Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sieg Oda

He frowned a bit when his hand was smacked. That was rude, this was his squads kitchen and he just got told to freaking wait. He would remember this day. So pouting he did as he was told and waited, and upon her telling everyone to join he grabbed the chicken and got right on out of there with a shunpo. Now no one could separate him from his chicken.
Fuyu Murakami

"No, shes probably off visiting adopted shit one and two. Of course she had to leave behind paperwork because shes a retarded ass Head captain that can't do anything right! Now what do you need from her Zheng?" Fuyu stated still writing on various papers with a clear hint to be very quick to anger and any bullshit people might offer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Miyoko Murakami

{ Squad 12 Barracks )

Miyoko watched as Kazu approached, reaching within one of her pockets and pulling out a small device that only held a button. She listened to his question before patting him on his head for the previous good work "Someone had the idea that my office was accessible to everyone within the SRDI. One of my guardians for my office was killed so I need to make another" She clicked the button, a white cloth extending from the bottom and soon wrapping around them. It was a shortened version of Sentan Hakuja, a invention that required no Reiatsu from Miyoko to use the spell. In a bright light the two vanished, reappearing on the very outskirts of the Soul Society. They were far from any type of civilization, perfect for collecting new samples. By the time they were there, the device Miyoko held was gone and replaced with the phone Kazu made for her. She flipped it open and clicked on the Hollow Maps option, a map with several small red blips on the screen. She scanned the screen, each of the blips being to small for her liking. Either way, their body parts would be useful. [color=violet]"Kazu, be a dear and go retrieve these hollows for me"[/olor] She said, holding up her phone to him so he could see the 4 red dots. There was one in the back, much larger than the rest. That was the one Miyoko would personally take care of.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Captain Miho Hari-Zumi
| Squad Seven Barracks |

Her eyebrows screwed together for a moment as she kept her eyes sealed. While slowly increasing her spiritual energy, the energy Miho penetrated through Kaizo's body increased in strength. She was in fact working on healing his battered spiritual energy and replacing it with renewed energy. This was the second stage to this technique. After a few minutes, Miho opened her eyes and dropped her hands slowly and quietly. She didn't want to startle Kaizo.

Standing up, Miho walked behind Kaizo and whispered close to his ear. "Don't be alarmed... I'll work on massaging your strained muscles... Now relax... Stop thinking... Just allow yourself to feel and breathe deep, slow breaths...." Pulling her head back, Miho placed her hands softly on the back of Kaizo's neck and carefully rubbed her thumbs in small circle motions along the inner edges of his shoulder blades. The fact that he was topless made it alot easier for her to maneuver her nimble fingers along his shoulders and upper back, rubbing and needing gently with her thumbs and fingers to work out the knots in his muscles. Miho also took this as an opportunity to view the tattoos across his back. 'Such an interesting appearance, I don't think I'd ever be able to bare tattoos but they look really nice' She smiled to herself while gently working on Kaizo's back, her hands warming up gradually as she continued. She was a very experienced masseuse which was one of many skills she possessed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 32 min ago

Yup, just as grumpy as ever. Whatever possessed his mind to go and try talk to her certainly was truly an evil thing. It was to be expected though she could at least lighten up once in awhile. That was probably too much to ask from her considering a kind smile from her meant that hell froze over. "Ah, I figured you would be here so I decided to drop in and say hi. You completing Grandma's paperwork is such a daily occurrence that I know where to find you during this time of day." Zheng chuckled and leaned against the door way. "I was gonna go train though I'll spare some time and get you something to drink as long it's not sake. The last thing we need is an annoyed, drunk Fuyu."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 20 days ago

- Airashi's Garden, ???? -

"He loves me...he loves me not...he loves me...he loves me not..." A blue haired girl mutters to herself while sitting in a flower garden. In the girl's hand is nothing but a plain daisy that is having it's petals plucked off one after the other. "All the men fear her, she does as she damn well pleases and has a tendency to kill off anyone that gets in her way, be it friend or foe. ...Why is this thing not chained to the teeth already!?" An elderly man questioned. "Is it not obvious? Though the girl is a crazed animal on the battlefield, she happens to be extremely obedient inside of this one particular area. Besides, attempting to subdue someone of her ability would be detrimental to our organization, especially if you estimate the amount of bodies we would have to mop up afterwards. Hmm...but if my explanation has not satisfied your eagerness to restrain her, then be my guest. However no one will come to aid you in your foolish endeavor should you come up short..." An individual covered by a golden mask noted calmly before taking his leave.

The old man clenched his hands tightly in response. "Damn you Waikabe!!!" He yelled angrily, only for his mouth to quickly shut unexpectedly seconds later. The very girl he had been talking about restraining had her eyes completely focused on him. Her facial expression lacked emotion, her eyes didn't blink and her body didn't bother budging an inch. "'By shouting, I give Rashi permission to kill me,' he says." The blue haired girl said stoically. Her body slowly rose from out of the garden while keeping her attention fixated on the man who was in his later years, triggering him to make his way for the exit.

2nd Division Captain, Irei Vostera

"Everyone!!!! Courtyard!!! Now!!!" Irei demanded in a high pitched tone, All of the Shinigami of squad 2 made their way to the center of the courtyard with great haste. The only exceptions to this were the higher seated members who were nowhere to be found. Once everyone arrived on the scene, Irei appeared to greet them."Ahem, ahem. Like the other day, we will be conducting a little test...only this time you know it's a test. Though what I have prepared is nothing new when it comes down to originality, it should help in improving your overall skills." The captain began massaging his head before continuing. "As for those who had acquired negative letter grades on the previously test, come to the left of me. Everyone not heading to the left side of me should be moving to my right."Irei ordered as his underlings separated into two groups.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kazu Shinka

- Squad 12 Barracks to Far away forest -

Kazu nodded to his Captain as she then used her sneaky teleporting technique to take them far from the Seireitei. As they arrived Kazu's Captain showed him a map on her phone, this pin pointed four red dots that were identified as hollow. Kazu listened to his Captain as she spoke then nodded "Of course Captain! I'll deal with them quickly!" Kazu knew to bring them back alive but this was just another case in which his Hakuda would come in handy! Without another word Kazu shunpoed off, memorising the map and area as he headed for the first hollow.

He soon arrived to the location of the first hollow, only to find it binge eating as it tried to consume another hollow it had killed. It was clear that being so far from the Rukongai that it had turned to cannibalism to sustain the eternal emptiness within it. Kazu however had no pity for this hollow, he looked at this with a neutral view and his own thoughts and ideals were to be put aside as he was given an order and expected to fulfil it to the best of his abilities. "We best begin..." Kazu took a deep breath as he looked at the hollow, the hollow now aware of his presence looked at him before roaring and running towards Kazu.

Kazu then exhaled slowly as the lenses of his gas mask began to glow a bright red, he then swayed from left to right, his body seeming loose as he did and before the hollow knew it Kazu had used shunpo to appear before it, his right fist already slammed deep into it's gut. The hollow towered over Kazu, almost doubling his size and yet as Kazu removed his fist the hollow fell unconscious, falling forward onto Kazu who caught it with his left hand, lifting it above his head effortlessly as he then shunpoed back to where he had arrived, dropping the body off before making his way to his next target.

This one hadn't taken long yet upon arriving Kazu noticed this hollow had the capability to fly and as soon as it sensed his presence watching it from the tree's it took off high into the air. Kazu's lenses the began to glow even brighter as he launched himself into the air, appearing behind it as he flipped forward, his right leg stretched out as he slammed the back of his right heel into the back of it's neck, this sent the hollow flying down towards the ground before smashing into it, sending dirt and dust high into the air. Kazu then landed on the ground before walking over to the hollows body, grabbing it by it's left wing as he dragged it behind him and back to where he and his Captain had arrived. Throwing the hollow next to the other as he then used Bakudo 4 to tie them up and make sure they didn't go anywhere.

Now Kazu had just one more to get, this one was a bit deeper in the forest however and so it took him some time before he finally arrived at the location and upon doing so saw that this hollow was very different to the previous ones. While it stood on two legs like the others, it had many tentacles coming from it's back. Kazu took time to analyse this hollow as it seemed a little odd, no hollow could evolve to this level without someone creating it intentionally...instantly Kazu suspected someone within his own Squad had done some shifty work and if not then it was someone else...but what were they trying to achieve? Regardless Kazu would study the records of his Squad thoroughly when he got back. For now he had a mission to do...

Kazu's lenses were now glowing immensely before the glow dulled down. Kazu now appeared high in the air above the hollow, wanting to capture the hollow with little resistance he used Bakudo 4 to try tie it up yet as Kazu's kido rope closed in the hollow tentacles extended from it's back and as soon as they touched the Kido it was sucked into the tentacles. This sight was somewhat shocking and interesting to Kazu, he knew this hollow was no ordinary hollow...it had been created and for one purpose...to kill Shinigami. As Kazu hung in the air the hollow turned it's back to him, it's many tentacles extending out towards Kazu in an attempt to capture him. Kazu however narrowed his eyes as he pointed towards the oncoming tentacles with his right hand, he then fired a Hado 4 from his index finger towards the tentacles which instantly locked onto this and made a dart for it. Observing this as he fell to the ground Kazu knew that the tentacles responded to anything with a spiritual energy base and coupled with it's ability to absorb something with a spiritual energy base made this hollow just that much more frightening...and yet...Kazu was far from scared, he was excited...if he caught this hollow, it'd be his! He couldn't let such a creation go!

Kazu however was not done here yet...he needed to collect more combat data and so he began to shunpo around the hollow, firing a hado 4 towards it's front and then it's back. Kazu observed the hollow as it's many tentacles reacted accordingly, half extending and going for the hado coming towards it and the other half preparing for the other hado from behind. It seemed that this hollows tentacles were almost on auto pilot and that getting a spiritual energy based attack anywhere near it would prove...difficult...however even to get close to perform Hakuda based moves was a challenge in itself with it's Spiritual energy seeking tentacles...Kazu would just have to find a weakness in it's great strength and then exploit it...and he had just the idea~ Kazu with his right hand reached over to his back and gripped his Zanpakuto's hilt before speaking "Boom...Boom...Boom~ Shinkuchi~" Kazu said this slower than usual which did nothing special yet it showed he was clearly taking this more seriously.

Kazu's body began to glow brightly before the glow faded, revealing two very special pistols...one strapped to each hip. Kazu took a deep breath then reached down to his hips and pulled out his two Shikai's, spinning them on his fingers before stopping them and aiming them both at the hollow "You like Spiritual energy don't you...then lets see just how well those tentacles are at capturing it~" the end of Kazu's guns began to glow brightly as he then pulled the trigger, releasing hundreds up on hundreds of small and inaccurate spiritual energy bullets that flew at the hollow with great speed. Kazu then holstered his weapons as he shunpoed towards the hollow, it's tentacles spread wide in an attempt to try capture and absorb as many of the bullets as possible, this simple tactic had been enough to overwhelm the tentacles which allowed Kazu to get close enough to deal some damage and yet as he threw his right fist towards the hollows gut he found his attempt stopped by the hollow which had crossed it's arms infront of it's stomach "Pretty quick..." Kazu then leaned back as the hollow swung it's arms towards him, managing to avoid the attack from the hollow Kazu pulled out his right pistol and aimed it at the hollows gut without looking as he fired a single shot into it's stomach which pierced the hollow and shot right out the back of it.

This had caused the hollow to stumble back slightly as Kazu stood up straight, yet as he did he noticed many tentacles darting towards him which caused him to shunpo back and by the time he had landed he noticed the hollow had turned it's back to him, an unmistakable ripping sound was then heard as the hollow managed to open a garganta, stepping into the garganta, Kazu knew he wouldn't make it in time...and having no way to get back, it simply wasn't worth pursuing this hollow. Once the garganta had closed Kazu walked up to where the hollow was...he noticed he had managed to spill some of it's blood which would prove useful...he may not have got the hollow, but he got it's DNA and once this was turned into data, he'd be able to track this hollow...Kazu had thankfully brought a test tube with him and collected some of the blood within it before placing the test tube inside his special jacket. He then let out a sigh as sad faces appeared on his lenses "I'm sure Captain will be disappointed about this...regardless...I found something useful." Kazu then turned and made his way back to the location that he and his Captain arrived at

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kaizo Kaguza

- Squad 7 Barracks -

Kaizo continued to sit calmly, listening and following Miho's instructions perfectly and yet he couldn't shake this odd feeling going through his body...it was if his spiritual energy itself was being healed which in turn increased the flow of it which he could feel almost instantly, it made him wonder just how bad his spiritual energy had gotten. Kaizo focused and upon feeling and hearing Miho saying she was going to massage him he couldn't help but go a little out of rhythm...after all this was odd and yet he knew it was doing him good. Kazu had always wondered why Miho was the Captain of Squad 4 as nearly anyone in that Squad could heal someone with injuries...yet Miho went above and beyond and healed the wounds that could not be seen unless it was by a trained eye...Kaizo had certainly gained a lot more respect for this woman which had made him feel a little bad about ever doubting her abilities...he'd be sure to do his best to help her in anyway he could as he knew if he could...he may be able to get this treatment regularly as a sort of payment...which wouldn't be bad at all as it'd help him grow stronger
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Captain Miho Hari-Zumi
| Squad Seven Barracks |

Miho continued to gently knead Kaizo's knotted shoulders and back muscles. As she was vastly experienced in this area, she easily gauged just how much pressure was needed by simply dusting her fingers over the area of the body she was working on. It occurred to her that Kaizo had been enduring a lot of pent up stress from just how much pressure was needed to undo the knots in his shoulders alone. Luckily she had got to him during a peaceful time, him having to fight like would of just added even more strain on his body and mind. While her face contorted in deep concentration, Miho soon managed to get through clusters of knots and finally unravelled his tense muscles. She could feel them smooth and soften under her fingertips, this was a good sign but only for now. Alot more would need to be done to calm this poor soul and allow him to control his stress instead allow it to prevent him from relaxing.

Vaguely Miho wondered what the cause of all this may of been... He must of taken a lot of hits of stress and pain or something at some point to cause everything to build up to this level... Miho wouldn't dare to ask though, she felt it may be something personal and thus would be intruding. If it wasn't he probably would of brought it to light by now.

Sitting back to admire her work, and Kaizo's tattoos, Miho brushed her hands together and spoke with a joyous grin. "I've been able to smooth out the majority of the knots, unfortunately this will only be temporary... But" Miho's voice was calming as usual as she spoke. Standing and walking around to face Kaizo, Miho sat back down once again so her eyes were level with his. "If this has helped you, I will kindly offer you my services. We can work together to work though whatever is impacting your energy and muscles step by step. And just to let you know, I will not ask for any personal information or ask any questions that would make you feel uncomfortable as I will not need to. I will merely be here to aid you in your journey. So, for now I will leave you to think about things or to do whatever you need to Captain. Please visit me if you would like to take me up on my offer and we will get started, until then I bid you farewell for now and I hope this session was worth while to you Captain Kaguza" With a delicate voice paired with a warm smile, Miho bowed her head to the Captain and stood, stretching her right hand out to help him up. She knew he could get up on his own, but she wouldn't feel right not to offer help, even in times when it's not necessary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kaizo Kaguza

- Squad 7 Barracks -

Kaizo remained still and continued to follow the instructions he was given up until the point Miho spoke. Kaizo listened to Miho as he placed his left hand on his right shoulder and moved it around a bit, it certainly felt a lot looser, which was a good thing. "I can't thank you enough for this. I'll be needing this for sure..." Kaizo looked at Miho who had extended her hand out to him and to be well mannered he took her hand and pulled himself up from the floor "Well should you need anything from me, don't be afraid to ask...it's the least I can do"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Miyoko Murakami

Miyoko calmly walked to the destination on her phone, feeling the spiritual surges from Kazu and a hollow as she walked. Kazu must be having a fun time. It's been a while since we've gotten out of the lab A small spider-like hollow jumped out of the trees from behind, it's legs open wide to wrap around Miyoko. Miyoko looked at her screen, a small smirk forming across her face. The hollow stopped just before her, swinging the its legs at her but it was futile. She raised her hand, grabbing hold of a Hado 12 Fushibi that was concealed by a Kyokko "Never hunt prey larger than yourself. Shakkaho" The net erupted in a giant explosions, incinerating the hollow to smithereens. Miyoko walked away just as the explosion reached the furthest it could, a gust of wind passing her as she noticed the large dot moving around. She grinned A game of cat and mouse huh Miyoko shunpoed off, giving chase to the hollow.

It wasn't long before Miyoko was hot on the trail of the hollow, shutting her phone close. The hollow was finally in her sights, Miyoko raising an eyebrow. It was a giant centipede hollow covered in a thick purple chitin on the top of it's body. "Interesting, a hollow who is nearing his evolution to a Menos Grande class. It would of taken a day...maybe two before its metamorphosis. Unfortunately for you, you met me today" Miyoko vanished once again, reappearing before the giant hollow. It stopped in its tracks, changing route and weaving through the trees. Each tree it passed was knocked down with its razor sharp claws sprouting from it's body. "Neither of us have time to waste. We have an appointment" She said with a terrifying grin, exerting a powerful enough spiritual pressure to stop the hollow. She clasped her hands together, five small yellow orbs with skinny tails emerge from between their clasped hands and move above the practitioner's head before forming a circle of five. She raised her hands then slammed them into the ground, the yellow orbs being sent into the ground. "Bakudo 75 Gochutekkan" A bright light formed in the sky, 5 metal pillars emerging from the light and slamming down onto the hollow and immobilizing it. The hollow squirmed around but it's large body was too big to squirm out of the small holes. Suddenly, half of it's legs were sent flying into the sky. It let out a painful roar, turning it's head to Miyoko who's blade was drawn. Within a flash, the other half of it's legs were missing. "Luckily you're an insectoid hollow, your kind are known for regeneration."

Miyoko pulled out the same controller as before, pushing the button that released the white cloths from the bottom. But this time the cloths wrapped around the hollow and covered it in a bright white light, quickly flashing and vanishing along with the hollow. Miyoko placed the device back within her pocket, shunpoing away from the scene and making back to Kazu in no time. She looked at him, wondering as to why there were only 2 hollows he captured rather than 3.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Captain Miho Hari-Zumi
| Squad Seven Barracks > Squad Four Barracks |

Upon Kaizo's response, Miho made a short half-chuckle sound as her grin grew wide and sweet. "The pleasure was all mine, thank you for allowing me to lend you my service" Happy that Kaizo had taken her hand, once the male had pulled himself up Miho let him go and stepped back before giving Kaizo a shallow bow. "The same to you Captain Kaguza, I'm always willing to help no matter what the issue is" Leaning back up, Miho's icy-blue eyes glistened. "I shall be on my way now, I have a defence class to teach in 5 minutes. See you later" With a last wave of her hand, Miho turned on her heel and casually walked out of Kaizo's office, making her return to Squad Four.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kazu Shinka

- Far away forest -

Kazu had been waiting where the two had arrived, he was worried that his Captain would be disappointed in him for only capturing two hollow however he didn't want to let her onto the fact he had found an interesting hollow...whilst Kazu didn't like to hide things from his Captain, this would be one of the rare cases when he would...although he had her best interests at heart and so when she finally returned, he could tell she was instantly wondering why he had only captured two and not three. Kazu let out a sigh then looked at his Captain and spoke "Sorry Captain...I went a bit overboard on one of the hollows and accidentally killed it...seems I had overestimated it." Kazu bowed a little, sad faces appearing on the lenses of his gas mask as he did
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Miyoko Murakami

Something was fishy about Kazus story. Miyoko was an observant person, even when she was occupied by the hollow she still kept a tab on Kazus reiatsu. She felt him release his shikai and a large amount of Reiatsu, but not enough to completely destroy a hollow. And even if he had killed it, Squad 12 knew of a way on how to kill hollows while still keeping them in their bodies rather than fading away. Miyoko smiled, patting Kazus head "It's okay, the other two will suffice for a new guardian. Come now, let's go home." Miyoko used the same device as before, teleporting the two back where they first met up. The device Miyoko had broke into pieces, being used the maximum amount of times but she cared very little about it. A Shinigami came running up and bowed before the two "There are two hollows at these coordinates" She showed the Shinigami her map on the phone. The Shinigami nodded, running off to get a squadron to bring the hollows back. Miyoko returned her phone to her pocket, turning to Kazu. "You're free to go Kazu. There is something I'd like to do alone right now"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kazu Shinka

- Squad 12 to Squad 9 -

Kazu arrived back at Squad 12 with his Captain and when she told him he was free to go he nodded and then bowed to her before making his way out of the Squad 12 grounds. Kazu knew exactly where he was going, he had to pay a visit to someone special who he hadn't seen in awhile. Whilst walking Kazu gripped his jacket with his left hand and opened it slightly to check on something before nodding and resuming his normal walk until he finally reach the Squad 9 Barracks. He stopped outside it's gates as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes...letting any worries he had flow away before entering the barracks. Making his way through the twisting halls of the Squad 9 barracks, he noticed many Shinigami working hard as they ran around carrying massive stacks of papers, yet this wasn't why he was here...soon he came to a door which was non other than the Captains, raising his right hand Kazu knocked on the door a few times in a simple rhythm before speaking "Captain Koyo-yo! You in~? I got a present for you!" Kazu said this in an enthusiastic voice and instantly smiles appeared in his gas masks lenses as he enjoyed his visits here
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Koyoshi Murakami

{ Squad 9 Quarters }

Koyoshi meditated on top of her rather large desk, having finished arranging some of the next issues articles she decided to have a small break from working by visiting the world inside of her zanpakuto. Like always she stood away from the center of the infinite fall forest, not getting too close to Aki who simply paced back and forth while Koyoshi talked "I don't know why but I cannot get my sisters to accept me, it is more like they toloate me more than anything though I can understand it in one of their cases..." With a sigh Aki decided to indulge the girls talk, she always did in the end as she had been spending more time here lately "Of course she would, she likely hates all the ones that old bat adopted" Koyoshi gave a small glare "Don't insult grandma.." Aki could only chuckle at that "Oh, that reminds me, someone is knocking on the door you know."

Snapping away Koyoshi looked around the room in a small daze before she heard the knock on the door and the voice that followed it! She got pretty excited when she figured out who it was, someone she had constantly asked to become her lieutenant, much to the dislike of her sister. Placing her sword down she dashed towards the door to open it "Kazu! It has been a while since you visited, has my sister been running you around?" She asked, gesturing for him to come inside "Want something to drink? I made sure to get a new pack of straws from the human world a while back"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kazu Shinka

- Squad 9 -

Kazu waited at the door till Koyoshi answered and upon seeing her he couldn't help but smile behind his mask, Kazu listened to Koyoshi speak before replying to her "Well Captain has kept me busy~ heheh" Kazu then rubbed the back of his with his right hand as he then continued to speak "OH! I'd love something to drink! I also got your present from the human world!" Kazu reached into his jacket with his right hand then pulled out a moderately sized bag of Candy that he then held out to Koyoshi "I hope you enjoy them!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Koyoshi Murakami

{ Squad 9 Quarters }

Koyoshi almost snatched the candy out of Kazu's hands, a smile coming across her face as she looked with glee at the bag full of human world candy, a prize to be sure~ "Thanks~~ I will make it right away, just go over and sit on the sofa." Going off to start making the drinks Kazu may have noticed some blankets on the sofa, clearly showing that Koyoshi had been sleeping in her office again. "By the way, how is my dear sister? I also heard that the head captain is missing again..." Likely off doing old people things...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kazu Shinka

- Squad 9 -

Feeling the candy being nearly snatched from his hand made Kazu chuckle a little as he listened to Koyoshi speak, Kazu then bowed to her slightly as she went off to make a drink. Kazu then walked over to the sofa and noticed the blankets which also made him chuckle a little, sitting down on the sofa Kazu answered Koyoshi's question "I like to think Captain is Happy...I do the best I can to keep her at her happiest. Well Head Captain does like to wander around, Regardless! How are you Captain Koyo-yo?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tamera Murakami

The old, sly woman was walking through the Squad Four barracks. All Shinigami bowed their heads to her, her presence alone giving off a aura of authority. Tamera had a sly grin on her face, like she had just discovered a little secret. But that wS to wait. She received multiple requests from Captain Hari-Zumi, requesting a meeting between Miho and Tameras own daughter Miyoko. Under normal circumstances, Tamera would immediately set up the meeting but this time it was different. She wanted to avoid placing Miho under Miyokos radar as she knew Miyoko toyed with those she didn't like. Captains included. However, Miyokos stubborn attitude made Tamera change her mind and even retaliate. She was going to not only bring Miho but also Miyokos adopted sister, Koyoshi, who Miyoko hated like the rest of the world.

Tamera snapped out of her daze, standing behind Miho who was teaching a combat focused class. Tamera watched in silence, her wrinkled hands held behind her back. She waited for the class to finish, walking up to Miho from behind "It's always such a delight watching Captains guiding today's youth, the chance that one of these very pupils possibly becoming a captain of their own" She smiled at Miho with a warming smile, one that feels like it's straight from your grandma. "Hello Captain Hari-Zumi, how are you this afternoon?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kanda Yumagachi

-Squad 3 Barracks-

It was a beautiful day in the Seireitei. The wind mildly blew, flowers bloomed , and subordinates trained. At this moment in time you would find Squad 3’s captain, Kanda Yumagachi, lying in a pink orchid flower bed. His eyes were close so it seemed he was sleeping, when actually he was lost in deep thought. He wondered how he could train the group of rag-tag shinigami known as Squad 3 to his expectations. He also wondered if he’d ever feel the need to recruit a lieutenant. So far no one in his squad had met his criteria. He seemed to be the only one worth noting in report, after all this was expected of any captain. As the shinigami finished their 3rd set of 300 pushups , Kanda opened his eyes. He could hear the exhaustion in their voices and mild complaints.

“ The captain’s gone mad. He’ll kill us before we finish with training.” Another spoke. “ All he does is sit on his ass, while we work till we can’t feel our legs.” The complaining went on until Kanda could take no more. Complaints were one thing, but insults would not be tolerated. “ Excuse me . I couldn’t hear you over the sound of your fellow mates bitching about a small exercise. If you weren’t so weak maybe this wouldn’t seem so hard. As for me laying on my ass. I’m your captain. Until you can whoop this ass I suggest you mention nothing of it. You got that. As for the rest of you. Since these guys think talking trash about Captain Kanda is such a riot, we’ll be running around the entire soul society until the sun falls and if I hear one complaint we will start over. Understand.”

Kanda was slightly angered that his subordinates thought so lowly of him. He figured through sparring and exercise one of two things would happen, they would come to respect him as a Captain or fear his iron fist. As they began the run Kanda decided it might be best to stop by Squad 10 Barracks. Maybe his best friend and Squad 10 Captain, Ryuma had some ideas on how to whip his subordinates into shape.

As Squad 3 trotted around the Seireitei they came across Squad 10. It had already been hours since they'd begun and most were carrying others on their shoulders. Kanda decided maybe he was being too hard on them. " Take a rest here . I have business to discuss with Squad 10's Captain. If anyone leaves , I will destroy you. So be good and stay in place." , Kanda said with a wide smile. He then turned and headed inside of the barracks. As he stepped towards Ryuma's door he thought about the possibility of him not being here. It would be a waste but it was worth a try. Kanda knocked on the door.

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