Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChadsWorth The Third

ChadsWorth The Third That One Banana You know

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Once upon a time, Some King in Some Land was missing...
Wait... *whispers from off camera
The Goblin King is Missing, and if the Goblins find out, there will be a war.
The G.O.O.P, or the Global Operating Over-all Police, are trying to keep it under wraps by hiring some mercenaries to find him
Or just picking some random people off the street and offering them money.

A cold breeze blows through the town of Dry Hook. A young Spell-Born boy, his eyes slightly glowing blue, sporting a ripped, small top hat and overalls that were too big for him, walks down a path with no shoes on. Under his arm, he was holding 6 posters, and in his hand a bucket of glue. He stopped in front of a wall, which said TODAY’S NEWS. The boy set down his things and grabbed a ladder that was always behind the Wall. He put up the ladder and glued the poster to the wall. He stepped down. Before leaving for the next one, he looked at the poster, trying to read it. He never learned to read, but he knew a few words. Gob... Goblin. His mother always told him to stay away from that word, but he read on. Goblin kin… kind? No that was a G. King. Goblin King… miss... Man... oh well. Probably stupid anyway, because goblins are as well.

Everyone who had been under the watchful eye of the G.O.O.P had been sent a letter. The Letter is as stated;

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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"Oh my name is Grub, and I get paid to kill scrubs. I got a letta and I gotta met a fella cause I'm on the job to get some munney."
Grub holding his letter walks into the RoboTraveler. Making his way to the back door he asks the drunkard, "Is the Job still open?", the drunkard says the line that Grub read in the letter, "Only if it 'asn't died.". He walks into the room after the drunk opens the door and makes his way over to a chair that's in the corner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Fred entered the RoboTraveler next, he approached the drunk, who had fallen asleep. "Drunken man!" Fred exclaimed, the ground shaking as he spoke "Arise from your slumber! The Overgoat commands you so!".
The drunk opened his eyes and looked at Fred. "Need something?" The drunk asked, seemingly unfazed by the shaking ground.
"The Overgoat wishes to know if the job is still open!" Fred proclaimed.
“Does a mellow lark sing in the winter?” the drunk asked.
"If the mellow lark is still alive, then sing in the winter it shall!" Fred responded.
"Meh, close enough" the drunk said before opening the door.
"The Overgoat gives you thanks!" Fred said before walking through the door.
"Don't mention it" the drunk said before going back to sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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"I'm not really to be here on my own but... Excuse me Mr.drunk is the job still open?" She said as she walked through the bar and reached the man who was looking around with glazed over eyes. "does the mellow lark sing in the winter" the man said as he looked at her, "only if its not dead." Eris said before the drunk man opened the door "go on in" he said. She walked in with her eyes glowing silver in prospect of having a new job.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Phoenix walked quietly into RoboTraveler. Her red clothes and hair were hidden under a black cloak. The only thing that could be seen of her was her glowing red eyes.
"Is the job still open?" She asked in a soft and low voice.
The drunk man looked up at her red eyes. "Does a meadowlark sing in the winter?" He asked back at her.
"Only if it hasn't died." She said in the same voice she had used before. The man nodded to her and opened the door and she as quiet as she entered RoboTraveler she entered the Employees Only room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Zetaz watched as several people entered the employee only room of the RoboTraveler, he began to wonder what could be going on in there, acting on his curiosity, he began thinking of a plan to get in when a lady in a dark cloak walked up to the door, seeing his chance Zetaz stealthily dashed under the cloak, hiding himself between her legs under the cloak and following her movement into the back room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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"This has gotta be the most cloak n' dagger type of meetin' i've had to do yet. Ah well...money's money." Adrian crooned around a mouth full of cigar as he entered the RoboTraveler. The dragonborn exhaled a cloud of smoke and walked towards the back door, then looked down at the drunken man skeptically, "Is the job still open?". The man's head snapped up at Adrian surprisingly quickly, "Does a mellow lark sing in the winter?", "Only if it ain't dead.". With a nod from the drunken man, Adrian was allowed to pass through the door with no further fuss. Still under the assumption that this was just another client meeting, Adrian glanced around the people already in the room and blew out another plume of smoke as he waited for one of them to identify themselves as the person he would be defending in court.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Sammy received the letter and headed over to the RoboTraveler. He was wearing a blue hoodie and was carrying his back pack that held Joey, his snowman familiar. The young man walked to the drunken man and stares at him oddly for a couple of minutes. "Hey, drunk dude is that job thingy still open?" The intoxicated man looked at Sammy and said. “Does a mellow lark sing in the winter?” There was a long awkward pause. Then Sammy spoke. "What the fuck is a mellow lark?" Before the man could intrude Joey, who was still in Sammy's back pack states. "Only if it hasn't died." The man wore a confused look on his face but noded and allowed Sammy to enter the employees only room. Sammy walked in the room and sat in any chair that would draw the most attention.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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Eris watched the people walk into the room as she sat on a stool swinging her legs back and forth to the sound of a clock ticking somewhere in the room. While she watched she kept causing miniature whirlwinds to form in her hand to entertain herself and started adjusting the individual vectors in the wind to shape the whirlwinds into different forms starting with a flat disc and morphing towards a narrow tube. Eris kept running precise numbers through her head and purposely keeping the basically mini tornado on the verge of collapsing in on itself but also stable enough to tear up the paper she touched to it. "what did they need all these people for?" she asked under her breath before gripping the tornado and forming a dagger that looked like it had wind swirling around itself, "wherever this job is I'm sure i would be enough".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Having caught the last portion of Eris' mumbling thanks to his sharp hearing, Adrian raised a scaly brow at Eris and took an extremely long drag of his cigar, "My my my kiddo, we're awful confident in our abilities, aren't we? Funny how you seem to believe yourself more capable than the rest of us when the reason for our meeting has not yet been revealed.". The dragonborn calmly strode over to the spellborn and leered down at her before blowing the smoke out of the side of his...mouth? Beak?...er...Beakmouth. "Well if this situation has anything to do with legal matters, then I assure you that there is no one here more qualified than myself, to include you." he stated somewhat dismissively before eating the remaining portion of his cigar. The lawyer calmly brushed a bit of ash from his clothing and turned to face the others in the room, "Well, if no one's going to speak, allow me to break the ice and introduce myself.", Adrain said as he gave a half bow, "I'm Adrian, Adrian Crom, attorney at law. To add to that little note I'm also the best goddamned defense attorney to grace the planet.".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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"I tink dis will answer your questions." Grub gets off of his chair walks in front of everyone and turns around to face them, rummaging in his pocket for a few seconds he pulls out one of the missing posters from the news wall, " Dis here is a missing poster for the Goblin King, now I know what your tinking 'But your a goblin does't dat make you angry.' No no it doesn't cause I is a mercenary so dat doesn't effect me in de slightest."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"The Overgoat is fairly certain that everyone already knew you didn't care!" Fred commented, the ground still shaking whenever he spoke "Goblin mercenaries aren't known for their patriotism! The Overgoat is more surprised by that fact that you can read the poster!". Fred then looked at Adrian "Furthermore" Fred said "The Overgoat would like to point out that spitting lava at the prosecution does not make you 'the best goddamned defense attorney to grace the planet'. It only serves to strengthen the negative stereotyping of the entire dragonborn race".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Adrian scoffed a bit dismissively at the words of Fred, "You seem to be under the implication that I actually care a good deal about my race Mister...Overgoat was it? Anyway, all that matters to me is winning the case and making money. If that means some people need to be subjected to an impromptu molten rock bath, then oh well as long as I get payed.". The dragonborn examined his cuticles a bit before piping up again, "Besides, that's just my immediate response to handling a case. I've defended quite a few people without having to scald to death a few dozen others, but those services tend to cost more."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"The Overgoat believes that you should advertise yourself as a hitman rather than defense lawyer!" Fred stated "Because all you pretty much do at your 'trials' is puke lava on the prosecutor which usually results in death!".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Doctor Zed
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Doctor Zed A doctor, The Doctor

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Finding the town wasn't an easy task for an tree after finding the town and the bar soon later I walk up to the drunken man and asks "hey is the job still open?" The man tilts his head looking up at me and replies. "Does a mellow lark sing in the winter?" Stoping to look down at the letter and reads it out loud "Only if it ain't dead?" The man shrugged his shoulders and opens the door letting me in I quietly enter the room and stand near the door not trying to draw any attention to myself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Phoenix stayed quiet listening to their conversations. She wasn't going to butt in for fear she may hurt someone. They were annoying and she didn't really want to be here but the Spellborn needed money desperately so she would have to suffer. She tugged her hood lower over her face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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"A hitman?" Adrian hissed indignantly, "Now you listen here ruminant, I did not study law for six years to become some nameless assassin! Just because I choose to conduct business a certain way does not mean I cannot do so in a manner that conforms with societal norms!". The dragonborn folded his arms and looked around the room with growing impatience, "So who among you is responsible for us gathering together to save this Goblin King chap? Speak up already, time is money, and I happen to be a busy man."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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"I tink dat the G.O.O.P sent da letta, cause I remember getting anuther letta like dis talking about finding some important official in da Ancient Goat government. But den the news said they ad already found 'im." Grub takes out his knife and waves it around a bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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'so the goblin king is missing' Zetaz thought as listened from his hiding place under the red-eyed girl's cloak, she doesn't seem to say much as he hasn't heard anything that sounded like it came from her, he could hear the others in the room, he could easily tell that one of them was a goblin, another seemed to be a fire-breathing lawyer, and someone who kept talking about an overgoat, it sounded like others had come in but they had yet to say anything, Zetaz shifted to hear better, careful not to let the horns on his head prod any...sensitive areas and give away his location.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Put the knife down before you stab someone." Phoenix said in her low and quiet voice. Her red eyes glared at the goblin. She would hate to lose her temper here.
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