Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Everyone who did a headcannon thing (Why is it called that? XD) with Guinevere, looks awesome and I approve!! I also had other some ideas with other characters.

- @Narcotic Dollie Since I'm sure Guinevere suffers from several injuries a week, she'll probably constantly be visiting the doctor. Alixanna and Guinevere would then see each other all the time and maybe they've come to be close friends? I know you stated earlier that Alizanna thought Guinevere was insanely hot (XDDD) and got nervous looking at her but could they still be friends? Guinevere would look up to her for being incredibly smart too.

-@ViolentViolet I don't know why but I can just see Illya and Guinevere fighting all the time. Seeing as Guinevere's the mayor's daughter, she'll feel it's her duty to put a stop to Illya. Maybe one time Illya tried to steal from Guinevere, who caught her and they got into a rough fight, leaving both of them terribly injured? I'm not sure who would win that fight to be honest XD Guinevere wouldn't give up until she literally couldn't lift her sword anymore so maybe Illya ran away or something? I don't know XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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@Adorabadass I like that a lot! I wish I hadn't already said IC that Alixanna doesn't know Varric very well. Kinda shot myself in the foot with that one. >.< Guess they'll just have to get to know each other in game.

@Savo He should definitely be scared! :D

@BlueAjah They can be friends, Alixanna will just get a little fidgety. :)

I'm going to give other people a chance to post in character, so I won't have a new post up till midnight or oneish here (that's in about four or five hours for me).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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Yeahh I was just wondering when it would be appropriate to post.. Farrest is waiting on Laciel and Ezra is waiting on Illya. Guin just ran off and I'm pretty sure Gareth would just start laughing about it all. But tbh I don't want to dedicate one post to the mayor laughing at the ridiculous situation. Plus I don't want to hold Varric back from running off after Guin, which I feel like he'd do. I'll post when @ViolentViolet and @Savo get their posts in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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I'm sorry I've not had appropriate time until now to address all the head cannons involving Aldric, it wasn't my intention to leave you guys hanging. Here's what I've got.

-@Adorabadass Respect for his atunement with nature, yes. But Aldric doesn't particularly care for any of Varric's more flamboyant traits. In fact I'll probably touch more upon that when the two properly see each other.

-@Narcotic Dollie That's pretty funny. Actually Aldric finds himself at the clinic more often then you'd think, either he's delivering herbs for his father or he's getting patched up after some animal gets him, or he tries to break up a brawl or something. It's entirely likely she's seen him shirtless.....A lot.

-@BlueAjah I've actually been meaning to run this by you, would Aldric and Guinevere be good sparing partners? His skill with his bow is easy to explain but he had to have some kind of sparring partner/tutor for his swordplay. Something to consider, if that's alright with you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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@Lionheart I liked that idea so much I put it in my last post!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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-@ViolentViolet I don't know why but I can just see Illya and Guinevere fighting all the time. Seeing as Guinevere's the mayor's daughter, she'll feel it's her duty to put a stop to Illya. Maybe one time Illya tried to steal from Guinevere, who caught her and they got into a rough fight, leaving both of them terribly injured? I'm not sure who would win that fight to be honest XD Guinevere wouldn't give up until she literally couldn't lift her sword anymore so maybe Illya ran away or something? I don't know XD

I could see Gwen catching her before she'd left town the first time a few years ago when she was just learning and hadn't quite figured out how this Sleight of Hand worked and the girl trying to reform her and teach her a better way when Illya, obviously, doesn't really care. In the case of a fight though, Illya would have gotten out of there as fast as she could while the girl brandished her sword, but now she'd get some shots at various vital areas and duck for cover :p It would definitely be a mutual hate kind of thing lol
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

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All these head canons xD

Anyways, back to working on my post, I shant delay you all any longer!

Also @ViolentViolet, who knows, maybe it's her day job he speaks of... or as it should more appropriately be called night job :p

Edit: Now that I think about it, how would her mother react to Laciel? I mean, she is a bit... hostile to others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As we have witnessed, Varric can, in fact, be a complete ass at times.


Headcanomnthat Varric is totes good friends with the thieves, both mother and daughter. He doesn't judge them at all, and he likes to sing and tell them stories.

He does the same flirty bullshit as Ezra, of course.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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As we have witnessed, Varric can, in fact, be a complete ass at times.


Headcanomnthat Varric is totes good friends with the thieves, both mother and daughter. He doesn't judge them at all, and he likes to sing and tell them stories.

He does the same flirty bullshit as Ezra, of course.

The Bard and the Thief are besties, actually. Remember under the base parent bios of each parent it goes all: The thief is good friends with the Bard and the ranger. Or whatever- its mostly for me but yeah.

So I think its only natural for the kids to know or at least be on good terms with the children of the other parents that their parent is friends with.

That being said I actually have some canons between the parents- once I find the note I'll show you guys :U
Edit: Now that I think about it, how would her mother react to Laciel? I mean, she is a bit... hostile to others.

I can't speak for Violent's intentions for Marideth- but her aggression toward Ezra is totally understandable. He's trying to sleep with her daughter (the attempts of which aren't subtle in the least)- and he mocks Marideth, which she cant stand. So she hates him because he's a shithead.

That being said- I can't see why she'd feel the same toward a meek, stuttering guy like Laciel. She's cold toward everyone- so I doubt she'd be nice toward him, either. I promise she won't dagger him. Maybe call him a toad and hurt his feelings.. But he won't get physically hurt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

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I also expected someone to say that line Snarl; looks like my possible trump card is nothing more than a mere jest :p

Then again you did plan this all out so what do I know? :p
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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I also expected someone to say that line Snarl; looks like my possible trump card is nothing more than a mere jest :p

Then again you did plan this all out so what do I know? :p

Actually Savo I'm super curious as to your intentions with this "trump card". What did you have in mind?

Edit:Alright so I was going to save these and just show you guys little by little- but here are the headcannons between the parents.

The Mayor and the Blacksmith have happened to spar with one another on occasion- its usually a big deal amongst the little kids in town who view them as heroes. So the matches are usually held in public places- mainly for the kids. Its always friendly- as both are respectful and goodsports toward one another.

The Thief and the Bard often meet for drinks. Their friendship is actually a really solid one- since they find kinship in being single mothers with troublemaking children. They gossip about whats going on in the town and have even been seen heading out into the forest doing gods know what.

The Ranger, in his youth, was simply an errand boy for the Doctor. In fact the Ranger wanted to become a doctor himself- because he respected him so much. It was the Doctor that taught him much of what he knows today about medicinal herbs. It was on one of these errands that the Ranger saved his first villager- from a daggerwolf- and he realized his true calling. The Ranger looks up to the Doctor as a teacher and father-figure for this.

The Mayor fainted when his daughter was born- much to the Doctors dismay. 5 men had to be called in simply just to lift him up on one of the beds so he could rest. The mayors wife wasn't too happy about this either- considering she was left to her own devices while her husband was being tended to.

The Ranger is, of course, the head ranger in Vale. He leads a group of other rangers (all usually young volunteers that are adventure hungry) and they are often patrolling the towns borders or assisting townsfolk in mundane tasks. The Ranger has an elite group, however, that have been with him since the beginning (Their names are Tova, Saran, Brogan, and Gyuri) that lead subfactions of the rangers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

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<Snipped quote by Savo>

Actually Savo I'm super curious as to your intentions with this "trump card". What did you have in mind?

It was mainly going to be used for calming five people down who get the wrong idea about the flower. For example - Guinevere and her overreaction since she can't handle love too well. This sends her into a state of panic as she doesn't want to be tied down.

In short terms, its what Guineveres dad said about the flower :p
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oh, I thought it was purely romantic. Haha Varric's mom is gonna lecture him hardcore for not knowing that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Looks good for the headcannons.

Also, I have a pool party/bonfire today so I probably won't get a post up until tomorrow. The recent posts look exciting though :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

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I imagine it would depend on how he treats her daughter and if he snoops around their house at all of course. Marideth wants someone to help her daughter and talk to her, since Illya refuses to speak to her mother about what she does for a living since she wouldn't teach her any of her thief tricks. Even though Marideth is pretty cold, she tolerates his presence and would, as he said, poke fun at him from time to time.

I can agree with that. Of course, they both have a habit of throwing knives at him as well when he gets too flirty. As long as he isn't as bad as Ezra they won't tear out his tongue.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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Also, I have a pool party/bonfire today so I probably won't get a post up until tomorrow. The recent posts look exciting though :P

Noted, thanks for telling us c:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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As long as he isn't as bad as Ezra they won't tear out his tongue.

Why do I get the sense that some serious pain is coming into Ezra's very immediate future? xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 6 days ago


Looks good for the headcannons.

Also, I have a pool party/bonfire today so I probably won't get a post up until tomorrow. The recent posts look exciting though :P

Have fun with that Ajah :D

Which reminds me,I won't be posting for a while tomorrow due to stuff about graduating... so yeah.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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Which reminds me,I won't be posting for a while tomorrow due to stuff about graduating... so yeah.

Noted as well- good luck and congrats c:

@Lionheart Hey I forgot to make them start moving- You can choose where they find the doe and all that c:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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@Lionheart I really like your writing style- your posts have such a nice, succinct flow to them :o

Honestly everyone is so talented at writing in this rp I usually finish reading the posts saying "damn that was good" or laughing at how funny you all are.

I'm having a great time with this rp and I'd just like to say its been super fun so far c:
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