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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

RP Genres: Adventure, Quest, Fantasy, Comedy, Action, Drama, Magic, Slice of Life & Romance

RP Size & Post Size: 3-6 players & 3-6 paragraphs

RP Premise: Plot: Three warring countries (which make up the world we're in) all have a large shard (or gem/jewel) that brings life to their country. These shards were said to descend from Gods/Goddesses who forged them hundreds of years ago. These shards are protected by the King and Queen of each country. That is until a dark presence snuck in and shattered each country's shard which sent the entire world into chaos. Famine, disease, poverty and violence broke out and spread across every mountain range, field, and river. These countries were then given a message from the one who forged their shard, that it was now scattered across the world and in order to restore balance, fortune, and good health, the shard's pieces must be collected. Various people across the world had already come into contact with some the various shards from the countries and they've been bestowed great luck and power.

As a whole a gem could at one point summon magic but now that it's been shattered and scattered, the power has weakened considerably but those who are lucky enough to find a bit of a shard, are finding that their lives are turning around. Can each country summon forth a group that can gather the right shards and restore balance to their country or will dark forces get in the way? We will be playing people who have been asked by their respective King and Queen to go forth and find as many shards as possible, each small duo or trio will soon meet up with those from their enemy countries and they will all have to travel together in order to help their personal goal of preservation. This will be a slice of life in the aspect of traveling on a quest and doing many side quest/plots. There will be magic, dragons, evil doers, villages in need of help, back stabbing, etc.

All new information compared to the Interest Check will now follow:

Hullen is the first of the three large land masses. Its gem is the color of the ocean after a storm. Its creator was a God of the weather, wind, water, rain, ocean. He stood for bravery and honesty. All across Hullen there are lakes and marshes and rivers and waterfalls. It is a lush land where fruit and crops are plentiful. The King and Queen of Hullen embody their God. They are fair and often travel the land to talk to those they rule over. They are understanding but firm. Hullen is shaped like the gem that looks over the prosperity of the land. There are more birds and fish in the country, rather than cow and farm livestock.

Syrro is the second of the three large land masses. Its gem is the color of a dimly lit fire roaring back to life. Its creator was a God of the fire, lightning, coal, rock and weaponry. He stood for ruggedness and determination. All across Syrro there are volcanoes and desserts and mountain ranges and wide open fields. It is a dry but durable land where tools and hard work ensure a good life. The King and Queen of Syrro embody their God. They are diligent and strong. They do not leave their capital city but instead send messengers if only necessary as the land can be hostile. Despite this, Syrro provides good food and weapons to those who can fend for themselves. The land is shaped like an oval and has beaches on both of the short curves of Syrro.

Lella is the third and final land mass. Its gem is the color of a newly budding rose. Its creator was a Goddess of flowers, the sun, the moon, dance and literature. She stood for liveliness and compassion. All across Lella, there are woods and lakes and plains and farms. It is very hospitable and inviting. The King and Queen of Lella embody their Goddess. They are patient and encouraging. They take turns touring their country, lending an ear and even a hand to those in any trouble. Lella is a happy place where most of the inhabitants are quick on their feet, able to dance and move around with grace. It is plentiful in both livestock and plants, many of those who live in Lella content themselves with education and laughter.

Magic & Spell Information:

Magic is abundant in the world. Anyone can use if they really try.

While anyone from any country is able to teach themselves any form of magic (GM approved), they will have an affinity toward anything native to their land. Spells are what's used, spell books have been passed down from generation to generation. Magic is broke down into Attack, Defend and Heal. Some spells can combine different types of magic. Some spells are fake and will back fire and if you're skilled enough, it's possible to make spells of your own. When a spell is spoken, the caster need only extend their arm and direct their spell toward whatever they please. No matter your skill level, you must always use your hand to dictate a spell's intended target or the energy will not know where to go. Unskilled casters have the issue of being unable to control magic without proper training. A caster must be in a fair mental state, as well as physical one.

Sometimes it's possible to team up and use spells that are advanced when there are more casters. Teamwork tends to pay off after all. I will leave up spell names and descriptions up to you, though you will need to attach an assortment of spells your character knows (if any) for my approval. Be smart, don't have a six year old calling on the power of the wind to blow everyone away, that just doesn't happen. Generally those in the world teach themselves but sometimes can find themselves taken under a wing of a powerful sorcerer/sorceress. There are schools that can also hone spells, some people dedicated to making a spell rather than learning it from a book, of course this takes time and most usually end up dying be it by experimenting or the usual, old age.

Rules & Character Sheet:

Be smart, not a smartass.

Be active in the OOC, even if it's to talk about drunk you got after your midterms. An active OOC usually means the IC won't die.

Make good choices, even if your character has flaws (as they should), don't write as someone who just doesn't get along with people. Don't write as dicks, simple as that. If people don't want to be around your character, chances are that the group offs em and carries on.

That's pretty much it, aside from the whole post at minimum three good paragraphs, use common sense and have fun, this is supposed to be fun.

& below is a blank CS, in the parentheses are suggested stuff, once you're approved, congrats!

Blank Sheet:

Age: (I'd prefer for your sake and mine, something around 23-33)
Appearance: (I'd prefer you link, and check they work, an anime picture, as this is themed with more anime elements than realistic ones)
Personality: (I want to see bullet points or a list of 5 positive traits and 3 negative ones, makes sure they don't contradict each other)
Origin: (list the country and city/town/cave whatever, it's up to you, keep it short though)
Spells: (you'll need to think carefully about this and have a balance of the three types, if your character is smart of course. If they're just about "POOOOOWER" then they're probably only thinking about attacking. Again, within reason. You can have anywhere from two spells to say, six to start with, since learning spells takes years of practice and even then, no one's perfect)

GM's Closing Remarks: Consider this almost a "spoof" of sorts on your classic quest/fantasy/save the world sort of thing. Don't take it too seriously. Be smart, have fun, tip generously. Your character should reflect someone who would be contacted by his/her King and Queen. We will be starting on whatever country I decide, I clearly haven't yet. But our characters will have to decide that it's more wise to travel together (since it's not like they're after the exact same shards...though cue a montage of stealing everyone else's shards in a comedic "made you look" sort of thing) so keep that in mind. It's not like anyone wants to BEG a character to join the party, so don't be that guy who is a stick in the mud. You can be the clever sort who wants to outsmart everyone but don't be a loner emo stick in the mud fellow. Anyway, that's about it I think. It's slice of life meets dangerous unforeseen evil in the background. There will be villages that need saving, starving children and probably a big wag of gold for whoever completes their mission for their country, as expected but more on that later.

Now it's time to cue the music and get to work! Give me your sheets! (I may have just watched Top Gear...so...you may have noticed...)

Information on Rounds and Chapters:

Every Round begins/ends with my post.

Anyone can post at any point in the Round once. But only once.

A Round will be over and started anew once everyone has posted in whatever order occurs.

Chapters will focus on a theme or location, it's my guess each Chapter will have anywhere from 5 to 15 Rounds.

Approved Characters:


Oliver ('Live) R. Jewelson played by Essence - OUT

Sir Jak of the Willows played by Genkai

Noelle Celair played by Oblivion


Rilvaugh Fanalid played by Rayn Night

Querene played by Genkai


Sir Rofield Crowfis Townspoke the 3rd played by Prometheus

Alice played by JustAlice

Urkwia played by Genkai
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Essence


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

I swear, it's almost done. I think. Maybe. Probably. We'll see. >_____>
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Prometheus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I want to play! My interest... it is piqued.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

Hello! Great! Have at it. :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Prometheus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Decided to go for the overzealous, pompus, love/hate/obnoxious type guy. I think I'll make him a knight-celebrity. How could that possibly go wrong?

It's been awhile since I've written something goofy and/or justforthehellavit. Normally I get really, really in depth with my CSes and posts - a full-scale CS for me could take anywhere from 2-12 hours, same thing with a fully-built IC post - but honestly, I'd rather just make someone that will be fun to write for this, which should be much easier. Frankly, my characters and roleplaying projects have gotten away from me as of late. It's turned from a hobby into something I HAVE to spend a lot of time on to get right. I'm looking forward to just writing as a hobby, again.

Name: Sir Rofield Crowfis Townspoke the 3rd.

Age: 31

Appearance: Why yes, that is Varrick from Legend of Korra. Why no, I don't plan on changing it. Minor side-note, Sir Rofield's mustache will be a little bit more pronounced/strokeable. I think I'll be making that an "item" for him. Sports white painted leather armor most of the time, and occasionally, if necessary (and planned), a chain link vest, leggings and gauntlets to cover it. His family's emblem, a blue lily, is painted into both shoulder pieces and his chestpiece.


  • Tends to be pompous and self-centered in conversation

  • Extremely self-confident in most scenarios, including the most unwarrented of situations, which occasionally leads to arrogance when his authority is questioned

  • Sees himself as royalty (which he is only a few steps away from), but doesn't necessarily link this to an expectancy to be treated like royalty, particularly among those without wealth.

  • In this regard, Sir Rofield is not necessarily delusional or disconnected - to the contrary, he's rather well grounded in what he sees happening to him and in front of him. He just chooses to have a bit of a elitist attitude.

  • Looks down on most aspects of "common" life, usually in the sense of him thinking himself gently superior - not confrontational, but rather, passive and flippant with remarks in this regard.

  • Can find no flaws in himself as, naturally, said flaws don't exist

  • Difficult to manage, prefers to be in charge in any given scenario, even if he has no idea what he's doing

  • Takes care of his appearance, occasionally to the point of obsession - loves his mustache.

  • Thinks himself a ladies' man, and allows his pride to slip away when in the presence of a woman he is attempting to woo. Some women find his attitudes charming, while others can't stand them.

  • To this point, Sir Rofield has occasionally been known to charm someone out of a conversation - although (at the very least) overbearing or disarming during short conversations, and obnoxious over longer periods of time, Rofield is always smiling and tries his hardest to stay witty and the center of attention in conversation. This is a very love/hate characteristic.

  • Well educated by a series of private tutors, paid for by his heritage

  • Finds anyone born outside of Lella to be inferior to his own people (those of Syrro to be primative, and those of Hullen, uncultured, respectively)

  • Does not embrace commitment to an unchanging job (or a long term relationship) very well at all

Origin: The royal courts of Lella, in the capital city of Heartstone (can be changed depending on what the actual name is). Born to nobles, raised with good education and rather spoiled in his childhood.


  • Summon water - Able to conjure clear, fresh water from his fingertips, usually only in moderately small amounts - enough to fill a glass or pitcher. With multiple, dedicated casters, the power of the spell could potentially be increased to hose down and contain a rampaging beast, or, with an exceptionally large group, to fill a resovoir or lake.

    This skill is non-combative - or rather, although it could have combative applications, it's more of something that Rofield can just do. Not much more than an occasional talking point, though it makes traveling easy, eliminating the need to carry water.

  • Plant conjuration - Unlike most "simple" magic, plant conjuration is a delicate, intimate process and is regarded by most citizens as an art form, rather than a mundane, daily practice. In practice, a conjurer "draws" a plant to life from their fingertips, and the potential for creation, be it color, size or type of plant, is limited only by the conjurer's magical capabilities. A skilled conjurer can create a small plant - such as a flower - within minutes, if pressed. However, most artists prefer to spend a longer amount of time detailing their projects, attempting to capture perfection in each piece. A larger plant, such as a tree, could take days of concentrated, continuous effort to complete by even the most dedicated of conjurers, and such projects are only undertaken by those who have entirely mastered their form. A novice to the art may have difficulty expressing elegance at all - those only beginning to grasp the arcane will most likely find themselves creating nothing more than vines or simple ferns after days, weeks or even months of practice, without a master to guide them.

    Plant conjuration is seen as a reflection of one's self, and try as they might, many artists may not ever have full control over what their pieces look like. Color, hue, shape and size are all dictated in part by emotion, and only guided by conscious effort. When the artist is in love or heartbroken, they may produce their most beautiful pieces, while anger or despair can warp a creation, and takes shape in the form of thorns, disease or harsh discoloration - which, in some ways, is beautiful in it's own way. Most royal courts entertain master conjurers as courtroom entertainment (the process of creation can be enthralling and breathtaking), or commission them for gifts for loved ones, peace offerings or other such tokens. When a piece from a master is finished, it will often find itself enshrined in a royal garden, or dried and folded into the pages of a book.

    Plant conjuration is one of Sir Rofield's true passions, and he envisions himself as someday becoming a master artist, whittling away his twilight years with visits from grandchildren while he masters his art.


Magic won't be a huge part of Rofield's character, although I'm REALLY glad I thought of the conjuration aspect. I'm already really in love with the idea, and I think it's really going to help bring the character to life.

Look forward to seeing everyone's thoughts on the subject :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JustAlice


Member Offline since relaunch

Aaanndd... Off to build a proper character I go!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

@Prometheus: So you pretty much put Varrick in the RP? Sweeeet. I am amused. *laces hands together*

The origin is fine by me! No worries there.

Nice creative use of magic, I was a bit weary of him doing water but hey, he's an old fart, that's totally fine by me. *nods*

The only thing I could ask you to tweak/change would be to try and spin his personality (as charming as he sounds *playful sarcasm*) a bit more...positively. You've pretty much hit it home that he's full of himself, cocky, charming, etc, but there's gotta be something that doesn't make everyone strangle him. Considering he's 31, has he ever had someone confront him about his larger than life persona? Is he friendly to people (even the lowly commoner folk?) as he will need to be able to work with people, he won't have to love them but and nor they love him but he should have some redeeming qualities, be it good with advice, able to charm his way out of a sticky situation or generous with his money? Etc. As I see most or er all of his traits as near negative, I'd just like to see some "good" things about him.

But really that's it, other than that it looks good to me!

@JustAlice: Awesome! Lookin' forward to it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

Rayn Night

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I shall participate is this quest and character creation under way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

Good to hear! I'm off to bed though, it's 2:30 AM and I've done all the writing I can for now. I'm so tired I can't even be bothered to find a gif befitting of my reply or mood. Ha ha. *falls over and crawls in bed*

- - - My characters - - -

Name: Querene

Age: 27

Appearance: Link Here

Long pink hair that's pulled back.
Light red eyes.
Loose airy attire.


+ Resilient in terms of physically pushing herself.
- Passive in terms of not having much of a care who takes charge.
+ Generous in terms of always offering to help in any way she can.
- Transparent in terms of not being able to lie or hide her feelings.
+ Trusting in terms of giving people the benefit of the doubt.
- Squeamish in terms of bugs, spiders and other icky insects.
+ Honest in terms of believing the truth is the easiest route to take.

Origin: Syrro, grew up in a small town in the mountain range of Plazza. She left her home at age sixteen to travel and learn healing spells to aid travelers and warriors.


Mystic Fire - Grants the caster the ability to heal first and second degree burns by repairing the burnt flesh with fresh holy ash that acts as a fast acting new layer of skin. It will fully heal the injured skin in twenty-four hours but during that window, the newly coated flesh is very sensitive and susceptible to further damage if you're aren't careful.

Orb of Lightning - Grants the caster the ability to generate a fistful of lightning used for guiding one's self in the dark.

Rockets - Grants the caster the ability to shoot small rocks out of their mouth. These rocks are solid and gray, they are about the size of a standard marble. She can shoot up to five per exhale of breath. The more often she uses this long distance spell, the less rocks she can generate. The range starts from 10 feet away but then for every consecutive use, she loses two feet of distance.

Prayer of Good Might - Grants the caster the ability to give part of her life force to an ally. This has to be done by physical touch and requires the two be connected for at least thirty seconds for the transfer of energy and health to be properly passed. It's her most recently acquired spell and is therefore the least practiced.

- - -

Name: Urkwia

Age: 29

Appearance: Link Here

Long white hair and eyes.
Long leather boots.
Feels safer while wearing her robe.


+ Intelligent in terms of knowing the history of the world.
- Blunt in terms of appearing uncaring in dire situations.
+ Level Headed in terms of keeping a sound mind when chaos erupts.
- Weak in terms of hand to hand combat and basic defense.
+ Listens well in terms of lending an ear to anyone who needs to let out steam.
- Boring in terms of having a hard time being creative and thinking outside of the box.
+ Observant in terms of assessing a situation before rashly acting.

Origin: Heartstone, Lella


Bright Arrow - Grants the caster the ability to summon a burst of the sun or moon's light to her arrowhead. It adds no attack but can blind the intended victim, thus making the attack harder to evade.

Life Droplets - Grants the caster the ability to wave their hand over any plant and gather the water and nutrients that it holds. Used mainly for healing and survival purposes but could be used in battle but it's a spell Urkwia doesn't care to use often.

Vine - Grants the caster the ability to make a thick green vine. The vine can be used for trapping or medical use. It can also be used in battle. It can be as long as the caster desires though it is still weak against fire and being cut through.

Dance of the Sunflowers - Grants the caster the ability to create a giant gust of sunflower petals which is used to disorient and ward off enemies. They aren't special in anyway and the gust tends to last fifteen seconds.

- - -

Name: Sir Jak of the Willows

Age: 31

Appearance: Link Here

Short blue hair.
Blue eyes.
Very tall and lean.


+ Outgoing in terms of always ready to answer the call of action.
- Indecisive in terms of struggling to pick what should actually be done.
+ Positive in terms of often seeing the cup half full.
- Uneducated in terms of despite being raised as a noble, he still struggles with facts, figures and dates.
+ Friendly in terms of openly connecting with anyone from any walk of life.
- False Bravado in terms of boasting and lying even if he can't back up a claim, be it in battle most of the time.
+ Encouraging in terms of rallying his companions together to keep pressing forward.

Origin: Aria, Hullen. His family, the Willows, are well known for their status of royalty, generosity and extravagant spells of flourish.


Ice Storm - Grants the caster the ability to pelt the target with a flurry of small ice shards. About ten little shards can be expelled at a time though once it's used, the caster must wait twelve hours before using it again.

Rose of Ice - Grants the caster the ability conjure a rose made out of ice. It's very solid and heavy, it's mostly used around women but Jak can use it in battle like a throwing though its weight makes it difficult to throw with any sort of accuracy or finesse.

Tidal Shield - Grants the caster the ability to throw up a massive tidal wave around him and the span of his arms. The caster must remain perfectly still in order for the wave of water to stay solid and steady to block attacks. If the caster should be weak or distracted, the shield immediately goes down, draining the caster tremendously.

Downpour - Grants the caster the ability to conjure a small raincloud over someone's head. Though used usually in a comical sense, it can be used in battle to throw off an enemy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Oblivion


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'll start on my CS as soon as possible, I'm a bit sick at the moment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Prometheus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I've made another pass on mine, and clarified a few personality points - I also want to make it clear that I'm not going to be using his water abilities for, like, waterbending or anything. It's less of a skill, and more of just something that he can do. That's clarified as well.

In a sense, I guess you could say I'm bringing Varrick into the roleplay. My intent while writing wasn't to make a copy of him, and I still like to think that Rofield is original, but they will certainly share some similarities.

Side note, but Varrick was my favorite character in Legend of Korra. He was the only guy who could consistently make me laugh. His personality was very... flamboyant. Inspiring, at least. Most memorable character in the show, hands down. Come to think of it, he was the only thing I really consistently liked about LoK at all. The relationships all felt forced and rushed, Korra's most interesting personality traits were worked out of her by the end of the first half of the first season, all the interesting parts of the setting - pro bending, Bei-Fong's metalbender cops, the fact that you are living in a Ba Seng Sai on steroids - are completely ignored, and unlike TLA, where the spirit episodes were interesting and contributed to character development, the ones in Korra feel forced, like the entire series is someone checking boxes as "done." You don't see anything about the old cast hardly at all - the promise of which was what got me through to the end of season 1 in the first place - and every episode seemed like it was straight to the point, trying to fit 3 episodes' worth of character development, plot, relationships and setting into a 20 minute timeslot. Varrick was the only real exception to these rules.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

@Oblivion: Hope ya feel better.

@Prometheus: Alright, looks good to me. Welcome to the game!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JustAlice


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Alice
Age: 25
Alice is short, barely reaching over 5' tall. She tends to dress in earthy colors because she feels that the colors make her amber colored eyes blend in a little better. Her hair curls over her shoulders and reaches almost to the middle of her back and she almost always leaves it down. Often, flowers can be found woven into it.

- Highly distractable, losing attention over the smallest (but shiniest!) of objects. Sometimes it causes her to forget what she was doing altogether.
- Sometimes she can act very much like a child trapped in an adult body. She has an addiction to sugary foods, likes to take time to play.
- She does not share well, having a very possesive streak to her, hoarding all of the shiny things she manages to find and can viably claim as hers to herself.
- Has a rather sadly innocent naieve side to her, blindly trusting those around her and that everything will turn out fine. She has a hard time believing that there is true evil in the world.
- Luck is probably the only thing that has kept her from falling prey to the awful people and things that happen to people in the world. She seems to be flush with it, lucking out of the worst of situations in a nearly unbelievable way.
- Very gullible. Is quite likely to believe that the sky is made out of the cotton part of cotton candy if the story is pitched to her in a convincing enough manner.
- While lacking in common sense, she is quite bright... or at least bright enough to be perfectly capable of following instructions and conversation.
- She has a hard time waiting to do anything, viewing the world with a very "right now" kind of impatience and she can get more than a little antsy and obnoxious if she does get held up.
-She does her best to find the positive side of all situations, optimistic even in the hardest of moments. She will always be the one offering up the "well at least we have" comments.

Alice was raised in a little village in Lella called Julep. She was raised by her elder sister and her mother. Her father passed when she was at a young age. Her mother all but pushed Alice out on her own she when reached 17, feeling that the girl wasn't growing up and needed to see the world. Since she was pushed out, Alice has been travelling Lella, seeking adventure and entertainment. When neither can be found and money is needed, she makes a decent bar maid. It is not completely unusual for her to do favors for others in exchange for money.

Luna's Kiss - Calls a beam of light to the one whom the caster is targeting, sweeping over the body of the person/animal. The light heals the target, mending the wounds in minutes or hours instead of days. This is not a quick spell for anything other than light scrapes and bruises, the major wounds sometimes taking so much time and energy from the caster that the wounds do not fully heal. Can not cure death. It is very difficult for the caster to cast on themselves for anything more serious than a sprain, headache, or minor broken bones. This spell is stronger and requires less energy after the sun sets and darkness sets in.

Alice requested to be taught this skill after her mother healed the arm her sister broke, falling from a tree, in front of her. She wanted to be able to heal those around her faster. She has never used it for anything other than minor scrapes and bruises so she is not confident in her ability to cast it if ever there is a dire need."

Bubble Mist - Not a fighting ability, merely a mild and slightly damp spray of bubbles. With practice and focus, the bubbles can be blown in specific color. The spell takes little energy and, unless one is inexperienced or are hoping for very specific results, it does not require much for concentration. The bubbles will naturally pop after a while, although they do last longer than non-magical ones.

Alice was taught this ability by a friend of her sisters when she was a little girl in an attempt to get the girl to concentrate. She has all but perfected her casting of it, seemingly emanating bubbles in colors according to her moods when she is trying to concentrate, like second nature. It earned her the nickname of "Bubbles" from many in her village, as she could almost always be seen surrounded by them. A nickname she is not fond of or likely to announce.

Earthen Sheild - Pulls the ground around the caster, on whatever side his/her hand is aimed, pulling up a sheild that covers one quarter of the space around them, shaping itself around the target as the caster wishes. The sheild will appear as the land, appearing almost in natural in formation, and can block mid-level offensive spells but will crumble around the caster from the more powerful of blows. The more concentration that goes into the spell, the more realistic and unnoticeable the sheild. The sheild crumbles at the same rate as the concentration wavers..

This skill was shown to her and taught to her by some of the older boys from her village and was used mostly for games by the kids and is therefore common in that area. Alice sometimes forgets that she even knows it.

Glamour of Light - A spell used to transform the face, hair, and sometimes body of the caster or the target of the caster. Can be used for as little as changing the color of ones eyebrows to transforming themselves into another. The more that the caster changes, the less time the spell can be held. A full glamour has never been known to last more than five hours, taking the caster a whole 48 hours to recover enough to cast even a glimmer of the glamour again. The little ones can last for days at a time, taking a day or two for a full recovery. The more detailed and unfamiliar the glamour, the less time it lasts. Can not be used to make the caster appear as a full animal, although those who try can once and a while cause a "furry" (furred skin, tail, ears and the occasional paws) appearance.

Learned as a young girl from a book she found in her home, with a little help from her mother. She used it during games or just to amuse herself. She became quite talented at the "furry" look before becoming a teen when she simply used it to color her hair or change the appearance of her clothes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

@JustAlice: I think it looks alright to me. I would probably advise against both parents being killed, mostly because it's a cliche I prefer to keep out of my RPs, for a few reasons I'd rather not get into, unless you want me to. Otherwise, I think she's good to go...

@Other Applicants: Considering we have two from Lella already, I'd prefer characters from the other two countries. As for me, I will probably make my characters once we have our cast so I can fill in any gaps we may need. Thanks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JustAlice


Member Offline since relaunch

Okies. No problem at all! I kind of hesitated myself on that part so now that I know its not just me, I will fix it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

Okay looks good now. Totally approved.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Prometheus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I want more people to apply, lemme play, dangit!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

Rayn Night

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Rilvaugh Fanalid
Age: 32
Appearance: Rilvaugh

Positive Traits
- Sophisticated: Is all simplicity, he is a man that simply speaks and addresses people in a former matter as he was raised to do. He will, oddly, still remain sophisticated with the common folk. The reason? The people of the nation are the most important beings to keep the empire going, he needs to gain their respect and have them run stable lives. He does also respect the lower class citizens as there are the ones providing the higher ups what they need.
- Dedicaded: He has dedicated to make the nation of Syrro a prospering land and so is always forcing himself to go through anything harsh that would make Syrro a better place. Kill off a few criminals for the sake of the nation? Done. Kill off corrupted leaders? Done. Basically, he will do any task for the good of this nation.
- Down to Earth: He realizes that not all situations are able to be successfully handled and knows when it’s time to bail on something. He will not let himself be fooled by believes of that small chance of success. There is no place for that in a nation. Rational thoughts and actions needs to be taken for anything to move on properly.
- Leader: He is a man made to be at the head of a group of people. Now, he is not one to steal the role of leader or just say “Hey, I’m the leader.” He is good as aiding others in decisions and making the necessary decisions for a group to move forward successfully. He also has a certain sophisticated way of saying things, which helps convince the people that he might know what he is talking about. He will not, however, spare the truth as it I essential for anything to keep moving forward.
- Stoic: He will endure the greatest of burdens for his people and his nation. He isn’t one to back down from something rough but possible.

Negative Traits:
- Brutally honest: He does not spare you when it’s time to tell you that you are wrong or to tell you the horrible truth. He will stay sophisticated in his ways most of the time, but when it’s time to just give it, will let it down for a more crude and straightforward approach.
- Lack of honor: He will not act honorably to complete his tasks. He finds that honor is limitations that one sets for himself and makes you fall back on decisions that would otherwise bring much gain. He does what he has to do to, whatever the cost (But of course, everything has its limits).
- Cruel: As the two above mentions, he is not light of heart. He will do things that most would consider inhumane and barbaric. This can be anything from painful tortures, killing extremely slowly and painfully to send a message, use magic that would be considered grotesque and so on so forth. He does what he needs to do and it can be quite disgusting at times.

Origin: In the City of Eveux as a part of a noble family. Comes from the country of Syrro. Raised and trained in the use of diverse weaponry and mainly offensive magic.


Draining Link: This spell syphon’s the vital energy of any being that Rilvaugh comes into contact with. It allows the regeneration of his own wounds and fatigue OR to someone else within arm’s reach. Limitations: The person being drained has to have an open wound and still be alive. The hand of Rilvaugh or the weapon Rilvaugh holds has to be on/within the wound. Does not consume energy except for when it is transferred to another being.

Watchful spirit: A simple spell that summons a minor spirit within Rilvaugh and allows him to have “eyes behind his head”.

Crippling Agony: A spell that simply creates pain when a person is touched by Rilvaugh. This can be by touch or if a weapon touches the person who is going to be affected by the spell. Cannot be used at the same time as Draining Link.

Warrior Spirit: Another simple spell that summons a moderate warrior spirit within his body, giving him one of three bonuses: The strength of two men, the agility and speed increase moderately or increased resistance to pain and wounds. Limitations: Rilvaugh can only have 2 spirits maximum within his own body.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

@Prometheus: Agreed. *twiddles thumbs*

@Rayn Night: I'll say as a heads up, I don't want someone too similar to Prometheus' character so be careful about that. And if they're disloyal and cold, it may be less likely they'd be a wise candidate to aid Syrro so try not to make him too stand-offish or a wild card, despite how well they may be with weapons, I doubt a King and Queen would pay for someone who could be a flight risk, to help their country get back on its feet. Just some thoughts at first glance. *shrugs*
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