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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The carnival is an interesting place. The lights twinkle in the night, with music playing in the background like some sort of fairy tale and a vast array of colors and shapes arranged and moving like some kind of odd dream. It's a magical place in itself; one where people can forget their troubles on the fun, whirling rides or enjoy tests of skill and tactical execution with the games, even receiving some sort of prize for their efforts if they happen to be fortunate enough. It's a place where one can spend an exciting evening and find out what kind of luck they really have.

Maybe this is where you'll find your luck, as well. Or at least borrow some.

Once again, the sun has started to set, sending waves of bright color across the sky. Color that will soon be rivaled in the hidden hours of the night, as the lights turn on one by one. As the symbol if the daytime makes its exit, the people start streaming in. One by one, they find it. The Dreamland Carnival.

Passing through the elegantly carved gates reveals the welcome checkpoint, a spacious courtyard surrounded with lantern-decorated trees. At the sides of the entrance stand the stone lion statues, like guardians of an ancient time, while a couple of masked guards in playfully-designed costumes stand inside the courtyard to keep the peace amongst those entering.

Further inside, the rides spin and vendors display fantastic wares, lights and colors of the carnival surrounding the visitors until the lines blur between fantasy and reality in this place. People in various creative costumes performed in cleared spaces and ran the attractions at different locations, looking much like mysterious characters from fairy tales themselves at times. Combined with the sounds of music and the smell of freshly cooked foods of all kinds wafting through the air, it's enough to distract the senses completely. Enough to make the slight anomalies at the corners of one's vision seem like little more than another play on their beliefs and perception.

While you know neither how you found this place or what drew you to it, you're here now. And the carnival has just opened for the night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Quextamon
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Quextamon Leader of the Decepticons

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Kai had been wandering for so long.

She’d uplifted herself from everything important to her when the unique abilities she possessed had begun to manifest. She was dangerous, and she knew it. Knew that any unforeseen action could bring harm to that which she loved. Kai did not wallow in this small grief, this self-imposed loss, but took it as a chance to start anew. To be a better person than before, with none of the history. At least, she would try.

It was only a matter of time before she stumbled upon the carnival. It was her type of place from the start: a celebration of all things different in the world. At first, the enormity of the fair surprised her, and she took a moment to absorb all the different sites, sounds, and smells. Audibly she mumbles to herself, “Truly amazing,” before walking deeper into the wonderland.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Coming out of her cave. Rayne noticed strange lights in the distance, past the trees of the dense forest. She then grabbed the Necronomicon and set fourth to discover what those lights were coming from. Rayne was formally known as the Wicked Witch of the Wilds, many stories have been told from time and time again about her reign of terror. Little does the public know, Rayne is not a witch, but a mere Necromancer in her prime.

Now coming out of the forest, Rayne realizes that the lights were coming from some sort of Carnival. "Well, this should be interesting." she says to herself, now making her way to the carnival.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

With her finals out of the way, Colette looked forward to some rest and relaxation. Her semester at community college had just ended and the weather was nice. In a sense of victory, the teenager went for a relaxing ride and ended up getting ice cream -- chocolate soft-served custard with whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles.

One of her favorites.

Driving back, she noticed the lights and signs. A carnival. That could be fun. True, she had seen it on her drive and had saw the signs, but it didn't exactly seem to be her forte. She hated rides and funhouses, but she wasn't too bad at games. Maybe she could actually win something. Deciding to give it a chance, she parked across the opposite side of the road and began to walk across towards the lights and cheery music slowly descending into the atmospheric wonderland.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Yuni Lancaster smiled to himself arriving at the carnival adjusting his tall brimmed hat,"Very interesting" He said to himself in his thick Cajun accent.He was a wander and he hand wandered towards the circus after hearing some rumors and wanted to investigate for himself.He made his way towards the circus feeling the cold wind blowing towards his face.

While walking bumped shoulder into Colette making his suitcase that he was holding sway back and forth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nyra was making her way towards the carnival. She was told that it would help her unwind. She doubted it. But still, might as well make the best out of it. Nyra did like cotton candy. Maybe she could find a stand. She rummaged through her purse, seeing that she had around fifty dollars that they have given her.
Normally, Nyra would be with her group from the home. There were about 6 other kids, well young adults, that she lived with, all having some problem or another. Nyra was in with her fascination of blood. The older adults said she could go to the carnival alone. It felt nice to be alone. The other people get on her nerves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Only walking a few feet forward, Colette immediately felt her shoulder bump with someone and turned to see them, being met with a man with strange. . markings? Perhaps makeup? Was he a performer? Likely. "I'm terribly sorry," she apologized quietly, watching his suitcase sway back and forth. That was odd, there wasn't much of a crowd, did he bump into her on purpose?

Unlikely, she probably just walked too close. Nice going, Colette.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Only walking a few feet forward, Colette immediately felt her shoulder bump with someone and turned to see them, being met with a man with strange. . markings? Perhaps makeup? Was he a performer? Likely. "I'm terribly sorry," she apologized quietly, watching his suitcase sway back and forth. That was odd, there wasn't much of a crowd, did he bump into her on purpose?

Unlikely, she probably just walked too close. Nice going, Colette.

"My apologizes my dear i was not looking where i was walking i shouldn't have been letting the spirits in my head" Yuni bowed his head towards the young lady his voice laced with a suave sounding cajun accent adjusting his old looking jacket.He was indeed one of the new people at the circus but was not a performer but a fortune teller and mystic.

"Well..are you new to the circus?" Yuni asked the young lady with a smile showing her his yellowing teeth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rayne had finally stepped into the carnival, clinching her Necronomicon close to her chest. She began to study her surroundings. Out of the coner of her eye, she noticed a dead Raven. Feeling sorry for the bird, Rayne opened her Necronomicon and chanted. "With death comes birth and with nature comes disaster. I choose to bend the will of the gods to bring back what has perished. The raven began to twitch. "A new life fills the corpse, let it fly once more, free to do as it pleases, also to do what I command. In the name of Dagon, place this creature under my dark veil." As Rayne closed the book, the reanimated Raven was standing before her, giving a squak before flying up and perching itself upon Rayne's shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sirens, gun fire, blood everywhere, the hunt. It all happened so fast. One moment Don was having a drink to cool himself down from a long tiring day of work then in the blink of an eye it all went to shit. Bar fights were common in the establishment Don goes to. Now and then someone would get caught in the cross fires and the fight would escalate even more. Well I don't know why but today was a terrible day for one of those annual bar fights to break out.

Who'd of think someone like Don would do what he did. It even shocked the costumers and bartenders. How one of the two biggest men in the bar at the time was killed in front of them. The big guy didn't mean to hit Don but when he did something in Don clicked in he felt fine. The pain from the strike to the back of the head was gone and he wasn't feeling tired or depressed anymore....he felt....alive. That's when a little voice inside his head said 'Its all a fantasy and if you close your eyes the pain will go away."

Don did as the voice instructed and opened his eyes. Everything seemed to slow down and before Don knew it he raised his mug and bashed the head in of the guy who bunbed into him. As he did so he laugh psychotically. Not to long after his little show begun the mug shattered over the man's skull he was dead long before that though. When Don stood back to his feet his suit was painted in blood and he whore a chaotic grin.

Some were throwing up while others ran out the bar screaming for their life. Don was just simply exiting the establishment. As he opened the door and the cold breeze met his face he snapped back into reality and looked around like he was drugged. Before he could get a grasp of the situation cops had already arrived and had their guns aimed at him like he committed a serious crime.

With out a second thought he ran in the directions of the woods cops quickly tailing him to take him down. Don was frightened, thrilled he felt alive. His body was fighting itself. He was going insane and the gun shots wasn't helping his stability. The more he went deeper into the woods there more these mysterious bright lights called out to him.

Before he knew it he was headed in that direction. It didn't take him long to reach the Carnival. The people entering was dressed weird and very oddly. Maybe Don could hide there plus his shirt being covered in blood would make it loom like a costume. He could just lie and say its fake blood and he's dressed as a zombie. Don decided to go with his plan and entered the Carnival getting few glances here and there. He wore a very frustrated expression as we walked between people. Unkowm to him his grip on reality was slipping away with every step he took.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fenrir
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Fenrir Odin's Bane

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Hunter was walking towards the carnival, well dancing towards the carnival while listening to his favorite song(insert song) he was going towards it because he saw the posters in the city and it kinda looked interesting to him. He also wanted to go a carnival when he was a kid but his parent didn't let him so why not go now when he's an adult, well young adult. It felt nice to him that he can now make life deciding decisions, he felt mature and independent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


"Huh? That's an interesting one. I don't think I've ever seen one that good!"

The small boy(?) stood off to the side, but moved quickly to meet the girl when she reanimated the bird. He gave a big smile and made a motion somewhere between a bow and a curtsy as he reached his destination, spreading his arms excitedly.

"Hei, hei! Welcome to the Dreamscape Carnival! My name's Kido! Are you new here? I don't think that I've ever seen you before."

Taking a moment to admire the raven perched on the girl's shoulder, the brightly-costumed, somewhat doll-like boy found himself distracted for a few seconds before a thought occurred to him.

"Oh, are you one of the special guests? He said that there would be some new ones. Do you have one of the tickets? He said that all the invited ones would have them. I've been excited for it all night! Or, since I was told, anyway."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Quextamon
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Quextamon Leader of the Decepticons

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Kai continues to wander, until she comes upon the food vendors. She pauses for a moment, before deciding to treat herself. What harm could a snack do, after all? She has a sweet tooth, and cotton candy is one of her favorites. The exchange is simple, and she grins at the seller as she pays. From there, she makes her way further around the fantastical place, until she sees Don covered in quite a lot of blood. She looks him over and asks, "Are you one of the entertainers? Because that stuff looks impressively realistic. I didn't know carnivals could get scarier than overzealous clowns." She tears off a bit of the pink fluff from her sugary food, and pops it into her mouth with passive interest, hips jutted out to the side just so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Don was wondering through the carnival. He hasn't fully calmed down and his heart was racing. What if he does get caught or what happened at the bar happens again. Don was becoming more paranoid by the second. The out of the blue a girl asked him about his outfit and was......he a entertainer. Before he could respond to her question the voice from before ranged in the back of his head. "Kill...her....." Don shook his head and looked back at the woman. "Uh....no...I'm not a entertainer.." He said pausing a lot. If she finds out that this is real blood he might have to actually do what the voice suggested. "T-this is my first time alone at one of these...." Don lied. "I didn't know if I was using to much or to little food coloring so I guess I went over board." He let out a fake laughter. If the cops do come he'd need a hostage so sticking close to her wouldn't be such a bad idea. "Hey um... If you don't mind could I travel with you...?" He asked sounding a bit lonely he had to play the part to make sure he'd be successful in getting a hostage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Quextamon
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Quextamon Leader of the Decepticons

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Yeah, sure. I don't mind the company." Don's acting wasn't half bad, and Kai didn't have any suspicions about his story. After all, this place was pretty weird. Some guy covered in blood wasn't too out of the ordinary. She eats a bit more of her cotton candy, then silently offers him some by extending he fluffy treat out towards him, and asks, "So if you've never been to a carnival before, what do you want to do first? I've just been walking around since I got here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Yeah, sure. I don't mind the company." Don's acting wasn't half bad, and Kai didn't have any suspicions about his story. After all, this place was pretty weird. Some guy covered in blood wasn't too out of the ordinary. She eats a bit more of her cotton candy, then silently offers him some by extending he fluffy treat out towards him, and asks, "So if you've never been to a carnival before, what do you want to do first? I've just been walking around since I got here."

Yuni after having his conversation with the young girl began walking around the circus caughting wind of two young people talking,"Interesting let us investigate" He said to himself now skipping over to the two,Once he was close enough he now stood a few feet away form them hiding behind a caravan listening to their conversation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nyra walked through the rows of the carnival, looking at the tents, the food, and the rides. She noticed a couple of people, one covered in blood. She grinned fanatically and ran over to the guy. Nyra began to wipe the blood off of him. She looked at the blood on her hands, fascinated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Nyra walked through the rows of the carnival, looking at the tents, the food, and the rides. She noticed a couple of people, one covered in blood. She grinned fanatically and ran over to the guy. Nyra began to wipe the blood off of him. She looked at the blood on her hands, fascinated.

Yuni looked down at the little girl that wiped blood on his clothes,"Didn't your mommy tell you not to touch strangers?" He told her a big smile on his face showing off her yellow teeth to her.Turning his body around to face her he wipe some of the blood off his clothes and onto his finger licking the blood off enjoying the metallic taste of this person's blood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Yeah, sure. I don't mind the company." Don's acting wasn't half bad, and Kai didn't have any suspicions about his story. After all, this place was pretty weird. Some guy covered in blood wasn't too out of the ordinary. She eats a bit more of her cotton candy, then silently offers him some by extending he fluffy treat out towards him, and asks, "So if you've never been to a carnival before, what do you want to do first? I've just been walking around since I got here."

"Never? I knew I hadn't seen you before!"

Having been thoroughly distracted from his previous activities, the brightly dressed entity bounced up behind the two with a cheerful smile, acting almost as if he had been ther from the start.

"Hei, hei! It's nice to meet you! You must be the new guests he said were arriving today! I hope you're enjoying yourselves so far!"

The doll-like boy spun around and started waving his arms in an excitable welcoming gesture, looking up at them with curiosity when he finished.

"Your clothes are strange. You got the apple candy all over them, didn't you? You'll have trouble moving if it dries, you know. How are you going to perform then? He'll get mad if you mess up."

Shaking his head with a small pout, he returned his attention to the both of them as before, smiling innocently again.

"So, if you were invited, you must have the tickets, right? All of the special guests have tickets. Can I see them? I wanna know if they look different from the other ones~."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Quextamon
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Quextamon Leader of the Decepticons

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Oh," Kai says, turning around to face the boy. "Hello there." She side eyes Don for a moment, as the child continues talking, made somewhat uncomfortable by the strange language of it all. "Tickets?" she mumbles out-loud. "I don't think I have a special one...just the one I bought to get in." She roots around in her pocket, until she finds it, then holds it up for the small boy to see. "Is this what you mean?" She grins slightly, showing no teeth and trying to relax herself. After all, this was just a curious child. She felt ridiculous being off-put by such innocent, yet oddly worded, questions.
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