RP Genres: Adventure, Quest, Fantasy, Comedy, Action, Drama, Magic, Slice of Life & Romance
RP Size & Post Size: 3-6 players & 3-6 paragraphs
RP Premise: Plot: Three warring countries (which make up the world we're in) all have a large shard (or gem/jewel) that brings life to their country. These shards were said to descend from Gods/Goddesses who forged them hundreds of years ago. These shards are protected by the King and Queen of each country. That is until a dark presence snuck in and shattered each country's shard which sent the entire world into chaos. Famine, disease, poverty and violence broke out and spread across every mountain range, field, and river. These countries were then given a message from the one who forged their shard, that it was now scattered across the world and in order to restore balance, fortune, and good health, the shard's pieces must be collected. Various people across the world had already come into contact with some the various shards from the countries and they've been bestowed great luck and power.
As a whole a gem could at one point summon magic but now that it's been shattered and scattered, the power has weakened considerably but those who are lucky enough to find a bit of a shard, are finding that their lives are turning around. Can each country summon forth a group that can gather the right shards and restore balance to their country or will dark forces get in the way? We will be playing people who have been asked by their respective King and Queen to go forth and find as many shards as possible, each small duo or trio will soon meet up with those from their enemy countries and they will all have to travel together in order to help their personal goal of preservation. This will be a slice of life in the aspect of traveling on a quest and doing many side quest/plots. There will be magic, dragons, evil doers, villages in need of help, back stabbing, etc.
All new information compared to the Interest Check will now follow:
Hullen is the first of the three large land masses. Its gem is the color of the ocean after a storm. Its creator was a God of the weather, wind, water, rain, ocean. He stood for bravery and honesty. All across Hullen there are lakes and marshes and rivers and waterfalls. It is a lush land where fruit and crops are plentiful. The King and Queen of Hullen embody their God. They are fair and often travel the land to talk to those they rule over. They are understanding but firm. Hullen is shaped like the gem that looks over the prosperity of the land. There are more birds and fish in the country, rather than cow and farm livestock.
Syrro is the second of the three large land masses. Its gem is the color of a dimly lit fire roaring back to life. Its creator was a God of the fire, lightning, coal, rock and weaponry. He stood for ruggedness and determination. All across Syrro there are volcanoes and desserts and mountain ranges and wide open fields. It is a dry but durable land where tools and hard work ensure a good life. The King and Queen of Syrro embody their God. They are diligent and strong. They do not leave their capital city but instead send messengers if only necessary as the land can be hostile. Despite this, Syrro provides good food and weapons to those who can fend for themselves. The land is shaped like an oval and has beaches on both of the short curves of Syrro.
Lella is the third and final land mass. Its gem is the color of a newly budding rose. Its creator was a Goddess of flowers, the sun, the moon, dance and literature. She stood for liveliness and compassion. All across Lella, there are woods and lakes and plains and farms. It is very hospitable and inviting. The King and Queen of Lella embody their Goddess. They are patient and encouraging. They take turns touring their country, lending an ear and even a hand to those in any trouble. Lella is a happy place where most of the inhabitants are quick on their feet, able to dance and move around with grace. It is plentiful in both livestock and plants, many of those who live in Lella content themselves with education and laughter.
Magic & Spell Information:
Magic is abundant in the world. Anyone can use if they really try.
While anyone from any country is able to teach themselves any form of magic (GM approved), they will have an affinity toward anything native to their land. Spells are what's used, spell books have been passed down from generation to generation. Magic is broke down into Attack, Defend and Heal. Some spells can combine different types of magic. Some spells are fake and will back fire and if you're skilled enough, it's possible to make spells of your own. When a spell is spoken, the caster need only extend their arm and direct their spell toward whatever they please. No matter your skill level, you must always use your hand to dictate a spell's intended target or the energy will not know where to go. Unskilled casters have the issue of being unable to control magic without proper training. A caster must be in a fair mental state, as well as physical one.
Sometimes it's possible to team up and use spells that are advanced when there are more casters. Teamwork tends to pay off after all. I will leave up spell names and descriptions up to you, though you will need to attach an assortment of spells your character knows (if any) for my approval. Be smart, don't have a six year old calling on the power of the wind to blow everyone away, that just doesn't happen. Generally those in the world teach themselves but sometimes can find themselves taken under a wing of a powerful sorcerer/sorceress. There are schools that can also hone spells, some people dedicated to making a spell rather than learning it from a book, of course this takes time and most usually end up dying be it by experimenting or the usual, old age.
Rules & Character Sheet:
Be smart, not a smartass.
Be active in the OOC, even if it's to talk about drunk you got after your midterms. An active OOC usually means the IC won't die.
Make good choices, even if your character has flaws (as they should), don't write as someone who just doesn't get along with people. Don't write as dicks, simple as that. If people don't want to be around your character, chances are that the group offs em and carries on.
That's pretty much it, aside from the whole post at minimum three good paragraphs, use common sense and have fun, this is supposed to be fun.
& below is a blank CS, in the parentheses are suggested stuff, once you're approved, congrats!
Blank Sheet:
Age: (I'd prefer for your sake and mine, something around 23-33)
Appearance: (I'd prefer you link, and check they work, an anime picture, as this is themed with more anime elements than realistic ones)
Personality: (I want to see bullet points or a list of 5 positive traits and 3 negative ones, makes sure they don't contradict each other)
Origin: (list the country and city/town/cave whatever, it's up to you, keep it short though)
Spells: (you'll need to think carefully about this and have a balance of the three types, if your character is smart of course. If they're just about "POOOOOWER" then they're probably only thinking about attacking. Again, within reason. You can have anywhere from two spells to say, six to start with, since learning spells takes years of practice and even then, no one's perfect)
GM's Closing Remarks: Consider this almost a "spoof" of sorts on your classic quest/fantasy/save the world sort of thing. Don't take it too seriously. Be smart, have fun, tip generously. Your character should reflect someone who would be contacted by his/her King and Queen. We will be starting on whatever country I decide, I clearly haven't yet. But our characters will have to decide that it's more wise to travel together (since it's not like they're after the exact same shards...though cue a montage of stealing everyone else's shards in a comedic "made you look" sort of thing) so keep that in mind. It's not like anyone wants to BEG a character to join the party, so don't be that guy who is a stick in the mud. You can be the clever sort who wants to outsmart everyone but don't be a loner emo stick in the mud fellow. Anyway, that's about it I think. It's slice of life meets dangerous unforeseen evil in the background. There will be villages that need saving, starving children and probably a big wag of gold for whoever completes their mission for their country, as expected but more on that later.
Now it's time to cue the music and get to work! Give me your sheets! (I may have just watched Top Gear...so...you may have noticed...)
Information on Rounds and Chapters:
Every Round begins/ends with my post.
Anyone can post at any point in the Round once. But only once.
A Round will be over and started anew once everyone has posted in whatever order occurs.
Chapters will focus on a theme or location, it's my guess each Chapter will have anywhere from 5 to 15 Rounds.
Approved Characters:
Oliver ('Live) R. Jewelson played by Essence - OUT
Sir Jak of the Willows played by Genkai
Noelle Celair played by Oblivion
Rilvaugh Fanalid played by Rayn Night
Querene played by Genkai
Sir Rofield Crowfis Townspoke the 3rd played by Prometheus
Alice played by JustAlice
Urkwia played by Genkai