Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lofi
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Lofi I am a God

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Trunks put the last dragon ball into the hole- the seven star ball. A dissonant whine loudly came from the podium, warning of something to come in the next few moments. The once-blue sky quickly and violently transitioned into a silver color with streaks of golden lightning illuminating the area. A large, green flying serpent with the horns of a stag and long whiskers rushed from behind the clouds. Trunks and most other beings knew this creature as Shenron. He had the power to grant any wish, as long as it within his power. Shenron zoomed around for a few brief, yet awesome seconds and eventually stationed himself in front of Trunks. Trunks stared with his mouth open, in awe of what was in front of him.

Why have you summoned me?” Shenron boomed. “Tell me your wish now.

Shaky voiced, Trunks said, “I need something- anything. Anything to defend history from the two mystery warriors who have endangered the timeline.

It shall be done,” said Shenron.

Thank you!” Trunks yelled with excitement. “Thank you so much!

I must go now. Farewell.” Shenron zoomed back into the far reaches of the sky, with the dark clouds disappearing after him. The dragon balls rose from their podium, and in the blink of an eye, they were scattered once again. Once the last of the clouds cleared and sounds of thunder dissipated, a large burst of energy occurred about twenty feet to the left of Trunks. The smoke cleared and eight different warriors stood before him. Trunk knew not of their backgrounds, but he knew today that they would help him.

He approached the group and most of them expressed confusement with their body language and the looks on their faces. “Hello,” greeted Trunks. “My name is Trunks. I’d like you all to follow me. I’ll explain everything soon enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Satchi's motorbike bounded and sped over sand dunes as she made her way to a little known city entrenched in sand, far away from any of the bigger and more well known cities like East or West City. Her jacket, tied around her waist, flapped in the wind as she made her way onto the city. Her knuckles clenched as she held onto the handlebars tightly. Her right arm had a small amount of sand on it around the elbow, matching her knees. She had fallen off her bike a few miles back and was happy to discover that no one had seen the fall. One of the many downsides to wearing a sleeveless top and shorts was that you were much more exposed to the elements, and sand was no exception. Satchi hated the stuff, it was, and still is, the most annoying of all rocks.

She stood up on the foot pegs, gripping the handlebars so she didn't fall off. The city was in sight now and she revved her bikes engine in order to move faster. It was at this point, she got a sick feeling in her stomach, like something wasn't right with the universe. A blinding light flashed before her eyes and suddenly she was standing in front of some purple haired guy. Of course, the radical change from standing on a bike to standing on solid ground was quite the shock, and the sudden change made Satchi fall straight over, only stopping herself just before she fell face first by extending her arms out in front of her.

A scowl grew on her face, she had lost her motorbike and she was in some unknown location. She rose to her feet, dusting off her knees and elbows before crossing her arms and speaking.
"Hold on, lavender boy" She spoke, obviously referencing Trunks' rather unorthodox hair colour.
"Three questions; Where's my bike, where am I and why in hell should I blindly follow you?" It was quite easy to spot how peeved Satchi was about the loss of her bike. Not only was it an expensive vehicle itself, but it also had the rest of her money and supplies on it too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dirty Dan
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Dirty Dan boo

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Xalam, for all intents and purposes, did not even jump out of surprise at the sudden and instantaneous teleportation. The Namekian was floating a moderate length off of the ground, legs and arms crossed, and a small, fanged frown on his lips, while his closed eyes were in an intense, glaring concentration formation. Wisps of visible Ki drafted off of his form, and as the last of the energy from their sudden teleporation wisped away, Xalam finally opened his eyes, the focused glare moving from Trunks, to to the people surrounded him. This was definitely not a new planet - that much was obvious.

He would have been awoken by the pod's ringing of 'Approaching new planet', and he would have had time to ready all of his mental thoughts and generally ready himself for the possible enemies and allies. Instead, he was here, in the midst of what seemed to be all Earthlings, other than a few different species sprinkled in - this much he knew from the constant reading he did when he was a younger Namek. Dropping from his floating, meditative position, Xalam slowly stood to his full height of 7'4, staring down at the purple-haired Earthling. His name was Trunks, apparently, and he expected them all to follow him. The answers to any questions would come later.

"The answers better be good." The usually silent Namekian stated simply, his deep voice holding a touch of hostility. Random teleporation definitely wasn't a good way to get on his nice side, and this Trunks guy was already -1 on Xalam's mental tolerance list. His eyes moved from the purple-haired man's face, drifting over the others around him. Two blonde-haired Earthlings, an alien of a race that he clearly remembered in the invasion on his village - only years of meditation training caused him to not bat a lash - and quite a few miscellaneous male Earthlings that seemed relatively similar to the pictures and diagrams he remembered in the books, and from what he saw in the invasion. Over-all, no one really jumped out to him. He did notice that one of the females seemed rather...manly, by Earthling's standards. They each had a moderate feeling of strength to them, but otherwise, he didn't notice anything overt in their auras. They were mentally put down as possible threats.

"Hold on, lavender boy" One of the females spoke, obviously referencing Trunks' rather unorthodox hair colour. "Three questions; Where's my bike, where am I and why in hell should I blindly follow you?"

Xalam decided to just listen, as two of those questions were something he also wanted to know - although he had planned on waiting, so that this 'Trunks' human wouldn't snub the information.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"You will tell me everything you know about the Android models designated as seventeen and eighteen.", "I swear I don't know a thing! Please, i've done nothing! I know nothing!". Dimitri's eyes narrowed as he tightened his grip on the throat of a suspected resistance member. It had not been a very good year for the Red Ribbon Army: The defection of Lapis and Lazuli, better known as 17 and 18 had become a blemish on the record of the RRA. Further adding to that, the defection of these two had caused a surge in activity among a group of terrorists working to wrest control from the hands of Dimitri's superiors. All of this was simply nonsense to him; how could these people not realize that the Red Ribbon's total seizure had brought about peace? So a few freedoms where limited, but was that not a meager price to pay when the result was a planet without war? Without invasion from hostile alien forces?

Dimitri held up his free hand, the node in his palm glinted brightly as ki began to gather around it, forming into a green ball of energy. "My superiors are aware that you are resistance sympathizer, as are we aware that you have in the past given shelter to resistance members. My superiors were content to detain or execute you in due time, however the plans of the resistance to sway the defective android models to their cause has forced us to expedite such plans. This is your last chance to answer before you are executed.". Realizing that the game was up the man squirmed in Dimitri's grip, hot angry tears streamed down his face as he began screaming at the android, sending flecks of spittle into Dimitri's scowling visage with each curse. "So be it." Grunted as he prepared to end the life of his quarry. The resistance member closed his eyes and prepared for the inevitable, prompting a moment of hesitation from Dimitri. It was always simple to execute actual resistance members, but this was someone he'd literally dragged out of his own him in the middle of the night for giving someone shelter. It felt...was it..unsporting? No, it was something deeper. Somehow it felt wrong.

Dimitri shook his head to clear these thoughts and prepared to end the man's life. The opportunity would never come, as a bright flash of light temporarily blinded the android. When his vision returned, Dimitri found himself unpleasantly surprised by a sudden change in scenery. Adding to that annoyance was the fact that his captive was no longer in his grip. Dimitri lowered the hand that he'd used to hold the sympathizer up, but he left the hand holding the ki ball up as his eyes darted between each of the people. Strings of code flashed across the android's eyes as he debated whether or not to engage these people as hostiles or interrogate them to find out what was occurring. Ultimately he decided not to, as the lavender haired one in front of him prompted everyone to follow with promises of explanations. "If I find your explanation to be unsatisfactory then you will be summarily executed." Dimitri stated in a hollow tone before dissipating the ki ball.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sinthe stood in the middle of what he would call badlands, he wasn't alone, several others surrounded him with badly made makeshift weapons as a bead of sweat grew on his brow from the sun high in the sky, Sinthe let these people challenge him, using their brains, all of them attacked at the same time charging towards him as if he insulted their mothers, as the entire group closed in on him Sinthe jumped high into the air and let all sides collide into each other, everyone stabbed, clubbed, or knocked each other out instantly when he leaped into the air.

A handful of people were still up and moving around and recovered from the collision and stood up as Sinthe landed on to the ground, Sinthe cocked back his arm like he was holding a long spear and yelled out the name of his attack." Traveler's spear !!" The long green spear of energy was thrown through three men and disappeared when they all dropped to the the dusty ground. Two men tried to blind side Sinthe but he luckily turned to both of them in time and punched both of the men in their guts, then swiftly delivered a kick to the side of their heads and knocked them into each other.

The two guys fell to the ground along with their cohorts, and Sinthe turned around just in time to see a girl that was holding a knife she held her hands up as if she didn't want to fight, but as soon as Sinthe put his hands at his sides she tried to cut him swinging her blade back and forth aiming for his neck. Sinthe grabbed her hand when she made a heavy swing and put his other hand on her elbow and broke her arm to the point where the bone in her arm broke through the skin, the girl dropped to the ground and tried to give Sinthe a puppy dog eye look, but the look didn't take on the tall stoic man, he held out his hand and charged it up for a Ki blast, but before he could deliver the blow he was engulfed in a radiant flash of light.

When Sinthe appeared in front of the half Saiyan, Sinthe listened to him speak and listened to the others seemed to make complaints, unlike the others Sinthe just said what he wanted to say flat out." No, I have no reason to follow you, you don't have any ties to Lord Bills, So I have no real reason to follow after you. " Sinthe told Trunks bluntly, he didn't know the guy nor did he think he could help him with his own quest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"We know your here, Sayian! Surrender yourself and your death will be quick!"

Not gonna happen. Vekon thought to himself as he fled deeper into the system of caves where he had chosen to make his final stand. Mother and Father always told me that the Sayian are among the mightiest races in the galaxy, if that's true then how did these creatures kill them so easily?!

"We'll give you to the count of five to surrender yourself, If not we'll most likely end up burying you alive! Either option works for us."




Maybe I can blast a hole through the rocks and get out.


I wonder if that Super Sayian legend that mother and father always spoke of could have saved me.


Too bad I can't take them down with me.


A bright flash of light seemed to envelope him for a moment as he felt blasts of energy beginning to shake the cavern as rocks began to fall all around him. He wondered if it was a sign that he was about to die as he closed his eyes.

A moment later, he realized that he was still alive and there were no further sounds of battle.

He carefully opened one eye and saw what appeared to be a group of people standing next to him. He opened his other eye and took in the surroundings and the others and he realized he didn't recognize any of them at all.

“My name is Trunks. I’d like you all to follow me. I’ll explain everything soon enough.”

His gaze turned to the one who called himself Trunks and he looked around the area for a brief moment before he spoke." Did...Are you the one who brought us here?" He asked carefully. He needed to make sure that he hadn't just traded one bad situation for an even worse one, although being buried alive in complete darkness was somewhat hard to top.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Happy Go Lucky
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Happy Go Lucky Thank god for Jim!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Silence filled the air around her, With only the light, frigid breeze of air brushing behind her ear to keep her company. The masculine female stood quietly, her arms folded, index on her throat as ki slowly enveloped her, silent herself, not making a sound, inner peace enveloped her.

"K'oohh....." The woman exhaled. Her breathing technique, one that would allow her to regain her posture and keep in a fight for a longer period of time, a technique which has served her well many times before. The longer she held the pose, the more she recovered, allowing her to control her breathing patterns instantaneously.

"Right..." She spoke, her hands falling to her side, severing the link of her calm posture. It was at this moment, that they arrived, reptilian entities, enveloped in their own ki hissed and shrieked as they leaped down upon her, eager to sink their fangs into her jugular, however, unbeknownst to them, Jiyuu was no ordinary woman...

Raising her back leg, a wave of blue ki engulfed the lower half, the energy like projection quickly morphed and manipulated itself to her will, becoming what would be described as a massive energy blade on her boots heel and as she raised it, the ki immediately sliced through two of the reptiles, severing their bodies from their torso's.


Twisting her body around afterwards, she flipped backwards, sending her right leg to the left diagonally, allowing her Ki heel blade to slice through two more of the reptilian beasts, the momentum of twisting her leg allowed her to twirl her whole form, which allowed her other leg to follow suit for a continuation attack, as her heel crashed down upon a beasts face, serving it down the middle to the groin, eviscerating it. Jiyuu accurately landed where she was originally and smiled, there were far more of the beasts left, and she was going to execute every last one...

Shrieking once more, a reptile quickly shot forward in an attempt to gnaw at her leg, only for Jiyuu to retort with a boot, sending the lizard upwards with a startled scream, however, before the monster could get out of her grasp, she screamed chaotically as her hand gripped onto the airborn monsters leg, and with her free, now clenched fist, jiyuu dragged the beast toward her, applying the force of her powerful fist to the creatures cranium which allowed her to sinking her knuckles through its flesh and skin, through the bone, and with pinpoint accuracy, her fingers clenched onto the beasts soft and squishy cerebrum, before swiftly extracting the brain entirely through the hole she crafted through its skull, crushing it into a fine paste in her fingers.

"Useless weaklings... You think you can take me down?! I'L KILL YOU MINDLESS FIENDS RIGHT H-"

In the space of a second, the surroundings around Jiyuu instantly changed, causing her to stumble back curiously at the area around her, only to see a lavender haired boy ahead.


"“My name is Trunks. I’d like you all to follow me. I’ll explain everything soon enough."

"Hold on, lavender boy, Three questions; Where's my bike, where am I and why in hell should I blindly follow you?"

"If I find your explanation to be unsatisfactory then you will be summarily executed."

"No, I have no reason to follow you, you don't have any ties to Lord Bills, So I have no real reason to follow after you."

Listening to everyone talking, She frowned and folded her arms, she wasn't going to let this sudden change of scenery dissuade her, she needed to stay calm and collected in this scenario, if she didn't then there would be a chance she could fail, she wasn't going to let that happen and instead looked to Dimitri@monsieurShade, speaking up to him.

"Listen... Whoever you are, I have no idea where the hell we are, but it's not wise to just threaten people you dont know...We're in an unknown location infront of an unknown friend or unknown foe, their are so many unknown statistics and variables that acting so rashly will only turn you from a angsty kid to an angsty kid, burned and put sunny side up with a side of dinosaur steak..."

Her attention then turned to Sinthe.@Spriggs27

"Same goes for you, whoever your "lord bills" is, this "Trunks" fellow isn't exactly hostile, and it would be smart not to make enemies with people who potentially might be an ally. Elementary..." She finished off with a sigh, before looking to trunks@lofi himself.

"As you can tell, everyone here is skeptical on what we're doing here, and if nothing is explained, it's likely this place will turn into a unneeded battlefield. So, if you may, trunks, state your purpose for summoning us..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Tonight had not been a good night for House Winter.

Winter himself was barely holding himself together, his back currently pressed against those of his brothers Frost and Ici in order to give themselves 360% coverage from attacks while they sent deadly beam after deadly beam into any alien mercenary stupid enough to enter their field of vision; More then one family member had been stolen from them tonight by being overwhelmed and murdered from behind by the cowardly bastards...

The ruined building that had once been the main manor of House Winter... that had once been their home was carpeted and painted with the bodies and blood of various aliens and family alike. Winter tried to ignore the bodies of his clan members that had already fallen, tried to keep himself composed in order to stay focused and get himself and his brothers through this terrible night; He would not allow himself to be the weak link in their defense!

Soon through, the seemingly endless tide of alien scum started to falter and Winter couldn't help but feel relived by the respite... until all three of their scouters started to go crazy at the approach of a single being. Winter's heart sank a little at the sheer amount of power that was coming their way; It could only have been the Usurper Cold himself. There was a moment where Winter shared a look with his brothers, a silent question between them of if they should fight of flee... but all three of them knew the answer in their hearts. If they turned and fled now, they would never be able to outrun the shame of not fighting to the bitter end when all the rest of the clan had done so.

When Cold reveled himself, there was no hesitation from Winter or either of his brothers as they charged at him with the intention of killing him or dying trying. Winter was the first to arrive within attacking distance, firing off a short ranged but strong Ki Blast Cannon, only to be completely caught off guard by the fact that despite tratior king's freakish size he was insanely fast and easily dodged his attack, countering it with a kick to his ribs that sent him flying through a wall and half burying him in a second one.

Pain consumed Winter's mind and vision as his ribs felt like they had been absolutely shattered by the blow, his breathing labored because of broken bones that were now pressing against his lung. As his vision returned to him Winter really, really wished it hadn't. Ici had been impaled on one of Cold's horns, unmoving while Cold himself had quite firmly grabbed onto Frost's face. Even has Frost struggled to free himself, Cold's hand simply lit up and... Frost's headless body dropped to the floor.

Winter didn't notice the bright light or the fact that he was sitting somewhere that wasn't his own planet, buried in rubble right away. In fact, he didn't seem to notice that he wasn't alone either. All that was going through his mind, all that he could see... was that final, terrible moment in which his brothers were unmade.

When Winter made a noise, it wasn't a word but a cry. His broken ribs may have limited its volume a lot but the pain only deepened the sheer, mind numbing anguish that was consuming his soul. It was clear that whatever he had been summoned here for, he was neither physically or mentally prepared to deal with it right now.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ben


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Coffey could hear the roar of the crowd all around him as one of the fighters in the ring was knocked onto the grass. Many of the people around him had just made a lot of many, and many had last it too; the world martial arts tournament did not officially allow bets, but the fact of the matter was that they were an innescapable element of the culture around the tournament. Coffey had never bet on the tournament before but today was his day.

While Coffey wasn't a betting man, he had been watching these tournaments since he was a child; he was sure he knew who was going to win the upcoming finals. The semi-final match now over, he darted out of his seat to the are beside the bathrooms, where bets were often unofficially made. It would have been more profitable to win a bet placed at the beginning but that was would be a blind choice; now everyone had seen these fighters in two rounds already the odds on any bet had lowered considerably. They were still worth making of course, this was the world tournament after all: the olympics of fighting.

On the way to the bathrooms Coffey's vision began to blur; in a matter of seconds his perception of what was around him was distorted beyond decifering, and in a flash of light his senses were restored, but he was not in the tournament stadium anymore. A young man with a sword on his back stood before him, and he himself stood in-line with a series of strangers, including one with green skin and one with a four-pointed head; no one seemed happy and the atmosphere was heavy. "Is this a bad time?" he asked as politely as he could.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lofi
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Lofi I am a God

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Trunks smirked. "Well, I guess since I cannot get you all to follow me, I'll tell you my reasons. Right here, right now." He leaned up against a support beam with crossed legs and began to speak again. "There has been two warrior messing with the essence of time, simply put. We don't know who they are, but we plan to find out and put a stop to their heinous crimes. Last week, they attempted to kill Son Goku, right before he went in to kill the Demon King Piccolo. We barely stopped that." Trunks paused, attempting to swallow. That was not an experience he wanted to go through again. King Piccolo hatched thousands of underlings at a time. One at a time, they would have been no problem for Trunks, but in numbers, they spelled a traumatic experience for Trunks.

"I assume you know what the dragon balls are? Well, I gathered them and wished for something that could fight against this threat. You were summoned, in turn. I don't know who you guys are, but I would like to. Whether you like it or not, Shenron summoned you to be a part of the Time Patrollers. We fight against any threat that comes near damaging the timeline." He scratched at the back of his head, hesitating a bit. "So... I'd like to know who you guys are. Maybe a little background on what you were doing in the past?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sinthe listened to the girl spout how it's not wise to threaten people, Sinthe didn't feel as if he was giving a threat, more of giving Trunks and answer, he looked over to the girl and glared in her direction." I wasn't making a threat, I don't make threats, I just attack, and seeing as I didn't do anything, shows I'm not being hostile, your the one being hostile towards me, and I don't accept that, I rather if you don't be hostile towards me please." Sinthe told her in a calm tone but ordering tone@Happy Go Lucky

Sinthe then noticed injured alien creature and crouched down to the alien's level, he didn't know what it was nor if they had any of them on Earth but it was in pain and looked like it needed help, he didn't know what was wrong with it and looked down on the creature." What's wrong ? What do you need ? " Sinthe asked the creature hoping that it could speak his language. As Trunks began to explain everything to them, and told them about the dragon balls, Sinthe put a hand on his chin thinking about them." The namekian Wish orbs ? We need to help this one, he looks as if he's in pain, can the orbs help ?" Sinthe asked the saiyan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

It was hard to say what was going through Winter's mind rather than pain at first; It was kind of mind numbing in how it seemed to root itself in everything and prevented anything else from happening.

However, as the aliens around him started to notice his condition, something finally broke through the curtain of agony.

You are a member of House Winter! ACT LIKE IT! You still have an image to maintain for the clan!

It wasn't easy; Between the pain of his broken ribs interfering with the breathing exercises that he normally used to center himself and the guilt and trauma that the night had already dished out at him in spades presenting anything even remotely like the calm and collected image that the clan silently imposed on its members was a tall order, but the presence of strange aliens and desire not to let the clan down any further then he had already done so gave him the strength to suppress his pain until he was alone and could mourn privately.

Now somewhat more focused and in the here and now, Winter turned to look at the human alien of unknown origins whom had asked him questions before he managed to gain enough breath to squeeze an answer out through the pain. "A fair few of my ribs are broken. Since I'm not coughing up blood I don't think my lung has been punctured through..."

He didn't know what these namekian wish orbs or the dragons balls or whatever the bloody hells they were talking about were but it sounded like some sort of native hocus pocus shamanistic dung to him. "Please tell me that your kind has advanced enough to have figured out that setting a broken bone gets better results then hacking off the limb..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

So... I'd like to know who you guys are. Maybe a little background on what you were doing in the past?

Vekon looked at the people around him and noticed that one of them seemed to be injured. He had never seen a race like that one before. He would have attempted to help him if he had managed to bring some of the few remaining medical instruments that he had been able to steal from the wreckage of the space pods.

"My name is Vekon. And before I was transported here I think I was about to be buried alive by a group of aliens. Tough ones." He looked around and smiled slightly. "My current surroundings are much nicer. I never did like living in those caves."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lofi
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Lofi I am a God

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Trunks gathered his attention to the one that belonged to Frieza's race. He (or she. He could never really tell the difference with their kind) was beaten, battered, and bruised. He appeared to be clutching his ribs. "Oh, I'm sorry," he said. "I hadn't noticed you there. I'm sure I have a senzu bean around here somewhere." He dug around in his violet-blue Capsule-Corps jacket. Spare change and lint lined the pockets, but he eventually found a senzu bean. Trunks held it up for everyone to see. "This is a senzu bean, everyone. We give these to people who have been damaged by battle. They'll rejuvenate you and heal you to the fullest." He tossed it to the Frost Demon. "They're grown by Korin, up in the Korin Tower. He's a martial arts master, and I hope everyone here has passed his level of training. Otherwise, we have a long way to go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Satchi tapped her foot as she listened to Trunks' explanation. Apparently he had gathered the dragon balls, something which she had always thought was just a kids story, and wished for people to help him fight some sort of time bandits. She grinned, almost laughing, it was like something straight out of a TV show. Nevertheless, she had to consider the facts. She had, in fact, just been teleported to a completely different location and was now standing side by side with aliens, one of which was about to be healed by a bean of all things, and was talking to someone who knew Goku. Satchi had heard about Goku on the news here and there, after all, he had saved the world numerous times. It seemed she was stuck with the lot, and Trunks wanted to know more about her and her new 'team-mates'. She spoke after the others, letting her arms drop from their crossed position. She placed one on her hip, and let the other fall by her side as she spoke.
"Name's, Satchi." She said, grinning.
"You may know me as the former World Martial Arts Tournament champion though" She grinned, stifling a laugh.
"I was heading towards some sandy city for another tournament on my new motorbike before I got teleported here" She spoke.
"Which reminds me, am I gonna get some reimbursement for my bike, lavender boy?" She half joked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dirty Dan
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Dirty Dan boo

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Xalam stood to the side, arms crossed over his chest as he narrowed his eyes at this 'Trunks' character, seemingly ignoring the introductions of the Earthlings and aliens. That is why he was called here...His last thought before his hibernating meditation must have been answered, and he was sent here...but not to save one world. No, he was sent here to save multiple worlds...he was sent here to save time itself. As his thoughts roamed over his now destroyed planet, family, and friends, the Namekian felt his throat constrict slightly, and his clawed hands clench slightly. There was time for grieving, later. For now...he had a quest, a goal, and a sense of focus on that goal that he hadn't felt for what felt like years. He would do everything he could, even if it meant being with these strangers for an indefinite amount of time. Trunks apparently knew what they had to do next, and he had full plans on learning every single detail, and getting ready for the missions. He had to stretch out his body and get used to moving around, after all. He'd been in the same position for more than a few months.

"I am Xalam, from New Namek." His eyes narrowed, growing darker, as he glanced over the others, "My planet was destroyed many months ago. I came here to protect whatever I can."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dimitri's face remained a blank slate as he absorbed all of this new information. The android made no attempt to argue with the female who'd made a comment about how he'd chosen to react to the situation, nor did he bother to see to the as of yet unknown species of alien's injuries. The latter received a brief curious glance, as did the creature that looked to be the same race as King Piccolo, but nothing more. Personally speaking Dimitri didn't particularly care for the salvation of time lines that were not his own, however he was quite literally designed to protect his own planet. If there was someone messing about with the time stream then it would only be a matter of time before his own home would be brought into the crosshairs of the culprits. "I suppose that your explanation will suffice. I will ignore the fact that you have abducted me, for now. " He stated flatly as he mulled over everything else that had been said.

Dimitri half listened as a few of the others went about with their introductions as he focused on one word in particular that Trunks had spoken earlier: Shenron. Dimitri's data banks had record of Shenron the eternal dragon and the dragon balls, however in his timeline the dragon balls had become inert some time after Piccolo jr was killed. This presented quite an opportunity for the Red Ribbon Army. If Dimitri could just get hold of the dragon balls here or even some from the alternate timelines, then who knew how powerful the Red Ribbon Army could become! Saddled with two solid reasons to actually cooperate for the time being, Dimitri tuned back into the conversation and patiently waited for the large green alien to finish speaking before he stepped forward and stood at parade rest, his dog tags clinked softly on his chest from the movement "I am designated as Android model thirty seven of the Red Ribbon Army. You may address me either as this or as Dimitri Silvera, it does not matter to me. Prior to being brought here I was pursuing the two defected models labeled as androids seventeen and eighteen who have been slated for termination.".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lofi
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Lofi I am a God

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Trunks turned to the "Martial Arts Champion" first. "I don't know how to put this lightly... But I don't think you're getting back that bike anytime soon. I get it: It's your possession and you don't deserve to lose something like that so quickly. But by the time each one of you are done with this threat, you'll get payment enough to buy as many bikes as you want." He paused for a moment. "Bikes, as well as other things of course."

He heard what the Namekian named Xalam had to say and replied. "It's good that you're only here to protect. And at least you're on the right side." He flashed a friendly smile to the green fellow. It made Trunks a bit more content, considering it was less tense. The group had warmed up at least a little to him.

But then, Trunks processed what Dimitri had to say. Dimitri spoke of the reason he was created: to eliminate Androids 17 and 18. Trunks shuddered at the memories that those two androids had created for him. In Trunks' original timeline, they had murdered the Z-Fighters and his father, Vegeta. They created a new Hell on Earth. It brought tragedy to his mind. "Ah, Dimitri..." Trunks preferred to call the android by the traditional name he had given him, rather than the assigned number. He didn't have any real problems with androids per say, but it was the best thing to do at that point. "I think it will please you to know that in this timeline, the mystery warriors haven't touched those events. The way it's supposed to be... they're dealt with now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Winter simply stared at the small bean that was in his hand. A bean that was supposed to heal broken ribs and restore him to full health. There was mysticism and then there was this... Oh well, maybe it would work as a pain killer.

Putting the bean in his mouth and chewing it a bit before swallowing it down, Winter was surprised at how... good he was feeling. In fact, bringing his hand up to his side he could feel his ribs... whole and intact. This was going to take some time to process. As he took the time to wrap his head around the idea that magic appeared to be a thing that he had to deal with now, he did listen in on the conversation that was taking place.

He didn't know how he felt about everything that was going on, but he did latch onto one idea; If he stayed here, he would have the chance to grow stronger. If he grew stronger, then he could strong enough to rip Cold's head off of his body and mount it on a pike. With that thought clinching the deal, Winter rose to his feet before moving his hands behind his back, presenting himself proudly like the noble that he was.

When it came time to talk, was able to properly portray the calm and manner speech of someone who is used to being listened to by those around him. "My name is Winter of House Winter. It would seem that due to circumstances that were beyond my control that I have nowhere else to be and that I could benefit from the training required to... patrol time?" There was a slight hitch to his voice, as if he found the idea utterly strange to say aloud... which was largely because he did. Another thing that would take time to wrap his head around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Happy Go Lucky
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Happy Go Lucky Thank god for Jim!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Not wanting to bring up anything that could break this newly conjured team apart, Jiyuu decided to ignore dimitri's obvious antagonistic background and change the subject by talking about herself to trunks, though really what else could be said about her that was truly interesting? Deciding to give it a short explaining anyway.

"My names Jiyuu Morrigan, i'm a human from earth who has been endlessly training for the span of twelve years since I was twelve in a constant stream of life threatening battles, trials and challenges to boost my power, my skill and my intellect. I seek to unlock the hidden potentials of mortals, and prove that pure blood humans have the ability to become just as strong as any Saiyan, any Namekian or more importantly... Any god. My reason to exist is to, with my own skill, my own talents and my own determination, prove the strength of our race, and prove that we may break through any and all boundaries associated with our combat skill.

Though I never knew the dragon balls truly existed, i merely thought them legend... Even so, not even I would use them to attain my goal. What is the point of desiring my race to prove its worth by simply wishing it to come true? There is no glory, nor any satisfaction of such a thing, that is why, until the day I die, I will further train, and pass my genes on, to ensure the earthling race, us humans, can stand tall among all races as equals... And if the timeline is being threatened, that puts my desires to see a better world at peril... Trunks, wasn't it? If we were wished here... Then i'll help you. This may be the journey I take to accomplish my desires. Should you need to test me... I'm right here... And i'll prove my worth. Just know, when it comes to combat, I fight as if I mean to kill, and would only demand the same from my opponents. If one doesn't fight at their fullest, they wont get stronger, you know?"

Jiyuu smiled at him, nodding her head.
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