@KatherinWinterBTW, my CS is almost done :
[spoiler]Real Name: John Pantazis
Code Name: Deus
Age: 17
Skills: Electronic Warfare, Hacking, Countermeasure Commander (Fixed-Wing Aircraft, Navy)
Appereance: 5'9", Black Hair, Brown Eyes, White Skin, Athletic Build. Common apparatuses are futuristic visors or black edged shades. Only wears optical glasses or eye contacts when absolutely needed.
MechanopathyColloquially known as "Machine Empathy", John has the ability to feel and influence machines through physical contact or through means as radar and lasers (provided he performs Mechanopathy on those devices first)
Electrical ManipulationJohn also has the ability to influence other electrical sources, such as control panels, capacitors, or even wires of large enough diameter.
Bio: TBD [/spoiler]