For Elizabeth, rising early was an utmost necessity, as otherwise it would not be conceivable for her to shower and achieve other things which would be necessary for her to have an appropriately good morning. After washing considerably, she turned off the nozzle and stepped out from the shower, after which she felt a considerable breeze. After she was no longer wet she dressed in her clothes and put on her robe, and left the shower room. She went to her room to gather all the things that were necessary for the day, and to give her companions a last word before the day would continue.
Elizabeth opened the door and quietly shut it behind herself as she went in. Hesiod and Uriel were laying at there spots, looking as if they were relaxed. Elizabeth grabbed her PLT from the secure location upon which it was sitting.
"Another day comes," Uriel said.
"Yes, and your day will come sooner still," Elizabeth said. "But for now, you will remain here, and we shall once again talk later."
"I do not enjoy your talks, they are hard," Uriel said.
"You are still a child," Elizabeth said. "But then again, so am I. You will learn to love them, and I will continue to educate you. Hesiod, everything is prepared, so let us leave."
"Of course," Hesiod said.
Elizabeth headed out for the non-magical floor. She soon arrived there and waited for the Lady Violetta, and for breakfast.