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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

All characters go here with my approval as well as my Co-GM's.

Was raised and trained with Stacy by a Wizard Saint.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Nicknames: Zen, A Rare Man

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Guild: Unaffiliated

Rank: Mage

Zen has a generally easy-going attitude, though sometimes he could seem to be a bit too easy-going. He tries to keep himself excited, though his high expectations of things around him usually disappoints himself. Zen finds fun in sparring, and enjoys battling. He gets serious when he is either analyzing something or if he knows he should not remain carefree. He has a very low tolerance in the concept of killing people.

It was a hazy memory. Two people died in his hands. Actually, they turned into a strange energy sources that flowed through his body when he was much younger. Those people were his parents, who willingly sacrificed themselves to keep him, a child with far too many defects, alive and well. They granted him a different life. It was no normal life, but it was still life. He lived, his parents turned into magic itself, as their energy grew within him.

Fifteen years had passed since then.

Now a lone man who simply wants a purpose, he roams around many places, wondering where he would eventually stand. Wondering where he would eventually die.

Magic: Magma Manipulation - Zen is capable of launching channels of magma from his body. The intensity of magma depends on how much energy Zen puts to it. The weakest kind of magma can heat steel to great levels, while moderate levels of magma power will begin to melt through steel. High levels of magma intensity can tear through many things. Zen can alternatively apply magma layers on objects he holds, but he must choose certain objects that can actually withstand the magma if he wants them to last long. The weapon he carries, Pompeis, is immune to destruction by magma manipulation.

Other: Zen has no known phobias.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kyoka Kawashiro

Nicknames: black eyes, Forbidden View

Age: 14

Gender: female

Guild: Unaffiliated(dont know the guilds so will change this later)

Rank: Mage

She is generally distant and may come across as cold or
standoffish but she does generally care for people. She
chooses to act this way to save them trouble later on. To
those who know her though she is generally what people
classify as a tsundere. Though she denies this and usually
she often sends out her swords to force people to agree with her.

In the past her family was killed by a group of dark mages
surviving the enslaught she was taken in by a fromer knight.
While her new father did not want to teacher her how to
fight her will was of iron and she eventually was taught. She
learned how to fight using all her resources swords and later
on magic. The events of her childhood though screwed up
her sense of justice by a large amount. She shought to right
the wrongs so she became a freelance mage hunting down
monsters and dark guilds that would terroize the small
villages. It is due to this that she puts up a cold front in
hopes it will drive people away from her so in case she does
die they won't be hurt because of her passing.

Magic: Requip
Decaforce - one her strongest swords with multiple forms
with varying abilties

God Eater - Her second strongest sword despite being
named god eater it actually does not deal with anything of
that nature but rather its innate nature allows the blade to
vibrate allowing it to cut through most items. This is her
main sword using this a majority of the time. Though there is
something more to the sword than she knows. Though it will
reveal it's true power only when the time it is needed.

Kansou and Bakuya - twin swords forged by a master smith
the swords are married they are always drawn back to
each other.

Nyarlthotep- a black and red crowbar mainly used as a
weapon to instill disclipine unto others. Its radiates a sense
of madness and despite being a crowbar it can cut as well as
her best sword. She is able to make it as blunt and or as
sharp as she wants.

Sealed Katana- a katana that has multiple seals sealing what
ever power lies within it. was given by her original parents
origins remain unknown.

Other: she likes cutesy things though she tries to deny it
her biggest fear is attachment
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I am Nanto Ruzuzaki! I AM YOUR END!

Name: Nanto Ruzuzaki

Nickname: GT-R, Eclipse, Monster, *His student*, Nero, Ikari, The Fallen Hero.

Age: Unknown, last known age record: 154

Gender: Male

Guild: None, Altima (Another Timeline)

Rank: None (Zero Timeline), S-Class mage and 7th seat of the 10 Gods (Altima Timeline)

Personality: Nanto comes on as a VERY Intimidating person, everything he does is done by the textbook and if needed, a bit of originality in order to complete his mission. Cold and Harsh: the two main points of him. But those close to him say otherwise, He cares for his Comrades and will put their need in front of his. He has come this far and a Genetically created Human of War.

That his Humane side.

Push him too far (And if he see you as a enemy or Deadweight(aside from his Teammates or people he really cares about)), he will not hesitate to kill you in the most harshest ways. A caring comrade second, Death himself first.

History: Nanto is a Artificially created human being, he was created to a assassin for all types of Situation was given the Black Sussanno Unit.

Nanto History will be revealed bit by bit as the Story progresses.

His current mission is collect Liz Blanche Weiss's Guild tags and Carry on her last will, looking after Gwen and Stacy. As-well as look after parallel universes such as this world. He is the 'Current Ryujin' for the time being.


Weapons and Armour on him:

Black Susano'o Unit: Also known as Susano'o the Time Cutter. It first belonged to Nanto Ruzuzaki before it was taken forcefully by Yuuki Terumi, it would centuries later before Nanto was take back the armour for good. Its true purpose is to slash time without the risk of a paradox.

Ballsing Knives: Knives taken from Terumi, it is able to cut steel with ease.


Loves Pineapple juice.

Has a (Hidden) hobby of making Armour

Snaps when someone claims when they are the best.

Has a bad tendency of Belittling people smaller than him (Pick them up and playing with them like a baby)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

This, but with black hair and red eyes


Nickname:The Lord of Demons, King of Shadow, The Demon-mage of Slaughter, Rev

Age:Doesn't remember, but somewhere between 100-250 years old, looks to be around his late twenties to early thirties.

Gender: Male

Rank: Paragon

Guild:Harpy's Wing, formerly the guild Master of Demon's Maw

Personality: In his past he was very violent cruel, and sadistic, but know he is rather laid-back, not easily angered to any degree greater than minor annoyance. That's not to say that he is completely without his former cruelty, it just takes a lot more to bring it out in any kind of way. He is also rather cold and aloof to the needs and wants of others, at times not understanding the emotions and feelings off others. He bears the Demon's Maw Guild seal on his chest, though he keeps it well hidden, and never takes his shirt off until he's sure he's alone. His New Harpy's Wing seal is located on over his left eye. The reason, so he only has to blink for people to know what guild he's apart of, and even that is too much work at times.

Bio: Revan was not born, but created by a cult of Demon worshippers, hoping to create a demon of their own by sacrificing a human infant to foul demonic energy, but instead the Demonic was absorbed by the child, changing him and turning him into something more than a more than a regular man, but less than a demon. A hybrid creature whose humanity was consumed by his demonic soul. As the child grew so did his lust for power, he killed those that stood in his way, ravaged country sides, and was unstoppable by all who sought to oppose him. He gather followers and soon coined a NAme for themselves, Demon's Maw, for they shall swallow the World whole and send it plunging in to Chaos and Destruction.

One day, however, the Dark Lord of Demon's Maw was struck down in battle with the Ten Wizard Saints and as his body fell, he was immediately removed of his demon heart and soul, leaving behind only an empty corpse. Or so they thought. As he was soon revived, and was able to escape from the Wizard saints, though he was left thoroughly weakened by the ordeal, as was his Guild, as they had no master to lead them and had degraded into infighting. Whether they survived or not, the lord didn't know and didn't care. As he stet out to regain his former glory by getting back his demon heart and soul. That was around thirty to fifty years ago, and in this period of time, the dark lord found that he couldn't draw up the same amount of bloodlust and rage that he used to, heck even a human could feel more than he could. He began to stop actively searching for his missing power, questioning why he even wanted it. While it had been great and euphoric, all he had ever been able to think about was death and slaughter.

Without it he felt so much more free, like he finally had a choice in what he wanted to do. He gave himself the name Revan, and abandoned that part of his life forever more. He still searches for his other parts, but more out of trying to put a purpose to his wandering than actually trying to find them again.


Satan Soul: This particular form of Magic allows the user to Take Over the powers and forms of different Demons. These forms give the user a variety of different abilities such as flight, enhanced speed, strength, reflexes etc. This magic effects Revan differently than other due to his demon blood. making the respective magic stronger, but also increasing the risk of Revan losing control of his demon side. The forms he has in addition to the basic form are his Asomodeus and Lucifer forms.

Asomodeus form is all about over powering offense from any distance, dramatically increasing Revan's attack power by a great amount, as well as his speed and reflexes, to better avoid attacks, as his defenses in this form aren't that great. This form also enables the user to gain control of darkness, which is a very offensive element, able to inflict both physical and mental damage.

Moaning Lamentation:A chargeable magic that gains more shots as it charges,it fires of these beams of darkness at the enemy, each one followed by a mournful keening. These rise in volume to ear bursting shrieks that pierce the soul, disorienting the target and allowing for an easier target.

Dark Awakening: A Hydra magic only available in this form, he summons the King Hydra from a single point, causing an explosion of energy to rip through the ground before it turns around and begins to devour whoever is unlucky enough to cross it's path

Rising Sodom: A high-level technique that is his second strongest attack, he calls up all of the Darkness of the earth to rises up and break through. Basically, a blasts of darkness rising from the ground, except it's fucking huge, swallowing cities the size of Crocus at it's widest, and even when condensed to increase the damage output, it's still massive enough that it destroys entire blocks at it's smallest.

Lucifer is also very offensive, but more well rounded, boosting his Attack power, Defenses, and Speed by an impressive amount. This form also gives Revan control over the very Earth itself, allowing them to act defensively or offensively with maximum effectiveness. Also, he is a master of dominating demons to his will, opting to either crush their minds and souls or making them his slaves and puppets.

Break The Heavens:

Hell Unleashed: A move that causes a Mega-quake, rising up giant earthen spires agaisnt the target, completely decimating the area around him.

Bestial Reckoning: Same thing as Dark Awakening, but it covers the King in a layer of earthen armor, protecting it from attacks.

When Revan uses Satan Soul magic, you know he's gotten serious and that you are either screwed or in for one hell of a fight. An unavoidable side effect of this magic is that for a short time after using it, Revan will under go radical mood changes. Using Asomodeus will make him a womanizing playboy, while using Lucifer will turn him into an arrogant snob, and just using the basic form will make him more aggressive in what ever he does.

Extra: Due to being half demon, He is noticeably faster,stronger, and more durable than most people, and can even grow wings, though it is an incredibly painful, if quick, process. His senses are also much more acute, can see in the dark, and restores his magic faster when he is in darkness and shadow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kyou Laevis

The 5th Saint




Rank:For good guys
Wizard Saint, Magic Council Member

As the new 5th Wizard Saint, Kyou is a genius responsible for numerous achievements in the magic world and has a large sense of respect from the magic community as was the very genius behind the advanced magical technologies. Kyou is a character of duel-identities towards her team and herself as he openly appears caring and compassionate guiding people into their journey of becoming splendid mages. She strives for what's best to come for generations.

A young girl from the east, a Techno Mage Genius now the new 5th Wizard Saint replacing the late, Liz Blanche Weiss the master of Gwen and Stacy,

Archive Magic

The new 5th Wizard Saint
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