Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Just as the situation ended and everyone started to calm down, Allen came back into the bar, almost bumping into Gojira-san as he deactivated his Innocence. His arm changed from the giant white claw back to a normal-ish state, and he held out his hand to her to shake. "Hey, sorry. I almost ran right into you there. I'm Allen, what's your name?" He smiled as he introduced himself, although it was more of a polite smile than a happy one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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Just as Gojira-San began to get out from the bar, she managed to bump into another person, this one being Allen. After stating his name, the woman looks at him in slight surprise until making a faint smile back.

"Call me Gojira." she says politely as she shakes his hand firmly but also soft, "Or Gojira-San. Nice to meet you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"That's... unusual..." Tommy said as the Smile Pact began hitting Lucy. "Hang on, I got this... It might be a Shadowfax!" Tommy said as he tried to grab the Smile Pact. That's when August shouted out the proclamation for free drinks. Nearly all the patrons began to cheer. "YEAH! FIVE GOLD AND A PARTY!" Most of them said. The bartender took the 100 gold coins.

"Nay! A hundred gold and a party! Everybody! Drink to your content! Happy hour has just begun!" The bartender said. One of the patrons stood on the tables.

"Let's sing the song of the greatest Multiversal Hero the world has ever known!" He said. On cue, everyone sang out in a single chorus:


From there, it had become a mishmash of various words, telling stories of a hero known throughout the multiverse, though the only few words that are the same were no, one, like, and Gaston. Jason sighed and headed to August, patting him on the shoulder.

"You did good, kid." He said.

Off at the edge of town, an old man was tending to some of the cattle. A girl, no older than 13, was playing in the open desert. However, something caught her eye. A simple, white cat with two long rabbit-like ears protruding out of them.

"Hello!" The cat said.

"W-what are you?" She asked.

"My name's Kyubey! I've looked all over the multiverse for someone to help me fight the Witches. If you agree, I'll grant you a special wish!" It said.

"A... wish?" The girl pondered a bit. "I'm happy with my life right now... And I love my grandpa too much to leave him and fight Witches..." She said.

"... Well, that's okay. It's not in our nature to force you to contract." Kyubey said, keeping us usual cat smile. That's when winds began to pick up. "But then again, I won't be the one doing it." As the Incubator said that, a teenaged woman with long blonde hair and green eyes wearing a flight suit flew down next to the Incubator and smiled.

"Helll-ooooooooooo!" She shrilled.

"W-who are you?" The girl asked.

"Oh, you can just call me Wendy! I'm gonna be your bestest best friend! Now, confirm with me on this, Coobs, she doesn't wanna be a magical girl because of her grandpappy?" She asked.

"Yes. That's correct." Kyubey said.

"Alright! It's time for a fixer-upper!" Wendy smiled as she waved her hand. The grandfather looked up and saw the woman talking with his granddaughter. Before he had time to speak, a gust of wind picked him up and flung him across town. He screamed as the winds ripped him away at high speed. "Round and round he goes, where he stops, nobody knows!" She then paused. "Wait... he wasn't spinning. Crap! Okay, next time, Wendy. Next time."

"W-what did you do to grandpa!?" The girl asked her.

"I dunno. Blew him away. To another dimension maybe? Fufufufufufufuuu!" She said. "You want him back? All you have to is say the magic words: I wish..." Wendy knelt down and pushed the girl's cheeks together and mushed them around so that her lips would move. However, all the girl can do is cry.

"Just say what would make your Soul Gem shine!" Kyubey told her.

"So, you have a name, kid?" Thomas asked the boy.

"It's Morgan. Hey, I'm looking for someone, can you help me?" He asked.

"Well, I-" That's when Thomas and Morgan could see an old man flying in the air like a ragdoll being flung from a catapult.

"HELP ME!!!" His scream went to town.

"... I can't. Our Devil lady has finally showed up." Thomas said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Rin - Western Planet Bar (entrance)

"No, um, really, sorry, my fault, um..." Rin laughed nervously as she held out a hand to help the smaller girl up... Then slowly, awkwardly withdrew it when she noticed her companion had already seen to that. "Um, how about I buy you a drink to make up for i-"

Unfortunately, her plan to make up for her mishap kind of fell apart as soon as the call for free drinks rang out throughout the bar. And before she could even capitalize on that, Rain had already caught up with her and continued her questioning. At least the scary looking spiky girl had headed off to the other exit...

"Um... Look, um... I haven't, um..." Gulping, she decided to just bite the bullet. "...You don't happen to have video games in your world, ri-"

At the very least, the loud scream echoing through town helped snap her out of her nervousness. It seemed to come from above, and faded out as though it was moving very quickly. Gripping her parasol far more dramatically than such an implement deserved, she tried to make her way past the two brunettes.

"You all heard that, right?" she said, looking back at the other three. "Someone's in trouble! I've got to help them!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Anno, Outside the Western Bar

Anno fell totally silent as the other brown-haired girl helped her to her feet. For a few moments she mostly just stood there, looking down at her feet even as she finally realized the taller blonde was apologizing, and did not seem even slightly angry. She was about to reject the offer of a drink... or try to(after all, she didn't like alcohol one bit and now was not the time) without panicking, when the blonde suddenly cut herself off and then got distracted by another girl appearing, this one with silvery hair. Anno, hopelessly confused and worried, stood in silence with the occasional attempt to open her mouth and speak... until she heard a scream very rapidly approaching and very rapidly leaving.

Clutching the necklace she turned around quickly, trying to figure out where it was coming from, when the blonde lept into action, declaring whoever it was needed to be saved.

"... I-I..." struggling to speak, Anno swallowed hard. "... I-I'll... I'll c-come with you! I... I c-can't... I can't do anything, b-but... m-maybe I c-can... I..."

She trailed off. But... someone was in trouble, so she had to try and help, right?

Noel Vermillion, Why is it so Hot and Dusty Where am I Please Help



Noel hit the ground on her shoulder and rolled once with a yelp, landing flat on her stomach on the dusty ground. Both hands still clutching Bolverk, she remained still for a few moments as what just happened sunk in. She was, one moment ago, in hot pursuit of her superior officer... and suddenly everything got all... all... folded and strange, and she slipped without actually losing her footing, and then everything was really bright and she got kind of scared and now...

... Now it was really hot and she hit the ground really hard. Wincing, the blonde girl rose up and sat on her knees, the dust blowing off of her. Operating by the same logic that allowed it to stay on her head in combat, her hat was still in place, but... where was she? How had anything like this happened? Looking around weakly as she pushed herself up to her feet. It was so bright, but her eyes were already adjusting... and as she turned to try and find her footing, she realized that there was a farm... and a farmhouse! That meant people were nearby at lea-

Noel's green eyes widened in shock as she watched a girl somehow launch an elderly man through the air, sending him careening away. She felt her emotions rising, but Bolverk kept the steady, and her duty rose in her mind. The Nox Nyctores kept her calmed, allowed her to do the one thing that was right in this scenario.

Breaking into a sprint, she ran towards the girl, and... a younger girl. Raising her weapons, she trained them on the long-haired girl.

As she spoke, Bolverk kept her focused, keeping her voice from wavering.

"I am an officer of the NOL!" she declared, "You are under arrest for assault! Please don't resist!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

"Video games? That'd--" Rain said, cut off by the scream and, much like apparently everyone else in the vicinity, recognising that as a reason to stop talking and start taking action. Her beer shattered on the ground as Rin called out, and the white-haired girl rushed off in the direction of the scream, sliding to a halt... and realising that absolutely nothing she could do would really SAVE a soaring old geezer. Kill them? Sure, but her 'saving' was more in the business of 'shoot whatever was threatening you'.

If anyone had more useful abilities, THEY could save him. The courier simply acknowledged his direction of flight and took off to where he had to have come from; whoever was turning old men into projectiles had to be there, and killing people before they could do more harm was somethign that Rain could definitely pull off... like Vulpes Inculta or anyone else in those accursed uniforms.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

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John Shirkwood, the Bar

John was about to sit down now that the situation had been diffused when he heard screaming. Thankfully, he'd already dialed H-E-R, and just let go of the final digit as he began running for the door.

H! E! R! O! When this mystical sequence is put into an H-Dial, a strange function begins- the dialer can become strange and wondrous heroes from across the multiverse! Of course, whether it's Robby Reed, Chris King, Nelson Jent, or now John Shirkwood- they never know WHAT they'll get when they... DIAL H FOR HERO!

He could feel it. This was one he'd been before. He knew what he had to do, grabbing a beer. As his body changed, his hair grew into a tastless mullet, his shirt vanished, his pants became a flame-print swimsuit, and a mystical quiver full of bizarre weapons to aid in the crusade of the world's worst superhero.

Florida Man, en route to Justice

A recovering alcoholic. A former drug addict. Arrested for everything from smacking a woman with a banana to firing on a station wagon full of Hitlers with a musket. And now it was up to him to save that old man. Bursting through the swinging doors, Florida Man thrust his beer into the hand of the closest person present as he crouched.


With a mighty WHUMPH, the boards under Florida Man's feet shattered into splinters as he leapt upward, soaring toward a vulture.


As Florida Man approached the scavenging bird, he took a stance and roundhouse kicked the scavenger right in its face. The bird's jaw went slack as it passed out, but years of evolution locked its wings in place to prevent it from freefalling. While normally it would slowly glide to earth in a tight spiral, Florida Man had other plans. Grabbing the bird's wings and forcing them into a spread, trying to direct its flight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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After greeting Allen with a firm handshake, she picks up the sound of an elderly person screaming nearby. Looking up, she can see an elderly man flying across the sky and the sound of panic from the bar below. Some are already attempting to save him, even one drunken dude attempts to fly to his rescue. As snarl escapes her lip as she senses something, or someone, nearby. The one responsible for the flight of this old man.

"Allen." Goji says to Allen, "I never heard of old men flying, but I think I sense a great evil nearby who did him harm. I have a rough idea on where it may lurk judging on the arch the man is flying at."

As she begins walking towards the origin of the scent, she quickly turns back to Allen.

"If you want to be part of exterminating evil, I suggest you follow me. If you want to save the man, then now is the chance. You have to choose."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Green Rhapsody
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Green Rhapsody Green Is A Creative Color

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The Rave Master
Phoebe entered the bar just as peace seemed to settle on bar. The cheers for free drinks resounded everywhere and the girl was beginning to think coming in here wasn't a bad idea after all. She could really use one after the day she had. That's when her eyes landed on him. The white fur, the unmistakable carrot drill nose, and the stupidly adorable way he ate his lolipop.

... surely, she wasn't so lucky as to just stumble onto her lost dog?

"Plue, what are you doing in a bar?!" That's when she noticed her comrade wasn't alone. She glanced from Ran to August, rubbing her neck unconsciously, "Ah, sorry if he caused you any trouble..."

"Help me!!!" The desperate plea was distant and muffled, but clear enough for Phoebe to hear. The girl tensed, the hand on her neck now twitching towards her sword. This town was surprisingly noisy and the woman once again found herself contemplating whether it was any of her business to get involved. She hated unnecessary trouble, yet her gut was telling her to help.

As if to answer for her, Plue began to run out the saloon doors. "Oh damnit, not again," Phoebe muttered under her breath as she chased after her dog.

The Princess Sorceress

Cecilia Lynne Adlehyde was finally free. No more strict rules which she had grown up with in Curan Abbey. No more expectations of being a proper princess. Just her, the sky and this world which nostalgically reminded her of her home world. This had been the fourth world she traveled to in search of clues to the whereabouts of the Teardrop. Frankly, she was finding it to be her favorite. Of course, she was biased by its familiarity.

All in all, the princess was feeling quite pleasant and walked down the streets with a pep in her step, her staff held with both hands behind her back. She was contemplating how to get any information about demons when something in the distance caught her eye. She squinted, cupping her hand over her eyes. She saw several figures in the distance. Which, wouldn't have surprised her if not for one of them lifting another and carelessly tossing them in the air with great strength.

The girl didn't hesitate for a moment. Running quickly down the road, she arrived just in time to see another girl pointing a gun at the offender. Cecilia didn't know what NOL was but she was certain this girl must be some form of law enforcement. Now this did make the princess hesitate, stopping just a little way from the group. Should she really interfere when the authorities were already involved?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Allen wasn't able to say anything else to Gojira-san before hearing the old man calling for help, and seeing others spring into action to save him. He was about to do the same when Gojira's words stopped him. "You're right. The others should be able to catch him, let's go figure out who or what did this." He followed after her as he spoke, reactivating his claw arm as he did.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Gojira-san nods as she issues a roar of warning towards the impending threat, wherever it may be lurking. This was the time where she can finally redeem herself, from being a scary monster of a person, to a heroic yet deeply respected person of justice. And whoever thrown that old man off into the air, no matter how big, how small, or even how dangerous the threat is, it was her time, as well as Allen's, to become heroes of the day. And it will get its own karma thrown right back at it.

The scent seems to be coming from the edge of town...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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As the old man sailed across the sky, Rachel pulled out a pair of Lockseeds. She unlocked the larger of the two before tossing it out into the street. The padlock enlarged and folded out, eventually transforming into its jetbike form. She walked over to the vehicle, before turning back to face Anno. She wanted to help?

"Um, well...uh, just...be careful and make sure you don't do anything too dangerous, okay?" Rachel wasn't sure what dangerous things the other girl would do, exactly, but telling her to be cautious when confronting someone who was flinging old men across the city seemed reasonable enough. Besides, telling her to be careful seemed better than telling her to stay out of things. While Rachel had yet to run into such problems, she knew of way too many TV shows or movies (things her travels told her may actually be based on true events) where someone who was meant to be safely away from the action followed the heroes and distracted them at a critical moment.

With that out of the way, she opened the second Lockseed.


At that moment, what seemed to be a large circular zipper appeared over the brunette's head, opening up to reveal what seemed to be a strange grape-themed object. With a movement which had certainly not been carefully planned and practiced for several days, her left hand, holding the lock shot out to her side, before slowly arcing around in front of her torso. From here the Lockseed was quickly brought down and slotted into the front of her belt before being sliced with the Driver's knife attachment.

Lock on! Hai! Grape Arms! Dragon, Fire! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The "grapes" suddenly smashed down on Rachel's head. Her normal clothes were suddenly replaced with a green and gold suit before the grapes opened up, folding down to form the rest of her armour. Reasoning that the enhanced abilities of her Rider form might help catch the old guy, Rachel got on her Dandeliner, ready to move out.

However, before she could race off to the man's rescue, a strangely dressed individual exited the bar, shouted something and set off to...presumably save him. If a flying senior wasn't enough to confuse Rachel, this new "superhero" was. She stopped in her tracks, in part because if it turned out this guy had the "save the old man" situation under control, it would make more sense to go after whoever was responsible for this in the first place...and in part because she needed a few moments to fully process what had just happened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"What the!?" As soon as William said that, Tommy was already rushing out. He knew what they'd face.

"Oh no! The fuzz! What ever shall I do?!" Wendy giggled as she levitated in the air. "Oh! I know! Blow you away like I did a minute ago!" She said as she sent out a gust of wind to try and push Noel off her feet.

Thomas held up his card again, now blank before showing the same image of The Windy.

"No doubt about it. The Yellow Devil is here." He said.

"What's this... Yellow Devil? And why does it sound like something my mommy fought?" Morgan said.

"Something you don't wanna concern yourself with. You best stay away from this one kid. I don't want you to get hurt." Thomas said.

"Hey! I can hold out on my own! See?" With that, Morgan pulled out a broadsword as Thomas jumped away.

"Woah!" Thomas jumped away. The sword was easily half the size of Morgan, yet he held it like it was a dagger. "... Okay... but if you get hurt, don't go crying to your mom." He said.

"I won't!" Morgan said.

"Good. Let's go!" He said as the black and red material used on his guns began to form around him. It recreated his uniform, but this time adding a red scarf around his neck. The two ran off at the same time as the others.

Luckily for the grandfather, he wound up in Florida Man's arms. He looked to his savior and smiled towards him, not caring about the weird dresscode or his method of transportation.

"THANK YOU!" He said. He then realized. "My daughter! My daughter's in danger!" He tried to tell Florida Man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Noel Vermillion, In Pursuit of Justice

The perpetrator wasn't surrendering. In fact, she was doing just the opposite, since Noel was pretty sure levitating into the air was not part of surrendering so that you may be arrested. She took a deep breath, training Bolverk on the girl as she drifted into the air. Even if she had to fight, well... she'd attacked an old man like that! There was no way she should just be let go... With that in mind, Noel trained the duel pistols on the girl as best she could.

"I won't hesitate to use force! So-w-wah!"

Noel let out a yelp and threw herself out of the way, in time to feel the burst of air rush past her, kicking up dust. Her boots dug into the loose, dry dirt as she braced herself on one hand, pushing back up to right herself as quickly as possible. Even... even if she wasn't good at anything else... with Bolverk keeping her steady, she could at least arrest this... this really really mean girl for hurting that old man! Thrusting one pistol forward as she slid her other foot slipped back, adjusting her position to shift the other pistol back.

As quickly as she could, Noel let off a volley of shots towards the girl. The hypercondensed seithr bullets erupted from Bolverk with a string of cracking sounds and a flare of light from each barrel. The projectiles would explode on contact, but they wouldn't actually kill the other girl... she was supposed to get arrested!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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It would take the two just a bit of time before they can finally pinpoint where the scent was coming from. Gojira-San can finally see the culprit of this charade, and just in time too. Already it was attempting to blow the young girl off her feet, just like what it did to the grandfather. There is just no time to loose! If they don't do something quick, the girl will loose footing and blast off into the sky!

"Allen!" she says to her partner urgently, "Quick, get the girl and take her to a safe location. I'll handle the cat creature!"

Right after she says that, Gojira charges towards Kyubey at full speed, attempting to rip the devilish little thing to pieces.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"No problem, gramps. I'll set you down as soon as we land. I have URGENT BUSINESS to attend to."

Gliding the unconscious vulture to safety on the ground, he set the old man on a bench in front of the bar, spinning on his heel.

"I AM THE GODDAMN JESUS OF BIRD-KICKING!" Florida Man shouted. He snatched his beer back from Rin, guzzling it in one go before biting the neck off, chewing, and swallowing the shards of glass. "So what'd I miss? I'm stoned out of my fucking MIND right now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Rin - Western World, outside the bar

Before she could even begin to try and think of a way to save the old man hurtling through the sky, someone had rushed passed Rin and did the job for her. That someone being... Florida Man, the world's worst superhero. Confused (and quite frankly a little disturbed) that he actually existed, she could only stare blank-eyed as she held his beer for him. And the taller of the two brunettes had turned into Kamen Rider Ryugen... She wasn't sure if she was jealous about that or not, really. After all, being a Kamen Rider would be awesome, but... Ryugen...

"...Well, uh, that... Just happened, I guess, um..." Still bewildered as the world's worst superhero snatched his beer back, she took a moment to come back to her senses and realize that the old man had mentioned something about his daughter being in danger after Florida Man had saved him. "...Think he flew in from... That direction, um... Alright, Avengers assemble! Peaches, Grapeshot..." She nodded at the ponytailed brunette and Ryugen respectively, before grabbing the first by the wrist. "Let's go! Hero time!"

Really, Rin had taken far too well to the life of a multiversal traveller. She seemed to have contracted a condition many of them seemed to have, that being a compulsive need to act like... Well, a goddamn action hero, to be honest. And in some worlds it really payed off, like in that one where she earned the title "Parasol Knight", or the one where... But that's not important right now. What was important was that she had darted off in the direction the old man had came from, dragging the shorter girl behind her.

...And it seemed like she wasn't the only one who had rushed off to save the man's daughter, as the scary looking lizardgirl from the bar was also there, and Rain... In all the confusion she hadn't noticed Rain had ran off, honestly. And... A cute blonde with oversized handguns she couldn't help but feel looked rather familiar for some reason. And nearby, there was a young girl she assumed was the old man's daughter, and an older blonde girl in a skintight outfit who seemed to be in a heated battle with the gunslinger... And... And...

...What the hell is that doing here?! That thing can't exist here... Why would it be here?

Her eyes fixed on the white rabbit-like creature near the young girl. She could never mistake that for anything else, but... Why was it here? ...Wait, there was a young girl, and... And that thing was with her...

"...I don't know what you're doing here..." she said, gripping her parasol tightly, her eyes burning with fury at the small creature. "But I'd advise you step away from the girl, Incubator."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

With all the focus that the vaguely rodent-like monster was attracting, it was perhaps surprising that Rain wasn't also pointing a barrel at its head. She knew the details of its plan, and the sheer trainwreck that every last stage of its plan represented. Yet it wasn't the obvious threat; it wasn't the thing putting effort into making sure that others suffered.

Instead, it was at Wendy that one of the most over-engineered personal weapons of all time was pointed, Rain managing to deduce the likely cause of the problem between the horrified girl, the old man, and the BDSM reject. Call it trigger-happy, or simply well-trodden paranoia when it came to those presiding over a slaughter, but the tall woman's instincts kicked in before attempts to simply talk the problem over.

The trigger was pulled, and Rain hoped that would end the problem.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Anno, Who is now Very Confused

Anno let out a yelp as she was dragged by her wrist, without even a chance to question why she was being called 'Peaches'. Still, she managed to get her legs under her and stumble after the taller blonde girl weakly. That old guy got to the ground safely at least, so... so... now they were going to find out what had tried to kill him... Anno couldn't help but feel frightened. There was no way to stop herself from being scared. Everything was so unfamiliar, and now... now...

Anno stared blankly in confusion. There was... another blonde in a skintight outfit hovering off the ground. A horrified young girl... and... there was... was... was... was that Noel Vermillion?! ... Wait wait that was Ryugen there too wasn't it, she'd kind of half-noticed but gotten dragged off too fast to do anything. What was even going... going...


Her eyes fell on it.



For just a moment, all fear and doubt fled Anno's mind. She pulled away from the blonde girl as quickly as she could and broke into a sprint... And when she was right next to it...

The brunette girl aimed the fastest, hardest kick she could manage directly at Kyubey's side.


Ever since seeing Madoka, Anno had something she wanted to do to Kyubey in mind.

So really, this was the only response to seeing it she could have had.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

What appeared to be a rather explosive situation (of the nuclear variety even) was soon resolved thanks to the daring lad Ran had been talking to . "Really, thanks for that. I think I owe you my life." Smiling and flashing him a thumbs up even as she kept her heart from thumping around wildly, the Japanese woman sagged and became semi-boneless from the passing of the problem. And then she jumped up once more when she heard someone screaming along with the sound of wind.

The mage found it so terribly hard to resist running outside the drinking hole with the rest of the herd, suppressing her instincts at seeing how much hero material people were out a charging. Instead, she quivered a bit in her frozen standing position before slowly sitting down, heaving out a small sigh. "Too many cooks..."

Murmuring that under her breath, she then raised a hand to signal some more drinks from the bartender. After all, he did pay and well, it was a bar. That and she wanted to learn more about the guy and one had to drink to continue to be in said establishment. "My name's Ran Hoshigane, magister magi and random roving weirdo." Giving a large grin, she extended her hand out to the locally dressed traveler who seemed to have the look of a kindred spirit in him. "Might I know yours, young hero?"
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