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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Welcome to W&T FT Zero! RP
All rules apply.

Opening post made by Akashi Mayhiro and stuff are coordinated with me.

Naked Trail: Chapter 1, Peak Village

-This trail is about the adventures of the naked ice mage duo's adventures with the people they meet and form bonds with, Kyoka Kawashiro is a Mage that sets the lead and the girls are looking for a man named Ikari. Naked Trail will consist of 10 chapters. Per chapter of a trail have 3-5 arcs or more.

Key Characters: Gwen, Stacy, Kyoka, and

Antagonists: N/A

Arc 1: Kyoka Kawashiro!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Earthland, Fiore, Magical Council meeting

Insert Music: Kuroko no Basket: Hyuga and Kyoshi
“Since the passing of the 5th seat Wizard saint” Jellal Fernandez spoke in a high, clear and commanding voice to the other member of the Council. “He have trailed everyone throughout the country of Fiore, and searched high a low of mage worthy of taking Himekawa, Desmond spot.” He paused to see if he still had everyone’s attention. “At last: the council has come to a unanimous decision.” He stood aside as a figure took his place.

A young girl with long black hair that reached down to her knees and red eyes. She wore a dark sleeveless mini dress with a white collar, a red tie and a red belt that has a red side skirt cover. She had with long black socks and black shoes. Red gauntlets and black gloves covered her arms. “I am pleased to announce the new 7th seat of Fiore’s Ten Wizards Saints: Kyou!”

The other members of the council stood up and gave applauds the newly crowded saint sorceress, Kyou bowed slightly as the continued clapping for her “I would like to say a few words: if I may Jellal-dono.”

“The floor is yours.” Jellal said with as small smile as he took another step back from her. Nodded of his approval Kyou faced all of them with a determined look in her red eyes before taking a deep breath.
“I, Kyou: newly appointed Wizard saint, Hereby swear of my life” she paused “I will up hold the peace that was strived for many years, thanks to those who defeated the dark Wizard Zeref.” She casted a quick glance as the Jellal and the 3rd wizard saint: Laxus Dreyar “By my word, I will protect Fiore and it’s People by any means necessary!”

Another eruption of cheers and Claps echoed around the room before dying down, Kyou bowed again before taking her seat between the 8th and 7th seated saints: Kat Ingrid Slaine and Ajax Thera. It was Then Jellal took the stage once again. “Kyou, Kat and Ajax will be there to help you get along in his council, if you have any question they are here to help you out.” Jellal gave a small smile before his face turned serious. “But what she said in correct, countless lives had been sacrificed in order to kill the Black mage once and for all. It is our main duty: the new council to maintain peace in this country by any means necessary. We won’t have Fairy tail helping us all the time…”

“….” The blonde Lightning dragon slayer grunted.

“But as a chapter comes to an end, there is always a new chapter ready to unfold.”

Zero’s Introduction

“Stories are await to be unfolded and a secrets we have yet to find out are still out there!” Jellal’s lip curved upwards, he was getting into the speech. “For the new generation of mages: the whole world is out there to explore: for better or for worse”

@Masaki Haruna and @J8cob

“There are many Mages that want to destroy to very core of what we want, that is way more guilds are coming up, not only that: independent guilds have been forming in order to take down dark guild that are still around.” Jellal paused “While it is done condoned by us, it is what keeps this country safe.”

Jellal smiled at all of them “Let’s us guild the mages of tomorrow, that they may grow and surpass us and in turn: entrust the future to them!”

Zero’s 1st OP

"Now!" Jellal Raised his arms high "Let The story begin!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Revan was trudging through several feet of snow, severely pissed off at Kat for assigning him this mission in the middle of the bum-fuck North, and for what, to take out some sort of mountain monster or some shit. He wasn't built for the cold dammit, he fucking hated it with the burning passion of hellfire. When I get back to the guild, I'm going to do what I should've done a long time ago, crush her god damn skull A cruel grin swung across his features, reveling in the thought of violence for a second, before he shook is head, cursing himself. NO, dammit, that monster isn't you anymore. This is you're chance for a new life, a new beginning, so but a god damn clamp on yourself.

Shrugging off the feeling, he continued to trudge on to nowhere, unable to tell one patch of fucking snow, from the other patch. IT WAS ALL FUCKING WHITE, THIS MISSION FUCKING SUCKED, AND HE WAS TIRED OF FREEZING HIS GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKIN' ASS OFF!!!!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Peak Village

The pale girl with the long white hair stopped to catch her breath. Underneath the canopy of white hair she adjusted her backpack before turning to face her black haired friend. "I beat you here," the young Stacy Kaiser joked, wearing a cheeky grin on her lips. The two girls were at the snow-covered entrance to the Peak Village train station. The Peak Village was one of the larger cities of the North, and the train station was testament to that.

Though it was large, it was sparsely populated. The weather made most people feel less inclined to hang around the station, only being bothered to hurry through it to get somewhere warmer. But neither Stacy nor Gwen were bothered by the temperature. "We still never decided where we should go though," Stacy commented, letting out a displeased sigh. "We could always go south, but I've heard stories about the East..." The pale girl crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. "We should also get food..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Peak Village

Though it was large, it was sparsely populated. The weather made most people feel less inclined to hang around the station, only being bothered to hurry through it to get somewhere warmer. But neither Stacy nor Gwen were bothered by the temperature. "Beat me here? You're always faster than me but today it was a tie." Gwen patted her back. Stacy have always been physically faster than Gwen which is something Gwen herself is catching up on, the gap everyday closes in. But it doesn't matter who is stronger than who, what matters the most is, both look out for each other because they only have each other now, no family, no friends, just themselves, Stacy and Gwen. Sisters in many ways yet not in blood, their bond is great.

"Yeah we should get some food but we need a job to do that but BLAAHHH... where can we find jobs? I also don't know where to go east or south? We're looking for Altima an independent guild that Liz told us." While dismayed with the lack of job. Gwen's panting but at the same time her expression was sad and shallow after mentioning their mentor, Liz. The Wizard Saint was a mother to them, so motherly to them even for five years that fall short. Gwen started crying but denies her tears.

Liz Blanche Weiss
"North, South, East, or the West. Even a Wizard Saint like me have been to farther places, it is so vivid out there. Not just ice that we see everyday. When you're old enough, you will have big breasts, beautiful bodies and attitudes, boys will be falling for you both. Haha but best of all the values I have thought you will prosper but it is something that a mother gives to her daughters. When I was your age, I trained under a guild named Altima, when the time comes when you have graciously nice bodies! Give the guild a good fight!" There was more to what Liz said other than her usual nonchalant energetic persona and joking around.

Flashback Over

Suddenly the train exploded; Acting quick as lightning, Gwen created an ice shield to protect her and Stacy. There was a very bad man who is out wreaking havoc in the train station while fighting with a fine young lady. "Stacy.. you okay. Take off your clothes." @Suku
(@Suku. This is a hint, you are given a mission to destroy this certain man)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The mission was supposed to simple and straight forward but she should have known since was anything simple with the missions she gets? Now here she was fighting some crazed maniac who likes destroying cities. Blocking a attack with her sword God Eater she kicked him in the stomach before flipping getting to her feet once more. In the back of her eyes she saw two young mages thankfully they had a shield up so they weren't harm much if any. Taking up on her now free space she quickly decided to switch swords "Decaforce Explosion!! she yelled as she swung her new sword down causing a explosion where it hit the ground." Using the smoke caused by the explosion she charged forth once more hopefully this will end soon she did not want to involve the young mages or harm any civilians.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Revan had just made it to the Peak Village, where he was supposed to meet the man who had given the request s he could find the monster, when all of the sudden, a fight seemed to have broken out. Some girl fighting against some guy for fuck all reasons. He wasn't going to get involved in this, he just had to do his mission then go home. But then again, he wasn't goign to be able tto do that until this fight had been out to rest.


Revan walked past the two little girls who were hiding behind a wall off ice, the amount of killing intent he was giving ice sending chill down there spine as he passed by them, before he suddenly appeared behind the mask figure, with a fist cloaked in shadowy gauntlets drawn back. Without another word, Revan launch a haymaker punch at the guy, aiming to send him hurtling towards the other girl's attack. Or kill him, what ever came first. He didn't really care as long as he was able to get going on his way. "I fucking hate the North."

@Masaki Haruna
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kyoka Kawashiro is tasked to take down a man wanted by the village, a masked man who fans in the scorch of snow, while wearing a mask and a costume like long cloak, he is vibrating which makes himself a blur, Revan haymakers the man with his attack but all of that was taken lightly by the man in blood red cloak, getting up unscathed. He disappears and appears in front of Kyoka, showing himself as a blur, "I warned you not to hunt me." The voice of the man sounds of legion of hell's voices due to vibration. Stating that he had meet Kyoka few days before. It all dates back to when a Mafia requested this to her however the Mafia's place is destroyed from the inside after the quest is given to Kyoka and the blur appeared before her that day, giving her a warning or if she doesn't remember, it doesn't matter. He disappeared and then for some reason the local Rune Police approaches Revan in an arrest. "Excuse me sir please kindly come with us." Their captain said.

"Was that masked man, Ikari?"Gwen stripped but reacted too late, she is naked in the streets itself giving no cares to everyone and even the cold. "I will take you on!" To her dismay the police were all looking and wanting to arrest her as well due to violating a law. "Oh crap! Run Stacy!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Nameless One

Invisible to the naked eye, the Nameless One sat upon the corner of a nearby building as she watched the conflict rise and rapidly come to a fall in the world below. Concise eyes of obsidian watched a peculiarly strong magi take on a scattering of a few others. From a first glance as she watched the magic course through each of their veins, it was easy to identify them.

The man with a rage-induced sensitivity was a Demonic, something she knew all to well. The Two girls held a chilling, bitterly cold sense about them, denoting them as Frost Magi. Two together in the midst of a scenario such as this? Perhaps they were related, perhaps not, Ice Magic wasn't something of the rarer or more unique sorts. Perhaps she might find out soon enough, perhaps not.

Why one had stripped of all her clothes was also a complete mystery, and rather nonsensical to boot; especially in the chilling weather.

Yet the peculiarly strong one departed, which was even more peculiar. By a fair extent he outclassed each person there, he had nothing to fear. Why did he leave? The Nameless One doubted that the Police honestly had mustered enough force to even make him suffer a droplet of sweat, yet he had left. Obsidian eyes hidden behind a mask of ivory glanced back to the group of Magi.

Had he sensed something she could not? It as a scant chance of possibility, no one else in the world possessed a sight like hers. Neither one seemed absolutely remarkable at first glance, but why he had fled had earned them her mild inquisitive curiosity.

With the flick of an invisible wrist, one of her throwing knives glistened as it rocketed skyward in a tall arc before its trajectory turned. Plummeting towards the earth, it landed with remarkable precision between the feet of the little company of Magi and the Police. What was more important, and much more frightening was the object that was tied to it via a string.

It looked as if it were made out of clay, a small, gray sphere of solid looking texture. As the Police reviled away from it as a group, it burst outward in a thick, obscuring cloud of grey smoke. Between them and the group of Magi stood an opaque cloud of grey that darkened to black as The Nameless One landed behind the group of magi. Intentionally causing noise upon impact for once as to announce her presence.

Now visible, the odd looking, shorter figure that stood before them was rather haunting in the least. Draped in all black with layered armor about one arm and one the other arm completely layered in blackened steel with a wicked blade extending from the elbow, she was at least a threatening sight to behold.

What was most eerie was the shade of ivory that was her mask that lay beneath the edge her hood. Yet her gender for now would remain a mystery, as she forced herself to speak in a deeper voice.

"Follow me. Quickly and quietly."

Turning swiftly about, she nimbly bolted away the moment her toes dug into the ground. Moving at a speed which she believed they could easily keep pace with for several winding blocks, The Nameless One suddenly changed direction to impressively sprint up the vertical height of a three story building, her fingertips then grasped the edge and she vaulted to land atop the roof with perfect silence.

There, as she stepped back and away, the Masked One waited for the others to catch up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Revan clicked his tongue as the man disappeared, not truly caring but still slightly vexed at being refused a kill. He was about to turn and leave when the local law enforcement saw fit to arrest him. Normally Revan would choose the paty of least resistance and just go with them, but he was freezing his ass of in the middle of ass-fucking-nowhere, so his thinking is more along the lines of "How many bones am to going to have to break right now to get these nuisances to leave", when some random person intervened, ordering them to follow. Seeing as how attacking the police would've gotten him arrested, something he'd like to avoid, he simply followed them. He was also curious as to who this mysterious benefactor was and why they had an interest in this matter.

When the benefactor had stopped, she'd find Revan following behind at a more sedate pace, yet still rather fast, he seemed in no real hurry. He would stop right in front of them, looking down at them with a mixture of curiosity and annoyance.

"Okay then, while I thanl you for saving those men from immense pain and probable death at my hands, I've lived long enough to be wary of nameless benefactors, especialky when they dress like you do. Hardly the garb of a good samaritan." Revan cracked his neck, ferling it stiffen in the cold now that he was standing still. His eyes flashed a dark shade of red for a moment as he gazed at his surroundings in disgust. "I fucking hate the North." He said, more to himself than anyone else.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kyoka was unsure on what exactly had happened but the masked man he knew something about her and something about it seemed familiar. To familiar for her liking. That mask I seen it before she thought a long time ago but when she continued it was hurting somewhat inside she should know that man. He wasn't the one who killed her second father no that man was long dead. Letting those thoughts plague her mind she absently followed the nameless person at least just long enough to find out what that person's deal was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nanto Ruzuzaki


A few days later…..

Le Skipping….
Peak Village Outskirts, Earthland

He Left the house as he summoned a large Black cloak that surrounded his whole body "Now...let's start this!!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Stacy unsure of what to do, she follows along what Gwen do which is to strip naked and so she did, "Gwen, maybe we should talk to her than to fight her, I don't think we have a plan of attack if she is a rogue mage." Stacy told Gwen to think it through first but Gwen thinking the latter is an enemy. "I have a plan... ATTACK." Gwen charges into the mage with swift kicks and conjunction of ice make spells by snapping her fingers as the whirling spikes of ice appears in every direction. Attacking without warning, Gwen does what she thought is right.
"Ice Make: Rosen Krone!" Gwen uses a spell of ice that erupts flowers from the ground. Stacy tries to disarm part of the roses with her own ice make. "Ice Make: White Tiger!" A pack of tigers grab onto the crown of roses. "Stranger, I'm sorry about my teammate here, we're not trying to kill you! Sorry~"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Standing a bit back Kyoka leaned back on her short black hair covering her unnatural colored black eyes. "So you have a plan for doing all of this right?" She asked as she looked toward the nameless benefactor that saved them after what had happened her black eyes staring right at the cloaked person. Before noticing one of the younger mages acting out while the other one apologizing for her. Ice make she makes a note in case of a fight than she will need to bring out her fire based swords. Though right now no one was a threat though she did not now for how long in her job as a "mage" for hire you didn't last to long with developing a rouge's list or gallery of people to avoid and or how to handle certain types of magic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Nameless One - Intervention

The Demonic one was the first to catch back up with her, mentioning glowering suspicion at her appearance. It was rather comical to think that he, a half-abomination, was casting initial judgments based on appearances; and she smirked lightly behind her mask of ivory as a result. Yet beneath the fluttering edge of her obsidian hood, the Nameless one said nothing until the others finally managed to catch back up with the others.

Quietly, the sword-using Magi landed behind him, but she remained reserved at first. Uttering nothing at all to start.

Finally however, came the uproarious Ice Duet. Both of them having lost the majority of their clothes in the process. One of which seemed far more fiery than the last as it surged forward to attack the masked Magi. In response, she made no return on the aggression. The first kick tore through the air towards her head, and her arm rose to block it. Leg crashed against the layered armor of the Magi's arm.

But what was most importantly as she slowly stepped back defensively and easily parried each oncoming foot with her finertips, Gwen would start to notice something odd. Magic unfurled from her will, but not as fluidly as it normally could. Her legs obeyed her kicks to command, but each seemed more weakened than the last as with each parry, her legs became more and more numb.

The masked woman's magic, as subtle and invisible as it was, was certainly getting to work in all of its venomous fashion.

Yet the intervention of her close friend, or sibling, what have you, changed the tide of the conflict. It came to an abrupt end, and the Masked one ceased her defense just as she allowed one kick to strike her sternum. Sending her skidding backwards and away from the magic that had been conjured. She crouched for a moment, acting as if she were nursing the blow she had been dealt, but that was the last of it.

"I never said once I was a good Samaritan, Demon." She scowled lightly behind the mask. "And you two, for the sake of decency, please put on some clothes."

Finally, the quiet one spoke however, this time with the most civility of the group of four. "Actually, yes. I am a simple, humble magi just like you. Was wondering if you'd like to travel with me some...rather than spend a few nights in a bitterly frigid cell. Though we ought to be moving, your friends' little light show will have likely drawn some unwarranted attention."

@Masaki Haruna
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


Morgan's armored dress gave off a muffled clang with every snow-covered step as he absent-mindedly walke- err... trudged through, technically, the streets of Peak Village, in search of... something or other. He'd know it when he remembered it. Either way, he had nowhere to go and absolutely nothing to do. In other words, the poor young man was bored out of his goddamn mind. You'd think that being able to remember everytime he felt like this would have jaded him to the whole concept of 'waiting' by now, but apparently it hadn't, so sucks to be him.

Suddenly, there was something going on that sent a cloaked, grumpy-looking masked lady with some fun gear followed by a black-haired swordswoman, two naked preteen girls, and a jogging, partially demonic male. Morgan tilted his head to the side as the peculiar group finally exited his range of analysis. His petite stature, wide, innocent eyes, and rosy cheeks made him look downright adorable in that position.

. . .

. . .

. . .

'...What the fuck?' the knight thought. Seriously, was he getting hormonal or something? He scanned through his memories in an instant. Nope. Those little girls were definitely naked for realzies, and not the product of healthy teenage mindset. Now the real concern here was: wouldn't they be cold? It was subzero temperatures out here! No, undoubtedly this was some type of scheme perpetrated by the masked woman to create some kind of perverse ninja cult. He would have assumed that it was all the jogging demon's fault, but that would be racial profiling. Morgan was not a racist, after all; he was an equal opportunities judge, jury and executioner, dammit. Nevertheless, there were so many equally logical potential resolutions to this mind-boggling query.

...Clearly this issue needed further investigating.

So using the manpower in his little legs, Morgan trudged through the snowdrifts with a renewed vigor. Pushing through the snow covered streets was a long and arduous process for the young knight, whose effective height was halved or worse by the size of these gargantuan snow piles. Truly, the combination of plate armor and snowdrifts as tall as oneself was not a very good one for the purposes of mobility in the north. But still, he pressed forward with all his might, with all the power in his feminine, 16-year old legs!

. . .

. . .

. . .

...Total distance elapsed: fifteen centimeters.


"...Wait. Why am I even doing this?" the trap said, throwing his arms into the air in exasperation and turning to the building to his left. Instead of forcing his way through the drifts, he climbed up the snowbank to get on top of the snowless rooftop of the building. Once on the solid surface, he shook the snow off of his armor and trotted off in the direction of the motley crew that had been unlucky enough to garner his attention.


"Actually, yes. I am a simple, humble magi just like you. Was wondering if you'd like to travel with me some...rather than spend a few nights in a bitterly frigid cell. Though we ought to be moving, your friends' little light show will have likely drawn some unwarranted attention."

Gee, if that wasn't begging for an interloper to show up, what was?

There was an unsettling silence after the nameless mage completed her warning. Like there was some kind of threat looming in the background. Watching. Waiting. Observing everything about the group gathered there. It was as if the entire group was gathered for one... big...


"Hi!" chirped the unwanted attention in question, armored hand waving energetically in greeting. Morgan, hanging off the side of the rooftop, threw his leg over the edge and pulled himself up onto the elevated surface. He rolled onto his back, face looking up at the gathered peculiar people. "You wouldn't have to be some kind of weird cult, would you?" he inquired with a big smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Revan lifted an eye at the mage's snippy response. What crawled up their ass and died. Before he could ponder further, and possibly comment, the mage brought to hus attention the nudeness of the two girls that had attacked her, something he had glazed over in his mind because he had deemed it sufficently important, if the dumb brats froze to death, it was their own damn faults. Moving on from that, Revan took a second to think on the dark mages reprimend, before deciding to address the obvious.

"And exactly how are they supposed to get clothes, unless they brought them with'em or have extras, they're shit out of luck. Now then, why would yo-" Revan found himself interrupt by the arrival of another brat, who asked the question that was both utterly ridiculous yet completely understandable given the situation.

"Beats me, girlie, I only followed Tall, Dark, and Pissy over here because it was a better alternative than getting trouble for severely injuring a few cops. Back to my question, before I was fuckin' interrupted, where exactly do you want to go and why do you need to bring a whole bunch of complete strangers with you. As I've stated before, I'm a bit of a skeptic, and this whole situation sounds fishy to me."

Even though he said this, Revan had already made up his mind for going up with this moltey crew for one reason, he was bored. The mission he had been sent here to do was bullshit anyway, they could've easily gotten an A-class to do it, but the village had the money to shell out for an S-class and had abused it. How annoying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Black Unit

Peak Village:

The Man in the White cloak quickly entered the village, His huge aura was making everyone around him either turn away for simply get out of his way. He sighed as he continued walking. "I sensed two mana Signatures at the grave sight awhile ago....it was leading me here..."

The man stopped again as he looked around and began walking again but then-

His battle instinct in as he looked in the direction of the attack before running towards it. his cloak fluttered behind him as he got closer to the battlefield in the village.

"Ice Make: Rosen Krone!" Gwen uses a spell of ice that erupts flowers from the ground. Stacy tries to disarm part of the roses with her own ice make. "Ice Make: White Tiger!" A pack of tigers grab onto the crown of roses. "Stranger, I'm sorry about my teammate here, we're not trying to kill you! Sorry~"

He heard voices coming as he turned a corner and saw....Two little naked girl running by as he stopped and looked on is suprise...then disgust. 'Don't tell me their.......' A sudden flashback of a Blue haired girl flashed a grin.


"Now...Liz wouldn't do that to her pupil's....There is no way...!"

He shook his head as he turned around he headed towards where the little naked girl where running before he to pick up the pace. "Seems that they are already in trouble....." As he ran past a few villagers he soon ran towards a small alleyway before a Man was kicked hard towards the main street before he lost his vision. Nanto eased himself as he lightly treaded around the corner of the alleyway.

"Actually, yes. I am a simple, humble magi just like you. Was wondering if you'd like to travel with me some...rather than spend a few nights in a bitterly frigid cell. Though we ought to be moving, your friends' little light show will have likely drawn some unwarranted attention."

"Hi!" chirped the unwanted attention in question, armored hand waving energetically in greeting. Morgan, hanging off the side of the rooftop, threw his leg over the edge and pulled himself up onto the elevated surface. He rolled onto his back, face looking up at the gathered peculiar people. "You wouldn't have to be some kind of weird cult, would you?" he inquired with a big smile.

Nanto sighed again...here he thought this would a simple meeting....Then again:

"Nothing is Simple in life..." loosening his Muscles he turned the corner where a small group of people were on the other side, his large figure had blocked out the sun, over shadowing them as he cleared his throat.

"You five. Why are you fighting in a peaceful environment? Answer me now: or i will kill you where you stand!" he Took out two balisong knives and readied them: If they weren't willing to comply....then other plans could be arranged.

"10 Seconds to start talking."

@Masaki Haruna
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It was offical Kyoka thought she was surronded by crazies and they seemed to be multiplying. Though before she could do anything she saw a person coming and claiming they explain the fight or die?!! Speaking up she decided to tell what happened from her own view "It seems that the two girls over there one of them has a overly hot head despite her magic. Opened up to attack said masked mage over there." Kyoka pointed out as she motioned towards said hooded magician. "Than this person comes in asking if we were a cult or something of that nature. Now if thats all MR.answer me or die I would like to move on to a better place before some of us freezes." She said as she continued forward ignoring the rest of the people this is what she gets though for following instead of doing her own thing she supposed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Revan's eyes shifted over to the other newcomer. A tall man clad in black armor, wielding a pair of knives and threatening his life? There was only one way Revan could possibly respond to the man's abrupt and hostile manner. He let out a small whistle, causing the man's shadow to darken slightly before a bunch of shadow serpent's burst out a split second later, aiming to stab right through the man's limbs and bring him to the ground. "Maybe because assholes like you and me don't know how to give a proper introduction. My name's Revan, now go fuck yourself with those knives." Immediately following his comment, another series of whistle would follow as more hydras would raise from his shadow to form a small cannon-like construct around his arm, which he would swing around to face Nanato's location. "Song of Suicide."

The cannon would glow a deep red color before a blast of scarlet energy would be sent forward at high speed, exploding on impact and scattering the surrounding snow. Revan dispersed the cannon, but kept the Hydra's at the ready. He hadn't been trying to kill the man, so it was likely he survived or avoided them somehow, especially because he seemed rather strong. Been awhile since I've had a good fight, hopefully this guy doesn't disappoint.

@Akashi Mayhiro
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