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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Later that night, a grown Thor walked through the woods in search of Loki, his friend and lover. "Loki! Loki!", he called out to him as he stopped at the spot where they would usually meet. "I'm sorry I haven't seen you for a while! I happened to get away until now!", he called again to perhaps explain to Loki why he didn't come for all these years.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Loki had cared for his mother till she had been feeling better where she no longer needed his assistance. That night Loki wondered the woods to help patrol its border. It was quiet, peaceful, no more disturbances throughout the day and night, only the sounds of the residence and creatures filled the forest, his thoughts still thought of his friend and lover, taking hold of the pendant like it was fragile and be ripped away from his neck. It meant the world to him, just like his mother.

As the young man had wondered the forest aimlessly, he heard a voice. It sounded familiar, looking in the direction of the voice, Loki followed it, his heart pounding. He heard his name with the voice that sounded like Thor. He was positive. Running to their meeting place, the young man stayed hidden. He heard Thor apologize and wanting to explain his years of disappearance. Loki tried to calm down as he tried to think. He was upset, tears ran down his face as he had thought how real or not real this was. Wiping his tears away, Loki calmed his breathing then once calm, Loki revealed himself from behind the tree he had hid behind. "Thor?" Loki looked at the grown figure before him. Same blonde hair, same blue eyes. He looked taller, built from what Loki could tell. Loki stepped forward, feeling practically speechless. But he did want to know what kept Thor away from him for so long.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Thor felt really bad for leaving Loki all these years. He felt really and extremely guilty for doing so. He had to stay at the kingdom and tend to the king for which Loki hated. The pendant was still around his neck as it dangled in its place. He gripped it before examining and making a deep breath as he remembered Loki's sixteenth birthday. It was a memory to not forget.

He was about to walk on before he heard Loki's small innocent voice. Turning around slowly, he saw the one he wanted to see and touch. Running to him, he gave him a loving hug. Happy to touch him again after all these years.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Loki saw his lover turn around to see him, running to the young man and hug him was the most happiest thing that Loki felt. Hugging the asgardian that he had longed to see in so many years that he tried to hug the grown blonde as tightly as he could, not wanting to let him go in fear of him disappearing before his emerald eyes. Loki felt complete, whole again, hoped he would stay. "I missed you, Thor. I always thought of you, missed you every day." Loki told him, knowing eventually he would have to let go, but he hoped Thor would let it last a little longer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Thor closed his eyes and sighed in relief now that he was in Loki's arms again. Pulling his head back in order to look in the eyes of the younger man, he gave Loki a small kiss to the forehead before their foreheads touched together. "I missed you too", he whispered as he kept the embrace with him a little longer before Maleficent came into view on a tree branch from Loki's sight. Thor looked at the fairy with grim in his eyes, knowing what he must do. He looked back at Loki's loving emerald eyes. "Your mother awaits you", he told him before he pulled back, still gripping Loki's hands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Pulling his head back to the time that Thor had caught his forehead with a kiss. Loki had thought the same thing, for he had touched his forehead with Thor's. Having felt the shifting from Thor, knowing that he was pulling back. Loki had reluctantly doing so while he was looking into Thor's blue eyes. He had heard that his mother was here, looking over to see that she was indeed here. The dark haired young man gave his hands a soft squeeze before he walked toward his mother, hoping Thor wouldn't leave. "Yes, Mother?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Thor felt both a dissapointment and a relief that Loki left his arms. He had to do something that Loki shouldn't be around for. Waiting for him to leave, he looked around before looking at Maleficent. "It's getting late, my child. You must get your sleep", she told him before she stroked his cheek and kissed his forehead. "Go on", she said with a soft smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Loki felt some disappointment when his mother told him how late it was and get some sleep. Loki honestly didn't want to. He felt wide awake and wanted to spend some time with Thor. But Loki had usually obeyed his mother's wishes. Feeling her hand on his cheek and a kiss on his forehead, Loki nodded. "Alright. One moment." A soft smile came from his lips before he had turned to his lover and went to give him a loving hug. "I need to get some rest. Today was quite eventful. I hope to see you again soon. I love you." Loki said as he had let go and kissed Thor's lips. Loki then he didn't want to delay any longer and needed to go to bed. And so Loki left to the hometree on the cliff. Though he seemed wide wake then. As soon as Loki laid down, he was fast asleep due to today's events.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Maleficent was thrilled and happy for Loki to find a loving companion. Make Thor his second loving companion. She walked towards Thor slowly. "I want to thank you for keeping my son happy", she said to him before she stopped a few inches from his own body. "He is young. He is to learn to defend this forest as a protector", she said to Thor before she put a hand on his cheek in thanks. She eventually let go and gave him a small smile. "As for this realm, it will stay strong under mine and Loki's protection", she finished.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Thor smiled softly, hugging his friend and lover. The kiss on his lips from Loki lingered but had not said anything for he could not lie to him. "I love you also." He whispered before Loki had left further into the Moors. It pained him to not be able and tell him many things but he hid his pain while in front of the fairy.

Loki slept soundly with the life of the forest as his lullaby like it always had been. But like all past nights, the songs were different making it unique every time. Loki would not be able to see what was to happen nor understand. The events were not over. Loki just didn't it.

Thor was honestly quite speechless with Maleficents words. But it didn't keep him off track from what he had to do. The words pained him and did not understand what she was trying to say. "Aye. I am proud of Loki. I just wished I could have been there more for him." Thor told her. But waited till her back was turned. It wasn't honorable to attack someone from behind, but it was the only way to catch her off guard. But the only thing that one could see from Thor was the pain of not having to have seen Loki grow into the young man he was now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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"His heart is complete now that you finally came for him. It is indeed late and you must return to Asgard now", Maleficent said to him before she eventually spread her wings to take flight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Thor eyes widened seeing as was spreading her wings to take flight so Thor had to act and act now. So with out further hesitation, a dagger swiftly came from his jacket sleeve and in that time aimed and stabbed Maleficent's heart with his dagger, making sure the blade of iron was completely in her chest. But in this time he felt his betrayal to Loki.

When Maleficent had screamed, this woke Loki, unsure as to what was going on but thought he had heard a scream. One that sounded like his mother's. Eyes widened and scared as to what could have happened, Loki sprang to his feet and ran as fast as his legs could take him. "Mother?!" He called, hoping it wasn't her. "Mother!!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Maleficent was about to take off before she felt the iron touch her as well as it entered her body. She made a scream as the iron blade plunged into her. It burned her from the inside-out. She made her last sigh while some tears fell from her eyes until they closed completely and slowly before she fell on the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Thor felt tears come to his own eyes as had caught the fairy and rested her on the grass. The last thing he could do. But now he had a situation. One he made up of how it was going to happen. Using the same blade. Thor rolled her on her stomach and cut her wings. This took a moment but once he had them, the tall blonde rolled her back over, running away from the Moors with the wings. He made his way to Asgard.

Loki made his way to the scream that he had heard, Panicing, worried and scared, the dark haired young man pushed himself till he had tripped over a root that stuck out. Loki had managed to roll himself as he was in the air when he tripped and landed on his back, wincing when did. But he stood up and continued running. "Mother! Mother!" He called once again.

Looking around for the source of the scream, Loki slowed himself to a fast walk when he had run out of breath and took a moment to get his breath back. Loki decided to look where he last saw Maleficent. Thor and Loki's meeting place. When he got there, Loki saw Maleficent on the ground. Loki ran to her with what strength he had. Kneeling beside her, he looked at her to see that she had been stabbed. Panicing, Loki hesitantly placing is hand on her wound, but searching for a heart beat, one that would comfort him into seeing that she was alright. But he never found one. Loki also noticed that her wings were gone. Tears formed as he held her, pulling her close as he cried. Crying his heart out as his was not lifeless in his arms. "Mo-ther!" He had never felt so hurt sad in his entire life. Managing to pull his head from her, he looked around in hopes of some other comfort. He hoped that Thor would be here. Noting something from his teary eyes, something shiny. Looking down to see what looked to be a dagger. One he had not noticed till now. picking it up, Loki managed to wipe his tears away to see it more clearly. Examining it, Loki noticed the runes that Thor had taught him. Now sorrow and pain were not the only thing that were now bottled within his heart. Rage and betrayal now joined after seeing who's dagger it belonged too. His emerald eyes burned with the rage that was in his heart, screaming in rage because of Thor and what he had just done. Loki picked up his mother's body, dagger still in hand. Loki would never forgive, and never forget.

Taking her within the Moors, now feeling emotionless from pouring his heart out, taking Maleficent to a pool that shined blue day and night. walking into the pool, Loki set his mother in the middle of it her hands over her heart and the dagger she now had in memory of Thor's betrayal. Stepping out backwards till he was no longer in the pool. Seeing the pool freeze over and all around Maleficent, preserving her for many lifetimes, Loki walked away toward the center of the Moors, clouds forming overhead. Once in the center, Loki had now claimed himself King of the Moors in Memory of his mother, Maleficent. He would no longer the same Loki he had been since childhood.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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The next morning, Loki awakens and feels the pain of his mother's loss the previous night. He didn't feel like sleeping in the Hometree since it would make his emotions worse. Coldly looking down at his feet, he saw a tree branch that he used to play with as a boy. Picking it up, his green aura flowed from the hand that gripped the branch and it began to take shape, a two-foot golden handle with an elongated silver-blade tip encircling a blue ball in the center. The aura also changed his whole attire, making his short raven-black hair a bit longer, to his shoulders, and gave him a whole new tunic. It kept the black, but with a small hint of green in some areas.


Meanwhile in Asgard,

"What is this?", Odin asked Thor as he presented the wings to the king. "I have avenged you, sire", Thor said with slight guilt in his heart of what he had done. "She is vanquished? Oh, you have done well, my son. You have done what others feared to do. You will be rewarded", Odin said to him. "I will do my best to be a worthy successor, my lord", Thor promised him.


Loki, now emotionless, walked through the Moors until he finds the ruins where he goes to think. Sitting and leaning against a rock wall, his eyes flick to his right when a raven appeared. He needed privacy with himself. Solitude, to put it. He does so, by blowing the raven away without moving from his spot.

The next day, Loki sees a man capture the raven with a net. "I've got you! You wicked bird!", the farmer said as the bird struggled to get out. Just as he noticed the farmer grab a sledgehammer to hurt the raven, he had enough. "Into a man", he softly said to himself as he casted his green aura with a flick of his fingers, upon the raven in the distance. The wings of the bird turned into arms and its body formed the shape of a man. "It's a demon!", the farmer exclaimed before running off. Loki then approaches the man-raven.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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The raven freaked out as he had been turned into a man while the farmer ran off. Taking the net off quickly, the raven now man stood up and looked around, panicing slightly as he examined his surroundings. Then he saw a man stand before him, Sleek raven black hair, tall, lean figure with a golden scepter. He studied the man before he spoke. "What did you do?" He asked curiously.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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"Would you rather I let them beat you to death?", he snapped as if it was obvious. The only reason he saved him was that no creature should be harmed since it is he who is protecting it. "Don't complain about it, I saved your life", he finished his point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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The raven like man's eyes widen when the man with emerald eyes had snapped at him. But he had excellent point both times. "My apologies. I am in your debt and your faithful servant. Whatever you need." He told the man before him. It was the least he could do for him saving his life from being beaten.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Loki kept his neutral face on as he looked at the man before him. Curious, he stepped closer and looked him over one more time. "What do I call you?", he asked him as he waited patiently before him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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The raven like man stood straight but out of respect. He answered the man's question. "Diaval." Though he didn't know if he wanted to know the man's name. "May I ask for your name?"
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