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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"There's one problem" Drex began, "I only have enough strength to carry one of you at a time," Drex was waiting for the reaction from the next part he was about to say, "Luciel... You have to stay here for 15 min while I take Ace, she can barely walk, and she needs more help, she's the main priority right now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

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"Very well, I can wait" he said with ease, understanding the child's limitations. Luciel also stood a better chance at hiding from the patrols, as he could likely tailor pheromones from a bush to give of the scent of poisonous berries to throw off hounds. "Fifteen minutes..." he mused to himself as he went about finding a good shrub to begin shaping into a suitable hiding spot. His voice held a faint tone of wryness, unfamiliar with Drex and not entirely believing that he'd come back for Luciel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"I think I saw one running there!" yelled one of the guards, who were now actively patrolling the perimeter. Just like several others, David managed to escape from his bars thanks to the strange intrusion of some plant guy. He didn't see much of him, he did see a few other people making a run for it. Some already made it for the forest. David was short on their heels. With adrenaline pumping through his veins and a heart ready to break his chest he hid around the corner. It wasn't far now, he could see the forest from where he stood.

"Hey you!" David, distracted, had not noticed the lone guard. The man pointed his gun straight at the youth. "Hands in the air, now!" he commanded. In panic, David blinked. In equal terror as the youth the guard began to violently look around. Pointing his gun everywhere. A second later and David stood behind him. In an effort to knock the man unconscious, David flung his fist against the head of the guard. But mid swing something sharp formed over his fingers. So in reaction, he opened the fist and the claws ripped open the side of the man's head. In horror he saw how the man dropped dead with 4 gapping slashes in his face. But the horror was soon replaced by an odd excitement. The sweet smell of blood energized him.

Though he couldn't revel in it for long. More guards were coming. He made a dash for the forest. "There! I saw one!" he heard yelling behind him. Which made him blink again, straight into the forest and losing the guards. Within the forest he was horribly lost. David was not familiar with the surrounding terrain. Though he did hear voices talking in the distance. After a quick blink up towards a sturdy looking branch, David began to observe his surroundings. Two blinks later he was above Luciel, watching him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Ace felt the vibrations from David's "blink" which startled her for the sudden appearance of another stranger. she pretended not to notice as she quickly levitated a small rock then flung it at the intruder, hitting him on the forehead and knocking him out of the tree. She walked up to him and looked him in the eyes with a cold look, warning him not to do anything stupid.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 13 days ago

Luciel stopped, about to pull the front of the shrub closed before a sudden spike of Hex essence. The best he could discern was that it was close, whatever it was. He was in the process of standing up to better be on guard before noticing the rock sail into the tree directly above him. Cynically, his first thought was that she was trying to get a cheap shot at him while he was busy and happened to have terrible aim. The next, the most believable one considering the value of proof, was that he was right about his ascensing and that their visitor-PHWUMP!

Without even a second to prepare, Luciel and his work was crushed by David as he fell out of the tree. The lofty shrub helped to soften the impact, although it was still a mess which left Luciel underneath it all. "Bonjour..." he groaned from underneath David.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Apollo was placed in his metal box, the patrol then moved out into the woods. Apollo was trying to keep calm, but he was so enraged. All he could think of was that his stepfather (the man in the white coat) told him that his parents were killed by Hex. He wanted revenge so bad that he would do anything, including... What he thought of made him smile as he began to make the orbs around him glow brighter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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Stallman started to hear a new alarm. A close one... oxygen supply alert. He hadn't heard that since drills. The backup oxygen generator turned on while auxillary power in the entire facility was toggled. That left the lights out for five seconds...

He used those five seconds to go to the service door and quickly enter the access key just before the lights would turn on. He quickl went in and shut the door, leaving the chaos behind him.

Time to get out of here... A service vent was right above him.

Stretching his arm an unrealistic distance, he unclipped the panel and began to climb up the vent, squeezing in impossible ways... for normal people.

Halthar looked at the forest. At least two hex were in there, including a class A. It would take specialized groups to take them down, he suspected. In the meantime, though...

He went on the main prison channel. "What have we got for security?"

The response came from the Southwest tower, for some reason. "...Command is offline right now, it just went to aux power. Something's jamming the vents. We can send a few divisions over east..."

Halthar tuned out. Only one thing to do right now, I guess.

He joined the small force that was already making its way towards the foest, casually showing his badge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace was getting a bad feeling about staying put and was getting antsy. eventually she couldn't take it anymore and replied urgently, "i think it's time we got moving. we can't worry about who's flying first! we just need to run! now!" she the pulls the stranger off of Luciel and pulls Luciel his feet. Ace quickly apologized to David for hitting him, then grabs both Luciel's and Drex's hand and started to run as fast as she could.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Bon-what?" David could ask, right before Ace pulled him off Luciel. The girl was getting antsy, and quite possibly for good reason. "You're right. Will you be okay...euhm..." David asked, turning to Luciel. A lot of things were happening all around him, and he could still hear the alarm coming from the prison. When Ace suggested to get a move on, David agreed. "Does anyone actually know where we should go?" he still asked, as he was quite unfamiliar with the surroundings. In anticipation he looked at Luciel, who seemed to be the only one not coming from the prison.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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"I don't know and i don't care as long as it's not here! now hurry! we need to get deeper into the forest!" Ace replied desperately as she ran into the dense shrubbery.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 13 days ago

Just as soon as Luciel regained his senses enough to start to get close look at the newcomer, they were pulled apart and he was hoisted to his feet by Ace who he'd thought was frail and had been weakened by the events. He winced, feeling a little bruised but no more worse for wear. "Away from zeh alarms seems like a good direction" he tried to joke, if the situation hadn't been as serious as it was, he would have tried harder. Ace was already way ahead of him, practically dragging the two behind her and leaving David to follow on his own volition before Luciel had a chance to fill in the newcomer's blank. Again, there would probably be better times to talk then while on the run.
"Mind you, I have no idea how thick this forest is!" he tried to explain as they went, doing his best to mend the plants back to their original states to obscure their tracks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

David had no other option than to follow the group, despite his doubts that the girl knew where she was going. He did have a chuckle about Luciel's joke, no matter how bad the timing. But when Ace said 'anywhere but here' and Luciel pointed out he didn't know how thick the forest was, David got a little anxious. "Hey, who put the chick in charge?" he pointed out, as it seemed that a girl who was he guessed to be like 15 was dragging the two others while he just followed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"well it's either this or we tunnel!" Ace replied. Ace was tired, sore, her head was pounding like mad, she was still bleeding from the last beating she received at the prison as well as her feet from being cut by the rough terrain, and her vision was starting to blur, but what drove her was adrenaline and fear. She was afraid as all Hell, not just for her own life but for the 3 boys around her. Though to her they were complete strangers whom she had just met minutes before, but she couldn't just leave them alone; even if there was 3 of them should would feel guilty leaving them behind and actually feared for their safety. perhaps it was because she had finally been able to speak to someone and not be called a monster. Perhaps it was because she finally have met those of her own kind and she fears for the lives of her race. She didn't know why and she didn't care; all that mattered was that they had to leave and make it out in one piece because she knew that what ever was pursuing them was dangerous and not just a few soldiers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 13 days ago

Luciel started to get a headache from the stress. Nobody was really in charge, although he didn't entirely enjoy being pushed around by the one he saved, as valid as her intuition may be. Regardless, she wasn't in any condition to be behaving the way she was. Luciel noted her lack of shoes and swiftly picked her up without warning in order to pick up the pace. "Look, I know its not my place to say, but we'll have to stop at some point, ma'am~" he chirped, trying to think out their options, creatively and in a way that wouldn't draw attention. He assume the comment about tunneling implied that she was offering to use her powers, an option which was immediately off of the table the second it was presented. Luciel was woefully underequipped to deal with internal hemorrhaging from fatal overexertion. As helpful as Drex had been, his cooperation with helping Ace to safety would have been more valuable.

Luciel worked best, alone, anyway...

"We keep going...then we find a good tree...and..." He said after a minute to think, starting to pant from running for so long, "...and I'll see what I can do"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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Ace looked up to glare at Luciel but then saw the stress and fatigue in his eyes and held her protest. her vision blurred and the punning in her head had intensified. "....i'm sorry...." Ace murmured wincing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

David listened to the proposal. Everyone indeed looked very tired. No wonder though, he too was getting exhausted from the running and before that, the blinking. "I agree with the...French guy?" he said questioningly towards Luciel, whose name he didn't catch. But right then, Ace yelled to jump, and so David did, into the hole. "Well this is nice and cozy." David joked, despite being really tired. "What should we do now?" he added, being a bit more serious now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 13 days ago

Tightly together grew a patch of pine coniferous. It wasn't elegant, but it'd serve as enough of a hiding spot for the time being. The old wood groaned, cracking with inky steam as they pressed together with a small opening enough to crawl through. The residual steam touched the nearby shrubs, making them coil to cling to every droplet, obscuring the entrance. The group slid into the darkness of the interior of the wood which ballooned on the inside to fit them with more than enough room to stand.
In the dark, Luciel brushed at his undershirt which cast a small cloud of spores. The clung to the walls and rapidly grew into dim bioluminescent mushrooms. "Quaint..." he mused. French guy? Come to think of it, introductions were in order, especially the guy who'd fallen on him.

"Luciel, if you will...and its French Canadian" Luciel said, doing his best to offer a chuckle and a dismissive hand wave. It was an asexual name which he felt suited him the best. They all needed a rest, and Luciel was sure he could help mend Ace's injuries if he had a moment to catch his breath. "So...dropping in all unexpected like..." he started, turning to David as he took off his rose-jack to get comfortable before continuing, or at least seeming like he was about to. He was flustered from the day and had lost track of his words, hoping the guy could fill in the rest on the conveyed notion of inquiry.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Well, I didn't drop in voluntarily. Honestly I was probably just going to follow you from a distance. It's not that I don't trust you, it's just...I don't. But right now I don't really have a choice I suppose. Anyway, I'm David." He introduced himself, he then looked at Ace, who seemed pretty beaten up. "Guess she got a rough time behind her. You know anything about first aid?" he then asked Luciel, while still looking at Ace. Despite the jokes he was a little worried. About all three members in the group. Now that we're together, we better stay together. We got a better chance to survive out here. he thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Drex was making his body temp lower, trying to stay cool in the cluster of people. He could feel rushing in the snow on the ground outside. "Shh!" He said "there coming" he could here them outside "Shit! They got away!" One said "nah. It's not gonna happen that easy, keep going! Now!" They ran past the tree deeper into the forest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The squad had gotten deeper and deeper within the woods, looking for the run away hex. Apollo now had two orbs that were glowing really bright. He then sent them flying out and hitting trees and making big explosions. He then melted the bottom of his box. The guards were startled by the explosions and the sudden forest fire. No one noticed Apollo running into the woods and disappearing into the flames as they begin to spread through out the forest. The guards began to fight the fire in the immediate area. Apollo smiled as he was now free to roam and search for the hex. He began to walk through the forest, hiding his energy as he walked hoping he isn't being sensed by any other hex.
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