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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tanzanite, Tanz for short

Tanzanite located on the right armpit

Tanz is more on the masculine side on the spectrum, standing at a even six foot and having a lean body build. Tanz has deep blue colored hair that is done in dreads, though is usually held back in a ponytail most of the time, and a even darker blue colored skin. Also their are a few stray hairs on Tanz's chin. Tanz's eyes are a deep navy blue.

(Ignore the picture)
Tanz summons a large war-hammer in combat. It is comically large, too large for a normal human to pick up and almost too large for some Gems to lift. The hammer has a Tanzanite gem on its face. Tanz is able to make his war-hammer double sided, a head on each end of the weapon, when need be.

Unique Abilities
Frost Manipulation- Tanz is able to produce and manipulate icy winds. As a side effect Tanz is also resistant to extreme cold temperatures
Enhanced Physical Prowers- Even by Gem standers Tanz is quite strong, agile, and quick, making Tanz quite suited for combat

Quite the hardy soul, Tanz enjoys a good fight just as well as a joke among friends. Like wise Tanz is quite the fierce and loyal friend, ready to defend comrades even if it means getting hurt in the process. Tanz has a strong sense of duty, believing that if one could help another it is their responsibility for them to do so.

Tanz's beginnings are nothing to gawk at. Merely just another Gem that was sent out to scout for new planets to set up Kindergartens on, work not to be proud of. Well that all change when it came to Earth and the Rouse Quartz rebellion. Tanz jumped at the chance to stand up against the oppressive ways of the Homeworld and joined up with Rouse Quartz's Crystal Gems. Tanz made a excellent solider in the war, obtaining some major victories, unfortunately the triumphs meant little in the end. During one of the final battles of the war Tanz was tasked with taking out a war machine that was bound for the Crystal Gems' base of operations. To make a long hard story short in the end Tanz had the choices of letting the machine reach the base or go down with the ship... the choice was made and Tanz made sure that the other Crystal Gems would be able to fight another day.

If every porkchop was perfect we wouldn't have hotdogs
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Character Sheet

Bright Jade, Jade for Short

Jade, Right Shoulder

A brooding fellow with a unmovable line of dissatisfaction on his face, he was the Gem that most others strayed from. He has light green skin that sorta seems dull or lifeless and small ovals for eyebrows. His sharp gaze is more comparable to knives stabbing one from a distance as he really seems to lack a happy expression in his arsenal. He is pretty average in height, standing at about 5'8" and have a athletic build. His clothes are as seen above.

A jade green scimitar about the length of his own body. Its exceptionally unique and is summoned from the gem in his shoulder. It can extend to different lengths, becoming as large and long as two buses.

Unique Abilities
Aerokinesis: His most pronounced skill is the ability to manipulate green winds. These abilities usually take shape in the form of concentrated blasts, tornadoes that lift him into the air, and shields for his comrades and himself. He has yet to perform a technique or skill of mass range and power.


Jade was a born revolutionary, seeing the injustice behind most of the World Gems and wanting nothing more than to rectify it all. When the war spurred and rumors of a faction fighting against the World Gems spread, Jade packed his things, and with the one Gem he loved went to join. However, he would never make it there. During the trip, his friend, a pious believer in the World Gems betrayed him and his love. The ship was fired upon and with his love's ability to take on the damage of others, she and her gem was destroyed. He crashed landed on a unknown planet, landing smack dab on a warp. During the crash he was forced into his gem to recover but was teleported to Earth during his slumber. He has no idea how.

If every porkchop was perfect we wouldn't have hotdogs
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nthitho12


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


It can be found on the back of the head in a jagged square shape form.

Talc is very secretive on its appearance, wearing stuff to cover the entire body. Talc's build is rather undefinable since of the large coat covering the entire body, and the only thing you can say is that Talc is rather short and that the voice is almost boyish sounding. He wears a large black trench coat, the popped up collar circling his entire head and covering the chin, neck, and mouth. He also has buttons reaching down to its chest, and a large pocket on both sides of the bottom half of the coat. The trench coat also goes down to his feet, covering him from mouth to toe! Talc has two matching leather gloves, and large blue lensed goggles. Lastly, he wears a wide brimmed fedora and even covering the entire body with bandages. Talc is also very light weight and agile even inside of the clunky clothing, but it leads Talc to be weaker than most every gem and is barley as tough as an average human.

Talc carries no weapons, but produces marble sized balls of his own gem that can be crushed into powder through minimal physical activity. This powder can be used in many ways from medicine to lethal manners.

Unique Abilities:
Pseudomorph - Talc is able to harm other gems, but inside of a very special manner than smashing them into bits and pieces. The weapon he uses is able to mess with the structure and form of other gems as the minerals will latch onto any part of the gem and transform the body into the same material of itself. It takes several days to weeks for the infection to stay inside of place and can be no longer removed resulting in death for the gem. At first touch, the gem will weaken depending on where Talc had hit them. If hit around the body like the limbs, it won't incapacitate the gem, but will feel weaker than their regular self almost as if they were actually sick. The malleable substance is fairly hard to take off, but if enough force is used it can be torn off and easily crushed into nothingness. However, the substance can be easily taken off by Talc and absorb back into the layers of clothing. A more powerful state of the material is if it is placed on the gem, the gem would be severally weakened and the process would go much faster. The process is that the gem will on a very small scale turn into the substance that was put onto the gem and would also make that part of the body fairly weak compared to the rest of the body. It almost spreads like an infection from the point of the gem to the rest of the body. If the entire body is covered inside of the material than the original gem would slowly deteriorate and become an empty shell of the substance. This process takes weeks to fully affect the gem and can still be cured if taken care of early. There is another way rather than beating up the infection and that is to actually incapacitate Talc making the substance much easier to be removed from the body.

Talc is concerned with his own well-being and that of the Crystal Gems. He may behave in a good manner to those he considers friends and allies, but will only act maliciously against those who have tried to injure him in some way. For the rest, Talc does not care. He does not wish ill on those he doesn't not know, but he also does not care when he hears of evil befalling another group. Better for others to suffer the evil than himself. If an ally is in need, Talc will aid them, out of genuine love or because he may be able to count on that ally a little more in the future. If someone else is in need, he will weigh the options of the potential rewards and dangers associated with the act. If an enemy is in need, Talc will ignore them or take advantage of his misfortune.

Talc can be easily offended by those who are opinionated or bigoted. A rather zealous Crystal Gem is just as offensive as a racial supremacist Homeworld Gem in his eyes. Talc also does not necessarily strive for balance amongst the world. In fact, he may have tried to avoid the situation in general. The strange gem also didn't take up the cause for the Crystal Gems like others had done, as he didn't necessarily feel obligated to do so, but because it just made sense to support the group that protected his way of life.

I would rather slowly show this inside of the RP

Its name is pronounced like ‘talk’ but with a southern accent added into it
If every porkchop was perfect we wouldn't have hotdogs
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

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Name: Danburite (Dani)

Gem: A rectangular, white stone rests on the middle Dani's left forearm.

Appearance: Dani is rather large, standing at about eight feet tall. Her shoulders are squared, her physique muscular, and much of her skin white colored. Black coloration goes from the top of her neck, down past the base, and long her shoulders down to the elbow, where it continues white. Her torso and legs are clad in gray clothing. Her right arm is concealed by a tattered, off-white cloak, a hood able to cover her head if need be. Her hair is unkempt and bristly looking, reaching down her shoulders and partially over her left eye.

Weapon: When activated, her arm is covered by a thick, white stone, from the shoulder down. Along this arm, she can grow spikes of various shapes and sizes, and is also capable of shooting them off, though bigger ones take far more energy to do so.

Unique Abilities:
Earth Medium – By placing her weapon against the ground, Dani can use dirt and stone as a medium, sprouting and shooting spikes from it as if it were her own weapon. It has a medium range, and she also has an easier time with larger spikes, but it highly limits her mobility: if separated from the ground, she loses control. She needn't stay still, but moving risks separating her touch from the ground for even a moment. Aiming at a distance is also a bit trickier, as expected.

Strength – Dani has quite the easy time chucking boulders around, even with one hand. Beyond that though, it takes considerably more effort, but its nothing to be underestimated.

Behavior: Despite her size, Dani certainly acts like she's on the younger side. Excitable and hasty, she seems to move faster when no one's watching. Curiosity is her drive, and in her mind, adventure has no brakes. She can be a bit hesitant to act, however, as not only is she strong, but she's also a bit clumsy. She tends not to get stressed over little things, but given how easily she shows her emotions, it's for the best. But hey, if every porkchop were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs.

Origin: To be revealed.

Other: Nothing not to be revealed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Thulite, located on her ankle

Always found with a friendly expression, Thulite is a gem with both masculine and feminine features. She would consider her build lean, yet athletic, and sits on the shorter end of the height spectrum at an even five feet tall. Her skin is a medium tone of pink, with her short-cropped hair and thick eyebrows a darker shade then her skin. Her pupils are black, but are flecked with pink and gold tones.

These boots are made for walking... Thulite summons a pair of boots from her gem, and her fighting style is compartable to a very impatient and tank-like kick boxer. Her boots allow her to get up close to a foe, and kick them with enough force to knock most attackers off their feet, and even send tiny foes flying back.

Unique Abilities:
Super Speed: Thulite can travel at a high speed, an ability unmatched by nearly any other Gem.

Thulite is an extrovert – permanently friendly, forgives easily and considers everyone who she hasn't met to be a friend. Her charisma and confidence has not been limited at all by the tough times she has lived through. This positivity can come off as clingy annoyance to people who don't like constant interaction. She is rather impulsive, jumping to conclusions or being the first one to run down a dangerous path. This is likely due to her high energy, which always seems to be unending. Her rather fun-loving nature makes her pleasant to be around.

Thulite was initally very loyal to Homeworld. She went through her early life blind, never knowing about the injustices and inequalities of Homeworld and even within her own life. She continued to serve the Homeworld, never receiving anything in return. Things began to change when Thulite heard about Earth and the rebellion. She began to question what was happening, but was told by a superior that this rebellion was bad for both Gems and Homeworld. And she believed this, until she was sent on a mission to attack some of this rebellion. She got cold feet. She never wanted to destroy any gems, but she thought that was needed to be done. Eventually Thulite was stopped by the rebellion, but not before causing several causalities. Thulite figured she was next to be destroyed, but instead she was informed by Rose Quarts about the injustices towards the World Gems. Thulite immediately pledged her allegiance to the rebellion, wanting to do anything to repent for her past. Many of the Gems didn't trust her, and for good reason, But Rose seemed to see potential in her. Thulite worked hard on every one of her missions, until the time came where she had was stationed on a ship doomed to crash, and she was forced to retreat into her gem.

If every porkchop was perfect we wouldn't have hotdogs
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Heliotrope, Helio, Heli

Heliotrope (Bloodstone), located in a band around Helio's neck

Helio is a girl of small stature. She has a small frame, with large bright red eyes. Her hair is long and straight. Black in color and trailing on the floor when let down. Normally she keeps her hair looped up in braids. Her skin is white in color, with black and red markings, resembling tribal tattoos. Helio's usual outfit is a pair of red stockings under a black Chinese dress wit bred accents.

Halio's weapon is a black scythe with a red blade. The end of the scythe that doesn't have the curved blade acts as a spear.

Unique Abilities:
Liquidation- Helio can liquify most items at her will. With limitations to the weapons of other Gems
False Sight- Helio can see through the eyes of inanimate objects, though it isn't perfect sight, as she cannot see colors or details
Deception- Helio has an innocent personality, which most people find nice

Quiet, swift, serene. Helio stays calm in most situations and is able to think rationally in almost any situation. She doesn't get scared, but this doesn't mean she's heartless. She just prefers not to show her emotions. The rest will be revealed later.

Revealed Later

Always carries around a red stuffed animal of a bunny

If every porkchop was perfect we wouldn't have hotdogs. But personally, bacon is even better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Defense is the greatest offense!"


Fire Agate, the gems appears as a large rectangle on his right forearm.

Standing at 7 feet agate stands upon the larger spectrum of gems, along with the more masculine side in features. His shoulders are broad and his body strong, showing off powerful muscles that could grind steel. Agate's skin lies in the darker shades of orange, an aged brew really. Clothing wise he wears a sort of chest plate tank top, full metal covering his chest and abdomen while leaving his shoulders bare. The plate tank also has a slightly raised collar, coving most of his neck. A dark orange cloth peeks out underneath the plates to about midway of the bicep while also making up his pants, metal boots going to the knees. Due to a past shame Agate promised to never show his face again, to insure that he has changed his face to have a knightly helmet look. When the grate is raised all one will see are two glowing orbs of orange light with a surprising amount of animation to them.

An large shield several shades darker than he is. It weighs quite a lot, is about as tall as he is, and is very durable. Energy based attacks are absorbed and stored for later use as a concentrated laser however there is a limit to how much it can keep, when the limit goes over there is a chance that it will detonate with great power.

Unique Abilities:
Flesh of Iron- Even without his shield, Agate his hard to put down. Low power attacks are likely to go unnoticed if not a small annoyance. However strength to his level will bring the hurt.

Release the Beast- When Agate is pushed to his limits all of his durability is converted into pure strength, leaving him vulnerable to damage but allowing him to give more than he gets. In this state he can do little but yell, smash, and destroy. May hint at slight corruption.

and a nugget of self loathing and rage

Mostly keeps to himself about his past, usually deflecting the question or dismissing it with "Nothing really special." but he has done a lot, made many mistakes, and done an atrocious deed. The only thing for certain is that the last thing he did was duel a very powerful gem, he one...she didn't.

If every porkchop was perfect we wouldn't have hotdogs

Due to heavy damage, both physical and spiritual, Agate has started on the path of corruption. Time will only tell if he falls to it or comes out stronger than ever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiinen
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Shiinen The Grand Imagineer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Moonstone -- Often calls herself "Tsukiyomi"

Moonstone. It is located inside of her right eye, rendering her blind in it.


Tsukiyomi's summoned weapon is a rapier decorated at the handle with medals spoken in another language. Memories -- each one a piece of her -- are represented in these small military-versions of metal.

Unique Abilities:
Lunacy - For a willing subject to have extended exposure to Tsukiyomi's right eye when it is uncovered can cause in both herself and in others a state of "berserk". This acts the same as a severe adrenaline rush, giving them increased strength, the ability to shrug off minor wounds, and a battle rage like no other for the duration of the madness. The drawback remains simple: when you're seeing red, it's hard to stop

True Vision - Through her eye, illusions fail to meet up to Tsukiyomi's sense of vision, which lets her see straight through them as a result. Due to her right eye enhancing her left eye, she is also able to see through low-light or darkness.

Future Sight [Limited] - Tsukiyomi's right eye grants her limited clairvoyance. She cannot see from a third person perspective, but instead from a first person perspective only. This ability only gives her the ability to "live in the moment", acting as a warning of sorts at most. Unless visual queues are given, it can be hard for her to figure out who she is seeing through the eyes of.
General Guidelines:
- Protective
- Responsible
- Gentleman
- Honorable


She has a bit of a warrior attitude. If one stepped out of the way and forced her to let herself be cared for, she'd be senselessly confused. Beware.

If every pork chop was perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs? Personally. I don't eat hotdogs or pork chops. But it would suck if either were perfect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leda


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


in his left hand



while he rarely uses it unless it is for training purposes, Melanite's weapon is a medium ranged sword that sacrifices power for speed allowing the use of fast strikes and precision. (No giant hand btw)

Unique Abilities:
future sight- he has the power to sense the different paths projected in front of him, illuminating the possible courses of action he can take for each path. He can then draw out the best possible course of action and accelerate himself along that path. Although this power allows him to see into the future it does have its limitations, in example at the risk of leaving himself open to attack in order to focus he can use his power. While his ability allows him to see into the future it is not always clear to him what he sees so at times it is difficult to take the best course of action

Being a gem of reason and logic he is mostly apathetic and shows interest only in common topics he finds interesting which he reads occasionally, sometimes even turning into an obsession that overwhelms him until he knows everything about that subject. While not the most social person he can hold a conversation and is not afraid to say what is on his mind which adds bluntness to his already hard to get a long with attitude, however he IS currently in the midst of learning about empathy. As far as friends go, while he does not have many for the ones he does make that are able to put up with him he treasures the most even if he does not show it, and will have their backs as long as they have his. Emotional wise he does not care to show them, that being said he makes an excellent person to vent to; just do not be surprised if he doesn't say anything useful back

will be revealed in rp


if every pork chops were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs
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