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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Member Seen 4 days ago

I don't agree with Escre being able to build so many holy sites with no cool down at all and his holy sites being super resistant against outside influence all of a sudden. He should work to obtain that power, as right now it just seems to be way too convenient to suddenly be granted such high power.

Does this mean Astarte can go tell the High Gods that all Gods are mad and ask them to make them more like her and they'll do it?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Do you want Ialu to hear the message (being a demigod and all) and respond? We haven't interacted at all yet.

While I would like to interact with you, I don't think there'd be a good reason for Escre to include demigods in its message.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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<Snipped quote by Cyclone>

While I would like to interact with you, I don't think there'd be a good reason for Escre to include demigods in its message.

Fair enough.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Not a fan of that huge deus ex machina, honestly. I can tolerate the High Gods healing and protecting the Astral home, but the rest I deem unnecessary and something they would never do. If they are so powerful, they should be way harder to convince.

One of them said they "liked ambition", well then, grant Ialu godhood and 100 levels already. And why would Fate and Invictus even agree to Escre's plan of eradicating all Gods? Makes no sense.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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One of them said they "liked ambition", well then, grant Ialu godhood and 100 levels already.


But to be serious, I'd have a big objection to Escre getting all of those powers as compensation for losing the Astral Home (which was what, a 2-might holy sige that had already more than paid for itself?) but it's looking like he's being set up as an antagonist of sorts.

I guess we're trying to get something of a plot going. Of course, by 'plot' I mean pitting every god against Escre.

That's just my take. Perhaps an explanation is in order regarding what's going on, @Kho @Lugubrious
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Yeah, it's a plot device. Kho and I collaborated on that post. The fact that they were so easy to convince and Escre didn't notice means that it's likely going to be screwed over big time. If you need more reasoning, Kho can tell you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Whilst reviewing the demigod section to figure out what to do with my Might, I noticed this quip:

"Demigods can add portfolios and domains to their already existing ones in the same way as gods do."

So if Ialu became a level 20 he could get a second domain and keep that after ascending, despite being only a level 1 god?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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I'd have no problem with that, personally. He did work his ass off for those domains and portfolios, after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Cyclone Yar.

And Frettzo, yeah, the whole Holy Site thing with Escre is a plot device. We need Escre to get a tad bit more powerful than everyone else for him to be a viable villain of sorts. It's not a reward for Vestec's corrupting his holy site at all. We were actually discussing it before Vestec did that, and it just seemed like a decent time to get that started. Given Escre's previously unimaginative and somewhat servile nature, him suddenly deciding that he is better than everyone else got the Arch-Gods' attention (Invictus' attention, not Fate's. Mainly due to Invictus' personality).

Anyway, @Lugubrious just curious as to what you were referring in this bit in one of your recent posts:

'An unnameable distance away, the god of Life was beginning to home in on a destination. It had found a section of space near an empty planet, alight with a gorgeous yellowish nebula and lined with asteroids. It had grown tired, however, from creation and travel both, and stopped now to rest in this wondrous, cosmic garden. It felt in the distance, the dim pangs of something extraordinary happening. A godly soul had been destroyed—no, partially destroyed. Then...reborn, in glory and power. Escre made a mental note that it would have to pay whomever it was a visit.'
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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@Cyclone Yar.

And Frettzo, yeah, the whole Holy Site thing with Escre is a plot device. We need Escre to get a tad bit more powerful than everyone else for him to be a viable villain of sorts. It's not a reward for Vestec's corrupting his holy site at all. We were actually discussing it before Vestec did that, and it just seemed like a decent time to get that started. Given Escre's previously unimaginative and somewhat servile nature, him suddenly deciding that he is better than everyone else got the Arch-Gods' attention (Invictus' attention, not Fate's. Mainly due to Invictus' personality).

Anyway, @Lugubrious just curious as to what you were referring in this bit in one of your recent posts:

'An unnameable distance away, the god of Life was beginning to home in on a destination. It had found a section of space near an empty planet, alight with a gorgeous yellowish nebula and lined with asteroids. It had grown tired, however, from creation and travel both, and stopped now to rest in this wondrous, cosmic garden. It felt in the distance, the dim pangs of something extraordinary happening. A godly soul had been destroyed—no, partially destroyed. Then...reborn, in glory and power. Escre made a mental note that it would have to pay whomever it was a visit.'

That was Arguis. If we decided that he didn't do the whole order thing, that paragraph is moot.

Oh, and Escre's thinking that it's better than the other gods stems from its lack of emotion/desire for self-indulgence, which means that it would never do things like start wars on a whim. It's not a pride thing; it is a I-will-do-the-awful-things-that-other-gods-do-so-I-am-trustworthy-of-power thing.

It is interesting to note that if other gods can convince Escre that they share its impersonate, generally benign outlook on mortals and physical creations, it might take steps to spare such a god from the eradication.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Hmm, Arguis' whole level up to level 20 thing is impossible, unless he wants to go negative and be severely handicapped in various ways until he returns to positive on the Might he currently generates.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ye Old Summary

That feeling when your summary needs a summary...

In the beginning were the Great Ones – Invictus and Fate.
Then was the ‘Rise’ which called forth the gods.
Then was the ‘Wow’ of Astarte in pre-existence, and the ‘Wow’ of Vowzra when existence had begun – and thus was it written that all things which come into existence would utter ‘Wow’ before anything else.
When the universe had been created, Sauranath implanted many stars with his seed, and these stars became dragon eggs. They could not yet hatch, but the world would eventually come to know the wrath of dragon-kind.

Galbar, the planet, was nothing but a lifeless rock when the gods came upon it, but very soon they had filled it with life. It was Arguis, the Nigh Omniscient god of Knowledge, who acted first, creating a landmass known as ‘Arguilla’.
Astarte, then not the corrupted being she is today, created her personal plane of existence and the goddess of Magic and of the Summons went about creating little life forms there and enjoying her solitude from the other gods.
Escre, the god of Life and of Spirits speared the earth with the Planet Cord and created the Astral Home and the veins leading off of it to fill the planet with life energy and ensuring that life would be sustained on the planet.
Undasis, the god of the Water and of Seas, smashed into the planet and created a huge crater. He then created oceans and the atmosphere as well as a moon. The only landmass that remained above the raging waters was Arguilla. The crater, now underwater, would eventually become a place where the most horrific sea-monsters dwell, known simply as ‘The Scar’.
In preparation for the future, Vestec, god of Chaos and of Corruption, created the Blade of Chaos, a fearsome weapon, which changed shape depending on the wielder’s will and filled them with all kinds of negative emotions and energies.
Ferghus, god of the Forge, created his own personal plane of existence. It would be his forge and the place where he created his mighty items.
Sveiand, the god of Seasons and of Winter, tilted the planet on its axis and created a polar environment in the poles.
Vowzra, the god of Creation and of Time, then created the first forms of life – Trees and Ants.

The politics then began as Arguis decided to gather many of Sauranath’s eggs. He saw dragons as a threat and wished to eliminate them quickly, or somehow subdue them to his will. He first attempts to use Escre in his plans, but the Great Spirit refuses, and Arguis moves on, seeking Ferghus’ help.
In Astarte’s plane of existence, an unlikely alliance appears in the making as Vestec, Undasis and Astarte meet up to experiment on Vowzra’s creation – the humble, hard-working ant. They twist some ants and unleash them into the oceans, creating various species of sea-ants. Some were simply ants which dwell in the sea while others, after being corrupted by Vestec, became ferocious monster ants which preyed upon their more peaceful siblings.

Vowzra and Escre then created the Animal Kingdom, filling the world with all kinds of life – though Escre’s strange imagination also caused the creation of some strange beings (see Escre’s Creations in Character Thread for details). The two gods then created Humans – Escre supplying the life energy while Vowzra molded it into the shape he desired. In their shadow, Escre’s mind also created another species of Man – Outsiders (Creations Sheets for details).
Finding something more interesting to play around with, Vestec seized upon the new Humans and corrupted some of them, creating the hateful Dyun. These hunted down the peaceful Humans.
Arguis then created a new race of creatures – the territorial, adaptive and insect-like Cimex. These also began hunting down Man, and humanity appeared on the brink of extinction.
Before Arguis and Ferghus could meet, Sauranath awoke and his dragons were suddenly released into the world.
Meanwhile, Escre created a hero in response to the threat the Dyuns posed to humanity, an Outsider known as the Liaison.
In the raging oceans, Undasis was busy creating all kinds of sea monsters, and the four sea monsters known simply as ‘The Four Krakenian Demons’.
Astarte, seeing Man’s pitiful state, decided to teach them speech, emotions, society, ambition and self-awareness. She also unlocked their magical capabilities but did not teach them how to use this magic.

Though humanity had received some pity from Astarte and Escre, Vowzra could see that they were still greatly disadvantaged. So he taught them a great host of things. Vowzra taught his children the concept of Home, Friendliness, Choice and Free Will, Common Sense, Learning, Knowledge, Debate and Discourse, Morals and Conscience, The Common Good and Civic Virtue, Spirituality, Meditation & Enlightenment. He also taught them the way of life known simply as The Way, and gave them knowledge of Spiritual Energy Nodes, thus allowing them to use the magic Astarte had unlocked.

Believing that dragons were being hunted and killed by the other races, Sauranath had his dragons form a coalition and begin attacking humans.
It was at this point that a strange, foreign god penetrated Galbar’s plane of existence and created a Hero for itself – this Hero was known simply as Ialu. He quickly gained quite a following due to his absurd power, and people he came across decided to stay near him for protection from the Cimex and Dyun.

Meanwhile, the Liaison created an Order known as the Pallid Communion and taught Man a kind of magic centred around the cold. Greatly angered by this, seeing it as an infringement against him, Sveiand the god of Winter cursed the world with Eternal Winter. Seeing this, the Liaison’s followers turned upon the hero and tore him to shreds.
Sveiand also created his own archipelago, known as the Sviebard Archipelago, teaching its people Nature, Fur Clothing, Animal Domestication, Sailing, Astronomy, Navigation, Fishing, Stone-Tool making, Archery and Herbalism. Sveiand also created his own, personal plane of Hoar.
Angered by Sveiand’s actions, Escre began goading Undasis against Sveiand, attempting to persuade him that Sveiand had infringed upon Undasis’ domains by creating the Archipelago without permission.

Arguis then created a new species of plant people known as the Uri. He also created a Cimex Hero and taught the Cimex a kind of magic known as Void Energy.

Vestec, after incorporating Violence as a portfolio, went about cursing the world with Eternal Darkness – thus the world was eternally at night and eternally at winter. Moreover, the Eternal Darkness was full of people’s nightmares coming to life. After creating his own personal plane, Vestec also taught humans Slavery, Fortifications, and the other side of all things Vowzra had taught them, as well as War. He also captured One Hundred dragons and granted them as servants to his followers in the north of Arguilla. Ialu and his followers, in the meanwhile, went about learning how to use spears and became more settled, staying near a river and claiming some territory as theirs. Ialu then organised his followers into something of an Order, known as the Strong Tribe. They built a fortified village and developed their own brand of Wi focused around destroying the internal organs of enemies, and generally causing a mess inside their bodies. When the Eternal Darkness and Winter arrived, they set off to destroy some dragons in order to regain the pleasure of the Might One (the seemingly fictional god Ialu worshipped).
When nothing happens, they go about trying to get the Mighty One’s attention by displaying the head on a pole. When that does not work, they attempt to get Escre’s attention by plunging the head into one of his Astral Home veins. When this does not work, he beats up one of the worshippers of Vowzra and they make use of the dragon’s scales as armour and its teeth as spearheads.

Seeing the horrific consequences of the Eternal Winter and Darkness, Vowzra brought it to an end by creating Orabil, a huge tree, which cleansed the world of the darkness and winter. He also created the hero known as Zerabil. Seeing the ened of the Winter and Darkness, Ialu praised the Mighty One and taught his people to worship him.
Inspired by Zerabil’s dying mother, Escre recaliberated the Astral Home, turning it into a ‘heart’ of sorts for Galbar. He also resurrected the Liaison, whose name is revealed to be Invidia. A new holy Order known as the Sanguine Communion comes into being to replace the Pallid Communion.
Zerabil also began his journey as a Prophet of Vowzra, encountering a few Dyun and managing to best them.

Ferghus created his Arma Igna, ten suits of armour which would travel the world and teach man the ways of the forge. Viscardi, a worshipper of Vestec in the north and king of sorts, became supreme master of the northern lands, destroying and conquering all in his way.
Undasis and Sveiand speak to each other, and they agree that Undasis is in the right should it wish to have vengeance on the Archipelago above.
Zerabil, still travelling, is attacked by a nightmare when night arrives and finds himself saved by one of the Arma Ignas. He befriends it and they journey together.

Undasis then floods the Archipelago and creates a hero out of one of the drowned victims, named Aestus. Out of the drowned people, Undasis creates a race of Merpeople. He teaches these Merpeople Animal Domestication, Nature, Sone-tools, Fishing/Hunting, Free Will, Home, Learning, Metropolism, Civic and State Law, Biral Manipulation.
Undasis then appears before Zerabil and blesses him with a divine weapon, the Morning Blade.
In the meanwhile, thirty years passed and the Uri grew into a kingdom and the Cimex evolved once again. The Cimex prepared for all out war against humanity and the Uri.

Realising the danger, Invidia, who had been leading his Order in a silent crusade against the Cimex, sends emissaries to Zerabil, Ialu, the northern kingdom and the Uri, telling them of the Cimex threat. Ialu comes under attack from the Dyun and slaughters their hero, looting the Blade of Chaos from him.
In the thirty years, Zerabil travelled all over Arguilla and called people to the worship of all the gods. He gained a good following and travelled to Orabil, where he created temples and built a settlement known as Orabson. He then created an Order, known as Vowzra’s Victors, with its elite Battle Brothers being the Hallowed Hundred. Their headquarters was the Mountain’s Crown, on a mountain in the south of Arguilla. Receiving the emissary, he sends to everyone and tells them to meet in Orabson to decide how to face the threat.
The Uri prince, Quay, heads off for the meeting. He is granted a divine Lance by Arguis and the power of Soul Weaving by Escre.

Escre and Vowzra meet with Sveiand and help him mature. Sveiand adds Spring to his portfolio and becomes a woman.
Ferghus creates magma within Galbar and creates a volcano forge, Mt. Vulcan, where mortals can visit and make requests of him.

Vestec then created the Anju, creatures designed to hunt down Outsiders. He corrupted two of Ferghus’ Arm Igna and made them serve his northern worshippers. The Bodi and Vork were created and Viscardi, along with his two brothers Cassios and Aztoc, were made into heroes.
Invidia, the Liaison, Escre’s hero, sets into motion a hunt of the Anju before heading to the great war meeting.

Invidia of the Sanguine Communion, Quay of the Uri, Zerabil of Orabson, the Confederate Tribes (Chief Kooku of the Stonespears, Chief Tartok of the Bear Tribe, Chief Zarkil of the Jaghnir Tribe and Chief Ilagi of the Shanshir Tribe) are all present at the Summit.
Zerabil begins the meeting, stating that the CimeXeno threat must be crushed, but the question is how it is to be done.
Chief Kooku suggests putting many big boulders between the Realms of Man and the Cimex Territories.
Chief Tartok dismisses that and suggests a quick and ruthless offensive against the Cimex before they are fully prepared.
Chief Ilagi points out that the Cimex are very territorial and surprising them in their own territories would be a mighty feat, impossible for normal people. Ryak of the Strong Tribe then bursts into the Summit and declares that Ialu will soon destroy the Cimex.

In the meanwhile, Undasis clears the Holy Cove, a Holy Site. Sauranath then blesses dragons with increased fertility and forms them into larger societies.

The Summit gets under way.
Ryak keeps going on about how amazing Ialu is throughout the meeting and how he will destroy the Cimex single-handedly
Chief Kooku keeps insisting on bringing many rocks and putting them between the Realms of Man and Cimex Territory.
Invidia suggests using tactics and stealth to weaken the Cimex.
Quay suggests opening up a two-front war with the Cimex. He also suggests attempting a sea-landing with boats.
Zerabil points out that the sea was a very dangerous and unpredictable thing to use.
Zerabil then suggests a combination of stealth and a quick, crushing offensive into Cimex Territories, using the Sanguine Communion as a vanguard to ensure the main force is undetected.
Ryak says Ialu will do no such thing and will just kill all the Cimex his own way.
Invidia whispers to Zerabil that the Strong Tribe should be sent in as a distraction, charging straight into Cimex Territory and wreaking havoc, thus ensuring the Sanguine Communion vanguard does its job even better.
Zerabil proposes the revised plan: open two fronts on the Cimex as Quay suggested, sending the Strong Tribe from the north and the main force from the south, with the Sanguine Communion acting as a vanguard, skirmishing and scouting enemy territory.
Invidia reveals to Zerabil that the Outsiders are being hunted by the Anjus, and he tells him how he can summon Outsiders to him.

Ferghus creates a divine weapon for Viscardi while Sauranath attacks Orabson with a hero and thirty undead dragons.
Zerabil sends Battle Brother Juras to train Confederate Tribal forces, along with a shipment of halberds and chain mail for the Stonespear and Bear Tribes.
A new Diktat (leader of Orabson) is appointed by Zerabil and the old, elected one removed - emergency is cited as the reason behind the old Diktat's removal.
Sauranath attacks Orabson with his undead dragons and Hero.
Flames do not harm Orabson or its people in Orabil's radius.
Orabil opens its eyes and destroys the 30 undead dragons with its roots.
Orabil asks Sauranath to leave or risk incurring the wrath of Vowzra. Zerabil quickly evacuates Orabson’s citizens with Wi while Sauranath burns down Orabil, causing the Eternal Darkness to return.

Vestec then corrupts Astarte, with her permission. Ialu and his village are preparing for war while Ialu races north to challenge Viscardi and take over his realms. Also preparing were the Cimex, who create iron weapons an develop a special poison to rot human skin and thing their blood, while also creating underground tunnels extending to the Uri realms.

Seeing the destruction of Orabil, Escre manifests and calls the gods forth to judge Sauranath for what he has done. Meanwhile, Arguis attempts to ally himself with Vestec and Undasis, without success.

Undasis and Astarte then meet and Undasis scolds Astarte for accepting Vestec’s corruption. Showing Astarte the biral stone, Undasis requests that Astarte unlocks the Merpeople’s magical potential. Astarte requests a merman’s soul as payment. Choosing Sanctus, a great merman, as the sacrifice, they have him tear his own heart out and replace it with biral. Astarte then takes his soul and puts it in a pretty crown, nice and pretty, all for her.

Vowzra responds to Escre’s call and manifests before Sauranath. He quickly repairs Orabil and gives Sauranath a long lecture before telling him to return to his slumber. The other gods quickly appear and a huge godly meeting ensues. Vestec teases Sauranath and small spat takes place between Undasis, Escre, Vowzra and Zerabil.
Vowzra, suddenly realising that they were on a completely different timeline from the one he had predicted, departs from the meetings and withdraws the blessings of Orabil. Zerabil also loses his hero powers. The darkness returns, but thanks to Escre the world remains in a constant twilight. That does not stop the monsters from coming out to play, however.

Ialu arrives at Viscardi’s settlement and speaks briefly with the demigod Roxan before Viscardi emerges and they fight. Ialu emerges victorious and drinks from Vestec’s blood, before passing out. Ialu, presumed dead, was buried alive. He emerges from the grave and seized the throne of Garakai (the northern kingdom). Ferghus then appears before him and the two argue for a while before Ialu insults Ferghus once more. Ferghus, annoyed by this, curses Ialu to never wield a weapon again.

After Vowzra departs from the meeting, Zerabil is returned to his evacuating people and leads them towards the Mountain’s Crown. Zerabil loses his powers, and becomes even weaker when he flies to the Mountain’s Crown in order to get reinforcements to help the citizens who are fighting off the nightmares, aided by nothing but fifty Victors.
A month later, Zerabil now old and feeble, summons the Outsiders to him and tells Rejys to train them. They become the Seers of the Silent Six. Zerabil then leaves the Mountsin’s Crown and returns to the hill of his creation, where he sits and meditates for months.

Sauranath creates a huge landmass known as Orabakh. The dragons call Galbar Orabil now, after the incident of Sauranath burning the huge tree. Sauranath also creates a holy site known as Erstakh. In the meanwhile, Vestec and Roxan have a father-daughter moment. He gives her a rock which can teleport her to a far-off island where Vestec has resurrected Viscardi.

Astarte then starts playing around with a dragon, incurring Sauranath’s wrath once more. Again, a meeting of gods comes about, attended by Vestec, Astarte, Sauranath and Ferghus, and the lot have a long, petty argument about who controls dragons.
Vestec also curses the Cimex with discord, bringing an end to their plans at attacking the humans and Uri. He also corrupts Zerabil, returning his power to him and commands the Victors to attack Garakai and Ialu. An avatar of Vestec also has a spat with Invidia, arguing over whether the Anju are good or evil, whether the Sanguine Communion will tear Invidia to pieces like the Pallid Communion had, should they find out that he was an Outsider and other such things.

Escre then departs from Galbar and goes on a journey. Once far away, he creates a holy site known as Forever Fall. Arguis, quiet for a long while now, is spotted meditating above Galbar.

Having been corrupted, Zerabil sets off to the Mountain’s Crown where he readies the Victors for war. The Silent Six tell Rejys, who had taken up the mantle of leadership when Zerabil departed, that Zerabil was not who he had been before he left. The mark of chaos was upon him. Rejys acknowledges this but decides to deal with it at a later point, for now, they would need to do as Vestec said if they wanted to keep the Eternal Darkness away.

The Victors march out and with them go 400 Citizen soldiers as well as camp followers, and many Confederate Tribal warriors join them. Vowzra, being all mysterious and distant, creates a strange being, the manifestation of Time, known as Zera, the Ram of Time.
Given the fact that Vestec had corrupted two Arma Igna, Ferghus lets him know that he must give some kind of payment else things would end badly. Vestec laughs and does what Vestec does. Vestec then swaps places with his avatar and corrupts the Astral Home.

Sauranath’s avatar then finds Kanros, a demigod, and begins chatting with him. Kanros goes off and hunts some kind of murderer, who turns out to be a tragic hero in search of vengeance and tells Kanros to kill him. It is all very sad, so Sauranath’s avatar creates a feast and tells Kanros to dig in.
Annoyed about being cursed by Ferghus, Ialu marches an army southwards to conquer the other humans. Infuriated by this, Escre calls upon the gods to save Galbar, and also calls upon the Arch-Gods for help.

Ferghus, in the meanwhile, vamps up Mt. Vulcan, turning it into a Holy Site. He also creates Robbie the Arma Igna and gives him the ability to detect true intentions. Robbie is also immune to telekinesis. With the meeting over, Astarte takes Lizzy, the dragon she had been toying with, and leaves.

Ialu marches his soldiers into the Confederate lands and conquers the Bear Tribe and Stonespear Tribe. Ialu learns of the Southern Army and makes his way back to destroy them. Thulemiz marches the Southern Army through the forest to attack the Strong Tribe and their vassals. Ialu emerges from the forest behind them and attacks. Battle ensues and the Southern Army is completely destroyed. Thulemiz and Ialu fight one-to-one and Thulemiz is eventually defeated. Cassios and Rejys fight one to one and Cassios eventually falls. With the Victors destroyed, the Silent Six teleport Thulemiz, Cassios and Rejys back to the Mountain's Crown. Ialu conquers the Confederate Tribes.

Invictus appears before Escre and blesses him with greater powers, his holy sites are now invulnerable to meddling from other gods and he is capable of creating more in less time.
Lizzy is now called Tesvec, and has fully submitted to Astarte. Roxan asks Astarte for a Dragon of her own. Astarte offers her one of Tesvec's eggs (I’m a guy, mistress…) and asks for something in exchange. Roxan tells Astarte she'll think about the deal, and Astarte tells her to meet there at midnight.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Tesvec. Cute name. XD
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 4 days ago

Astarte offers her one of Tesvec's eggs (I’m a guy, mistress…)

Hey, who's to say he did not have a mate before his run in with Astarte? xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

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Totally not an anagram of Vestec. Not at all. :P
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Totally not an anagram of Vestec. Not at all. :P

Nope. Not at all. Stop being preposterous.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha 𝙫𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙞𝙣

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ye Old Summary

That feeling when your summary needs a summary...

In the beginning were the Great Ones – Invictus and Fate.
Then was the ‘Rise’ which called forth the gods.
Then was the ‘Wow’ of Astarte in pre-existence, and the ‘Wow’ of Vowzra when existence had begun – and thus was it written that all things which come into existence would utter ‘Wow’ before anything else.
When the universe had been created, Sauranath implanted many stars with his seed, and these stars became dragon eggs. They could not yet hatch, but the world would eventually come to know the wrath of dragon-kind.

Galbar, the planet, was nothing but a lifeless rock when the gods came upon it, but very soon they had filled it with life. It was Arguis, the Nigh Omniscient god of Knowledge, who acted first, creating a landmass known as ‘Arguilla’.
Astarte, then not the corrupted being she is today, created her personal plane of existence and the goddess of Magic and of the Summons went about creating little life forms there and enjoying her solitude from the other gods.
Escre, the god of Life and of Spirits speared the earth with the Planet Cord and created the Astral Home and the veins leading off of it to fill the planet with life energy and ensuring that life would be sustained on the planet.
Undasis, the god of the Water and of Seas, smashed into the planet and created a huge crater. He then created oceans and the atmosphere as well as a moon. The only landmass that remained above the raging waters was Arguilla. The crater, now underwater, would eventually become a place where the most horrific sea-monsters dwell, known simply as ‘The Scar’.
In preparation for the future, Vestec, god of Chaos and of Corruption, created the Blade of Chaos, a fearsome weapon, which changed shape depending on the wielder’s will and filled them with all kinds of negative emotions and energies.
Ferghus, god of the Forge, created his own personal plane of existence. It would be his forge and the place where he created his mighty items.
Sveiand, the god of Seasons and of Winter, tilted the planet on its axis and created a polar environment in the poles.
Vowzra, the god of Creation and of Time, then created the first forms of life – Trees and Ants.

The politics then began as Arguis decided to gather many of Sauranath’s eggs. He saw dragons as a threat and wished to eliminate them quickly, or somehow subdue them to his will. He first attempts to use Escre in his plans, but the Great Spirit refuses, and Arguis moves on, seeking Ferghus’ help.
In Astarte’s plane of existence, an unlikely alliance appears in the making as Vestec, Undasis and Astarte meet up to experiment on Vowzra’s creation – the humble, hard-working ant. They twist some ants and unleash them into the oceans, creating various species of sea-ants. Some were simply ants which dwell in the sea while others, after being corrupted by Vestec, became ferocious monster ants which preyed upon their more peaceful siblings.

Vowzra and Escre then created the Animal Kingdom, filling the world with all kinds of life – though Escre’s strange imagination also caused the creation of some strange beings (see Escre’s Creations in Character Thread for details). The two gods then created Humans – Escre supplying the life energy while Vowzra molded it into the shape he desired. In their shadow, Escre’s mind also created another species of Man – Outsiders (Creations Sheets for details).
Finding something more interesting to play around with, Vestec seized upon the new Humans and corrupted some of them, creating the hateful Dyun. These hunted down the peaceful Humans.
Arguis then created a new race of creatures – the territorial, adaptive and insect-like Cimex. These also began hunting down Man, and humanity appeared on the brink of extinction.
Before Arguis and Ferghus could meet, Sauranath awoke and his dragons were suddenly released into the world.
Meanwhile, Escre created a hero in response to the threat the Dyuns posed to humanity, an Outsider known as the Liaison.
In the raging oceans, Undasis was busy creating all kinds of sea monsters, and the four sea monsters known simply as ‘The Four Krakenian Demons’.
Astarte, seeing Man’s pitiful state, decided to teach them speech, emotions, society, ambition and self-awareness. She also unlocked their magical capabilities but did not teach them how to use this magic.

Though humanity had received some pity from Astarte and Escre, Vowzra could see that they were still greatly disadvantaged. So he taught them a great host of things. Vowzra taught his children the concept of Home, Friendliness, Choice and Free Will, Common Sense, Learning, Knowledge, Debate and Discourse, Morals and Conscience, The Common Good and Civic Virtue, Spirituality, Meditation & Enlightenment. He also taught them the way of life known simply as The Way, and gave them knowledge of Spiritual Energy Nodes, thus allowing them to use the magic Astarte had unlocked.

Believing that dragons were being hunted and killed by the other races, Sauranath had his dragons form a coalition and begin attacking humans.
It was at this point that a strange, foreign god penetrated Galbar’s plane of existence and created a Hero for itself – this Hero was known simply as Ialu. He quickly gained quite a following due to his absurd power, and people he came across decided to stay near him for protection from the Cimex and Dyun.

Meanwhile, the Liaison created an Order known as the Pallid Communion and taught Man a kind of magic centred around the cold. Greatly angered by this, seeing it as an infringement against him, Sveiand the god of Winter cursed the world with Eternal Winter. Seeing this, the Liaison’s followers turned upon the hero and tore him to shreds.
Sveiand also created his own archipelago, known as the Sviebard Archipelago, teaching its people Nature, Fur Clothing, Animal Domestication, Sailing, Astronomy, Navigation, Fishing, Stone-Tool making, Archery and Herbalism. Sveiand also created his own, personal plane of Hoar.
Angered by Sveiand’s actions, Escre began goading Undasis against Sveiand, attempting to persuade him that Sveiand had infringed upon Undasis’ domains by creating the Archipelago without permission.

Arguis then created a new species of plant people known as the Uri. He also created a Cimex Hero and taught the Cimex a kind of magic known as Void Energy.

Vestec, after incorporating Violence as a portfolio, went about cursing the world with Eternal Darkness – thus the world was eternally at night and eternally at winter. Moreover, the Eternal Darkness was full of people’s nightmares coming to life. After creating his own personal plane, Vestec also taught humans Slavery, Fortifications, and the other side of all things Vowzra had taught them, as well as War. He also captured One Hundred dragons and granted them as servants to his followers in the north of Arguilla. Ialu and his followers, in the meanwhile, went about learning how to use spears and became more settled, staying near a river and claiming some territory as theirs. Ialu then organised his followers into something of an Order, known as the Strong Tribe. They built a fortified village and developed their own brand of Wi focused around destroying the internal organs of enemies, and generally causing a mess inside their bodies. When the Eternal Darkness and Winter arrived, they set off to destroy some dragons in order to regain the pleasure of the Might One (the seemingly fictional god Ialu worshipped).
When nothing happens, they go about trying to get the Mighty One’s attention by displaying the head on a pole. When that does not work, they attempt to get Escre’s attention by plunging the head into one of his Astral Home veins. When this does not work, he beats up one of the worshippers of Vowzra and they make use of the dragon’s scales as armour and its teeth as spearheads.

Seeing the horrific consequences of the Eternal Winter and Darkness, Vowzra brought it to an end by creating Orabil, a huge tree, which cleansed the world of the darkness and winter. He also created the hero known as Zerabil. Seeing the ened of the Winter and Darkness, Ialu praised the Mighty One and taught his people to worship him.
Inspired by Zerabil’s dying mother, Escre recaliberated the Astral Home, turning it into a ‘heart’ of sorts for Galbar. He also resurrected the Liaison, whose name is revealed to be Invidia. A new holy Order known as the Sanguine Communion comes into being to replace the Pallid Communion.
Zerabil also began his journey as a Prophet of Vowzra, encountering a few Dyun and managing to best them.

Ferghus created his Arma Igna, ten suits of armour which would travel the world and teach man the ways of the forge. Viscardi, a worshipper of Vestec in the north and king of sorts, became supreme master of the northern lands, destroying and conquering all in his way.
Undasis and Sveiand speak to each other, and they agree that Undasis is in the right should it wish to have vengeance on the Archipelago above.
Zerabil, still travelling, is attacked by a nightmare when night arrives and finds himself saved by one of the Arma Ignas. He befriends it and they journey together.

Undasis then floods the Archipelago and creates a hero out of one of the drowned victims, named Aestus. Out of the drowned people, Undasis creates a race of Merpeople. He teaches these Merpeople Animal Domestication, Nature, Sone-tools, Fishing/Hunting, Free Will, Home, Learning, Metropolism, Civic and State Law, Biral Manipulation.
Undasis then appears before Zerabil and blesses him with a divine weapon, the Morning Blade.
In the meanwhile, thirty years passed and the Uri grew into a kingdom and the Cimex evolved once again. The Cimex prepared for all out war against humanity and the Uri.

Realising the danger, Invidia, who had been leading his Order in a silent crusade against the Cimex, sends emissaries to Zerabil, Ialu, the northern kingdom and the Uri, telling them of the Cimex threat. Ialu comes under attack from the Dyun and slaughters their hero, looting the Blade of Chaos from him.
In the thirty years, Zerabil travelled all over Arguilla and called people to the worship of all the gods. He gained a good following and travelled to Orabil, where he created temples and built a settlement known as Orabson. He then created an Order, known as Vowzra’s Victors, with its elite Battle Brothers being the Hallowed Hundred. Their headquarters was the Mountain’s Crown, on a mountain in the south of Arguilla. Receiving the emissary, he sends to everyone and tells them to meet in Orabson to decide how to face the threat.
The Uri prince, Quay, heads off for the meeting. He is granted a divine Lance by Arguis and the power of Soul Weaving by Escre.

Escre and Vowzra meet with Sveiand and help him mature. Sveiand adds Spring to his portfolio and becomes a woman.
Ferghus creates magma within Galbar and creates a volcano forge, Mt. Vulcan, where mortals can visit and make requests of him.

Vestec then created the Anju, creatures designed to hunt down Outsiders. He corrupted two of Ferghus’ Arm Igna and made them serve his northern worshippers. The Bodi and Vork were created and Viscardi, along with his two brothers Cassios and Aztoc, were made into heroes.
Invidia, the Liaison, Escre’s hero, sets into motion a hunt of the Anju before heading to the great war meeting.

Invidia of the Sanguine Communion, Quay of the Uri, Zerabil of Orabson, the Confederate Tribes (Chief Kooku of the Stonespears, Chief Tartok of the Bear Tribe, Chief Zarkil of the Jaghnir Tribe and Chief Ilagi of the Shanshir Tribe) are all present at the Summit.
Zerabil begins the meeting, stating that the CimeXeno threat must be crushed, but the question is how it is to be done.
Chief Kooku suggests putting many big boulders between the Realms of Man and the Cimex Territories.
Chief Tartok dismisses that and suggests a quick and ruthless offensive against the Cimex before they are fully prepared.
Chief Ilagi points out that the Cimex are very territorial and surprising them in their own territories would be a mighty feat, impossible for normal people. Ryak of the Strong Tribe then bursts into the Summit and declares that Ialu will soon destroy the Cimex.

In the meanwhile, Undasis clears the Holy Cove, a Holy Site. Sauranath then blesses dragons with increased fertility and forms them into larger societies.

The Summit gets under way.
Ryak keeps going on about how amazing Ialu is throughout the meeting and how he will destroy the Cimex single-handedly
Chief Kooku keeps insisting on bringing many rocks and putting them between the Realms of Man and Cimex Territory.
Invidia suggests using tactics and stealth to weaken the Cimex.
Quay suggests opening up a two-front war with the Cimex. He also suggests attempting a sea-landing with boats.
Zerabil points out that the sea was a very dangerous and unpredictable thing to use.
Zerabil then suggests a combination of stealth and a quick, crushing offensive into Cimex Territories, using the Sanguine Communion as a vanguard to ensure the main force is undetected.
Ryak says Ialu will do no such thing and will just kill all the Cimex his own way.
Invidia whispers to Zerabil that the Strong Tribe should be sent in as a distraction, charging straight into Cimex Territory and wreaking havoc, thus ensuring the Sanguine Communion vanguard does its job even better.
Zerabil proposes the revised plan: open two fronts on the Cimex as Quay suggested, sending the Strong Tribe from the north and the main force from the south, with the Sanguine Communion acting as a vanguard, skirmishing and scouting enemy territory.
Invidia reveals to Zerabil that the Outsiders are being hunted by the Anjus, and he tells him how he can summon Outsiders to him.

Ferghus creates a divine weapon for Viscardi while Sauranath attacks Orabson with a hero and thirty undead dragons.
Zerabil sends Battle Brother Juras to train Confederate Tribal forces, along with a shipment of halberds and chain mail for the Stonespear and Bear Tribes.
A new Diktat (leader of Orabson) is appointed by Zerabil and the old, elected one removed - emergency is cited as the reason behind the old Diktat's removal.
Sauranath attacks Orabson with his undead dragons and Hero.
Flames do not harm Orabson or its people in Orabil's radius.
Orabil opens its eyes and destroys the 30 undead dragons with its roots.
Orabil asks Sauranath to leave or risk incurring the wrath of Vowzra. Zerabil quickly evacuates Orabson’s citizens with Wi while Sauranath burns down Orabil, causing the Eternal Darkness to return.

Vestec then corrupts Astarte, with her permission. Ialu and his village are preparing for war while Ialu races north to challenge Viscardi and take over his realms. Also preparing were the Cimex, who create iron weapons an develop a special poison to rot human skin and thing their blood, while also creating underground tunnels extending to the Uri realms.

Seeing the destruction of Orabil, Escre manifests and calls the gods forth to judge Sauranath for what he has done. Meanwhile, Arguis attempts to ally himself with Vestec and Undasis, without success.

Undasis and Astarte then meet and Undasis scolds Astarte for accepting Vestec’s corruption. Showing Astarte the biral stone, Undasis requests that Astarte unlocks the Merpeople’s magical potential. Astarte requests a merman’s soul as payment. Choosing Sanctus, a great merman, as the sacrifice, they have him tear his own heart out and replace it with biral. Astarte then takes his soul and puts it in a pretty crown, nice and pretty, all for her.

Vowzra responds to Escre’s call and manifests before Sauranath. He quickly repairs Orabil and gives Sauranath a long lecture before telling him to return to his slumber. The other gods quickly appear and a huge godly meeting ensues. Vestec teases Sauranath and small spat takes place between Undasis, Escre, Vowzra and Zerabil.
Vowzra, suddenly realising that they were on a completely different timeline from the one he had predicted, departs from the meetings and withdraws the blessings of Orabil. Zerabil also loses his hero powers. The darkness returns, but thanks to Escre the world remains in a constant twilight. That does not stop the monsters from coming out to play, however.

Ialu arrives at Viscardi’s settlement and speaks briefly with the demigod Roxan before Viscardi emerges and they fight. Ialu emerges victorious and drinks from Vestec’s blood, before passing out. Ialu, presumed dead, was buried alive. He emerges from the grave and seized the throne of Garakai (the northern kingdom). Ferghus then appears before him and the two argue for a while before Ialu insults Ferghus once more. Ferghus, annoyed by this, curses Ialu to never wield a weapon again.

After Vowzra departs from the meeting, Zerabil is returned to his evacuating people and leads them towards the Mountain’s Crown. Zerabil loses his powers, and becomes even weaker when he flies to the Mountain’s Crown in order to get reinforcements to help the citizens who are fighting off the nightmares, aided by nothing but fifty Victors.
A month later, Zerabil now old and feeble, summons the Outsiders to him and tells Rejys to train them. They become the Seers of the Silent Six. Zerabil then leaves the Mountsin’s Crown and returns to the hill of his creation, where he sits and meditates for months.

Sauranath creates a huge landmass known as Orabakh. The dragons call Galbar Orabil now, after the incident of Sauranath burning the huge tree. Sauranath also creates a holy site known as Erstakh. In the meanwhile, Vestec and Roxan have a father-daughter moment. He gives her a rock which can teleport her to a far-off island where Vestec has resurrected Viscardi.

Astarte then starts playing around with a dragon, incurring Sauranath’s wrath once more. Again, a meeting of gods comes about, attended by Vestec, Astarte, Sauranath and Ferghus, and the lot have a long, petty argument about who controls dragons.
Vestec also curses the Cimex with discord, bringing an end to their plans at attacking the humans and Uri. He also corrupts Zerabil, returning his power to him and commands the Victors to attack Garakai and Ialu. An avatar of Vestec also has a spat with Invidia, arguing over whether the Anju are good or evil, whether the Sanguine Communion will tear Invidia to pieces like the Pallid Communion had, should they find out that he was an Outsider and other such things.

Escre then departs from Galbar and goes on a journey. Once far away, he creates a holy site known as Forever Fall. Arguis, quiet for a long while now, is spotted meditating above Galbar.

Having been corrupted, Zerabil sets off to the Mountain’s Crown where he readies the Victors for war. The Silent Six tell Rejys, who had taken up the mantle of leadership when Zerabil departed, that Zerabil was not who he had been before he left. The mark of chaos was upon him. Rejys acknowledges this but decides to deal with it at a later point, for now, they would need to do as Vestec said if they wanted to keep the Eternal Darkness away.

The Victors march out and with them go 400 Citizen soldiers as well as camp followers, and many Confederate Tribal warriors join them. Vowzra, being all mysterious and distant, creates a strange being, the manifestation of Time, known as Zera, the Ram of Time.
Given the fact that Vestec had corrupted two Arma Igna, Ferghus lets him know that he must give some kind of payment else things would end badly. Vestec laughs and does what Vestec does. Vestec then swaps places with his avatar and corrupts the Astral Home.

Sauranath’s avatar then finds Kanros, a demigod, and begins chatting with him. Kanros goes off and hunts some kind of murderer, who turns out to be a tragic hero in search of vengeance and tells Kanros to kill him. It is all very sad, so Sauranath’s avatar creates a feast and tells Kanros to dig in.
Annoyed about being cursed by Ferghus, Ialu marches an army southwards to conquer the other humans. Infuriated by this, Escre calls upon the gods to save Galbar, and also calls upon the Arch-Gods for help.

Ferghus, in the meanwhile, vamps up Mt. Vulcan, turning it into a Holy Site. He also creates Robbie the Arma Igna and gives him the ability to detect true intentions. Robbie is also immune to telekinesis. With the meeting over, Astarte takes Lizzy, the dragon she had been toying with, and leaves.

Ialu marches his soldiers into the Confederate lands and conquers the Bear Tribe and Stonespear Tribe. Ialu learns of the Southern Army and makes his way back to destroy them. Thulemiz marches the Southern Army through the forest to attack the Strong Tribe and their vassals. Ialu emerges from the forest behind them and attacks. Battle ensues and the Southern Army is completely destroyed. Thulemiz and Ialu fight one-to-one and Thulemiz is eventually defeated. Cassios and Rejys fight one to one and Cassios eventually falls. With the Victors destroyed, the Silent Six teleport Thulemiz, Cassios and Rejys back to the Mountain's Crown. Ialu conquers the Confederate Tribes.

Invictus appears before Escre and blesses him with greater powers, his holy sites are now invulnerable to meddling from other gods and he is capable of creating more in less time.
Lizzy is now called Tesvec, and has fully submitted to Astarte. Roxan asks Astarte for a Dragon of her own. Astarte offers her one of Tesvec's eggs (I’m a guy, mistress…) and asks for something in exchange. Roxan tells Astarte she'll think about the deal, and Astarte tells her to meet there at midnight.


Jesus christ... I better get reading
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Kho>

Jesus christ... I better get reading

<.< >.>

I thought that if I was going to do a summary, might as well make it an all-encompassing summary ^^'

*Is really just testing commitment wherever he can*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Lugubrious with regards to @Jetipster I'd say that as a schoolteacher, the last week of the year before the summer holiday can be extremely hectic. I'd give him five or so days to tell us how he's faring before beginning to take measures. I know that when he's free of school he'll be able to tell us if he is able to continue with us or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

We now have a friends setting. That'll be helpful.
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