Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sinthe stood up when he saw that Winter was okay and could stand on his own, Sinthe crossed his arms and looked back to Jiyuu as she made an entire life speech about wanting humans to be strong and equals in the universe and her life." I am Sinthe, I won't go much into where I'm from. I went through intense training and began wondering the world for Lord Beerus, the god of destruction, that's all I will go into, I don't think you need to know more about me." Sinthe told them.

Sinthe took everything that Trunks told him with a grain of salt, he did know if he could believe that they were in a place untouched by history, part of him worried if his journey would be stopped by being brought here, he didn't notice anything that looked familiar to him, he then wondered about the clans Dojo or the others, the first time he wondered in a long time. Sinthe moved the scarf from his mouth and pulled it down to his neck, looked to Trunks then looked to Dimitri who was an android, he then noticed that there were more Earthlings than there were of other races, Sinthe didn't say anything about the outnumbering and kept it to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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His name having been given, Dimitri went right back to listening to the others quietly for a bit before something occurred to him: Shenron had brought everyone here at Trunks' behest to protect the timeline. That wasn't a responsibility you just dumped on any random group of schmucks. Surely Sheron would have picked some of the most capable fighters he could get hold of, right? Dimitri wasn't fully sure how to process this. After all, he wasn't even close to being the strongest android model out there, nor was he even the newest line. Those titles would go to the model fifty line once they passed through their trial phase. Sure he was a bit more adaptable and intuitive than the later models; all model thirties were, it was what made them one of the better models to have out on the field when there wasn't enough time to fully plan a course of action. Was that why he was chosen? Was he the most sound choice in model thirties?

Dimitri decided it was better to push the thoughts about himself away and instead focus on the others. What were their qualifications? Dimitri was well aware of the fact that humans did have the potential to make surprising leaps in power, and courtesy of King Piccolo and his "son", the Red Ribbon Army's database had at least a little knowledge of the unique abilities Xalam's race had, such as regeneration and increased elasticity, and a very marginal amount of data on saiyans thanks to the dissection of the three saiyans whom had come to earth and faced off against Dimitri's predecessors. The only wild cards of the bunch where Winter, who's species's powers and physical attributes were still a mystery, and Vekon and Sinthe, who while appearing human were somewhat different. An experiment was in order.

The android relaxed his stance and cleared his throat to catch Trunks' attention, "If I may disrupt this introduction for a moment, you said we were brought here to protect time, am I to understand that we may be working as a team? If that is indeed the case, then will we be granted an opportunity to find out what each of our combat capabilities are? It would make sense to understand the stratagems and fighting styles of our comrades. Better to know each other's short comings and all that, yes?". Dimitri's face still maintained its blank, almost listless expression and his tone remained hollow, however there was a slight glint in his eye that betrayed a combination of curiosity and a hint of excitement.

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