Obviously I dont want to leave, I'm enjoing my time with you all and I wouldnt want to give that up. :)
I just wanted to know if you guys would mind if I wasnt that active with my posts in the upcoming days. I've got some things going on irl which prohibit me from posting regularly. Now that I know it's not really a big deal I would gladly stay in the RP. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to activly post again in a couple of days :)
Okie dokie~ Well, then Alex is officially our first recurring character!
Soooo you can just catch up to us whenever you're able to start actively posting again~! For continuity's sake, that means that you didn't come out of the lab with us, and that you're currently... going to the same place, but with someone else. XD
Or maybe you're with us. IDK.