Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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The older boy was chuckling as he watched Loki giggle. He had to admit that it was cute to hear. Perhaps they could start a friendship since they each were being at least nice to each other as well as being polite. He managed to stop until he heard the boy speak of his name. Loki? It sounded nice to hear and it sounded quite right for a boy who lives in a forest realm. "I'm Thor", he raised his hand as a shin for Loki to shake it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Loki had heard the older boy chuckle when he had giggled. The older boy now known as Thor, seemed like a nice boy. One he might be willing to get to know. But he would have to talk to his mother. Nothing got passed her unnoticed anyway so it was better to tell her about it then avoid it for someone else to tell. Loki though had stopped when he saw Thor hold out his had. he was a bit confused of why the older boy did so but it seemed to be a custom that Loki had heard about. Why Thor wanted to shake hands, was beyond Loki but would find out. "What does this mean?" He asked, Looking at Thor's hand, then to Thor himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Thor noticed Loki's confusion as he gazed at his hand. "It's a sign. Or a way of greeting", Thor informed him. "We hold hands and we shake them. Like this", he said before gently taking Loki's hand and into his own. Gripping it, he shook it up and down slowly. "Like that", he said with a smile. It was friendly and reassuring, but kindly.
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Listening to Thor's explanation and his demonstration, allowing Thor to take his hand in his and shaking it like so. Loki gripped Thor's when he shook it but not too tight. Loki couldn't help but smile, liking this way of greeting with someone he did not know. Looking up at Thor, he saw him smile. He liked it when others smiled. "I like this greeting. It is a good way to greet someone you would not know but hopefully like to later on." Loki told the older boy, big grin on his face. He had to be honest, Thor was nice, seemed good natured. Loki then looked toward the way toward Asgard. "We should get you back home." Loki hadn't forgotten what he was trying to do in the first place. And so continued their walk through the forest.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Thor smiled at Loki as he experienced the art of the handshake. It was beautiful to see Loki smile in Thor's eyes. As well as he liked seeing others smile. He gently let go of Loki's hand and began to walk away. "It was nice meeting you. Perhaps we will see each other", he promised Loki before he disappeared from the forest.

In the distance, Maleficent watched from the trees as she watched Loki interact with the other boy. She eventually flew down and landed behind her son. "I see you made a new friend", her soft voice said to him.
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Loki stopped as he watched Thor disappear into the forest to head back home. The young boy also thought how about possibly seeing Thor again. It was fun to see someone from another realm, how they surprise you of how they might turn out. Over all, Loki hoped to see Thor again.

Startled by the sudden voice from behind him, knowing who the voice came from. However he turned around to see his mother behind him. He heard her statement. He didn't know rather to be happy or upset with himself. "Balthazar and Sebastian found him in the Pond of Jewels. He was in the cave, afraid to come out and hand over the jewel. I convinced him to come out, he handed the jewel over and I decided to escort him home." Loki explained to her. Not out of guilt. But to inform her what happened. "I think he has a good heart." He told her then. "Did I do alright mother?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Maleficent tipped up her head as she listened to Loki's story. After he finished, she gave him a smile. She held his hands gently. "A good companion means a good friend", she said to him until she leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. Honestly, Loki was Maleficent's companion. Obviously, as her son. A second protector. He would do well with a new friend. She knew that he had plenty of friends here in the forest but one that was Asgardian was enough. At least Loki trusted him. The young boy seemed polite around Loki. But she swore to watch over them time to time. "I will watch you both. You have my word", she promised him as she leaned soothed her fingers on Loki's hands.
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Loki smiled when his mother took his hands and kissed his forehead, taking her words to heart. He too thought of Maleficent as a companion, but obviously as his mother too. Loki brightened up and smiled bigger as Maleficent had given her word to protect him and Thor. Loki gave his mother a big hug, a small version of a bear hug basically. "Thank you mother!" He told her gleefully. He couldn't wait to see Thor again.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Young Loki thought of how Thor showed him kindness, and he hoped for their hands to touch again. And, Loki’s heart was moved. Thus did the young thief, who had hoped to steal a jewel, stole something far more precious.

As promised, Thor appeared at the borders of the Moors. "Loki? Loki?", he called out for his friend, until the same raven-haired boy jumped down from a tree and landed near him with a friendly smile. "After all these weeks. Look who came back", he commented amusingly. "I thought it worth the risk", Thor responded, while looking around. "So, what do you do for fun?", he wondered before looking back to his new friend. Loki simply gave a mischievous smile. As they played multiple games throughout the forest, Loki tried to teach Thor how to parkour on the trees, even though the blond was a bit clumsy.

Thor and Loki became the most unlikely of friends. And, for a time, it seemed as if, in them at least, the old hatred between Man and Fae had been forgotten. As it will, friendship slowly turned into something else. And, on Loki’s sixteenth birthday, Thor gave him a gift. He told him it was true love's kiss.

But it was not to be…

As the years passed, Thor's ambition called him away from Loki and towards the temptations of the Asgardian kingdom. While Loki, the son of Maleficent, rose to become a protector of the Moors.

Loki, now a young adult, sprinted through the woods as he jumped from branch to branch on the treetops. He giggled with glee as he jumped and ran through the forest before stopping on a branch, laying his back on it while looking at the leaves above him.

Loki often wandered alone, and sometimes wondered where Thor might be. For he had never understood the greed and envy of Man. But he was to learn.

Asgard’s king had heard of a growing power in the Moors, and he sought to strike it down.

Maleficent, at the cliff with her son, spotted dust coming from the ground. Something was coming from Asgard towards the Moors. “Stay here”, she told Loki as she rushed to stand up and flew down to the border. As the mischievous one as always, Loki followed suite by hiding in the forest at the border to make sure his mother would be alright.

“Guards, hold! Guards, hold!” the general of Odin’s army shouted as they stop before the border of the Moors a few yards away. Odin turns to his army on his horse. “There they are! The mysterious Moors where no one dares to venture for fear of the magical creatures that lurk within! Well, I say: Crush them!”, he shouted to the army as they cheered and just then a sound of huge flapping swings sounded as a figure flew down and landed at the border, a few yards away from Odin’s army. Maleficent gives them the look that she is not afraid. She stands tall and proud as her wings folded behind her back.

((In this scene, Loki will be hiding in the woods without Maleficent’s knowledge of him being there))
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(Yes! Mischievous Loki, you. :3)
Keen emerald orbs watched within the forest, watching as his mother, Maleficent just outside the border or the Moors. Looking fierce, strong, and powerful. Looking past his mother, he saw Odin and his Asguardian warriors standing a few or so yards from Maleficent and the Moors. Sitting on one of the large tree branches, Loki made sure no one would see him, not even Maleficent for he did not want her to know his presence but was here to make sure that she would be alright. He worried, and maybe if he had been spotted by her, hopefully after, that she would understand his worry.

Touching the pendant that he had made for himself and Thor, A sign of their friendship. A promise that he had never broken to this very day. To never take off the pendant so long as their friendship remained. Yes, Loki felt lonely, and confused as to why Thor had not come back for years that they have been apart. But Loki felt in his heart that their relationship was strong still, and that he would return to him one day.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Silence surrounded every since Maleficent landed. Soldiers traded glances as well as they whispered. The silence was broken.

"Go no further!", Maleficent shouted loudly to Odin and his army. "A king does not take orders from a winged elf!", Odin shouted back which caused his army to laugh. "You, are no king to me!", Maleficent retorted back at him before a moment of silence surrounded them again until..."Bring me her head", Odin said to the army. "Battalion!", the general shouted as they army drew their swords. "Advance!", the army then moved forward towards Maleficent and the Moors.
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Loki felt the tension rise between Odin and Maleficent, rubbing the Pendant with his thumb. He heard what they said, honestly felt his heart race when Odin insult her. Loki wondered what his mother had planned planned to defend the Moors. He hadn't seen her in combat before, but when it came to teaching Loki to defend himself, well then he knew not to cross her when she was angry.
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"Arise and stand with me!", Maleficent finally shouted to the forest without turning around. The ground began to shake rapidly until giant tree-like creatures sprouted from under the ground with a roar. "It's the dark creatures!", the soldiers began to panic as more creatures came from the forest which looked liked the guards from the Moors. After a few seconds of them coming into view, Maleficent looked back at Odin with a face that said that he had no match against the forest residents. "Charge!", the army began to run towards the forest. Maleficent flies into the air and into battle as she leads her army of the forest guardians against Odin's army. Flying at incredible speed, with her strength, she knocked soldiers to the ground with violent force as she picked one up and slammed him into the ground. Using her wings, she knocked incoming soldiers back until she managed to take flight again.
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Loki watched them still, feeling the ground tremble Loki had to hold on to the tree for dear life so he could stay on it. He watched as the guards and creatures of the Moors came forth at his mother's call to defend the Moors. It amazed him how they all came to her call. The events then unfold as he watched the soldiers of Asgard and the residents of the Moors and his mother clash. It was somewhat hard to keep up with watching Maleficent fight off the soldiers. Only seeing a blur and soldiers being knocked back and other flying a bit of distance before they too fell to the ground. He noticed how it was only the Asgardian soldiers that had been harmed and not the guards or creatures that were taking damage. But Loki still watched his mother as best as his eyes allowed him to watch her at the speed she got while being in the air.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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The battle was a blur as the ground and tree-like creatures attacked the Asgardian army with aggression. Some flew in the air and some were thrown. Maleficent flew over the battle as she saw Odin and she had found the perfect opportunity to finish him. Glaring at him, she swooped down and flew at him at fast speed. "You!", she said as she swooped and flew at him. Before she could reach him, Odin managed to use his spear and blasted her back a few feet and she crashed onto the ground.
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Loki watched the battlefield become a blur as Asgardians were being thrown back, the battle was getting aggressive. watching it still unfold. The raven haired young man had noticed that Maleficent had been shot by something. Eyes widened, fear and worry kicking in as he saw his mother on the ground and the King stalking toward her. Loki hopped down from the tree, his heart racing as he formed a small ice spear, his hands turned blue, strange markings appearing that looked like scars. The transformation was slow but when he threw the ice spear, he aimed for Odin. He wanted to buy his mother time to get up to fight back. But he exposed himself out of the forest of the Moors in order to help his mother.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Maleficent managed to get up as she saw Odin in the ground. Not really caring of who or what hit him, she approached him with rage. "You will not have the Moors! Not now, nor ever! You...!", she began to say before Odin pushes her away, and as his armor is made of iron, it burns her, making a large mark on her chest. She fell back on the ground as the burn hit her. The soldiers began to retreat after they took their King and ran off back to the kingdom. Her burn began to heal rapidly as it faded.
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Loki had gotten himself into a predicament as a few soldiers had noticed him and went to attack him. Loki made a fine long sword of which he defended himself with, but his transformation only grew and it was slow going. Loki defended himself well, graceful in his motions, his swings and balance. Loki noticed that the numbers against him was too much, making a dodge, Loki made a run for the forest. Hiding, Loki took a moment to calm himself conjuring some magic before he had turned around and clapped his hands together and infront of him. A chilling ice had gusted out and made the men be blown back from the harsh gust. When they were told to retreat, the soldiers that were after Loki had run off. He ran to his mother to help her. Noticing that she had been struck again. "Mother! Are you right?!" His transformation was fading but his hands seemed to be of the Joutun transformation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Maleficent moaned in pain after the burn faded away. Managing to get to her feet, she heard Loki from afar. "Loki! My child!", she exclaimed as he ran to her. She hugged him tightly, thankful that he was okay. She sighed in relief as she managed to get out of the conflict of the battle. "I'm okay. I'm okay", she whispered to him in comfort before she let go, but still standing close.

At Asgard's palace, Odin coughs as he speaks to his men in bed including a grown Thor, who still had the pendant that resembled Loki, his friend and lover. He put a rag atop of Odin's head. "When I ascended to the throne, I promised the people one day, we would take the Moors and it's treasures. Each of you swore allegiance to me and to that cause...defeated in battle. Is this to be my legacy? I see you're waiting for me to die. It won't be long, but what then? I will choose a successor to take the throne, to care for my daughter. Who among you is worthy? Kill the winged creature! Avenge me! And upon my death, you will take the crown", Odin told his men and Thor listened. He made up his mind and left the castle in search of Loki.
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Loki hugged his mother not as tightly for she was a bit shaken up from the iron and what the King had done to her. He was glad that his mother was alright, she was safe now and the Moors were safe. That was what mattered to him. Loki's hands felt quite cold but had later on felt warm as he had helped his mother to the forest of the Moors. Thanking the tree like creatures for helping her protect the Moors.
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