Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rose
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Commander Rin Monroe

It had been a long night to say the least. Luckily the only person aware of the untold events I could trust. If for no other reason than he has as much to loose by speaking about them as I do. I shake my head and look around the shower. How long had I been here? "Damn it, I better not be late." I curse to myself as I turn off the water and step out. The bathroom was filled with steam. Pulling the towel off the rack I make my way reluctantly to the mirror. As I wipe away the moisture from the glass the appearance of the tired woman appears before me. As I go about getting ready my mind drifts from the past to the future. What had happened and what will happen. Both worried my equally. Before I know it I'm dressed and ready to go.

Tap tap tap tap rung through the quiet corridor as I walked. The sound my combat boots make on the cold metal floor is somewhat a comfort these days. It's familiar. I'm so use to it I can barely stand to wear other shoes. Out of habit I look down at my watch. Right on schedule, which for me is slightly ahead of everyone else schedule. An unmistakable scent of jet fuel filled my senses, an obvious sign that the hangar was only right around the corner. Immediately after entering I spot our transport ship. Briskly I make my way to the ship. Several lower ranking officers were loading cargo into the ship. Upon pulling one to the side I hand him my duffle bag and tell him to put it in my quarters. Now all that's left to do is wait for everyone else to arrive.

Captain Brandy Carson

With a grunt and a grumble I roll over and look at my clock. "Fuck!" I exclaim as I shoot up out of my bed. "Stupid alarm! How could you not go off on a day like today?!" I yell at the hunk of plastic sitting on my table. As quickly as possible I dress in my formal blue uniform. Swinging the door open I pick up my duffle bag and start to run down the corridor. I attempt to multitask running while also buttoning my jacket. It nearly caused me to run into people. "Sorry!" I shout as I pass by.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TartanO88
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TartanO88 Lord Brofist, / Rebirth Lt. Commander.

Member Seen 1 yr ago


i had been up and going for three or four hours before anyone else even started to wake and had been busy. i had eaten breakfast... twice, done my morning jog around the base, could have sworn i heard a man voice in the commander's room but it must have been the T.V. i lifted weights in the gym and moved all my things to the ship which was as far as i got because i had not received my room assignment yet so i sat on a crate in the hanger cleaning my sidearm waiting for everyone else. I was on the far side of the hanger when commander Monroe walked in. I stood put my gun back together and walked across the hanger.


it had been a pretty long night for me, i always had trouble sleeping before a big mission like this. i had turned my alarm off before it could even ring and gone to the mess for some breakfast talked to the other early birds mostly L.T. commander Sharp who said he eaten one breakfast already but by the size of his plate it look like he hadn't eaten in days. after that i had gone back to my room to finish packing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


I rolled over and ran a hand across the soft stubble attop my head. I couldn't remember where I was. But that was usual. My dreams had seemed more real that this present moment, and yet they had vanished the instant I woke. That was pretty usual too. I had decided one time that I didn't dream, I only remembered; and whatever it was they had done to me always wiped them away when I woke. I heard a movement in my room.

Sitting up suddenly I looked over at the girl with wide eyes and she looked at me with a confused expression. "What?" She asked, as she then continued on with whatever she had been doing; apparently collecting my things for me.

"Why the hell are you here?" I asked, trying to shake my head out of the fog.

"I'm always here." She muttered, and zipped up my bag. I finally remembered, where I was. And she, she was one of those attendants they always put on my case so I don't fuck everything up.

I groaned. "They usually don't last this long."

* * * * *

I approached the hangar with my pack and attendant in tow, she dragged along behind me like a ball and chain. I stared at the others with a somewhat blank expression—which usually came off as more of a bitch face—but I didn't bother to speak up. Stares make people uncomfortable, which is always funny, or if not it just allows them to assume whatever they were going to assume about you anyway. A bit embarrassed by me, the attendant girl with me stepped up and saluted the commander: "Giovanna Zetta reporting for duty ma'am. And myself, her assigned attendant. I am in charge of, um managing her behavior, ma'am."

"G" I grumbled under my breath. "Just G."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by puddingpunter
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puddingpunter (ㅅ´ ˘ `)

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Upon finally reaching the solace and isolation of my own private living quarters, I'd slammed the door shut behind me. That was when I suddenly realized I had no idea why I was even here in the first place; pausing, I tried to recall the reason to which I'd chosen to return instead of meet up back with the others. Why was I here? Trying to look for something to jog my memory, I enter my room and spotted the duffle bag I'd packed for the upcoming mission. Oh right. I retrieved it and did a once over to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything else. Satisfied, I make my way to the hangar and arrive sooner than expect -thankfully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shiva
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Shiva Friendly Neighborhood Voice Actor

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Eli Matthews

I was currently walking down the corridor to the Hanger. I had woken up several hours earlier but I had lost track of time. I had started fiddling with a computer and trying out some new codes and had gotten so absorbed into it that I had completely forgotten I actually had somewhere to be today. I wasn't terribly late though, so I wasn't dashing down the halls. I got to the hanger and stood there for a minute, looking to see if there was anyone I knew on this mission. My eyes caught on a girl standing by the ship and I grinned as I recognized my little sister. I started to walk towards her.

Raina Matthews

I stood in the hanger and yawned as I leaned against the haul of the ship. I hated waking up for missions, and it was fairly plain to see that I wanted to go back to bed. I had woken up a little late and hadn't gotten to have my morning coffee, which meant I was going to be in a pretty foul mood. I saw a few other people in the hanger around me and was glad that I had managed to make it mostly on time. I was usually the last person to walk in the door, so today was a first. I was never early. I had already moved all of my stuff onto the ship so now I was just waiting for all of us to leave. I suddenly saw a familiar face walking towards me and I grinned as I stood up straight and started to run towards my brother. "Eli!" I yelled as I tackled him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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Morning, I always hated mornings. Mainly because dreams were so much better it seemed. I leaned over to crawl out of bed, my prosthetic hitting the floor first. I hated the thing, it was heavy, slow, and a pain to maneuver, though it was better then having no leg. "Worst case scenario, I get a new leg." I had to look at the bright side, though that wasn't hard, this was going to be a good time. And who knows? Maybe I'll get lucky and have two new legs!

I got my uniform on, the right leg was trimmed so the prosthetic would function properly. I could have gotten a new body now, but I am still working right now. I'll know when it's a decent time to start. I'm still able to beat the shit out of people, and I am still a good shot. As long as we don't run 4 minutes miles I'll be good.

I arrived in the Hanger, a few others were here as well, Including Monroe. I don't remember exactly but I may have tried to use our matching last names to flirt with her once. Though I may have been drunk so I may never know. Best not to bring it up either. "Alright People! Lets go break some shit!" I was excited, I was ready to go back out into the universe. I haven't done much since my last fight, so going out was a nice thought to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Negativeapex
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Click. The magazine slid into place. "Sighmon, Pearls, move left and secure that back entrance." I looked down and checked my SAR-21, the sound suppressor was in place. I released the mag and checked it, sliding it back in place. I clicked the release for the magazine, it was good so I slid it back in place with a shake of my head. I let the rifle drop on it's sling as I placed a small breaching charge close to the door release. 5...4...3...2...1... A small explosion sounded as the door swung inward from the blast. Two shots took out the guard that had been knocked to his knees, three shots clustered in the chest hit another guard six feet to the left. Bullets screamed by my head like hornets, as a third guard fired off a burst from across the hanger. "Shit" I yelled as I took cover behind some crates. "Where was Sighmon and Pearls?" I thought to myself. I grabbed a flash bang and tossed it over the crates. 3...2...1...Bang. I dived to the right, clearing the crates and putting five rounds across the hanger into the third guard. I kept my rifle sweeping searching for any other surprises. "Clear" I called as I picked myself up. I had spotted Sighmon and Pearls near the back door, both were bleeding out and looked dead from here. I ran over checking there wounds and cursing.

They were KIA.

Holding in the anguish of losing team mates I put the call in to command. "Command, Flip here. Hanger is secure. Sighmon and Pearls took fire and are KIA." There was a longer pause then there should have been and then command responded. "Roger that flip... um..do what you can, make a sweep, no one can escape. Sending in Alpha squad."

I checked my rifle and mag, and went to do a sweep of the facilities. This better be f'ing worth it I said to myself. The mission should have been more simple, a few smugglers to take out, secure the Telithium shipping facilities on the outskirts of the city, which was being run by some illegal goods smugglers. We've used them to get weapons to the resistance, and now we were killing our..I guess allies was a strong word but still, all cause them A-holes needed a hanger. I cursed again, loosing two men from just three guards.

I'd finished my sweep, and the small Alpha team was here. Now it was time to wait and keep this facility off the map.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SashaWindrider
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SashaWindrider The Listener, Harbinger of Sorrow

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Azurael Winchester

I made my way to the hangar ready for the next assignment. I was tired and irritable, just like every other morning. I hated mornings with a passion and if possible I would sleep until noon just to avoid them, however my schedule wasn't always so generous. Like today. I had little to do with the others and was more commonly known by my call-sign, Nexus, rather than my actual name I assume because of how much time I spent on computers and whatnot. I yawn as I shift my duffle bag to a slightly more comfortable position.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Patrick Ray Clements

I stood quietly in the cold morning air as I smoked a cigarette contemplating my unquestionably confusing life I watched the sun rise as I usually do each morning of every single day.

I always stood there trying to recall some fact about my old life or maybe even his past life, but I can never quite recall a fact yet I remembered an odd detail or feeling.

I puffed a smoke cloud into the air and looked at mu watch removing the cigarette butt quickly from my lips and stamping it out on the ground twisting my leg a bit, I listened to the crunch of the gravel beneath my shoes with pleasure.

I was quite lonely most of the time only left to my own thoughts and feelings, because due to the fact that nobody truly could understand, yet to my colleagues I am just a quiet mechanic who really didn't have much to say about myself.

I have never spoken to anyone about my amnesia except obviously a psychiatrist and many other doctors.

I sighed and leaned against the stone wall of the hanger that I usually stood outside of in the morning to do most of my thinking.

I simply looked around and wondered when the others were going to wake up and bother him or disturb the mornings tranquility, when I realized from the sound of some noise in the hanger.

I quickly realized that there were some people already in the hanger and that there was somebody walking towards the hanger.

I walked towards the small entrance to the hanger and stepped inside glancing at the man walking towards the hanger then quickly looking away before the man realized that he was looking at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eric Fenris "Wolf"

"Man, this is gonna be a rough ride," I say to myself as I rummage through my bags to make sure that everything is still there. 'Cigars, dog food, dog brush, underwear, ammo, cleaning kit, soap, cloths, cloths, more cloths.' I say in my head as I push everything around. 'Field repair kit, chew toy, ah, I knew I had it!' Smiling to my self a little lopsided as the scar on the left side of my face stretches, and pulled out a bottle of whiskey from the bag. "Ah! thought I forgot to bring you." Holding up the bottle and kissing it. A dog barks loudly behind me, causing me to turn with a bigger smile.

"And of course you too, baby girl," I say with a small laugh, petting Lea's furry head, the bottle of whiskey in my prosthetic. Her tail thumping against the ground as she barked happily again. "Right then, shall we get to this bloody ship?" I ask Lea before cramming everything back in my bags and hoisting them onto my shoulder. My prosthetic arm whirring quietly as the servos and gears move to lift the bags, and grabbing my rifle with my real arm.

Marching up the hanger where the transport is housed I take a look around at some of the others as they came around as well. It was a pretty big group for this mission. Lots of those Rebirth soldiers too. 'This better be some good damned information,' I think as I keep moving forward. I can see Lea following me happily out of the corner of my eye. Pausing real quick I lean my rifle against my leg and pull a half-smoked cigar from a pocket inside my jacket. Lighting it with a wood match and puffing a couple times before picking my rifle up once again.

The hanger was large, as I expected, but I found the transport easily enough. Along with the big wig herself, Rin. She looked young, but she's one of them Rebirth people, so she could easily be allot older than me. Still, the pink hair is kinda cute. "Oi, Cap'n, where can I stow my lady here while we're on this boat?" I ask Rin in a loud, although muffled tone, with the cigar gripped in my teeth. My head nodding towards Lea as she looked around excited at everything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TartanO88
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TartanO88 Lord Brofist, / Rebirth Lt. Commander.

Member Seen 1 yr ago


After a minute I arrived at the small group that had accumulated while I was walking over just in time to hear Sargent Fenris question, the undisciplined manner of these troops was appalling.

"That's "Commander Monroe" or "Mam" Sargent Fenris and you should salute!" I stated. Let them call me a hard ass or anything else they wanted, military personnel should always show the proper respect to their superiors. Then to add weight to what I just said I turned to the commander saluted and said "Mam."


God I hated that feeling that I was forgetting something, I got it every time I packed for anything! It didn't matter though if I was forgetting anything I'd just have to replace it later, right now I needed to get to the hanger. So grabbing my bags and sidearm I walked out the door at a brisk pace.

I made it to the hanger only slightly late and in time walk into a wall of tension coming from Lt. Commander Sharp. The the hardass probably just chewed someone out or something, he needed to get the stick out of his but and losen up some.

"Okey people! I'm here now so we can get started!" I said with my most obnoxious grin, both trying to cut the tension and piss Sharp off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rose
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Captain Brandy Carson

As I enter the hanger I look around, somewhat frantically, for our ship. After a few moments I find it and make my way to the group. "Damn" I mutter to myself when I see that most everyone had already arrived. As I attempted to sneak in at the back of the group without being noticed I hear the Commander speak up. Thankfully though, she wasn't addressing me specifically. Settling into place I turn my attention to her. She didn't look happy, then again she never did. At this moment, however, she seemed especially agitated. As casually as possible I try to look and see what was causing the Commander's irritation.

Commander Rin Monroe

As my team assembled in the hangar I gave a few nods of recognition. When my eyes catch Raymond's I quickly look away, without being obvious. It pleases me that most have arrived on time. And thus far those who are late are only so by a few minutes. I decide to focus my attention on a more pressing matter. My annoyed gaze rests on the girl who had been speaking for one of my officers. "Last I read on her folder she's able to speak, so she'll be doing so for herself from now on." I say to the girl, then look to Giovanna. "I'm your Commander now, any management will be dealt with by me. And speak for your damn self from now on." I tell her plainly. As I look back to the "attendant" I feel myself becoming more annoyed by the situation. That the RAS would even try to control people like that, they're own soldiers at that, makes me very angry. Controlling people's every move is what we're fighting against, damnit. I haven't spent much time around Giovanna, she very well may need someone to help balance her temperament. However, this mission is to important to risk any authorization personnel. "I'll say this once, and as nicely as possible. You are dismissed, leave, don't argue. It won't do any good." I tell the girl. Her look was simply bewildered.

Just as I have handled one situation, another one pops up. One that is so ironic it's nearly laughable. As I was nearly about to correct Sergeant Fenris the booming voice of Lt Commander Sharp rung out. "Thank you Sharp, that is quite enough. You can be quiet now." I say harshly. My focus once more on Eric. "I had to speak to your previous Commander but he assured me your companion was of the utmost importance and that she wouldn't be in the way. If I find that to not be the case I'll have her put in a crate or put out the air lock, don't make me have to do that." I tell him simply. A snow ball had a better chance in hell than me putting a harmless animal to death. Often I'm more fond of dogs than people, however, he needed to understand I was serious that she needed to not hinder any part of this mission.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


My attendant stood in shock, blinked a couple of times as she processed the commander's harsh speech, and then her faced flushed, as red as a teenage boy getting his first handjob. Maybe that was an odd example. Good thing you didn't say it out loud then. I thought.

Commander had ordered that I speak for myself from now on and officially told my babysitter to fuck off...this should be an interesting trip indeed. "Generally most people find it less than desirable when I speak for myself commander. But if speaking is what you want, speaking is what you'll have, dear."

--Wait that wasn't right.




I turned to my attendant and laughed rather harshly at her sustained bewilderment, without quite realizing how I had sounded. "Well then, don't be such a useless little shit now. You'll piss the commander off even more standing around like that." I bit out the words abruptly. I swore the girl was about to cry. It made me laugh again without realizing it, but within just a moment I turned to her gaze with a look of endearment and reached a hand out gently to hold the girl's soft cheek. "Just go dear." I said softly, looking deeply into her upset expression. "Don't cry." I said sweetly and I could feel her tremble a bit beneath my hand, and as she struggled to fight back stressful tears, her eyes began to shine as I spoke to her tenderly. How long had she waited for this moment? I leaned in a bit closer and peered even more deeply into her gaze, my words sliding gracefully off my lips:

"You look absolutely hideous when you cry."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by puddingpunter
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puddingpunter (ㅅ´ ˘ `)

Member Seen 1 mo ago


We hadn't even boarded the aircraft yet but it seemed things were already starting to spiral out of control. I'd nearly jumped out my skin when Sharp's voice boomed to correct Sergeant Fenris. To be honest with myself, I'm still very wary of him. He may have calmed down since yesterday's little incident but something must have obviously ticked him off to trigger an attack like that. That isn't the man I once knew anymore, it seems a lot has changed since I left the UKD. The thought is almost depressing but I can't dwell on that right now. What's past is past, and depsite the fact where we have come this far with technology, I will never be able to change what's happened.

I snapped myself from the distracting train of thoughts and focused on the situation at hand. What the hell was I listening to? Is this a goddamn pre-school? While I'd initially chosen to stand to the side to wait undisturbed as the rest of the group arrived -I was hoping to avoid Rin as a bonus, although that was unsuccessful- I found myself growing increasingly more and more frustrated as time ticked by. It was actually becoming a bit uncomfortable to be standing here. And since when would there be a dog on the mission? This is supposed to be a covert operation with professionally trained soldiers, not a freaking college frat party. I'd tried to stay quiet, clamping my mouth shut while balling up my fists while still keeping my arms crossed but honestly even that wasn't working anymore. I couldn't help clearing my throat rather loudly after Petty Officer Zetta's rather audacious comment to her companion. Unfortunately for me, I may be equal in ran to Monroe but she will be our superior until the job is done. So in the meantime, I'll be forced to keep myself in check.

At least now I think we have everyone present; once Zetta's little friend here leaves, we should be ready to go. I want to speak up now but considering the current tension present between Monroe and I, not to mention she seems already aggravated by what's going on, I have an inkling that she'll snap at me as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SashaWindrider
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SashaWindrider The Listener, Harbinger of Sorrow

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Azurael Winchester (Nexus)

I snapped to attention tiredly when Rin arrives. I relax again after having shown proper respect. Or maybe I should have clicked my heels, some of the brass hats like that - heel clicking, clear precise drill movements. I eagerly watch the exchange between Rin, Giovanna, and Giovanna's attendant. I think I will like being on board with Giovanna. I don't think she's a Communication and Signals(Comms/Sigs) Operator like me. She'd be a riot on Comms and Sigs. Most of the others looked either like combat ready soldiers or pilots. That suited me fine. Leave me to my tech sorting through information, and I would be happy.

Watching Raymonds actions to what I believe was Giovanna's comments was fascinating. Or perhaps he is just really uptight, some of the brass hats are if anything's even slightly out of kilter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eric Fenris "Wolf"

I eyed the obnoxiously loud officer who had taken it upon himself to correct me in addressing Rin. Then to my slight surprise the Commander herself told him off a bit. Then she went to tell off another officer who thought to bring an assistant. 'Well, well, Rin here seems to have more sense about her head than most officers I've met.' I think to myself as more people arrive to the scene.

Then Rin did something stupid. She threatened Lea. That is possibly the worst thing anyone could do, whether they meant it or not. It doesn't matter to me. Sighing heavily to myself I drop my bags to the floor and pinching my cigar between the fingers of my bionic prosthetic. Closing my eyes as I take a long drag. Then holding the cigar in my fake hand and blowing out the smoke in a long breath. After a small pause I reopen my eyes, lazily passing them by the stiff assed officer that tried correcting me. What was his name? Oh yea, Sharp."Look, Sir I don't give a rat's hairy ass about your rank, her rank, or even my rank. You asked for me for this mission, so unless you failed to read my dossier then you knew what you were asking for when you put me on. You need someone who's good on the ground for this mission, so you asked for me. Now seeing as that's the case how bout you try prying that bug out your ass and relax a bit. Cause frankly, being tense on a mission like this isn't going to do you any good." I say with a smirk at the end. These puckered up officers are always amusing to deal with, but they always learn that I do what I need to do, and they should be thankful for that.

Now as for Commander Rin, and her comments about my Lea. I take another quick drag off my cigar before turning to Rin."Now, no offence to you personally Rin. As I already kinda like you for telling ole stiff ass over here off for me. But here's the thing." My eyes turn from a lazy stare to a serious one as I place my hand atop Lea's head. Her soft warm fur under my hand calms me a bit, but not fully. "You've spoken to my previous Commander about, Lea here, and I appreciate that, but, and I'm going out of line here, I really don't like anyone threatening her. So please," I take a quick drag from my cigar before continuing, "just remember that and you'll have no problems from me." I flash a quick smirk at the pink haired officer.

"Now that the annoying bit is out of the way can we get on with this mission. I suddenly feel like killing some UKD bastards," I add. My face transforming from serious back to a lazy smirk as I put the cigar back in my mouth and pick up my bags.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SashaWindrider
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SashaWindrider The Listener, Harbinger of Sorrow

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Azurael Winchester (Nexus)

I watch the verbal exchanges going on and quite suddenly I lose my temper. The very same thing that has gotten me demoted plenty of times. "Wolf" I snarl, using his code name. "You are disrespectful, brash, and possibly cruder than even Giovanna. Nobody needs to speak to any-one the way you just spoke."

I pause, my temper has probably gotten me into trouble again, so why stop. "Threatening superiors also isn't a great idea" I add.

I realise that I have gone way over line. Why, rational side of me, do you have to kick in now? I promptly apologise to Wolf, for my bad temper and for my wrongdoing. I walk straight up to Rin a salute her. After finishing my salute - I say "Ma'am, I do apologise but I accept the consequences of my actions should you wish to take this further."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Patrick Ray Clements

I salute our commander out of respect and fear, I merely listened to what she head to say and take it like the man I am.

Proper and crisp drill and excellent balance is my key ideal and it is what keeps me from losing myself, that would be very bad if that happened.

I say nothing to Rin except "Mam!" in respects to her being in my presence and I say nothing more being quiet and listening to her yell and direct her attention to the others.

I preferred to keep a low profile because I never like being accused or singled out of a crowd.

Things are never as they seemed or that's what I think, yet I never know what might happen today or tomorrow.

I approached Rin timidly and then scowled because I realize that there was an unpleasant conversation happening between a woman that he didn't know and Wolf who I had heard of before, something about threatening superiors and being worse than Giovanna.


I scowled and then spoke up to the woman who had spoken about threatening superiors "Excuse me for interrupting but is there a real need to bicker about a matter of name calling and threats although you are correct and I am sorry for jumping into your conversation like this but why argue like children and call each other names?" I raised an eyebrow skeptically at the woman who I had not met before yet she was probably familiar yet I can't remember that much.
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