Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

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Blaze stares at the diagram on the ground and thinks about which direction it is. It is somewhat familiar to him. After a while, he looks back at Crystal and says "I may have been there once or twice on rainy days. I think it is not too far from here. I believe it is in that direction as far as my mermory serves me correctly." Blaze points in the believed direction of the cave.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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@fer1323 (I assume he has clothes on XD)
Crystal slowly nods her head in understanding and gets up from the ground again. She was ready to start looking, but she was afraid that she might get separated from Blaze and get even more lost so she shuffled close to him and grabbed a handful of his shirt.
She must've resembled something like a lost sheep the way she now stayed close to Blaze.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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@Lunarlors34(Blaze does have clothes on. :p)

Blaze is taken aback on how Crystal clings onto his shirt. First, she was scared of him but now Crustal treats him like they have known each other for a long time. "Uhm okay. Let's go." Blaze walks much slower so Crystal can keep up and so the two may not trip over each other.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eagenitheflamingkprince
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Eagenitheflamingkprince Flaming Prince

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nicasio Horatio:

Horatio sighed at what the cloaked man said than answered his question truthfully, " I will tell you this sir I'm on neither side in this world I'm just doing my research and get a job to help out people and Pokemon alike. Me and my team will fight up against any kind of challenging tasks along the way through this new region sir. Let see how things work on this journey I chose for myself and I won't make deal with the enemies ever in my life." he said to the cloaked man.

Flamuja Arc

Flamuja ran through the forest and was in his Arcanine form as he ran through the place than when he smelled others close by he shifted to his gijinka form without any difficulty unlike the other successful ginjika from team atom, but he was wasn't a successful experiment in atom. He became a successful experiment when team Galack adopted the gijinka project when team atom was destroyed by the good side, and team Galack got a bonus gift and that was the gijinka of an Arcanine they completed Arc and he became a successful experiment. Flamuja prowled searching for the others that he caught scent of as he was dashing through the forest.

Opal and Jaiden:

" Now lets go my dear test subjects I have many experiments to work on all of you with my crew and scientist as well. for the girl I will just put her in an extra room in the headquarters and with a bunch of guards around her room and I will also take her Pokemon from her and this persain for our gijinka experiments in our lab and when they are created, I will transfer the her gijinka pokemon to my subordinates or maybe just put them in my collection of Successful experiments of the Gijinkas. I'm going test the captured ones once again and see if they are successful experiments or not. Heiena drag the girl along with us than we will throw her into way back of our truck." he said and pressed the button and re-shrunk the cages and put them in a bag. " Oh Haiena tore off her pokeball belt and thor you take her bag from her okay." he said and Held Zarick right and stoked Zarick's fur gently.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

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Winfried nodded his head absently at the answer as he seemed to think about something else. He couldn't sense any lies in his answers so far, so maybe he could trust him to help?
"How do you feel about gijinkas?" This was the big one, depending on how he answered Winfried could make his decision. Just because he wasn't a fan of Team Galaku didn't translate to him necessarily liking gijinkas. And maybe this guy might be able to help solve a problem of his.
EDIT: Forgot Crystals response >_<

Crystal nodded quietly as she clung onto the shirt like her life depended on it as she slowly walked behind Blaze, almost tripping over a couple of times actually as it would seem that if something could even remotely trip someone over; it would conspire to trip her over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

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Blaze tries his best to keep cool as the triping is getting on his nerves. He then thinks of a solution. He stops and says "Crystal, I think it would be easier if you climb on my back. That way I can walk faster and you do not trip." Blaze keeps an eye out for any threats.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

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Crystal nodded her head slowly in understanding as she let go of his shirt momentarily, but she looked down towards the ground so that he couldn't see the flustered look on her face. She had a feeling that she would slow them down, she was generally a pretty big burden as Kane would constantly remind her.
After all she was so clumsy and uncoordinated, of course she would slow people down. (I would assume he would do that whole one knee on the ground thing for when people hop on other people's backs right? I don't mean to godmod but I just assumed that this is how it would play out)
After he got down so she could hop on his back, she wrapped her arms around his chest region and pressed tightly into his back when he stood up, eyes shut as she felt like she would fall off at any moment despite the strong grip he had on her. So tightly that he could probably hear her heartbeat beating a mile a minute, and her small soft breasts press into his back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

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@Lunarlors34(No probs. :p It saves time. )

"Much better already. " Blaze now walk again in their assumed direction. He is walking faster than before but a bit slower than his usual speed due to carrying extra weight. Blaze thinks that he should cheer Crystal up. "So Crystal, tell me more about yourself. Everyone has a story to tell, even a cutie pie like you." This is all new for Blaze but he needs something to take the edge off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

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"....I don't know much about my past....Winfried doesn't like talking about it." She muttered softly in reply, muffled even further as she speaking into his back.
"I know I love being with Auril and the others.....But Kane is mean to me....Ace is cold...." She sniffled again as she thought about the others.
"Winfried keeps disappearing...haven't seen him for a day....Went looking this morning....Got lost.." She continued to mutter softly before burying her face into his back.
"I miss them..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Blaze gives out a snort. Blaze feels for Crystal as he too does know not much before his imprisonment and escape. " Crystal, you are better off than I am. I have alone for quite some time ever since, well let's say, I escaped from very bad poeple who messed with my head. As a result, the memories,that I have, are hazy at best and sometimes feel they don't belong. On an upside, I have a pretty calm and relaxed life. Meditate, eat, sleep, repeat. I am okay with that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Ryuu kept to himself thinking of a way to stop this but in the end came to a successful way to beat them alone. He looked at the 2 eevee evolutions and the Absol. "Do one of you happen to know the location of a near by legendary?" He asked smiling. Alone he couldn't do this but another legendary will surely deck house on this scandalous team.
@The ghost in black
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Crystal wasn't sure what to say about Blaze's past. This was the first a gijinka had actually told her their past, the others seemed to want to hide what-ever had happened to them from Crystal and she felt like it wasn't fair for her to be the only one who didn't know.
"I remember being in a cage because of some bad people....when I first met Winfried....He saved me and the others.." Crystal mumbled tiredly into Blaze's back in reply. She was suddenly feeling quite tired and now tried her best to stay awake but to no avail, as she now quite quickly fell fast asleep on Blaze's back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Alex stopped and looked back at Jaiden and Opal. What the hell man, just walk away. You got your money and you know you have more traps to check. Just go back to work. Alex thought, but something in his gut wouldn’t allow him to leave. Alex sighed and rubbed his eyes.

“Hey Jaiden, I got a better idea. Why not let the girl work for me? She can help check the other traps around the forest. This way, if we have trapped a hybrid. Whatever has been destroying the traps won’t have the opportunity to get the hybrids out. I can’t be in two places at once, but with her help we can get more hybrids. She seems to handle herself well so she should be able to fight off anything that tries to get in the way,” Alex said. Damn it, just walk away! Why the hell does this knot in my gut keep me here? For that matter why does it want me to help this idiot? She got herself in this mess so she should be responsibly to get herself out! Alex thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

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Blaze walks abit further and decides to take a rest. He gently puts sleeping Crystal on the ground. Blaze looks at her sleep. 'She is sure cute when she is asleep.' thinks Blaze. He takes a seat next to her whilst on the lookout for any threats.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

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Crystal stirred slightly as Blaze put her on the ground but didn't do much else, just slept soundly and muttered a few words.
"Winfried....sorry..." She muttered in a sleepy voice, her chest slowly rising and falling in a slow rhythm as she continued to sleep soundly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eagenitheflamingkprince
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Eagenitheflamingkprince Flaming Prince

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Elvina & Rivallie:
@The ghost in black

Elvina looked at Ryuu and thought for a bit wondering what he was talking about at this minute with her and her father in their den. She
Her eyes went towards Rivallie like she was asking what this person waas talking about to her and Rivallie.

Rivallie thought for a bit than shifted to his shiny umbreon Pokemon form, " there is a location of a sacred place near this forest and I can remember the path much easier in my Umbreon from guys, so I should lead you there am I right Ryuu, if so I will by right by your side until we reach the foot of that mountain got that Ryuu?"

Jaiden and Opal:


Jaiden looked at Alex and smirked and the persian in his arms which Zarick didn't mind, " well Alex are you sure you want take the full responsibilty of this girl? if so I won't mind, but you just have to make sure she doesn't flee from here or from you. you can do whatever you want with this girl my dear deal maker, I don't care what you do you could even force her to do what you need for her or just use her as a stress reliever as well. I'm just going to give her two of her pokemon for she use if needed, but I will put shock collars with gps on her and her pokemon as well." he said to Alex strictly with interest in his tone of voice as well.

Opal Luna was very confused on what was going on and she continued to squirm trying to escape from the Mightyena's strength and weight Haiena's body since the mightyena was using it's full strength to keep her pinned down on the ground on the forest floor. " what is going on here it's very weird and I don't even know why Zarick followed after that pokemon poacher here." she said in a very nervous tone of her voice.

Flamuja & Horatio


Flamuja jumped out of the brush and jumped near Crystal and he switched back to his Arcanine form and smiled looking at blaze and Cystal. " should I lend you guys a hand to take that girfarig back to her little family and master of that Garifarig. I'm just offering because I want at help out somebody around me in my life." he said and smiled at the two with his tail swaying with interest and excitement.

" Well in truth I'm interested in them since I never knew Hybrids including a Pokemon existed in my world and also I don't really think anybody deserved to be treated like that, I also don't know what to say to others and I never heard anything about gijinkas in this world all I thought when I saw them walking or running through the streets since my home has no humans labeled as gijinkas, I just thought the gijinkas is that they are people with costumes to show how close they are with their Pokemon, but I do think those creatures are interesting, but the gijinkas are not natural, but it will always make me feel like it is wrong for gijinkas to be around stranger in the world. " he said with interest and motivation to work everything out in their livs.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

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Crystal woke up when she heard something land not to far from her, so with a sleepy look she looked up before her eyes widened in surprise.
She scurried away quite quickly when she saw the Arcanine gijinka and hid behind Blaze.
"I...I...I'm not sure..." She muttered nervously behind Blaze. She was also a little confused by what the Arcanine had said. Master?

Winfried took in what the man said as he picked up the last item he had dropped from his shopping, should he trust the man? He probably didn't have a much of a choice here.
"Do you want to meet some?" Winfried asked in a quiet whispered, leaning closer to the man as he did so as to lower the chances of someone overhearing them.
"If so, follow me." Winfried added as he started walking off and gestured for him to follow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

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Two thoughts come to Blaze when he looks at Flamuja. The first is "another one like me" and the second one is "O great, another joins the group. What's next?" Blaze sighs and says to Flamuja "How can we trust you if we do not know your name or intentions? I am not good at trusting others who can pose as a threat. "
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eagenitheflamingkprince
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Eagenitheflamingkprince Flaming Prince

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Flamuja Arc:


" do you guys think I'm Galack's pet and coming to take you back to the lab of team Galack for they can put you guys on display for other villain teams in this world, then you guys are wrong if your thinking that. I'm Flamuja Arc and my intentions are just to have my freedom from those cages in that lab in team Galack and I'm like another experiment that escaped from the clutches of team Galack's scientist and leader of the group. I can change to a true Arcanine and Gijinka from out of free will include this kid I met in the lab, but he vanished and never been found all these months." he said to blaze and crystal acting normal with no catch in mind as he consciously got closer to the for just in case something happens that is undetectable in his mind.

Horatio Nicasio:


Horatio looked at Lucas his Lucario which just nodded his head towards his master, than he followed after the cloaked man. " I will love to see the Gijinkas to get my mind focused on something interesting that I never heard of in the whole pokemon world. it's like a never ending journey since brand new places are discovered every day of life in this world. Anyways I'm tired of speaking it is your turn to speak about anything you want sir. well it is your decision to speak or not so do what you want sir." he said and walked along with the cloaked man in silence with Lucas following at Horatio's side.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

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Blaze crosses his arms. "I think I can trust you a little since your intentions somewhat lines up with mine. I am Blaze and this one is Crystal." Blaze gestures to Crystal. " I would like to discuss our stories another time. By the way, you do not want to betray us. If you do, you will find out why."
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