Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by edgeout


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The Heart of a Shinobi
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Aeris
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Aeris ғᴀɴᴄʏ, ᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ?

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yukio Uchiha
Generic Information
Name: Yukio Uchiha Age: Ten (10) Birthplace: Konohagakure no Sato Clan: Uchiha Weight/Height: 118lbs | 5'2" Rank: Genin (D rank)
Combat Information
Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan Yukio's Sharingan hasn't been awakened yet, so this is here only for information. Chakra Nature: Fire Release Techniques: Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu Clone Technique Body Replacement Technique Transformation Technique Body Flicker Technique Custom Techniques: Name: Kasai Arashi (Blaze Tornado) Rank: C ~ B Type: Combination Technique, Offensive, Ninjutsu Description: Yukio uses his Great Fireball Technique, creating a fairly big sized fireball. Then, Hikaru will proceed to use the Gale Palm technique, creating a powerful gust of wind which will speed the fireball up and increase it's damage potential, range and area of effect. Name: Mugen Hikō (Limitless Flight) Rank: D Type: Combination Technique, Offensive, Taijutsu Description: Hikaru and Yukio grab a wire string and run in opposing directions towards their foe. Then swiftly, one of them will make a turn, while the other will continue running. If succcesful, they'll wrap the wire-string in their foe, before beginning to swiftly run in a circle around them. This technique is often used against less aware foes. Weapons/Tools: Yukio doesn't relies heavily on weapons - especially because he's unskilled with them. The boy has basic knowledge taught at the academy regarding shuriken, kunai and simpler weapons such as tanto, though his kenjutsu is ridiculous and he has no knowledge on any other weapon apart from these. He's sufficiently smart to know how to properly use wire-strings and explosive tags (even combining them both together), but not mechanically fast to set up things such as traps in the heat of a battle. Overally, Yukio is ranked E in weapons. Weaknesses/Strengths: Yukio's only strength is his taijutsu and speed - which combined, makes him a fair opponent against the less skilled genin. His ninjutsu is not very good as he's limited to a single offensive technique and neither is his ability with weapons great, thus making taijutsu his only option when it comes to direct assaults and fights. His taijutsu would be at C rank and his speed D+, if it would to be ranked in shinobi terms.
Personal Information
Personality: Outgoing, humble and quick to warm up towards others, Yukio is the type of boy who simply sees life in a easy way. He's always cheerful, nearly annoyingly so - though he's self-aware sufficiently to understand when he's bothering someone and when his presence is actually being enjoyed by others. The Uchiha does takes pride in his clan and their abilities and to himself, he even judges them as superior because of the Sharingan. However, he always keeps this to himself and never voices it in the presence of others. Arrogance is an extremely bad trait to show around, so Yukio believes. While his pride in his clan is high, he doesn't see himself with in the same way - as a ten years old boy who has yet to awaken the sharingan, he has been dealing with some problems regarding his own confidence as of late. Backstory: Yukio didn't had an eventful childhood - since he was five, his older brother by one year practiced together with him under the tutelage of their father. As he came of age, much like any other Uchiha, the boy managed to succesfuly learn and reproduce the Uchiha's technique: The Great Fireball technique. The rite of passage was done in front of both his father and his brother, thus, the boy was enrolled at the academy at the age of six. Given he kept training with his brother - rather intesively - the academy was a breeze to get through. Yukio wasn't gifted, nor a prodigy, but he managed to learn everything taught to him swiftly. He was smart, quick-witted and sufficiently knowledgeable in different aspects of the shinobi-world. Sadly, he never had the ability to learn new techniques, especially genjutsu or ninjutsu - simply because he didn't awaken the sharingan unlike his brother, who had already developed it. After finishing the academy, Yukio expectingly awaits to be enrolled in a Squad. His brother failed the last year on purpose, just so they could have a chance of joining the same squad and keep united, combining their strength in favor of their village. Allies: Hikaru Uchiha Enemies: All the foes of his clan and village.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by edgeout


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

O wait you have a custom tech, but I guess it's like fusion. So accepted ^^~
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kohona's Brightest
Generic Information
Name: Hikaru Uchiha Age: Eleven (11) Birthplace: Konohagakure no Sato Clan: Uchiha Weight/Height: 126lbs. / 5'4" Rank: Genin (D rank)
Combat Information
Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan Hikaru has only recently unlocked his Sharingan, to the first tomoe. He takes pride in finally unlocking his visual prowess (and won't let his brother forget) Chakra Nature: Wind Release Techniques: (All academy techniques) Fūton: Reppūshō Custom Techniques: Name: Uchiha Release - Blaze Tornado Rank: C ~ B Type: Combination Technique, Offensive Description: Yukio uses his Great Fireball Technique, creating a fairly big sized fireball. Then, Hikaru will proceed to use the Gale Palm technique, creating a powerful gust of wind which will speed the fireball up and increase it's damage potential, range and area of effect. Name: Mugen Hikō (Limitless Flight) Rank: D Type: Combination Technique, Offensive, Taijutsu Description: Hikaru and Yukio grab a wire string and run in opposing directions towards their foe. Then swiftly, one of them will make a turn, while the other will continue running. If succcesful, they'll wrap the wire-string in their foe, before beginning to swiftly run in a circle around them. This technique is often used against less aware foes. Weapons/Tools: Hikaru utilizes all of his ninja tools, being especially proficient with kunai, wire, and shuriken because of his visual prowess. Weaknesses/Strengths: Hikaru is a very versatile fighter, being a jack of all trades, utilizing ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu but not mastering any. His taijutsu and speed is the strongest because of all the training he did with his brother. He uses his eyes, speed, and wind techniques to break his opponent. Alone with the combination techniques he uses with his brother, they make a good team. Hikaru is a strategist, having one of the brightest minds in Kohona, he makes good use of his brain. Hikaru has precise chakra control, which is a well-known trait of the Uchiha clan, but a slightly smaller chakra pool.
Personal Information
Personality: Hiraku is a bright and level-headed boy who is actually quite nice. His personality seems to clash with the sterotype of Uchihas being cold and mysterious. He is quiet-witted and can be sarcastic also, but always keeps a lighthearted persona. The only time when he becomes the cold and calculating Uchiha is when he is in batle or training. Hikaru is a stategist, some call him "Kahona's Brightest," (which he secretly likes but will never admit). He is also quite ambitious, having a little bit of Uchiha pride inside. He wants to become a powerful ninja, and also help his brother become one too. Hikaru is also very down to Earth. He knows when he is outmatched and knows where his abilities stand. He likes making friends, as long as they like his brother and let him tag along too, seeing as Yukio is his best friend. Hikaru loves his village and clan, and will do anything to protect both. He will strive to do what is right and brighten up Kohonagakure to the best of his abilities. Backstory: Hikaru had a relatively normal childhood just like his brother, but he was born with Wind Release chakra. This is quite odd for an Uchiha, but his father told him that his chakra nature could work to his advantage if he worked well with his brother. So Hikaru trained hard with his brother, unlocking his Sharingan in the process, much to his brother's dismay. After learning to syncronize their Gale Palm and Great Fireball techniques, a combination jutsu was born, "Blaze Tornado." He breezed through the academy easily, but failed the last year purposefully in order to be in the same year at Yukio. He hopes to be placed in the same squad as his brother, because their team work is so balanced and well trained. Hiraku is currently training to unlock his brothers Sharingan and further progress his. Allies: Yukio Uchiha Enemies: Anyone who tries to wrong his clan and village
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by edgeout


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Drummer K looks good. Accepted~ Edit: @ Ves - Accepted!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by edgeout


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Accepted~ Huge bg O.O~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hyugā's Cloud
Generic Information
Name:Tetsuo Hyugā Age: 10 (Choose between 10-12) Birthplace:Konohagakure Clan:Hyugā Weight/Height:100lb/5'7 Squad: TBD (leave as is. Once the chars are in, I will arrange them semi-randomly. I want even distribution of gender if can, but be sure to state your pref if you have one.
Combat Information
Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan Chakra Nature: Fūton Techniques: -8 Trigrams Rotation -Fūton: Gale Palm Weapons/Tools: Tetsuo mostly relies on his scythe and one chakra blade, which he can't use for long. He also has regular ninja tools such as The shuriken, kunai paper bombs etc. Weakness/Strength: -Genius in Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. -Reckless and some times emotionless
Personal Information
Personality: Tetsuo is a bit shy. He dislikes being in crowds and gets bored easily. His favorite food is Menma. When the child of the main family turns three, as it is customary for the Hyugā Clan, Tetsuo got a cursed seal mark on his forehead since then he has been striving to become the best Hyugā that ever existed. Backstory The Hyugā, one of the four noble clans in Konohagakure. This is the clan the Tetsuo was born into. Being a part of the Branch Family, he got his cursed seal, when the child of the main family turns three. Ever since he got his cursed seal, Tetsuo has been training vigorously. After some years, Tetsuo became a prodigy, renown in the Hyugā, but he knew that he still had long way to go in becoming the greatest in Hyuuga history. Allies: Enemies:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by edgeout


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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Can I reserve a spot for a puppet user whose family was exiled from Sunagakure?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Just try and get a sheet up by tomorrow and you should be fine! IT would be cool to see a puppet user! Edit: SOrry I'm the only one up at this time for this group it would seem BTW so I didn't want you waiting for a response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Might be able to get it up tonight just wanted to get a spot for sure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alright. Also the grading for it will be slightly strict to keep things balanced, I have an idea for what they're looking for so if you want some help all ya gotta do is ask!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Will do. I'll send my sheet to you first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alright sounds good!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Generic Information Name: Shin Tanaka Age: 12 Birthplace: Sunagakure Clan:N/A Weight/Height: 89/ 4'10" Squad: TBD Combat Information Kekkei Genkai: N/A Chakra Nature: Raiton Techniques: Chakra Threads Puppet Techniques: Shin is able to control the movements of his puppets with no delay between his commands and the actions of the puppet through the chakra threads. Even though his puppet has ten weapons within its frame, Shin can only draw out half of the weapons and is unable to detach any of the body parts. He is able to use two weapons at a time in several different combinations to provide support for his team. Weapons/Tools: The only tool used by Shin is a puppet that resembles the Karasu puppet that was created by the great puppet master Sasori. All weapons within his puppet are dipped in the Tanaka special poison and he carries an antidote with him at all times. Karasu Weaknesses: Shin is not skilled at close hand to hand combat and is actually extremely weak in and physical combat. Strengths: Has excellent chakra control and concentration during battle. Personal Information Personality: Shin is the quiet type who does not make many friends considering his background. He does not trust a lot of people and prefers to be by himself instead of meeting new people which makes the prospect of having to join a team not that appealing since he would have to interact with others on a regular basis, but he does secretly wish that during this time on a team he would be able to make some lasting friends for once. He isn't always opposed to meeting new people and can be friendly at times with other people meaning he is always open to talking with others. Backstory: Shin Tanaka was born in Sunagakure to a family skilled in the mastery of the puppet techniques. His parents were both shinobi for the Hidden Sand Village and were gone most of the time on missions but whenever they were home they spend their time with their son helping to create new puppets that would be used on the next mission. This peaceful life went on for the first eight years of his life before Shin's father was taken into custody for experimentation with human puppets forcing the rest of his family out of Sunagakure out of shame for what had been done and that was how they ended up in Konoha. When they finally moved to Konoha Shin never felt like he fit in with the other kids his age which was the start of him becoming quiet and just working on puppets in his spare time. Shin's mother eventually convinced him to join the academy with the other kids his age so that when he grew up he would be able to redeem their family. Allies: His team people from his class. Enemies: Anyone that mistreats him for his past and hurts his teammates.
Ignore the sword in the picture. I think it is finished now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by edgeout


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Ciphra Accepted! And feel free to take another char. It's first come first serve! @MonkeyBusiness Accepted!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Please tell me you are still accepting! If so, I'd like to reserve a spot for later, given that I am at school and I can't get a CS up right now. :D
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