No it won't be just. But it will be funny.
Why you're so evil to me, senpai?

No it won't be just. But it will be funny.
[White Feather]whats up,remember me?
<Snipped quote by Spriggs27>
Me: ouo;;;
Jun: *goes to pet the loli*
Me: OuO;;; *pulls his hand back*
<Snipped quote by White Feather>
Do you want an Alice chasing you around again ? I'll get one, she doesn't mind if your a guy either. W.F And I'll treat you the same way Windel treats cookies, I'll hold you under the milk till all of the bubbles come up to the surface, then I'll take a bite out of your head, Okay that was dark, sorry, but don't worry about me.
<Snipped quote by Spriggs27>
Sweet mother of mercy, please don't.
Wait. Milk? Where would she get all the milk from? And what head are we talking here? (Hurr hurr, fnarr fnarr)
On second thought, don't answer that.
Wait, Sasha is a first year?
Also looks like she's caught the eye of the Director...and not in a friendly or even a 'nufufufu, what to do with you' way. More like a 'Gawd, this BS again, need to keep it in check...'
@White Feather Well Alice will get the milk from her own supply, and you have two, you can choose which she bites.
<Snipped quote by White Feather>
Spriggs stole the milk gig from me.
<Snipped quote by Kimiyosis>
Consider it a chance for her to prove herself to the Head Director. Given that she's stuck with an airhead and someone afraid of girls. She won't have First Year classes, just a First Year dorm.