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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 43 min ago

As Loki had said, Silena did grow in grace and beauty. Far away from the lofting palace that she remembered not. And as the seasons changed and the flowers grew, so did she.

Silena, now fifteen, rolls in the Autumn leaves and she laughs in joy. During the winter, she feeds a deer...with Loki watching in the distance behind a tree.

For sixteen years, she wondered of the world about her, for what lay behind the fearsome wall of thorns

Loki and Dival, now in human form, walked along the path as they came across the curious Silena. "Hmm. Curious little Beasty", Loki mused as he watched the young Silena.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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As Silena got older throughout he young years, Diaval would start to visit her. It was always as his raven self, hopping around, chasing each other or just to provide some company in some way. There were times he could not be there if Loki had something for him to do, but none the less, if he had the spare time, he would take it to do and some time with the girl. No doubt that he would technically be Silena's first friend but as far as Diaval remembered, friends were there for one another.

Diaval watched as Silena had been standing practically close to the Moors protective thorns, always wondering what was on the other side, one time she tried.to see if she could crawl through them. But she had no success them. She was still determined to find out this time. She binned her head some, looking to see if there was a shred of light this time. But as before she was having success.

But she wasn't the only one trying to get through. Some feet away, Asgardian soldiers were there too. Trying to get through to the Moors. Two guards happen to spot Silena. "Who is that there?" One of them asked. It's just some peasent girl." The other responded. The two headed towards her, "hey! Get back from there it's dangerous.!" One of the two had called. Silena turned suddenly, unsure what to do. She had never met them before. Diaval looked in the direction. Of the guards, not liking this one bit. It actually angered him, he wanted to help get, looking to Loki to see what he was going to do. "We need to help her."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Loki was not even the slightest bit of regret as he watched the girl. He did indeed feel a small feeling in his gut to protect her. It disgusted him. To protect the daughter of his ex-lover and his wife. But he was the Kinf of the Moors. The protector of all beings within the forest. The girl included. He didn't feel or show any emotion as he noticed that the girl was in trouble. Sparking an idea in mind, he looked at Diaval. "Bring them to me. All of them", he told him before he flicked his fingers and Diaval shrunk into an animal which made a growl before he dissapeared into the fog. They were in for a surprise. Silently, he walked behind the girl and blew magical dust on her, making her sleep before he moved her out of sight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Diaval stalked within the fog, howling and not be noticed. This startled the Asgardians there, stopping what they were doing to figure out what was going on. A howl was sounded again and they began their started to get their weapons out while the howls continued. The soldiers conjured into one group while Diaval herded them toward Loki, showing himself. Growling and baring his teeth to them. He didn't like them. Not one bit.

Silena had not noticed what had happened for it happened so suddenly. Her world going to black, not knowing that she was floating, and asleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 43 min ago

As the Asgardian soldiers backed away from the wolf, Loki's figure in black stood in the fog before them. "It's him! It's him!", the soldiers began to back away but didn't get far since Diaval was on the other end. Loki stood there before he raised his hands slowly and midway as he uses his magic to raise the soldiers off the ground. They whimpered as he toyed with them with an amused smirk, swinging them from side to side to shake off their weapons. Then, clenching his teeth together, he clenched his hands into fists so the soldiers were stuck together until Loki released his fists, causing the soldiers to be tossed aside to hit the trees, knocked out, and finally falling to the ground. Making a neutral face, silently complimenting himself for handling such a situation, he then notices one of their helmets on the ground. Kneeling down with curiosity, he reached down to touch it. As he slowly reached for it, he felt the heat radiating off of it and he drew his hand back in pain quickly. With Diaval approaching, he flicked his fingers, turning him human again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Diaval had noticed he back to being a human and stood up brushing himself off. He was not at all amused with the fact that he had been turned into a dog. Above all else, he hated them! His look was that of disgust and not happy. "You turned me into a dog..." He stated flatly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 43 min ago

"You said anything I need", Loki retorted back at him with a straight face. "And for your information, it was a wolf, not a dog", he said as he started to walk with the levitating Silena above them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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"Its still practically the samething!" Diaval shot back. "Their mean, their disgusting and they eat birds!" Diaval was not please still that he had been changed into a dog, Wolf, whatever furry disgusting animal it was that he was turned into, he hated it and he had hoped that Loki had at least a little heart for Diaval and not do that. At least not ever again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 43 min ago

Loki scoffed before he abruptly stopped walking and faced him. "Little Diaval, watch what you say to me. Be assured that I will not be pushed into what you do or don't want. Don't be surprised if I turn you into a mealy worm", he pointed a finger at Diaval's chest. He abruptly put it down before he kept walking. It was odd for him to act this way. He wasn't acting like the beloved Prince of the Moors anymore.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Diaval had stopped abruptly when Loki had pointed a finger at his chest and was being scolded and warned. Diaval didn't really care for he practically felt offended by being turned into one. "Fine. Turn me into a merely worm, it would be better than to be turned into a dog!" He protested.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 43 min ago

Loki, with a silent growl as he was walking, suddenly turns Diaval into his bird form to at least keep him quiet. He then looks up at Silena's floating sleeping body. "As you wish, mother", he said to himself as he remembered what his mother told him. Loki begins walking deeper into the Moors with the levitating sleeping body of Silena. Once they were in a clearing, Loki hides behind a tree and awakens Silena, gently setting her body on the ground. He watches and waits...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Diaval was still a bit agitated with Loki. Flying overhead and into the Moors and following, He perched himself elsewhere till Loki had arrived into the Moors. He watched curiously as he noticed that Loki had brought the girl into the Moors. tilting his head, confused of the actions that Loki was doing, Diaval watched the young girl had levitated to the ground.

Silena woke soon enough, her eyes fluttering as she realized she was on the ground. Sitting up and looking about her, the young female had noticed that she was not where she was before and unsure where she was now. However she noticed a shadowy figure, unsure what to do. "I know your there. Come out." Her voice innocent and curious of the figure in the shadows of the forest and darkness of night. Silena tried to get a better look from where she was but didn't feel the need to flee or come closer. But curious either way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 43 min ago

Loki watched behind the tree in the shadows until smhe heard the girl call out to him. He narrowed his eyes in disbelief as she told him to come out. "I would rather not", his voice wasn't disgusted but it was peaceful. A rare thing to hear after all these years of rage and vengeance. He stayed where he was but if he stepped out now, she would probably be afraid of him. And the last thing Loki wanted was for her to feel, see, and hear fear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Silena heard the figures response and stood straight a little, hopping her head. She was confused. Why would this figure not want to come out. Well she did figure out that the figure was male. But there was something about the figure that drew her in. But she needed to see him to find what. "Why not? Are you...afraid?" Silent didn't think that was a proper word to use for the situation. Maybe it was, Silena had no idea.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Loki widened his eyes slowly and slightly as she became a little more curious. He did not want to get any closer to the child. But this is what his mother wanted. For him to get closer. He would never dissappoint her. Not like this. He gave a scoff with a chuckle as she asked him that if he was afraid. "I'm not afraid", he shook his head behind the tree in the dark.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Silena didnt understand this figure. Why would he be hiding in the shadows like this. What was his reasoning. All sorts of confused and still curious about who this figure was, she seemed to have this little twinkle of a smile forming on the girls lips. "Then why are you hiding shadow and darkness if you are not afraid? I do not understand."

Diaval watched in his raven form, taking a big breath before sighing and a shake of his head, he thought that this was really taking too long. He could tell that Silena was harmless. He basically helped take care of her and played with her as she grew up. She was a harmless "Beasty" as Loki called her. Didn't see why he called the girl Beasty. But there was normally questions Diaval had that he would not ask Loki. Anywho, Diaval looked over to Loki wondering why in the first place did his master bring Silena to the Moors if he was going to hide like this. He had been caught, the master of being in the shadows had failed in his hiding by a girl he had been watching from afar. There was no reason to hide now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 43 min ago

Loki watched the girl and he looked at Diaval who was on a branch above him. "I'm not afraid of the dark, Beasty", he lightly snapped at the girl before turning his head away to turn away from her. He lightly huffed to himself as he closed his eyes and remembered his mother's words.

You must help her grow. Get close in personal. Show her that she has nothing to fear. I'm counting on you, my son

He made a quiet sob as he remembered his mother's spirit from before. He promised to not dissapoint her and he would be a king and a protector her. That means he must protect the girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Silena decided to take the first steps toward the shadowed figure, taking only a few steps toward the shadowed figure. Looking to see if she could see him better. She noticed the figure had turned when she took those few steps. "Are you alright?" She sounded concerned for the figure she didn't know who or what it was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 43 min ago

"If you come any closer to me...you will be afraid", he told her with a light threatening tone. He felt a slight pinch of regret for talking to her like that. It wasn't comforting. He managed to straighten himself and he stepped out a little until the horns on his helmet were visible in the darkness. Taking a small breath, he took at least two steps out of the darkness until he was completely visible. His face was neutral and emotionless.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Silena didn't move any further nor back any. But she watched as he came out anyway. She wasn't afraid, didn't feel fear. Watching as the figure had moved, she had noticed he was coming out from the shadows and darkness that he was once in. When the figure had come to the light and was seen much more clearer, she saw his horns, armor, cape and staff. Looking at him much more observantly, Silena smiled, never forgetting the attire and face. "I knew it was you. Your my fairy godfather!" Her smile was bright as she seemed excited.
Diaval was all sorts of tickled pink at what the young girl called his master. He didnt make a sound but internally, he was laughing. He should have known the girl had noticed him all these years. But to call him her godfather topped it all.
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