Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

- Cheol Akiyama -

After getting lost, Cheol eventually had to ask a staff member for directions, all while ignoring the sarcastic commentary in the back of his mind. Soon after, he managed to locate Meredith's classroom, pausing momentarily outside the door, a little frightened of what lurked beyond.

'You could always skip,' the mask said. 'Then we can spend the rest of the day Yuugure, flying round the school, searching for secret passageways...'

That was tempting. However, Cheol's sensibility won out and he opened the classroom door.

"Sorry I'm late," he said as he walked in. "I hope I didn't miss anything."

- Lonnie Lewis & Vice Principal Nina Smith -

Nina has not expected to be called to her office this early in the day, but it seemed fate had other plans.

"Your first day back," Nina said, as she sat herself down behind her desk. She peered coolly at the person on the other side. A student. A familiar one. "It's your first day back. Lessons have barely started." Nina gave a heavy sigh. "Couldn't you stay out of trouble for one day, Miss Lewis?"

On the other side of the desk, Lonnie Lewis leaned back slightly in her chair, hands behind her head, one leg crossed over the other. "Aww, come on," she said. "Don't tell me you didn't miss me."

Nina pursed her lips. "This is serious, Lonnie," she said. "You attacked Miss Harrison completely without provokation."

"She was messing with my stuff!" Lonnie protested, throwing her hands up into the air.

"She was your roommate," Nina replied. "You have to learn to share your space."

Lonnie scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest and averting her gaze.

"This isn't the first time this has happened," Nina said sternly. "How many students have you upset during your time here? No one wants to be roomed with you, Lonnie." She paused. "None of the second year girls, anyway." She took a deep breath. "Which is why I'm assigning you to be roomed with a first year."
"Great," Lonnie muttered. "Me. Roomed with a rookie."

"You should be thankful I'm giving you yet another second chance," Nina said. "If you can't make this one work, I'm going to very upset." She sighed and pushed a key over to Lonnie. "This is the key to your new dormroom. Your roommate is a first year called Gracie Turner. Try to be nice to her, if that's even possible for you." She nodded towards the door. "Now go. You're late for classes. Again."

Taking and pocketing the key, Lonnie stood up and lazily made her way out of the office. One the door shut - rather, slammed - behind her, Nina let out a breath she hadn't even realised she had been holding. "This is going to be an interesting year."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Meredith Hillard~

“Ahem. Yeah, hello uhm...I’m uh...I’m the twin. Gracie Tru-err, Turner. I’m fifteen. I’m from Kentucky, uh, in the States. I like to read and play the-the drums. Graham cries during Disney movies and until last year, slept with a nightlight and a stuffed Teddy Bear named Pippin.”

Meredith giggled rather loudly at Grahams expense. Ooh, that was just hilarious! She couldn't quite figure out why, but for whatever reason it was just funny to laugh at Graham. She wondered briefly if some cosmic space entity other than herself found it hilarious to watch the poor guy get picked on. Well, whatever. She was sure he had enough for now, at the moment anyways. There was always tomorrow for other torture stuff!~

"Excusez-moi, Madame Hillard..." Upon hearing the french, she immediately turned to see who had intruded upon her classroom. Not that she particularly cared. Interruptions were to be expected, especially on the first day. Students got lost in the place all the time.

"I would like to speak to you about one of your students...one Zacary Yoxall? Well, he was caught in ze food storage and damaged our door. He...he will be working off ze damages with myself and my colleagues, on top of his punishment, so his attendance in your class will be sparing..."

Hrmm...well, she supposed that couldn't really be helped! She'd just have to make sure to give him extra special super duper hard lessons after class. Shouldn't be too difficult to track down this Zacary person. If anything, she could even use this as an opportunity...yes, the plans were forming quite well in her head. She could get close to Zac...and have him slip her a key to the food storage door! Yes, that was it! The chefs didn't let her anywhere near the place normally, but with a student? Hehe...she could work a student.

"Oh, pas mal du tout!~" (No trouble at all!)She cheerily replied. "I'll be sure to stop by later and give him any work he missed!~" Which probably translated to: "I'll stop by later so I can sneak into the food stores myself!". It was an ingenious plan, really. She'd give this Zac kid a passing grade simply for letting her in the food stores. Fair trade off indeed! Nothing could possibly go wrong. Well, that explained most of the students, then. There was just two more missing...

"Sorry I'm late, I hope I didn't miss anything."

And there was the second to last one! Though, she supposed by now he was the last one that was going to show up. Anyway ya look at it, if they weren't here now there was probably not much that could be done to convince them to come. Ah well. She walked over to the new kid. He looked to be pretty young form the looks of it. Though really, she might be way off. All humans looked the same to her. Unless they were really old and wrinkly. Ah, the wonders of being practically ageless alien space alien. Don't have to worry about wrinkles! Of course, most of her people probably looked ten times worse...as in, squid like worse.

"Heh~" She chuckled, looking down at him. "So you're my newest vict-err, I mean Student! Welcome welcome, go sit down! How about...next to that blonde over there!" She said, pointing to Emily. "Also if you could introduce yourself, please do!~"

~Ziska Sieghild~

"Heya Ziska, you're looking rather ravishing this morning. Were you busy disciplining someone this morning as it is rather outlandish to see you late."

Ah...Lukas. The womanizing psychic. The both of them had their fair share of fights over the course of last year in the training room. Both of them were perfectly skilled in the art of swordplay. She had speed, reflexes and an almost impenetrable defense, and he had telekinesis and more weapons than she had. Fighting him was always a decent test of her abilities, even if she had never actually considered herself to have a win over him. She would get him one of these days though. Thoroughly beat him and make sure he knew who the better of them was.

One of these days, she would.

"Hmph. That is none of your business womanizer, but," She replied. "My roommate is simply a delinquent and we ended up having a glaring match most of the night."

A sufficient enough answer she would not be elaborating on.

“Hey...anybody got a piece of paper I could borrow?”

Ted Turner. A lazy, unmotivated, irredeemable and quite frankly annoying man. Sort of reminded him of her brother. Annoying useless Popsicle.

"Should have come to class prepared." She scoffed. "I'm surprised you even come at all, since you lack any sort of motivation or drive." She harshly continued, giving him a bit of a disapproving glare, though she said nothing else. She had no words for some unmotivated monkey such as him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Melkor
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Melkor The Nerd Formerly Known as Melkor

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"An object traveling. Most likely a projectile based on the hypotenuse, speed, and the duration of the objects supposed path.”

this was Ziska… a bit on the less than sane side according to many, but she was rather intelligent, collected and could learn a new skill in no time… at least that was based on what Burr had seen of her so far. He could be completely wrong, she could be hiding a bluetooth earpiece somewhere… probably her ear? But he was rather certain that she was just smart and retained information.

Judging from the bags under her eyes… Ziska didn’t sleep last night… “Right you are, Ziska.”. Geoff chose to ignore the fact that students were whispering in the back of the class. An eraser lifted itself and began wiping the marks off of the board. “Alright, let’s break down two dimensional motion into individual vectors.” As he talked another marker began drawing a diagonal arrow pointing upward to the right in the middle of the board. “This is a vector. We know this because it has a magnitude, determined by the length of the stem, and a direction - it’s an arrow. We can label it as vector ‘a’” The marker drew an a with a small arrow above it next to the stem of the vector.

“So now we have vector ‘a’ - usually representing the force that is launching the object. Let’s include vector ‘b’ which is always the factor, gravity.” The marker drew another arrow, this one’s stem began at the tip of vector ‘a’ and pointed downward, stopping when it reached a horizontal axis with the beginning of the stem on vector ‘a’. “After we add vector ‘b’, vector ‘c’ plays the part of the ground, or the displacement, forming a ninety degree angle with vector ‘b’.” On the board was a triangle, the first arrow was labeled ‘a’ and pointed diagonally upward to the right, the second pointed downward and was labeled ‘b’ and the third and a straight arrow between the beginning of the stem on ‘a’ and the head on ‘b’.

“Does anyone have any questions so far?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 20 days ago

-Anastasia Tepes-

After Graham example several other people had started to give some introductions. There were these two girls who had arrived late for example. One was a red head who was apparently a sibling of Graham who made a fool out of him. The other was a Dutch girl who seemed abit... hyper. After these two girls had introduced themselves someone of the kitchen staf walked in and told the teacher that one of the students was being diciplined for something. Ooh well, sucks to be him.

After the chef was gone these a girl from New Zealand introduced herself and instantly made friends with the teacher by feeding it a large carrot. The teacher thought it to be a perfect time for another Turner sibling to introduce herself. Apparently this one was a twin with the other red head. At first she seemed uncomfortable but when she got to the "humuliate Graham" part she suddenly was able to speak crystal clear.

Finally a familiar face walked in. Cheol was his name, wasnt it? Anastasia had met him yesterday when she accidentily bumped into Graham. Though, she couldnt really remember him introducing himself to her. Hmm, it appeared that Miss Hillard wanted him to do just that right now. Okay, time to pay attention then.

-Anouk Dijkstra-

Aww dammit! She was so close to Tabitha yet so far away! They could have been messing around so much right now! Or hell, just writing notes to one another. But no... They had to be late and now they couldnt do anything together.

She looked over to the small ginger who was sitting next to her. He didnt really seem all too happy. Well, to be honest Anouk wouldnt be all too happy either if she had just been humuliated infront of the entire class. Anouk quickly looked over at Meredith who seemed to be preoccupied witha chef or something like that and then shifted her attention back to Graham. Eh, it couldnt hurt to introduce herself to him, could it? Besides, he was family of Tabitha and that meant that he just had to be a good guy. Sure she might be giving him a hard time but hey, he's her younger brother after all. Like, just look at the little fella.

Anouk quickly tapped Graham on his shoulder to try and get his attention. In the distance Anouk heard something about Disney but she wasnt paying any attention to that. Graham on the other hand seems to have been distracted by it and didnt notice her tap. So... She went on to poke him in his shoulder... Once... okay Twice... Fine, let's say it was alot of times to get his attention alright?

If Graham would respond to her prodding he would find that Anouk was already extending a hand to him and smiling. Any family of Tabitha had to be awesome so she was sure this little guy was gonna be so aswell. Ooh how she wondered what his awesome powers would be...

-Kára Raskstål-

It was silent in the waiting room. It was almost completely empty save for one girl and a raven. To an outsider in the normal world the following scene might have looked weird. Why? Well, because the girl was having a conversation with said raven in Norse. And the girl was not insane, ooh no, because she wasnt just blabering against herself. No, the raven was talking back.

(Norse)"Mind explaining me what I am doing here again Alfrigg?" the girl asked. "Why am I not testing my mettle with some of these legendary warriors? I was told there would be fights against mighty people with awe inspiring powers! But instead of that I am just sitting here!" she said loud and annoyed to the raven.

"I have already explained this... We are meeting with one of the leaders of this facility." the raven responded to her. "If you had been at the introduction yesterday instead of roaming around then this would have already been settled. But nooo. Miss Raskstål had to go and break off from the main group at the first possible second. You havent even got a room because of that!"

Kára, as the girl was called, sighed. She rested her elbows on her legs and put her face in her hands for a moment. She then looked up at the raven and smiled. "I'm sorry Alfrigg... But you know how I get when I see something new! I want to immediately explore-"

She was interupted by the door to the office of the Vice Principal flying open and a girl with dark brown hair walked out and slammed the door shut. Kára looked up at her and then back at Alfrigg. "Was that the person I was supposed to talk to?" she said to Alfrigg as she nodded in the direction of the girl.

Alfrigg looked at Kára. "Sure... Someone about your age would be leading all of this. Come on Kára, be serious." Kára chuckled as she stood up from her chair and walked up to the door of the office. "Sorry old man, I didnt know you were already at the age of being cranky about everything." she said with a smirk.

Without knocking first Kára walked into the office and looked around. To be honest, she wasnt really that impressed of this office, and neither of the person sitting behind the desk. She looked at the woman and tlted her head with a frown on her face. She vaguely gestured to the woman as she spoke to Alfrigg "You're sure we're in the right place? She doesnt look that tough as a leader of something like this."

Alfrigg flew in and sat down on Kára's shoulder. "As I said, things are different here!" He then adressed the Vice Principal. (English)"I'm sorry madam. This one can be abit... Rude."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

- Cheol Akiyama -

"Heh~ So you're my newest vict-err, I mean Student! Welcome welcome, go sit down! How about...next to that blonde over there! Also if you could introduce yourself, please do!~" was Meredith's response as she motioned to Emily.

Well, that could have been a lot worse. At least she didn't seem angry. Maybe she wasn't as scary as she seemed. Cheol repressed a sigh of relief before turning to the rest of the class and giving a low bow. "Ohayoo gozaimasu. I'm Cheol Akiyama," he said in a clear voice. "I'm from Japan and I, err, am a bit younger than the rest of you." He straightened up and rubbed the back of his head in slight embarrassment. "Even so, I really hope we can all get along." He gave a nervous little laugh before walking over to his seat and sitting himself next to Emily.

'Cute, kid,' the mask's snarky voice jeered. 'Real cute.'

Cheol made no signs he had heard him and instead smiled at Emily in attempt to show he was friendly.

- Vice Principal Nina Smith -

Nina was still recovering from her little encounter with Miss Lewis that Kara's sudden appearance caught her by surprise. She had completely forgotten the girl would be coming to see her.

Quickly, she put on a smile and motioned to the seat. "Ah, Miss Raskstål. And Alfrigg, is it?" she said, seeming not at all bothered about the bird or the fact that it had indicated that Kara had been rude to her. "I almost forgot you would be arriving. Please. Come sit down." She stood up. "Can I get you a glass of water or something else?" She motioned to the water cooler in the corner of the office.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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-Kára Raskstål-

Kára looked at the woman and raised an eyebrow as the woman offered Kára some water. What kind of drink was that to offer to a guest? Kára realised that her facial expression could be insulting so she quickly smirked at the woman. Meanwhile she grabbed the chair and turned it around, having the back of the chair facing the desk. As she sat down on the chair and rested her arms on the back of it she responded to the apparent leader of the facility. "Thank you for the offer ma'am but I'm not thirsty." she said with an almost Scandinavian accent.

Meanwhile, Alfrigg had taken this moment to fly up to a corner of the desk and made sure to not stand on anything that could possibly be of importance. He made a gesture which looked vaguely like a bow to Nina. "Thank you for your welcome madam. My ward and I appreciate the hospitality, eventhough she may not show it."

Kára chuckled in response to Alfrigg and she rested her chin on her arms as she kept locking eyes with the teacher.

"I trust that you have been informed about the euhm, special curcemstances my ward has?" Alfrigg continued. "Namely to do with the language and the different culture. I assure you though that I will do my utmost best to keep my ward out of trouble."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Through the chaos of the class and the great downfall of Graham Turner, Emily somehow was able to sleep soundly. She had already went through the syllabus and memorised most of it so she probably wasn't missing much. She woke up between a brief times, picking up some information she already knew before she fell back asleep again. The first piece of information was that Miss Hillard was very much a human - granted, those back tentacle things looked pretty real. She must have been a cosplayer? Only logical explanation, of course. The second piece of information was that the frail-looking redheaded boy sitting near her liked long walks on the beach. Blinking back the details, she spared a few moments to go through her mental processes. She too liked long walks on the beach but she always imagined her lover to be muscular, tall and well... not Graham. Poor Graham or lucky Graham, depending on your viewpoint. Granted, he was a pretty decent starting point for her proposed harem. Forgetting about her desired collection of lush, masculine bodies, Emily drifted back to sleep.

The next time she woke up, she could feel the gaze of her cute teacher lying on her. Fluttering her eyes open, she sat up and tilted her head to the side, processing the words. "Also if you could introduce yourself, please do!~" It seemed she was addressing her with that request so Emily begrudgingly rose to her feet, arching her back and yawning. As soon as she was up though, Emily suddenly realised that she didn't know how to introduce herself. She was many things - God, Emily, vanquisher of alien panty thieves and a closet pervert.

"I am..." Suddenly she switched to DEFCON 1 as she narrowed her eyes towards her teacher. Why exactly would she want to know who she was? No one had asked Emily that while she was here so why was Miss Hillard suddenly so interested? Then again, Miss Hillard would never (probably) harm a fly. No, her enemy wasn't Miss Hillard - she was a simple puppet, dancing in an intricate web of lies and falsities; her only purpose was to follow the strings guiding her. But then, the question must be imposed, who was the puppet master?

Peeking around the room, she eyed everyone up. There was that girl from earlier but Emily highly doubted she was involved - panty thieves only sought the simpler things in life like panties or upskirt views. There were a few others sitting around the room but they faded into the background as Emily worked around the intricacies of the case. Whoever it was would have to blend into a crowd, would have to remain inconspicuous and would probably be donning a metaphorical mask, hiding their true selves. Dear God... Letting her eyes go wide, she regarded the redhead boy in front of her. It all made sense! There were at least twenty other people who looked like him in the room (approximate measurement) so he could blend into a crowd. He wasn't much upon the eyes so he remained inconspicuous. But the mask? What was his mask? Then it hit her - Graham had the perfect disguise. It was obvious, he was showing himself off to be the weakling, pretending to have the lesser standing. It was perfect but why, Graham, why!?

Looking around the room, Emily nibbled on her lip, regarding every one of her classmates. Narrowing her eyes, her cool, inner Sherlock voice urged her towards her final discovery. There were quite a bit of females in the classroom. Oh Graham, you thirsty dog. It hit her like a brick wall - he wanted to create his own harem. The fact that two of his harem members were his sisters didn't seem to bother him either. God only kno- Oh yeah. Looking around, she looked at the innocent maidens of the biology class; they probably didn't know their fate. She had to protect their maidenhood!

Giving Graham a harsh frown, she suddenly regarded the innocent Miss Hillard. "I am Emily. I like frail redheads that may or may not be secretly evil geniuses." Now all she had to do was wait while Graham precariously stumbled into her trap. Your move, you horny bastardo, your move...

Sitting back down, she suddenly caught sight of another boy smiling at her. One of Graham's agents? He looked small but then again, that could have been their hidden agenda: the League of Evil Munchkins with a lack of Understanding of Relationships and Sexuality (LEMURS). Giving the other boy a dull look, not wanting to give herself away, Emily drew her knees up against her chest. Their oppression was strong - they thought they had her cornered but she was ready to pounce.

Vive la Revolution! Down with the Evil Munchkin Patriarchy!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

- Vice Principal Nina Smith -

Nina's smile stayed fixed on her face. "Yes, I am aware," she said. She then looked at Kara, looking her right in the eye. "I know things may be quite different here than they are back home for you, Kara. But I assure, we will do all we can to make you feel comfortable." She leaned back slightly in her chair and started messing around with a small pile of papers on her desk.

"I understand you don't have a roommate yet?" she said. "We'll have to fix that."

And judging by Kara's attitude, she had a feeling who would be a good pick for her. "Would you mind sharing a room with two other girls? One of them is a first year just like you, Gracie Turner. Nice girl. The other is a second year who, err, had to be recently moved from her other room for reasons." She then looked back up at Kara. "However, I'm sure you'll get along."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 20 days ago

-Kára Raskstål-

Alfrigg wanted to thank Nina for her time and patience. However, Kára spoke up just before him. She smirked at Nina. "What reasons?" Kára bluntly asked. A small grin started to appear on her face. "Am I going to have to expect trouble?" Kára kept looking directly into Nina's eyes. "If the answer is yes, then I dont want to be held responsible for some-"

"Kára!" Alfrigg quickly interupted her. "Enough, understood?" Kára scoffed at him before again locking her eyes with Nina's and just continue to eerily smile at her. This was soon followed by a short and uncomfortable silence. Alfrigg then tried to divert the attention of Nina.

"So, about this other roommate. What is she like?" he said as he tried to bring a more friendly mood in. "What is her name for instance?" he said in a uncomfortable tone. If he had lips he would probably be forcing a smile. He knew how much of a pain Kára could be, especially if she thought about something which could be challanging.

Ooh by the gods, please let this be a nice girl and not someone who might actually start a fight... Please. Just make my life a little bit easier for once.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

- Vice Principal Nina Smith -

Nina paused, wondering how was the best way to word this. "Her name is Lonnie, and yes, she does have problems with her temper," she admitted. "However, it is unlikely she will cause too much trouble. She'll probably be more irritating than dangerous." She then paused. "But I do have one warning... no matter how much Lonnie annoys or upsets you, I would advise your ward not to hit her. As much as she might want to." She locked eyes with Kara as she spoke next, "Lonnie is pretty harmless, as long as you don't throw the first punch. She rarely starts a fight, though she may try to goad you into punching her. Don't do it though." She sighed. "Or at least, if you really need to fight her, take her to an area that is not filled with students or breakable objects. Please."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 20 days ago

-Kára Raskstål-

Kára perked her head up at the mention of the possiblity that her roommate might be a tad bit violent. She looked exitedly over to Alfrigg who already saw the writing on the wall. Gods, why have you forsaken me?! is all that went through his mind at this moment. Kára on the other hand was rejoiced over the fact that she would atleast have an entertaining roommate. Maybe they could become comrades and cause abit of misschief here and there. Not enough to get thrown out ofcourse. If she got thrown out then that might also be Alfrigg's queue to send her back home and Kára didnt want that, ooh no.

Alfrigg was not really amused at the prospect of having a potential fight on his hands... Or feathers, whatever. So he looked over to Nina. "Thank you for being helpfull. However I must express my concern tha-" His sentence was quickly cut short due to Kára practically jumping out of her chair and grabbing Alfrigg by his beak, rendering him unable to speak. (Norse)"Hush Alfrigg, I'll handle it, okay?"

Kára directed her attention to Nina and she quickly put on a smile to, unconvincingly, try to look innocent. (English)"So," Kára said, "when do I get to meet this "Lonnie"?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

- Vice Principal Nina Smith -

Nina raised an eyebrow but said nothing about Kara's rather rude interruption of her mentor. Instead she smiled. "Chances are you already have," she said. "Lonnie left my office just before you arrived." She gave a slight chuckle. "However, you'll have to wait until lunch for a 'formal' introduction. As I said, she's a second year, so you won't share many classes. She's normally sitting alone at lunch, with the exception of Lukas Kunze. He's the only one who can get anything reasonable out of her, so I've heard." Another chuckle. "If you want, you can get him to introduce you to Lonnie. She might be a little friendlier towards you if you're with him." Nina gave a sad smile and averted her gaze. "She's a bit of a loner. Prefers to keep her distance from others. Lukas is the only one who's been able to get through to her, thanks to his persistence."

She paused suddenly and glanced over at the clock. "You should head classes soon, though. You have Miss Meredith first, and trust me when I say you don't want to be late to class." She looked at Kara, then at Alfrigg. "Is there anything else you need before you go ahead?" she asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 20 days ago

-Kára Raskstål-

Kára released Alfrigg and smiled at Nina. "Thanks ma'am but that's all we needed to know." She looked over at Alfrigg with a grin on her face. "Isnt that right Alfrigg?" Alfrigg wasnt really looking forward to be grabbed by his beak again. It hurt like hell and Kára's strong grip didnt help much either. Alfrigg looked up at Nina and nodded. "Indeed, thank you for your help. We really appreciate it." He made a bow on the desk before he flew back on Kára's shoulder.

Kára made a bow towards Nina on her turn. "May the gods watch over you." she said before looking up at Nina with a grin on her face. With you around she'll need all the help she can get...

Several minutes later.

(Norse)"Well, this is it. The biology classroom of Miss Hillard." Alfrigg said as they stood infront of the door to the classroom. "Doesnt look that intimidating to be honest. Why was that Nina person so insitant on us not being late? What's this teacher gonna do, eat us?" Kára chuckled as she went over to the door.

As she was reaching over to the door Alfrigg thought it was the perfect time to note an extraordinary accessory Kára was carrying. "Kára, care to explain to me why you're carrying your shield on your back?" Kára grinned at the bird as she pushed the door handle in and opened the door. "Ooh silly Alfrigg. You know I cant go anywhere without my shield."

A girl carrying a shield walks into a classroom while talking to a raven... This almost seems like the setup of a joke dont you think?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Graham Turner: Part I

Out of the corner of his eye, Graham spotted something moving along his desk. From his left. The small boy sighed. What horrendous crime had he committed in a past life to get anchored with such an annoying brat of a sister? Like, really? Oh whatever. He glanced down at the paper…


Graham felt two hundred pounds heavier. It was as if chains whipped forth from the note and bound him, dragging him down into the deepest pits of despair.

This...this was the worst. It...she had to be lying. She had to be. She had no idea where Pippin was...surely she didn’t. Pippin was still in his room and she didn’t know whe-

...but she was late.

Graham silently gulped and crushed the note, not daring to shift his glance. He had to play this cool. It was bluffing time. There was a possibility that she had Pippin...he didn’t quite believe so, but he wasn’t positive enough to just outright dismiss the possibility. His best option was to just not react. If his sister didn’t get the reaction she wanted, she’d quickly get bored. That was just the kind of person she was.

He felt something...poking him? At first he thought it was from Tabby but...no, it was coming from the other side. He turned his head to see the brunette that Tabby walked in with smiling at him. And...she had extended her hand. He blinked, suspicious at first, but finally he gave in. She just didn’t seem that threatening. A bit eccentric, yeah, but surely she had to be a good person? ...then again, Tabby’s friend...so...

The door opened once more as yet another member of the tardy train came strolling in, startling Graham. He was reaching out to shake...uh...Anouk’s hand, but the sudden entry caused him to snap forward. What if the beast caused it. This was a trick. This was a trap. Everything was a trap. Nothing was safe....

A meek sounding voice rang out and Graham turned to face it. When he caught sight of the source, his face froze in a half-grin.


Poor, unsuspecting bastard.

“Sorry I’m late. I hope I didn’t miss anything.”


The beast cackled, and Graham honestly wouldn’t have been surprised if it had licked its lips and cracked a fleshy tentacle.

“So you’re my newest vict-”

OH! OH! OH SNAP! The beast slipped! That was it! It’s over, man! Game over! There was no ‘Herculean Academy’! It was all a ruse to hide this fucker’s feeding pits.

“-err, I mean student! Welcome, welcome, go sit down! how about...next to that blonde over there! Also, if you could introduce yourself, please do!~”

The nemesis gestured to Sleeping Beauty, which made Graham uncomfortable. He didn’t like the thing’s attention being anywhere near his general direction.

The boy bowed to the class then spoke…Ohio Go zo eye mass? Did he just sneeze?

“I’m Cheol Akiyama. I’m from Japan and I, err, am a bit younger than the rest of you. Even so, I really hope we can all get along.”

In Graham’s experience with schools, this child would either be bullied mercilessly, or protected fiercely due to his petiteness. And judging by the jerks that Graham had met thus far…

Dude was screwed…

“I am…”


Graham glanced around and saw that Sleeping Beauty was now on her feet. She seemed to take a moment to scan the room then…

…Was...was she frowning at him? Graham looked about and it seemed like, yeah, it was him.

Why was she looking at him like that? He blinked.

“I am Emily. I like frail redheads that may or may not be secretly evil geniuses.”




Graham felt his face burning as she took her seat. He turned around and stared down at his desk. Was she...was this chick fucking with him or was that an actual attempt at flirting.

And then there was Tabby’s friend…

And Miss Diabolical…

Graham looked up and smiled uneasily at the ceiling.

He would never understand women. Never. It just wasn’t going to happen.

Gracie Turner: Part I

So...the chefs had recruited a student...that was breaking in to steal food? Alright then. If he was hungry, why didn’t he just go to breakfast? Oh well. He probably had a reason. Or was an idiot. Either or, really.

Not long after, yet another interruption marched in. This time in the form of a rather short Asian guy. He apologized for being late and...well he actually sounded genuine. She felt bad for the little guy. It seemed like Miss Hillard did too, as she let him off rather easily, and sent him off towards the back of the room...near the other tardy kids…

Half of which were her siblings…

They truly were hopeless.

The new guy seemed happy enough though. He gave a low bow and then greeted everybody. Good morning, if Gracie’s absolutely horrid understanding of Japanese was correct. His name was Cheol and he was from Japan. Gracie smiled at the kid. He looked so young. It was adorable. She just wanted to put him in her pocket and keep him as a pet. But it passed. If he was so young and was still in their class...well there was something to be said about that, no?

She heard someone from the back of the classroom. She shifted to see a blonde standing behind the Tardys. She seemed to look about the room. She...she looked like she just woke up. Poor gal probably didn’t sleep well last night. Gracie didn’t have that problem. Slept like a babe. Honestly, the other girl was probably cursed with noisy roomies. Sucks, that.

“I am Emily. I like frail redheads that may or may not be secretly evil geniuses.”

Gracie frowned. Frail redheads...did she mean Graham? Nah, impossible. She said geniuses, after all. She shrugged. Might have just had a weird dream. They happen from time to time. Oh well. With that said, Gracie turned back to Meredith.

What was next?

Tabitha Turner: Part I

Tabby noticed Anouk poking the dweeb, trying to get his attention. Then she offered her hand. Perfect. Get on the dweeb’s good side, then crush him. Tabby smiled and turned her attention back to the front of the class. Somewhat. She bent over, resting her head on her folded arms. The door opened and some pipsqueak pranced him. Dude might have been smaller than Graham. Props on that. He introduced himself. Cheol...something from Japan. And he claimed to be younger than everyone. Well...dude seemed harmless enough. Tabby wasn’t gonna fuck with him. There’s a line, ya?

Some chick in the row behind her stood up and announced herself. Tabby didn’t feel like turning about, so she didn’t. Then the chick said that she liked ‘frail redheads’ and then she just had to see. Tabby turned to see a cute blonde chick that was miles out of Graham’s league. Tabby grinned. Fuckin’ with her brother? This girl was alright in Tab’s book then.

While she was already up, she looked about the classroom. There were a couple more people, but she had no idea of knowing who had already introduced themselves before she got in. In any case, now seemed like a perfect time to catch up on some snoozing.

Theodore Turner: Part I

"Should have come to class prepared."

Hmm? Ted looked about. He spotted Ziska looking at him. Ted gave her a warm smile.

"I'm surprised you even come at all, since you lack any sort of motivation or drive."

Ted chuckled softly. She was getting all fussy. He was reminded of a particular cat back home. A contrary little thing, never seemed happy about anything, and definitely didn’t want to be around anybody. That is, until you’d wake up one night and see it curled up on your chest, purring away. Ziska was just that, a proud little kitten.

“Heh, can’t argue with that. But everybody likes surprises,” he paused for a moment, bending down on his desk, resting his head on it. “Even you, kitty.” he finished his sentence, then softly yawned. He was tired. Burr was an alright guy, but if his class was going to be on magic mumbo-jumbo, then Ted might just have to take this time to enjoy a nice little nap. Nothing personal, teach. Besides, without his notebook, he didn’t have much he could do.

So nap away, young Ted. Nap to your heart’s content.

Graham Turner: Part II


Graham’s head shot up. That...that was a bell?! IT’S OVER?!!

The little guy was grinning as relief washed over him. He had gotten a bit bored and was doodling in his notebook rather than listening to Ms. Monster continue her cruel hijinks. Honestly, if you didn’t pay attention to it, the monster lost some of it’s mojo. Maybe. In any case, Graham wasted no time in gathering up his belongings, stuffing them quickly into his bag and fleeing the room. He wasted no time in his escape, and as such, was one of the first to experience true freedom.

And damn if it didn’t smell beautiful. Goodbye misery, hello…uh…

Fuck...he didn’t know what was next.

Lunchtime Shenanigans

Graham practically skipped to the cafeteria. The rest of his morning classes went much more smoothly than his first. Then again, he didn’t have to see the terrible twins or Fido the Wonder Horror, so that helped. Seriously, it helped a ton.

Graham wasn’t the first in the lunchroom, not by a long shot, but he was pretty early it seemed. His last class was pretty close, so that probably helped. Graham got into line, and performed the normal lunchline shuffle. Eventually he got a tray with what could probably pass as food. He scanned the room but didn’t spot any familiar faces, so Graham found a table near the exit and plopped down. Hopefully he’d see someone he recognized. Alexis, Kitty, Cheol...even that freakishly tall chick Anastasia would be righteous. Anything would be better than eating alone…

Graham looked down at the tray. He picked up a plastic spork and poked the seemingly shapeless blob. Was...was this edible? The lunchdude that handed him this tray was laughing when he walked away. Graham waited, instead looking around the room to see if anyone was going to eat. Or if, y’know, they got the gray shit too. Honestly, he wasn’t going to put it past the school to serve poison as a test at this point…

Because it hated him.

Why would Herculean Academy hate Graham, you ask?

Because fuck him, that’s why.

Gracie Turner: Part II


Gracie glanced up from the pages of her notebook. She sighed slightly. It was over already? Ms. Hillard had a way of making time fly. The ginger neatly packed away her belongings and after a second check, she rose to her feet and made her way out of the classroom. Onwards to her next class, then. Gracie couldn’t help but sigh, though. There was no way the next teacher could be nearly as engaging as Ms. Hillard...right?

Lunchtime Shenanigans

Well, she was right. Gracie strolled through the hall, making her way with the crowd to the cafeteria. She had enjoyed all of her classes so far and really had no complaints, but no one seemed as interesting as her precious TentacleTeachie. Errhm...the jury was still out on that name.

As Gracie entered the lunchroom, she noticed the potato sitting alone at a table near the entrance. He was just staring at something which vaguely resembled meat. She scrunched her nose and proceeded to stand in line for a tray. As she went through the line, she asked one of the lunchpeople if there was a vegan option. He responded by giving her a tray with what was likely a salad. Or a pile of leaves. Oh well...she was hungry enough to give it a try.

Gracie found her own little table rather close to Graham’s. Sure, she could have sat with him. She could also just gnaw off her hand. Neither would be particularly pleasant, but one would at least end with her getting a rather awesome hook hand.

Captain Gracie, arrrgh. The ginger terror of the seven seas. Redbeard? Gracie frowned. Her facial hair growing abilities sadly left a lot to be desired. ANYWAY, enough with the dork thing. There was nerd activity that required her attention. Gracie opened her bag and pulled out her book. She pushed her tray away and placed the book in its place. She wasn’t quite hungry...but the option was there. For now, she was much more interested in seeing how things were going in Westeros.


Always poorly.

Damn you, GRRM.

Tabitha Turner: Part II



Tabby practically jumped out of her seat, startled by the bell. She was having a fairly epic dream...she was the captain of the S.S. Asskicker and was sailing about the universe handing out barrels of Whoopass. Then there was a duck...and a skiing incident...dreams are weird, man.

She looked about classroom, seeing Graham practically sprint out of the room, and Gracie leaving shortly after. She chuckled then stretched. She grabbed her crap then shuffled out the door. She wasn’t in a rush but, like, the sooner she got to her next class, the sooner she could go back to sleep. And sleep was pretty righteous.

Lunchtime Shenanigans

Y’know, it’s pretty fuckin’ sad that a school full of potential superheroes still ends up being like a school, man. Tabby groaned as she stretched, leaving her latest class and heading off towards the lunchroom. She hadn’t actually fallen asleep in any of her remaining classes, but dammit, she was close. She entered the cafeteria in time to see quite a bit of a line for trays. She frowned. She wasn’t exactly hungry at the moment, and lines pissed her off. She looked about the room and saw Gracie reading at one of the tables near the Dweeb. She smiled then strolled over to her beloved nerdy sister.


Tabby called out as she wrapped Gracie up in a hug from behind. The older twin was caught off-guard for a moment, which caused her to flinch, which in turn made Tabby laugh. The slightly flustered Gracie marked her place, then closed her book as Tabby slid into the seat beside her.

“Heya, heya. How were your classes?”

Tabby frowned overly dramatic, then propped up her head with her hands, elbows anchored on the table. She fluttered her eyes at Gracie.

“Dey be tewwible, Gwacie. Tewwible!” Tabby paused as her sister chuckled. “No, but really, they were soooooo boring. I was expecting like...Flying for Dummies, not Math. We were duped, sis. Duped, I say!”

“Give it some time, dummy. It’s not so bad.”

Tabby smiled and looked around the cafeteria. She sadly hadn’t had any other classes with Anouk. Where was her little Dutchie? Her precious Dutchess. Perhaps if she closed her eyes really, really tightly and wished extra super duper hard...

Theodore Turner: Part II






Ted’s eyes slowly opened. The eldest Turner took a moment to recall his surroundings. He was in class…? Huh...weird. Ted stood up and stretched. He looked about again and saw people leaving the room. Were classes over? He frowned. Did he miss lunch...? A glance to a wall clock rid the young man of his fears. He hadn’t missed the most important meal of the day. Great. But there was still a ton of time before lunch. Not so great.

Ted left the classroom and looked about. He considered going back to his room but...well, they might actually drag him out of his bed if he did that. No, might as well go to at least half of his classes today. That’d be good.

So Ted slowly made his way to his next class. Or rather, Ted slowly made his way to his next nap. He stopped by the classroom of Mr. Wagner next. Twitchy little guy, but he wasn’t too bad. Ted sat down and immediately passed out.

Lunchtime Shenanigans

Ted left the bathroom as the bell rang. In his last class, the teacher woke him up halfway through. Which kinda sucked. But then he asked to go to the bathroom. The teach didn’t want to let him go at first, but well, he kind of just kept asking. They all give in eventually.

But now he had a mission. No more screwing around...he had to secure lunch. This was of the utmost importance. Ted entered the cafeteria and immediately made a beeline for the lunchline. He didn’t even notice his little brood sitting by the door. To be honest, it didn’t seem like any of them noticed him either. Life is funny sometimes. He stood at the end of the line, intensely staring at the kitchen staff. The short first year standing in front of him felt rather uncomfortable by the towering ginger’s ferocity, and soon offered to let him cut in front. Ted took him up on this offer. Others followed suit.

Ted found that if one willed with enough intensity, food would come quicker. He was, of course, oblivious to the intimidation factor in play here. He was going to get food sooner than he thought. There would absolutely never be a reason to question that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Meredith Hillard~

Meredith listened as the last of the students introduced themselves. It was a rather amusing, to say the least. She had been teaching here almost since the place had opened, and none of the previous years had been so...amusing to interact with. First, there was the obvious person. Graham. She found herself taking an actual liking to the funny human, mostly because he seemed quite terrified of her. Certainly there was the other rumors started by the other students for rather eccentric behavior. For the most part though, most of them didn't take the rumors seriously.

This little kiddie though, seemed to actually be scared of her. It gave her a...somewhat odd feeling, to say the least. Oh well, she'd just play around with him more later.

After the students finished, she went about introducing her class in a somewhat more organized fashion. Mostly, that since they were first years they were going to be doing a basic introduction to start off with. It shouldn't be anything too difficult for most people, though unless Cheol had some previous high-school level schooling he might find himself falling behind a bit. She'd have to make sure he was doing alright in class later...

At any rate, the rest of the class passed by mostly uneventful, though a student or two was still missing. Hopefully they weren't skipping and just had gotten really lost. If they were intentionally skipping...well, she'd have to give them a 'private' lesson. First though...lunch! She could go for some delicious food. She was hungry enough she felt like she could eat a whole cow.

~Alexis Sinclair~

The sound of furious typing filled the dorm. Damn it. Still no luck. That file...just what kind of encryption was on it!? She thought Mishka was just a muscle head without any sort of brains in that head of hers, but if she was the one who did this...then, well, she might could actually learn a thing or two from her, as much as she had no intention of ever letting that jackass know it. She had tried a lot of things to crack it. Certainly she wasn't the best, but she wouldn't say she was bad or anything either. Any low-level system she could easily get into without much of a problem, but this was almost seemed like military-grade protection.


The bell brought her out of her line of thought, interrupting her somewhat illegal activity. Damn, it was already lunch time? She had just spent her entire morning on this and completely missed her first two classes probably. Well, damn. She'd have to mooch off of graham later. Well, time for that later. First, she was gonna go get some food. she was starving, thanks to a certain freakishly tall brute. She closed both of the laptops with an annoyed sigh. She made very little progress into that file, and she was likely not gonna make a lot of progress anytime soon. Hell, the Academy's computer might be easier to get into.

Putting the laptop back right were she found it, she left her own dorm and headed for the Cafeteria. She would get food now, and no one was gonna keep her from it. She got cranky when she didn't get food.

More so than usual.

~Ziska Seighild~

"Heh, can’t argue with that. But everybody likes surprises, Even you, kitty.”

K-Kitty?! Did...did he just call her kitty!? She had to restrain herself from slapping him upside the head. What a...horrendously embarrassing nickname. Had he called her that before? She was sure she'd remember if he had. She kind of wanted to know what was going through that bums head to illicit such a name from him, but she decided to simply ignore it with an annoyed huff, and focus on the class. Unfortunately, she found it a bit difficult to focus for the moment, instead she found herself trying not to mimic the sleeping oaf known as Ted.

...him and her brother would get along well. Well, they would if they did anything other than sleep all day.


Thankfully, it passed uneventfully enough. In reality, she was glad it was over. She was quite tired - this was the longest she had went without sleeping in awhile, and while she didn't really sleep much, she still needed it, even if it was just an hour or two. That little bout with her roommate - Anastasia - she was really unprepared for that. She wasn't feeling all that hungry either - she had a few things in her room she could eat. Mostly junk food and other snacks, but she didn't really want to be too picky at this point. She would use lunch time to get a quick nap so she could focus on her later classes.

~Adal Seighild~

Ah...he was hoping Ziska would be here so he could say hi, but it seems she decided to skip lunch. Probably was eating in her room, then, or maybe taking a nap. Lord knows that girl needed to sleep more. Probably would do wonders for her attitude. Sleeping was the best medicine for anything. Also, nachos. Nachos solved everything.

"Ah...maybe I should go say hi." he contemplated aloud. Ziska would probably be happy to see him, even if she didn't act like it...eh, maybe later if he passed by on his way back after lunch. Too much work. For now, food. Fixing that door in the lunchroom took almost all of his energy and he could use some food to help with that. Also, a nap. Naps were awesome. Maybe he'd ignore the rest of his work today and just spend the rest of it off in dream land.

~Alexis Sinclair~

It didn't take her long to reach the Cafeteria. Glorious and delicious food was waiting for her. Well...she wasn't so sure about the delicious part, but food was food and she was hungry. Anyone who so much as got in her way, she was probably going to send flying into a wall out of reflex. She had to go through the normal lunch-line, first. Not so much different from her last...place of stay. Less tension and mostly without the fear of someone trying to steal your food among other things.

Thankfully, most of the people didn't bother her. A small glare usually made them shove off before trying to get friendly or otherwise. Soon enough, she was able to walk out of line with a rather large amount of food. Now...where to sit? She'd normally probably sit alone, just because she didn't like people, but...maybe Graham or Kitty or...uh, even Anastasia would be here somewhere. Who knows, maybe she could score a few points with tall and se-

goddamn it brain, shut up.

Thankfully, Graham was there to distract her from any more embarrassing lines of thought. Well, he'd do just fine. She made a beeline right for the guy, while he was busy...poking his food with a spork? Okay, it didn't look like the most appetizing thing, but she was pretty sure it wasn't going to kill them.

"It's not gonna bite, dork." She said to Graham, placing her tray on the table and taking a seat across from him. Well, she wasn't entirely sure about that statement, but whatever. She was hungry and she was gonna eat it whether it wanted to be eaten or not. She shoved a rather large bite of food into her mouth before continuing. "Ugh, man, I'm starving. My dumbass roommate made me miss breakfast." She grumbled. "I swear, I'm going to throw her into a wall by the end of the year." She took another bite of food before sighing. "Made me miss first classes too..." Not that she was going either way, but she could still bitch about it.

"So, who'd we have first anyways? I'ma need to borrow your notes or whatevs." she of course, conveniently left out the little misadventure in the cafeteria earlier. She might as well blame that on Mishka too.

~Meredith Hillard~

Ah, lunch time. Her favorite time of the day. Though really, all day every day was eating time for her, usually. Her day started with munching on some food. Usually a vegetable like an asparagus or carrot or something. Really, she'd like meat but as long as it was organic she could digest it. Even things that would normally kill humans. Like, some poisonous plant or bug or something.

Meredith inhaled, smelling the food that was being cooked in the cafeteria. So...much...delicious...stud-looking food. food. Right, food. Delicious food, which she was going to currently eat her body weight in. Probably. The school probably wouldn't allow it. Stupid principal and stupid rules. Why couldn't she just be allowed to eat? Well, she could understand their reasoning a bit, but still. Making a beast dependent on a human for food was a way someone could...tame, something. At least until the beast or animal had enough and decided to attack said human.

...okay, enough depressing thoughts. food awaits!

~Ziska Seighild~

Ziska closed the door to her dorm. Everything was just as she had left it, thankfully. Her blade was propped against her bed, and there was still some tea on the table. Lets see...where did she put those snacks...Right, the same place she kept the tea. Whew, today had been a bit difficult. Hopefully Anastasia wouldn't interrupt a small nap...it would be quite...embarrassing to have her walk in on her. She'd have to explain to that delinquent, which she really was not in the mood for.

With a yawn, she set the alarm on the clock ahead 40 minutes. Should be long enough for her to last the rest of the day, at least. She'd have to find a long-term solution to this, though. If her roommate didn't sleep...call it stubborn pride, but she wasn't going to let that delinquent know she needed sleep too. Perhaps...well, she was sure Adal would let her crash in his room for an hour or two...of course, that would be a last resort. That useless Popsicle didn't need to get involved in her problems.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Paul Ray

The time passed uneventful and Paul, being who he is, didn't really pay much attention to the lesson and instead opted, like Ted, to have a nap. And what nap that was! Full of beautiful women doing many naughty things to each other. His classmates would have surely noticed his twitching and shifting in his seat while having a stupid look on his face. Eventually he did wake up though, and realized what he had been doing for the past 45 minutes and quickly tried to compose himself.

And then the bell rang.


"Too late... what's done is done..." Paul picked up the remaining pieces of his embarrassed self, exited the classroom and headed towards the dorms to drop his things before walking to the cafeteria to pick up lunch. On his way, Paul noticed that Ziska also headed to the dorms; "Won't she eat anything?" he thought confused. "Eh, she must have something stashed away... plus, why would i even care?" Paul scratched his head and walked away a few steps before stopping again. He looked back and sighed, "she always did look the lonely type..." he thought and looked at his watch. "OH SHIT! LUNCHTIME RUSH HOUR!" he shouted and bolted to the cafeteria.

...but he was too late. The line of people waiting to buy lunch stretched longer than those Walmart lines during Black Friday. Thankfully, the service was fairly quick and all the students got to eat, although the students at the back of the line didn't exactly get what they wanted. When his turn came, he picked up two packed sandwiches and two Tropicana orange juices, the last of which he actually fought for with another student, and left the noisy place. After asking for directions from the receptionist down the school lobby, who looked at him with a suspicious look before answering back, he walked back to the dorms and found Ziska's room. "Remind me why I am doing this again? Oh yeah..." he thought before knocking on the door.

Knock knock.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 4 days ago

-Lukas Kunze : Geoffs Classroom-

After deftly answering the question, Lukas went back on a previous thought of his. He found himself enamoured with a ridiculously perverted, but funny thought. Lukas could say she was partially right about him exertion himself as a bit of a fetishist of women, but only within the confines of his mind. Chuckling at the previous brazen comment softly, he slightly diverged from the real equations in front of him.

"A pretty damn ample and tall one I might add. Wonder if she was jealous or something over their sizes... in height... yes, height... And then they both began keenly keeping an eye on each other during the night... I really need to tone down the imagination and focus! I can ask her roommate out for some tea later or some crap."

After phasing out for a bit, Lukas freed himself from his trance like state, lightly shaking his head to the side so barely anyone would notice what he was doing. Swiftly eyeing both his sides, he made sure no one eyed him suspiciously before returning his focus to the board. Lukas muttered something about his head being in the gutter to himself as he opened up his binder. The teen flipped to a new page, and got two pencils out - one for the mind, another for practicing being ambidextrous.

Lukas rewrote the familiar notes, keeping his head firmly in place as his left hand rapidly jotted down the familiar notes alongside his other pencil. The other pencil performed exceptionally well as it kept the pace with the mirrored utensil. Even though it wasn't much to write down, Lukas kept the pace with all the rewritten notes in place. Lukas felt at peace as all of the former note became etched once again.

With his mind refreshed, he set down one of the two pencils down on his desk before eyeing the board with the information all set in stone before him. With that completed, Lukas slightly altered the position of his head to lean back towards the back of the room.

He took note of Ted needing a piece of paper, and went to work segregating the two hooks. As Lukas took hold, Ziska decided to give her input on the situation, sighing slightly. He returned his head to where it previously was located as Ziska zealously railed on the boy in a cold and collected manner. From what he discerned, she was making a fuss over him not being prepared. Lukas could slightly understand why she was saying that, but found most of her words came off as brash and unnecessary.

I can understand a few people forgetting a few things on the first day as long as they avert that profuse predicament from transpiring again. Still, a bit harsh saying Ted doesn't even have any sort of catalyst which has him come to this classroom. Ziska is acting a bit closeminded on the matter, but still. Getting riled up because they have naught a sheet is a bit eccentric, but that is Ziska."

"That's a bit much, isn't it Ziska? Cut the guy a bit of slack as he probably woke up late or something. It's our first day back so you don't need to get your knickers all twisted and tight you know? Wait until it gets later in the year, alright? Hey Theo, here's some paper flowing your way!"

The boy did not know whether to go between gaudy or practical, but he did love playing the ace on both ends. Deciding to "break" physics, Lukas obtained the two pieces of paper he laid out previously. With a swift thrust back, the papers went flying directly at Ted, it wouldn't be a bother if he decided to catch them, but either way their destination was his desk.

As Lukas mentally controlled the paper, a shot from the dark made him mentally snicker at the laidback comment Ted make. Comparing Ziska to a kitten was almost like flirting with her in his eyes; poor flirting, but nevertheless flirting. It elicted a slight sneer on Lukas' part as he did not know what to expect after this - something painful from Ziska maybe. Lukas tapped his fingers on the desk as the paper did its work, eventually reaching the point where Lukas let go of mental control over it.

"I'm pretty sure teasing Ziska won't earn you any points in her book with that satirical comment. Either way, calling her cute in your own personal visage is pretty nice of you, especially with that little spiel beforehand. Either way, can't disagree with you on the kitty part Theo... if we are on the same page about this."

Lukas gave the duo a fervent smile, giving Ziska a wink before putting his gaze forward again.


Sketching out any of the last notes in class, Lukas duly noted the familiar ring which ended another class for the day. With most of his notes encompassing the lesson today, he closed the binder gently before depositing into his bag. Lukas analyzed what the people were going about in the room as. Most left the room with a few lingering around the premises. Procuring his katanas and equipping them, Lukas lightly sighed, glad that no one gave him the evil eye since this wasn't combat class.

Picking up his backpack, Lukas traversed to the back of the room, hoping to inquire a chance to possibly meet up with two lovely ladies later on. As he went back, he promptly stopped a few inches short of Ziskas desk. Lukas threw his bag up into the air and let it just stay there. As he kept his bag levitating by his own mind, he had the right mind to question Ziska about her and her new roommate. Maybe some time together somewhere that wasn't the womans dorm would suffice...

... if she didn't flee the general premises like the other few lingering around in the back.

Lukas didn't even have time to ask the girl in the tight suit about her "delinquent" roommate before she left the area encompassing class. Wait she that terrified of Ted? It was either that or it could of been that she was mysteriously dozing off during class from what he discerned. Lukas could tell Ziska was having an off day already, and pivoted to face the exit. It was rather peculiar to see the haughty, but respectable ice queen in a raggedy state.

Lukas easily sought out the answer from her comments made before, duly noting that her hubris must of gotten the better of her. The boy shook his head, pondering on why she had to act so uptight towards her roommate. What could of transpired between the ample lady and the cute neo-nazi. Shrugging and shaking his head in beffudlement, Lukas eventually decided to leave the room. His destination was the source for nourishment - the cafeteria.

As the teen made his way through the crowds of students, he knew how hectic this first day would transpire with the lunch rush. Lukas weaved through the sea of hungry students, keeping a step ahead so he might avert being stuck in a line for thirty minutes. Lunch was one of the important meals of the day and the novice telekinetic user was not going without something warm in his belly. Overcoming the hordes, he made it from point A to point B - the cafeteria.

Now the next problem he had to address was the start of the line.

"Ah crivens, this place is about to turn into a huge mess of people! It's going to be nigh impossible to navigate the lines if any more enter. Anyways, I need to figure out what I'm getting for lunch..."


"Wait, maybe I could get something spicy food not only me, but Lonnie! I know that she likes zesty cuisine, so why not capitalize on this opportunity as an excuse to check up on her and spend some time with her! Alright, now what should I get? Maybe curry will suffice?"

Lukas traversed through the cafeterias lines which were kept in an orderly fashion. Thankfully he was new the front, however the teen knew he had to be sharp on his answers to what he was going to order. Tapping his lip and swinging his backpack like a pendulum with the power of his mind, he pondered amidst the grumbling of other students. He duly noted some other friends that he could talk to for a spell, but felt that he had to complete this duty of promise. Cross in his arms and shaking his head, he could only wonder what Lonnie was currently up to and if she was ok.

With that thought put to rest, he began to order his food, procuring specific treats that had a huge punch to their taste in the spice department.

With that said, he found no reason to linger in this area and set about to find Lonnie... which was easier said than done since Lukas wants technically fighting against the swarm of people attempting to advance forward. Letting his backpack drop to him, the teen made quick work levitating the things containing food ((going to let Fifi decide on what Lukas brought her xP)) up above him. This made it easier to travel without making a mess. The boy gave a huff as he struggled to reach the exit of the cafeteria. Vehemently chuckling in his subconcious, Lukas duly noted that there was another route that could be taken instead if the pattern of how people lead their lives continued. This, of course, meant he would fall into the mix, but he would not at all mind it. At any rate, Lukas sped past a few remaining students, his focus drifting away from reality.

"Alright, so she might be near the entrance of the girls dorm or in her room... please, for the love of god don't let her be in her room right now. I prefer not to violate a certain set of rules in which we can't go into the opposite genders dorm. Kind of wished they were mixed, but oh well. At any ra-"


Before Lukas knew it, he came into contact with another student who he missed seeing. Was it seriously going to be one of those days? Either way, the boy became slightly startled at the new face. He analyzed it the best he could as it could show some disgust co what transpired, or maybe apathy. Either way, Lukas stumbled back a few inche, swinging his arm holding his bag to the side of him while embarrassingly rubbing the side of his torso. In an attempt to mend this whole situation, he gave the stunning girl with the nice body a mild smile before speaking to her.

"... Ah, apologies miss, I didn't see you there. Mind kept me abstract of any reality in due part to important thoughts. Anyways, you look like a fresh face around here, a lovely one I might add. The name is Lukas Kunze, and it seems I've run into a statuesque shield maiden with a handsome looking companion flying by her side. You here to take me to heaven miss?"

"Brain to Lukas, your getting rusty! Plus you had nor important things to attend to! You know, like your best friend Lonnie? Sort of best friend anyways?"

Lukas forgot the thing he committed to memory. Getting sidetracked flirting with a blonde haired beauty who he swore could be a bit in the Amazonian category taxed his time. His priorities lied with her, however Lukas found himself wedged as he did not want a repeat of breakfast, especially not with a cute girl.

What an irritable predicament he was in... wait, was it?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 20 days ago

-Kára Raskstål-

Well, that was a dissapointment...

To be honest, Kára didnt really know what she should have expected with her first class. She vaguely knew what a school entailed but she hadnt expected it to be this boring.

When she had entered the classroom she was apparently just too late to introduce herself beyond the point of telling people her name. Well, it's possibly better without everyone knowing of where she actually comes from. It's not like she's ashamed of her home or anything like that. But she'd just be abit more comfortable of telling it face to face to people and not blaring it out infront of a class filled with unknown people. Who knows what they might do with that information eh?

Back on topic however. After that little thing not alot was going on. The teacher seemed abit odd, but that's it. She would have liked to get to know some of the people in her class abit better but apparently talking when miss excentric was talking wasnt allowed. It kind of annoyed Kára. It wasnt like this teacher had alot of interesting things to say. She just kept on yapping about how the human body was all fleshy and meaty and such... She really seemed fixated on the meaty bits.

After that biology class had ended there was some other class she had to attent and it was even more boring then the last one. If Alfrigg hadnt pecked her several times she might have accidentilly fallen asleep! And you know what made it even worse? Her stomach was rumbling all the time! She was so damn hungry that she was very tempted to attempt to roast Alfrigg if he would have disturbed her little nap again!

Luckily that class was over now and thus she moved over to the cafeterria which was obviously not the way she initially went. She got lost... great. She was tempted to just fly around the school and look for it from the skies. Alfrigg advised against this however and opted for the far more boring method of asking a staff member... Damn feathered jackarse, always making things less fun!

Anyway, some kind lady pointed the way to the cafeterria and Kára ran as fast as she could. Soon she could smell the aroma of lovely foo- By the gods, that didnt smell like proper food! There was no smell of ale! No roasted boar! What kind of hellish realm was this?!

She was so moved by this that she did not notice where she was lumbering towards... And thus she ran into some guy.

Kára look at the guy and he seemed to look a couple of seconds at her face... Was he checking her out? He smiled and then started to say so stuff. Ooh... Apparently he thought that it was his fault. Eh, she was gonna roll with it. And did he say that his name was Lukas Kunze? Ooh, and it seemed that he was indeed hitting on her... Although she didnt really know why he would ask her to take him to heaven. Cant he just fly by himself or anything? Didnt humans invent flying machines?

Anyway, Kára made sure that she was going to respond to this Lukas before Alfrigg, who was sitting on Kára's shoulder, could respond to him. Else she'd never hear the end of how he was called handsome...

Kára she straightend herself. "Ooh dont worry about it mate." she said in her broken English. "I wasnt watching where I was going either." She put up a mischievous smile at Lukas. "And I gotta ask, did that pick up line ever work on anyone?" she chuckled at him. "Well, atleast you tried eh?" She shruged at him. "Ooh what the hell, you gave me your name, only fair to give mine."

She stuck her hand out to Lukas. "My name is Kára Raskstål, I am honoured to meet you Lukas Kunze"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

- Cheol Akiyama -

Despite his attempts to be friendly, the blonde girl Cheol was sat next to completely dismissed him, instead going on to introduce herself to the class. Something about like redheaded geniuses?

'Well, you tried,' the mask commented unhelpfully. 'But it seems she is completely immune to your shota charms.'

Feeling a little sad at his failure to make friends, Cheol spent the rest of the class slumped forwards in his chair, staring down at his desk. He suddenly felt incredibly alone. Maybe coming to this school with all these older kids hadn't been the best idea...

Eventually, the school bell rang, and soon lunch came, for which Cheol was thankful. He made his way over to the cafeteria and got himself something to eat, before hoveirng awkwardly in the lunch hall. Where should he sit? He still couldn't see Kitty and while he did know Paul, he doubted his roommate would take very kindly to a first year hanging around him with him...

Aha! He saw Graham. Finally, a familiar face. He went over to the boy before pausing over him. "Erm, hey?" he said, awkwardly. "Is it... okay if I sit here?"

- Lonnie Lewis -

After leaving Nina's office, Lonnie had briefly wandered about whether she should turn up to class. Only briefly though. The prospect of getting into trouble for turning up late was very attractive, and she didn't care for any of her classmates. Well, expect for Lukas. Maybe. But even then, he wasn't enough for her to spent the next few hours or so in complete boredom.

Therefore, she decided to go move her things into her new room. And say goodbye.

... what? It had been her room for all of last year. Of course she was a little sentimental. But only a little. And she would never admit it to anyone.


Anyhow, after slowly and deliberately started packing away her things. Her clothes, her new costume (which she had as of yet to show off to anyone), her posters, her magazines, her comics, her IPod. Once it was all packed away in her brown bag, she slung it over her shoulder and paused, glancing around the room, suddenly looking much emptier, and felt a slight sadness in her heart, which soon became irritation, then anger.

It hadn't been her fault. It hadn't. It never was. Really.

It was never her fault. After all, she hadn't thrown the first punch. She never threw the first punch. Therefore, it couldn't be her fault. It was everyone else's fault, because they just couldn't control their temper. She was completely blameless. Completely.

She looked over at her old roommate's bed. And suddenly possessed with rage as she remembered the other girl, all covered in bruises and crying her eyes out, Lonnie kicked her bed. Hard.

And very possibly broke her big toe.

"Fuck!" Lonnie cursed loudly. Of course. She was completely weak at the moment, as it had been over an hour since her little fight. Feeling powerless, she stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her, and limping slightly so not to put too much weight on her foot. This was no good. She probably looked pretty pathetic at the moment, as she limped down the corridor. She quickly found her new room, and paused when she opened the door. No one around. Good.

Not feeling like packing everything away just now, she dump her bag of stuff on the floor and flopped onto the bed. There were two beds at this moment in time, and she wasn't sure if this was her new roommate's - Grace? Whatever - bed or hers. And she didn't care. She just felt exhausted. She just wanted....

... to sleep.



Lonnie sat up with a start. A little disorientated, she looked around.

.... where the hell was she? This wasn't her roo-


Her memories came back quickly, and she felt kind of shitty again. And groggy.

And hungry.

Wait, what time was it? She lazily looked over the clock on the wall.

... fuck.

She swung her legs over the side and planted her feet on the floor, only to wince as the pain from her toe shot through her foot. It didn't hurt as much as before, thanks to her slightly accelerated healing, but it was still very unpleasant, as if her foot was being torn apart.
"Come on, Lonnie," she muttered to herself. She took a deep breath inwards. "You can do this. You can do this." She focused on the pain, pressed her foot slightly against the floor so it intensified, and gritted her teeth.

'You can do this. You can do this. Focus on the pain. Focus. Feel it.' She felt it. Hell, it seemed to be spreading all the way up into her ankle. She winced.

'Focus!' Lonnie remind herself. She continued to think of the pain, even as it seemed to overtake her leg. It was a searing hot pain, like fire, flowing through her veins.

'And now... forget.' And the fire in her veins turned to ice, and her whole foot seemed to become numb. A moment passed before Lonnie pushed herself onto her feet. She felt no pain, though she couldn't feel much else either in that foot, and her walk to the door was uneven and something of a stumble. She'd never tried to suppress pain her foot before, and she realised how difficult it was. She couldn't even tell if she had two feet anymore, and she had to lean against the wall to stop herself falling to the ground.

'Like the Steadfast Tin Soldier,' she thought with only a hint of dark humour.

Her walk to the cafeteria was slow and laboured, not least because she had to keep focussing on her foot, lest the pain return. And since she was likely putting a lot of weight on her foot, the pain would come back tenfold.

Eventually, she reached the cafeteria, only to catch sight of Lukas just near the entrance talking with... a girl with a shield on her back and accompanied by a large crow.

... well, that was weird, though considering they were at a school for superheroes, one of their teachers was an alien abomination and their vice principal dressed like she was in a JRPG, Lonnie couldn't say she was that surprised.

Lukas seemed to be chatting up the girl, surprise surprise, and thankfully the other girl seemed to be not buying into his bullshit. Points to her. However, she wasn't telling him to get lost. Maybe she secretly liked the attention but was trying to play it cool?

Well, with a mischevious grin forming on her face, Lonnie knew what this called for. Keeping behind Lukas, she crept over to the boy, hoping that shield-girl wouldn't give her away. Once she was close enough, she broke into a sprint before lunging forward and grabbing for Lukas' legs, attempting to rugby tackle him to the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 20 days ago

-Anastasia Tepes-

So, that was something.

Anastasia was recollecting what had been transpiring during class. One thing she knew for sure: That Meredith was a complete and utter creep. She did not understand how something like that would be allowed to teach children. It would make about as much sense as making Anastasia responsible for blood transfusions, maybe even less. And not only was this thing some sort of alien, it also bullied and hit on other students. Isnt that illegal or something? She was mentally torturing poor Graham for instance. Anastasia would look him up during lunch time and just ry to have a chat with him. Hopefully it'll go better then the last time...

During the second class nothing really noteworthy happened. Atleast, not in class. Though Anastasia was hearing a familiar voice in her head again and... Those pulsing arteries looked really juicy.

Yup, she was actually starving. While Anastasia technically does not need sleep, it does drastically reduce her energy consumption. So when she stays up she'll use more energy, like everyone else. And what do you need for energy? That's right, you need some sort of fuel. I'll give you three guesses what kind of fuel Anastasia requires. Here's a hint: It's red, starts with a B and ends with lood.

Was this going to be a repeat of yesterday? No... Because yesterday she atleast had abit of sleep. This was far worse then yesterday.

As Anastasia made her way to the cafeterria she had alot of issues with resisting the urge to just leap unto someone and suck the unlucky individual dry. After what seemed like an eternity she finally arrived at the cafeterria and... Ooh god... So many people were standing in line for their food. It was going to take an eternity for her to get infront of the line!

Well, there was not really anything else to do so she stood at the back of the line and waited. And waited. And waited. And... Wait, why was she so close to this guy's neck?

Without realising Anastasia had been leaning forward and was only inches away form the neck of a guy infront of her. As soon as she realised what she was doing she wanted to pull back but, ooh that smell... It was soooo lovely. She just... Couldnt... He wouldnt mind one bite would he? Especially if she was gentle then he probably wouldnt even notice and... Hey! Food! Where are you going?! Get back he- Ooh, it was her turn.

She got not one, but two packs of blood because else she feared that she might still not have enough to quench her thirst. As she was looking for a table she bit in one and slowly started to suck the juicy red goodness out of the pack. Ooh what a glorious feeling!

After scanning the cafeterria she soon spotted some familiar faces. Graham was one of them, Cheol another and... Alexis aswell. Well, sure things might have gone abit wrong yesterday but... Maybe Alexis was better humoured today? Anastasia sure as hell wouldnt attempt to hug her again, that's for sure.

As she walked up to the table she finished her first bloodpack. She threw it away in a garbage container and walked up to them all... With her mouth still covered in blood. She approached the table from behind Graham and Cheol. Alexis would probably already see her aproaching and thus Anastasia smiled at her. Yeah, blood covered smile... Not creepy at all...

As she got within hearing distance she spoke up. "Hey guys, do you mind if I come sit with you?" she said while still smiling. It would have been a kind smile if not for the whole... Aah you get the picture by now.
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