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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

My Nation Sheet
We stand for peace, however if it comes to it we will fight and defend our nation! - Mirai Ancelsti, 1st Empress of Ancelstierre
Nation Name: Ancelstierre
Magic, Tech, or Both: Magic
Ruler: Empress Yuno(NPC)
1. Abuse of magic: Robbery, murder, and illegal activity is frowned apun and will be delt with by the council members personally.(EX. Illegal as in using charm magic to comment adultery)
2. Magic can only be used inside the nation under penalty of in prison mentioned or death
3. Any one acussed of a crime will be fairly trialed by the council
4. No mutation magic without explicit council consent
5. Any attempt to hurt the council or empress physically will resort to an automatic death sentence
we are best know for our beautiful gardens and relaxing hot springs.

My Ruler CS
Name: Yuno Ancelsti
Title: Empress
Age: 18
Personality: Kind, Gentle Gentle Doesnt like war but if it comes to it she will fight.

My Other CS:
Name: Jiro Nagata
Age: 20
Role: Head Council Member of Ancelstierre, Phoenix Gold Saint, and Guardian of Empress Yuno Ancelsti
Species: Human
Personality: Serious but kind and has a slight sense of humor.
History: WIP
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jerome Odeum


Guardian of Ancelstierre's Empress
Neko Gold Saint


All the blue is gold!!!!! Your just color blind!!!


Laid back, calm under pressure, full of joy, rarely serious, finds danger to be the best thing about his job, loves a good fight now and then, likes to state that he's single every time he meets a girl that he fells is attractive, it doesn't seem like it but he is very responsible.

History: (Optional)
To Be Roleplayed
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Eris Bangriph (aka: The fire starter or The Dragon General)

Age: 21

Role: Grand General, dragon gold knight, guardian of Empress Yuno Ancelsti

Species: Dragon

Personality: Is hot headed and childish at time but is very smart, loves to eat and joke around. Is perpetually hot that's why she doesn't wear much clothing, Walks around in her Magically cooled armor most of the time so most can't tell if she is a boy or girl until she takes it off or she talks. Is a bit of a bragger when it comes to talking about her past or when talking about battle.

History: She is a dragon general what else do you need to know, she comes from a long line of dragons, and even though she is the youngest born in her generation she is the most successful since she is on the high council of the nation. Her closest brother who is still 9 years ahead of her was even jealous enough to challenge her for her status, and needless to say she beat him down and embarrassed him in front of her whole family which is a lot of people. Her "hide" may look normal and soft and it is but it is also as strong a fire dragon scales which is why she is fine walking around without her armor on even in a battlefield.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Nation Name: Khent
Magic, Tech, or Both: Both
Ruler: Lord Emperor Vespasian Nerva
1. Any senator may be expelled from the senate if they have been convicted of a crime, or if their power has been revoked while serving as a magistrate.
2. Threats against the Nation or the Lord Emperor will be met with Force and the deployment of "Apocalypse", if necessary.
3. Every citizen has the legal right to appeal against a capital sentence.(except in cases of treason)
4. Consecration of real property is forbidden without approval of the popular assembly
5. Potentially volatile projects in magic technology must be passed through the senate.
Khent is known for its architecture and how they have combined technology and magic

Ruler CS

Name: Vespasian Nerva
Title: Lord Emperor
Age: 19
Personality: Mostly kind and friendly, but can get abrasive sometimes.


Name: Ezikiel
Age: 18
Role: Nerva's Closest friend and acts like his bodyguard, since he isn't actually in the senate he hides during political meetings and watches from the shadows.
Species: Human/shade
Personality: Easygoing and somewhat carefree. He is still a reliable friend, but can be restless at times.
History: Nerva and Ezikiel have been friends for a long time, Ezikiel would sneak them out of the palace when they were young so they could go exploring, he wasn't welcome by the rest of the royal family though and had to avoid being noticed by them. Now that Nerva is Emperor, Ezikiel stays by his side and protects him from the shadows.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Zetsuko Accepted pretty good in my opinion.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 14 days ago

Nation Name: Yarhaan
Magic, Tech, or Both: Both
Ruler: Myself (but is not a direct ruler more so a head of a council)
Laws: Stealing is by far the most punishable offence usually resulting in a branding for the Criminal that commited the crime but the crime system is take very seriously in these offenses because the brand is nearly permanent due to it scarring the skin

Murder and Rape are punishable by death due to the old trade law of a equal trade. But the deaths are as humane as possible to avoid the executioners become as bad as the murderer's

Harassment is legal but it cannot be psychical in any way shape or form else it is punishable by a prison term.

Lying to the court and dodge tax's leads to a hefty fine that if it cannot be paid you are forced to work off until the court thinks it is sufficient (can be the rest of your life)

and the final law is, If you are found with counterfeit good's you lose all profit you made with them and they are destroyed this is to protect the economy of Yarhaans trading industry

Whats your nation known best for? we pride yourself on our mining industry's, the sand in our desert climate can be blown away to show bare stone which is perfect to quarry in till it fill's as such they are many mines hidden by the sand.. some of them Dug too deep...

Name: Alexander Drogun Lietvan (of the lietvan house of traders)
Title: Head Councillor
Age: 23
Personality: Alexander Is not a person to take rules seriously but he will not break them either showing he has a level of levelheadedness, as head of the council he has shown sustainable leader ship quality's as well as the ability to handle the daily life of ordering all the merchants in the nation making sure every dispute is settled and quelling any rumors about supernatural entity's

Other: He hates water preferring milk or ale. (albiet weak)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


edit: Ruler Accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nation Sheet
Nation Name: The Irodein Empire
Magic, Tech, or Both: Tech
Ruler: Emperor Axaium Uldra
- The crime of treason carry a automatic execution.
- Everyone within the empire except for the emperor is to be cremated.
- For most crimes other than treason are punishable by a sentience to a penal battalion of a minimum for 5 years at these poorly armed units or a several years hard labor.
- Every male citizen at age 16 must register for military service.
- Magic is outlawed any one cough practicing it is to be executed.
Whats your nation known best for? The empire is know for its advance Industry and Weapons technology.

Ruler CS:

Name: Axaium Uldra
Title: Emperor of Irodein
Age: 31
Personality: Axaium is a traditional Irodein having a Machiavellian mindset when it comes to ruling. The emperor is a deeply pious man often praying to the Irodein god Virem. He is also honorable but will not hesitate to be absolute ruthless if necessary. Axium will not hesitate to speak his mind to other rulers.
Other: he carries a modified navy revolver.
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