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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Upon hearing his response, Balder rose to his feet and brushed himself off. "This is where I'm meant to be. Odd that I can't recall how I got here", he said as he looked around a little, confused of how he got here. "My father told me to see the king"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Fandral looked at the boy with confusion for a moment more, a tad confused still. "Who is your father?" Though when they got their answer that his father was a King, the three practically jumped for joy as Volstagg brought the man inside Silena's room as the other two pushed him in and all the way to the the side that Silena laid and slept. Rather this boy knew her or not, Fandral explained why she was sleeping and why they were suddenly saddened. "We know sir. She's trapped in an enchantment."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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As the Warriors Three pushed Balder into the room, at the same time, Loki and Diaval enter the room and they hid behind a screen to watch.

"An enchantment you say?", Balder asked as he leaned close to the body of Silena until his lips touched her own. After a few seconds, he pulled back. The body of the princess did not stir as the curse was not lifted...yet.

Loki sighed in disappointment behind the screen as the kiss did not succeed. "I told you", he said softly to Diaval.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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The three warriors watched Balder kiss her lip in hopes that it would have worked. But to see that Silena had not awaken they looked sad. The Fandral seemed determined to not give up. Let's go men we cannot give up! Let us go! You are coming too." With that Fandral drafted the Prince with him as the other too followed. They went out the door of the room and shut it. Leaving Silena alone not knowing who else was in the room with her.

Diaval looked saddened that Silena had not awaken and didn't know what to do. He looked to Loki in hopes there was something he could do. Just one last thing. But he would stay where he was to give the Fae room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Loki and Diaval leave their hiding place and the sorcerer walks over to Silena's bedside. He was guilty. She was gone and he could do nothing to help her. All because of him. HIM. Thor was the cause of all of this. Loki did this to his own god-daughter without thinking. He stood by her as she laid in silence in her sleep.

"I will not ask your forgiveness because what I have done to you is unforgivable", he began talking to her in his soft voice. "I was so lost in hatred and revenge. Sweet Silena, you stole what was left of my heart", his voice began to tremble and his eyes began to water. "And now I have lost you forever", his voice cracked as some tears fell from his eyes. "I swear that no harm would come to you as long as I live. And not a day shall pass that I don't miss your smile", he finished his confession before he leaned down and kissed his god-daughter's forehead and he turns to leave.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Diaval watched as Loki talked to the sleeping Silena, listening to what he said. Diaval stayed at a distance still but as his raven self. Watched as Loki kissed is god daughter on her forehead. But then he was shocked. Silena stirred, her eyes fluttered open as she looked to a figure who she seemed to know rather well. "L-Loki?" She looked at him with her bright blue eyes, she slowly sat up as she smiled like she was happy to see him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Loki turned to leave but he stopped in his tracks as he heard the voice of his goddaughter. His emerald eyes widened as he slowly turned around. Awake and well. "Hello Beasty", he softly said to her in relief and happiness. He gently placed a hand on top of hers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Her smile grew wider, seeing her godfather smile and call her by the little name he had given her ever since she could remember. She got up off the bed and wrapped her arms around Loki, giving him a big hug, one full of love, joy, and happiness. "I'm so happy to see you again." She was glad to see him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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This time with tears of joy, Loki returned the hug of hers. Wrapping his arms around her as if to sheild her from upcoming danger. "I'm just happy that you are alive", he said softly as he set a kiss to her hair and he stroked the golden blond.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena's smile never wavered as she felt his love and kindness. Pulling away, she looked to her godfather. "Can we go home?" She asked, talking about the Moors. Diaval cawed as he flapped his wings. Silena looked to the raven and giggled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Loki didn't say anything. Instead he nodded with a small smile as he lead her out of her room.

A guard walked to Thor as the King looked out the window. "He's here, sire", he said to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Thor watched his kingdom, waiting for Loki to come and face him. He turned to his guard. Ready to go face the son of Maleficent.

Silena walked with Loki down the stairs, seeming to be a great golden hall. But the goldness to it was dark and dull it seemed. She was unsure why everything was so quiet, wondering if castles like this were always quiet at night. She looked around and was cautious though feeling safe by her godfather's side.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Loki stopped her from walking any further as he noticed that it was too quiet. He walked a little further through the throne room and signaled Silena to follow until a metal net fell upon him, making him fall to the floor from its weight. Trying to get it off him, his hands burned from the heated metal, making him scream in pain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Diaval had flown ahead when they walked further, Silena followed only behind Loki a few feet or so when Loki gave her the signal to follow when the net came out of no where. It startled the young princess when she then went to help Loki get out of the metal net that was hurting her godfather. She heard much of metal and shouting as she went to run for Loki when they were beating on him. When a guard pulled her back, she reached and grabbed the man's sword and pulled it out of its sheath. Silena brought the top of the hilt to one of the guard's head and knocked them out. "Leave him alone!" She shouted as a guard turned to her but she kicked the man's side that wasn't armored and hit him in the head too. She had soon gotten over run by guards and was caught and disarmed after having taken a few more out. She was quite skilled with a sword and in not harming herself with it and not injuring them. "No! Leave him be!" She tried to get free as best as she could while they held her down. "Loki!" She felt tears come down her face and as she cried out to him. Diaval tried to help get the guards off Silena in his raven form so it would be hard to get caught.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Loki grunted as he managed to stand while being caught under the heavy net. Trying to back off a few soldiers, they continued to hit him with clubs, but the damage wasn't much as he was still wearing his helmet and armor. His vision went blurry as he looked around him as things got blurry. He heard Silena's voice call out to him while his vision was blurry and distorted. Managing to get his strength back and his vision clearing up, he looked at Diaval flying above everything as a burnt mark appeared on the side of Loki's face. "Into a dragon", he managed to grunt out as he flicked his fingers and the green magic turned the winged bird into a huge ferocious dragon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Diaval went from a raven into a huge and very angry feathered and scaly dragon that stood over the guards and Loki, Breathing out fire toward the guards that surrounded Loki while Silena tried to get away from the fire and destruction. fire on the ground, some of the stone pillars being hit and broken. Then taking the net by his teeth and throwing it off of Loki before continuing his attack on the guards. Silena was having a bit of a hard time with trying to find a place to go but wanting to try and help her godfather. But when some pillar came near and before her, she screamed in panic.

Soon more guards were coming and Silena ran to go hide while Diaval was having chains whipped around him, neck, muzzle, body, wings and tail. Guards with tower shields came in and surrounded Loki, keeping the sorcerer inside their circle while he was dazed.

Silena came into a room where she saw once locked that it was neglected with dust, cob webs with only the moonlight coming in. She noticed however something in a giant glass case. Moving a torn and battered cloth aside and trying to get a closer look, she was startled when something moved in there. Soon to realize that they were large wings.

Diaval being tripped over by chains that tangled his legs together, keeping him still and unable to fight, but the raven now dragon was still trying to fight to get free. Coming into the circle was Thor, Iron armor made by dwarves, a hammer made but a fallen star, a red cape that flowed as he walked. "May. How bold of you to come here. Take what doesn't belong to you." Walking closer to the fae, he kicked Loki to the ground. "You dare come to my Kingdom?! What for!?" He swung his hammer into Loki like a crochet hammer to a ball but with much more force.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Loki, looking at Silena in the distance, felt his protective instincts kick in as he heard her scream. "Run, Silena!", he called to her as he watched her run into a separate room. Loki tried walking out of the circle of shields but walking too close to one drew him back him. Seeing through the fire, was the man of his ex-lover. He didn't act like the same Thor sixteen years ago. Not at all. Just the thought of it made him feel fear and anxiety. His scepter wasn't in his hand since it was knocked out of his grip when the net fell on him. Seeing him walking close, he was kicked in the stomach that made him stumble backwards. Once the hammer hit him, his helmet came off his head, clattering to the ground. His body falling on the ground with it. Moaning in pain, he tries to pick himself up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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"You're Pathetic! Get up!" Thor said in outrage. He waited for Loki to get up before he yanked on Loki's cape ripping it off his shoulders before slamming him to the ground. He seemed blind with rage. But he didn't care. All he cared about was taking all out on Loki. Getting revenge for what he did to him. All the suffering he faced. "You are pathetic. To think I loved you. But I am glad I killed your mother!" Thor spat. He picked him up by his armor and then kicked him. his armor broken and could no longer protect him. But with Thor stalking toward him, he grabbed Loki's helmet and ripped it right off his head. "How does it feel? Defenseless, broken hearted, weak?!"

Silena was pushing as hard as she could to make the giant case fall over. She gave one last push before she felt the case move forward and heard it make a loud crash. Looking at the large case, she saw the wings be set free as she looked at them in awe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Loki made a yelp in pain as Thor ripped off his armor, his cape, and his helmet. All of them clattering to the ground. As he heard Thor yell upon him of all the things he once had, including his mother, he closed his eyes and made a quiet sob before a tear fell from his eyes. He didn't say anything as Thor ripped off the only things that could protect his body, only making him gasp and quietly pant. Bruises appeared on his skin as he looked at Diaval all tied up in the chains. He couldn't help him, not like this.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Silena helped the wings get out of the room with unknown destination of where it wanted to go. So with the opening of the door she somewhat followed its path, making sure to avoid being in the fight.

The maddened King looked to the pathetic state of Loki, he swung his hammer toward Loki, sending him flying. Diaval was trying to get free, He was still struggling, feeling his energy wain as he struggled and roared in pain.
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