Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Confused, he tilted his head a little to the left when she recalled that she knew it was him. "How did you know?", he asked in complete confusion. "What did you call me?", again he sounded confused. What's a fairy godfather? He didn't know what kinds of people the Asgardians were but they sure know strange things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena giggled when she confused him that it soon turned to laughter. Though soon she had calmed her laughter so she could explain. "I knew were always watching me ever since I could remember. And I called you my fairy godfather. I remember you also from the times I saw you at the corner of my eye." Speaking of the corner of her eyes, she noticed a familiar bird. Looking to where he was perched, her smile grew at the sight of the raven. "Pretty Bird!" Diaval flew down and transformed into his human self which shocked Silena. Looking over him from head to toe and head again, she thought in all honesty that he was still pretty. Diaval knew full well he might as well show her his other form, so he saw no harm in it. Holding out his hand, the blonde girl held her hand out to his as he placed a small kiss to greet her. "Its a pleasure seeing you again Silena."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Loki, honestly, felt flattered as he heard her say that he was like a guardian. He felt...touched. All these years of despising her, he actually and finally felt touched. He saw not only disgust, but light in the girl. He inwardly smiled to himself as well as a blush appeared on his face. He noticed Diaval being friendly to Silena and he smiled small at the affection. "This is Diaval", he finally said in a soft tone as he introduced his henchman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena smiled, hearing the name of the raven that was once called 'Pretty Bird.' "Diaval...I like it. Its better than calling you 'Pretty bird' when I was younger." She said with a giggle. She then looked toward Loki. "This amazing. After all these years, I found my godfather, and figure out that my best friend is a raven that can become a human, this is so exciting." And she was. She was a bit of a rambler for the moment. But she had basically found family in her eyes. Why wouldn't she be like this? Diaval was all sorts of tickled pink about Silena's excitement and chuckled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Loki stepped back in slight surprise of seeing her come close to him, still not quite ready to approach her. Having enough, he blew in her face, making her fall asleep and levitate. After he did so, he walked away, towards the cottage which was at least a couple of yards and gently places her in her won bed while he watches in the shadows once again. "Good night, Beasty", he whispered as he finally got the chance to get up in personal with Silena. His mother couldn't be any prouder...

The next night, Loki sits with Silena by the lake in the Moors as she watches the creatures fly around in awe. As he watched, he curled a small smile as he watched her react to the beautiful creatures that he enjoyed watching with his mother at night. Later, Loki and Diaval watch Silena as she starts having a mud fight with some of the creatures, when one of them accidentally hits Loki in the face with some mud, Diaval starts laughing. In retaliation, he uses his magic to cover his face in mud, making everyone laugh and he smiles. After a long day, Loki puts Silena to sleep in her bed at the cottage and watches her once again. Deeply feeling regret for putting a terrible curse upon her, he began to use his magic to try and reverse it.

"I revoke the curse. Let it be no more", he began to whisper as the curse of Silena began to lift but with not enough strength. "I revoke the curse. Let it be no more", he repeated but a little louder. "I revoke my curse! Let it be no more! I revoke my curse! Let it be no more!", he shouted as the wind picked up speed and the curse was trying to be lifted but never did. "Let it be no more!", he yelled desperately. As Loki tries his best, in the end, he fails to revoke the curse and hears a voice whispering, completely forgetting for why he can't reverse it.

"This curse will last till the end of time. No power on Earth can change it"

((I believe the next scene is where Silena asks Loki about his mother and her wings))

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Within the Kingdom of Asgard, Thor sat in a low lit room by himself, a knock at the door before it opened and a guard had stood at the door. Thor was mumbling to him, the guard not able to make out all that he was talking about. "My Lord. Queen Sif is gravely ill. Her wounds from battle are not healing and the healers are concerned that she will not make it through the night." The guard said, showing how he too was concerned for the Queen. But Thor put a finger to his lips. "Do you not see that we are having a discussion?" Thor asked softly. The Guard nodded before shutting the door as he left. Thor muttered more gibberish before he stood. A pair of large wings were on a display, frame of iron and glass, right infront of a large window to show their beauty through natural moonlight.

Silena was playing with the fairfolk as she was shown many new and beautiful things within the Moors that she always complimented on them. She thought the fairfolk were pretty in their own way and were wonderful creatures that she had become friends with. Looking in the direction that Loki was watching, she looked to the fairfolk once more before then getting up, picking up some of her dress and jogging over to him. She looked curious as usual. "Do all the fairies have wing?" She asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Loki sat by and watched Silena play with the faefolk. He had to admit that Silena was a wonderful and curious girl to watch out for. Standing up, he then noticed her come to his side. "Most do", he answered without looking at her. The question reminded him of his mother's wings. The wings he couldn't find when he found her lifeless body. He tried pushing he thought aside but he had to remember that Maleficent's spirit was watching and following him. Silena couldn't see her since Maleficent did say that Loki was the only individual that could see and hear her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena followed her guardian since he had gotten up and walked on. Hearing his answer she looked more curious at him. "Why don't you have wings? Did your mother or father?" She seemed cautious about the two questions she asked. Though felt she may have asked something really personal that he may not want to talk about. She bit her lower lip a little in hopes that her question didn't offend him with how personal it was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Loki stopped walking abruptly as she asked him about his mother. He closed his eyes and thought about how beautiful his mother was with her wings. He always loved her giant dark brown feathered wings. They were warm to sleep on as well as touch. "I had a mother once. But she was stolen from me. Killed by the greed of Asgardians", he said to softly, but not too softly. "That's all I wish to say about it", he turned to look at her. "She had wings once, but they were taken from her. I wasn't ready to have them until I was worthy enough", he said to her as a bit of sadness came to him as he spoke about Maleficent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena stopped suddenly when he did. She felt that she asked questions she shouldn't have till he spoke about her. She looked saddened when he told her what happened to his mother, she didn't know what it was like to have a mother, or a father really. She only had uncles. "What was her name? What was she like? How big were her wings? What color were they?" She asked, hoping to brighten her guardian up a little. Plus Silena wondered what he mother was like. She must have been a really nice mother to raise such a man as her son, Silena's guardian.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"Her wings were so big, they dragged behind her when she walked. And they were strong. They could carry her above the clouds and into the headwinds. And they never faltered, not even once. She trusted them", he said to her before looking off to the side and remembering something. He wondered if it was a good time to do so but he had to. "I want to show you something. Follow me", he lead her to the sacred part of the Moors to the pool where his mother laid.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena was simply amazed when he talked about his mother. She sounded like a really gentle but strong person. Blue eyes watched her guardian looking off somewhere. Trying to look in the direction he did, she was unsure what he was looking at or possibly thinking about. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her godfather's voice. Watching him walk somewhere. She followed as he requested.

She was excited but nervous. She didn't know where they were going but wondered if it was beautiful place within the Moors that she would like. She was silent though, not wanting to trouble her guardian so much. So when they arrived to the blue pool, Silena was astounded. She looked around and at the pool a amazement. But that did not last long. The young blonde noticed that the pool was solid. Looking to her guardian as if sekking permission to go closer (if so), she would slowly walk over and bend down at the edge. she laid a finger on the solid pool and noticed it was ice cold. "Its frozen..." Silena then noticed that there was someone in the pool. Encased in the solid water to see a female looking about older that her and her guardian combined. She noticed how peaceful she looked, a knife in her hands. Looking back to her guardian, she looked saddened. "Is this...your mother?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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As soon as they got to the pool, Loki stopped walking a few feet from the frozen pool while Silena went to the edge. Giving a saddening sigh, the metal that he wore faded away. "Indeed she is", he responded with a guilted face. "She was the first ruler of the Moors. She was my whole world. My true love. I promised to protect the Moors under her name", he walked forwards before sitting down with her. "I always wondered...why I didn't have wings like her. I was old enough. But, instead of healing plants, I freeze them", he confessed before trailing a hand on the ice surface of where she laid.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena smiled as her guardian spoke highly of his mother and what she was like to him. Looking over to her guardian, she smiled. "I wish I could have met her when she was still alive. I seems like a wonderful fairy to meet." She told him before she looked over to the pool once more. "Can I see her sometimes?" She asked her godfather. She was hoped she could. Maybe even bring something for her, even though she had never gotten to actually have a conversation and get to know her. But none the less she was happy to know as much as she did.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"Here. You can only come to her here. She said that only I can see her spirit. She is always with me as I pray", he said as a small tear fell down his face as he glided a hand lightly on the icy surface. "The man who I thought to have loved, killed her for greed and envy. He betrayed me. And the forest. We are at war against Asgardians. My mother believed that the kingdom thought of us as evil, but we bring nothing but peace. She was always there for me", his voice lightly cracked. "And she always will", he finished. After he did, he stood up and began to walk out. He waited for Silena to follow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena nodded though that was what she meant. Was to be able to come here to the pool and talk to her. But seeing her guardian like made her was. She liked seeing her godfather happy, not sad. When he got up and went to walk out, Silena followed right after, but came up to him and hugged him. "Don't be sad, please? You said she'll always be with you, don't be sad. Be happy." That was all she asked of him. Was to be happy that his mother was always with him and not left him. Like her parents.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Loki gave a gasp of surprise as he felt Silena's arms around him. He gave a sigh as he hesitantly placed a hand on the top of her head until he began to stroke her hair, gently. "I'm not sad. I just feel missed", he whispered to her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena smiled as she had felt her guardian's arms around her. "Its okay." She soon let go and headed out with Loki when he was ready.

Thor was sleeping that night as if having a nightmare, hearing the voice of Loki as he had slept but then he woke up, suddenly sitting straight with his face sweating. "He's coming." Later Thor was dressed and was walking to one of the iron workers who were sleeping. He splashed water in his face. The man quickly rose. "Sire!" He exclaimed.
"Where are the others?" Thor asked.
"In their bed my lord." The working answered. "Their exhausted."
"Get them up. Get them back to work."
"I'll get them back to working as soon as the sun raises my lord. Its only the wee hours" The worker said.
Thor paused, thinking as it seemed. "Wee hours..." The worker nodded.
"Then get them up. Get them up now! This must be done!" Thor declared and the worker scattered off to get the workers up like the King declared.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Back in the Moors, one morning, Loki sits under a tree and watches from a distance at Silena as she lovingly strokes a creature. Loki's gut has been twisting since he tried to get rid of the curse that was on the young girl. He felt regret for doing so as well as punishing Thor. But he was far from forgiving him. Loki made him suffer just like he did to his own family. His patience was waning at the moment. "Silena? Come here", he called to her from his spot where he sat. "Sit down"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Silena was petting on of the large fae creatures that came up to her. She smiled as she was giving loving strokes and the creature seemed to enjoy it her affection. When her guardian called her, she looked over and went over to him and sat down when he said to. She moved her dress a little before she sat down next to her godfather. "Yes? What is it?" She asked curiously.
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