Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Green Rhapsody
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Green Rhapsody Green Is A Creative Color

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(I took a lot of care to balance her for the RP, but it may not be enough. Please let me know if there's anything I need to change.)

• Name: Cecilia Lynne Adlehyde
• Age: 16
• Gender: Female
• Appearance: Here.
• Method of Travel: Dan Dairam the Guardian of Spacetime grants her power to traverse the multiverse by creating portals when summoned.
• Powers: Cecilia is a Crest Sorceress. Meaning through the usage of artifacts called Crests, she is able to cast powerful magic spells. There are four types of spells that can be cast with Crests, White magic, Black magic, Advanced White magic, and finally Advanced Black magic. Additionally, Cecilia was one chosen by the Guardians of her planet as someone who can commune with and summon them as long as she has their rune in her possession. She can only "equip" one per battle and the one equipped with increase certain attributes. Only the one equipped can be summoned for battle once, when the battle has gone on long enough for Cecilia to store enough mana for the summon (the battle needs to be really long, like a big battle), and for a set amount of time. (Five minutes tops, maybe. Time might get slightly extended as she gets stronger.) Starting out she only has three White magic spells, three Black magic, and five Guardians. Her spells also have a cooldown of several seconds so she can't just keep casting instantaneously. More spells can be acquired by purchasing more Crests. They are highly expensive and rare outside her own verse so she won't be getting new spells often. Any new ones she does purchase will be run by Psyga first. No more Guardians than the starters will be acquired as the rest of the runes are on her home world.

White Magic
• Shield: Temporarily puts a barrier around the target to protect from physical attacks. It can be broken through with a powerful enough attack.
• Reflect: It can reflect a single spell back onto the caster. When bombarded with multiple spells, she will only reflect the first one cast on her, the rest will keep targeting her and there is nothing she can do to stop them (except maybe dodge) until the cooldown ends and she can cast another spell.
• Heal: Pretty self explanatory, a spell that heals minor to moderate wounds.

Black Magic
• Flame: A spell that throws a burst of fire at the target.
• Blast: A spell that causes a small explosion in a select area.
• Vortex: A spell that creates a small vortex of cutting wind.

Moor Gault: The Guardian of Fire, he is a powerful dragon, capable of not only breathing fire but also encasing his whole body in flames. Equipping his rune increases Cecilia's strength moderately.
Grudiev: The Guardian of Earth, he is a Godzilla-like creature capable of manipulating the earth to cause small earthquakes, fissures, or just generally throwing chunks of earth around. When equipped with this rune, Cecilia's endurance increases moderately.
Fengalon: The Guardian of Wind, he is a large tiger capable of moving at high speeds by manipulating the wind around him as well as send gusts of wind to either cut or push back. When equipped with this rune, Cecilia's speed is increased moderately.
Schturdark: The Guardian of Water, a giant turtle capable of shooting blasts of water or manipulating any bodies of water nearby. Equipping this rune increases Cecilia's magical power moderately.
• Dan Dairam: The Guardian of Spacetime, a sophisticated anthropomorphic cat. He cannot be used in battle as he refuses to take part in such barbaric activities. However, he can be summoned outside of it at the cost of a great deal of Cecilia's magical stores to create a portal to another world. Additionally, if his rune is equipped, it will increase her magical power far more than Schturdark does.

• Personality: Cecilia is a kind individual with a strong sense of duty and a great desire for adventure. She is very strong willed and stubborn, determined to do what she deems as right even if it means putting herself in great danger. Nothing anyone says will convince her otherwise. While usually a very amiable person, she does have a temper that can flare up if the wrong buttons are pushed.
• Starting World: Filgaia
• Backstory: The Princess of Adelhyde, she lived in a grand Abbey where she was taught by the Sisters to use her Crest Magic. For many years she trained here until the time came for her to leave as she had completed her studies. However, before she left she was contacted by the Guardian of Water. He told her to find his temple and take the trial and so she did. Once completed, he warned her of a great calamity going on in many different worlds and further warned that it would seep over to theirs. He instructed her to find the Guardians of Wind, Fire, Earth, and Spacetime so she can begin her journey and finally gave her his rune to use. Confused by these events, Cecilia returned home to discuss it with her father. Alas, she didn't get the chance to as shortly after arriving her kingdom was attacked by demons and a precious royal artifact was stolen. Now determined to pay those demons back for what they did and to fulfill the wishes of the Guardians, she set out on her journey to collect the runes she was instructed to. The final rune collected was the one belonging to the Guardian of Spacetime, from here he explained that she would have to travel the multiverse if she wanted to retrieve her family's artifact. Seeing this as a great chance for adventure, she readily agreed to begin her travels throughout the many worlds.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Weird Tales

Okay, I'm gonna just be brutally honest here.

The only things you changed was removing mention of how powerful the voice is at low volumes and made the implication that she was raped more subtle. A violation of Rules 2 and 3 of the RPG. Rule 3 in particular states that while it's okay to have a sexual situation here and there, so long as said activity is subtle or implied (which you did), any and all parties involved in the sex act must be of legal age.

Something your character is implied to not be in the backstory. While I find a nun character to be interesting considering the people that started the conflict are soul-ripping genies, at the same time, I want to ensure that the character in question is good enough to be in the RPG. I've read your character's powers again, and while they don't give off the impression of being OP, there's still the implications that it is.

I'm going to have to reject this. Sorry.

Okay, I'm just gonna point out right off the bat that the RPG doesn't need you to literally make a D&D sheet. Points for effort though. Also, I want to point out that Rule 5 states that all OCs made after July 16th, 2015 have to be of Earth origin. Not to mention that Epic-level D&D characters aren't the best idea for early-game characters, since they are literally the equivalent of Gods compared to the early-game characters.

@Green Rhapsody
Not seeing anything wrong with this. Accepted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 28 days ago

@Psyga315 Got it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 12 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago


... I'm definitely not feeling these characters.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

  • Name: Noel Vermillion
  • Age: 19, as far as anyone can tell.
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "Please don't resist!
  • Method of Travel: "H-how did I get here...?"(Anyone who will give her a ride.)
  • Powers: In spite of her lack of confidence, Noel is incredibly skilled at wielding the Nox Nyctores: Bolverk. Seeming to rapidly dance through combat and shedding the clumsiness that plagues her at other times, Noel is a remarkably dangerous combatant when using the duel long-barreled pistols. This may be in part due to the calming effect the weaponry has on Noel, as it mutes her doubts and nerves and allows her to act more confidently. Firing condensed seithr bullets which explode on contact with a target, Bolverk is effectively incapable of running out of ammunition, though it does require a moment to load. It is also capable of piercing through walls to hit a target, though Noel must be aware of that target in order to mount such an attack. Bolverk is does not kill its targets by default, though this fact can be changed. Bolverk is also capable of incarnating itself into a chainguns, and at more powerful levels freezing the bullets in air and detonating them in a chain of explosions to capture and incapacitate a target without fail, though she must successfully trap them in the first place and more durable targets may not be so easily defeated.
  • Personality: Noel is extremely shy and lacking in confidence. In addition to this, when it comes to most normal activities she is rather clumsy, and she is extremely self-conscious about her actions and appearance. She feels that she is quite lacking in particular way as well. She is also prone to being socially awkward and backing out of meeting new people, due to her shy attitude. She also is far too quick to apologize when she has done nothing wrong. However, in spite of this lack of confidence, Noel can prove herself to be surprisingly passionate and determined, especially with the aid of Bolverk's calming influence. She is also highly loyal to her friends, and possesses a surprising amount of will to perform her duties. Even if she can be quite easily made into a quivering wreck without Bolverk's aid. Noel tries to be nice to everyone and show care for as many people as possible, and when she's not on duty she likes to relax(and stay away from large crowds). Noel loves cute things and can be quickly distracted from even the most awkward and embarrassing situations by something cute, and promising interaction with cute things is enough to persuade her to do various tasks even if they're awkward. She is also scared of insects.
  • Starting World: The World of BlazBlue
  • Backstory: A Lieutenant of the NOL, Noel was dispatched to retrieve her superior Jin Kisaragi, who had abandoned his post in order to pursue the criminal Ragna the Bloodedge. However, while in pursuit, Noel suddenly encountered a strange distortion in space, which pulled her through before she could react.

  • Name: Caster(Medea)
  • Age: In her mid to late twenties in terms of physical appearance, but as a legend Caster is far older
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: A Witch from the Age of Gods
    A woman who had been convinced she must be evil.
  • Method of Travel: Spatial Warping. Magecraft that, with appropriate tweaks, has allowed her to fake a process allowing multiversal travel by deceiving reality.
  • Powers: Caster possesses massive reserves of mana. Even without the cheating method she currently uses to stay alive, she would be able to survive two days on her own without any outside intervention. Her main method of attack is the use of High Speed Divine Words in order to instantly trigger High Thaumaturgy, specifically a Rain of Light, a volley of powerful lasers composed of prana. While she is capable of casting a large number of these, and they are certainly deadly, they can be dodged for certain. She can also use a spell firing a blast of razor-like wind, though this too can be avoided. She can also heal herself using magic. However, due to minor differences between dimensions, Caster is incapable of using her atmospheric freezing effectively. Her mental interference, too, suffers from similar situations. She can cloak herself in a mist of prana and construct various magic items, though most of them take too long to be all together useful. Caster has a glass-like barrier to defend herself, but it too can be overwhelmed. There are two chief weaknesses in Caster's capabilities. Firstly, she can be effectively overwhelmed by anything that approaches her in melee range. Even a normal human with minor enhancements would be capable of overwhelming and defeating her, and potentially even killing her. Secondly, as she has no source of prana she is forced to siphon it from her surroundings, which often requires converting it into a usable format. In some universes that totally lack any form of mana, she is unable to fight and must spend limited time there. To compensate for the latter, she can pre-prepare skeletal warriors to use as minions for her own defense prior to entering the world, if she must. However, she is left totally defenseless.
  • Personality: Caster is a woman who has lived a life where she was described as evil, initially due to circumstances she had no control over. A curse drove her to do terrible things in the name of love for a man she had never met, and she was betrayed by the man in the end. No matter what she did afterwards, she was always said to be nothing more than an evil witch. As a result, she made the decision to descend into evil as deeply as she could. For if she was to be called evil, why not be evil? This attitude persisted even after her death, until she was shown kindness during the Fifth Grail War. Her priorities shifted, and this change has remained even after her defeat there. However, she is still ruthless and manipulative, lying freely in order to deceive others and using unsavory methods in order to achieve her goals. Ultimately, she still desires simply to find some place where she no longer needs to pursue such methods, but regardless is still highly manipulative and possesses a deeply malevolent streak she uses to grow closer to her ultimate goals. She will unhesitatingly kill or worse in the name of progressing her plans. However, if she did not believe such behavior was required, she would be perfectly calm and harmless.
    Caster likes honest men and girls in cute outfits.
  • Starting World: The Nasuverse
  • Backstory: Caster is Medea, the figure from myth summoned into a Servant Class for the purposes of the Holy Grail War. However, she was not summoned in a traditional manner. Believing that they had discovered a wealth of emotional power and souls when they encountered the Throne of Heroes, the Incubators proceeded to attempt to pierce it. However, they were met with abrupt failure. The Heroic Spirits within obliterated their forces effortlessly, as within the Throne they had unlimited capabilities. However, an unexpected result followed. Several Spirits were materialized in the form of Servants due to the assault. One of them was Caster. Finding herself free, and able to siphon mana from her surroundings, Caster proceeded to engineer a deceptive method of multiversal travel in order to further pursue her goals. While she no longer sought revenge not for herself, but for everything, she is still a ruthless person who will do whatever she can to reach her goals.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Hm... Alright, Accepted.

@Dead Cruiser
Okay, I'm not gonna lie. I was pretty hyped when I saw your sheet. I expected you to just make an OC from Earth that had gained Spiral Powers. However, there are a few doubts I have. The first is a relatively minor one that even I fall for all the time: His name's Lordgenome. All in one word. It's not a title. It's his name.

Like I said, minor. The other doubt would be if the Spiral Energy gets too powerful too fast, especially with the backstory showing that he repelled the Anti-Spirals, a force that required galaxy hurling mechs the size of nebulas to take down. You can see a bit of why I'm a little conflicted in this. I may need to think about this a little more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 12 days ago

@Dead Cruiser
Okay, I'm not gonna lie. I was pretty hyped when I saw your sheet. I expected you to just make an OC from Earth that had gained Spiral Powers. However, there are a few doubts I have. The first is a relatively minor one that even I fall for all the time: His name's Lordgenome. All in one word. It's not a title. It's his name.

Like I said, minor. The other doubt would be if the Spiral Energy gets too powerful too fast, especially with the backstory showing that he repelled the Anti-Spirals, a force that required galaxy hurling mechs the size of nebulas to take down. You can see a bit of why I'm a little conflicted in this. I may need to think about this a little more.

This is a character that I have something of a fascination regarding. As such, I've got a quite a few headcanons regarding him. One of which being his name. In my personal canon (as dubious as it is), he tacks on the pompous "Lord" to his name after ascending to the leader of Earth (the first time). This title is then misunderstood by his alien allies, as well as his beastman underlings, and though evolution of language over a thousand years becomes mashed with his name.

But still, a relatively minor point.

Regarding the other point, I'll just make clear my actual intention in mentioning that. They repelled an Anti-Spiral force. Not the Anti-Spiral. Remember the enormous face-ships that battled the Chouginga Gurren Lagann? Genome, and a few dozen other Spiral Warriors, were able to push one of those back into deep orbit of Earth after years of fighting. Not even destroy it. I would say that Genome's current power level is that of Simon immediately before the timeskip. He's battle-hardened, but still a fledgeling Spiral Warrior.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Psyga315>

This is a character that I have something of a fascination regarding. As such, I've got a quite a few headcanons regarding him. One of which being his name. In my personal canon (as dubious as it is), he tacks on the pompous "Lord" to his name after ascending to the leader of Earth (the first time). This title is then misunderstood by his alien allies, as well as his beastman underlings, and though evolution of language over a thousand years becomes mashed with his name.

But still, a relatively minor point.

Regarding the other point, I'll just make clear my actual intention in mentioning that. They repelled an Anti-Spiral force. Not the Anti-Spiral. Remember the enormous face-ships that battled the Chouginga Gurren Lagann? Genome, and a few dozen other Spiral Warriors, were able to push one of those back into deep orbit of Earth after years of fighting. Not even destroy it. I would say that Genome's current power level is that of Simon immediately before the timeskip. He's battle-hardened, but still a fledgeling Spiral Warrior.

Well, after doing research, it turns out that this is the exact reasoning why the name's Lordgenome. Gainax didn't want people to mistake the Lord part of the name as a title and so smushed Lord and Genome together to prevent confusion. #themoreyouknow

And with the reassurance that Lordgenome will be more akin to Simon's power level prior to when the show really gets intense, I'm still left to ponder about scaling. The Lazengann you have is good. It's sizable and won't dwarf people. The Lazengann in the show (the mech that Simon fought at the end of the first half) might be a bit more questionable due to, again, scaling, since some enemies might not be mecha sized.

You might already know this before and have accounted for it, but I feel like I should probably address a few things: for one, I don't think there'll be a situation where you would ever need to go beyond the simple Gurren Lagann-style Lazengann (which confirms that yes, there will be enemies about the size of normal Gurren Lagann at some point), or at least not a situation where we would see the larger versions at common place.

Though considering how you're using the downsized version, I would assume you already know that. Especially considering how Spiral Energy is formed by being hot blooded, and Lordgenome has proven to be exactly that. I just want reassurance that your character won't instantly be superpowered enough to hurl galaxies in a matter of seconds.

With that in mind, I'm accepting your character with the same notice I'll give everyone: if I get the idea that your character's becoming as OP as I feared, I'll ask you to either nerf your character or outright make a new one, though mostly the former more than the latter. Is that good?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 12 days ago

The main thing keeping Genome from reaching endgame levels of power is simple: resources. He doesn't have the means to build moon-sized mecha to serve as adequate conduits to channel the reality-bending power of spiral energy. He could maybe get his hands on enough material to build a full-sized Lazengann near endgame of the RP, but that's about as strong as I see this character becoming.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Dead Cruiser

Well, considering that he could just make the materials with his Spiral Energy...

Sidenote aside, your character is still accepted. Just be warned that, as far as the canon of the show's concerned, the name's Lordgenome.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 12 days ago

Shrug. I don't remember anyone ever materializing anything permenant out of spiral energy over the course of the anime.

And as far as the name goes, let's call it something to differentiate this character from his older self, as well as sparing me from typing that out constantly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

And as far as the name goes, let's call it something to differentiate this character from his older self, as well as sparing me from typing that out constantly.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Weird Tales

Okay, I'm gonna just be brutally honest here.

The only things you changed was removing mention of how powerful the voice is at low volumes and made the implication that she was raped more subtle. A violation of Rules 2 and 3 of the RPG. Rule 3 in particular states that while it's okay to have a sexual situation here and there, so long as said activity is subtle or implied (which you did), any and all parties involved in the sex act must be of legal age.

Something your character is implied to not be in the backstory. While I find a nun character to be interesting considering the people that started the conflict are soul-ripping genies, at the same time, I want to ensure that the character in question is good enough to be in the RPG. I've read your character's powers again, and while they don't give off the impression of being OP, there's still the implications that it is.

I'm going to have to reject this. Sorry.

Okay, I'm just gonna point out right off the bat that the RPG doesn't need you to literally make a D&D sheet. Points for effort though. Also, I want to point out that Rule 5 states that all OCs made after July 16th, 2015 have to be of Earth origin. Not to mention that Epic-level D&D characters aren't the best idea for early-game characters, since they are literally the equivalent of Gods compared to the early-game characters.

@Green Rhapsody
Not seeing anything wrong with this. Accepted.

Okay but the other guy is in right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Weird Tales Oh, you mean the other character you signed up with? Yeah, he's fine. He was made before the cut-off date for OCs so he's accepted unless I find anything off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Weird Tales Oh, you mean the other character you signed up with? Yeah, he's fine. He was made before the cut-off date for OCs so he's accepted unless I find anything off.

So I can't make a second sheet?

Also where's the link to the ooc?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Weird Tales

No. If you took the time to read the front post, you'll notice Rule 5.

After a certain point (the 16th of July), I won't be accepting OCs that come from different worlds. Instead, the OCs that are allowed have to have their origins from Earth. This doesn't necessarily mean they have to directly come from Earth to where the current action is. They could come from Earth, and have spent a good chunk of their lives traveling the multiverse prior to joining the RPG.

Nearly all my OC's are this. To give you an example, Thomas came from Earth, but temporarily stayed at someone's house in another world. After tragedy struck, he ran off to attend an academy in a different world. After a certain period of time, he ended up traveling the Multiverse as a Devil Hunter and thus joined the RPG by getting to the Western World.

Your first character was accepted because your character was made before the rule was made, and thus is Grandfathered in. You can play Canon characters too, if you want.

And link to OOC/IC
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Psyga315 just to clarify so if I make a second oc can they have powers or no? And can they only be human?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Weird Tales

Yes and mostly yes. They start out as humans, but they are allowed to, provided the power is appropriate to them, transform into something else. Like werewolves, for instance.
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