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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A series of explosions, screams of Gems being consumed by flames, and the sound of countless sirens being set off at once to announce the complete failure of the airship's engines all came together in a cacophony of utter destruction. In the middle of all the mayhem was one soul Gem who stood at the helm of the ship, unmoving and unwavering."How did it come to all this...." Were the words that managed to slip out of the Gem's navy blue colored lips. An expression of unimaginable guilt rooted itself on the warrior's face as he stared out of the massive front window of the ship. His dark blue eyes focused on the already battle ravaged land that was fast approaching as the airship continued its crash. "Was this really worth it?" The Gem mumbled next as yet another explosion echoed somewhere down the corridor that loomed behind him, more screams soon followed it along with a even more intense heat. The sirens continued to blare as Gems frantically ran about the ship, either fruitlessly attempting to fight the fires and halt the explosions or hopelessly search for any way off the ship. The stormy blue Gem shook his head lightly, one of his braided locks falling out of place, as a tear rolled down his cheek. "Please make this worth it Rose.." He managed to say with a weak smile just before the airship met the earth and erupted in a intense inferno that lit up the night skies and put a end to all the heart wrenching screams that filled the ship moments prior.

The sour smell of ashes and the unimaginable pain of fire soon faded and were replaced with something... odd. In lieu of choke inducing ash was a softer smell, a sweeter smell. Replacing the burning was a soft breeze that softly danced across the Gem's face. With a jolt up and a deep gasp of air the Gem was meet with the sight of miles upon miles of berry fields. "W-Where am I? The Gem spoke aloud as he unsteadily stood to his feet, falling to his knee. He would take another breath, still expecting harsh ash to fill his mouth. "Hello?" He would call out to the field with the slim hope that someone was else out there. Where was he, what happened, where was the airship, where was everyone else, and most importantly how was he alive. These questions and countless others all raced through his head as he managed to get his footing and stand, but sadly the warrior Gem that was Tanzanite was completely devoid of answers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nthitho12


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Wars can go on through countless reasons, but all heading towards one general reason... Beliefs. It was the entire reason on why this whole war had started and managed to even suck the most reclusive gems in the world. Fighting on this scale, however, was pointless to everybody involved inside of this semi-worthy cause as this will only continue later in the future and kill just as many lives or even more. In the end, everything would just lead to one outcome, death. A certain brainstorming that Talc was having as countless Gems were dying around him, be it friend or foe. He actually forgot the reason on why he was even in this situation, was it because this was actually a noble cause in Talc's mind? Or was he just unlucky enough to find himself sucked into this battle due to just passing by on this planet. Talc would never really know as he knew that he would perish in this battle, leaving nothing behind inside of his name and just being remembered as being just another casualty inside of this brutal war.

Talc finally opened his eyes, becoming impatient for his death as he was knocked down on the ground by something as he was trying to disengage from another fight. He figured he would just wait for someone to strike him down and end his life, but this foul deed did not come. He was still inside the battle field, that was for sure, as most gems trying to fight for lives and maybe take down a few with them to make an honorable death for themselves. However, the small gem just sighed at the situation he was placed in and tried to get up, but realized the thing that had knocked him down had been a rather large gem in near death, he could not tell if they were Homeworld or a Crystal Gem, but he did know that this gem was pinning him to the ground. Talc slowly looked up into the sky seeing the airships firing at each other while downed airships quickly exploded into the ground leaving nothing but crushed gems. Talc had longed tuned out the horrors of the battlefield around him as the noise was too much for this gem, but he looked at the object covering him towards the ground was actually looking at him with their weighted eyes. The gem was stirring, trying to get off of Talc but had no energy to do anything expect slowly move around. A nearby gem noticed this squirming, Talc still couldn't tell if this gem on him was Homeworld or Crystal, but he had no more time to ponder as he felt a stabbing sensation through his chest. The gem that had noticed the squirming killed off the large gem on Talc, but did not notice the smaller gem under them. Talc went into shock by the sudden pain and was left paralyzed, the other gem seemed it was a Homeworld Gem as they started to stab him repeatedly with their spear trying to find where his gem was placed. It was a good thing that Talc was in shock as he felt nothing, but quickly his vision turned to nothingness.

Talc opened his once again, however, he could not really tell where he was at in the moment as everything smelled sweet and ambient noise replacing the clashing of weapons and smell of death. He also wasn't being stabbed at the moment, which was a relief, but he was still confused on what was happening... Was he in some sort of after life? Talc's pondering was cut off by something in the distance yelling, he slowly got to his feet, now with no added weight upon him, and noticed that this battlefield was now... Some sort of field of food? The small gem dismissed his surroundings as his eyes fell upon the only blue object inside this entire field, another gem. This cautious gem could not tell if this one was friend or foe, so he tried his best to sneak upon the gem from a fairly safe distance and waited for the masculine looking gem to move out or meet up with someone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A single tear trickled down the small warrior's face. She dodged to the left, her opponent's blade narrowly missing her. A small sliced bracelet fell to the ground, followed by the long black hair it had been holding up. The warrior disregarded her fallen hair, still in two braids, but no longer beautifully styled around her head, her hair dragged on the floor. However, she ignored the braids and leapt towards her opponent, jabbing with the spear end of her scythe. Her foe barely dodged the red blade, thrusting their own blade forwards, impaling it in the small girl's thigh, blood tricking down her leg, dampening the already red stockings.

In her hesitation, the Gem's foe retrieved their blade, slashing again at her. The warrior swiftly and silently dodged, but she soon found her vision faded to black, as her stuffed red rabbit fell from her pearly white hands. Softly landing on the ground, the girl was unable to see what had happened to her. She reached for the doll, fingers curling around it. Vision returning only to find that her hand had been wounded, the blood mixing with the red markings on the girl's body. She looked up as her foe's blade swung towards her neck. And her vision left, though the girl still held her means of sight.

The metallic stench of blood was gone. In its stead was a sweet aroma. Pleasant to the young warrior's nose. Her eyes slowly opened, taking in the beautiful sky above and the fields of.... Of what? She didn't know. She stood up, half of her hair dragging on the floor, the other half held in loops by a single woven band. The other had been destroyed in a battle. She untied the band. 'Heliotrope' was all that it read in black and red, upon the white band. She wrapped her black hair around her shoulders, until she could replace the damaged band the warrior Heliotrope would leave her hair down or wrapped around herself. But she made a stern promise with herself. All she needed was a ribbon or band, then Heliotrope would tie her hair in loops of braids once more. But Heliotrope's first priority was finding out more about where she was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Bright Jade.

A jade energy glowed brightly before winking out in a secluded field. In the place of the light stood a green skinned man, his darker shaded mohawk strewn about his head as he stared off at his palm; it shivered with a strong emotion as his memories returned. "Why?" he uttered, his sight blurring from the tears swelling in his eyes. "I could had saved you. I could have saved the both of us!" he muttered intensely, though he knew it to be pure speculation.

In his anger, his shivers became wails, his arms and body made movements that seemed hysterical. His mind was in the darkest closet of his mind and as a Gem, that was a dangerous place to be. He swung his arms around the rose field frantically, red petals were suddenly dancing around green winds though it seemed as private and spherical as a bubble.

When he finally lost the energy to continue his lament a few minutes later, he fell to his knees and wept heavily, tears and snot pouring over his face. "...Orchid. I need to find your Gem."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The orchestra of war was gone, in its place was terror and a grim truth. He was going to die here. He didn't know how nor when but it was going to happen. With stone-faced determination he blocked an incoming ball of energy his shield absorbing the power and returning it as a beam of concentrated energy that sweped across the battlefield, annihilating the caster and several other range oriented gems. Moving forward again he swatted any gem that came close, the great weight of his shield pulverizing bodies and shattering gems as he spearheaded a charge. With the large group of Homeworld Gems coherency shattered it became a bloodbath as the other Crystal Gems moved into the fray.

Bringing his shield down upon a gem he heard the unmistakable sound of a laser cutting through flesh. His heart filled with dread as he turned to face his destined foe, the world seemed to go into slow motion as their eyes met.

"No, not you." he thought to himself as his opponents eyes narrowed in anger.

There were no words exchanged by the two warriors, just an unspoken promise. One would stand, one would fall.

As if like lightning the staff she carried unleashed its power, barely punching through him as he brought his shield up to bare the brunt of it. The force pushed him back slightly, his heels digging into the earth as it did so. However he pushed through, advancing forward as the shield began to burn. The battery was filling and fast, all or nothing he charged full speed until the two were barely a breath away.

"In another life." she said solemnly. "In another." he replied.

They both knew what was going to happen, the shield was going to blow. She could have moved away from the fight, he could have struck her down, but they did not. Even in war they loved one another too much to harm the other, with a single tear she closed her eyes as the eruption overtook them. The explosion shook the field as the two powerful weapons detonated as one, their colors intermingling into a beautiful cloud.

As Agate slept the years passed by, the crater filling with dirt and grass. It's scar mended by mother nature until it was no more. What felt like an eternity but also an instant, Agate awoke to a suffocating darkness. Panic set in and he began digging his way up. A fist exploded from the earth, stained with dirt, grass, and berries. A second, frantic arm joined it and with their combined strength pulled the body of Agate out of his earthen prison. Long moments were dedicated to just breathing, the smell of wild berries filled his senses and it was welcome for awhile but soon his thoughts went towards his survival. Just how did he survive and why?

How was it that someone like him survived but not her, she was such a better person and she was swept aside while the monster remained. It just didn't make sense. Slowly, quietly, his hands held his head as he fell to his backside and cried soundless tears. The glowing orbs in a sea black releasing small drops of orange, staining the leaves and berries in their color as they connected. Agate stayed that way for a long time, letting the pain leave his body before even trying to move.

When the tears ran dry Agate shakily went to his feet and looked around him. There were others in varying distances from him and they all seemed to be in the same boat so to speak. He couldn't make any details from where he stood but he could hear the wails and sphere of petals that heralded the closest one. Wiping his face dry he suppressed his issues and began to move towards the gem, if someone needed help than he would was going to do his best to give it. Its what she would have wanted in the end.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The pink gem had been placed in charge of the engine room, being previously allied with Homeworld she knew quite a few things about technologies and how to keep a ship in order. And this ship was not in order. Thulite wasn't sure what had happened, but the ship was going down in a rain of explosions and fire. Most of her engine room crew had abandoned her, desperate to try and find a way off the doomed ship. Thulite silently wondered if this was some form of karma. This was the fate of the universe, getting payback for all the problems she had caused it. She looked up, through a gaping hole in the ceiling of the engine room, likely caused by an explosion. She felt the need to cry out, or beg, to whoever could hear her. But she knew this would all be in vain. She was going to die, all alone, unable to save those who had no need to trust her. Thulite grimaced, shielding her face with an outstretched arm from another burst.

It felt like forever, or maybe it was only an instant. Thulite felt heavy, and yet so light. For a few moments Thulite could not see, blinded in the sudden sun, and she assumed she was dead. And yet the pleasant smell of grass and berries filled her head. "Rose?" Thulite asked aloud, her voice weak and yet so full of hope. "Am I dead? Have I been...forgiven?" Another eternity seemed to past by Thulite, although this eternity lasted only a few moments. She received no answer from her savior, but her eyes soon adjusted to the harsh sunlight. She was alive, and she was not sure she deserved to be.

The soft pink gem sat up, short hair riddled with grass and dirt. Her head was spinning and her ears were ringing, what had happened to the drowning explosions? Thulite felt disoriented, like she wasn't in control of her body. She took a few deep breaths, the fresh air making her feel...calm and safe. She shakily stood to her feet, brushing the dirt off her back and legs. She felt the overwhelming urge to explore, and she wasn't quite sure why. Looking out in the distance, well not even that far, she could see gems beginning to stir. She could even hear the voice of one of them, a voice that for whatever reason made her feel uneasy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiinen
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Shiinen The Grand Imagineer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The Moonstone. Always shining, even as she fought to her last breath. Blood at her side from a sword's slash prior. The eyepatch that covered her right eye had been long destroyed and lost as a casualty of war, revealing the glowing gem that made up into the form of her fake eye. With rapier in hand, the hand guard caught the blade of anther Gem before she struck forward and sliced at the attacker, bringing them to a sickening crash on the ground below. She could only try to do what she had promised: fight until she couldn't anymore. And as the rage built up with the lunatic power, she had. Adrenaline could only go so far, and even now the bloodloss left her feeling drained.

The Moonstone fought 'til the very end. A blade through her shoulder, a shot through her heart, and a spear through the gut until she stopped. She didn't fall 'til the very end, defiance in her heart as she tried her damnedest to keep standing. Yet, the ground beneath her -- though stained with blood -- was a welcome rest from the battle. It wasn't long now...not many left. The end was inevitable, but it was a shame that she wouldn't be able to see the outcome that they had all wanted. Instead, she smiled as she looked up to the sky.

Hey. For a moment, it was almost as if she wasn't blind. Two sides of the same sky. One bright as day, and one blurred and black as night from the vision her right eye saw in another future. Another place.

The Moonstone slept. With her blood seeping into the cloak that hugged her body, white clothes stained with blood as she faded to that sweet cold embrace. A slumber like no other, with the promise of not waking up. A true peace, earned the way she'd wanted or at the very least-

Or...it seemed that way. Perhaps she was lied to instead.

Years of the endless sleep, until an abrupt opening of the eyes led her to look and see that sky above her once more. Was is a sick irony, that she die with her gaze to the sky and wake up the same? Body parts ached as her digits curled inwards, only to ease their tension and sigh as she laid in the wildly grown nature. The blood had faded away long ago, and in its place seemed to be the pleasant feeling of grass and warmth in the sunlight. Part of her was curious to explore but...

The Gem was tired.

And that was her reasoning for staying in the grass, feeling those small cracks and pops of her body as she tried stretching out for a moment. That was all that she wanted to do at the moment...sleep a little longer. Try to think back to what had happened. How she'd ended up here. What she was doing laying in this grass, wrapped up in her cloak. Waking up moment by moment to understand or try to comprehend what had gone on as she'd been out. Even if there were others around at the moment, she just wanted to bathe in the peaceful moment she was allowed to have. It'd been a while...or had it? When was the last time she aat down and closes her eyes to relax herself?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Leda


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Keep that door sealed, we can't do anything if this room is lost the gem had managed to make his way to the control room along with some of the other gems. He knew there was no way to keep the ship from going down due to the alarm that had went off, but he thought that activating the ships safety protocols would keep the remaining gems on the ship from being killed. As explosions ran throughout the ship they came closer to the control room making the other gems who were with him start to panic "Keep your focus on the controls!" They were running out of time and became more and more desperate by each passing minute. With a stroke of luck he got into the systems with barely enough time to activate the protocols, but his luck was met with an unfortunate and abrupt end as an explosion had hit the ship hard knocking all the systems offline.

With no idea what to do next, the gem froze "There is still time, we can make it to the escape pods" he heard one of the gems yell and agreed, but their bad luck was not done with them yet as the door was sealed shut due to the last explosion. With that he knew this ship would be his grave as the last explosion came through the door.

It had seemed like an eternity that the purple gem had been sleeping and for all he knew it could have been. The stone let out a purple light as the gem's body reformed itself, and retreated back into the gem's hand as he fell to his knees and opened his eyes to find himself surrounded by a field of what seemed to be flowers "What...what happened, what is this place". The fact that he did not know where he was did not bother him as much as the fact that he had managed to survive the crash, "I was almost sure I was dead". He had wondered if any of the other gems had made it, if they were lucky enough, if they had been able to retreat back into their gems. He got off of the ground and dusted himself off as he looked around to try to get a general idea of where he was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nthitho12


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Talc was confused at the moment, a sudden spike of awoken gems started to fill this field and their reactions were heading from crying to complete confusion. It was no longer necessary for him to hide inside the bushes that dotted the place, and he noticed that his clothes from the last time was tattered with spear holes which made the gem shiver; he could almost feel the stabbing taking place once again. Talc glowed for only a few seconds before his clothes had changed to a brighter color, something that would make him seem less threatening and friendly. He scanned his surroundings once more, as it seemed everyone in this place was just as confused as himself.

Talc soon started to walk around, feeling the need to get further away from the spot on which he was almost brutally murdered by some random gem that shared different beliefs. Talc looked forward towards the handful of gems that remained and coughed into his hand, although the wrappings around his face made it pointless to put his fist into his hand. "Hello, I would like to think that we are all on the same side here, I would rather not like to fight at the moment as I'm just as confused as you are in this matter. If anyone knows what kind of situation we are inside of then please speak up, if not, then I think it would be the best if everyone could gather up and just discuss what the current situation we are having at the moment."

New form- (I got him commissioned by the person that Pacifista suggested)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Bright Jade.

Several minutes passed as Jade gathered the strength to stand. He had no clues to go on, no idea where he even was. What planet had he had landed on during hte space fight, where did Orchid send him. And to make things even more complicated he felt the vague tingle of a portal's usage on him. Had he traveled through a portal on top of crashing on a foreign planet?

Damn, I can't be anymore lost even if I tried.

He raised himself over the strawberry field on a vortex of green wind to get a better view of everything. Other Gems were waking up as well, some of them seeming just as confused as himself. He narrowed his eyes on the closest one in hopes of getting some info, hopefully the Gem could help him out. He upchucked strawberrys and bushes into the air as he whizzed towards her on his tornado. He lowered down towards the--what seemed like pink--Gem until his feet touched the ground.

He grabbed the Gem by the shoulder and gazed at her frantically. "What world is this?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Thulite had been taking her time with getting up and moving around. She could see some of the Gems gathering up together, apparently being rallied by an odd looking Gem with a trench coat and bandages wrapping up his head. Thulite figured she too would have to join the crowd, if she wanted to find out what had happened, when suddenly a wind began to whip up around her. She looked up, startled, at the green Gem who was hovering above the fields of strawberries. Her first instinct was hostile and she considered summoning her weapon, but something stopped her. She looked closer at the Gems face, he seemed...distressed.

She stood strong, even as the wind blew around her, and watched with unblinking eyes as the Gem lowered himself back into the strawberry field. Thulite flinched, and considered pulling away, when the Gem grabbed her shoulder. But his tone of voice kept her from moving away from him. He was clearly upset, and for good reason. If he was in a similar boat, or in their case field, then he must be as confused as she is. And everyone reacts to confusion differently.

"Hey, come on man. Take a deep breath we are fine!" Thulite said, putting her hands on his shoulders, trying to stop him from panicking. She kept eye contact, her confidence brimming. For a second, however, it wavered. She had no idea where they were. "Wherever we are, it's OK!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was almost immediately after Tanzanite called out that other Gems began to appear in the field, some in less subtle ways than others. A wave of relief washed over the blue Gem as he realized he wasn't alone, but it only lasted for a moment as the worry of these being Homeworld Gems set in. Tanz was no stranger to battle, hell it was probably the what he was best at, but he was still reeling from this whole situation so the likelihood of him being able to hold his own in a fight right now was pretty slim, especially against multiple unknown Gems. These doubts were not helped by the sudden out burst from one of the Gems and the vortexes he created. "He is definitely someone to be carefully around." Tanz thought to himself with a slight furrow in his brow. Despite all of these concerns Tanz had to go and speak with these other Gems if he ever wanted to get some answers on where he was and what had happened. So with a deep breath and a straighten of his back Tanz set course for the small group of Gems that have already gathered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Heliotrope grabbed her braids, curling them into the loops of hair they normally were. She tied them up with the one tie she had. They weren't like they normally were, and Helio didn't like it. But she would have to deal with it. Helio turned and looked around, eyeing other gems. Helio walked over to the other gems, her red rabbit plush in her hands. She sneezed softly, hands relinquishing her grasp on the plushie. Her vision blacked and Helio crouched down. White hands fumbling around for the small item. Her hands touched the plushie and her vision returned. But Helio accidentally knocked the rabbit asie again. Her hands flew to the ground looking for the rabbit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leda


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The purple gem looked around the field and had seen that other gems had survived the crash, and from what he could tell they were int the same boat as he was. However, whether they were home world gems or on the same side as he was had yet to be seen, and going in blind was not something he liked to do, but his current situation left him no choice but to go and see if they were hostile. If worse came to worse he would have to fight, but knowing they outnumbered him he knew trying to take them all would be a fools endeavor and letting them capture him was out of the question. The only logical option he would be to retreat and come up with a plan later, yet he had hoped things would not get that far.

He started making his way to where the other gems were steadily and on his guard ready to to make a run for it if he needed to. Of course he knew his weary and cautious approach to the situation would be enough to put anyone on alert. He remembered that his old teacher always used to tell him he had a way of shutting people off, but he never knew what he meant until now.

(Sorry for the short post, we just got back from spring break, and now I have to focus mostly on college)
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