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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xGoblinKingx

xGoblinKingx I am a huge asshole

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sunlight shone into the windows of Delta Squads base, it was disguised to appear as one of those cheap wedding halls that are on every corner of Las Vegas streets, But if one stood at the podium and placed their hand on what appeared to be a regular wooden panel, they would be shuttled down half a mile under the earth to the real base, basically a small military facility equipped with a training room, mess hall, lobby, rooms for up to 20 individuals and enough other minor facilities to get them though almost any scenario.

Nic had just gotten his room the way he liked it, he configured any room he lived in very different than a human would, he placed his bed in the exact center of the room, he spent several minutes examining the dimensions and calculating the position of all of his furniture, arranging his tables, dressers and chairs in a perfectly square spiral out from the bed. He looked over his room, did a once over with a laser level and yardstick, ensuring that his room was to his liking and he plopped happily onto his bed and looked up at the ceiling.


Nic had already read through the files of his teammates over 100 times each, he knew almost everything about them, strengths, weaknesses even their favorite foods, but still he stood up solemnly and dragged his feet the entire way to the control room, he arrived first so he sat at the head of the table and placed his forehead directly onto the sleek black glass of the table, which caused a large holographic keyboard to materialize around his head, key smashed characters began to read up on the screen unbeknownst to Nic.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John jumped out of bed and looked around the room when he heard the voice boom through the base. "Just time for briefing," he said as he searched his room for slippers. John's room was a mess, one wall completely taken over by cluttered bookshelves, another having been captured by his workbench, which was mostly taken up by his new project. His king size bed was put in an alcove in the floor and was covered in a mess of blankets. John yawned as he walked into mission control still in his pajamas. He noticed the kid in the suit and realized he was one of his teammates. He had only skimmed the files but he assumed this was Nic. "Hey," He said as he took the seat at the other head so he was looking straight at Nic. "I'm Steampunk."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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One of the rooms stood still, like the time itself had stopped, as Krait was still sitting on the side of her bed, the files of the people dropped on the floor. She was breathing calm, trying to regather herself... after all, the company had paid a good money for her training to be just replaced by this seemingly fancier version of her, 'Runner'. She had been putting too much effort to this to be held still now while someone else would be doing her job, the mixture of coherent thoughts and frustrated emotions storming in her head, breaking into one simple sentence...


Sitting for moment, covering her masked face with her hands, Krait took a moment, sighing deep through her mouth before getting up, deciding to leave her katana leaning against the wall as she went out. She hadn't even unpacked, both of her suitcases still on the corner, waiting. Walking through the hallways, Krait was already hearing half of one of the codenames as the automatic door to the mission control slid open. Letting the sound of her boots welcome herself in, she barely even looked at the twos direction as she went to have a chair where there was one chair in between from both of them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John looked at the person who had just taken a seat. He was pretty sure that she was Krait. "You're Krait right?" He asked looking at her. He wasn't weirded out by the mask. In fact he was thinking it was an ingenious idea. He would have preferred he was wearing a mask when he was manufacturing weapons for certain gang members.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LittleRedPanda


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Hart had only been at the base for about an hour and a half when the loudspeaker woke her up from a lovely nap. "All members of Delta Squad report to Mission Control for briefing." The little woman sighed, dragging herself up from the large bed and rubbing a hand across her eyes and through her tangled red locks. The files she'd been given were sitting on top of her carpet bag. She hadn't even bothered to check them yet. She realized though, that this would be the first time she'd be meeting the rest of her team mates. At that thought she shot off the bed and out of the room, her converse padding almost noiselessly across the sleek floors. She was dressed simply in ripped skinny jeans and a white tank top, comfy but not stifling. She carried a pair of black leather gloves in her back pocket, just in case it was required she touch anyone or anything. For the most part she was getting much better at controlling her absorptions but she was still careful. Bounding through the door she noticed there was already three people in the room. Two guys and a girl. Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and mischief. Striding across the floor she came to stand by the large table, not yet sitting down. Out of the corner of her eyes she watched the others, studying them and creating judgements. She was trying to guess their powers, betting with herself on who could do what.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xGoblinKingx

xGoblinKingx I am a huge asshole

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nic looked up at the boy and met his gaze with his piercing white eyes "Pleasure to meet you Steam__Punk" Nic said in response, putting an awkward pause between the words "You are telekinetic are you not?" He asked, interested in the inter workings of his teammates powers, he then turned his gaze to meet the masked figure that was Krait "The girl who was dead?!?" he asks loudly as he rushes over to examine her "In my tongue the word for your kind is ShrydranIt translates to the English word for ghost"he says eyeing her mask as another girl walked in, Nics lack of frequent human interaction lead to some overexcitedness in groups "Ah and you are the Sparkplugs! Very nice to meet you! " he says as he grabs her hands and shakes them vigorously "This is what I believe to be called a handshake"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

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Hikari flipped casually through the files, laying back on her bed. There was Krait, but Hikari didn't care about their similar powers. If anything, this Krait probably had better training or whatever. All Hikari cared about was not going to jail. They gave her a room in Nevada, whatever, she didn't care. She was used to moving around, not staying in one place. This was against almost all of her principles. They gave her desk, which she crammed to the brim with books on foreign languages. It was a hobby of hers to learn everything about the different languages, made sense if she wanted to travel someday. She'd have to if she wanted to ever leave this stupid service and stupid country.


Hikari hesitated, debating if she was ready to even join a team. She wasn't exactly a team player, but she didn't have a choice. So she grit her teeth and left her room. The guy butchering the English language was probably the alien. Yes, they had an alien which apparently couldn't understand handshakes very well. With a faintly amused smile, Hikari sat down at the table and put her feet up, waiting to see what the others would say.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John turned quickly when he realized someone else was there and watching him. His eyes came to rest on a redhead who was watching them all intently. She was dressed in casual clothes and he realized that he was still the only one to have not gotten dressed. And in front of females what would his the mother that he never knew say. He pushed the thoughts of the parents that left him behind and he suddenly felt a bit more friendly than usual, realizing that he was around people who had probably gone through similar or even worse tragedies. He stood up and extended his hand towards the redhead and offered a rare smile. "I'm Steampunk," He said and then offered, "but the few friends that I have call me John."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LittleRedPanda


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Hart yelped when Nic took her hands. "Don't!" The words weren't out of her mouth quickly enough as an obvious transfer from Nic absorbed into her. To him it wouldn't be painful, more or less just as if someone had stolen his breath for a bit. She yanked her hand away from him, feeling all the knowledge from the files he'd read seep into her mind. Ugh knowledge transfers always gave her a major headache. Sitting down in a chair she pulled out her gloves, slipping them on her hands lest someone else try to touch her. "Thank you for the warm welcome but you should probably not do that anymore." Putting her fingers to her temples she rubbed the spot. Knowledge headaches were the worst and it annoyed her that she wasn't able to stop that from happening. She should be able to control her powers by now. She sighed. The other boy addressed her from across the table. "I'm Steampunk but the few friends that I have call me John." She nodded politely at him. "I guess I'm called Sparkplug. But my name is Hart."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John stepped back when Nic took her hand. He than realized that he had just about made the same mistake that Nic had. He had read Hart's file a little closer after he found out what her powers were. He didn't like the idea of having his powers and knowledge absorbed. It seemed violating to him. He observed her and realized that she had probably just gotten a burst of knowledge from Nic who had obviously read all their files. "It must be giving her a major headache," He thought as he put his smile back on his face.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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Krait looked at Steampunk for a moment, almost answering to him before the alien managed to shout out loud to her surprise. Turning to face the alien instead, she didn't move much, just leaning slightly forward. "Don't... test me." she said bluntly, not caring much of him wildly announcing her whereabouts in the room, even if everyone were aware of it already, at least the ones that looked at the files... it was more than just a touchy subject to her.

Seeing Runner coming in the room, Krait tried to look like she was just staring at nothingness, though her pupils moved behind the lenses, observing her every step, as she crossed her arms. "Steampunk huh? Why such name?" Krait then asked, out of some slight sense of politeness in her so that she wouldn't be marked as the groups black sheep right away.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John turned to Krait and smiled. "I'm kind of a genius. And well I did some work that I'm not necessarily proud of and it consisted of me making weapons. Weapons that were incredibly futuristic. I called them steampunk weapons because you know I was really into that kind of thing and so that's how I designed the weapons. I got called Steampunk by my boss. I guess I just chose it for this job as well." John smiled at Krait and then asked, "Why Krait?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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Jacque Marrow let out a long growl as he was awakened from his slumber. It figured that he'd get called out for a mission just as he'd managed to get his bed at the temperature he liked. The man huffed and climbed out of what served as his bed -a large tub like structure filled with hot water- and yanked a towel from his dresser and began to dry his head, "I swear whatever this is better be important." he growled, his voice muffled by the towel's fluffy cotton. Jacque quickly dried off and tossed on his clothes, sparing one forlorn glance at the warm inviting waters of his 'bed' before sighing and walking out of his room. As he walked down the hall, Jacque couldn't help but notice some of the personnel casting wary glances at him, 'Yea, like you assholes are so charming to be around.' he hissed mentally. Jacque hated having to leave his room; he was the type of person who preferred not to be noticed, not an easy feat for a man who stood at 6'5" and was built like a brick wall with legs. Couple that with the fact that the people that worked on the base knew what he was capable of, and it was no wonder that people kept an eye on him, and he hated every second of it.

Jacque entered the control room, keeping his eyes on the desk rather than actually looking at the people inside as he attempted to sit in one of the chairs. The chair that he chose creaked loudly as he squeezed into it, eliciting a grimace from Jacque, "Bigger chairs, thats all I asked for during the last HR meeting. Do the assholes at central even listen?" Jacque muttered under his breath. After a few more seconds adjusting himself, Jacque laced his fingers together and set them on the table, only then did he chose to look up at the others in the room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hikari was tempted to make a snide comment at Jaque, but decided better of it. She may be faster, but one hit from him would probably send her screaming into a wall. That didn't sound like something she wanted to do on a first introduction, and not to mention he was built like a tank, she didn't have an interest in being maimed on the first day. She had to say something else, or else risk being eaten by gator boy. At least, she was pretty sure that one was the guy who became a giant human-crocodile. She couldn't tell, and frankly, she didn't really care too much. "Good to see that we're all so cheerful this morning. Isn't anyone gonna bother asking why we're all here or are we just going to chatter like brainless idiots?" Well, that wasn't the best choice of words and inflection but it would do. Why was it so much easier to work by yourself and think your own thoughts rather than coordinate a bunch of other people? Maybe it was because you didn't have to know what anyone else was thinking or have to make alliances, because you didn't have to. There was only one person that you had to rely on, and they could always make the same choices you yourself would make. Life was simpler then.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John turned away from Krait for a moment to look at the imposing figure that had just entered the room. John was the first to admit he wasn't a ray of sunshine but this guy gave off an aura of moodyness. "I should watch him," John thought as he turned back to Krait.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John quickly turned to Hikari. "Well aren't we just so polite Little Miss Runner," John said. "But you bring up a good point? Why was I awoken from my beautiful slumber to come here," he said, putting extra emphasis on that final word so it dripped with poison. John looked around for someone who was in command but he really didn't see any. The alien was at the head of the table but he assumed he wasn't going to be the team leader based on his lack of earth knowledge. He himself was probably the smartest but he doubted someone had picked him without him knowing. "Who's our leader?" John asked still searching the room for an army general or maybe the cop who had brought him here last week.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xGoblinKingx

xGoblinKingx I am a huge asshole

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(The team will receive missions from mission control but Nic is the acting field leader, trust me He is much more "goal-oriented" on a mission)

Ni glanced at the hulk of a man now squeezed into the tiny swivel chair, he was just as tall as Nic but was easily twice as wide "Hello Ja-que" He said, butchering the name to high hell.

"Who's our leader?"

"That would be myself" Nic said, assuming a more professional position " I received notice from S.E.E.R that I willl be acting as primary authority in the field"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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(Oooh I can see a bit of tension between John and Nic over that)

"Oh really?' John asked with a smirk? "What experience do you have leading a bunch superhumans?" John asked staring Nic down with a look that could make anyone he used to know wither and skulk off.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Great, Spaceman is gonna be in charge." Hikari said, rolling her eyes. "Now tell me another joke, preferably using the English language. Or maybe don't, I don't care. Wake me when something important happens." She folded her hands behind her head, and laid back further. She entire body language was screaming 'make me pay attention if you can'. She'd dealt with scarier mobsters and people. "You know what, how about we see what you have and we'll trust you more. Or are you just going to flub as leader for this little ragtag group of criminals and monsters? Go ahead, takoku hito."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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Roxy was late to the meetings but she didn't care. She hasn't meet any of her new teammates . Nor had she bothered reading the files she had been given. Roxy preferred to judge people on their actions. When she opened the door to the room the meeting was being held in Roxy heard arguing. She hated fighting, especially pointless fighting. Roxy decided she would get their attention by making an entrance. As she opened the door Roxy threw one of her throwing knifes to the other side of the meeting room.
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