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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Loki hurried to wipe the tear from his face before he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking at the hand, then at Diaval, he felt safe just by looking at him and feeling his touch. Then, he felt and decided that he needed to be alone. Looking at Diaval, he lifted his hand to flick his fingers to turn him into something. "I need my peace, Diaval. Please, just go", he told him softly.

At the cottage, the Warriors Three were busy making Silena's birthday treat until they were arguing when they were supposed to take her back to her father.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Diaval seemed to smile when Loki looked to him, however to see his master lift his hand. His smile was gone and he sighed. "Change me into whatever you want. It doesn't matter anymore." He said sadly, turning away and walked from Loki. He changed into his Raven self and flew away.

Fandral and Volstagg were fighting over the day Silena was suppose to go back, Fandral saying it be the day after and Volstagg saying it be the day of. Hogun was making something when he heard the argument, agreeing with Fandral and not Volstagg without saying anything. When the two go into a fight Hogun went to try and settle the two down when Silena came in. "Uncles?" She was surprised that they were covered in flour for some reason or another that she looked at them oddly. "Yes deary? What is it?" Fandral asked. Hogun and Volstagg looking at their charge as well.
"Well. As you know I am turning 16 soon and I want to go off on my own." She finally said after a moment or so of silence. However it was Fandral was the one who spoke up and not that happy about what she said. "Now listen here, I did not sign up to look after with these two imbeciles just for you throw it all away before we got to take you back to your father!" He said and soon realized what he said as he felt that he just said something he wasn't suppose to till he was too late. Silena looked completely surprised not only by her uncles frustration but also with what he said. "Wait. You told me that my parents died." Volstagg came over Silena and guided her to a chair "You might want to sit for this."

Later on Silena had ran out of the house when she heard their story. She ran straight to the Moors. Hoping to find her godfather and figure if what she heard was true. She couldn't believe it. Not one bit. She wanted to be proven right, that it was all false and that her uncles were just toying with her. When she reached the Moors, she stopped to trying and catch her breath a bit, looking around. "Godfather! Fairy Godfather!" She cried out, hoping he had heard her. She was panicking.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Loki was so busy feeling guilt while standing at a tree while trying to heal it, but as usual, it always freezes in ice. He sighed in disappointment. Maleficent was probably right. He just wasn't ready to control Hus healing powers yet. But how could it be? He practiced for years and all he does is freeze them. She always told that it was that he needed practice, but it was just so unusual to him. He wondered if he wasn't really a fairy like his mother, but he always convinced himself that he was. Even his mother told him so.

Hearing the desperation in his goddaughter's voice, he rushed to the spot where she was, only stopping a few feet away from her. "I'm here", he reassured her, masking the emotion of guilt and fear from her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Silena looked to her godfather who she heard, she looked sad and confused. "My uncles told me that...that I was cursed when I was born. Did you know about this?" She asked her godfather. She just had yet to ask the rest of her questions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Already seeing the sad look on Silena's face, Loki knew that something had happened. But he didn't expect the question being asked. Those warrior imbeciles couldn't just keep their mouths shut! He was quiet for a moment before looking back at her. "I did", he answered with a slight sound of guilt and fear in his voice. She knew. She knew everything he did. Who he was. What he was. Everything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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She felt even more upset, hearing that this curse was true. She started to feel tears in her eyes as she looked from her guardian to him again. "They told me that an evil fairy placed a curse on me. That his name is..." She felt so frustrated that she was trying to remember his name. It was hard to when she was upset like this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"...the son of Maleficent?", he said instead of his name. But in order to be honest. "Loki?", he answered her. He tried to walk towards her so he could explain. "I'm so sorry...", he said in a soft voice as he reached for her to give her a hug like she always would when he was sad.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena couldnt believe what she heard from him. Loki? Was that him, is his name Loki? Why? Why would he do this to her and be her godfather? Silena didn't understand, more like she couldn't believe it. Hearing him apologize didn't help, feeling tears roll down her face as she felt mad, sad, and confused about he whole life that she realized most of it was a lie. Backing away from Loki, she tried to hold back her tears. "Leave me alone. You're the evilest of them! Leave me be!" She shouted before she took off back to the cottage, she took the one horse her uncles had and left for Asgard, making her way to see her father. To be with the family she never got to know.

In the distance, Diaval watched them, feeling his heart break at the sight before him in his raven form. He knew she would find it out sometime when he realized it. She was a smart girl after. Now his focus was to Loki, wondering what he would do now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Loki felt heartbroken after she rejected his comfort and he stopped in his tracks. Watching her run away, he exhaled in guilt before he straightened his face and yelled. "Diaval! Find the boy!", he yelled as he walked into the Moors, walking fast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Diaval flew when Loki told him to find the boy and he should. While that happened, Silena was still travelling toward Asgard, crying and scared. She wanted the comfort of the parents she never got to know. Hoping they would explain why she had lived with her uncles and not the parents that had her life with them.

When in Asgard, the gatekeeper saw her come to the gates and halted her. Having a guard take her to the castle where Thor and his guards were planning there final defenses. The guard stopped near them. "Sorry to disturb you, my King." The guard spoke up. Thor turned around to see what the guard wanted when the guard continued with what he was going to say. "We found this girl at the gate. The gatekeeper stopped her as she claims that she is the princess." Thor turned fully, looking the girl over, taking a step forward. Silena smiled a little. "Father." She ran up to him as she spoke again. "It's me, Silena." She then hugged him as she felt joy that she was now with her father. Thor however looked confused for a moment, not returning that hug. Silena pulled away to looked to her father, a smiled still on her lips while Thor was silent till he broke it. "You look just like your mother." He complimented with a smile smile himself. However he was suddenly not pleased. "They brought you back a day too soon. I told those three idiots." Looking to his guard, he pointed to him. Lock her up, in her room." He then looks to his daughter who looks upset and confused. "Go." Was the only thing he said as the guard took her arm and took her there as instructed. "Prepare the men," The King told his men. "Loki is coming."

On the way back from the Cottage to Asgard Fandral, Volstagg, and Hogun had managed to find two other horses and were riding back to their home. "Whoo! We can ride again! Oh how I missed the traveling!" Volstagg said with a joyful laugh. Hogun looked to Volstagg who had his own horse with Hogun and Fandral sharing. "Knock it off, we need to find Silena!" They kicked the horse's side to make them go faster in hopes that They would be able to find Silena before it was too late. "The King with have our heads." Fandral muttered.

Back in Asgard, Silena felt an agitating feeling in her right index finger as she paced her room. It didn't look like it was much for her, or at least made for her age for there was some children toys she was too old for. But no matter how much she tried to massage her finger, the agitation and pain wouldn't go away. This frustrated her. Going to the door to her room, she tried to open the door of which she realized it was locked and so tried to knock on it loudly. But it was no use for no one answered. Looking around, she had noticed as if something was telling her to head toward the far left wall. Feeling through the tapestry, Silena then found an opening of which lead to a door. She knocked on it loudly in hopes that someone would answer. Not too soon that she knocked, a servant of the castle opened it. Relieved, the young girl stepped passed the servant and went in searching to see where this voice in her mind was taking her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Back in the Moors, Loki finally sees Balder an walks towards him. Balder, on his horse looking around, notices Loki and he wouldn't mind if he asks a simple question. "I'm looking for a girl", he started as Loki walked towards him. "Of course you are", the King replies before blowing magic dust at his before Balder fell asleep. "I need a horse", Loki looks at Diaval before turning him into a horse and climbing onto his back. "Go, Diaval!", he told him before riding off towards the palace of Asgard with the second horse that had Balder upon it.

Back at Asgard, a male voice told Silena in her head to guide her along to the deepest dungeon. "Into a sleep like death. Silena", it whispered to her.

Loki continued riding Diaval to the castle to at least stop Silena from touching anything and facing her fate. "Come on, Diaval!", he told him.

"Silena...", the voice again guided her to the door to the dungeon which was full of crushed and burned spindles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Diaval looked to Loki as a Raven, lifting his chest, making himself known for volunteering when Loki was needing a horse. Flying down and was turned into a black feathered like horse creature, he waited for Loki and wasted no time galloping off toward the castle as fast as he could.

Silena felt a bit dazed and concentrated on what the voice was trying to take her. Going through the castle, and ending up in the deepest dungeon to see all these burned spindles that were all around. Unsure what had happened there, she looked around the room to find one spindle that somehow survived the fires that was there long ago. Silena slowly made her way to the Spindle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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The spinning wheel formed as a stream of blue magic pulled it back together, making it whole again. The needle made a shine, making Silena mesmerized.

Loki frantically rode Diaval to the castle. "Faster, Diaval, Faster!", he frantically told him as they were halfway to the palace.

The voice continued to talk to Silena in her head. "She will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a sleep like death. No power on Earth... A sleep like death", it said just before Silena pricked her finger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena reaching her index finger toward the large needle on the spinning wheel. As she heard the voice in her head. Her finger having reached the the needle, she pricked it as was it was to be and she collapsed on the ground. The servant had caught up to Silena not long after when she saw the princess on the ground.

When the sun had been setting and feeling Loki tug his feathery mane, Diaval felt his master's sadness for the curse must have been fulfilled.

Upon reaching the castle of Asgard, Diaval guided the unconscious and floating Balder. Looking up at the castle, Diaval saw that there were no guards what so ever. "They pulled the guards. He's waiting for you in there. If you go inside those walls, you will never come back alive." Diaval was concerned for his master and his well being.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Loki felt broken and heartbroken as he felt his goddaughter fall to his curse. He held the mane of his servant while he was in his horse form as Loki slowly laid his horned helmet head against it as he softly and quietly cried to himself. "It's done", he whispered to Diaval.

At night, they stood outside the palace where King Thor resided. He felt venom and darkness in his heart once again as he stood on his ex-lover's terrain, ready to face him once again. Once he heard Diaval warn him of the dangers in the palace, he stayed quiet as he thought about his confrontation with Thor if they ever dared cross. "Then don't come. It's not your fight", he said to him softly as he proceeded to walk towards the palace with Balder's unconscious body floating behind him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yes, Diaval was feeling quite upset that Loki just practically tossed him aside without any sort of appreciation of anything he had done for the fae in the years he had been with him. So in thinking that Loki wouldn't hear him or in any sort for how far he was, he muttered to himself. "Thank Diaval, I couldn't have done it without you Diaval." Being a little sassy as he helped guide the unconscious Prince with them and pouting.

The Warriors Three walked with haste into the Princess's room where Silena laid on a soft bed and in the sleep like death state, Thor on the other side of the bed looking sad that now his two wonderful girls were now out of sight for he could not save his wife and now his daughter of which he tried so hard to keep safe. Looking from the forever sleeping Silena to his once reliable warriors. "Look. Look at what you've done! You brought he back too soon!" Thor was furious. "Look at her!" The three warriors came forward. Volsttage came forward a little more to peer me the sleeping princess, then back to his King. "She's only sleeping." He declared with a small, trying to brighten the mood like smile.

Thor seemed to smile bit seemed a bit deranged. "Only sleeping." The King said. Walking from the other side of the bed slowly till he was in front of Volstagg and the other two warriors. "Only sleeping." He chuckled a bit madly with anyone to hardly notice till he got angry all of a sudden. "Only sleeping?! Look at her! She will never wake up ever again! And you say only sleeping?!"

"True Loves Kiss though! It's her only chance!" Fandral explained, worried obviously about his King. Thor walked over to Fandral, still outraged and punched him in the face. "There is no such thing!" Thor shouted before walking out as well as the guards that were there. Volsttage and Hogun had come to their friends aid as Fandral rubbed his cheek and jaw.

Diaval looked to the hallway of iron thrones that looked impossible for Loki to touch. He held the sleeve of the prince's short sleeve when he looked to Loki to see what he would do now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Loki rolled his eyes in annoyance as he thought of the amusement that Diaval was trying to do. "I can hear you, you know", he called back to him as he continued walking towards the palace and coming face to face with a passage filled with thorns. Loki felt a little nervous about walking through and accidentally touching the metal. He knew that iron hurts fairies and he wouldn't think twice about running through them. Taking a silent gulp, he proceeded through the twisty passage. Carefully, he maneuvered his body to fit through the spikes before his arm got scratched by one, feeling a burning sensation. Making a wince of pain, he keened before it subsided and he ignored the rip in his sleeve before he tilted his head to get around another to prevent it from touching his face.

They managed to make it through until they appeared in a hallway. Seeing a guard blocking Silena's room. He used his staff and knocked him out with it. Making Balder float before the door, Loki woke him with a flick off his wrist and he fell to the floor, making a thud.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Diaval followed, guiding the floating Balder through the maze of iron thorns, taking notice when Loki had touched one of them by accident. He looked concerned but saw how he recovered and continued on. Seeing Loki soon take out the guard and letting Balder float before the door, Diaval watched with Loki to see what Balder was going to do next.

Volstagg and Fandral were sitting against the double doors when Volstagg raised his arms in the arm and let her drop. "This is exhausting and frustrating. How are we going to find anyone?" Fandral looked to his friend. "We can't just give up now? Think!" Fandral said as Hogun was pacing. "We don't even know where to start." Hogun chimed in his opinion on the situation. "True love doesn't just fall from trees you know." Volstagg said next. When they heard a thud, Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral all looked at each other when they heard a thud, quickly getting to their feet and opening the door to see a man on the floor for some reason. They kinda shoved at each other here and there to try and see who this man was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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After falling on the ground, Balder looked around confused until he stood himself up before the doors opened in front of him. Brushing himself off, he stood to his full height. "I am sorry to embarrassing myself like this, may I ask to where I am?", he asked the men standing in front of him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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The three warriors looked to the man before him before Volstagg spoke. "You are in Asgard. Thor's castle." When the man confirmed that he was meant to be here but no idea how, Fandral spoke up. "Why have you come?"
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