It was mentioned in the anime that while they can fight without Kid, they are much less effective. Specifically about the familial bonds thing, I stumbled upon it while researching Kyukon water on the wiki.
I knew they were less effective, but I don't remember there being anything about them being unable to soul resonate
Here is the information about familial bonds and how they work in Soul Eater From the Soul Eater Wikia
Bond Meister
A Bond Meister is a conjectural term given to the type of meister in which utilizes demon weapons via Bond, in which is only possible within two individuals that're biologically related whether it be between parent/child or between siblings. It's also the only sort of meister-type seen in which is utilized by two demon weapons and is the only meister-type in which is unaffected by incompatability, as all family members can wield one another and have an unseperatable "bond". However, a drawback is that Soul Resonance techniques aren't nearly as powerful as one between two different people.
-goes to watch soul eater- -has downloaded 24 gigs overnight- -presses play and realises that its english dubbed- -falls over and doesn't breath anymore- -is ded-
There's a dual audio version, you sure you didn't download that? Check if there's the japanese audio as well (My Soul Eater is like that as well, English dubbed as default. A little bit annoying to change it to Japanese everytime but at least it has the Japanese voices.)
"Experiment this! experiment that! I'll cut you down if you don't let me rest!"
Name: Katsuo Masahige Age: 17 Gender: M Home: Osaka, Japan Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Katsuo is a utility-type meister with excellent physical conditioning and prowess. Due to the meticulous degree that he was looked after, he was kept fit and trained vigorously in many forms of swordplay. He's proficient at fencing, medieval, feudal, and even unorthodox methods. He has however taken a liking to a rough and adaptable style when it comes to wielding others weapons. Katsuo has proven to be exceptionally durable to pain. His Soul Wavelength is immense, even without the use of a weapon, and is only explainable by those that has studied his "unique trait".
Unique Traits: Katsuo was born with two souls or Twin Souls as others have dubbed it. Different from having a "Mixed Soul", in which the person is augmented by foreign flesh, Katsuo has two obviously different ones. The extent of his anomaly is unknown but several factors have been verified. He is capable of wielding different Weapons with varying wavelengths, theoretically special weapons, and even some specially tailored to his capabilities. Through accepted tests, its been proven that his soul(s) is several times more resistant to direct attacks.
Skills: Katsuo is a powerful meister that through training has become several times more resilient than the average human. His speed and strength are also a notch above most humans. He has practiced in basic martial arts but is supremely more dangerous when he has a weapon in his hands.
Weapon Preference: Sword Type - Great Sword Type - Katana Type - Scythe Type - Clever Type - Any Type
Katsuo is the child of a male human and female demon weapon. Upon birth, he was discovered to have two souls and was placed under watch by Death Academy. How he obtained this second soul or why his mother had died during the birthing process with... oddities was peculiar. After the father committed suicide, the DWMA took him in. For the majority of his life, Katsuo was studied and experimented on. He's been kept from other students as they gauged his abilities and the offsets of having two souls in the same body. Recently he has been declaring, rather openly, that he wishes to interact with others. And is going out his way to interrupt, fight, and make studying him difficult.
Courageous +
Driven +
Versatile +
Stubborn -
Selfish -
Short Tempered -
Strawberry Ice Cream
Strawberry Yogurt
Other Facts
Soul Resonance comes easy to him when it comes to his weapons.
Soul abilities however are harder for him to learn.
Yeah, I'm working on it. I work ten hour shifts and when I'm off I'm always on call, so I don't always get to do everything I want.
Hey don't sweat it, between work and college I know the feeling. I just wanted to make sure everything would maintain a fluid motion. I was actually going to ask if you'd prefer the students interact a bit while we waited for you to respond IC, however I forgot to make the inquiry in my last post.
Caits i love her so much already xd. sorry i cant make a post or else i wont get sleep at all. Youll have to wait till tomorrow same time. Maybe a little earlier if your lucky.