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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xGoblinKingx

xGoblinKingx I am a huge asshole

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

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_Delta Squad

-Retrieving files on DELTA SQUAD-

Delta Squad is the fourth team of super citizens in S.E.E.R's program of enlisting super powered citizens to protect and serve designated districts of America, Delta Squad is assigned to district 17/3 (Las Vegas, Nevada). Recently The first Generation of Delta Force was recently killed due to [REDACTED]

(We will be playing a second generation of super heroes, some of them are children of the original group, some aren't will they be able to fill the shoes of their peers before them or will they crack under the pressure? we decide!)


1. My word is law
2. Keep it PG 14, swearing is fine but keep it reasonable
3. No godmodding
4. No godmodding
5. Lets have fun!
6. Make your characters code-name bold if you read the rules.

(character sheet should be written as if it is a government file)






Psych Eval…



Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xGoblinKingx

xGoblinKingx I am a huge asshole

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name… Nikoraxizuz “Nic” Ilustrad

Code-name… Accelerator

Appearance… He stand at around 6’4” 170lbs, short black hair, tan skinand lean build, he apppears almost entirely human with the exeption of his eyes which are completely white.

Age… 19 (approx)

Hometown… [REDACTED]

Psych Eval… Nic shows much curiosity about earth culture and customs, he is often confused about things however, many earth customs seem to be lost on him, such as sarcasm and off handed humor, he still has a good heart however and is often found to do almost nything for whom he cares about.

History… Nic was found in the city of [REDACTED] in the year [REDACTED] after a ship crashed in the middle of the town, he was the only survivor on the ship, the other two beings appeared to have died on impact, the bodies and nic were taken to a secure facility in [REDACTED] it was revealed later that the city in which the ship crashed had all died to due an unknown case of [REDACTED] onset by rapid radiation poisoning, it was revealed later that the bodies of Nic’s species produced a highly toxic form af radiation and needed to be constantly absorbed, the flight suits from the two dead passengers where modfied to absorb the radiation and store it in circular fuel cells used to power [REDACTED] It has been revealed that Nic’s Species dubbed “Atraxians” have a binary cirulatory system (two hearts) Nic has been living in [REDACTED] since the year [REDACTED] and remains under heavy government surveilence
Latent Radiation- He generates powerful radiation which can cause sickness to people if overexposed
Radiation Immunity:He is immune to even the strongest radiation
Above Human Strength: Without his suit he is still quite strong
Absorbtion Suit:

This suit stores the radiation produced by his body, it can be worn under his clothes and must be worn at all times ( he has a special shower for bathing in a lead chamber and he sleeps in a room with walls of lead and concrete in the basement of the building)
This suit provide a very small amount of protection from blades and can slow down small caliber weapons
Accelerator Suit:

This suit is built from an unknown alloy that is incredibly resistant to temperature and force
The boots can be used to fly for short distances but flight drains the battery extremely fast and he is currently working on adding a sepreate battery slot to the suit to allow for a flight only battery.

Other... avg body temperature of nics species is about 120 f
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xGoblinKingx

xGoblinKingx I am a huge asshole

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LittleRedPanda


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I think I shall join this if it's still gonna run(:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LittleRedPanda


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Name… Hart Mytchell

Code-name… Sparkplug


She is 5'2". 115 lbs. red hair, blue eyes, pale ivory skin.

Age… 19 (and 3/4!)

Hometown… Born in Tucson Arizona

Psych Eval… Although at times she is sweet and trusting, Hart has a temper about a mile wide. She is prone to sarcasm and narcissism. They are the walls she's built to keep people out. There's not just one emotion you can use to describe Hart, as she tends to be all over the place. It is known that if you're nice to her (and not an idiot) she'll help you out if you need it.

History… Hart was born in Arizona on a bright 105 degree, summer day. Inside the little hospital however, things were far from sunshiny. Hart's mother died in childbirth, and as she was a single mother, Hart was sent to an orphanage at a young age. Life in the orphanage was hard and the kids were cruel. Hart was picked on relentlessly and thus, developed a rough outer shell. When she finally figured out her powers she became known as a "problem child" often picking fights with those who teased her or pushed her around due to her small stature.

Powers/Abilities… Absorbing Replication
Hart can absorb the knowledge, DNA, power, life force, magical ability, or essence of another being or object. Absorbing certain things gives her the ability to use it's power or to take it's form.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name…John Allanwate


Appearance...John has blond hair that he always has spiked up, stands at about 6 feet and is 178 pounds.



Psych Eval…John tends to either cling to you or push you away. It appears to have something to do with his parents leaving him in an orphanage when he was three. Other than this, John is more than stable, and is most certainly a genius although he is a slight narcissist and uses sarcasm as his main weapon.

History…John was left in an orphanage when he was three and from that point on became independent. When he was 16 he ran away with a girl but when they split, he was left on his own. He used his way above average intelligence to make many weapons that would be sold to gangs. The agency found him and offered him a deal. Use his exceptional engineering talents, genius, and powers for good, or spend the rest of his life in a federal prison. He chose the first option.

Powers/Abilities…Telekinesis and genius

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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Name… Roxy Black

Code-name… Blades

Appearance...Roxy is 5'0. She wears her black hair short. Roxy likes to dress sexy and mean.

Age… 17

Hometown… Sturgis in South Dakota

Psych Eval… Roxy is a very angry young woman. She uses sarcasm to keep people at bay. It is believed that something happened before she felt home but Roxy refuses to talk about it. She can be protective of those who earn her respect. Roxy has little respect for authority.

History… Roxy grow up in the small town of Sturgis, South Dakota. Her favorite time of year was the rally. Roxy admires they way bikers don't let anyone push them around. When she was 16 an older motorcycles, that had knewn Roxy for years, sold her is bike. Roxy travel and commited petty crimes to support herself. When the law finally caught up to her she was given a choice between the Delta Squad or jail. She choice jail, because they allowed her to keep her bike.

Powers/Abilities… psychokinesis and knife throwing

Other... Roxy can throw 90 knives in a minute and can throw as far as 90 feet away.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LittleRedPanda


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Apparently our characters are all super sarcastic except for Nic's. And both smarty's and mine are orphans :o
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

LOL I noticed that. It should keep things interesting
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lol yeah
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Um… is it okay if I join?
I can't put up my sheet right now, but it'll definitely be up later.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LittleRedPanda


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Or we'll all be very monotonous
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name… Triana Norman. Subject prefers to use her code name in any situation.

Code-name… Krait


Age… 20

Hometown…Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Psych Eval… The subject 'Krait' has completed the evaluation test mentally with passable results. She was found co-operative and has been further noticed as professional to her present task, able to keep concentrated on her job without the sign of doubt. However, the tests showed many traits that could be dangerous in the future. Weekly psychiatric support is advisable to scale down the following risk effects: Short temper, mental breakdowns, aggression in general, sadism.

History… The subject 'Krait', aka. Triana Norman, childhood from birth to age of 16 has been found irrelevant to the project (psychiatrist advised to examine this more). Having a summer job as a cleaner in her mothers laboratory, she was working on the night shift of 13.7.2010 during the crime incident [For media analysis, see archive 177]. [Name erased] was found guilty of the murder of Triana Norman after two months of investigation. During the night, [Name erased] had broken inside the lab, destroyed government property and assaulted on Triana Norman under the influence of drugs. She was tortured the entire night by [Name erased] with various chemicals (list of chemicals unknown. The research to find the same mixture to give subject x the same effects as 'Krait' denied), Triana Normans heart stopping in the ambulance.

She was declared dead 14.7.2010 4:15AM, the length of her death lasting 67 hours, 19 minutes before a worker had heard her screaming in the locked morgue refrigeration unit. From [Name erased] decision, her new life was kept in secrecy, as she could start her training to become part of S.E.E.R. program and testing of her newly formed anatomy. [The entirety of 'Krait' files, see archive 178]

The subject herself has denied any form of interviews on official records about the incident, or anything involving her during that time. However mental stress results indicate that she was 'sensing' something during her death. Further tests have proven inefficient.

Powers/Abilities… The subject 'Krait' has grown tissue in her body that has grown her lighter, while simultaneously multiplying her muscle strength, allowing her to use this as advantage on combat field as well as a form of movement. Following document quotes as 'able to jump for several feet upwards' and 'able to break a sandback (40kg) with her bare hands in 7.24 seconds.' are located in the combat tests [full document, see archive 178]. Her body is not perfectly evolved into the new form however, as she has been known to break her ankle once for kicking a brick wall too hard instead of breaking the wall itself. Exoskeleton to keep her bones breaking from massive strikes is still lacking of funds.

Other... The subject 'Krait' has grown poison producing implants into her bloodstream along with immunity system to it. The poisonous blood of the subject is [Test results, see archive 178] known to kill a rodent with 2 millilitre dose. Permission to tests on human subject have been denied.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alexjits


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name...Jeff Graves




Hometown… Cardiff, Wales

Psych Eval… Shadowstep is a very very quiet individual who barely talks unless he requires to

History… I wish Jeff would tell but he continuously refuses to say what happened to him in Wales, All he says was "I was considered an outcast and thrown away"

Powers/Abilities… Able to shift into Shadows becoming invisible, Can cause immense darkness all around him, Uses silenced pistols as weaponry

Other... Silenced Pistols
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name…Jacque Marrow

Code-name…Leather hide

Appearance... as Leather hide


Hometown…Baton Rouge Louisiana

Psych Eval…Subject tends to enter a rage when fighting and is known to be highly aggressive to even his own team while on and leaving the battle field, request for tranquilizers and restraints is highly recommended for at least six hours after removal from extended combat. Further evaluation reveals that the subject seems to prefer to be left to his own devices when not in a rage and can become rather skittish in groups.

History…Everything having to do with Jacque with the exception of his place of birth has been stricken from the records. When pressed further about his past, Jacque would only tell people to look up the "Gator Man" of Baton Rouge.

Powers/Abilities… Jacque can transform himself into a monstrous crocodilian like creature. In this form Jacque boasts terrifying levels of strength, jaws that can punch through most metals, a thick hide able to withstand small arms fire, and superior aquatic locomotion skills

Other...He serves as the juggernaut of the group, smashing, tearing, and generally mangling whatever is in the way. Because of his aggression, a rifle loaded with horse tranquilizers is usually left with the group in the event he gets out of hand.

in case the images don't pop up, i'm going to go ahead and post links to the pics:
His human form and Leather hide
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name… Hikari Aoi Tsubame

Code-name… Runner


Black hair, stands at about 5' 7'', and keeps her hair cropped short. She weighs about 130 lbs.

Age… 18

Hometown… Osaka, Japan. Then moved to Chicago, Illinois.

Psych Eval… Hikari is variable. Hikari prefers silence when working, and when in off hours tries to get by with saying as little as possible. She displays a preference to moving as opposed to sitting still. She appears to love languages, and often studies other languages, adding to the ever growing amount that she already knows. She turned down a uniform when offered, buying her own gear, which could be a result of her years spent by herself. She seems to think her independence is preferred over company. She enjoys reading, but spends more time studying new languages than reading the books offered. Hikari may fidget if locked in a room for excessive amounts of time, and tends to speak less in this situation. This is opposed to after she has gone on a long run by herself, when she is more open and talkative. Hikari also can be brutally honest to people she doesn't like, it is recommended that she meets with a psychiatrist once a week to have a better understanding of her mind.

History… Born in the slums of Japan, Hikari was raised on meager amounts of food and not enough entertainment. She soon learned of a skill named parkour from one of her classmates, and started to practice and research it on her own. When she moved to America, the first thing Hikari did was take several classes, and until she was sixteen, they kept her busy. The S.E.E.R. kept track when she started to leap over buildings after practice. When the classes stopped, due to the interest of the S.E.E.R, she tested out of her school, claiming that, 'she'd had enough of sitting'.
She soon started running messages between gangs, scientists doing illegal procedures, as well as the odd nut case that wanted messages to be passed secretly to other nut cases. Her job was to move things from one side of town to the other, and she was good at it. She often teased police into chasing her to increase the thrill, but they didn't catch her until a year later. She also very often destroyed police cars, injured policemen, and stole badges. Hikari was running a brief case across town, when she discovered that it was a sting operation. She was surrounded by police and had no way out. She was given two choices, either join Delta Squad, or go to jail. Hikari soon joined the project, looking for some form of amusement. The subject never stated that she was bored, but this was inferred from how she described her previous life.

Super strength- Hikari can effectively lift double her own weight as well as exert force above that of a average human. The subject mainly uses her strength to jump, leaping above twenty feet vertically. This strength allows the subject to move over twenty miles an hour. The subject appears to have a certain amount of control over her strength, but if enraged can lose control and hurt herself. The subject, when lifting, has higher blood pressure than normal, meaning wounds sustained that bleed can often times present more of an issue than if she wasn't exerting energy.
High endurance- Hikari doesn't get tired as easily as an average human due to her training and parkour practice. The subject is easily damaged when cut or put under extreme pressure. She doesn't form bruises due to strengthened cells in her skin.

Other... Hikari refuses to cover up her tattoos, indicating a deeper meaning or teenage rebellion. We are unsure of where she received her tattoos.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xGoblinKingx

xGoblinKingx I am a huge asshole

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

LittleRedPanda: Accepted!
smarty0114: Accepted!
KatherinWinter: she carries 90 knives? otherwise accepted!
Tarantulass: Accepted! Way to stick to the govt file format !
Alexjits: Accepted! The raven of our group eh?
MonsieurShade: Accepted, love the idea of a member so powerful he needs to be restrained!

Character submissions are closed, but the main focus of this story will be of the characters, i would like you all to PM me a paragraph or two of a plot based around your character and i will run our usernames through a random numer gen to select who the first one will be about and that user will be my co-gm for that "Stretch" of the story try to keep it centered primarily on a problem from your characters past or something like that, for example Nic's will be explaining why he landed where he did (and maybe alien invasion)

I would like the plots to all be sent by Friday and until then I will work on an intro post, it would be cool if you guys could post maybe once or twice a day with a paragraph or so (4-5 sentences) a day, I understand writers block but please don't post frequent one liners
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

I looked up some movies. With knives in a trench coat, belt, and boots she could actually care as many as 130. But I think the wiegh would be an issue so I cut it down. I will get to work on my paragraph. I can usually do 4 or 5 sentences and posting more then once a day is not a problem.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I'll start working on my paragraph tonight :)
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