gear; chaps, a leather vest or coat depending on the weather, sunglasses. Skills: Grim is, as one could ascertain by looking at him, very strong. He's able to pick up the average man with ease and can lift up to 400 pounds without an extreme amount of strain. He's an especially good melee combatant, both with his fists and with his weapon of choice: his axe. Coming from a criminal background has made Grim adept at gathering information from the street level, and he has connections among various illegal ventures that he can use to his advantage when tracking or looking for creatures. He's also fairly mechanically adept, having lived and worked around bikes. Equipment: Grim travels very light, only carrying enough to fit in the saddlebags and under the seat of his custom Shadow VT600C. His main tools are: -His Axe, named Forgiveness. A long bearded axe with a carbon fiber haft and a pattern welded head composed of a steel alloy, and coated with silver oxide, with the side opposite the edge ending in a spike made of wrought iron. -A Smith and Wesson model 500 revolver, which looks average sized in his hand. -His leather coat has a layer of chain mail sewn into the lining to protect from claws, teeth and blades. Though it won't do much to stop bullets. -miscellaneous hunting equipment: Vials of dead man's blood, holy water, salt, as well as a laptop and a journal. -Camping gear such as a sleeping bag and bed roll and an emergency injury kit. Bio and Reason for Hunting: A second generation member of an outlaw MC called the Damnation Riders, Grim grew up around bad people. His father was a career criminal who taught him everything he knew, including how to ride a chopper and use an axe. The latter was something that his father said had been passed down for generations, while the former was in preparation for his initiation into the Club. On his 18th birthday, he was led to an abandoned warehouse by his father and the rest of the MC. There, strapped to a chair was something utterly human like, yet utterly inhuman. It's blood was black and it was altogether too pale, with teeth like a shark's. Grim was handed a knife and told to kill it, and only after doing that did he find out the true purpose of the MC. To protect their own territory and defend their criminal enterprise, the Damnation Riders were monster killers. Still, after 10 years of smuggling drugs, running guns, and killing the various supernatural threats that infringed on the Rider's turf, Grim had eventually seen enough. By this time he'd gotten married and after finding out his wife was pregnant, decided that he was going to find a more mundane form of employment and raise his family away from violence. Unfortunately it was around this time he was arrested and sent to prison for 3 years after some charges caught up to him. Still he knew his wife and unborn child would be safe under the protection of the riders until he got out, or so he thought. Though he frequently got calls and letters from his wife for the first 2 years of his sentence, they suddenly stopped. He tried to get in touch with the MC but found he was unable to do that either. When he was finally released he made his way home only to find his wife and child weren't there, The MC Clubhouse was similarly empty. Finally, he thought to check the warehouse where years before he had completed his initiation. Before he even opened the door he smelled the blood, the stench of rotting meat. He came out of the warehouse a different man, gathered up his meager belongings, and began the Hunt for the things that had taken everything from him. After months of stalking and searching, when he finally found the animals that had killed his friends and family, a pack of vampires, he killed them one by one, and after sinking his axe into the leader's head he smiled grimly for the first time since his family's death, because he knew that, while he could never replace what he had lost, there would be no shortage of creatures that needed killing, he had found a new calling. Personality Grim is, like his name would suggest, a silent and demure individual. While he still has a dark sense of humor, and takes pride in helping who he can, the only time he truly comes alive is when he's hunting. It's what he lives for and to call it an addiction wouldn't be too far off the mark. Still, he doesn't go charging blindly into fights he can't win, he waits for the right time to strike and takes it. He doesn't see himself as a hero, just as a weapon protecting those who need it, and killing what needs being killed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JurassicHole
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JurassicHole Definitely NOT the Mama.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by JurassicHole> Sorry I'm gonna go ahead and say no more new players for now. Thing is I still have a lot of people from the interest check who still need to post characters so it's going to be pretty crowded. Maybe if people drop later on you can join in.
Alright cool, no problem. I'll keep a sub on this in case a spot opens.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ozymandeus
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

So...Is this still going on or did I miss something?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

So...Is this still going on or did I miss something?
It is. I'm sorry. These past couple days Ive been really busy. Tomorrow for sure ill get back on this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I really hate to do this but I have to cancel this. My life has just been getting too busy for me to run an rp. I might try this again at a later date but right now I just can't.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cunfuzzler
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cunfuzzler Just here so I don't get fined.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Damn shame, I was looking forward to this. If anyone else wants to GM a Supernatural RP, I am down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vilhelm
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Vilhelm Batshit Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Pity. I look forward to whenever you start it up again. And good luck in life, man!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 6 days ago

Sorry to hear that Razqua. Hope you can get things sorted out and you can RP in confidence again in the future. :) _____________________________________________________ @Kirah@Vilhelm@McHaggis People who had character sheets accepted + @cunfuzzler@Ozymandeus@Shadolord@Wicked Sweet Cause you showed interest as well... We have about 8 people (with 3 already accepted), including myself, who seem to really want a supernatural RP. Now Mahz introduced a new system that will allow up to 3 people to GM/co-GM an RP [Mahz's Post]. Would any of you guys be willing to take the group that we have started and we can work together as a group project to create a new OOC and RP utilising the Character sheets and general plot idea as a basis? Reason why I'm suggesting that 3 people take on this is because it'll help limit the pressure being on one person and it will allow for ideas and guidance to come from different sources. I'd just hate to see all of our interest and effort fade away when we seem so enthusiastic. :(
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cunfuzzler
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cunfuzzler Just here so I don't get fined.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sorry to hear that Razqua. Hope you can get things sorted out and you can RP in confidence again in the future. :) _____________________________________________________ @Kirah@Vilhelm@McHaggis People who had character sheets accepted + @cunfuzzler@Ozymandeus@Shadolord@Wicked Sweet Cause you showed interest as well... We have about 8 people (with 3 already accepted), including myself, who seem to really want a supernatural RP. Now Mahz introduced a new system that will allow up to 3 people to GM/co-GM an RP [Mahz's Post]. Would any of you guys be willing to take the group that we have started and we can work together as a group project to create a new OOC and RP utilising the Character sheets and general plot idea as a basis? Reason why I'm suggesting that 3 people take on this is because it'll help limit the pressure being on one person and it will allow for ideas and guidance to come from different sources. I'd just hate to see all of our interest and effort fade away when we seem so enthusiastic. :(
I'm down. I am more than willing to Co-GM.
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