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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Sir, the judges must decide! I cann-" The announcers began before one of them, an elderly, and fat man wearing a a thick gi, pushed through the door and pointed in anger. "I, as well as the other judges demand a rematch on accounts of false judgement!" The old man shouted in anger before seeing the, now rather annoying, demon. Fearful of his power, the man backed off. The announcer let out a sigh as this spared his life. After a minute of mumbling from the crowd, the annoncer skidded onto the arena.
"The all powerful judges demand a rematch, and so, I, your credible and beloved announcer, must ask all current fighters to leave the arena to let the previous match commence once more!" He shouted and the crowd screamed eagerly.

23 stood to enter the match, and was coming down before he heard the announcement and let out a sigh of releif. "Thank god, I'm not ready to use up my battery today"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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"Seriously?" Juri growls. "Pathetic mortals and their sympathy. You're all lucky I'm not killing everyone of you." She then glares up at the announce box and then back to her finger. Her look on her face turned into an evil grin. "Juri don't." Cooler's voice came from her watch. "Save your energy." Juri then sighed and stepped out of the arena. She then glared at 23. "Make it quick." she growled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Ken finally reached 23 and floated next to him hearing what he said about not using up to much of his battery. "Don't worry friend! I could possibly recharge your battery!" He said aloud patting 23's back really hard. Well he didn't know he was patting his back hard but he was patting pretty toughly. "I can't believe this but in a way Gor spared the life of a couple of humans today I'm so gonna tell elder ka-" Ken stopped himself he was definitely saying way to much. "Hello new creature!" Ken oddly stated looking at Juri he obviously knew what she was but he had to play the part of a human which he was doing terrible at. "Why do you seem pouty face my female friend?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Mizune heard the annoucement and was happy she was getting her rematch. "Yea! That cheater namek is gonna pay for using that regeneration trick." She saw another sayain and froze "Another sayain but how?" She flew over to the female sayain and said "Who are you?! How is there another sayain here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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Juri looks at Ken. "I've been waiting and training very hard for this day, its already bad enough I have to wait my turn, but now a rematch?" she states, being very irritated with this whole event. "Honestly is I wanted, this whole arena would be destroyed. and I'd walk out of her laughing at all the destruction and misery."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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"....And I thought I could be dramatic...." Gor comments, from quite a distance, just loud enough so Juri could hear him. Obviously, a taunt..maybe. The tone in which Gor spoke oddly made him sound serious when stating the apperent insult.
"...That girl...another Sayian....and she doesn't want to hold back....a foe worthy of my time? Maybe....I'll see if she takes my bait...." Gor thinks, hoping Juri would take the statement as an insult.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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Doru walked back into the ring and sat down in the middle, appearing to fall back to sleep right then and there, his aura dissipating as he did.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago


Juri then glares at Gor, approaching him with an evil grin on her face. " You know I'm growing very hungry," she said. "Maybe I should fulfill my hunger by killing you, your all nothing but toys to me." She then kissed her fingers and touched his cheek. "See you in the ring." she said walking off and leaning against the wall, waiting for her match to finally start.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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"If you wish to fight...fight...don't talk about it so much...." Gor says, but he does swat her hand away when she tries to do some strange thing to him. Kissing her fingers, and then pressing them to him...was that an earthling thing? A sayain things?...whatever it was, Gor was not a fan of it.
"...But, if we must fight, let's head out of here. I've been going along with this little tournament, wanting to see how it all ends up, so I'd rather us not ruin it with our fight....." Gor says, cracking his neck as he speaks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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Juri grins. "Hope you can catch me." she said, now walking away from him. "Other wise you'll just be a big toy that I'd enjoy almost killing, that is if you're lucky enough to survive." She then stepped out of the arena and waited for Gor. "Hey slowpok, you gonna back up your words are stand there like a brainless statue?" she said, taunting him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

23 jumped up at being discovered yet again by ken, attempting to shush him, only to be thrown across the room by a pat on the back. He had painstakingly forgotten to raise his power back to normal. Listening to the rude conversations between the many, the word 'grand kai' showed up. Checking his data base, he only got a few references via android 18. With a sigh he slumped down and slide to a laying position before he stood up.
"I came here to find heroes, but so far I've found is a nitwit, and some active volcanoes" He muttered to himself weakly, referencing to how they all seemed so rude. Still, they where strong, and with any luck, he could perhaps get them to join his team. The strange 'kai' as he now suspected, though he had little clue what that meant, would be easy to sway it seemed, but the qeustion was if he could stand his robotic being constantly given to the others. He decided that would be a last ditch effort, unless he proved powerful enough. Covering his hand with the other, he popped a battery into his mouth and swallowed.
"That's better!"
"Now, why is it you are so anxious to fight? It will be painstakingly easy, as you're fighting me..." He said, staring her down with his 3-d gear, hoping to find out as much as he could about her. On the outside, he wore a sheepish smile. ) @xXSINXx

Meanwhile, do to doru starting out asleep, the count down began. "1!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Mizune was ready to fight she went back to the arena and was ready tofight the Namekian again. No more stupid tricks. No more technicalities. She was gonna beat this namekian to a pulp, for cheating in their match just so he can win. She wasnt gonna kill him though
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Gor follows, walking slowly.
"Are you going to use up all your energy talking? That'd make for a disappointing fight..." He retorts, before taking a stance....Or, more so, a pose. "Hiya!" He cries out, his pose, if android 23 was there, could be detected as the pose of Recoome from the Ginyu force.
"Are, you prepared to fight?" He asks, seeming...excited, at the thought of facing a Sayian of such attitude. The willingness to kill...to fight, not holding back. This, is what he was looking for! A worthy foe..someone for him to test the fruits of his training on, who wasn't able to be crippled with a single blow. His excitement was visible, as his power was unleashed, his aura appearing. Those that could sense ki, could sense Gor...and he was strong. Very strong. Juri may have exceptional problems, if she is not very careful in her fight against the New Demon King of Earth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gor follows, walking slowly.
"Are you going to use up all your energy talking? That'd make for a disappointing fight..." He retorts, before taking a stance....Or, more so, a pose. "Hiya!" He cries out, his pose, if android 23 was there, could be detected as the pose of Recoome from the Ginyu force.
"Are, you prepared to fight?" He asks, seeming...excited, at the thought of facing a Sayian of such attitude. The willingness to kill...to fight, not holding back. This, is what he was looking for! A worthy foe..someone for him to test the fruits of his training on, who wasn't able to be crippled with a single blow. His excitement was visible, as his power was unleashed, his aura appearing. Those that could sense ki, could sense Gor...and he was strong. Very strong. Juri may have exceptional problems, if she is not very careful in her fight against the New Demon King of Earth.

"you do well....you do well" 23 mocking spoke with a clap. Only Gor would understand the quote was from racoome. His eager smile came to a straight face as he remembered he was suppose to play a chump right now. He cursed his own temper for this as he looked to the two ready to engage in a fight. "Wait, wait, please don't hurt her!" He shouted, scrambling to the feet of gor, pleading clearly. He was now focusing his 3-d gear on him after getting all her could from the body language of the sayain. He was now intrigued by this demon more than ever. "She's my opponent, not yours, so at least let me fight her and try to advance in the tournament! I beg of you, I really want to try to win!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Gor looks down at the what he thinks to be human, and sighs. "....Boy, first off....good choice of words. That makes more sense than you could imagine...second...You show potential. You most likely have some sort of special ability...either Ki, or some sort of magic, as you shocked that fellow you were fighting....but against a Sayain, one of her caliber....you'll need more than just that to beat her...ya know what? You can fight her..if you let me train you before your fight. I'm sure the namek will take the girl some time to pulp, so...we should be able to get a quick lesson done. Maybe show you how to use that energy you used in your previous fight...a little bit more creatively?" Gor says, putting the last bit more of a question to himself, rather than Android 23. "..Is that the right word? I think so....Bah, human language. Never my strong suit...."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gor looks down at the what he thinks to be human, and sighs. "....Boy, first off....good choice of words. That makes more sense than you could imagine...second...You show potential. You most likely have some sort of special ability...either Ki, or some sort of magic, as you shocked that fellow you were fighting....but against a Sayain, one of her caliber....you'll need more than just that to beat her...ya know what? You can fight her..if you let me train you before your fight. I'm sure the namek will take the girl some time to pulp, so...we should be able to get a quick lesson done. Maybe show you how to use that energy you used in your previous fight...a little bit more creatively?" Gor says, putting the last bit more of a question to himself, rather than Android 23. "..Is that the right word? I think so....Bah, human language. Never my strong suit...."

He knew he was caught, he shouldn't have used his tesla wave, but he wasn't about to waste battery switching his power level ever five minutes, and his previous enemy was too sweaty to stay on the ground with for his standards. He decided it was still better to bluff. He wanted them to think he was a normal man, and he wasn't going to drop the act until he needed to. Still, this was a chance to study the moves of gor. He just needed some ki... Thinking fast he couldn't find a way to play off stealing energy.
"No, no, you see, I hit him in a nerve, it was luck is all! Hehehehe" He nervously chuckled, looking to ken. He knew he wouldn't mind much if 23 explained himself, but he needed an excuse. "But I'd love to be trained, just.... I don't think I have enough 'energy; as you call it"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Hmm....maybe you unknowingly did it...that's even more impressive. Natural talent....potential so strong, it makes itself known...." Gor thinks to himself, before setting a hand on Android 23's shoulder. "Here...if you think you need energy, I'll give you a small taste of my power. Maybe this will..awaken your hidden potential....or...something like that." Gor speaks out loud, before a small bit of power enters into 23. Much less than he could take, of course, but Gor was of course trying to not kill him by overloading him. "....How does the power feel? It's the first time I've given power..rather than taking it. I hope I didn't just fry your organs..although..that would be a useful new move, if I did..." Gor says, the last bit, thinking out loud.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Hmm....maybe you unknowingly did it...that's even more impressive. Natural talent....potential so strong, it makes itself known...." Gor thinks to himself, before setting a hand on Android 23's shoulder. "Here...if you think you need energy, I'll give you a small taste of my power. Maybe this will..awaken your hidden potential....or...something like that." Gor speaks out loud, before a small bit of power enters into 23. Much less than he could take, of course, but Gor was of course trying to not kill him by overloading him. "....How does the power feel? It's the first time I've given power..rather than taking it. I hope I didn't just fry your organs..although..that would be a useful new move, if I did..." Gor says, the last bit, thinking out loud.

23 relaxed in his posture as soon as the energy filled him. It always felt so good to get energy, like a warm, fuzzy blanket covered him and gave him hot coco. With a blissful smile, he suddenly shook his head to snap out of it. Even though it was suppose to be only a little, the demon's power allowed 23 to get quiet a bit of energy out of this. It was more than he had ever gotten before. He had only done this a few times as it was.
"I feel....I feel incredible! Thank you! Now, what was it you where to teach me?" he said slyly. Perhaps he'd recruit this one, he seemed nicer than expected now, and he wasn't a complete idiot like the others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Simple. How to control the energy I gave you....Ki, or, as some put it, life energy, can be used in many ways. For example, a creature like me, that can regenerate..can expend it in order to heal myself. I'd give you a demonstration of that, but I'd rather not use Holstine shock just to show off my ability to heal...Secondly, it can be used with great destructive power....." Gor says, before grabbing 23, and flying high into the air. Very, high into the air.
"Now, that we can see off past the city, as I'm sure you'd rather me not show this on a building...point out a mountain in the distance. Whatever size you wish....." Gor tells 23, who he is holding by his arms. "I am going to show you the destructive power of Ki..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Simple. How to control the energy I gave you....Ki, or, as some put it, life energy, can be used in many ways. For example, a creature like me, that can regenerate..can expend it in order to heal myself. I'd give you a demonstration of that, but I'd rather not use Holstine shock just to show off my ability to heal...Secondly, it can be used with great destructive power....." Gor says, before grabbing 23, and flying high into the air. Very, high into the air.
"Now, that we can see off past the city, as I'm sure you'd rather me not show this on a building...point out a mountain in the distance. Whatever size you wish....." Gor tells 23, who he is holding by his arms. "I am going to show you the destructive power of Ki..."

taking in all the knowledge, data of cell constantly began to flow through his head. Was it possible that was what this man was? No, he'd know if something like cell was made once more, no way in hell was this another android like him, he was the only android left right? Fear flew through his as he realized that would force him to be Associated with this beast. His thoughts where broken by more words. 23 felt like a kitten held by it's nape via it's mother's mouth, helpless and weak. After hearing the sentence about mountians, 23 realized if he messed up, he could destroy the city. using advanced vision, he picked a large rocky mountian far away from the city, just out of a normal human's vision.
"That one, I bet you it's stronger than any of the other's"
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