("While we do require sacrifice, your servant will be spared, under one condition. He must sing the scared song of Friendship and Forgivness, which is only reserved for friends of Ponies."
Grub begins to open his mouth but remains silent, then because he has to speak or he thinks he will explode,"NEVAH, I CAN'T, NOT AGAIN, THAT SONG IT BURNS YOUR EARS AND MELTS YOUR THROAT. I'm sorry I just can't not again, leave me here to die, and besides, I got an orb of resurrection back at my house so let me die.")
That is one of the things I would post if I hadn't said I won't post for a while. "So, youse would let me die?" Yes. "What an ass, you know what I think that maybe those others that can post might try and save me seeing as I am de only one who knows da king personally, well kinda, I was on his personal guard until I got kicked off for trying to kill the Kings kid who had called me and the King fat ugly gnomes. Of course even the King wanted to kill 'im but he couldn't cause of his wife." Actually seeing as this isn't in the IC all of what you just said doesn't count."....."