"The end times have come... blood spills blood and Pokemon, once our allies and protectors, have become corrupted by some invisible force. What are we but tasty morsels in the shadows of demons?"
Atlas-- once a beautiful region that relished in years of peace --is now engulfed in war. The five quarreling nations that make up the continent have been locked in battle for decades upon decades. Betrayal and corruption is a common occurrence within each country's borders. There is no escape from the doubt and worry that plague the land.
Yet the people of the five nations of Atlas--
Aurios, the Land of the Crystalline Snows,
Argent, the Land of the Silver Tides,
Leonias, the Land of the Roaring Valleys,
Phoenicis, the Land of the Azure Skies,
and Fulmion, the Land of the Everlasting Fields,
Argent, the Land of the Silver Tides,
Leonias, the Land of the Roaring Valleys,
Phoenicis, the Land of the Azure Skies,
and Fulmion, the Land of the Everlasting Fields,
--do not pity each other. They continue to blame each other for their follies, adding fuel to the already blazing fire. They fight in the name of their gods, deeming each other heretics that must be converted. There is no end to the violence and mayhem in sight...
And yet it only gets worse. Something evil stirs in the shadows, making wild herds and packs of Pokemon run rampant through the land. Cases of once peaceful creatures trampling village people in stampedes are common. Disappearances of children from cribs and beds even more so. No one really knows what is causing the Pokemon to go on killing sprees that involves both their own kind and humans... but all five nations of Atlas are blaming one another.
The emperor of Phoenicis has decided it is high time for the countries to finally work together and see what is causing such mayhem. He has sent messengers all over Atlas, telling them to spread word of a campaign he is holding within his very nation's capital. The campaign is asking for volunteers-- mostly soldiers --of each country to gather together and search for the cause of the needless violence to bring an end to it once and for all. They will set out on a journey throughout the whole land, braving thirst, hunger, disease, death... amongst other things.
They might not return.
You shall play as volunteers, most of which are soldiers from each nation, roaming around Atlas in search for the cause of the wild Pokemon's sudden violence. Even though most of you are enemies, you must work together to survive. You must trust the people surrounding you to keep one another safe and remain sane enough to function.
Though this may not go according to plan. One of the volunteers may be after another's neck, stopping at nothing until the one they want dead lies in a pool of blood at their feet. Another may be selfish enough to not care that others cannot continue on. The volunteers must withstand both natural and unnatural forces in order to make it back home... though many may not come back.
Countries of Atlas
Aurios is located to the extreme north of Atlas. It is deadlocked in winter for most of the year and blizzards constantly pummel the stark mountains that line the nation. Lakes and small woods dot the country here and there, and a rather large mountain range runs from its southern parts to Leonias. Temperatures can drop to -4ºf during its long winters.
The people of Aurios worship Suicune as a deity. To them, Suicune is supposed to bring the winter and precipitation. Their god is one of elegance and grace, and those who move fluidly and with ease are said to be blessed by it. There is a festival held in Aurios every winter to praise Suicune for ending fall and bringing the land one step closer to summer.
Just south of Aurios lies Argent. A large mass of woods run all the way to the shoreline where one can find shrines. Large, white cliffs look over the shores and beautiful ocean. Temperatures are mild in this country; it fluctuates from 41ºf to 62ºf in summer time. The weather can vary from clear skies to flood-causing storms.
Argentians worship Lugia, which is said to bring seasonal rains and control the moon. Since rain is important for crops and a source of water, it is treated with utmost respect. It is also considered a god of the valiant and those with pure souls.
Many people from Xiurong have fled from the ravaged continent to escape death and destruction. The immigrants mostly populate the rural parts of Argent, while "trueblood" Argentians have settled the urban areas.
The western parts of this nation cuts in between Argent and Phoenicis. Its land is mostly mountainous terrains and valleys. A dormant volcano lies to its south. Temperatures can range from slightly chilly to temperate; the usual would be around 50°f. Clear or cloudy skies are the norm here.
Entei is the Leonians' god, and it is said to bring the summer time weather. People also state that it causes forest fires and droughts, making it seem like a vengeful god. Even though this is the case, the inhabitants of Leonias are fond of Entei, deeming that it brings an end to things that have dragged on for too long and thus restores balance.
Located to the south of Argent, Phoenicis is certainly warmer than the northern countries. This nation's forests explode in color during summer all the way to mid-winter. Shrines can be found atop small hills. Temperatures tend to be warmer in this kingdom, with 60°f being the norm. Clear skies tend to be seen, with winters being the rainiest. Summers tend to be rather hot.
The people of Phoenicis worship Ho-Oh as their deity; to them, Ho-Oh is both the end and the beginning-- a God of reincarnation and redemption. Like Leonias, Phoenicis worships their God as one that brings the summertime. It is also known for blessing the golden-hearted and the brave.
The forests end and the plains and fields begin once you set foot in the largest country of Atlas. Grassy meadows and plateaus are a regular sight. Winds are to be expected here, causing the temperatures to vary from 68°f to 59°f. Rainy weather is common.
To the very southern regions of Fulmion, however, lies tropical land. Here, deserts can be encountered, along with coasts with white sands and crystalline seas.
Raikou is worshiped here as the god of thunderstorms and lightning. This deity is said to be fond of those with fierce personalities. Fulmi people believe Raikou brings luck to whoever sees it.
Other Regions
A once bustling, feudal continent, Xiurong has been reduced to a wasteland due to the wrath of a destructive beast. It is located to the east of Atlas across the Ebony Sea. Not many people dare to visit the land as it is stated to be cursed and overrun by demons and dangerous creatures of all types.
Naranai was considered to be the largest and wealthiest country. It was once known for its craftsmanship. Now, most of this "territory" is covered in ruins. Ivory statues of a feathered Dragon-type can be seen scattered here and there. Fields and hills make up much of the once largely populated country. It was to the eastern-most part of the country.
Naranai's rival nation at one point, the people of Sinjin banded underneath a banner with a red-eyed dragon that was said to be the equivalent of Raikou in regards to its affinity to thunder and lightning. Many skilled smiths used to come here to live and work. It was never low in materials to make weapons as its land is covered in rocky cliffs rich in a variety of ores. It was to the western-most part of the country, which is closest to Atlas.
Not much was known about the Nakashimamoto people except for the fact that they did not worship a god. The Nakashima, or so the people were called, preferred to believe that the world was guided and ruled by invisible forces most likely known as "magic". Some say that they were able to communicate with Pokemon and each Nakashima only owned one of the beasts. It is said that their bonds' strengths could rival those of the gods' combined. The nation used to make up a cluster of warmer islands to the south of Sinjin and Naranai.
It is assumed that all Nakashima are dead and thus their legacy of communicating and bonding with Pokemon the way they once had has ended.
Info on Pokemon
- People are allowed to have at most three Pokemon each. There may be people without Pokemon. A person with one Pokemon is considered to know the basic principal of Pokemon. A person with two can handle them quite well. A person with three are considered adept at handling Pokemon.
- Pokeballs are not invented yet and thus one must tame or form bonds with Pokemon if one wants to keep them.
- You may have fully evolved Pokemon.
- You may not have legendary Pokemon. They are usually reserved to royalty (which are NPCs).
- There can and will be Pokemon variations. This means that Pokemon may be skinnier, have longer wings, have longer necks, longer fur, differently colored eyes, etc. Do not make extreme changes, however.
- There can and will be Pokemon interactions. They will be able to speak with and form relationships with one another.
- Mega evolution has not been discovered and thus is not allowed.
- There are certain types of Pokemon that are not allowed. Be reminded that this is medieval/feudal fantasy and man-made Pokemon are non-existent. This includes Porygon, Muk, etc.
- Shiny Pokemon are extremely rare. Keep this in mind when picking your Pokemon.
Info on Pokemon Types
Each type of Pokemon is considered and treated differently than others due to myth, rumor, superstition, and legend. Your Pokemon do not have to be like this. Consider them as stereotypes~
- Normal-types are considered pets or benevolent creatures that mean no harm.
- Fire-types are thought of as passionate, brave, and hard to train Pokemon. One who has a Fire-type on their team is thought of as patient and able to withstand strong personalities. Wild Fire-types are said to bring times of war.
- Water-types are usually trusted by humans as they are thought of as "pure" beings. They are treated with respect.
- Grass-types are considered healers and harbingers of warmer weather. If there are no Grass Pokemon around an area, it can easily be thought of as cursed or poisoned by darkness.
- Electric-types are said to be partners of cheery and energetic people. Many say they are loyal companions.
- Ice-types are considered mysterious, but not exactly dangerous. Still, it's better to keep your distance. Ice-types are said to bring winter.
- Fighting-types are thought as extremely loyal companions that form unbreakable bonds with their partners.
- Poison-types are thought of as disgusting creatures that corrupt everything they touch. Many are said to bring death and disease.
- Ground-types are said to be reliable and strong. Some may be a little dry when it comes to personality, though, or so they say.
- Flying-types are considered as free-spirited beings that know no bounds. A person who has a Flying-type are said to have a similar personality to their winged Pokemon.
- Psychic-types confuse many people. To keep it simple, humans have deemed them magical and mysterious.
- Bug-types are considered pests by many due to them eating crops. Many people don't like them.
- Rock-types are said to live a long time and are reliable and strong, much like Ground-types.
- Ghost-types are considered demons and thus are said to be deadly and filled with deceit. They are said to possess people.
- Dark-types are not easily trusted by humans. They are treated much like Ghost-types.
- Steel-types are treated as harbingers of war.
- Dragon-types are extremely respected and feared. Those who have Dragon-types as partners are deemed valiant and brave-hearted warriors.
- Fairy-types are considered to be mythical yet friendly Pokemon. However, many people are wary of their mischief.
- No godmodding, flaming, etc. You should know this by now.
- My word is law. I will give you a few chances if you break the rules, but if you persist I will ban you from the RP.
- Listen to the co-GM when I am not around.
- You may make as many characters as you'd like, but please keep them all active.
- Please be active and do not suddenly drop out without giving a reason.
- THIS WILL BE AN 18+ RP, but I do not mind people who are under eighteen to join if they think they can brave the themes inside.
- I will not guide the entire plot. Give input.
- Please have proper grammar and spelling.
- I expect you to participate in discussions and be friendly to one another.
- If you have any questions, just ask!
- Be realistic; this is an anime-styled RP and all, but a person cannot be a one man army and fell a giant force on his lonesome.
- If you want to do something major, please talk to me about it first.
- Use anime pictures for appearances.
- You may format your sheet. However, please post one sheet at a time.
- To prove that you have read the rules, put your character's catchphrase and/or theme song in your form.
- Fill out all parts of the form.
- Have fun!
Character Sheet
Name: (Only use first names.)
Age: (20+)
Country of Origin:
Weapons: (Keep it realistic. Remember that every nation except for Argent and Phoenicis are based on western civilization and they are based on feudal civilization.)
Pokemon: (Three maximum. You may include species, nickname, gender, moveset, short personality, and anything that is different than the rest of their species.)
Appearance: (You may use a picture and elaborate more in text, but please insert some sort of image.)
Personality: (No Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus.)
Short Biography: (Don't post a book. Keep it around two paragraphs.)