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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Koyoshi Murakami

{ Squad 9 Quarters }

Placing down the drink on the table, along with a straw inside of the cup for easy drinking through masks, Koyoshi smiled away as Kazu explained how the others were doing, though when he asked how she was doing she could not help but look a little depressed by this point. "A little lonely if I am honest... My sisters don't come around to see me despite us meant to be family, and I cannot find the right person to become my lieutenant." She let out a deep sigh before sitting down, putting on a much more happy face than she had but a moment ago "Lets catch up! I have tons of things to talk about that ent allowed to be put into the magazine!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Squad 10 Barracks – Captain’s Office

“Don’t be unreasonable you old hag! How do you expect me to do something like that?” he barked, his hands slamming firmly against the cluttered wood. Ink had spilled into a rippled puddled from the overturned urn on his desk.

The tense cords in his jaws had begun to hurt. It wasn’t often, every other month or so to be exact, that Sakimishi would visit from the Noriko manor. She was obsessed with his position… his amount of power within the Gotei. Like always, she attempted to bound him with chains.

“How is anything I’ve said been unreasonable my sweet, Ryuma?” she said, her voice kindling through the air. Ryuma lowered his brows; the amount of warmth that she could fill into venomous words amazed him. “Everything I’ve asked for, everything I could have wished for, you’ve already done. This teensy bit more should not be a problem for you. Why would you make it out to be a 12-step plan when its just a simple directive?”

Ryuma rubbed his head before pulling his seat near and plopping down in it, distaste rested obviously on his face. “I became Captain not to satiate your hunger for the spotlight but to fulfill Masato and Beji’s dream. Your sick desire for them to do the same just so happen to coalign with it. Don’t misinterpret where my love lies.”

Sakimishi’s flowing red dressed slithered across his floor as she approached the other side of his desk, her slender finger stabbed the table with a gentle impact. “Please do continue to remind me of the insufferable way you despise me, it makes me feel pleasant and chipper. Regardless of how you feel, Ryuma, I do this for the family.”

Ryuma raised a finger to his mouth and nibbled the nail, feigning boredom. “Stop your babbling.” He fixed a piercing glare onto her, he was met with her own. “What’s the request?”

Sakimishi lightly smiled, so light that it could barely be considered one. “Well …”

* * * * *

Ryuma stood alone at the exit. His mother’s flowing dress was ominous for some reason, it made him feel drenched in her sins. Weird that he could pin-point that feeling perfectly. As she disappeared with her retainers, an audible sigh left him and he touched the wooden blade on his side. Her goals were still a mystery to him, her ambitions nothing like his own... and yet, he found it impossible to deny her. It pissed him off but there was nothing he could do about it at the moment. Only continue to complain.

He had closed the door behind him, took a fews to the antique couch in the middle of his room, and had to stop when he heard several knocks on the thick wood. A long moment passed before he returned to the door and creaked it open, he stuck an eye out to look at the guest. When he noticed the long gray hair, Ryuma opened the door wide.

"Come on in, Kanda. I just got finish dealing with the wicked witch of the seireitei."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kazu Shinka

- Squad 9 -

Kazu remained where he was sat and listened to Koyoshi speak, he noted how she was looking rather sad which made Kazu somewhat unhappy as he didn't like seeing people sad, more so the ones he was close to. Kazu nodded then leaned over and gave Koyoshi a hug "Don't worry Captain Koyo-yo! you'll find someone eventually! all the Awesome Lieutenants like myself take forever to find but when you get em you will be very happy!..as for your family...well I can't do much about that but I will be having words with Captain Miyo! Regardless! I'm always here for you Captain Koyo-yo." Kazu then released Koyoshi from the hug as he looked to her with smiles appearing in the lenses of his mask as he then spoke "Oh~? What you heard Captain Koyo-yo?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Koyoshi Murakami

{ Squad 9 Quarters }

Koyoshi smiled at the prospect of finding her own Lieutenant when Kazu assured her that there was likely one right around the corner and that he was here for her anyway. The guy was a really good person in all respect, that was one of the reasons why they were friends. Reaching up her drink she had expected Kazu to hug her so she skillfully made sure not to spill her drink, they had been friends for a while now so getting use to such things from him was mandatory. "Thanks a lot heh, You are right, I ent sad anymore really" However she soon got excited when he asked about the rumors she had heard "Well I can't put this into any magazine but I heard some illicit acts were happening at squad 6!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kazu Shinka

- Squad 9 -

Kazu nodded then spoke "Good! Captain Koyo-yo should never be upset!" Kazu then gasped hearing what Koyoshi said which made him put both hands over his mouth area which was covered by his mask "Illicit acts!? At Squad 6!? NO WAY! You gotta tell me!...I wonder what it is...is it to do with the Captain? OH OH! Maybe it's to do with Squad 6's two Lieutenants! Oh so many different things it could be!" Kazu was clearly quite excited about this news but he knew Koyoshi would enjoy these sort of things
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Captain Miho Hari-Zumi
| Squad Four Barracks |

After finishing up with Captain Kaguza, Miho head straight back to her own barracks and arrived within mere minutes of her class starting. Taking the head of the room, Miho faced her ready and waiting students. "Right! Let us begin!"

An hour felt like a few minutes as time drifted by. This combat class in particular was mainly focused around hand-to-hand basic defence; very simple block techniques to be more specific. As the session drew to a close, the sound of deep pants filled the vicinity. Miho smiled, happy with the effort all of her students had put in, although it did dawn on her that there were a few Shinigami in particular who needed extra assistance. "Great job today! Keep practising and you'll all become naturals, I promise" Giving a slight chuckle, Miho flashed a large grin, making some of her students smile in response while others rolled their eyes feeling a little patronised, although they knew that wasn't Miho's intention.

Once the students began dispatching, a hugely familiar voice spoke up from behind her. "Oh Head Captain, what a pleasure it is to have you visit my barracks" Bowing deeply in respect, Miho continued to speak once she rose. "I do agree, these are all promising potential Captains and Lieutenants in my eyes. I can't wait until my students begin realising it" Miho responded to the Head Captain's warm smile with one of her own, the comment the woman gave about her students filling her heart with joy especially since it was coming from the Head Capitan. "I'm doing very well, thank you for asking. How are you on this nice day Head Captain?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kanda Yumagachi

“ Haha,how is your mother anyways?” , Kanda asked sarcastically. He didn’t really give Ryuma a chance to answer as closed the door and began to look around the office for something to fiddle in his thumbs. It was a habit he’d picked up as a human. When he got nervous he tended to twiddle thumbs or chew gum. Unfortunately there was no gum. As he sat down he decided it might be best to just come out with it.

“ So Ryuma. As you know I’m the newly appointed captain of Squad 3. This is of course a dream come true but….” , he began to trail off as he thought of a way to put it delicately without sounding like he couldn’t handle his position. “ Ryu...THERE SOOO WEAK! WHAT CAN I DO WITH A BUNCH OF WEAKLINGS. PLEASE HELP ME TRAIN THEM! I’M BEGGING YOU. As he spoke his head slammed against Ryuma’s desk repeatedly, as if to signify beating himself up. “ I tried taking them through the training I went through, but THEY'RE ALL DYING. What do i do?”, Kanda sobbed as he slammed his head and arms against Ryuma’s poor desk. He hoped his friend could help or he may have to start from scratch. For a moment that didn’t seem like a bad idea. He’d see what Ryuma thoughts were before doing something so drastic.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Squad 10 Barracks – Captain’s Office

Ryuma smiled at Kanda’s tricky predicament. Like him, he was also newly appointed, though his personality had helped him avoid situations out of his hands. Likewise, he had inspired some mysterious devotion in his squad that allowed antics like that to go unseen—or more precise ignored.

He rubbed his hand across his paper-cluttered desk before speaking. “Let’em die. Freedom is a choice, if they choose to die then whose fault is that. Not yours.” He laughed openly, it was a chuckle that echoed in his vacant office. “However, the witch has pissed me off. She asked something of me again, something I'm not entirely sure I can pull off.” He rubbed his temples before standing up, his arm tucked in his custom kimono. “I’ll tell ya when I feel like it, for now, let’s go train these people.”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kanda Yumagachi

It seemed as if Ryuma had all the answers to the world’s problems. Kanda wondered why he couldn’t be as carefree as his friend. He always fretted impressing others. Maybe Ryuma was right. “ I have an idea. I was thinking we could hold an obstacle test. Well its more of a survival test. The ones who make it through the test are the one who I’ll train myself. The rest will either die during the test or chicken out halfway through it. Sound good?”

Kanda was glad he had a friend in Ryuma. He was the spitting image of what a captain should be, well in Kanda’s opinions anyway. While he himself seemed an emotional wreck whose quick temper left emotional scars upon on his subordinates. He’d try using Ryuma as an example to follow . It seemed he and his underlings had an unspoken agreement through freedom of choice. Kanda personally just didn’t want his group to be left behind. So many times in the past Squad 3 had failed but not this time. Not with Kanda.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tamera Murakami

Tamera nodded at what Miho said, these students wouldn't even notice once they start reaching into levels. "Quite well actually besides my old back giving me problems" She said with a light chuckle, joking about her old age unlike most old people.

Now wasn't the time for small talk though. Tamera was always a straight to the point person. She motioned Miho to follow her, walking down the hallways of Squad 4. "So you've made multiple request to meet with the Squad 12 Captain, my daughter correct? She's been denying the requests but recently the child did something she shouldn't have. As her punishment, she'll be holding that meeting with not only you but also my other daughter Koyoshi" She said with a sly smirk "Are you currently free right now? The meeting could always rearranged"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 20 days ago

2nd Division Captain, Irei Vostera

- 2nd Division barracks(Continued from previous post) -

Once everyone had divided themselves into two groups, Irei cleared his throat."Now that that's over with, it's time to get down to buisness." In an instant, he disappeared from view before reappearing with two large treasure chests in both of his hands. " In these boxes, you'll find swords that are made entirely out of chalk. However, you'll also find that each box only contains one kind of colored chalk. Common sense should tell you though that the colors used here will be red and blue since it represents your team's color grade." The captain tossed the chests towards the left and right ends of the room simutaneously.

"As for what to do with them...well get your team's chalk on the other team's clothes before nightfall and you win. Blue chalk belongs to the left while the right gets the red. Those whoo are chalked by the opposing team can no longer participate in this test and must return to their posts immediatly. Anyone who ignores this rule will be punished severely...the game starts when I take my leave." Irei concluded before vanishing. Without wait, all of the lower seated squad two members began rushing for their respective weapons like mere barbarians. The captain concealed himself in an elevated area while watching his men down below.

Just like any other squad, the Shinigami engaged their enemy with only raw skill and power alone. The squad two soul reapers fought against one another with an amazing amount of honor and vigor. However, Irei was greatly displeased at what he was witnessing. "Ugh, give a pack of wolves a group of targets to kill and they manuever around their designated foes carefully while picking them off one by one. Give a pack of dogs a group of targets to kill and they rush into battle recklessly. ...why can't my people be the wolves?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Captain Miho Hari-Zumi
| Squad Four Barracks |

Miho smiled and chuckled along with the Head Captain before following beside her as they walked together through the halls of Squad Four. "Indeed I did. Out of all the Captain's, Squad Twelve Captain Murakami is the only one whom I haven't properly introduced myself to. I feel that if we managed to work together, Squad Four would benefit greatly as the research and development of medicines could greatly help decreases chances of casualties through deceases or conditions. Wouldn't you agree Head Captain?" Miho continued to smile as she listened to the rest of what the Head Captain had to say. "Heh, I see, that sounds like a great idea Head Captain" Grinning, Miho couldn't help but chuckle at the family dynamic the Murakami family seemed to of had. "I am currently available, please lead the way. I am very excited to finally be able to meet the Squad Twelve Captain. She certainly seems like an interesting personality in my opinion"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tamera Murakami

Tamera nodded her head in agreement "Of course, the scientific breakthroughs from Squad 12 could help all Squads...however my daughter isn't the sociable type" The understatement of the century but Tamera kept quiet. They walked til they were outside the barracks, Tamera stopping at Mihos last words "Interesting isn't quite the right words. Be wary of her captain. She may be my daughter but she does not share my kindness. Come now, we have one more stop" Tamera Shunpoed away along with Miho in the squad 9 barrack direction.

It didn't take long for the two to show up at Tameras other daughters office, the old woman gently knocking on the door. There was another familiar reiatsu inside, one that she knew far too well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Squad 10 Barracks – Captain’s Office

“Obstacle test?”

Ryuma slid from out his desk. He hand found it’s way into the opposite side of his kimono, where it rested as he stepped towards Kanda. To him, the idea of an obstacle test seemed too infantile to train soul reapers. He had given his squad the freedom of choice and most of them had decided to reach towards heights that he had already conquered. Free will usually led to the correct choice… usually.

“Instead of an obstacle course? Because soul reapers have such dense heads, why not let them fight one of us. An entire squad versus one captain would kill two hollows with one slash. First they’ll witness strength to strive towards. And second, they’ll realize your training isn’t as hellish as it seems,”

Ryuma grabbed the hilt of his bokken in a reverse grip and quickly drew the blade. A burst of air harmlessly pushed outwards from the Squad 10 captain. He smirked at the easy display of power. Once upon a time, he was a harmless soul who could barely keep up with the weakest of hollows. Now—now he was a captain that inspired admiration and devotion in most.

“Ahh,” he said with a smiling sigh. “This is gonna be good, Kanda. Perhaps we should pit our two squads against each other instead. Wouldn’t that be fun to witness?” He chuckled while heading towards the door, the wooden sword, with inky kanji saying “Release the chains” was held at his side in a firm grip.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Koyoshi Murakami

{ Squad 9 Captain Quarters }

Koyshi had a big genuine smile across her face by this point, the attempt of cheering her up from Kazu had worked wonders for her mood to say the least. She was also happy about how Kazu had reacted to her rumors, they were of course nothing to be spoken of outside of this room but it was fun talking about them with someone she trusted. "Yeah! That was what I was thinking as well. I mean I don't even have one and yet they have TWO so something has to be going on right?!" She took a gulp of her drink before continuing

"Oh, and there is soemthing about squad 11. Aparrently they go through bokens at such a rate that they have took go into squad 1's garden and-,"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, drawing her attention and causing her to sigh as someone had interrupted their relaxing time. "One moment Kazu" She palced down her drink and stood up from the sofa, making her way over to the door and unlocking it. "Hello, how can I help yo-, Grandma!" Koyoshi beamed a smile as she saw Tamera standing at her door, the very women who had brought her up from the slums she was born. "Uh I mean Head Captain." She caught herself from continuing with the familiarity when she noticed others there "Did you need something from me? I would have made something if I had known"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kanda Yumagachi


“ Squad 10 versus Squad 3… you don’t say? That's actually not a idea. It would give me a chance to measure everyone’s power and also hand out rank according to survivors. So my question is when could we actually have this take place. I would say today but Squad 3 can barely stand at the moment. What do you say to tomorrow?”

Kanda was secretly upset he hadn’t thought of the idea himself. What the hell was an obstacle course of a soul reaper but a playground anyways. Guess that’s what made Ryuma captain material while Kanda on the other hand only possessed raw ability and thoughts of achieving even more strength than he could bear. “ Must you always look smarter than me Ryu. Even when you aren’t trying.” ,Kanda put his hand up to his chin and smiled as he made this smart remark. He questioned whether he was ready for a captain position. Maybe he should’ve just became Ryuma’s Lieutenant. It seemed he was always coming to Ryuma for advice, even in the beginning of their friendship.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Squad 10 Barracks – Captain’s Office

Ryuma pulled open the heavy door to his office, pausing to respond to Kanda’s statement. Had it really always been that way? He hadn’t noticed it, at least not until not now. His hand slid back into his kimono and he turned to face the Squad 3 captain. The feeling of admiration was mutual. Never before had he felt such raw talent in someone as he had his friend. If he had been born with talent like that, he would have took the Gotei by storm years ago.

“Even intelligence is a matter of freedom my friend. Around the afternoon, I have a couple of reports to fill out in the morning. My Squad will be ready, better make sure yours is too.”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kanda Yumagachi


“ They’ll survive . Come prepared.” , immediate tension filled the room that Kanda spiritual power sparked just high enough to overcome Ryuma’s like some sort of race. “ Just remember who’s their captain.” , Kanda arose from the seat as a change captain. He loved the thought of competition, especially between friends. It shock a 6th sense of confidence inside Kanda. He already knew what to do. It was exactly like Ryuma said. If they didn’t want their ass’s handed to them they’d train. The freedom of choice. It was worth a shot. He locked eyes with Ryuma as he left the room as too say ‘Challenge Accepted.’

He exited.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kaizo Kaguza

- Squad 7 Barracks -

Kaizo was sat within his office working on some paperwork for the new Lieutenant of Squad 7, After much searching he finally found a suitable candidate and one he'd hope to get along with well. Looking at her skills and achievements Kaizo was quite impressed with what she had achieved to say she was a seated member of Squad 2. Kaizo then spoke to himself "Hinode Kōgeki...I think you'll enjoy it here, You'll fit in just right with your excellent Hand to Hand skills..." Kaizo nodded as he then finished up the paperwork for his new Lieutenant...all he had to do was await her arrival
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Hinode Kōgeki, Lieutenant of the Seventh Squadron- Squad 7 Barracks

Hinode finished packing up her things from her small room in the second squadron headquarters. Before exiting the barracks she gave herself a second to look at it all, she took a deep sigh. Moving up from a third seat to a Lieutenant position was a big deal and it wasn’t something she was just going to let happen without seriously putting her best foot forward. Before she left she made sure to visit all the other seated Shinigami wishing them the best and whatnot.

Hinode happened upon the seventh squadron barracks, they looked relatively similar to the second squadron, though there was some less pronounced more minute differences. She stepped inside and took a deep breath, this was her new home. She proceeded to ask the nearest member of squad where she could find the Captain’s office. She could hear the whispers from around her.

”Is that the new lieutenant?”

“She looks like nothing, a scrawny blondie.”

“Even I could take her.”

“Yes I am your new Lieutenant. Trust me when I say it would not be wise to challenge either me or Shinken here.” Hinode said putting a steady grip on her sword held horizontally on her back. No one really seemed to step forward, not wanting to test their new lieutenant.

”New lieutenant, well I’ve been a member of this squadron for as long as you’ve been in the Seireitei.” A man said unsheathing his weapon and pointing it at Hinode.

“Name and rank?” Hinode said her eyes fixating on the man who dare challenge her.

“Kihade, 5th seat.” He grumbled.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Hinode said her posture adjusting slightly, left foot behind her right. She unsheathed her Zanpakuto showing it to him, before placing it at her feet. “If you wish to fight me, I will not use Shinken, I do not wish to hurt you, but I fear you’re not in a listening mood.” Hinode said calmly raising her fists in a boxer’s stance. After a quiet moment Hinode slowly extender her right arm forward.

“Will you try to strike me?” Hinode asked, a small grin forming on her mouth.

“You’ll never be my lieutenant!” Kihade yelled running at Hinode aiming a stab of his sealed-katana Zanpakuto. Hinode calmly stepped to the side simply stating “Taketonbo” before Kihade could glance over at her he was looking up at his lieutenant gasping for air. She retrieved her Zanpakuto and gave a small wave to the rest of the squadron.

She pushed open the Captain’s office doors and bowed deeply. “It’s nice to meet you, my name is Hinode Kōgeki, newly appointed lieutenant of the second squadron.” As her bow was deep and the doors were wide open, it is quite possible Kaizo could easily and adequately see the scene that had just unfolded. She rose from her bow and gave him a warm grin “I look forward to serving you, Captain.”
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