@21308Okay, my grandma basically wanted me to work three half days after working for three whole days. My aunt usually works those days but with my uncle not here to help so my grandma stepped up to help take care of my great grandma. She has to go to a funeral and will be gone but she is leaving my grandpa behind. He said he wasn't sure he could do it. Now keep in mind they didn't talk to my aunt and when I spoke with her she said she could do it no problem as she has done it before.
My husband thought this would be too much on me and was a bit pissed so I am sure he sent a not so nice message explaining to my grandma that I couldn't do it. That it was too much and defending me since he knows I have problems saying no to my family cause I love them and she kind of pinned me. I love my family and I don't know who else would step up to care for my great grandma.
My grandma sent a nasty text that sounded like it was all my fault.
Today I got the delight of multiple people explaining that she wasn't mad at me but mad at my husband and that I should have been the one to send exactly what he did. How does that make it any better? How does that make any sense!? Now my grandpa is saying he will do it because I am sure she is ragging on him. I don't want him to do it if he doesn't feel well. He has had heart problems. This could have all been avoided if she asked more about my life. This could have been avoided if she spoke to my aunt first. This could have been avoided if she had asked why my husband reacted the way he did. I just am so disappointed that she isn't looking past herself.
I am sure I am wrong in there somewhere and yes, my hubby could have handled it better but at least he did what was right by me. He did what husbands do and defended me just like I am mad that she is mad at him and I will defend him if she tries to rip into him later.