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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by edgeout


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

In a world filled with darkness, a group of light must gather to reveal the truth within. The Kages had their meeting. It was certain that they will come. As the Hokage looked out to Konoha, he smiled. There was the ground he played in as a kid. Where he had fights, and indeed where he grew up. He loved this village, and did not want to let go of it. He knew the time was coming in which they would be tested. He knew it was inevitable. For now, all he could do was look to the little lights of the future within his ground. Three figures appeared appeared behind the Hokage. One of them stepped out and bowed. The Hokage, not turning around addressed him here. "I see that you three are here" He said looking out the window. "Indeed. You have called us here?" Said Kaito stepping a bit forward from the two. "Indeed." The Hokage replied, his had was on him, and Kaito could barely see his face. The Kage turned around to face them. He took his hat off and placed it on the desk. He sat down on a seat near the desk and began scribbling. "You three are to train the newly rising academy students. We hand picked nine of our finest." Kaito hesitated for a moment. The village, never hand picked their students. All was welcome. The last time this happened was when he- "What's wrong Kaito?" The Kage said cutting him off. Kaito could now see the old man's eyes glow. "Nothing, sir." Kaito said. "I'll do what you say." "Good" The Kage responded. He handed the three pieces of paper to Kaito. "The names of those who are written in here are your students, I expect you all will raise them well?" "Of course, Hokage-sama." After that Kaito handed the two standing each their respective paper. Then he was about to walk out when the old man addressed him. "Kaito," Kaito stopped in his tracks, his back to the Kage. "You know I care for this village, and its people." "Of course, sir." Kaito said looking down. Then he poofed out of there to the designated classroom without a word.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sanada Maasaki
When it came to being called back home, Maasaki was timely. Actually, the man was timely about everything, but more so when it involved the Hokage and returning from a mission. That said, the black haired man arrived in Konoha, obvious fresh wounds healing on wherever bare skin showed. After a short welcome from another jounin, Maasaki arrived before the Hokage, along with two other familiar faces. He lingered behind as Kaito chose to speak, focusing on their words to the point that his brows furrowed. Then again, they always did. And it seemed, before he knew it, the chatter was over, and Maasa was handed a slip of paper. He merely nodded at his old teacher's request- how else was he supposed to answer? Glancing up just as the last of Kaito's smoke dissipated, Maasaki took the chance to step forward from the shadows. "Let's hope these kids are better than we were amiright?" asked the jounin, a playful smile on his lips despite everything else about him reeking of fatigue. He bowed his head politely, adding a more serious, "I won't disappoint," before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aeris
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Aeris ғᴀɴᴄʏ, ᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ?

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nao Yamakage
The jounin had been in the room for a while, arms crossed in front of himself as his pale blue gaze analyzed the well known surroundings: The Hokage's Office. He pondered if he was supposed to ask why he was called, but - the Hokage was likely waiting the arrivel of other jounin, otherwise, he would've spoken already. As his eyes flicked back and forth, Kaito appeared - followed by Masaki right after. A brief talk and the reasoning of this meeting was given: Young, handpicked students which the three of them would train. As the paper was handed to Nao, he instantly took it, eyes running over the names curiously. Hand-picked by the village? I don't see any special, notable name in here. Hmm. Perhaps whoever choose them had a better insight regarding their abilities than Nao, but the man wasn't exactly pleased - it certainly wasn't a squad which could take C~B ranked missions early. "By your orders, Hokage-sama." Nao spoke briefly, giving a nod towards the other two jounin before they vanished rather swiftly. Nao was the last one to leave, but it was a known fact that he'd more than likely be the first to arrive, anyway. He was fast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The silence in the large white compound was slightly creepy, but something that the nine-year old shinobi wouldn't trade for the world. He sat, cross-legged, on a soft cloth mat, eyes closed as he slowly swirled the calm chakra within his system. A glass of piping hot tea was sat, on a coaster, right beside him, but even as the wonderful steam brushed across his nostrils, Kossetsu merely focused on his meditation, a serene tilt of his lips the only emotion palpable on his smooth, pale skin. The boy already wore his ninja clothing - a long-sleeved, relatively loose, and passive gray zip-up shirt, with mesh sewn in for protection, along with black Shinobi pants wrapped with bandages at the ankles, and sandals. He was never one for being fancy, after all; although one could get the impression sometimes. No, he was aware of the horrors of the outside world, and these clothing were perfect. Efficient, enough to absorb punches and kicks from relatively weak enemies, not dark enough to ruin stealth, and not light enough to ruin it, either. Not to mention it fit his 'style', so there would be no suspicion on who he was. He always liked the less tight, constricting clothing. Slowly breathing from his mouth, Kossetsu finally finished the chakra-control exercise, allowing his chakra to settle back into their usual pathways as he slowly opened his eyes; golden-green, ethereal pupils glancing around the blank white room with a certain level of love, even though the owner of said eyes didn't know what the emotion stood for. "I should get going..." His young, calm, and rather stoic voice broke the beautiful silence. Slowly standing, Kossetsu glanced around once more, a light frown tugging at the bottom of his lips as he realized the time. Ten minutes...he only had ten minutes. It was barely enough time to eat a calm breakfast and water his garden, but it was something that he'd just have to take. If his sensei got angry for some reason, then that was the fault of the impatient man, and not he himself. Shrugging - which was nothing more then a slight drop of his shoulders, Kossetsu opened the sliding door and swiftly headed towards the garden. His compound, in itself, was very, very large, being a district in and of itself. Apparently, Kaguyas were valued heavily as ninja due to their Kekkai Genkai, which was understandable...but was he really expected to populate this place with ninja? Ridiculous. He doubted that he would even bear a child. Swiftly traversing through the main compound, and exiting out through the back sliding door, Kossetsu allowed a genuine smile to form on his face, as he took in the courtyard behind his home. Flowers...hundreds of them, ranging from the standard yellow and red, to an exotic white and black, all nestled along the soil and blooming beautifully in the setting sun. Grabbing a watering can from where they were stacked neatly in a row, Kossetsu allowed his mind to wander as he began the daily watering spree. Walking along the rows of beautifully planted and groomed flowers, he appeared at peace with himself, even as his mind began to wander into less...pleasurable thoughts; basically, what would his squad be like? Would they hold him back from achieving world peace? Or would they help him in his endeavor, and prove to be worthy of his respect and acknowledgement? Or would they...would they be violent savages, only enamored with the thought of money and mindless violence? His smile faltered, and a cold, blank frown took it's place. Kossetsu stopped walking, finishing the last flower with a brief drizzle of water from the can. If they were...he wouldn't be on their team. He would drop out, and try another village. Placing the empty can back with the rest, Kossetsu glanced over his large garden, a small smile on his face, before exiting the Kaguya District. It was odd; his district was a moderate distance away from the academy, and rather close to the other clans. As he exited his gate and began his walk down the street, various stares were directed towards the young boy. Whisperings started; which hasn't diminished a bit since his arrival nine years ago. 'Poor boy, all alone!', 'Already graduating?! Look at his Hitai-ate!', 'I should get my daughter to marry him! The Kaguya clan!', and his favorite, 'What does he do in that giant compound all day?'. Meditation, exercise, and training, of course. He never bothered with responding, only speaking back with a quiet tone whenever someone directly greeted him. Thankfully, this day they were too busy gossiping about him graduating at the age of nine, so it only took a few minutes to make his way past the breakfast crowd and on the pathway to the academy. Making his way through the wooden doors of the school, Kossetsu quickly headed towards the class, quietly entering through the door and taking his place towards the middle. He wasn't late, thankfully, and due to his stealthy entrance, none of his...shiver...fan-girls noticed his sitting down, since most were crowded towards the front. Sitting up-straight and attentive, Kossetsu returned his attention to the front of the classroom, not saying a word. His fore-head protector was sewn into his pants, so that it wouldn't tip any foreign ninja off, and he apparently didn't have any weapons on his form - his kunai and shuriken pouch both being sewn naturally into his pants, for stealth's sake. He was ready for his journey. Systematically, his legs folded in his seat, and the boy slowly closed his odd eyes, his breath slowing. If anyone with a Byakugan was staring, they'd notice his chakra pathways enlarging and then compacting, while the chakra within diverted their usual stream and, instead, began circulating - showing incredible control of the chakra itself. Meditation was the way to go when waiting, after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Katon, Gokakyuu no Jutsu!" A medium-sized flamethrower erupted from the young genin's mouth, burning a handful of unlucky trees continuously, until the boy began to cough, cancelling the technique. Now, one would've likely thought that Yukio had some hatred towards trees - but that wasn't the case. He was sparring yet again with his brother and attempted to hit him with the great fireball technique - except Hikaru had moved swiftly towards the trees, leaping behind Yukio, who spun around to face his brother again. "Unfair! You're getting faster, eh!" Hikaru shrugged, "maybe," he admitted with a hint of a smile. He then engaged his little brother in hand-to-hand combat, starting off slow, then increasing his speed until his moves became a blur. "Since we lack ranged abilities, we must push our bodies to the limit!" Yukio could block and dodge his brother's attacks with ease while he was holding up, but when Hikaru began to increase his speeds, Yukio's movements became slightly less precise - at least two punches connected, causing him minor pain. Then, he decided that if he kept dodging, he wouldn't manage to stop the flurry of punches and kicks thrown at him, so he decided to wait until an opening was given and counter-attack his brother; which he did merely a few seconds after, managing to precisely block a punch with his elbow, the boy attempted to throw a frontal kick towards his brother's chest - it was to gather distance instead of cause damage, really. Hikaru was impressed that only two hits connected, his brother was improving quite nicely. He saw the kick coming and jumped into the air, managing to push himself into a backflip off of his brother's foot. Yukio's tactic had worked nonetheless, as there was now a good distance between them. Reaching for his thigh, Yukio took two kunai with his right hand, tossing it with little precision - mostly due to his lack of skills with them - towards his brother. Hikaru smirked as he drew his own kunai, and slashed the projectiles out of the sky, "don't use those unless you're using them as some sort of distraction. Your skill with weapons are minimal, we need to train with those too. Tools can be very useful to you, especially when your visual prowess awakens." The eleven year old quickly grabbed his weapons from his pouch and threw three kunai at his brother, the middle one having a wire attached to it. He would use the middle kunai to either change the trajectory of the other kunai, or spin it around and throw it at Yukio if that didn't work. Suddenly, the door of their house opened, and their mother called to them, saying they would be late if they continued any longer. Hikaru reluctantly stopped his attack, flicking the two kunai into the ground and dropping the third using his wire. The brothers, after saying good-bye to their parents, took off towards the academy. They became two blurs on rooftops, weaving in and out of crowds with ease, seeming to be in sync. It was so surreal that this was all happening, even the villagers were impressed. Hikaru shifted his forehead-protector, not used to it being on, but glad it finally was. The Uchihas arrived swiftly, quietly entering and finding a seat. Hikaru observed the room, eyes stopping on that little brat Kossetsu. The genin smirked, but inside he was slightly annoyed. The little guy was so innocent looking, but packed a mean punch. Hikaru wasn't annoyed by Kossetsu himself, more by the fact that he was so skilled at such a young age. The Sharingan was supposed to be the strongest Kekkei Genkai in his eyes, but the stage his was in, was not enough to overpower the Kaguya. Hikaru shook himself out of his annoyed thoughts and tried to focus on what was happening. Today was such a big day for him and his brother. Their journeys as ninjas would begin today, so much could happen. They had applied to be in the same squad, because they worked so well together. He could only hope that the third squad mate they had would be useful. The last hting they needed was a person that would hold them back. Hikaru folded his arms over his chest, trying to look focused, but his normal, charming smile broke through. He admitted it, he was excited. "Ready bro?" he asked Yukio quietly, "as always," his little brother responded with a grin. 'Smart ass,' he thought to himself as he grinned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After a nice breakfast and a quick pep talk with her father about how she should always strive to be the best and things of the like that she had already heard several times already, Suzu finally left her house with a chirpy and energetic, "I'll see you later!" She jumped out of her house and landed perfectly on the ground several meters away from her little house. Different from the Hyuuga, Uchiha or even the Kaguya, her 'clan' had been reduced to nothing but a little apartment, and somehow, that motivated Suzu to try her best even more than any other thing. Suzu was wearing a small orange hooded-sweater with orange and red square designs on the inside, along with a white skirt and, of course, a pair of black shorts below that (she didn't want people getting peeks at what they should), all along with the traditional ninja sandals, though hers were black. Her forehead protector was hanging around her neck, as she thought it was the most comfortable place for it to be in. "Be lucky, Bunny sis!" The voice of a little boy sounded from the house, as he shouted over at Suzu. It was her little brother, and yet, she couldn't help but turn around and shout back at him. "I am not a rabbit!" She shouted back, which startled her little brother a bit, but still, the toddler with bright red hair just like hers waved happily at his sister as she hurried with all her might over to her training place. It was pretty early, believe it or not, and Suzu's mind was focused on training, her little brother was probably up just because he heard her wake up. It wasn't that she was always like that, to be honest, she rarely ever trained anything aside from her taijutsu from time to time, but today was special. Why you ask? Because she'd be meeting her team that day, and she was nervous like she had never ever before been in her life. "I need to calm down. Yes, I need to calm down a bit, or I'll really end up losing it." She whispered to herself as she tried to calm down. After arriving to one of the empty training grounds, she crossed her arms and started thinking of what she could do, her red twintails moving around as she tilted her head from one side to the other. "I know! I should start with a simple introduction! Yes, something like 'Hi, I'm Suzu, how are you?' or something, right? Ugh, why am I so worried about this thing now!" She ruffled her hair with both of her hands, before letting out a sigh. With one jump, she spun around in the air and kicked a nearby tree full force, making the tree shake because of the sheer force. She landed perfectly again on the ground, before a single apple fell and she caught it in her hand. "Worrying makes me hungry..." She took a bite of the apple. "If I don't come up with something and fast, I'll get fat." A lot of useless training on how to talk with others later, Suzu determined it'd be best to go to school already and stop dwelling on it. "Whatever happens, well, it should happen. I just hope I'm not paired with those Uchiha brothers, or that Hyuuga guy." She said, sticking her tongue out. Being in the same team as them... it'd probably end in them taking all the credit, and what would happen to her family? It'd probably end with her, given that if she were ever to marry, she'd have to change her last name. There was still her brother, but well, things happen at times, no one knew what the future would be like. Her mind sprang right back to the subject at hand after realizing just how stupid and far fetched her imagination can get when she lets it fly. Between thoughts and worries, Suzu arrived to the Academy unknowingly. She was a bit surprised when she looked at the Academy and finally realized where she was. "Oh, that was... quick. Well, let's get on going." She went into the building and made her way to her classroom. She quickly took her seat without as much as glancing at the others. One of them might end up being her teammate, after all, and she was still nervous about that. The silence of the classroom creeped her out a bit. She quickly moved her arm and stretched it outwards, making a single piece of celery come out and her catching it perfectly in her hand. She then started nibbling on it quietly in the classroom, while she got some glances from her classmates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ha....Ha...ha.. Loud sounds of panting could be heard over the Hyugā residence. "One more time! If you can't do 200 Laps, then you'll do 300 push ups! Better get to it" A man with a grey beard said. "But Dad! I've been training since midnight, couldn't you give me small break?" The man with the grey beard shook his head. He said something under his breath but his father ignored him. Hyugā Residence: 10 Minutes Later "Hiya! Eight Trigams Rotation!" A heavy wind could be felt from the outside of the sparring room. "You've got a great stance Son. Forget about what your father says, You're a genius!" A wide smile appeared on the small boy's face. The name of this boy is Tetsuo, a 10 year old Hyugā considered to be a genius in the Hyugā. He wiped his face with a towel. 'Damm! Look at the time! I'm going to be late!!' He looked at his mother and she nodded. He grabbed his forehead protector and put it on along with his gloves. He said goodbye to his mother and ran off. "That Child... From the Hyugā, look at him he's battered, his parents must treat him harshly" Tetsuo ignored all the comments being spewed around him. He ran at full speed to reach the Academy. He stopped in front of the Hospital as memories began to be pushed into his mind, not very good ones. He shook his head and began walking again. Academy; Finally he had arrived at the Academy. He waved at his other Senseis as he walked into a classroom. The atmosphere around Tetsuo was carefree, which would usually annoy most people. He took a seat in the front row, looking around at the other Genin. Hopefully he didn't end up with someone who would drag him down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Oukami Takara
It was dark, damp, and generally uncomfortable. The blindfold was slick with sweat, as was the rest of his body, and Takara felt searing pain throughout his bones. He didn't know what had been used on him, senbon perhaps, or someone especially adept at sending precise lightning charges through his veins. Whatever it was, however, it made Takara sore to the point where he shook, no longer sure if it was from his sweat mixing with the air, or general fatigue. How long had he been down there, he wondered? And, just as he started to re-run, hazily, through the questions he'd been asked, the blonde haired Takara felt the bindings on his arms loosen, followed by the ones on his legs. And with a small sigh of relief to himself, the new genin raised shaking fingers to undo the blindfold, his eyes blinking at the light. His trainer stood by the door, silently and waiting, and after a few minutes of Takara getting used to standing- had he really be sitting for that long, or was the after-effect of having his nerves played with?- the fluffy haired child nodded at the stranger before heading out. The climb up the steps and out of the Basement was long and arduous, but got him back to remembering how his legs worked, and by the time his pale skin opened the door, Takara was feeling a bit more like himself before the Basement. Behind the door was his mother, already waiting with a smile on her face, a towel on her lap as she often did. Takara couldn't help but smile in relief at the sight of her, walking closer so she could wipe at his face. "I'm glad to see you worked so hard- today's the big day, you know," she cooed as she patted at the sweat and blood that had mixed at his lips. The sudden sting surprised Takara, but he showed no sign of it, wondering when he had been in so much pain he didn't even realize almost biting his lip off. The self-evaluation was so intense he tuned out of his mother's speech, tuning back in just as she finished with, "... shower and you'll still make it on time." "Mm," nodded Takara before planting a loving peck on his mother's cheek, wrapping the towel over his neck as he started for the showers, joined by several others who'd just finished their Basement training as well, offering Takara a pat on the back for his exciting big day. Big day? Big day! Today was the day Takara would be placed in a team-- jeez, he thought that wasn't until tomorrow. Well, that answered his question regarding the time spent down under. After a quick shower and a quick change of wardrobe, Takara did some simple stretches to try and soothe the soreness of his body, his mother interrupting to give him his hoodie and a goodluck kiss on the forehead. With rituals all said and done, he waved at her goodbye before heading out, starting with a fast walk that worked up to a quick run towards the Academy. The Oukami clan was not a well-known clan, and though the Basement went deep underground, above ground their home was but a humble abode. Large enough to show that yes, there was a number of them inside, but not so large as to take up a compound. It was easily dismissable, it was home. Slowing to a stop in front of the Academy, Takara put on his usual soft smile, fair blonde hair bouncing at each step as he made his way to class. It was quiet, spare the sound of silent crunching, Takara's honey brown eyes easily identifying the owner of the sound and offering her a smile before heading to his seat, taking one beside a certain white haired student who seemed to be meditating. Keeping silent, Takara merely sat down, leaning overt he desk in cheerful nonchalance as his eyes surveyed the class. Fuu... only a few more minutes...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

A groan could be heard from the pile of blankets that made up the puppet users bed as he rolled over to look at the clock next to his bed and quickly shot up when he noticed what time it was. Shin was not known to be a morning person, but the fact that he had been up most of the night putting the finishing touches on his puppet did not help the fact in the least. He looked over at his puppet that rested in the corner of his room completely wrapped in bandages as to keep what lay beneath a secret from any prying eyes that would question if he was carrying an actual body or corpse. The young ninja quickly got out of bed and threw on his black pants and sleeveless shirt on before wrapping his ankles and waist in bandages to keep everything from getting to baggy and finally putting on his black-rope belt before. As he left his room, he threw his puppet onto his back with it being held by two straps which made it rest like a backpack on his back. When he got downstairs his mother had prepared breakfast for him, but as he had slept in she had seemed to already leave for her job and had just left the food ready for him on the table. Shin quickly threw some food into his mouth before putting on a mask that covered up his nose and mouth and his Konoha forehead protector across his face before leaving the house. As he walked down the street he received strange looks from anyone that he passed in the streets as he was sure not many people walked around with large bandaged packages on their back. He ignored the comments they made of him and imagined that he was his father in his younger years before he was imprisoned. When he reached the Academy he quietly slipped into the classroom where the rest of the students were waiting and picked a seat in the back of the room where he could sit quietly and relax before the teams were announced.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Megumi Sugimoto Finally the day was here! The day where she proved everyone wrong! She had become a ninja, she would further herself and be successful in the trials to come! Today a genin, and soon she make chuunin, and then jonin! She'd show them all! She already made a couple of friends, well really one, but she liked to count the butterflies and birds that would spend time with her along with her only real friend. Megumi finished fixing her hair and closed her eyes giggling out of happiness. Megumi slid off the chair infront of her mirror and grabbed a peach on her way out the door. She'd have grabbed more but that's all she had in her tiny apartment to eat so that would have to do. Besides that she just liked peaches! As she walked along people looked at her in disbelief. Not everyone though, mostly just the adults that were a bit older. As usual Megumi wasn't wearing any shoes, but that's not what bothered the adults. No. Today it was the protector she wore. The fact that Megumi had become a ninja finally irritated them, and some might've even complained about where she was wearing the protector. She hadn't know what to do with it so she'd modified it to be worn on her ankle. Naturally though, the looks, the comments, all of it. She didn't care! She was proud! She wondered who she'd be put on a team with though. She only knew one person...One person in the whole village who had really tried to be her friend. Sure a lot were neutral, but someone trying to be her friend was a huge deal to her. She finally reached the academy though. This would be the first time she'd ever been there. Megumi just stood there for a moment staring at the building. She took a deep breath, exhaled, giggled happily, and finally went in. Upon entering the room she hadn't known what to expect, and it was slightly surprising. Most people were just waiting, nothing terribly interesting really happening, but then she saw Setsu, and her eyes brightened momentarily, though someone was already there and also she didn't want him getting questioned on why some random person they'd probably never seen before went to him. Instead she walked over in front of the desks and sat infront of them on the floor just lightly giggling happily to herself too excited to contain it fully. Kiyomi Nishihara Slowly opening her eyes to the world Kiyomi sat up slowly. It was finally here. The day she'd be assigned a squad like her father, mother, and brother. She didn't have to worry about any of them anymore though after all. Her father had retired after an injury, and other than that her brother and mother were both dead. She slipped out of the bed and got ready. She hated the normal clothing of ninja, and the village for that matter. Throwing on some pants and socks, then topping it off with a t-shirt that barely hid her tattoos. Then shook her head throwing it off again grabbing a black tank top and a white jacket to go over it that she left undone. When she got to the kitchen her father was there making breakfast for the two of them. When he saw her he let a small smile slip and shook his head. "You know you're the only one who dresses like that in the entire village dear...Don't you have an issue sticking out like that all the time?" Her father blatantly threw out there jokingly. "Dad, it doesn't matter what they think. For one I prefer to be unique, and secondly most of them are too weak for me to care what their opinions are..." The two smiled and sat down an ate their breakfast. Afterwards Kiyomi had a sudden revelation and ran up to her room and grabbed her protector and took off her jacket. She hadn't figured out what to do with the damned thing yet but it finally came to her! She quickly grabbed her sewing kit and sewed the damn thing to the back of her jacket. "There! Now I don't have to wear the stupid thing like Jewelry!" Kiyomi quickly threw it back on and ran to the front door putting her combat shoes on. Not quite boots, and most definitely not those sandals that every other ninja wears, just a mix between a combat boot and a shoe! She then walked to the school entering the class room with literally a minute to spare. Walking to the back of the room and leaning on a wall waiting for her team to be decided. 'Just don't give me any dead weight...' The sole thought passed through her mind as the minute began to pass.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by edgeout


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kaito Senju
A shinobi, knows when to fight, when to back down, and when to show compassion. Kaito, after having the conversation with the Old Man, reminisced on what he taught Kaito. It was an unusual request on the Hokage's part - asking the head of Anbu to train the little kids. However this was not the first time it happened... As he reappeared in front of the classroom doors, he could hear the children talking about. It had been a long time since, he came here. Seemed like most of them gathered. Kaito went on to open the doors. Indeed they have gathered. Looking down at his paper, Kaito called out: "Kaguya Kossetu, Huuyga Tetsuo, and Sugimoto Megumi. You're with me. Come to the Oasis Training Grounds." The words were quick and evenly toned. Kaito then disappeared once again in the smoke.
The Oasis Training Grounds
It was a clear day in the training grounds. The clouds gone passing by. Various species of birds could be heard, as well as some mewing of baby mammals. Mountains surrounded the clear little pond that had a few Koi's wandering here and there. Soon Kaito reappeared in the center of the pond, gently flowing on top of the waters. Like a crane, Kaito landed with one feet touching the water, which made a single rippled that soon spread across the pond. Soon, fish came out of the waters and gathered around Kaito's feet. They were attracted to the Chakra emmiting from there. He did not give directions to this place, as a first test for the Genins. He wanted to see if they could work together to find here. His cool blue eyes, reflected off of the darker blue of the waters. There he waited patiently for his soon to be students. The fish soon lost interest and went on their way to find more food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

That was...brisk. Kossetsu's eyes had stayed close throughout the entire briefing, only opening, to reveal greenish-golden eyes. The boy's hands were within his sleeves, hiding the slight clenching of his fists as he stood slowly. The silence in the classroom, from the appearance of the jounin, was broken by his quiet voice. "Tetsuo, Megumi...follow me." There was no authority or commands behind the statement; he was just asking them to follow him, as he knew how to solve this dilemma. The man hadn't given them the directions to the Training Ground, and obviously they would have to somehow find it...hopefully sooner, rather than later, as he'd dislike to have been late. Of course, he was simply asking them to follow him before the class got loud; which would happen in the next few minutes. Outside of the academy, they would be able to think clearly, hear clearly, and talk clearly. Leaping down from his desk, and landing softly and silently, Kossetsu eyed his teammates with an undecipherable gaze, his gaze lingering on Megumi for a second longer, and a small nod and smile - an extremely rare sight - to Takara, before he walked quietly out of the room. Outside of the academy, on a bench, Kossetsu briefly waited for his other teammates. In the mean-time, he thought through every training grounds he has ever seen...which weren't a lot. Most of the time, he trained in his Compound's many dojos, seeing as there was more then he could count, and each were large, manageable, and with a lot of training equipment. The Oasis Training Ground...obviously, it would possess an oasis, and a large body of water was an oasis...so maybe, he could get his teammates and him to search through the forest for water? But...yes, of course! His other teammate was a Hyuuga - And a rather skilled one, judging from the taijutsu spars. His eyes could see through trees, grass, and rocks, along with seeing passed 50 meters. That is an incredibly valuable ability, and from that alone, Kossetsu was pleased with his teammate. Calm eyes narrowing, Kossetsu took his fists out of his sleeves, allowing the draping sleeves to cover his hands - and hand movements. They would find the Oasis. He stood, turning around as his teammates exited the Academy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tic-Toc-Tic-Toc The clock went. Still no sign of his Sensei. He grabbed a Kunai and began to carve the Eight Trigrams symbol. 'How long is this going to take... The Jounin should be he-' Tetsuo's train of though trailed off, as a Shinobi entered the classroom. "Kaguya Kossetu, Huuyga Tetsuo, and Sugimoto Megumi. You're with me. Come to the Oasis Training Grounds." The shinobi said as he exited the classroom. There was no sign of Authority in the young shinobi's voice. Tetsuo guessed that he was his Jounin. 'Oasis Training Ground? I think Dad has mentioned of the place before, but he never told me where it was.... Hmmm..' Tetsuo jumped up from his desk with an excited expression in his face. He walked out of the classroom, with his Scythe equipped on his back, this made some of the students laugh at him. "Who uses a Scythe, isn't that just used for farming? Ha bet that he can't even use a regular weapon.' Tetsuo ignored them, he had heard this all before. Outside Academy: Tetsuo stopped in front of the academy. Inhaling some of the fresh air he began making his way to the nearest bench. He was about to sit down when he saw a Kaguya Clan member. He guessed that he was his teammate seeing as how the sensei mentioned a Kaguya. He walked up to the kid, whom appeared to be a 9 year old. "So you are my teammate, nice to know that someone won't hold me down. I'm guessing you're pretty strong huh?" This wasn't Tetsuo just guessing, it was his intuition, which was almost always right.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Squad One: Quest for the Oasis: Placing her palms onto the ground and pushing herself up doing a handstand while giggling with delight. Not only was she placed in the first squad mentioned, she was with Setsu! The odds of being placed on a squad with her only friend had been so slim it was so unlikely, and yet here they were! Megumi arched over making a bridge out of herself and then standing up excitedly hopping and walking out the door. Where this Oasis place was, she had no idea! But that didn't matter right now! They'd figure it out eventually! Besides what was the hurry? There was plenty of daylight left, and even if there wasn't there was always the night as well! Though it would be nice to get started sooner than later! Besides, the jounin mentioned a Hyuuga being in their squad, and supposedly they could see anything from what she'd heard. So guess the other guy could prove himself. Megumi finally left the building seeing her teammates. There was the Hyuuga one, who didn't happen to be the most impressive of individuals. 'So much for awesome Hyuuga...He looks alright though I suppose! Just another friend! Unless he doesn't like me...Hmmm' Her thoughs slightly random and scattered as she walked up to them smiling and giggling lightly trying to contain her excitement. "Hey there Setsu! and um...well I kinda forgot your name already...But it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Megumi!" So maybe she wasn't the best with names, that's not the most important quality for a person though so everything should be fine! Kossetsu shifted his head downwards once when the Hyuga commented on his competence, but otherwise waited patiently for their last teammate - Megumi. When she dashed over with her usual chipperness, he, once again, nodded his head slightly, although a small, undecipherable smile was on his face at the excitement. He guessed it wasn't too often that she talked to nice people. "He's Tetsuo Hyuuga," He began, mostly so that he could remember the name, before he split his gaze from both teammates, "And I'm Kossetsu Kaguya." The introduction was focused mainly on Tetsuo. "He wants us to find the Oasis Training Grounds, so the easiest way would be to ask an older Shinobi. Any objections?" He talked patiently, and at the end, he gave the other two a raised eyebrow each - the only facial movement that he had shown, other than his lips moving for speech. Tetsuo felt kind of annoyed. He looked at Kossetsu and then back at Megumi. They were probably friends from long ago and sighed. 'Friends, huh, I've never known of that kind of reality.' He felt a bit incompetent and left out. He looked at Kossetsu, and then back at Megumi. He slapped himself, trying to refocus on the matter at hand. "Agreed, we should look for an elder. Hoping that they know where the Oasis is, we would get there in half the time." Tetsuo stated with an emotionless look on his face, his thoughts were in disarray. He attempted to brush most of them off, but the other thoughts just remained there. Megumi giggled before and kind of during her reply to Tetsuo's idea. "That sounds like a good idea Tetsu! But um...Where do we find someone that will actually know...Apparently it's some big deal to know where it is and all," With sarcasm in her voice of course. "So where should we start looking?" Megumi didn't really get the best responses from adults...especially not the older ones, so the idea while good, kind of worried her a bit. During the quarrel, an old lady was passing by with a huge burden on her back. She was on crutches, walking in almost a rhythmic pattern. Next to her was a dog about the size of a cup. It seemed harmless enough. Behind her were two men in sunglasses, shifting left and right. However it was obvious that they were following her. Just as Kossetsu was about to reply, his sharp green eyes caught the figure of the old woman - and more specifically, the two men following her. His heart beating in empathy - no elder should have to carry such a burden - Kossetsu coughed quietly into his fist, to get the attention of his teammates, before wordlessly gesturing towards the three figures - four, if you count the dog. "...Excuse me, sirs." He said quietly, walking forward with his hands resting in each-other's sleeves, "I have a favor to ask of you both..." 'Tetsu...Really now we- I have a nickname? Great, just when I didn't want to get all friendly, friendly with each other, Whatever.. Tetsuo noticed Kossetsu's signal. He followed close behind him, hands in his pockets. He noticed the old lady with the dog and signaled Megumi to help her if she could. He stopped behind Kossetsu, guard up, in case things went south. He readied his hands, getting ready to do a hand symbol, for the Byakugan. 'Puppy!' The first thing Megumi even noticed. Not the old lady who would probably scold her, not the two creepy guys behind her, no. She noticed the puppy! Her eyes lit upwith excitement and everything! Then Tetsu had to ruin it...Of course he wanted her to help the old lady...Some gentlemen he was...Megumi quickly hopped over to the old lady and smiled at her hoping she wouldn't be like all the rest of the older people. "Hello ma'am, could I possibly offer my assistance with those bags you're carrying?" She tried to be as sweet and nice as she could be, though it wasn't very easy since all the old people do is yell at her for even being within eyesight... The two men stopped in their tracks. A young boy was asking of a favor. "Sure kid." said one of them not looking at the boy but at where the lady was going. The other shifted his sunglasses and signaled at the other. The other seemed to comply. "What do you want?" He asked kneeling. The other man slipped passed Kossetsu, and started to chase after the lady, but stopped to see a Hyuuga getting ready to do the Byakugon "I wouldn't advise that if I were yo-" A loud howl came distracting the man. It was the dog. The dog turned to see its prey running at it and its master. With a howl, the dog grew to the size of a building. It growled, and slashed at Megumi with its giant paws. The old lady didn't seem to notice what was going on but strode on step by step, click by click. The man that was near Tetsuo, in a scurry, rushed to the scene. 'Well...this is odd.' Kossetsu's eyes narrowed as he watched the small dog grow into a house-sized monster, swiping at Megumi with one of its large paws. Resisting the urge to foolishly rush into the battle without any prior information, the newly-made Genin scowled, his distrust of the sunglass-wearing men growing. Taking a few steps back from the kneeling man, he spoke up briskly. "What is that?" His sleeves hid the growing bone bullets that were pushing out of all ten of his finger-tips. Tetsuo looked at the guy in the sunglasses. "I won't use it. That is if I don't need t-" Tetsuo stopped speaking midway when the dog grew in size. It grew to the size of a building. He activated his Byakugan, and looked at the Dog. He currently did not care about the sunglasses man. He then thought of something. 'Wait....The Inuzuka....Nahh, that can't be right...' Tetsuo cleared his mind for a bit and began to make his way to the old lady, he got his hand symbols ready. He completly forgot about Megumi. He was practically emotionless currently. When she heard the little puppy make a noise Megumi looked down out of curiousity. Her head quickly went from looking down, to looking up. She blinked a couple of times wondering what was going on, then the thing tried to cut her! She leaped underneath it faceplanting more or less as she slid a little. 'Tetsu can help the stupid old lady next time! Why does everyone that's old hate me!? If this giant ass, stupid, piece of crap, mongrol doesn't kill me, I'm going to kick Tetsu's ass!' The dog looked around in confusion. The danger was gone. It trampled around looking. The man that was with Kossetsu turned to what he was talking about. Seeing the Akita out of control worried him. "Damn!" He said pushing Kossetsu out of the way, as he made his way to the scene. The dog was lost in a bit of confusion. As Tetsuo saw with his byakugon, the dog's energy was rising by the second, certainly greater than theirs combined. The dog was angry and was about to swipe at a village stand, when one of the man took the hit. The Akita dropped the man's sunglasses revealing the red glowing eyes of the man. His eyes caught the eyes of Megumi who was hiding underneath the beast.
The man glared at the beast, his face full of cuts. The other man who still had his sunglass on jumped up to the air. Then he formed a few hand signal and put his hand over his mouth: "LINA-SAMA" he yelled. The sound was amplified ten folds, the sound was so strong that it formed a gale, and everyone had to cover their ears. The old lady stopped to turn around. "eh?" She said in response. After seeing the disaster happening the old lady quickly jumped quite a few feet in the air to smack the Akita on the head "Bad! Kyuki! Bad!" The dog wince, and wined. Immediately it started to shrink. It turned to his normal form. The old lady looked around. She saw the destruction that had happened. "Oh, I'm sorry." She said, and with a few and signals fixed the broken pvement. The two men immediately appeared next to her. They knelt. "Are you okay mam?" "Why did Kyuki, turn so aggressive?" She asked. The man with the red eye picked up his broken pair of sunglasses and put it back on his face he pointed at the trio "There were suspicious looking individuals that approached us." "Oh?" the old lady inquired peeking over the two men that were knelt down. "They don't seem so hostile?" She started to walk towards them with her staff click-clacking on the ground. She approached Megumi "My, little girl, are you hurt. I'm sorry about Kyuki, he's just very on guard, as we are not from here." She reached out her hand to Megumi's face which instantly healed her wounds. She rubbed her chin and scanned the three children "A group of a young trio? It must be a group of Genins? That's how they do it around here in this um.. country. The last time I remeber hehe. Now how can I help you guys?" ...Setsu wanted to leave. He had his fair share of insane moments, which also included his first interaction with the women's side of the hotsprings. But...this. He wasn't expecting it, and his calm peacefulness that was generally shrouding over his face was disappearing. "Er," He began to trail off, but abruptly focused himself. He wouldn't stutter. He had enough of that back at the clan... "I..We were wondering if you knew of the...Oasis Training Ground?" The bone-bullets that were growing on his fingers abruptly began to recede back into his finger-tips, but Setsu didn't let his guard down. Golden-green eyes regarded the old woman with a calm indifference, hiding his weariness. "Ah~ the pond where the moon dips its touch! It hasn't always been like the way it is right now!" she pointed her old crooked finger to the west. "See the forest, head straight in the path until you see the moon touch the mountains, there, a door will open to the brightest of lights! Or so they say!" She said laughing. "Be careful young ones! Time of trouble are ahead!" With that she strode off. The shinobi with the broken glasses gave them a good glare before turning around to escourt the lady. They were heading towards the Hokage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by edgeout


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

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