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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A new day has begun in the world known as Sentara. Here in Sentara there are 5 great nations one of them being Ancelstierre a magic filled nation where humans and creatures live in peace. We start at Ancelstierre Palace where Empress Yuno begins her day.
Empress Yuno Ancelsti was awoken by the bright sunlight coming in from her bedside window. As she sits up she looks around her room. She then gets up and puts on her robe and heads to the palace's private hot spring in order to wash up. After some time in the hot spring she returns to her living quarters and puts on the Family Robe, she pulls her hair out from under the robe as she takes her hair pin(The big needle in her hair in the pic) which holds the Ancelsti Family Jewel in it. After putting the final bits and pieces to her outfit she walked up to a crystal known as a TeleCrystal which is used for communications in the nation(much like a phone) she taps it with her finger as it begins to glow. "Sir Jiro?" She says "Yes Lady Yuno." Jiro's voice is heard from the crystal. "Please tell the chef to begin making preparations for breakfast." she says "Of course Lady Yuno." Jiro said "Will you be going out on your morning walk this morning?" he added "Yes I will be." She responds "Then allow me to accompany you Lady Yuno." Jiro said "I'd be sad if you did not join me Sir Jiro." Yuno says in a very cheerful voice as Jiro is heard giving off a slight giggle. "Very well I shall meet you in the palace garden Lady Yuno." Jiro said as the TeleCrystal stopped glowing. Yuno started making her way to the Palace Garden.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE, TRAINING TIME!" Eris bellowed as she stood in front of the batch of new recruits most of Which were shaking just staring at the suit of armor that she had on while others tried to figure out if they should run away. "We have to get you boys into shape!" She said as her armor disappeared in a plume of cold fire and she was left standing there in what looked like a bathing suit. "Come at me!" She boomed as she got into a fighting stance and the and waited for the recruits to take the challenge, but when she saw how the stared she had an idea "If you don't come at me.... I come after you in this" she said before snapping her clawed fingers and her armor reappeared on her body but this time without the helmet "and do you really want that?" She questioned and almost instantly the group shook their collective heads and picked a weapon from off the wall to which she replied by having her armor disapate and her resume her earlier stance "and don't be afraid to come at me like your ready to kill me for real, because the first one to "kill" is allowed to take an extended breakfast but if nobody manages to get me by the time I have to leave which is in... 30 minutes then you are all gonna be running laps around the training hall for the next week!" She said laughing at the suddenly serious faces on all of them. "WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, COME AT ME!" She yelled with her tail cracking like a bull whip and all of them rushed her. And with that marks the beginning of Grand General Eris Bangriph's day.

During the sparring multiply things were running through Eris's head, mostly about what to have for breakfast. "Some pancakes from that new restraunt sounds pretty nice" she said as she pushed back a man trying to swing down on her with a sword. "Pick it up people 14 minutes left to defeat me!" She called out to the 28 or so student that were still up a and about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Meanwhile in Vyseni,Khent at The Wolf Palace
Nerva groaned as he rose from his bed, looking around he saw Ezikiel splayed out on a chair, still sleeping. He got up, put on a light robe and went about getting ready for the day. After getting dressed and smoothing out his hair he noticed Ezikiel was waking up, he turned to his friend and said "good morning Ezzy". Ezikiel rubbed his eyes and stretched before responding "*yawn*...Morning, Nerva" he sat up in the chair and saw that Nerva had already gotten dressed. Nerva walked over to a balcony looking over the city and was soon joined by Ezikiel, they looked over the city for a moment before Nerva sighed and said "come on, the senate will be in session in a bit" and after belting his sword to his side, the two set out for the senate building.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jerome walked around the palace playing with magic on the tips of his fingers. Another day of secretly protecting the Empress. He knows she always have her morning walks with Jiro. So he had free time until she was back from her walk. Jerome continued through the doors of the palace and made his way towards the town. On his way there he passed by Eris, who seemed to be training the new recruits. He stopped and hid behind a bush. The recruits looked like they needed all the help they could get. So Jerome quickly threw a ball of fire at Eris knowing that fire doesn't affect her. He then turned and ran from the bush laughing.

A while or so later Jerome arrived at the town. Shops were opened and kids could be seen running through the streets. A lot of the town's folk knows Jerome. He often buys a lot of food from the shops and give it to the children. But today he was looking for something more important than food. Back at his lab in the palace he was working on a new elixir and happened to run out of herbs. He hopefully thought one of the herb merchants would have what he's looking for.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ezikiel watched the senate from the shadows, not really paying attention to it just watching for anything to go wrong, he glanced at his friend in the throne with his two guards standing on either side of him, his regular guards not like Ezikiel. eventually the session ended, Nerva and his guards went out to the car, Ezikiel slipped inside unseen and sat in the back with Nerva as the driver started the engine and they began moving down the road, "what shall we do now?, i don't think you have anything else to do for awhile?" Nerva turned to his friend and smiled, "we'll think of something."
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