~Chasers: Boundary of the Crimson Sky~
~Sonomachi City - Old Downtown~

The night wind blows mighty at the rooftops of the the buildings that cast their looming shadow at the alleys of the old downtown district. The few beings who know the truth about what lies beyond this world, as well as the beings of the realm of red dipped dreams prowl the streets of the city and mixed melody of their nocturnal struggles and the sounds of the neversleeping city create a symphony that is almost impossible to forget. Nested amidst alleys that connect the old red brick buildings of the once glorious economic heart of Sonomachi lies the Dangeki Pawn Shop, the main office for members of the Hunter's Associoation of the city, and not too far away from there the Red Cloud music store, Headquarters of the Youkai Junction, both places of importance for the Chasers and Youkai alike.
In this scenery that looks like straight out of a film noire, or an anime, a woman walked "Meet me at Dangeki, a lead on Efreet whereabouts has finally appeared" she said to her other partners over the her phone, jus t a few seconds before stepping inside the store.
"Yo, Kusanagi! It's been a while, right?" Reiko said when she gazed upon the youngish looking Chaser. In fact, the last time The Scarlet Sage set her feet in Sonomachi was around half a year ago, but now she returned to search for a particular Youkai that had been evading her for quite a time now. A fire starter known only by the moniker of Efreet.
While she waited for Kusagai's reply, Reiko let her eyes wander around the Dangeki's innards staring curiously at the many oddities that Kusanagi had collected throughout the years, until her gaze fell naturally on a rather messy bulletin board. On it various pieces of paper advertised many things, including a few jobs for whatever Chaser was up to take them.
The girl with the long coat that acted as Dangeki's primary pawnbroker turned to see a familiar face. Kusanagi placed the rare assortments of glass items she was holding and crossed her arms with a small smirk. Yes, how long had it been since she had laid eyes on Asamiya Reiko? Too long in the pawnbroker's opinion and she walked up to meet her fellow Chaser and close associate.
"Yeah it has been. And what I can do for my favorite fire starter? Oh, but keep it down, eh? I got Ikkime and her sidekick sleeping out in back and you know how the fox gets when she's cranky," Kusanagi said.
Ikkime groaned and sat up in her bed, holding her hands against her temple, lifting the covers, Eleanor slept sound asleep next to her "What in the...god dammit Ele wake up~" she pushed on the girls arm and Eleanor rolled over facing her and pushing herself up with one arm, using the other to rub her eye
"Onee-Chan, what's wrong?" Ikkime's fox ears went down and she put her face in her hands.
"You have a bed Eleanor, that was the whole reason we came to bother Kusan-Chan...ah forget it, my head hurts to much to char about this whole thin-" lifting the blankets, she saw Eleanor had no pants on ["ELE! JESUS PUT SOME UNDERWEAR ON AT LEAST" she said falling out of the bed and Eleanor looking at her legs blankly and tilting her head confused. Ikkime threw the blanket at her "just...you're my little sister, we're close but I'm not ready to see my grown little sister naked, not my thing..." she turned and put her hoodie on over her big shirt and walked out of the room, her tail whipping back and forward behind her. Eleanor quickly followed, her shirt collar hanging off her shoulder and her stretching.
"No...well of course sis...Onee wouldn't like that...I'll as-"
"No." Ikkime turned and stopped and Eleanor walked right into her not paying attention "None of that in the morning today, if Lilith wants to talk to me, she ca-"
"Sis said eat a fat one..." Eleanor still keeping her composure and monotone voice, Ikkime rolled her eyes "Come on, lets get a move on, see if Kusan-Chan needs help like she did last week" Eleanor simply nodded. They moved towards the front and Ikkime's ears twitched back and forward, yelling from the back "I heard that you ass!" Eleanor walked in after her and quickly took a seat up on the counter, kicking her feet back and forward. Ikkime walked up next to the two "Thanks for letting us sleep here last night, Eleanor really got us into trouble."
"Lilith said you're a liar Onee."
"She says a lot of things about me...but anyways we were gunna come see if you needed help but it seems you already have someone here, nice to see you again Rei" she smiled and held hand out to shake the woman's hand.
"I'm just looking for clues on Efreet's whereabouts. Last time I heard, they said it was coming to Sonomachi" Reiko said, replying to Kusanagi's first question but lifted an eyebrow at the mention of Ikkime "So, the DEG is back home too? Talk about a good time to come back."
When the sisters came in the store front and greeted Reiko, the Scarlet Sage replied with a firm handshake "You two seem to be going well. Where Eos? She couldn't avoid the stalkers again?"
"Seems to be that way," Kusanagi replied before the fox Youkai herself showed up. "Hey, no problem. You two are sort of my best customers at the moment so feel free to crash here as much as you want," she continued to Ikkime and Eleanor with a wave of her hand.
Right about that time, the bell attached to the front door rang, announcing another newcomer, this time a white haired girl dressed in a goth dress. Anyone who could see would know that she's Eos Shiroihime, a musician so talented that she earned the moniker of Nipponese Guitar Goddess and was more than once compared to legends of the guitar by many magazines and critics. She's also the vocalist and de facto leader of the idol band Dangeki Electric Girls, that began their course to stardom as a garage band meant to promote the Dangeki Pawn Shop's sales.
"Good evening, Kusa-nee and you too, girls. It's been a while..." Eos said as she greeted Kusanagi, Ikkime and Eleanor. When her gaze fell upon Reiko, the Electric Princess gasped before saying "Oh, Reiko-san is here too? How queer."
"Oh, Eos? I had just asked the sisters about you. You look as cute as ever in that outfit, by the way." Reiko retributed Eos' greeting before moving to the bulletin board "Are you still search for you father?" she added.
"Yes, actually I came back to meet a person who might know about him" Eos answered before producing an African looking tribal mask from seemingl nowhere and giving it to Kusanagi "Would you like it, Kusa-ne?" she asked. "I got it during a shown of our African tour and I thought that you migh like it."
Kusanagi frowned as she took a hold of the mask, turning it in her grasp as she observed the strange thing. Eos' method of carrying around stray items for her observation and study never did surprise her as much as the actual items themselves. The pawnbroker looked up and gave Eos a semi-serious look.
"Can you tell me any more details about how you got this Eos-san? It's manmade by humans but it also has stray traces of Youkai on it as well."
Ikkime smiled and crossed her arms, her tail waving amused "It seems Eos-Chan has finally come back, and all i get is that lame ass statement, come here~" she opened her arms and waved her for a hug.
Eleanor whistled one of the songs DEG made "Yeah I know sis...right? I think it's pretty cool to...fuck what? Oh...." she jumped down and walked next to Reiko looking at a particular couple of posters "Huh...I know it's the same name...who knows...that's not very nice Sis..."
"I gosh ish from a fan" Eos answered Kusanagi's question while she was being smothered by Ikkime and her cuddle bug tendencies "Bush when I tried ish he shaid shome shtrange words" Eos reproduced the man's words, anyone familiar enough with the supernatural would recognize as some sort of magic incantation followed by a rather dirty curse when he noticed it didn't worked.
"Oh, I know that one" Reiko said, lifting her eyes from the mission board "You're lucky your not human, Eos, or else he would have transformed you in a zombie" Reiko pointed for Kusanagi to check the mask more closely. In fact, it was a voodoo mask that is used to turn people in living zombie-like servants, to do the mage's biding.
"Hmm. Well that's one more thing I can't pawn off to the public," Kusanagi said, taking the mask out back and storing it in her personal storage rooms. Actually, there were quite a few items in there that she wouldn't trust any human or Youkai to use. When she returned, she caught Reiko's eyes scanning the mission board.
- Rank B: Wanted (Efreet), reward 50000. More information can be acquired at the contractor's office. -The Youkai Junction.
- Rank B: Wanted (Suzumebachi), reward 50000. More information can be acquired at the contractor's office. -The Youkai Junction.
- Rank ??: 'Sup, man? Got a good deal for you. If you wanna see it come meet me at the old industrial district at the Warehouse 13. It's first come first serve, so be quick.
- Rank A: Escort. Bodyguards are needed to protect a VIP during an Association meeting, reward 1000000 per person. More information can be aquired with the local representative of the Association at the Dangeki Pawn Shop. -The Hunters' Association.
- Rank SS: Dead, Something has been killing multiple chasers who have been crossing over to the crimson world to go on victim retrieval runs. However it seems whatever is killing them leaves the victim, so that it can draw more chasers out to retrieve. Do not under any circumstance go on retrievals with out a senior chaser in the current area, reward is to be determined -The Hunter Association.
- Rank SSS: Dead or Alive (Unknown), Massive disturbances along the border of the Crimson Sky and the human realm. Stop the cause at all costs. Do not engage without extreme caution. Reward has yet to be determined. May include a cute parasol. -The Hunter's Association.
Only a few were listed up at the moment, the penultimate mission was ranked a level SS while the final one was given the unholy mark of rank SSS. Kusanagi could say from experience that missions like those were a pain in the ass. The pawnbroker had a good idea of who or what was the source of those missions but she paid no mind to it ow.
"Anything catch your interest Reiko?"
"Like I said, I'm after the Efreet" Reiko said after finishing her current cigarette and lighting another almost in sequence "I've been searching for him for almost 6 months, I won't let he escape me again" she blowed some smoke at the board "Though I'm not in this for the money"
"When are you ever are?" Kusanagi commented with a smirk. "Still, the night is young. I expect we'll be recieving quite the number of guests tonight who want their share in the missions. Nights like tonight make me wish this place was a cafe or something. You can only satisfy so many guests with just plain tea."
Outside of the pawnshop lounging next to his cycle was Cole, unlike the person he was protecting he didn't smoke, he was leaning on one of the handle bars with one hand and in the other he was checking his pistol keeping maintenance up on the firearm to be ready for anything. He knew that if anything happened Reiko could handle it, but it didn't hurt to have some back up once in a while, and after teaching her how to drive and shoot, he felt almost like her teacher in a way or a guardian.
When he felt that Reiko was finished her cigarette he went inside only to be greeted with more cigarette smoke in the air, Cole didn't say anything as he waved smoke out of his face and moved over to. Reiko's keeping a scowl on his face due to all of the smoke, the guy didn't speak to Kusanagi keeping to himself and crossing his arms, he was sticking to Reiko's side now and wasn't going back outside unless she was now.
Eleanor watched as she was completely stepped in front of by the man, as she was virtually invisible to people not aware of others in the room. "Oh...uh...sir? Um...I was...Sis I'm not gunna say that...I...nevermind..." she moved to the side of him and continued looking at the mission board. Ikkime let go of Eos and laughed, before looking over to Eleanor and crossed her arms.
Walking over to her "Oi, you cant let people walk all over you Ele, you say excuse me I was standing here"
"No really Onee-Chan...it's okay I just...moved to the side...it's not a big deal..." she tried to motion for Ikkime to not make it a big deal but she didn't budge.
"No, say it to him, I'm not moving until you do it" she stared at Eleanor, the two having a seemingly intense staring contest.
Eleanor broke eye contact and sighed "Excuse me?...Um..sir...I was standing...there" she looked down and Ikkime put a hand through her hair in anger.
"How is anyone going to respect you if you can't stick up for yourself?" Ikkime looked at Cole "I apologize if it seems I'm being rude, I am simply trying to teach my little sister how to stick up for herself, I am Ikkime Oi, Bassist for DEG, and Senior Chaser, pleasure to make to met you" she put a hand out to shake his hand.
Cole didn't speak back to Ikkime nor did he even acknowledge Eleanor's words or her in general, he looked at Ikkime as she held her hand out and shook her hand quickly and firmly before turning and and crossing his arms once again, he let out a light cough from the smoke in the air and covered his mouth when he coughed.
"Interesting guy you have here Reiko, the real quiet type it seems, well Im going to call you Mr.Silent since you didn't give a name and Im going to assume your a chaser" turning on her heels her cat tail waved and she motioned for Eleanor to follow her, before they stepped off to the side "Listen you cant let people walk all over you, I know for sure Lilith would not have that...I also know Lilith would have probably killed him just for ignoring her, you can't let her out, so you gotta stand up for yourself, Im not always going to be around to save you and you can rely on Lilith, understand me Ele?"
"Wait...can you repeat that again?...Sis was saying something and I zoned out..sorry..." Ikkime flicked her on the forehead and Eleanor winced in pain, putting her hand on her face "what was that for Onee-Chan...that hurt..."
"It wasn't suppose to tickle dammit..."
As the others seemed to be interacting amongst themselves, Kusanagi sighed. Well then. She might as well rally the rest of the lot since they had a number of orders to fufill. Digging in her coat pocket for her cellphone on hand, Kusanagi pressed a few buttons before sending out a mass text to all of the Chasers in the area. A meeting at Kusanagi's was always a delight, though she still wished the place was a cafe shop. Oh well.
"Better get in the back and break out the tea packets and snacks Ikkime," she called out to the other Chaser. "You know how the crowd gets on nights like this."
"Wait, Ikki-nyan, I'll help you!" Eos said a little before bowing lightly to those present and following Ikkime to the back of the shop.
Meanwhile, Reiko had just finished checking on what interested her and thus, turned to face Kusanagi "I'd better get going now, I think. It does no good for the youngsters to have more than a couple of veterans like us around, but" she stole a glance of the board just once more "the night is but a child. How knows where, or when we shall meet next time?" The Scarlet Sage patted Eleanor in the head on her way out and said "Don't worry, Elle, your sister only acts like this because she wants the best for you. That's what we, older sisters, live for anyway, to ensure our younger siblings happiness."
A little before she passed the threshold into the street, Reiko turned to Cole and beckoned him to follow her "Let's meet with Yuudai, I'm sure that she'll like the place we are going next..."