Dorisma is now an Aves (of her normal gender, obviously), and Eklispe will have to reroll for her temporary stats, using the class and race template, as well as adding one level.
Trey is now a Minotaur, however, he can still use magic... but he doesn't have any usable weapon... just as well, as his stats have changed in the following way...
Strength: x2.5
Endurance: x1.5
Stamina: x2
Agility: x.5
Dexterity: x.5
Magic: x.25
Wisdom: x1
Intelligence: x.25
Luck: x.75
Luckily, this only lasts for a couple posts.
Speaking of... I actually rolled for my characters, and, well...
Roll for form for Robert: 12
Coin Flip: tails
Robert is now an opposite-gendered iguana, and, as something in the 'bad form' category, ALL OF HIS STATS ARE DIVIDED BY 4.
Roll for Backstabs: 93
Coin flip: tails
Backstabs is now a phoenix... which has effected her stats as such...
Strength: x.25
Endurance: x1.5
Stamina: x.5
Agility: x1.5 (hit rate /2 until turn 2)
Dexterity: x1 (7 until turn 2)
Magic: x2
Wisdom: x1.5
Spirit: x1
Intelligence: x2
Luck: x1