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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"There's something I need to tell you", he takes a deep breath in regret for what he was going to say. "There is an evil in this world. And I cannot keep you from it", he began to say before he tensed on what he was going to say next. He didn't want to scare her since he was the evil whom she called a Fairy Godfather. But he had to be honest with her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena looked at him a tad confused, but she seemed confident that for how old she was, what her uncles taught her and what her godfather, she was able to take care of herself. "I am almost sixteen godfather. I can take care of myself." She didn't want to worry him, know she could and what he saw in her, she wanted to make his life easier with that knowledge in mind. She loved her guardian every much.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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As long as Loki loves to see her happy, he is honored and touched that she still trusts him. But thats the fear that is rising in him: showing her his evil qualities and what he has done. "I understand. But that's not what I have to tell you...", he took a breath. Should he tell her? He didn't want to scare her.
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Silena who always seemed so curious had no idea if she was to be excited or scared with what her guardian may tell her. But she did want to know what he may say. "What is it that you are wanting to tell me? Is something the matter?" She asked, figuring after a bit of how he was going about this that made her mind wonder if there was something the matter that she needed to be careful with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"I have a plan", he said to her instead. Not having the courage to say what he had to say. "When you're older, you're going to live here in the Moors with me. Then we can look after each other", he said instead of the truth. This plan was better so to avoid the curse. "You see, you don't have to wait until you're older, you could live here now", he said with a light smirk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena listened to her godfather, listening to what he was offering her. She actually smiled, feeling excited as she stood, looking out to the land of the Moors. "It would be wonderful! I could live here for the rest of my life and all the faefolk will be my friends!" She then realized something and looked to her guardian. "I would need to talk to my uncles. I do live under their roof. I could go talk to them now." She was hopping a little with absolute joy. Hugging her godfather, she then headed off to go talk to her uncles about living in the Moors with the her godfather and the faefolk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Seeing her smile, he smiled at her only with a small one in return. "Until tommorrow", he said to her before she ran to him and hugged him. He froze for a moment and he hesitantly hugged her back. He now realized that it was comforting. This wasn't bad. He didn't feel stoned anymore. He felt...light. But this didn't change the fact that he despised the King Thor. He deserves to suffer just like him. But he only made it worse. Which was good...and bad. Watching her walk off in excitement, he silently followed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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As Silena is walking in the woods practicing what she's going to say to the three uncles, a horse rides by with a man riding on it. The horse came to a stop as he noticed the young girl talking to herself. She looked beautiful in his eyes and he found quite intriguing. Balder hops down from his horse and listens to her talk amongst herself. He found himself lured by her beauty. He walked slowly to her and hops down the small hill he was standing upon to get to her level. "Excuse me?", he asked her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena had been pacing back and forth near a small pond and close to her home. She was thinking about what to say to her uncles of which would no doubt be upset with what she would want to tell them. She loved them greatly but she wanted to be where she felt she belonged. "Uncles? I am almost 16 years old and I love you three very much. But I want to go live in the Moors." She thought about that for a moment and shook her head. "No. It sounds all wrong." She muttered, not realizing a presence near her. She continued to think of what to say to her uncles when she heard someone speak. She stopped, turning suddenly. startled by the one who seemed to be speaking to her. She noticed a man that was standing close to her. She seemed to calm down a little and be a bit shy toward the man. He was quite handsome, but even thought she had been around men fae and human, she had not met this one before. "H-Hello. Who are you?"

In the distance, Diaval watched as a raven, not leaving the two humans out of his sight, having been around Silena, he felt the need to protect her from any harm. But from what he saw thus far, this man meant no harm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Balder stayed where he was. He didn't want to scare or make her uncomfortable. Sure, he met other women in different realms, but he has never seen this one before. She was quite beautiful and enchanting with her blue-green eyes and golden blond hair. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm on my way to King Thor's castle and I've become hopelessly lost. I'm Balder, prince to the realm of Vanaheim. I've come far and wide to reach the kingdom of Asgard. Can you help me?", he introduced himself kindly to her before taking a step forward to her.

Loki stood behind the tree in the distance with Diaval and he watched the two interact. He didn't flinch or show any emotion as he watched. But he did wonder to what this boy was capable of. He knew there was no attraction between them nor would it break the curse as far as he knew.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena watched this man carefully as he told her his dilemma, his name and asking for assistance. Silena seemed to have keen eyes while watching him that she didn't flinch while he approached. But thought for a moment before she spoke and pointed in the direction of Asgard. "It's that way. Not far from here really. The gatekeeper will be at the entrance." She seemed more confident mainly for being able to help him on his way to what he was going to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"Thank you", he said with a small smile. He eventually lost his footing and bumped into her, making her fragile body fall on the ground. "I am so sorry! That was my fault!", he offered her his hand before pulling her up gently. Just realizing how close they were together, he finally managed to look inside her enchanting blue eyes. They were beautiful and Balder couldn't look away from them. Embarrassed, he eventually looked away. "What's your name?", he asked her kindly.
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Silena smiled as felt glad that was able to be assistance like helping someone where they needed to go to get to their destination. She was caught off guard by Balder who lost his footing and had bumped into, and fell on her bum. Wincing a little, she heard the man panicking and apologizing to her about what he did. She giggled as she accepted his help. She had never come across someone who apologized like that. Looking into his chocolate eyes, she kept her smile but too realized how close they were and felt her face warm up and turn to a light shade of pink. She looked at the ground and her feet, fiddling with her fingers. Hearing Balder's question, she looked at him with a warm smile. "My name is Silena."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"A beautiful name for a beautiful maiden", Balder said softly as he took one of Silena's hands and kissed the top. "Silena...", he sighed as the name sounded beautiful to his ears. After a moment of mesmerizing, he sighed in dissapointment. "Well, it was nice meeting you. And once again, my apologies for being such a clumsy fool", he chuckled as he began to walk back to his horse.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena felt her cheeks warm up at the compliment she was given, watching him take her hand a kiss the top of. She felt something she had never felt and when he said he goodbye and his apology, she felt pained to see him go and possibly not ever see him again. "Wait!" She suddenly said though not realizing she did till it came out of her mouth. She felt a little nervous but asked her question anyway. "Will I ever see you again?" Silena did want to see him again, feeling her stomach having butterflies in them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Balder turns around to face her after she called to him. "Nothing can stop me", he smiled warmly before climbing upon his horse. He felt a pain his heart that he was leaving the realms' beautiful maiden behind. He could leave and come back to see her gone. He will come back. He was sure. "It was nice meeting you, Silena", he nodded his head before riding his horse away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena smiled, watching leave before going to her home to talk to her uncles. Diaval however had shifted to the human form and was standing next to Loki. "That's it. That boy is the answer. True love's kiss." Diaval was outright excited after seeing what happened before his very eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Loki watched the two interact from the brush behind a tree. Quiet as he was, he didn't flinch or show any emotion. As soon as Diaval told him what he saw, he looked at him before he gave a chuckle as if he was joking. "No, Diaval", he turned back to the princess and watched her walk away. Before Diaval reminded him that the prince could be the answer to the curse, he looked at him as if irritated. "True love's kiss? Have you not work it out yet?", Loki told him as if Diaval himself has gone mad for suggesting such a thing. "I cursed her that way because there's no such thing", he quickly said before admitting why he would put such a curse on an innocent child.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"I am not choosing her fate for her. This was a fate to the man that I have thought to love. One who betrayed me and didn't care for what I had. He left me for greed. Tore me apart cause of greed. He knew how I felt when I looked upon my mother's lifeless body!", Loki told Diaval as his voice began to break down as if he was going to cry. "I can't change the curse. It's stuck with her. Forever", he admitted to him before a tear fell from his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Diaval looked to to Loki like he was offended. That may have been for Loki but Diaval saw it differently. He saw how the two looked at each other. She saw everything with his own eyes. How could Loki not see that. Diaval was about to say something when he noticed a change in Loki. Something he hadn't seen before. Was Loki crying? Then Diaval listened to Loki, hearing why he had done the things he did. It was odd of Loki but Diaval then felt sad himself. Sad for Loki. Sad that Loki had something so precious within himself taken from him and ripped apart. Laying a hand on Loki's shoulder softly, leaning over to try and catch Loki's attention. "It didn't seem like this was something you wanted, I'm sorry you went through something terrible in your life. But even if you think True Love exists for you. Maybe it does for her Silena. Maybe she believes in True Love."
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