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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Naturally, @Sep! Everyone wants to kill you and the one that does... Hall of framer! Let the Games begin!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Name: Marz Jago
Species: Keshiri
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Faction: Jedi Order
Rank: Jedi Knight
Master: N/A
Captive? Yes


Marz stands at 6'2 and has a muscular physique. He is skinnier than most, but makes up for that with being at his physical peak. He is quite toned. He has a large scar going diagonally across his chest and one going down his right thigh. He has crimson red eyes and sideburns, as well as light stubble. His eyes have a look of caring, but firm undertone. That tattoo on his neck goes all the way down to his shoulder. He received it as a symbol of honor and appreciation from the 12 Tribes of T'syriel on Shiva IV.

Notable Characteristics of Species:



Shoot first, ask questions later- While Marz tries to be impartial, he's more inclined to be aggressive towards people based on their clothing and assumed profession. Example, if a person looks like a gang member, he is likely to be rougher talking to them.
Realist- Marz is a Realist due to past experience, he does not expect things to go according to plan so he prepares and somewhat distances himself from other people as to not get hurt.
Distant- Marz hasn't let anyone get close to him because if they do he is open to the dark side as he cares very fiercely for people. That is more important now than ever.


Lightsaber Form I- Schii-Cho
Lightsaber Form III- Soresu, though he is much more skilled at Schii-Cho
Excellent Fighter Pilot- Marz is a very talented fighter pilot, though any ship bigger than that he has some trouble with.
Wildlife Expert- Marz loves wildlife of all kinds and studies them whenever he can.
Excellent Singer and Musician- Marz is a surprisingly talented singer and musician, any instrument he picks up he can become skilled at within a few weeks at most.
Devious thinker- Marz can be devious and deceitful when he wants to be, but he doesn't prefer it.
Linguistic- Marz has gone out of his way to learn the languages of many species.
Force capabilities:

Basic Jedi Abilities
Force Mind Trick- Marz has spent years developing this skill and it takes extremely strong-willed creatures to resist it.
Art of Movement- Marz's master believed that body and mind must be equally in shape and the force could make the body even stronger. Therefore, Marz learned the force ability the art of movement.
Animal Friendship- Marz's love of animals has translated into the force and so he finds it very easy to control even the strongest of creatures.
Crucitorn- Marz believes that the Jedi are the protectors of the galaxy and nothing should get past them. So he began to learn the force ability Crucitorn, to fight and endure even when his body can't anymore.


Marz Jago was born on Alderaan in 3680 to a pair of shopkeepers. However, he had medical problems that had him born skinnier than what was considered healthy. As a result he would be unusually skinny until he became 15. The Great Galactic War had been going on for a year. The Jedi were always looking for force sensitive children. Marz's parents decided that he was destined for greater things and gave the Jed permission to take him in 3678. Growing up in the order, Marz always fell behind in physical activities due to his scrawny body. And even though he tried his hardest, he was always below average in physical performance. He made up for it in force aptitude and power, which he was definitely skilled at. He loved to learn about the different planets while growing up and especially the flora and fauna.

He passed the padawan trials. He constructed his lightsaber with astonishing precision. He was 11 years old. His first and only master was a human Jedi by the name of Yvette Ren. Yvette was a dedicated and loving Jedi, who thought all life was sacred, a view that Marz agreed with less and less as he got older. Yvette treated Marz as a partner, not a subordinate and he respected her immensely for that, among other things. Yvette knew they couldn't avoid the war and requested protecting positions instead of an assault position, although Marz would have much preferred to see action. Though it was impossible to avoid combat in the war if you were a Jedi. When Marz was 15, they traveled to Shiva IV to a Jedi enclave there. They were recruited to make allies with the local tribes to avoid any conflict. They were only there for 3 days however before the Sith attacked. They quickly overran the enclave. Knowing his master, they would both die trying to fight off the Sith. However, Marz had studied Shiva IV in extent previously. He knew he would have the best chance of survival in the desert. He had to get everyone else out of the enclave. Marz and Yvette directed all Jedi, Tribals, and civilians to the ships to escape. The Sith's arrogance had failed to account for the speed of their ships and they would be able to outmaneuver their guns.

As the ships began to take off, Marz told his master to leave with the ships, he would keep the Sith distracted. As expected she refused. Marz knew that if the Sith ground forces saw the ships leaving, they would alert they're main ship and blow them out of the sky. He used the force to propel his master onto a departing ship and jumped into the fray, effectively distracting the Sith. It worked and the Jedi were able to escape, though he can sense his master's anger and frustration. His skills were no match for three simultaneous Sith. He was quick thanks to his small frame, but he knew he couldn't get away by himself. One of the Sith slashed him across the chest, leaving a scar that would be there for the rest of his life. The pain from the attack made him pass out. When he awoke, he was in a camp. A Tribal camp. One of the 12 tribes of T'syriel. They had stormed the enclave and saved him. Marz was ever grateful and pledged to serve the chieftain faithfully until he could return to the Jedi. For the next 6 months he lived with the tribe. He gained muscle he had never know before. He became strong and tough, making strikes against the Sith who had taken up residence whenever he could. One day, about 2 weeks before the Jedi returned to Shiva IV, a Sith stormed the village Marz lived in with a squad of soldiers. Again, the Sith's arrogance showed, they underestimated the Tribe's ability to fight. Marx took on the Sith himself, receiving a slash would to his thigh in the process.

He was on one knee at the mercy of the Sith. But instead of ending him quickly, the Sith took this opportunity to taunt him. his arrogance was his downfall as Marz skewered him as he was reciting his monologue. The Sith looked at the young padawan in shock as he fell to the ground, dead. The tribe at a feast that night and gave Marz the Warrior's tattoo in honor of his service to the tribe. The Jedi returned and with Yvette leading the charge they took back Shiva IV from the Sith. Marz made his way back to the enclave and when Yvette saw him, she barely recognized him. He was shirtless, with defined chest and abdomen muscles with a large scar going diagonally across his chest. He was muscular overall, with a tattoo going down his neck and shoulder. His usually short neat hair, was now wild and sandy and he had a gleam in his eye that Yvette had never seen. But he greeted Yvette with a hug. The Jedi and tribes were on good terms and the tribes thanked them for removing the Sith. After a few more days they left for Coruscant. Marz was honored by the Jedi council for his honor and bravery and even received a medal of valor from the republic. Shortly after, Marz met a Coruscant street kid by the name of Cally. He fell in love soon after. But Cally was in trouble was in trouble with underworld gangs and was killed in 3664. Marz was thrown into a rage, finding the man responsible and slicing him down tihout a second thought. However, Yvette had been following him and explained to him that he was dangerously close to the dark side.

Marz saw she was right and vowed he would never get to so close ever again. Some battles with the Sith and a few years later, Marz became a Jedi Knight at 18. Yvette expressed how proud she was of him and kissed him on the cheek. It was the greatest day of Marz's life. The order sent him on many more combat missions throughout the years and he was appointed his Padawan, Kana Vapasi. He was 25 and she was 12. Though he didn't agree with Yvette's view on war, he took up her strategy of making his padawan his partner instead of subordinate. While he was determined not to become close to her, he came to think of her as family. They were on coruscant when the Sith attacked. They managed to avoid the Sith for 3 days. But they were cornered. He commanded Kana to flee and jumped into the fray, slicing down one of the Sith in a matter of seconds. But the other sith was much stronger. They fought furiously for 4 minutes straight, but the Sith sent the post powerful Force Choke he had ever seen. He was suspended in the air, struggling with all his might. And while he was giving the Sith the most trouble any Jedi had ever given him, he soon passed out. He only hoped Kana had escaped.

Personality and/or Motivation:

Marz is a very compassionate person, but he avoids getting close most other people. He thinks of the Jedi as servants of the people and that personal happiness must be sacrificed for the greater good, if not the Dark Side could overpower them. He deals with his enemies, especially the Sith, with little mercy. He will not kill an unarmed man, but if they draw a weapon on him, it will be bad. He has great respect for warriors and while he thinks the Sith are arrogant fools, he can't help but admire their combat prowess. He thinks pain and fear are earthly burdens that can be tossed away with the will of the individual. He thinks love is a necessary emotion, but he knows how it can lead to the dark side. He distances himself from most people to avoid forming attachments, with some few exceptions, but the future may force him to be an emotional crutch for other Jedi.

Player’s long term goals:

Serve the Republic
Find True Peace


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

That species won't work, @The Survivor... They're not part of the Galactic community in this era. They won't emerge for another 3694 years.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@The Survivor Impossible to play a Keshri. Their species are so technologically backwards they don't make it off their planet until 41ABY.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

That species won't work, @The Survivor... They're not part of the Galactic community in this era. They won't emerge for another 3694 years.

*Is reminded of not being allowed to be a Chiss*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Ellri>

*Is reminded of not being allowed to be a Chiss*

*hugs* It's alright, you still made a good choice. :p
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Ellri>

*Is reminded of not being allowed to be a Chiss*
I am colour blind so I thought it was Chiss on first glance
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by cqbexpt>I am colour blind so I thought it was Chiss on first glance

At least you knew, after you realize it wasn't blue, what it was. I had to look it up!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Sep>

At least you knew, after you realize it wasn't blue, what it was. I had to look it up!

That is cause I am a superior nerd and have read the books including the Keshri and the wikia page. Their culture as Lost Tribe of the Sith gets very interesting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Also I find it really irritating that people STILL put the characters goals under PLAYERS GOALS.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>

That is cause I am a superior nerd and have read the books including the Keshri and the wikia page. Their culture as Lost Tribe of the Sith gets very interesting.

*pillages Sep's brain and sticks it in a jar labeled: Research*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Also I find it really irritating that people STILL put the characters goals under PLAYERS GOALS.

I noticed that as well... and wondered if I was the only one that got that way. :p
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Sep>

*pillages Sep's brain and sticks it in a jar labeled: Research*

No. Mine. -goes back to sleep to use his brain for dreams of incredibleness-
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>

No. Mine. -goes back to sleep to use his brain for dreams of incredibleness-

B-but... pwease? It's such a lovely brain for my collection. And also, @Ellri We might want to consider putting a brief description about that area in the CS skeleton. Namely as people might not misunderstand as easily if you haven't already. IF you have, then...well, turns out I'm not alone in the unable to read department. XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

That species won't work, @The Survivor... They're not part of the Galactic community in this era. They won't emerge for another 3694 years.

@The Survivor Impossible to play a Keshri. Their species are so technologically backwards they don't make it off their planet until 41ABY.


I do not have the energy or motivation to make another one right now, maybe later. Anyway, I gave it the stamp of shame for my lackluster research.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Ellri>

<Snipped quote by Sep>


I do not have the energy or motivation to make another one right now, maybe later. Anyway, I gave it the stamp of shame for my lackluster research.

I've seen people make worse mistakes... Like post in the wrong IC. So at least be happy you've never made one of those. :p
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Marz Jago
Species: Arkanian
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Faction: Jedi Order
Rank: Jedi Knight
Master: N/A
Captive? Yes


Marz stands at 6'2 and has a muscular physique. He has a large scar going diagonally across his chest and one going down his right thigh. He has curly flowing white hair and light white stubble. He wears a dense wrap around his head to protect his eyes from bright suns. A tribal tattoo on his neck goes all the way down to his shoulder. He received it as a symbol of honor and appreciation from the 12 Tribes of T'syriel on Shiva IV.

Notable Characteristics of Species:

Extremely Intelligent
Four Clawed Digits
Able to see in the infrared spectrum


Shoot first, ask questions later- While Marz tries to be impartial, he's more inclined to be aggressive towards people based on their clothing and assumed profession. Example, if a person looks like a gang member, he is likely to be rougher talking to them.
Realist- Marz is a Realist due to past experience, he does not expect things to go according to plan so he prepares and somewhat distances himself from other people as to not get hurt.
Distant- Marz hasn't let anyone get close to him because if they do he is open to the dark side as he cares very fiercely for people. That is more important now than ever.
Unintentionally condescending- Being an Arkanian, Marz was blessed with extreme intelligence. So sometimes he speaks to others as if they are slow. Not on purpose, it's just a habit.


Lightsaber Form I- Schii-Cho
Lightsaber Form III- Soresu, though he is much more skilled at Schii-Cho
Excellent Fighter Pilot- Marz is a very talented fighter pilot, though any ship bigger than that he has some trouble with.
Wildlife Expert- Marz loves wildlife of all kinds and studies them whenever he can.
Excellent Singer and Musician- Marz is a surprisingly talented singer and musician, any instrument he picks up he can become skilled at within a few weeks at most.
Devious thinker- Marz can be devious and deceitful when he wants to be, but he doesn't prefer it.
Linguistic- Marz has gone out of his way to learn the languages of many species.

Force capabilities:

Basic Jedi Abilities
Force Mind Trick- Marz has spent years developing this skill and it takes extremely strong-willed creatures to resist it.
Art of Movement- Marz's master believed that body and mind must be equally in shape and the force could make the body even stronger. Therefore, Marz learned the force ability the art of movement.
Animal Friendship- Marz's love of animals has translated into the force and so he finds it very easy to control even the strongest of creatures.
Crucitorn- Marz believes that the Jedi are the protectors of the galaxy and nothing should get past them. So he began to learn the force ability Crucitorn, to fight and endure even when his body can't anymore.
Heightened Force Sense- While Marz can see, the wrap around his eyes dim his vision, so he has developed a heightened connection to the force to compensate. He is much more attuned than most Jedi.


Marz Jago was born on Alderaan in 3680 to a pair of scientists. However, he had medical problems that had him born skinnier than what was considered healthy. As a result he would be unusually skinny until he became 15. The Great Galactic War had been going on for a year. The Jedi were always looking for force sensitive children. Marz's parents decided that he was destined for greater things and gave the Jedi permission to take him in 3678. Growing up in the order, Marz always fell behind in physical activities due to his scrawny body. And even though he tried his hardest, he was always below average in physical performance. He made up for it in force aptitude and power, which he was definitely skilled at. He also excelled in intellectual pursuits. He loved to learn about the different planets while growing up and especially the flora and fauna. Marz started to wear the wrap around his head when he started to visit hotter planets, like Shiva IV or Tatooine, as the intense rays hurt his infrared eyes. Planets like Alderaan and Coruscant he was fine. While the wrap protected his sight overall, it dimmed it. But he wasn't concerned, he could feel everything around him with the force.

He passed the padawan trials. He constructed his lightsaber with astonishing precision. He was 11 years old. His first and only master was a human Jedi by the name of Yvette Ren. Yvette was a dedicated and loving Jedi, who thought all life was sacred, a view that Marz agreed with less and less as he got older. Yvette treated Marz as a partner, not a subordinate and he respected her immensely for that, among other things. Yvette knew they couldn't avoid the war and requested protecting positions instead of an assault position, although Marz would have much preferred to see action. Though it was impossible to avoid combat in the war if you were a Jedi. When Marz was 15, they traveled to Shiva IV to a Jedi enclave there. They were recruited to make allies with the local tribes to avoid any conflict. They were only there for 3 days however before the Sith attacked. They quickly overran the enclave. Knowing his master, they would both die trying to fight off the Sith. However, Marz had studied Shiva IV in extent previously. He knew he would have the best chance of survival in the desert. He had to get everyone else out of the enclave. Marz and Yvette directed all Jedi, Tribals, and civilians to the ships to escape. The Sith's arrogance had failed to account for the speed of their ships and they would be able to outmaneuver their guns.

As the ships began to take off, Marz told his master to leave with the ships, he would keep the Sith distracted. As expected she refused. Marz knew that if the Sith ground forces saw the ships leaving, they would alert they're main ship and blow them out of the sky. He used the force to propel his master onto a departing ship and jumped into the fray, effectively distracting the Sith. It worked and the Jedi were able to escape, though he can sense his master's anger and frustration. His skills were no match for three simultaneous Sith. He was quick thanks to his small frame, but he knew he couldn't get away by himself. One of the Sith slashed him across the chest, leaving a scar that would be there for the rest of his life. The pain from the attack made him pass out. When he awoke, he was in a camp. A Tribal camp. One of the 12 tribes of T'syriel. They had stormed the enclave and saved him. Marz was ever grateful and pledged to serve the chieftain faithfully until he could return to the Jedi. For the next 6 months he lived with the tribe. He gained muscle he had never know before. He became strong and tough, making strikes against the Sith who had taken up residence whenever he could. One day, about 2 weeks before the Jedi returned to Shiva IV, a Sith stormed the village Marz lived in with a squad of soldiers. Again, the Sith's arrogance showed, they underestimated the Tribe's ability to fight. Marx took on the Sith himself, receiving a slash would to his thigh in the process.

He was on one knee at the mercy of the Sith. But instead of ending him quickly, the Sith took this opportunity to taunt him. his arrogance was his downfall as Marz skewered him as he was reciting his monologue. The Sith looked at the young padawan in shock as he fell to the ground, dead. The tribe at a feast that night and gave Marz the Warrior's tattoo in honor of his service to the tribe. The Jedi returned and with Yvette leading the charge they took back Shiva IV from the Sith. Marz made his way back to the enclave and when Yvette saw him, she barely recognized him. He was shirtless, with defined chest and abdomen muscles with a large scar going diagonally across his chest. He was muscular overall, with a tattoo going down his neck and shoulder. His usually short neat hair, was now wild and sandy and he had a gleam in his eye that Yvette had never seen. But he greeted Yvette with a hug. The Jedi and tribes were on good terms and the tribes thanked them for removing the Sith. After a few more days they left for Coruscant. Marz was honored by the Jedi council for his honor and bravery and even received a medal of valor from the republic. Shortly after, Marz met a Coruscant street kid by the name of Cally. He fell in love soon after. But Cally was in trouble with underworld gangs and was killed in 3664. Marz was thrown into a rage, finding the man responsible and slicing him down without a second thought. However, Yvette had been following him and explained to him that he was dangerously close to the dark side.

Marz saw she was right and vowed he would never get to so close ever again. Some battles with the Sith and a few years later, Marz became a Jedi Knight at 18. Yvette expressed how proud she was of him and kissed him on the cheek. It was the greatest day of Marz's life.

When Marz was 24, he was sent on a personal guard mission with the General Contractor on Balmorra. He had just returned form a 6 month combat tour and this was a chance to catch his breath. The contractor had gone out of his way to make enemies and was a valuable resource to the republic. While on Balmorra, he met future Jedi Knight Xid Terrick. He thought the young man was quite bright and he seemed to enjoy the machinery of the weapons factories. He also met Xid's master, Sela Kythor, who he only known by reputation. She was quite the warrior. He left Balmorra a few days later, parting ways with the contractor.

The order sent him on many more combat missions throughout the years and he was appointed his Padawan, Kana Vapasi. He was 25 and she was 12. Though he didn't agree with Yvette's view on war, he took up her strategy of making his padawan his partner instead of subordinate. While he was determined not to become close to her, he came to think of her as family. They were on coruscant when the Sith attacked. They managed to avoid the Sith for 3 days. But they were cornered. He commanded Kana to flee and jumped into the fray, slicing down one of the Sith in a matter of seconds. But the other sith was much stronger. They fought furiously for 4 minutes straight, but the Sith sent the post powerful Force Choke he had ever seen. He was suspended in the air, struggling with all his might. And while he was giving the Sith the most trouble any Jedi had ever given him, he soon passed out. He only hoped Kana had escaped.

Personality and/or Motivation:

Marz is a very compassionate person, but he avoids getting close most other people. He is extremely adaptable to any situation, no doubt due to his species infamous intelligence. He thinks of the Jedi as servants of the people and that personal happiness must be sacrificed for the greater good, if not the Dark Side could overpower them. He deals with his enemies, especially the Sith, with little mercy. He will not kill an unarmed man, but if they draw a weapon on him, it will be bad. He has great respect for warriors and while he thinks the Sith are arrogant fools, he can't help but admire their combat prowess. He thinks pain and fear are earthly burdens that can be tossed away with the will of the individual. He thinks love is a necessary emotion, but he knows how it can lead to the dark side. He distances himself from most people to avoid forming attachments, with some few exceptions, but the future may force him to be an emotional crutch for other Jedi.

Player’s long term goals:

As a player, make Marz a Jedi to be reckoned with and not to be taken lightly. But also a figure of stability and safety for other Jedi.
As a character, escape the clutches of the Sith with the other Jedi and find my padawan.


Jedi Master Yvette Ren
Jedi Padawan Kana Vapasi
Jedi Knight Xid Terrick
Jedi Master Sela Kythor

Gonna level with you guys, I used a lot of the backstory from the above CS because I like his character. I changed stuff to coincide with his species and racial attributes and stuff like that, but for the most part it's unchanged. Hope that isn't a deal breaker.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It was the species that made the previous impossible, not the finer details. We will review it eventually, but not quite yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I know my post is short, but I wanted to add a thing with Corr and his mother.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I know my post is short, but I wanted to add a thing with Corr and his mother.

-sits and waits patiently for Zanna to take advantage of the relation-


1x Thank Thank
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